All 15 Areas in LIES OF P RANKED from WORST to BEST!

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I'm Billy s welcome back to the channel today we're exploring the mechanical Marvel that is the city of Kat as I rank the lies of P areas from worst to best interested in a boss ranking of lies of P that video will be coming out very soon I just happened to finish the area script first when one has to adapt the story of Pinocchio into a Souls Lake that takes itself 100% seriously the environments have to be both Fantastical and grim and I think lies of PE absolutely Nails both its area design and its level layout from the French inspired city streets to Mechanical factories to dilapidated Cathedral catacombs and Beyond there's a little something for just about everyone to enjoy helpfully lies of Peace splits its areas into chapters on the teleport screen making it easy to count how many I need to rank although there are a couple of smaller areas within the ch chapters that I've actually split apart which I'll explain when I get to them so let's not waste any time all 15 areas in lies of P ranked let me know your favorites down below if there's one compliment I can give lies of P there isn't a bad area in the bunch even the worst locations land on the it's okay side of the quality scale and the lowest of these whelming areas is the relic of trism magistus this m shaft hidden beneath Hotel crat is a pathway leading to a submarine that can take PE to the aisle of the Alchemists and also happens to be the leading mine for farming the aggo that powered the city it's one of those locations that ends up being more important in the law than it is in terms of actual gam playay because while the area starts off relatively promising introducing a room filled with ancient ruins and classic arot traps that can be Act activated via pressure plates complete with a tough Elite enemy to fight that drops a useful amulet that's really all there is to this area you walk into a large room filled with enemies a phone to talk with the king of riddles you drop down and then you're already at the area boss when every other area in the game has been expansive intricate and worth the time of exploration having a linear location without any diverging paths or short Cuts with only a quick walk to the boss door feels really disappointing once the bosses go down you can confront Ali dooro about his betrayal of the hotel and I'm going to save new players a ton of headache kill him kill him and don't feel bad about it you need to slay him for eugen's quest line and you need to do it again in New Game Plus as her Quest has two endings depending on a choice you make afterwards if you don't kill him he remains as your boss airgo vendor down here but if you do kill him his equipment will be inherited by rookie Explorer Hugo who you met in the baron swamp and he'll take Alid Doo's place in the hotel becoming the new boss aggo vendor after his encounter it's a quick walk down to the submarine and off to the aisle of Alchemists I was just expecting a little more down here given it's the one path leading to the secret base of the main and Agonist and it's almost comical that the area in lies of p with the most interesting sounding name ends up being its biggest dud I think it's a very good sign of quality that the next area on my list happens to be the game's tutorial the central crot streets when you emerge from Central crot Station you're met with a beautifully despairing Vista of a city that has been ravaged by the puppet Frenzy corpses littering the ground and puppets patrolling the main plaza but while it seems like there's a large area to explore upon first glance on closer inspection the game heavily railroads you down a single linear path with just a couple of the briefest offshoots imaginable to explore it's very clear that the game wants you to stay on the progression path until you reach Hotel Kat so I'd compare this area in scope to the cemetery of ash from Dark Souls 3 but with a little more finesse in terms of layout enemies that can be killed relatively easily a few dogs to scare the player because you need dog enemies in a Soul's like that's the law ginese garbled dialogue as he's still in the process of rebooting yet as you progress the enemy setups do start to get smarter range Sharpshooters are placed with melee puppets forcing you to adapt to different move sets and there's an elite enemy placed directly on your path to teach you about the ins and outs of guarding it's just the right level of difficulty to make the player work for their Victory while also allowing them to sharpen their skills without much danger there's a single shortcut to unlock back to the main plaza but you won't need it given you find a new Stargazer just beyond the bridge near a merchant who actually sells the other starting weapons you didn't pick how handy all of this leading to a first boss encounter that will definitely stick with new players as one last test of their metal I think the opening moments of lies of PE starts out very strong as a tutorial but just can't hold a candle to the main areas of the game you end up exploring 14th Place may seem low but as I said when the quality of the level design is as good as it is in lies of P I can't complain and the trend continues as the next area on our list happens to be the first true level of lies of PE alian Boulevard you're sent here by Sophia on a request to find and save your creator jepetto who wandered out into the city for unknown reasons and immediately you're thrust into the ravaged streets and perilous rooftops of one of Kat's Rich rows according to geminy it had fancy boutiques shops a regular Main Street for those with the money to spare and I like that as you explore you can actually see the signs for those stores that used to exist this area feels like it was actually lived in at some point something I had admittedly think lies of PE does better than my baby bloodborne when you think of lies of PE this area is the vibe you're going to think of and the level design here is pretty topnotch tons of shortcuts leading back to the stargazers with many optional side paths to chase down for items and even a few Elite enemies to tackle for loot you'll be fighting down in the streets before heading up to the apartments and running across rooftops the verticality on offer is staggering one portion of the level that Springs to mind is this mad rooftop Dash as you fight through waves of enemies while avoiding electric projectiles being lobbed at you from above in the early game they hit hard and I definitely paid the price for my hubris but nothing feels better than reaching those ranged puppets and slaying them in Revenge the second half of the level takes you back down to the city streets where there are stationary puppets you can hit that cause static discharges which can be used against your opponents and the enemies down here get a little bit tougher overall including sword wielding foes that block your attacks and a large police officer puppet that you can defeat to get its weapon all this leading to the alchemist's bridge where you'll face the Mad donkey boss and Beyond where you can access the short walk to the town hall and the official main boss of the area it's such a large interconnected space with so much to see and do including two NPC quests that definitely tugged on my Heartstrings the woman in the quarantine Zone who wants her baby hit me in the fields especially when you discover that her child is dead and you have to give her a baby puppet doll to give her some peace I've yet to pick the truthful option in this scenario it's too painful the other NPC actually ties into this area's main boss so you'll hear more about him in my boss ranking video there's even an optional treasure you can find Upon returning to this area later in the game using the cryptic vestel all you obtain from the cathedral you can attack the corpse on the alchemist's bridge to get a key to a door near the area's second Stargazer which then gives you access to a spare quartz and the owl doctor's hunting apparel a new costume for Pinocchio to wear alian Boulevard couldn't have done anything differently to be a better first level for lies of P it just happens I think the rest of the game is absolute quality from a level design perspective discovered after making your way through venini works you emerge in a forested Chasm and after a brief Excursion in an old abandoned Min shaft you find your way to the nearby Moonlight town this area spans from where you enter up until the church just outside the Cathedral of St Frangelico and manages to trumpian Boulevard on my ranking because of the atmosphere the last thing I was expecting following a break into a factory was to then find an old abandoned Township left to rot the lower filled with puppets you can explore the ruined houses to find items attempt to jump over this bridge only to get access denied and you can meet the atoned an NPC who guards the rail car up to Upper Moonlight town if you have the stalker salute gesture gained by defeating an optional boss in the previous area you can bypass her entirely or like me you missed said boss and you will be forced to fight her she acts as a nice transition from what you know about lies of PE to what your soon to discover for she clearly fears whatever lies at the top of the cable car after a cute scene of riding up where geminy goes full YouTube voice mode you discover what the atoned was trying to keep us from finding the people of moonlight town have been infected with an infliction that causes them to become feral carcasses this entire Zone really gives me Resident Evil 4 Vibes with the infected Villages the ruined town and the way the village gives way to a large Stone structure the castle in Resident Evil 4 the cathedral in Liar of PE I just think the dichotomy between the first half of this area and the puppets you're used to and the second half of this area and the new carcass enemies that I doubt anybody was expecting is so well done it hits all the right notes for atmosphere and keened players may have been able to see this coming earlier in the game had they remembered this corpse near the Town Hall in aisian Boulevard oh and you also find Jano a traveler who will become a fairly important vendor in a few chapters just before the cathedral sometimes shorter is better when something is immaculately presented and in this case that's exactly what we got with moonlight Town given the setting of CR isn't in the modern day I can't say I was expecting to find myself exploring through an abandoned shopping center for the venini arcade is exactly that a grand Boutique filled with countless stores for the rich to peruse yet with the puppet frenzy having swept across the city the arcade has become overrun by carcasses now a series of mazike corridors that you have to navigate through to progress a transitional area that connects Rosa Isabel Street to the Grand exhibition I'm actually a little disappointed that the arcade didn't come with its own dedicated boss fight the closest we get is the most difficult Elite enemy in the game game this demonic Jester puppet that has to be slain to progress its attacks are Relentless its wind-ups are confusing and hard to read and no amount of strong Fable arts or Elemental damage seem to stagger this guy but as it turns out the trick to this battle lies in the enemies Behind Bars just a few meters away enemies in lies of P are categorized as either puppets carcasses or humans and every faction will become hostile to each other if encountered so you can have the carcasses whale on the jester acting almost like a spectre in a boss fight giving you time to get sneaky back attacks in the rest of the arcade is really fun playing around with verticality as you Traverse to and from the main floor the underground passages and the basement level further below it reminds me of a silent hill dungon you never quite know where you're going to pop up next as you emerge from the lower levels until you've opened a shortcut back to the perfectly centralized Stargazer and there's something very fun about how due to the lowest levels being Wine sellers that the first basement area you enter is practically flooded with wine and you're thinking is this wine or is this Blood my dream and that's not taking into account the opening portion of the arcade where you're running through city streets as the puppets are mourning the loss of their King it's downright creepy on a first playthrough and absolutely haunting on New Game Plus once you understand Romeo's intentions I also have to give venini arcade props for creating the poison Mist mechanic where certain areas of the underground are coated in a thin decaying mist and the only way to remove it is to destroy a specific growth within it's almost always within sight so you never have to worry about actually getting decayed though you have to keep in mind that these growths will reappear after a short while so you're never permanently safe poison in Souls likes and souls born games has always been contentious but I firmly believe lies of P understands that the status effect is needed in gameplay but doesn't force you into it constantly even the poison swamp level we'll be getting to much much later in the video is surprisingly sparing with how it poisons you and I really have to respect that if only venini arcade was a more fleshed out Zone instead of being just the wingman for the next area on our list viewer viewer wait I'm not ready for you to go to the next entry yet my channel is getting closer and closer to my goal of reaching 10,000 subscribers by the end of 2023 just look at how many of my viewers aren't subscribed right now let's Rectify that be sure to Parry that subscribe button to stay up to date on all my future content back to the video as breaking into our top 10 we have the grand and exhibition the area following on from our previous entry and it certainly lives up to its name a large sprawling mum that showcases the technology of Kat front and center you can imagine countless people Milling through the show floors as you explore what with the various exhibits on offer Grand Gardens to walk through and even a rail car you can sit in and we venture there in search of the alchemist's cure for the petrification disease but what we discover is rather harrowing to say the least the first part of the level takes place along the grounds of the complex as you have to use a side entrance to find your way in set to this jaunty sounding come one come all look at our cool stuff theme on the radio only in the rain of a ruined crot it just adds to the Eerie atmosphere something isn't quite right once inside the level becomes a sprawling Maze of large halls and corridors as you work your way in a wind path around the exhibition there are mechanical monsters with sords that will attempt to charge you the return of the Dual shielded robotic Elite enemy from venini works and a pair of tough Elite enemies outside if you want to test your strength I especially love this sequence in the rafters as you not only have to carefully take out the projectile fing puppets but then you have to lure this dual Shield puppet towards you so you can sneak on behind it or be me and spam hard-hitting Fable Arts while I prey new players by the way try not to miss this ladder that leads you down to Bell an NPC that once you beat the area will head to Hotel Kat she has a quest line regarding her partner in the city and you will miss it if you don't catch her here once again I really appreciate the amount of shortcuts the first half of this level has from opening the front doors to the gate near the ax wielding elite soldier and especially this bridge we lower after completing the sequence in the rafters but I also like that the the second half of the level then emits shortcuts entirely asking you to get through its dangers to earn your final route back to the Stargazer before the boss A fitting Point as following a fun little Museum sequence where the exhibits come to life you meet your first human enemies the Alchemists the ones found here wield guns and will fire at you in bursts of three so your priority should be to take them down quickly before they see you it's possible to guard against their attacks but I wouldn't really recommend it and as you come up on a large Greenhouse just before the level's final shortcut an elite human enemy appears before you an unnaturally large musclebound man whose animations are nothing short of joyous for wrestling fans while also being absolutely brutal compared to the enemies you faced up to this point be sure to get that shortcut before you fight him trust me on this one he ends up being a very good short Prelude to this area's boss Champion Victor and the true reveal of the alchemist's Cure the transition from the puppet frenzy to the true antagonists of the game revealing themselves is a great way to bring the story into its next ACT setting up the events of the rest of the game it's also worth noting that you unlock the option to Respec your character here taking a key from the boss and unlocking a door back in the level to reach the saint test statue but once unlocked you can Respec both here and at the gold coin fruit in the hotel crat Which is far more convenient for the player thank you to the latest patch for adding that it's also worth noting on New Game Plus you can actually warp to the saintes Statue whenever you want from the start of the game so you can resp whenever how helpful after cleaning up at the Cathedral you make your way down a dingy Forest path and my boyfriend was watching me play at this point and he had the insightful comment of huh you're in bloodborne no no no my boyfriend we're in the malem District ran by the black rabbit Brotherhood you have to first get through the outskirts of a series of forest slums before making your way into the stone District proper and I think it's a lot of fun the marlem district was abandoned by the city of Kat despite being the original settlement that the foundation for Kat was built upon and many homeless and poor citizens found themselves beneath the rich buried in poverty and now buried in horrifying puppets and carcasses the first part of the level the out skirts is a fun time as you get to explore a series of forest paths and even fight a literal bear before going through the wooden slums and taking down enemies there's a single Elite guarding the path forwards that took me quite a few attempts to beat given their attack strings while predictable lasted for quite a while asking for perfect guards that I just kept messing up at the time this portion of the area also has a hidden Shack you can enter later in the game with an NPC that gives you the key only to mock you and run once you fall in a pitfall trap inside a nice brief homage to Patches I see you lies of PE I see you but for me it's the actual malum District that elevates this area from fun to really enjoyable after getting across a bridge up some stairs and down a tower you find yourself in the main Hub of the town and you meet up with the red fox and black cat NPCs who have business with the Brotherhood this leads to a fun sequence actually where they follow you through the first portion of the level helping you fight the enemies you encounter and it just feels really nice to have friends in a game like this they don't stick around for long obviously using p to further their goals but I actually didn't mind the main part of the level is this large area just after your friends stopped to rest where you have this wide open Plaza with many alleys and streets fearing off from it ranged carcasses are at top the roofs traps are placed along the floors and an elite enemy is at the center it can take a few minutes to find and explore every path here and there's a nice amount of enemies to keep you on your toes while not being so overwhelming that you can't handle the challenge it reminded me heavily of areas in the Resident Evil 4 remake where you had a large explorable Arena that would soon fill with enemies only in lier the enemies are already there figure out how to remove them and go climbing a top roofs combing the street it's a nice challenge all set to the sound of The Eccentric of the black rabbit Brotherhood on the mic telling everybody to kill us lovely a neat touch I really like is the in you unlock as a shortcut back to your Stargazer as it acts as a focal point for the district and contains an NPC vendor who normally won't sell to you unless you beat the area boss but if you find a special rabbit pin from this grave just outside the cathedral elevator at the start of the level he will sell to you it's a small interaction but one I thought was very neat all leading to what I felt was a fantastic confrontation with the Brotherhood in the rain soaked Town Square my only complaint and it's a small one is that the end of this area sees you taking a ladder which brings you back to hotel Kat while initially a mindblowing moment as you've circled back to your Hub does that not bring up the logistics of why the black rabbit Brotherhood didn't just invade the hotel at any point their base was literally connected after all if we're looking for a moment where I went oh my God that's how this connects look no further than when you reach the end of the baron swamp make your way through a cave and emerge at the back of CR Central Station the tutorial area of the game you may have been wondering why I wasn't mentioning the train station in my K Central Street segment and it's because I wanted to to compile both the opening moments of the game as well as the revisit to the train station as a single entry so let's start with our first visit Awakening in an empty train car you slowly walk down the aisle coming too about your place here in Katt or if you're me you're fighting weird PS4 stick drift and trying not to ruin the atmosphere you pick a weapon step out onto the platform and take down your first puppet the world of crat is yours to explore crot Central station is very brief on your first visit having you take a linear yet winding path around the Upper Floor of the station to reach a locked off room where a police puppet holds the key to get out it's a brief test of your skills against an elite to see if you're worthy of escape and I'd say Central Station does that job well you learn very basic skills and don't think much more of the starting sequence honestly then you end up wrapping back around to the other half of the train station after receiving multiple warnings from from both geminy and sopia that something seems to be going on there now the pristine station has been overrun with carcasses and those gas spewing growths we saw at venini arcade litter the tracks the evolution of the carcass enemies from aggressive but manageable creatures to whatever the [ __ ] this four-legged Beast is was one of my favorite aspects of the game they knew exactly when to amp up the difficulty and begin chucking the real body horror at you and it only gets better when you escape the station and we'll get there later moving through ruined train cars working my way around the decayed remains of an area I once thought was safe and even running into the body horror of Belle's partner who is slowly devolving into a monster there's this vibe that everything is going wrong even more so when you enter a familiar room and find yourself accosted by the robber weasel Street Thief who seeks to take advantage of the city's plight for her own game you can actually skip this encounter by running up the stairs behind her her but I only found that out on new game Plus+ she's worth fighting though for her mask and to silence those God awful voice lines but I like that from this point on you're retreading the path you took in the tutorial but in Reverse to reach the gates leading back out to the streets of the city it's a nice full circle moment that also shows just how far you've come since you began the game and if you know me you know I absolutely live for that type of Trope it's very reminiscent of the infected Crossroads from Hollow night where your starting area becomes this warped and neglected version of its original Self I wonder how the streets are doing if we're talking atmosphere it would be a crime to not bring up the tragedy of Rosa Isabel Street once a bustling Entertainment District filled with theaters stores bars and of course the famous opera house it now stands in Ruins yet somehow still has that Elegance of a part of the city that had a lot of money pumped into it I wasn't sure initially if this level would stand out given its similarity to alian Boulevard earlier in the game but I think it's one of the more visually striking levels thanks to its use of color and elevation Beyond simply climbing ladders you're actually moving through buildings or down through the sewers as you make your way to the Opera House in a way that feels really Dynamic the district is very well defined and you get to explore every inch from ruined tow houses with the explosive Jester puppets and and Maids with forced Smiles on their faces to the soldiers in the streets protecting their King at his Opera stronghold or what about that final upward Street you climb Flames erupting on all sides from the flamethrower puppets while the Mad puppet clown awaits you at the top an intimidating sight but my favorite enemy encounter goes to the puppet babies you find them twice in the level and both times I thought what the actual [ __ ] I genuinely have to question what what the purpose of these puppets was before the frenzy like who was ordering a puppet baby for their family their faces are melted and disfigured and there screams and the way they gang up on you and GH it's horrifying there's also the encounter with a white lady in the amphitheater with that opera music playing in the background puppets strung up and beaten it tells a tragic tale for the character one that I will get into in my lies of p boss ranking special shout out by the way to this brief quest with gentleman Julian who asks you to retrieve a wedding ring from his late wife who turns out to be a puppet it's a pretty important Quest that shows how the puppets were already developing their egos long before the frenzy and the result of this Quest directly affects an option you have with Paul anda's side quest at hotel Kat cool stuff then we have the Opera House a more condensed part of the level than I was expecting and initially not my favorite due to the disruption mechanic that its main enemies utilize disruption is a status effect that when it builds up will instantly kill you but at least in lies of P you can find gear to mitigate its effects you can purchase special ampols to remove those effects and the attacks that inflict it are well telegraphed you have to handle these horrifying spider-like opera singers who use their webs like puppet strings to control lesser puppets to attack you it makes them more durable so you have to use an electric weapon to do regular damage now technically you can reach the area boss very quickly here but there's an entire optional second wing of the Opera House to explore with goodies to collect a hidden Trinity sanctum and some more shortcuts to open so it's worth taking the time to look around and for the love of God open this door I thought it was a dead end but there's actually an NPC back there with a side quest you can complete before finishing the area just make sure to buy the Red Apple from pandina at hotel Kat overall Rosa Isabelle Street manages to find an identity of its own and while I personally prefer the outside Street portion of the level to the opera house this area wouldn't be the same without that second half as it ties so directly into the thematics of the area's boss fight and the climax of the first half of the game and before we reach my top five areas let's go to hotel K and have a chart I was doing my inner adino king of riddles there he hooo okay I wasn't quite sure what to expect from lies of pe's Hub area they tend to be very Hit or Miss in Souls likes and when you first arrive at the hotel there isn't much open to you the lower floor is accessible while the upper areas are locked off and of course you only have eug Jenny Paul andina Sophia and Antonia to talk to but as you begin to explore further you unlock jepetto venini and his Butler Pinella alidoro the Treasure Hunter and Jano the pharmacist it very slowly starts to become a home a place of respite as you get to know each of the inhabitants and piece together their stories over the course of the game from Antonia's declining health and her wistful memories of her youth to PA andina's desire to save his mistress from suffering the effects of the disease ravaging her you may not initially trust Antonia but she truly is just a kind old woman who wants the best for you and getting the opportunity to treat her pain and allow her a peaceful death thanks to Jano is genuinely heartwarming offset by Paul andena then deciding to factory reset himself out of the pain of losing his loved one even if he frames it in a positive manner venini and Pinella create a beautiful pair of a found family and as you progress through the game ven genuinely becomes your best friend an absolute Legend and a pure Soul who wants nothing more than to see Kats survive and to help you on your journey or what about you Jen and her quest line with alidoro which when you kill him later in the game results in her potentially discovering the original alidoro was her older brother all along Belle and her partner whom were in love where you can lie to her and let her know he was killed by a puppet not turned into one of those monsters instead completing these personal quests just feels right I think the Hub is mostly well-designed too the gold coin fruit vendor is a bit out of the way and heading upstairs to use the PE organ upgrade can be a bit tedious but they did include a broken railing outside of jepetto's room specifically so you can roll back downstairs quickly perhaps the best addition to Hotel crot though and something I think All Souls Games should have is the training Courtyard you're able to step outside and practice with any weapon you obtain along with a free refill of your Fable Arts it's always worth stepping out there every time you visit it really hits home how much Hotel Crut is your home home when you return in the late game to find it ransacked and attacked all of your friends barricaded above in jepetto's room and should you pick the game's bad ending and allow jepetto to take your heart you slay all those friends replaced by harrowing husks puppets with no personality to speak of nothing feels better than returning to the hotel popping on feel and just relaxing to the melody an absolute class it's time to celebrate my five favorite levels in lies of p and starting us off we have the mechanical Marvel of Vine new works industrial levels in video games are often not my cup of tea just not being an aesthetic that I normally Vibe with and yet here we are in a factory that is so tightly designed with so many optional paths to explore that I can't help but love it you have the city streets leading down to the large bridge and gate complete with a change of enemy types the puppets look a bit more like workers than Soldiers the town is a bit more for lack of a better term impoverished you cross a bridge of projectile throwing puppets and leap over the wall into the factory and from here there's so much to see hidden rooms to drop into side paths with optional enemies to face a pit full trap that most players will fall through but if you avoid you get a quick shortcut through the next room the crash test dummy enemies are somehow amazing and terrifying at the same time they're just mannequin enough to trigger my horror game fight or flight while also being brutal to fight due to their lack of stagger and surprisingly hard hits luckily you can get your revenge later in the level by goting them into a gigantic ball of flaming death so that's fun we also get a well executed reveal of the Dual Shield robot falling from a large tightly bound crate and being absolutely brutal to fight in the early game I'm still not sure what the strategy is for these guys the second half of venini works is the best half though as you get to explore the halls of the main facility and whatever path you take will bring you somewhere interesting be it a hall leading to a trinity door or a side path that takes you to a lever that drains the poison swamp in the outside Cavern allowing you to safely fight this area's mini boss the puppet of the future there's also a hidden boss against a stalker enemy you can find in a hidden room or perhaps you want to EXP explore the very outside of the premises and see what you can find in these back swamps you can meet two of the best NPCs in the game the red fox and the black cat for the first time I love them you can't convince me otherwise we friend leading to the reactor room where you can clamber along the rooftops to take out enemies and also find venini for the first time I love this man I would die for this man and thank God he has a stargazer next to him because it's just a short run to the boss for one of the first major areas in the game I'm glad that venini works offers a ton of side paths to explore because it makes the spoiling Factory feel all the more expansive emerging from the train station towards the end of the game you return to your starting area and discover the central streets of Kat have been overrun by tougher enemies puppets infected with Decay and getting back to hotel Kat becomes a main priority only I don't think anyone could predict what would happen next as you explore the streets I felt a massive sense of vindication as there was a gate I saw in my opening hours with the game I was convinced was a shortcut turns out it was a part of the city only accessible in the late game and after taking down a large carcass creature and getting the next Stargazer and Merchant I walked out into the ruined streets of crat crystallized Ergo piercing above the ground caused by a dangerous earthquake and suddenly we're exploring the city from Evil Within or the ruined city of near automa after the giant crater appears mid game I absolutely love the insanity that the normal city streets are just decimated Signs Now used as Bridges monsters roaming the halls and dangerous disruption crystals coating the environment these yellow crystals can be destroyed and provide a nice environmental hazard that doesn't overstay it's welcome you just have to not be impatient like I was every now and then and you'll be fine working your way around the ruins opening shortcuts and facing down the hard-hitting carcasses is one thing getting ambushed by this monstrosity and being unable to progress without killing it was another but approaching a nearby alchemist's workshop and seeing that the second half of the level is made up entirely of humans that hits the most equip that acid grindstone and get ready to slice and dice I think the rapia humans are my favorites you can stun them by breaking the Argo supplies on their backs and they provide a fun yet quick move set to perfect God these flaming Alchemists are also a fret able to explode upon death and breathe devastating Flames if you get too close so take them out very quick and don't hesitate yet as you climb the workshop you can hear moaning screeching a woman's voice the attic contains a boss fight with the Walker of Illusions and the horrific experiments of the Alchemists continues to become clear all leading to an elevator collapse that leads you just outside Hotel Kat before the parade Master Boss Arena and I respect that you can just run straight there or explore the pathway along the coastal Cliff which Nets you another call with the king of riddles and then you have a boss battle against the corrupted parade Master genuinely horrifying seeing an enemy you may have forgotten about to this point reanimated and ready to body horror [ __ ] you up it's a great way to end a chapter all about the horrors of the Alchemists and about making you as uncomfortable as possible so re-entering a ruined Hotel crat after this experience really confirms that things have changed you're in the end game and the pacing of this whole segment was just m chef's kiss more of this please video games well well well well it seems to me we have a little bit of Castlevania mixed in with our souls like game and you can't tell me otherwise St Frangelico Cathedral is a Castlevania level through and through and I absolutely love it for that from the moment you see that wide Vista of the Cathedral at the start of the level to the ending boss battle against a grotesque religious monster I mean come on St Frangelico manages to do something spectacular and that's make a poison base level with platforming but good now of course that's just my opinion Others May find this level torturous or brutal and I totally understand after all you only get a single shortcut in the first half of the level and the game asks you to beat pretty much every obstacle in the area before you can access it but that difficulty for me is fine I don't want to feel overly babied by constant shortcuts after all many of the rooms in the cathedral have poison pools that slowly build up your Decay luckily though you barely spend a lot of time in them as each pool is paced so you'll be able to run through without proing the status effect more than that though you get the ability to actually remove the Decay pools taking a tip from Divinity 2 and making poison extremely flammable this means once you've made it far enough into the level you can remove that debuff entirely and make traversal far more relaxing it feels earned and it feels warranted in the first poison pool you destroy you even find a hidden room with a cryptic vessel you can take to V and that first poison pool room is filled with so many hidden nooks and crannies cogs you can ride to reach hidden chests with weapons beams you have to cross to progress while timing your movements to avoid the ranged enemies that attack I personally didn't struggle here after understanding what the game wanted from me but I get it if this isn't your thing I do think this ramp with the electric balls rolling down was too unfair timing wise though you have to be pixel precise to avoid getting hit and it ended multiple runs for me the second half of the cathedral in the library was a shorter experience but I actually preferred the theming it's Gothic and dreary yet you can see what was once an ornate place of worship in the past a far cry from the beautiful church pews of the main room of worship above it isn't lost on me you're constantly going downwards to face the Archbishop in this level as well as in down down to hell you can also find alidoro here by taking an elevator to a dead end and the view you get of CR when you do so is absolutely stunning I absolutely adore the Trope of being able to see the path you took to get to where you are in the game and you can see every level you progressed through every path you took and also all the future levels you'll be exploring too from the opera house to the Grand exhibition St Frangelico Cathedral acts as both a difficulty Spike and a purely vertical level that doesn't hold the player's hand and for me that's exactly what I needed at this point in the game taking the silver medal on our list is and I say this with complete sincerity my favorite swamp level in any Soul Style game including the fromsoft titles it's the baron swamp because this level understands exactly what makes this area type frustrating to explore and rectifies that by by making all the obstacles in your way you know manageable you have to explore the swamp to find golden aggo which can be used to power the submarine you take to reach the aisle of Alchemists but said swamp is also a scrap Heap for puppets a graveyard of destroyed parts that festers beneath crat it's like an illegal Dumping Ground and something V shouldn't be proud of the first third of the level has you wrapping around the environment to a large Tower where you can then push a mine cart to create a shortcut and path to the main swamp itself it's a nice introduction giving you a small poison swamp to play with some tough enemies to fight a few optional items to collect and its only real flaws are that they have a mad clown mini boss that feels really out of place and also another mechanic that lies of PE absolutely loves to use too often breakable floors you cannot trust any bridges in this game they will break they will fall through and you will be annoyed and this does happen a couple times in the baron swamp specifically and one even over a bottomless pit which is just cheap game design but this is a mechanic throughout the game so I'm not holding it against the area I just think the devs need to ease up on it a little bit the second half of the swamp is where we get the traditional poison pools scrapped enemies items to collect only lies of P takes a secondary mechanic to make traversal more intriguing we have a Ballista at top a tower that you have to take out if you want to explore but what I like is that this first ballista is easily reachable just a simple run up a hill climb up a ladder kill the gunman break the ballista boom easy then you find the second major swamp with another ballista and multiple puppets of the future bosses roaming around and here you can't simply climb up you have to actively make your way through the rest of the level until you wrap back around to the ballista where you can can disable it allowing you to explore the large swamp at your leisure which is worth it because there are tons of neat goodies to find compare this to Dark Souls 3's smoldering Lake which also uses arranged ballista as an area gimmick you had to go so out of your way to disable it that it wasn't worth the effort it took whereas in lies of P the ballistas are on your progression path you will eventually disable them and be able to explore as long as you trust the process it's good level design the poison pools in these major swamps are also small enough that you'll never be forced to deal with the corruption status effect unless you actively navigate badly which is then on the player not the game and once you're able to explore the second poison pool area you can kill the bosses around the area for courts and even find an optional Al doctor stalker fight as well as many dimensional butterflies which are this game's Crystal lizards then there's the aspect of Baron swamp that pushes it over the edge from a good area to one of the all-time greats The Village Chasm and the optional hermit's cave on the main path you have to explore a rickety Village hanging over the edge of a deep pit and it's here where you have that one bridge that drops you into the void but aside from that it's a really well-designed area thoughtful enemy placement simple yet effective shortcuts a fun Cavern with Boulders you have to avoid as you climb all rounding out with an absolutely horrifying battle against an actual Pinocchio style Elite enemy puppet but then later in the game if you talked with rookie Explorer Hugo just before this area's boss and got the cryptic vessel leading to the hermit's cave you can access an entirely optional extra segment of the level in the same vein as the wooden Village only now there are disruption crystals tough enemies and an elite carcass creature at the end who you can kill for one of the game's records it's one of the most brilliant optional areas in the game and really adds to the baron swamp which was already great to begin with all culminating in one of the strongest themed boss fights the game has to offer and one of the toughest to date the only reason someone would hate this area is because they have simply been conditioned to hate poison swamps on its own it stands as a Real Testament to the level design on offer in lies of p and would have been my favorite area but then the end game came about and how could the number one area in all of lies of P be anything other than the aisle of the Alchemists Ari ABI I debated very heavily on whether to separate this area into two segments but found that with the way the location is designed and the enemy variety on offer this entire endgame chapter deserved to be its own entry and I'm pronouncing the name correctly it's Greek Ari ABI is an assault on the alchemist's stronghold from the beach of memories you arrive on to the gate house you assault defeating the door Guardian climbing the walls exploring the sanctums within making your way further and further up until you get past laxia and explore the inner Chambers working your way to Simon Manis and his Arena at the peak once again I'm reminded of Resident Evil 4 with the way you're exploring an island stronghold and just absolutely demolishing your way through not a single portion of AR ABI misses from a level design perspective and from a gameplay perspective you have a mix of all three enemy types from puppets to carcasses to humans tons of elevation based gameplay with the climbing of the outer walls while also having various indoor segments to give the players a brief break from the verticality there are new enemy types like the electric wielding humans who are absolutely brutal to fight tons of shortcuts and stargazers to unlock a whole host of hidden Parts including a really cool room of this series of crushes and every aspect of your kit is tested all the skills you've learned along the way play a role in your Ascent sometimes you just have to kill as many enemies as you can other times you'll be able to work your way around them with careful timing and positioning the return of the venini arcade Jester puppet absolutely terrified me and I'm glad I learned you could lure it into the big carcass enemy is nearby to distract it even just the approach to the ABY at the start of the area with ballistas firing at you gigantic beasts roaming the Sands as you spend attempts taking down those ballistas for good all the way you then make your way up rickety wooden platforms and across giant Bridges and no matter where you are outside looking backwards shows you exactly the way you came you can see your starting point and feel a real sense of achievement as you keep climbing higher and higher the music that accompanies your climb God I'm getting Shivers just remembering this level activating mechanics with the alchemist's badge to progress finding adino in the final Trinity sanctum being able to spare the Black Cat by giving him gold coin fruit facing off against one of the toughest fights in the game laasia before opening the doors to find Sophia bound and in pain I made the wrong decision in my first playthrough choosing to spare her life you really need to go with the be at peace option but in general the visual of her in this cage just desperate to be free really hits as she's been your protector this entire time all leading to a twisting turning series of doorways and stairways as you go up and down and up and down fighting every type of human possible to reach the red fox and jepetto and side note I love that the red fox considers you a friend and even gives you her name Claudia if you give give her a gold coin fruit all leading to the final climb to Simon as you're looking out over the world you've explored the sun beginning to rise the darkness being chased away AR ABI is a journey it's an experience and it's a great culmination of what lies of P was going for it feels like a real final level in a way that some soulsborne games actually miss very reminiscent of The Nightmare of mensis but on a much larger scale and done way better a stellar experience to explore filled with so many memorable moments great level design and fantastic encounters throughout it stands up there as some of the best of souls born's areas without breaking a sweat and fully deserves its praise absolutely Bravo to the developers you have made a fantastic game I hope this is only the beginning for you all and I can't wait to rank your bosses very soon thank you everyone for watching I'll get a lies of p boss ranking out as soon as I can though it might be in two parts this video has kind of taken a lot of energy out of me if you enjoyed this video though be sure to Parry that subscribe button for more gaming content every week I'd really appreciate it my socials are on screen now feel free to follow where you feel comfortable I'd recommend my Twitter or my blue sky if you have it a massive shout out to my patreons over on patreon you guys are amazing and your support means the world thank you so much and I'll see you guys next time adios
Channel: Billy S
Views: 28,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, demons souls, bloodborne, elden ring, video games, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, ds1, ds, ds2, ds3, soulslike, souls, soulsborne, gamer, gaming, fromsoftware, fromsoft, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, boss, ranking, billy s, lies of p, lies of p area ranking, lies of p boss ranking, top 10 lies of p areas, top 10 lies of p bosses, lies of p bosses, frangelico's cathedral, arche abbey, barren swamp, rosa isabelle street, white lady, venigni works
Id: C4vmQwaSzuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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