Ranking The Lies of P Bosses + Boss Rant

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lies of P bosses are at the Forefront of a lot of criticism because they tend to be very obnoxious to deal with whether it be those delayed attacks annoying status effects or those very rigid animations that don't really feel telegraphed at all now these wouldn't actually be a major issue if it wasn't for our characters mechanics not specifically talking about the frames that you get when deflecting or dodging now for me I don't actually mind the fact that these mechanics have such little frames but what I do mind is that we're going to need these little frames to actually counteract the stupid ass delayed Fury attacks that every single enemy gets it's not just the bosses like every single enemy has to get one for some reason and I'm pretty sure I can speak for most people when I say that I'd much rather memorize Combos and movesets than memorize delayed attacks it's just not that fun to try and memorize and delayed attack especially these ones in this game because you're basically just predicting if I die to a combo or removes it I'd be like okay I gotta played there that's fine if I end up dying to a delayed attack it just feels like that it has been cheesed it doesn't feel fun but if you end up do deflecting this Fury attack you actually end up feeling like the most badass [ __ ] on the planet however it's still not the most viable way to go about making bosses now before I get a bunch of comments saying like oh bro he's gonna get good at the game you're just trash bro now I've been at the game four times been to new game plus two literally did a challenge run today on streamer I wasn't even allowed to level up except for the advanced stat did that run and what that run actually proved to me is that four frames is actually perfectly fine to have against Combos and movesets but the late attacks it's not fun it's just stupid now the way to actually fix these Fury attacks is to make the risk match up with the reward so the reward for actually deflecting a fury attack should end up being a lot more destruction damage to their stagger or better yet just make them instantly get staggered that'd be really cool anyway I just wanted to mention that before I ended up getting started in the video but we're ranking all of the main bosses today let's get into it starting off at the bottom we have the black rabbit's Brotherhood now this is the second of the Brotherhood boss fights of which this one is a straight up doo-doo trash the first one was actually a decent concept for a Doro or gank boss fight where in this one they just did not care to make it good or unique whatsoever it's pretty much the exact same fight except you just fight all three of them at the same time now whose idea was that now thankfully only one aggress at a time so the other ones are kind of just far off in the back but they are spamming projectiles and basically this results in you just staying at the corner of the Arena just fighting one-on-one and fighting regular humanoid NPCs in this game is really annoying because they're all incredibly quick and in this game where you get staggered very easily because you have no hyper armor or Poise it just makes for a terrible experience but they get a bit of hype armor and Poise to tank some of your attacks now they don't do much damage but they definitely move around a whole bunch you're trying to like SWAT a mosquito it is turns into an annoying boss fight and the only way to really do like meaningful damage or the best way to actually go about this boss fight is try to farm backstabs but trying to get backstabs in this game is so inconsistent and being that periodically throughout the fights one aggroes and the one daggers and they kind of go back and forth it turns into this type of fight to where you do damage to one then they Retreat and then while the retreat they actually get their health back because that's the way the game actually works so this ends up being elongated fight for the first phase where it is incredibly obnoxious and not even fun at all and then once you actually finally get through the dumb first phase you get rewarded by the exact same fight that you fought earlier in the game except the only difference is down this one actually has like an AOE attack it's just pretty stupid number 12 the corrupted parade Master now this is just the reskinned version of the very first boss in the game the parade Master now this one does actually have a couple different types of moves going for it but it doesn't really change it up too much because it still is a pretty simple and basic boss fights but the main differences being is that this one doesn't really get that cool second phase transition and it does Decay damage with every single hit which makes it more annoying inherently making it worse number 11 the eldest of the black rabbit Brotherhood now this is the first of the Brotherhood boss fights and as I was saying earlier this one is a much better concept than the later version because you fight the main boss just the one-on-one and periodically throughout the fight it actually summons another one to which the main boss D aggroes to which you fight a one-on-one on that but you still have to be wary of the boss because every now and then he does hit you with a running attack so you actually have to keep your iron both of them but actually does make for a very decent concept however fighting humanoid NPC in this game as I was stating earlier it's just not fun it is negative fun minus fun this square root of fun I hate it these enemies just keep flailing around all over the place keep jumping back and forth as I was saying trying to swat a mosquito that's what it feels like because I don't really do much damage but even though every single hit does stagger you which is still incredibly annoying which you had a little bit of hyper armor in this game or Poise the fight with the main boss itself is definitely better than fighting those little lackeys that he does have with him it's still not that crazy or no one's at the boss fight but it still is enjoyable enough to wear by himself it's actually not too bad but the surrounding cast that he has with him definitely makes the fight worse number 10 we have the parade Master now this is like the opening boss of the game so it's obviously not gonna have too much of a nuanced move set it's gonna be pretty basic and simplistic which it actually does serve as purpose as a good tutorial boss obviously can't really get much higher or lower than this being that how simple it actually is but the design is actually really nice the second phase transition is actually really cool nice introduction to the game pretty cool moveset they actually introduced you to like a majority of the concepts and mechanics in the game does a really good job of doing all that things number nine we have the king's flame foco now this boss I don't really care for it much because it's very simplistic very similar to how the parade monster is and it's kind of unfortunate how this one actually followed up the scrapped watch one which is actually a very decent and nuanced boss fight but this one doesn't really have many moves that's going for it even the second phase is kind of lackluster as our only really this adds a couple more projectile attacks which honestly they can be kind of annoying sometimes but its moveset itself seems pretty Bare Bones that I would hardly even qualified as like one of the main bosses but it does so it's going to be on the list number eight Fallen Archbishop Andreas now honestly I don't really care much for this boss fight either outside of like the design and the Boss music because the moveset doesn't really do too much for me it kind of feels like a lesser version of the green swap monster because it does have pretty basic combos at melee distance but he doesn't have like any types of [ __ ] attacks in the first phase so dodging and deflecting does feel kind of cool and it does feel very rewarding as well but as for the second phase don't really care much for this one either they had a cool concept with like one side you have one music and then go to the other side of the boss and it gets a different moveset but both kind of just suck in general the skinny person side doesn't really do much for me that's just like a very annoying boss fight keeps flooding around all over the place so you always just go to the other side because that's much easier and much more manageable because there's like a slightly different version of the first phase with its moveset but once again doesn't really change up too much it's an okay boss fight at best does have some cool massive AOE attack that it does get which I guess is kind of cool but yeah currently get anything higher than this number seven we have the green monster of the somp Slash the puppets devouring green monster now this one I started out hating but over time it actually has really grown on me and I'm honestly starting to like it somehow now the first phase is definitely the best part about it the moveset of that first phase actually does feel very nice to dodge or deflect the attacks and the whole fight does actually flow kind of nicely now this doesn't really have no Faults with it obviously those delayed attacks can be very obnoxious when you keep spamming them over and over again in that weird like AOE projectile attack that he gets does have some weird hit detection um if that could get fixed because like the hitboxes don't actually align with the model itself but I like the design of the fight I like the concept of it and I just like the first phase I Lots now the second phase isn't going to be as strong definitely because it is just a reskinned version of the scrapped Watchman now it actually is like a slightly decent three skin they didn't just like add one or two moves it actually has a few different types of moves as well but for the most part the fight does actually play out the same way but obviously the scratch bottom is actually a pretty decent boss fight so re-skinning a good boss fight isn't going to really get you too far off from actually being somewhat decent the fact that it is reskinned is definitely going to hurt it and that charge attack can be kind of stupid as well number six Simon Madness now this boss fight can either be just amazing or just an obnoxious mind-numbing snooze Fest honestly it's really boring sometimes now starting off with the first phase is actually pretty decent I don't mind it too much it is pretty basic but it does actually serve as a nice leeway into the second phase there can be some attacks that's kind of hard to differentiate where there's actually attack combo is finished or not because sometimes it just keeps going but the for the most part actually is a pretty decent face but as for the second phase he has the potential to be so amazing especially when you're fighting with a melee distance when he's using his melee based combo those type of attacks feel very nice it's like standard version of the first phase and they feel a lot more smooth and a lot more Telegraph than they are in the first phase especially when it starts a combo in that hand attack and the follow-up wave attack that little short range projector that he gets as well that's kind of cool Dodge but when it starts to go south is when he starts to do that stupid projectile AOE spam there is nothing more obnoxious in this game than fighting Menace when he disbands projectiles and aoes the fight just lasts so long for no reason this guy didn't even need a health Nerf didn't need a damaged Nerf they just needed to cut the amount of aoes and projectiles that he did spam because with how this game actually works we need to leave an enemy for a while they end up getting their health back so basically you spend 30 minutes of the fight just running around it is going to get his health back every single time because he can't really punish him as he's spamming those projectiles because obviously not going to have any openings in between and especially when the second phase hits when that big giant hen comes from the sky he periodically comes in every now and then and you have to like run to the other side of the Arena otherwise you're just gonna get clapped by that thing especially in New Game Plus so that's basically the entire fight it's just running around waiting for me to get his health back until you finally get an opening to do a little bit more damage then you start running again did his health pack it's like it's not that hard or [ __ ] of a fight it's just incredibly long for no reason and you probably end up dying by running out of flask that's pretty much how you die every single time if that is cut the stupid aoes and projectiles by half it would instantly be like an S to your boss fight number five the scrapped Watchmen now this is a very solid boss I really enjoy this one definitely the best early game Boss that there is from everything to the really cool design amazing animations very distinguishable attacks and every single one of those cool combos that he does get does feel very nice and rewarding to deflect and Dodge and even when the second phase comes around doesn't really change up too much from the first phase but actually does have its different type of flavor with this cool electric shock attacks so we have to play like a little bit different but you still get just enough openings but the design and the animation is definitely the best thing about this boss fight with how crazy and manic that he starts to move around all over the place and especially when he gets that grab attack off that shit's actually crazy the pro doesn't go as hard as some of the other bosses that you'll see on this list but he definitely is a very solid boss fight number 4 Champion Victor this boss fight is actually really good and another one that really grown me as well but this is another boss that has amazing design and really cool animations every single Souls game has to have that one big strength big brolic [ __ ] as a boss and they really hit it out of the park with champion Victor great voice acting amazing attacks every single one does feel very nice to dodge especially those like cool combos with the unblockables not too delayed as well feel very nice to deflect and it gets a really cool cut scene transition to the second phase that actually does feel like a very nice extension of the first phase normally when you have a first to second phase transition it's always a first phase it's like it's very basic like very watered down in a second phase this goes ape [ __ ] and insane this one both first and second phase do feel very similar and actually somewhat comparable as to which one I actually like better because they're both really good but with how amazing the moves that is and combined with the cool animations definitely is deserving of a top 5 boss number three we have the nameless puppets now I've actually practiced on this boss plenty of times I have a lot of time fighting this boss because I really enjoyed it after you've learned the moveset becomes like the most enjoyable boss fight at least for me it is the most enjoyable boss fight to fight against however there are some downsides to it which definitely heard it one the first phase is way different to the second phase as I was talking about with the Victor both of those phases feel very similar in terms of difficulty and how they actually work with the nameless puppet it feels like the first phase is way too easy and the second phase is changes up things completely even though I feel like they should be like an extension of one another especially because they look the exact same but both phases feel just amazing to fight the first one is a so cool to just deflect everything it's like the only part of the game where like every single attack can be easily deflected because there's such nice telegraphed attacks even though the delayed attacks aren't really too egregious as well it just feels like a very nice solid boss fight now for a final boss fight I'm not sure if that first phase can really pass but the second phase definitely feels very final boss fight ish because it turns everything up to 11 and he just goes absolutely ape [ __ ] now this phase you wouldn't really want to deflect much you can just Dodge half of it and you end up just missing but the cinematics of the fight itself are just flawless now a couple of other downsides once again the delayed Fury attacks that come out instantaneously they're really annoying but when you do time it perfectly it does feel really nice and another weird downside that I have is the final boss and the Boss Arena kind of feels very lackluster I wish it was something a bit more cinematic even if you take into account the theme of the game itself it does feel like it should be more of a cinematic moment than what it actually is especially with that Boss Arena that's being very Bland it is a weird complaint but it definitely is an S tier boss number two lexasia that completes the most badass [ __ ] in the entire game from everything the cool armor set and weapon that she gets in their first phase with those big bonking strength attacks with his insane combos that entire first phase has like such clean animations and moves to try and Dodge and react to then the second phase comes around with the amazing transition cutscene and then it turns into like the most cinematic fight in the entire game because it is raining down a whole bunch of lightning speeds and deflecting every single one back at her feels so nice and very rewarding as well now she can have a couple of stupid attacks like that really quick lunging attack and that charge attack can be kind of stupid as well but she is just an amazing fight because she moves at incredible speeds but they all feel like they're very manageable to deal with and is deflecting and dodging every single one of her lightning combos while you're trying to combat her with your own stuff it just makes for an incredible cinematic experience number one Romeo the king of Puppets now this boss fight just has Flawless design from the art direction to the clean animations like look how cool these attacks look they're incredibly unique it definitely feels like you're fighting the king of Puppets when you go up against that first phase like who thinks of attacks like these that is so unique and every single one of the attacks definitely feel very telegraphed and actually distinguishable from the last attack and the fight just flows very nicely feels very manageable as well it does actually feel very rewarding with the different types of attacks that you can punish and then the second phase comes around with yet again another classic transition cutscene with this like Pretty Boy Terminator looking ass dude that has the most ridiculous and insane looking movesets and Combos and compared to the other humanoid bosses like lexacio and the name of his puppet this guy feels a little bit more like a rapid Beast hitting attacks with a lot more aggression he sees like I start to Glow mid combos oh he's like really pissed off when he's fighting us and as memorizing his entire combo and getting the timings right and deflecting every single attack just feels so cool so yes definitely an S tier boss fight and in my opinion is the best one in the entire game anyway that's the end of the list as always please do like and subscribe because I have some more likes of P videos coming along the way and do follow me on Twitch because I will be live every single day whether we'll be playing this game or other Souls games as well anyway see you guys next one bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 83,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k0WsHnl1VnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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