Best Grindstone? Guide/Ranking Of ALL Special Grindstones In Lies of P

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hey what's going on guys today we're going to be talking about the grindstones can I tell you exactly how they all work and I'm going to go ahead and rank them all as well because that's just what I do now grindstones are items of which you can equip onto your grinder and when the grinder is equipped clicking the guard and repair button at the exact same time will it buff your weapon with a particular effect and you can rest at the Stargazer to replenish this as well now to unlock this you actually have to talk to vanini in the workshop at Area 3 and once this area is cleared out you can actually talk to him back at the hotel Crut and he will gift you the flame grindstone then after this you can talk to poochinella to which you can buy the electric Blitz grindstone now unfortunately to acquire the rest of them you are going to need vanity collection boxes getting one vanity collection box and giving it to poor Chanel will allow you to buy the acid in indomitable grindstone getting two boxes unlocks the destruction and satisfaction grindstone and giving him a third box will let you purchase the durability and Perfection grindstone now the grindstone effect duration does actually last 40 seconds for every single one except for the Perfection grindstone which only lasts 15 seconds now via the key organ there are certain types of upgrades of which you can increase this duration at phase two and at Phase seven as well and specking into either one of these will actually increase the duration by five seconds obviously going into two will increase it by 10 seconds now unfortunately this is not the same for the Perfection grindstone specking into one of these will only increase the duration by two seconds and obviously expecting into both will increase it by four seconds now on the topic of the P organ at phase four you actually can unlock a second grindstone use so you actually can use your grindstone twice before dying or resting at another Stargazer and if you did want to know for comparison the abrasives only last 30 seconds but they do have a quicker cost but they also are finite whereas the special grind zone is an infinite use as long as you are resting at the Stargazer anyway let's just get started in the ranking starting off at the bottom we have the durability grindstone now this thing actually does prevent your weapon from taking any type of durability damage which does sound very good however there are literally other grindstones that just boost your damage just in general and they last just as long which obviously is going to be a lot more useful because durability is still easily counted just by using the grinder self or certain types of P organ upgrades also this thing doesn't even counteract the effects of Decay not sure why that's not a thing and being that this is the last grindstone that you do unlock it is very underpowered hopefully they do buffer to where they just make it last longer than the rest of the grindstones and actually do counteracts the effects of Decay as well next up I want to talk about the satisfaction grindstone now this actually does add critical rate to your weapon now if you don't know what critical rate is it's a stat of which is only on a few different types of weapons in the game typically you'll see a critical rate of 30. now what this means is that you have a 30 chance of actually procking a critical attack now critical attacks are just like regular attacks but that is to about 50 more damage and you'll know you proced a critical attack because it looks different it sounds different and you'll see a bigger number now with this grindstone in particular it actually adds 30 critical rate to all of your weapons so basically the way to look at this grindstone is for 40 seconds you have a 30 chance to do 50 more damage which honestly is not that great especially when you compare it to the flame or the electric grindstone because those will end up doing about 20 to 50 more damage depending on what the enemy is actually weak to and and lost 100 of the time and actually does process status effect as well so in most cases that will just be the better option now the reason I say most cases is because if you actually pay this grindstone alongside weapons they already have critical rates it'll obviously increase it to 60 chance of procking that critical attack so for things like the Trident of the Covenant or the proof of humanity it is a very nice pairing because obviously this makes you procking a critical attack a lot more reliable and you can go ahead and pair it alongside the Assassin's amulets which actually does improve your critical damage now for my testing it is about 25 so you can actually make a pretty insane build with a proof of humanity using the satisfaction grandson and the Assassin's amulets and basically you can be doing about 75 more damage 60 of the time which is pretty good now obviously this does require an amulet slot and actually is going to take up your grinder slot so it is going to be a very Niche use hence it's been lower on the list next up I want to talk about the indomitable grindstone now this actually boosts your guarding capabilities now basically what it actually does specifically is boost your damage reduction rate when guarding by a plus 30. now that basically means that all smaller base weapons can have just as good as God as the largest weapons in the game now this obviously is really good because when deflecting is as hard as it is you're going to be blocking more times than not and just being able to take less damage in that regard meaning that you can actually have better guard regain so a lot of that can actually end up getting back in terms of health and not just having that be chip damage instead but the funny thing is when you pair it alongside a weapon that has 70 or more damage reduction when guarding it adds up to over 100 so that means when you're blocking you're not taking any damage which is honestly just insane so you're gonna sit there and just block an entire boss's combo and not have to take any damage not to worry about getting it back in God again at all now obviously this still doesn't really block Fury attacks which honestly I feel like I kind of should because for the most part it's not really combos that people are having a problem in terms of like deflecting it's more of like the insane Fury attacks which is probably why people will end up referring the Perfection grindstone over this one as it will get into because you don't really serve much of a benefit by actually using this grindstone because you're always going to be better off deflecting or just dodging in general because it means you have more destruction damage or you just end up having more stamina because having this be able to block Fury damage wouldn't be too far-fetched because one the Perfection grindstone exists and there's literally a poke in the phase seven of the P organ that literally lets you block Fury attacks now yes this is actually tied to new game plus two but having it be part of a grindstone I feel like that's kind of cool they probably won't do it but I Can Dream but this definitely is a very good grindstone and definitely worth using especially if you have something that's over 70 to God next up we have the destruction grindstone now this actually does increase your weapon stagger damage by about 25 percent which obviously is really nice because not only are you going to this outright staggering enemy quicker but you also can get the partial stagger even quicker as well now in my opinion I would still rather go with the damaging type of grind stands like acid flame and electric because you end up just getting more damage and you end up rocking a status effect as well and with things like electric shock that actually does increase your stagger damage anyway so this thing doesn't really have much of a use but one thing you have to keep in mind is certain types of weapons like the salamander dagger electric coil stick and the acidic spear blade these things actually cannot be buffed with those certain types of grindstones so actually using the destruction grindstone is actually going to be the best bet when paired with those type of weapons which they tend to be very popular anyway so this thing actually might get a lot of uses but outside of those weapons and probably using it against the door Guardian I wouldn't really recommend using this much now next up we want to talk about the Perfection grindstone now this actually allows every single one of your blocks to be a perfect gun so basically all you're going to do is hold on to the block button and you'll just end up deflecting everything without having to time it whatsoever which is a great in this type of game being that all these bosses especially towards the end of the game that have these ridiculous types of move sets and these insane Fury attacks that require a very good memorization or really good reaction speeds so does having this grindstone can just trivialize a lot of those attacks now the major downside is that it only lasts 15 seconds which compared to all the other grindstones that last 40 seconds it is a very big difference so the way to use this is that if there's a particular type of move sets that you're really struggling with it gets a certain type of boss I will just like wait for them to actually probably about to do that attack then use this grindstone and by the time they actually get this grindstone you actually man I'm having two users anyway so you actually can get about 30 seconds worth of this perfect guarding which is obviously just amazing in a boss fight but I'm pretty sure everyone can think of at least one circumstance to where they wish they actually had this perfect grindside active because this thing is just that good it's extremely low risk and very high reward now it's number one we're gonna have a three-way tie between the acid grindstone electric Blitz grindstone and the flame rhinestone now in my opinion I think the electric Blitz grindstone is the best one because I think electric shock is the best status effect because I only will anyways take a lot more damage but still end up being staggered a lot quicker as well but the reason as to why there's a three-way tie between these is because depending on what enemy you are fighting against is going to be dependent on which one you actually do choose maybe fighting humans go with the acid grindstone fighting puppets go with the electric Blitz grindstone and if you're fighting carcasses go with the flame grindstone because not only do these actually just add more damage to your weapon but they also last the exact same 40 seconds as all the other grindstones and they just add that status effect as well and status effects in this game are extremely powerful once you end up procing the status effect you end up doing a lot more damage and you have like an added benefit as well depending on what the status effect actually is so this was probably to nobody's surprise but yes these ones are going to be the best ones now keep in mind once again if you have things like the salamander dagger or the electric coil stick those type of weapons cannot be buffed with these type of grindstones so I would recommend using the destruction and grindstone instead but everything else use these definitely anyway that printers concludes it for this one as always please do like and subscribe because I do have some more Liza P videos coming along the way might go over the top five best handles or top 5 best hilts let me know down in the comments which one you do want to see and do follow me on Twitch as well because I am live every single day anyway see you guys next one bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 51,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N-6A42KsWpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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