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which type of tattoo makes you cringe the most okay literally anyone that has two small tattoos and is constantly posting about how discriminated against people with tattoos are and how pathetic all the currents of the world are for being offended by tattoos like calm down becky no one has ever said anything actually rude to you about your three-inch faith tattoo written in such swirly cursive that it could be a roller coaster at my whole identity is victimhood island jeez they went hard on this person hey everyone my name is jake and welcome to rare insults where we're going to be looking at people who dig really really deep for an insult for some random person online but at the end of the day it's worth it because it's funny most of the time yeah enjoy this guy on dead me i think this is a youtube channel yeah ooh james looks like a villain who's defeated by a group of kids using friendship yeah just a disney movie villain just that ah they look like the space inhabitants from wall-e just that big pile of food just sums it up and yeah they do meet jordan foley the x factor usa 12 year old jordan foley sparkles at her san francisco audition in pink yeah oh she looks like the kind of girl who acts all sweet then when gets criticism goes home and microwaves her hamster that smile is just too evil to like play off ah how does it feel to be the same sex as donald trump well how does it feel to be the same gender as bel delphi take that this is like the worst insult ever though like oh how does it feel to be the same gender as this person that was really bad like i could just say hitler and then just all men are bad now like is that how it works really it's like how does it feel to work at buzzfeed that that would suck right cardi b is like a carbon monoxide detector when you hear them you know it's time to leave i feel like the problem isn't her it's the the features that she's on like i'll be listening to a song and then cardi b will do a verse and i'll be like well i i didn't really want to listen to that right now a man just flicked me off i can't stop crying oh she is the type of person to cry when washing her hands because she's killing the bacteria yet still wash your hands twice because the first time it only kills 99 so the second time it's got to kill that extra 1 right i don't know who these guys are but they look like the elves from the lord of the rings decided to become drug addicts i don't think becoming a drug addict is something you decide to do you know what today i'm gonna become a drug addict yeah jake paul it's every day bro featuring team 10 oh jake paul is the kind of guy to climb a glass wall to see what's on the other side yeah well it could have been like an illusion or something no jake it's glass you can see through it this person in a mermaid costume yeah this is why people pollute the oceans all right yeah but it could also be the reason why people are cleaning the ocean they want to see more of this guy symphony number nine beethoven 419 000 likes beethoven looks like a waiter when you don't know which food you want to eat yeah uh yes so do you want me to come back when you've decided yeah that would be nice thank you his face has received more updates throughout the years than his games what is this why is just this guy in the middle of a school corridor i don't understand my nephew just said to me is wind made from birds flapping their wings he's so adorable isn't he wrong my nephew's 24 and addicted to heroin whoa that just went from zero to a hundred real quick yeah it's actually kind of crazy how that changes like oh yeah my my young three-year-old just said that that's so cute oh my 24 year old said that oh that thumbnail looks like james charles if he was a breadstick what why a breadstick i guess longer yeah but it was breadstick really necessary i mean sure let's let's go with breadstick if i get 1 000 likes could i get one thousand dollars mr beast ah man shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmer dome genome full-blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone post malone friendzone shop like quit asking for money bro my wife and her elderly father were out and someone made a comment about them being a couple or sugar relationship wife goes don't you have parents or did you sprout from a log you freaking fungus gee she really had no chill on that one i bet her dad was probably like okay let's let's move along now quickly oh look it's it's the backpack kid the one that did the floss a while ago i don't remember this guy anymore why does the flossing kid always look like a wet bird you know what i get it i can maybe it's the hair i think it might be the hair this guy i i think playing a guitar i swear you have the face of a germanic woman from a world war ii propaganda poster that's why i was so confused i was like no is it a guy or or is it a german woman from world war ii hmm the wife here looks like she would be a stripper in whoville and then someone put she's that one fish from sharkdale that only liked oscar for his money and faith why does she have that luck uh why should we care oh i hope your wife gives birth to a centipede and you have to spend the rest of your days slaving away to buy shoes for it jeez like that's so specific but it works hmm he looks like he invited himself to his birthday party and didn't show up is this harry potter if he wasn't a wizard instead a gamer youtuber or something ah this guy i remember watching this this is on chris hansen you telling me this isn't the guy who kidnapped the chipmunks because look that that's a pretty uncanny resemblance right there he is him i know it is i went to elementary school with aubry plaza found this photo from eighth grade in a draw today ah if i ever become famous i am so screwed you would have had to grow up attractive for it to be shocking ah you didn't even see the guy and instantly you're like yeah you're ugly i just know from how you typed that last sentence all right he might be really good looking i don't know moe is the type of guy that climbs a glass wall to see what's on the other side and moe is the type of guy to bring 18 people to an 18 plus movies see the jake paul one already it works better on jake paul but yeah the 18 people haven't heard that one north korean asylum seeker is attacked in london and told you're not from this country while trying to put bins out damn it's almost like it's racist to treat someone awfully because of their race what a witch she was jumping and giggling at the end like a freaking goblin who found some rubies i wonder if the guy like doesn't care at all because he literally came from north korea or a carron is literally worse than north korea four michigan men arrested for driving a horse and boogie while drunk they looked like the villagers in shrek i've seen it before but just just look at them they're not real right hmm her accent is so english my ears got colonized oh is that a good thing probably not right what even is like an english accent she's from huddersfield and that's kind of near where i'm from but i don't think we got the same accent but like people from down south in london they have like the pronounced english accent that's the english accent right is that what people think is english i don't know girl you're so basic if i spilled vinegar on you you'd dissolve into foam like the wicked witch under-appreciated chemistry tweet i wish i was smart enough to comprehend so i'll just smile and nod you know what i kind of don't get it so i'm just gonna smile and nod too nice jenna looks like a goblin banker of gringotts in the harry potter movies oh yeah oh that's that's yeah i can't unsee it now at eight minutes oh two she looked like when i made my me and put the eyebrows all the way up did she draw those on did she do it blindfolded uh something with her left hand this dude looked like john wick excel on vhs because a dvd couldn't handle the weight why have you got john wick though what did he do what makes him like comparable to john wick if you don't have any friends you're not an introvert you're a problem if you think being an extrovert gives you the right to bash introverts for not having friends then you are not an extrovert you're an extrovert hey it's one step closer to becoming an astronaut so you know but i'm pretty sure you can be an introvert and still have friends like having friends doesn't make you extroverted today i learned of kangaroo words that is a word that contains a synonym inside it i.e masculine contains male in it blossom contains bloom chicken contains hen or honourable contains noble oh wow yeah there's also yeah that one which is you if there was one movie you could completely delete from reality what would it be uh the cats movie i bet 2020 is a punishment from god for humans because they made the cats movie you know what that might be true like just just get rid of it please if you want to see more videos like that then click on screen right now look there's two videos that you can click this one and this one and you can also click down below if it says suggested maybe there's another video there i don't know do what you want thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 190,935
Rating: 4.9628701 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: fY6xu9A6NS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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