Lies Of P Ultimate Stat Guide (with soft caps/hard caps)

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hey what's going on guys today we're going to be covering the lies of P stats now we're going to be doing a bunch of number crunching gonna figure out which stats to level up how many points to put into those particular stats the soft caps the hard caps all of those wonderful things now the formula is going to be different than the from soft formula in terms of the soft caps and the hard caps so definitely keep that in mind but one thing that they do very similar to from software is that they don't explain [ __ ] like literally nothing they don't care to explain any of the soft caps how much percentage our Buffs get as well which is very annoying especially in a game where you have RNG damage like why don't you explain how much percentage certain types of Buffs give but you know that's very separate conversation but starting off with the Vitality stats this that governs your HP and your guard regain by starting off with your HP itself basically on screen right now is how much you benefit of leveling the Vitality stat itself now if you're unsure as to what's going on I'll explain it right now now the left side of the numbers these are actually going to determine how much Vitality you have and the right side is basically telling you how much HP that you again when you're leveling up to that particular stat so for example when you go from 10 to 11 Vitality you gain plus 20 to your health when you go from 11 to 12 it'll give you another plus 20. when you go from 12 to 13 Vitality you only get plus 18 to your health now this trend is basically every single two levels you actually end up getting decreased to one HP every single time and this trend kind of continues all the way to about 30 Vitality to where kind of levels out a little bit as you can see from 30 to 35 Vitality you only end up getting about plus 10 or plus 9 to your health itself and between 36 and 40 Vitality you're only getting plus eight and then beyond that it will end up just degrading and trying to stay around about that same area but once you get to like about 100 you're only going to get about plus two or plus three for every single point now I have been in the game multiple times and my recommendation will be just to go to 30 to 35 Vitality that'll be perfectly fine to carry out the majority of the game so once you get to roughly about end game definitely be at that amount once you get a new game plus honestly good luck everything hits so hard there it feels like it's new game plus seven I thoroughly despise it even if you have like maxed out defenses and the best defense amulets even at 50 Vitality things are still two shot to you and it's just disgusting so good luck in that regard but as for your guard regain if you don't know what that is it's a mechanic of which when you block you'll take partial damage and some of that partial damage can be converted to more Health when you do damage and the amount of Health you actually can regain back will be based on your guard regained stats now looking at the numbers themselves they're going to be very similar to your HP gains and that they deteriorate over time but between 20 or 10 to 20 Vitality you gain about 5 to 60 your guard regain and once you get landed on the road it's just gonna fall off a whole bunch now I did test out when I didn't actually have a weapon equipped if you do have a weapon equipped I think your numbers would be a little bit different but either way if you go to about 30 to 35 Vitality you end up getting around about that 50 Mark in terms of your guard regain which is perfectly fine because there are ways via your P organ they actually can improve this as well via different types of things so it's not really that big of a deal to begin with so just go to about 30 to 35 on your first playthrough either way but definitely HP is going to be the most important part of your Vitality stat now as for the Vigor this stat actually does determine how much stamina that you do have now between five and eight every single level will actually end up giving you plus six to your stamina bar between 9 11 would give you plus 5 and 12 and 15 would give you plus four and basically on your first playthrough that's what your printers want to stay at anyway because past that point one you're not going to get much returns and your stamina bar is actually pretty forgiving in this game and also there are stats via your P organ or some perks via your pure organ or which you can actually decrease stamina consumption for certain types of attacks so you actually can go spec into those and in that way you can actually just save putting points into bigger and put them into other things instead because as you can see by the chart once you get to like 30 to 40 bigger you're not going to really experience much of a benefit once you get past 47 there will be times where you just level up and actually not gain any benefit at all now you're a Vigor just like every other stat does actually boost your defenses as well however Vigor just does it the worst for some reason what I've noticed is when I've been leveling up to other stats every everything else just does it better than Vigor I'm not too sure why the Vegas stat was just the least important but compared to things like motivity Your vitality Your Capacity all those things just gave you more defenses so there's not really getting much of a benefit to level your Vigor up that high so I'll stay around about 15 or to 20 and you'll be perfectly fine now getting into the capacity stats this stat actually does govern your equipment load and your legion bar now getting into the equipment load it's just amazing it's perfect every single stat gives you plus three to your equipment load and it doesn't matter how many levels you put into it there's no fall off it's just a flat plus three almost every single time sometimes it actually differs by like 0.1 or 0.2 but it's still roughly plus three every single time which is just amazing now in terms of what I actually recommend in terms of early on I wouldn't level up this that much because the heavier stuff you tend to get later in the game in terms of your defenses but I definitely recommend going to about 15 to 20 capacity just to have enough so you can actually put on the heavier types of defenses because it can be the difference between like 20 or 30 damage negation which honestly can be more important than your health started leveling up this that does actually set up a great benefit and also if you actually have larger weapons equipped as well you want to actually level up this that just so you can actually stay below the minimum load actually disable low 80 because being at slightly heavy load isn't actually going to be much of a difference compared to being below 60 early difference will be some stamina consumption which in most cases isn't actually that big of a deal but if you did have a problem with stamina consumption then definitely stay below 60 but me personally I actually stay below 80 because I'd rather have those bit in defenses to actually tank more attacks than have that little bit of stamina recovery speed but as for your legion bar if you don't know what that is it basically determines how much you actually can use your legion prosthetic arm in terms of how much attacks you actually can get off and every single stats into capacity also gives you plus three to your legion which is just amazing it's great so I wouldn't really focus leveling up the capacity if you actually wanted to spam your legion arm over and over again because it's not really going to be the most consistent way to actually do damage in this game ends your Legions can be pretty expensive sometimes so the difference between having like three or four more points into this that isn't going to really benefit much in terms of how many more attacks you can get with your legion so I won't really focus too much on that but it is actually a benefit so I would just mainly focus on this that in terms of its weight limit now as for your motivity Technique in advance these are going to be your damaging stats of which they will boost the damage of your weapons Legion arms or throwable objects obviously dependent on what type of scalings that these weapons do have so for instance if you have a weapon of it actually has an a scaling and motivity you're going to benefit a lot more of going into that motivity stat now the way that I did test this out I grabbed three different weapons that have a scalings one for motivity technique in advance and I just recorded the damage values and they were all pretty much the exact same obviously one a scaling might be different to a next a scaling but I'm just going to show you the damage values of what I got with a plus 10 a scaling motivity weapon now between 10 to 18 motivity every single level would give you either plus six or plus seven to your damage in your weapon between 19 and 23 motivity you'll get about plus six 24 to 26 you end up getting plus five so yeah basically at this point it's going to be very similar to your Vitality I would just recommend going to about 30 to 35 so I leveled up the exact same way they would actually level up your Vitality because once you get past that point unfortunately you're just not going to gain much of a benefit it's kind of upsetting between the levels of 40 to 60 with an a scaling weapon you're only gain like 20 to 30 different points in AR which is very upsetting especially in a game where everything hits super duper hot and has a lot of Health especially in New Game Plus the game just does not really feel that fun I just wish you could just do way more damage I wish the soft caps were a lot higher because it'd just be a lot nicer to just [ __ ] [ __ ] up and this game you can't really pick up one particular weapon and just Chase through the entire game which is upsetting I like to make broken ass builds and there's plenty of build Variety in this game but there's not much that you can really do in terms of like making a broken ass build but for the most part it's still pretty decent now one thing I actually forgot to get into is that you're Advanced hat kind of works a bit different than the other stats in terms of your damage negation every single other stat actually does boost your damage deviation except for Advance it boosts your Elemental damage education by a little bit but it doesn't actually touch that physical damage deletion at all but the trade-off being is that actually gives you resistance to your status effect X so things like your shock your break your electric shock things like that it would actually give you more resistance to those types of things so if you actually have an advanced type of build I would actually recommend picking out your defenses that actually boost more of your defense types and not really worry much about your status effects being that the advanced that already covers those things as well also one other thing that advanced does do is actually boost your legion bar so very similar to Your Capacity stat this actually does Boost how much you actually can use your legion arm now every single stat in advance actually boosted by 1.5 so basically think of it as in every single odd number it's going to boost it by one and every single even number will give you plus two to that Legion stat now this is going to be basically half as effective as leveling up your capacity stat in terms of boosting your legion but obviously you do benefit of leveling up this that as well in terms of boosting your legion which is nice but I wouldn't really have it as a primary option I wouldn't actually go ahead and start leveling up your advance to this boost your legion definitely just leave that for a capacity if you did want to actually spam your legion over and over again but anyway that pretty much concludes it for this one if I did miss anything just let me know down in the comment comments if you have your own findings we'll just discuss that's there but I feel like I did Cover almost everything as always please do like and subscribe because I will have some more lies of P videos coming along the way and do follow me on Twitch because I will be playing there if you have any questions feel free to drop in give me a follow as well but yeah see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 142,387
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Id: mTAL5t5yzC4
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Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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