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new jersey just legalized marijuana so now you're finally allowed to get high enough that you forget you live in new jersey ah is it really that bad does anyone live there hey everyone my name is jacob walk to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at insults which are very rare usually it's unlike a youtube video where a guy records himself with a low quality camera with low quality lighting and then people in the comments just just roast them and then yeah you get put on rare insults and it sucks although it's funny so enjoy check out this hairstyle yeah since when was corrugated cardboard a hairstyle hey you can have a hairstyle whatever you want it to be right even if it is a packaging product this dude playing his guitar you could smoke a cigar in the shower and not get it wet gee i've never heard that before that's a big nose insult that i've never heard whoa this dude's neck is so long all his protein shakes expire before they hit the stomach it's not even that long but it's good eric andre who has uh now shaved his head apparently eric andre looking like a bisexual dominican nightclub owner for some reason the nightclub owner thing yeah wait is that ice jj fish i haven't seen this guy in a while teeth sponsored by gap that's it a lot of people have got the gaff the ice jj fish he pulls it off replying to minecraft oh dead game okay let's look at your life and then look at minecraft which is more dead okay oh it's good that we uh find that out this woman said i thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets the cop a pardon me i said i thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets you didn't think we gave pretty girls tickets well you're absolutely right we don't and if you'll just uh sign here if you're gonna try and like get away with that you know speeding getting a ticket at least don't be a carrot and then it might work you know if you say it like that and you out here doing this for free smh salary of a clown 51 000 a year that's really good is it not 51k that's that's a lot of money oh ed not looking too good here he looks like he's held in a fart for 10 years and forgot how to let it out oh just not good i've seen this a lot it's like a copy pasta i think people are just trolling that's it that seals the deal i've been an american citizen for 54 years and in all my time of being one i've never seen an election this bad i've had enough of it until you fix this country i'll be packing my bags to england where they actually know how to run a country and then this person replies ah the exit speech whoa if your forehead had been around kobe could have landed safely aksha forum school in assam accepts plastic waste as school fees ah okay such a wonderful initiative comment with your thoughts on this all right i'mma donate the kardashians whoa okay you don't want to just like fill up the entire of the donation limit come on oh we have an old ninja video ugh ninja needs to become a real ninja and disappeared his chin is actually the result of hundreds of years of inbreeding from his ancestors what he's got a sharp chin but you didn't need to go there someone replied to your story this guy just said nice day out i absolutely think you're gorgeous but this picture makes your head and neck look like a thumb thumb from spy kids it does look kinda long there just very straight ah gamer girls only i got the kings dripped now you got the queen strip welcome to the gamer girls only lounge heck yeah wait is it offensive to say that you look like a knockoff cosplay of prince maybe it's the prince drip and not the king's drift then bruh this fella look like bacteria just just everywhere you know the sticking out bits yeah my iq is above 85 so unfortunately i don't pay attention to cnn yet this just seems like a fancy way of admitting your iq is 86 so it's perfect for aon but still too low for anything else i have no idea what aon is or whatever the things are but that's a great insult when someone says oh my iq is above 85. yeah come on you're just saying it's 86 and 86 is still clustered stupid ah turn the music off j-rock this is shut down yeah what are you talking about inflatable elvis oh yeah no i i see that oh i don't know what this is but she looks like a carrot she sure talks a lot of crap for someone who looks like a rejected miss piggy concept well i reject it i don't know i think they accepted her right this lone sentence of just shut it panini boys if this was like lil nas x he was talking about then it would make sense i don't know other context where it would dating a skinny guy is cool until you roll down the window on the freeway and he fly out like a mcdonald's napkins yeah dating a skinny guy is cool until you lie down on his chest and his ribs carve an adidas logo on your face wow i was about to say first but i remembered i went to school and i have working brain cells uh okay alan the noob yeah technically you did say first in your sentence so girl's weakness and that's uh this dude apparently this guy doesn't even need to make a fursona he is the fursona that's that is a lot of hair like come on dude bob you have confused people long enough stop bob replies i've only confused you because you have the same amount of brain cells as a starfish how many does starfish have weight okay they have none because they have no brain alright this was found in the comments of a frank tofano video if you know him hey i'm wondering if i could set up a meeting with you for school over zoom i'm actually doing a research project on ancient human civilization and i think it would be a great place to start by interviewing the last surviving neanderthal that's a great insult to use on someone's heroes david bowie he looks like he remembered he left the oven on while in another country oh no oh no oh my sweet baby dog why has someone said this oh this is not a dog chihuahuas are not dogs they are overfed pizza sewer rats benny could swallow him whole i've seen rats in new york that are bigger and less ugly than this thing i swear there's a load of controversy around like is chihuahua a real dog or is it just a sewer i've never had a good experience with a chihuahua that's all i'm saying you can have a chihuahua and it can be cute kinda but then when you go near it it just starts ah and i'm like no i don't wanna see you sorry minecraft but we can't see our health oh finally a video where george can't say i'm on half a heart yeah if you've ever watched one of the dream video things it that's that's his entire vocabulary i think dream and i'm on half a heart um i think he was being sarcastic oh really oh calm down einstein you might fix global warming next jesus christ this made me laugh way more than it should have been if you can be sarcastic in text and not say oh i'm being sarcastic then you're doing well you are the physical embodiment of eating a raw potato without any seasoning whatsoever just plain and all by itself which is poetically fitting for you because you too will remain plain and all by yourself i bet the most unique thing about you is your music taste that can be found on any department store overhead speaker which is also poetically fitting considering you are the store brand raising brand where even the parts of you that are supposed to be fun are criminally disappointing god he just keeps going that's like he's murdered him with those words hmm i don't know who these guys are but why do they look like the twins from how to train your dragon if you put them side by side yeah where's their dragons hmm she looks like the gothic version of dora the explorer yeah i can see that well that's a look yeah dora the tomb explorer just anything dark this guy is showing off his pokemon i think pokemon cards why does this guy look like mr beast but 55 years old no he does this is what mr b this is what you're gonna look like in the future oh vampires are pale because they're anemic wait did you only just realize this they also suck blood because they can't get vitamin d from sun exposure ah take a multivitamin you melodramatic victorian approaching eternal dumbass you know what that's a point yeah yeah blood sucking because of vitamin d no i just take a multivitamin that's what i do i don't go outside and how many of those actively require a medical license and are governed by an independent recognized body zeroed yeah holistic medicine is as real as the people in chevy commercials wow i really love this card speaking of people in chevy commercials wow i really love these two videos which you can click on right now for the low price of 17999.99 right now all you have to do click and the money comes straight out of your account even though it doesn't that's that's a lie it's free you can click it for free there's no there's no cash just please click thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 177,407
Rating: 4.973032 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: 8W-CZciuca4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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