From My Ships To YOURS Rating Your EPIC Builds in Starfield - Part 3

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welcome back to another sub Sunday video everyone and thanks to all who submitted their builds for this video some absolutely mental looking designs this week you're all insane at building honestly also for those not in the know I am hosting a giveaway and the video you're seeing now is my F-14 tomat build which gives all the information about the build so click on the top right of this video and I'll leave a link in the description of this video to that video so you can find out how to enter and good luck to everyone that does enter there's some good prizes is up for grabs so if you're knew around here I'm actually selling subscriptions today for the low price of $0 so snap it up while you can and also don't forget to like this video and join our Discord let's go and have a look at some ship builds from my subscribers first build coming from Gman and what a start this ship is an absolute Beauty I like it simple yet aggressive design and I think the only thing I change is I'd use the drop down glitch to hide the shield and I'd probably change the cockpit as well but apart from that wow like I like this ship it's fantastic should I do a video on this should I build this ship should I do a video of it what do you guys think I should probably do a video there shouldn't I it's awesome looking I should build this yeah good talk guys thank you so the shape and the colors like everything about this build's fantastic but it's probably not the build for all you ladder haters out there so if you don't like ladders yeah this is not the for you but I think it's fantastic well on man proud of you mate so um this build had me laughing at first for the right reasons my um but firecracker built an actual like Naval looking boat and I have to say it's is probably one of the best builds I've ever seen on Starfield it had me laughing but like I said for the right reasons it looks fantastic I think I'm going to have to get around to building something like this at some point it's it's amazing and I I can't really take it seriously but I do love it it's fantastic it's very different to the normal ships that we see like from from people like you know on Reddit and on you know YouTube channels and videos and I think the colors really sell the look of the ship as well with like the red underneath but yeah brilliant job firecracker I can't wait to see what you do next it's yeah it's brilliant this next build is by actual nacho and when he posted this on my Discord it instantly become like one of my favorites I love the shape the colors the design and I think this is going to have to be a ship that I get around to building and showing you guys how to build cuz it's just absolutely fantastic so we'll have to do that in the near future there are a few things that I'll change when it comes to building it but do you guys remember when I said um having grav drives and reactors on show work for some ships and don't for others like this is one of the ships where having it on show works it really sells the ship but this is a great build nacho well done mate looking forward to uh more of your builds well done ah another build by mystery always a good build by mystery they always post like great builds never disappoints always very unique looking and I like the whole dark stealth fighter look you got going on and I really really like what youve done with the radiators honestly great build and I hope to see an entry from you in my competition giveaway cuz your builds are always good so I want to see one in there so overall y this is fantastic the only changes I'd make is potentially the colors but that's just me but well done mystery always a pleasure seeing your Creations so J money coming in with his bird of prey inspired build this build presses all the right buttons for me to be honest it's a battle cruiser style unique shape great colors good design just all in all solid build that I would happily build in the future I'm definitely going to add this to the list of things to build to be honest the stats are okay now they're not fantastic due to you know 70 Mobility with little cargo so the changes I would probably make on this is dropping certain Habs or extra Habs that you got on there and weighty things in place of more cargo but overall fantastic J Money really like this design proud of you mate oh dark Reaper coming back again with another fantastic build however start Reaper mate we need to have a chat right your Shi is fantastic the build's good I love the light fight a look but mate we got to talk about your screenshot resolution got half of the screenshot missing apart from that it's a great build there's there's probably nothing i' change in it I like the colors I like the design but mate you you got the crop in give us the whole screenshot we need 16x9 aspect ratio you're killing me man you're killing me legendary free coming out us with an A10 warthog inspired build and my word I love warthogs like the B sound okay like the sound of their their gun is the most satisfying sound ever I I spent too many hours on YouTube watching videos of A10 warthogs like yeah there's no sound like it is there like the A10 warthog is is probably my favorite aircraft of all time purely on that sound alone you've nailed it mate brilliant fantastic proud of you mate so folen is back again with his German engineering skills bringing us a fantastic ship build I absolutely love this design I like how aggressive it looks and I really like the colors the only thing I changed though is putting the docker underneath as well as hiding the shield and I'm not overly keen on the radiator on like the spine of the ship but apart from that fantastic there isn't much I change cuz this looks like a beast and definitely going to be on my potential of uh you my potential build list of future builds that I'm going to do so well done my man keep them coming Kaza shimo so it's never a build video is it it's never a sub Sunday video about one of Kaza builds cuz it they always make their way onto this list they always do so I like this build it's another naval ship looking build and it reminds me of firecracker so instantly want me over now obviously this is a modded build you can tell by the length alone like it's it's ginormous so there's no getting around that but it looks fantastic and the colors like with the the faint red underneath like it just sells the look of the naval looking ship fantastic as always kazer brilliant build mate spot on while we're on that note though guys do you want to see me build like a boat looking ship should I do it I've got like a list of stuff I need to do should I do it I should should I good chat guys thank you so I probably don't even need to put the name of this person um on this ship like you can always tell when it's a build by Grim you can always tell it's always some crazily designed light fighter that just looks completely outw wildly and it's always green and black this looks so out there but I I have to admit I love this design it's probably one of the craziest builds I've seen him do and probably one of the craziest I've seen overall so yeah Grim well done as always mate your ships are always fantastic I love him so this is a really interesting light fighter build by this user and I say this user cuz I don't know if it's kartic or cathartic I don't know how to pronounce your name and I don't want to sound like an idiot anyways it's a great looking light fighter build or at least I believe it to be cuz the design and colors look really interesting I don't think I've ever seen a like dark cream and brown looking ship before ever he was kind enough to leave a build schematic as well for us so obviously pause your video take notes take a screenshot yeah fantastic build Well Done Right so this next user I don't know if it's bro with two o's or if you're Broody so either way very Sleek looking ship it looks very luxury looking you know very clean and overall I like it and you have things that are placed quite well and hidden well as to sell the design so you know no like Shield up top and stuff like that so very interesting build very good you've done a good job with that well done so bully Maguire bringing us a very awesome looking battle cruiser build so I really like this and the Dark theme and those are some fantastic screenshots this build just brings everything together quite nicely to be honest the only thing I'd potentially change is the engines and maybe add a bit more cargo as I love like cargo hauling battle Cruisers I love big ships like that but this is definitely a top tier build like very spot on proud of you mate what um so bar I hopefully I've pronounced that right bark bringing us his uh beastly looking ship like I said I hope I pronounced your name right very unique looking ship and the colors are very cool and it almost reminds me of a blood Angels theme from Warhammer 40K but like I said overall like it a lot the 30 Mobility now I do say you know I've said it before in previous videos people get caught up on Mobility too much but 30 Mobility May hinder you a bit so potentially changing the engines would help the mobility with this build however judging by your screenshots this absolute tank seems to dispatch enemies very easily anyway so it seems as if Mobility just isn't an issue for you like you just cruise through every sector in the game just blow everything up with minimal effort love it fantastic build mate well done so peanut peanut peanut this guy posts daily Builds on Discord and without a doubt they are fantastic he builds some crazy stuff modded and unmodded so I figured it was about time I added one to a video however he suffers with picture crop titis it's a medical condition where they can't post a proper screenshot however regardless it is a fantastic build on Peanut mate good job as always proud of you so tie the Behemoth bringing us a very very tidy looking drop ship build and I really really like the color scheme on this honestly there's not much I'd add really to to this ship there's nothing i' Chang there's not much I can add or say to it I I probably wouldn't change anything I think you've done a really really good job with this and is one of the ships that I would personally build and use in game cuz I love minimalistic looking stuff like that so yeah well done mate proud of you really good looking ship so cold zero with a full 360° covered firing Arc of a battleship so this thing looks like it's just going to tear up enemies wherever you go the weapons are facing absolutely everywhere no one's getting away no one's going to escape really like this one good design good color scheme well on cold zero so decisions couldn't make a decision on his name so decisions it was great build very great build very unique and the color scheme is really aggressive looking and for some reason my eyes can't focus on one thing on the ship and weirdly the shape gives it like this illusion of it being longer and being like a modded chip than than what it actually is cuz it is well within the vanilla build restriction cuz this is a vanilla build design so you've done a really fantastic job at selling what looks to be like a massive ship when it actually isn't so yeah that's crazy I still can't like my eyes can't figure it out it's not M it's not working so with all that said thanks for everyone submitting your ships on the sub Sunday Discord keep them coming and if you didn't see your ship this video don't worry it will likely be in the next I don't miss anyone out it's just we have so many to get through so let me know in the comments guys which one was your favorite and which ships would you like to see me build I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on it and don't forget to leave a like as it really does help the channel out and as I said earlier for today only I'm selling subscriptions to my channel for the low price of $0 so hit that subscribe button while you can snap it up it's a great deal also as I said at the start don't forget I am running a giveaway competition so check the video in the description and the top right of this video for more information on how to enter thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 13,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield spaceship, starfield ships, starfield ship building, starfield ship builds, starfield best ships, starfield ship types, starfield best ship design, starfield ship designs, starfield tutorial, startfield ship tutorial, starfield guide, cargo ship, starfield cargo ship, best ship in starfield, ship build limit, starfield build limit, rating your starfield ships, top 10 starfield ships, reacting to your starfield ships, top 10 starfield ship builds, top 5
Id: l4wIrkokBJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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