Best Weapon? Ranking ALL Boss Weapons In Lies of P

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so we have just ranked these special amulets now we're going to go ahead and rank the special weapons or the boss based weapons whatever you want to call them now every single one of these weapons is actually going to be very viable you actually can easily beat the game with all of them but in my opinion there are going to be some that are better than others so we're gonna go ahead and rank them from worst to best ten through one and I'm going to go ahead and put them in a tier list as well because I'm just nice like that also I just want to let you guys know that a lot of this gameplay is going to be against the end game bosses so if you don't want to see end game Boss spoilers just leave now the game's been out for a week so I've been holding off long enough but now's the time that I can actually start showcasing some gameplay against the later game bosses starting off the list at number 10 we have the Frozen Feast now this is a motivity based weapon of which you acquire from Champion Victor which is the boss in area 7. now this weapon is just bad because it's incredibly slow and slow weapons don't really have much of a purpose in this game because there's no hype grammar or Poise and it tends to be a faster paced game so you're gonna get staggered almost every single time or you're just gonna get punished after every single attack because you have longer Nations or long recovery animations also larger weapons tend to weigh more so therefore you have to spec into more capacity or to sacrifice some of your defenses which definitely does not help this weapon in particular actually weighs 31.1 units which is just ridiculous I'm pretty sure that's the heaviest weapon in the entire game now the only benefit larger weapons tend to have is that one they get pretty decent damage reduction rate when guarding and two that actually can stagger pretty well but there are plenty of small weapons in this game that also can do those two things so once again doesn't really serve much of a benefit but this weapon in particular I don't like because it's incredibly slow but you can actually improve the speed of it but only after you actually hit with it multiple times when you hit with it four times it will like remove all the rocks that are surrounding the weapon and actually give it some pretty decent speeds but even then it's still pretty slow and it takes about five seconds for those rocks to form again unless you're constantly hitting which is just very annoying I don't know why it doesn't last longer now you can actually use the Fable Arts liberate of which is removes the Rocks completely but obviously that consumes an entire Fable charge and the other Fable art which is single slash does actually do some pretty decent damage in one hit but once again it's pretty slow and there are other Fable arts in this game that also consume three Fable charges that do work very similar but it's probably end up doing more damage now one positive thing I can say about this is that its Fable charge is pretty high but being that its Fable odds are pretty mid honestly that doesn't really serve much of a purpose as well so if you're looking for a motivity weapon with a decent guard and some nice stagger damage they're gonna be much better options on this list so I'd much rather spend this boss Ergo on the armor of God amulet instead because that one's actually really good number nine we have the seven coil spring sword now this is a motivity weapon of which you get from the area one boss parade Master now unfortunately you can't actually get boss weapons until you go to area four I wish you actually could get this up in area one because it actually would have more of a use but unfortunately by the time you get to area 4 there is much better motivity weapons out there now this weapon isn't actually too bad it actually does everything pretty well and fortunately this doesn't do anything amazing it has okay damage has an okay moveset does get guard Parry as its Fable arts and its other Fable Arts seven explosions is a pretty short range projectile that just does okay damage and it does actually have like a longer animation but it still does perform pretty well so you can find a lot of success for this weapon but there are plenty of other motivity weapons that have a better heavy attack have a much better Fable art and pro end up getting this more damage as well number eight we have the etiquettes now this is a technique weapon of which you get from this scrapped Watchman in area two and this weapon is actually really good actually is a very Noob friendly and Casual friendly weapon because it's really light has a very quick moveset so you have more time to deflect and Dodge and it's heavy attacks and running a heavy attacks open up the umbrella which means you actually get some blocking frames while you are attacked which is really good because that means you're taking less damage actually turns that damage into God regain so you can actually get some of that Health back and you're not getting staggered as well so against enemies where you don't really know the moveset you can just keep constantly spamming the heavy attack and just keep trading out that way and actually can benefit also one of its Fable Arts absolute counter-attack kinda Works similar to guard Parry in that it is blocks and attack and you can do like a follow-up thrusting attack as well but the main difference being is that this one actually has a lot more frames to actually block the attack so against attacks that's very hard to dodge or deflect you actually can just use this skill because the blocking and deflecting frames are actually very forgiving now the reason as to why it's going to get lower on the list is because the damage output is just not not there you can just get way more damage and DPS with things like the Trident of the Covenant and the two dragon swords it's absolute counter-attack Fable Arts doesn't do as much damage as guard parry and it consumes an extra Fable slot as well and its other Fable Arts a single stab does actually have some nice range but it is a longer starting animation and it doesn't do enough damage for that three Fable charges that it actually does take as well so it's actually a pretty good weapon to use earlier on until you actually get used to the mechanics of dodging and deflecting at the right time that I recommend just switching to something else that probably requires a little bit more skill because you end up just benefiting way more in terms of damage I'm trying to play through this thing in New Game Plus and it just did not perform well at all the Trident of the Covenant and the two dragon souls with a much better technique weapons they're honestly almost just as quick but just do way more damage and have much better Fable odds number seven we have the Holy sword of Ark now this is a motivity weapon of what you get from the king's flame Fogo boss in area three now unfortunately you have to choose between this weapon and the Conquering amulet which sucks because the Conquering amulet is actually probably one of the best amulets if not the best one in the entire game but this weapon itself is actually still really good now unfortunately it is incredibly slow but when you actually use its Fable art altar actually do change up its moveset and its range and you actually do have less stamina consumption as well now the trade-off is that you do a little bit less damage but it definitely is worth it because it's a lot quicker and has a lot more range which makes it a lot more viable because when it's not transformed it's just way too slow for it to be usable but when you do transform it back to a children's version you actually do get a little bit of booster damage for about five seconds but in my opinion I'll just leave it just extended because this is going to be the much better option in my opinion but in terms of its other Fable Arts patience smash it actually is a really nice comboing attack that obviously can be combat up to three times to do a whole bunch of damage and also this weapon does actually get some very good damage action while dotting as well actually gets 71.87 when you block which is actually some of the highest in the entire game but definitely the best part about this weapon is this moveset when you have it extended the running attacks the charged heavy attacks the light attack combo it's all really good number six we have the proof of humanity now this is a quality or balanced based weapon gets a b scaling in both motivity and technique and it is a quite of the final boss in the game now this weapon is actually kind of unique because it's heavy attacks and running a heavy attacks do transform the weapon to actually dild and power sense it and you can get a bunch of hits off really quickly and do some decent amount of damage now also this weapon does get innate critical rate damage as well which means that some of your hits will just end up having bonus damage and one of his Fable Arts grinds actually does boost the chance of actually procking the critical hit as well and combined with his other Fable Arts link slash you actually can do a very high damaging combo to just end up melting a bunch of different types of enemies also another decent thing about this weapon is that it does have pretty high damage reduction rate when you guard as well but that probably is because that it is on the heavier side as well it actually does weigh 20.5 units but unfortunately the reason why it's not going to get higher on this list is that one its heavy attack is a longer animation sometimes you'd want to have a quick heavy attack so you're going to stagger a bit quicker and two the grind Fable art although it isn't too bad I feel like it is rather or something a little bit different to just do a bunch of damage really quickly order something a little bit more unique like something how the nameless puppet boss himself actually does transform his weapons to do it some poking attacks it'd be cool if like it just worked that way just transform the moveset because I do notice that using this weapon doesn't really get as much damage or damage output as some of the other weapons they actually will see on this list but overall it actually does perform pretty well number five we have orobory's eye now this is a technique weapon of what you get of lexasia which is an area 11 boss and this weapon is probably my favorite weapon in the entire game because not only does it look really cool but it spins up like a Beyblade which is absolutely based because yes it's Fable Arts stall notice does actually spin it up to where it makes us do a lot more damage now unfortunately this buff doesn't really last that long and it does consume two Fable charges I wish that it lasted a bit longer or they consumed one because in my opinion the best way to actually use this weapon is to not use that Fable art at all and actually to spam the other one instead wandering Moon which for also two Fable charges you just throw the weapon like a projectile which does some decent damage goes pretty far and actually does return to you as well but either way whichever one you use is to actually end up benefiting greatly but in my opinion the best part about this weapon is actually end up going to be its move sets because it's light attack combo is a very nice horizontal spread meaning you can actually hit multiple enemies at once and its heavy attack is a very nice vertical attack which means that it's not going to bounce off walls so you get some good variety with this move set and it gets a very very solid range as well and does some very decent damage so I would like to put it a bit higher but if the storm notice Fable art ended up getting buffed to where it was like I only consumed one charge or lasted a bit longer I would like it a lot more at number five we have the puppet Ripper now this is a technique open of what you get from the king of Puppets in area five let's hope and get some really good range with a slide attack combo and its heavy attacks get even more range because it basically extends it and uses the Scythe as like a whip which is just incredible concept by the way and it also gets some very nice horizontal spray when you have it fully charged so not only going to hit multiple enemies at once but it can go incredibly far I can go through walls not gonna really deflect off the walls much as well which is a very cool thing to have and this weapon also gets two Fable Arts that do very high damage my favorite one will end up being the quick upward slash which is basically just that a quick upward slash that just does a lot of damage but does consume three Fable charges but it definitely is worth it because it's going to be your highest damaging Fable odds and the other one is Storm spinning slash to which this spins up and around over and over again that does do some okay damage doesn't do as much damage as quick upper slash nor is quick obviously but it is going to be more of an AOE so it can actually hit multiple enemies at once now personally I wish that the hilt was actually something different that something complement it more because having two Fable Arts that both consume three isn't going to really be that beneficial and another downside is that the heavy attack doesn't really do that much damage but obviously the trade-off is going to be the amazing range that it does have so those things are going to stop me from putting it higher but it still is going to be an amazing weapon to use at number three we have the neblesse oblige now this is a motivity based weapon of what you get from Simon Manus which is an area 11 boss and this thing is just an absolute big bunking machine now as I said earlier about larger strength based weapons they tend to be pretty [ __ ] with the recovery animations then I get a hype Rama their movesets are very slow which for this thing it actually is pretty true the light attack combo is not that good it's full up heavy attack I don't really like it that much as well but they're running heavy attack and the regular heavy attack are absolutely amazing but the thing of which is going to carry this open is definitely going to be its Fable Arts hergo release is just absolutely ridiculous it does so much damage you just slams weapon down does a massive AOE and [ __ ] up everything now the downside is that it does actually consume Ergo albeit it's not that much especially being that you get this late in the game it's getting more of a new game plus type of thing now to use it you're gonna need more than 500 ergor anything less than 500 is this gonna be doing piss per damage and it turns out how much ogre that it does consume I'm not really too sure I use it at 600 it consumed about 500 I use it at 50 000 Ergo you can send about three thousand so you guys can do the math it's not that much also it doesn't really matter how much ogre that you do have the damage is still going to be about the same as long as you have more than 500 but as for its other Fable art in Duo actually is really good basically how it works is that it's a tanking attack well not attack it's a tanking move you just use it and you have about like a few seconds of just tanking almost everything just a few seconds of tanking it basically just increases your damage negation by about like 90 which is definitely a pretty cool attack especially if you're struggling trying to like deflect certain type of [ __ ] fear attacks are some of the end game bosses end up having so if you're struggling and you're panicking just click this button it only consumes one Fable charge and you end up benefiting number two we have the two dragon sword now this is a technique based weapon of which you acquire from the green swamp monster in area 8 and this is probably the most fun weapon to use in the entire game because it has an incredibly quick moveset that's very flashy looking as well sometimes it can be a bit annoying when it keeps like flailing all over the place sometimes it's hard to actually aim your attack but its heavy attack is so damn good basically how it works is that you can just tap it and do some cool backflip attack and your follow-up can be a nice lunge when you fully charge it the last part of the animation does actually work as a perfect gun and when you actually end up letting this perfect guard you end up doing a really nice follow-up attack that does some very good damage and appears very nicely alongside the Conquering amulet as well it's actually not much of a perfect guard as it is an actual Parry because they just end up getting staggered for a bit longer to which you have an opening to do like an extra follow-up heavy attack as well which means you can just melt enemies extremely quickly with this thing so just for its moveset alone and it's heavy tank it's another of reason for it to end up being top three but his Fable odds are actually pretty good as well link emergency Dodge is like in a Dodge that basically gets a bunch of iframes which is actually pretty decent to use I don't really use it much but you do get some follow-up attacks as well alongside with it that actually can do some nice damage wind of Swords is another Fable art of which actually has a very quick animation does actually serve as a projectile nice horizontal spread to hit multiple enemies at once doesn't really do as much damage but being how quick that it is it is very nice to clean up kills but yeah those heavy attacks is going to be the sole reason why this thing gets top three might take a little bit of actually getting used to and trying to memorize the timing of the heavy attack itself but once you get used to it you'll definitely notice how powerful it actually is number one the Trident of the Covenant another technique weapon of which you acquire from Andreas in area four now I don't know why more people aren't talking about this thing because this is just an amazing weapon it's one of the best weapons in the entire game and I think it's the best boss weapon because it probably has the best moveset known to man this thing has incredibly quick attacks very nice range those running heavy attacks are just ridiculous range and the regular heavy attack as well has a really nice lunge oh with how good the moveset actually is it also gets critical hit damage the same critical hit damage that that proof of humanity gets to some of its attacks it's just going to get bonus damage and combine that with the amazing Fable us that it does get link rushstab actually consumes two Fable Chargers does like a nice poking attack but you do get a follow-up attack that slams to the ground that gets even more damage actually gets a lot more damage than some of the other motivity based weapons in the game and its other Fable Arts is God Parry which is extremely good to have because only consumes one charge and if you just time it correctly you can just benefit greatly because you end up doing a lot of damage so in my opinion this thing this has zero weaknesses you have like an amazing moveset really good damage amazing Fable odds you get critical damage as well doesn't really weigh that much get decent scalings as well and compared to some of the other technique-based weapons actually gets some decent damage reduction when guarding this [ __ ] is just flawless I don't know what to say anyway that pretty much concludes it for that one as always please do like and subscribe I do have some more lies of P videos coming along the way and do let me know down in the comments what your opinions also I can actually argue with you guys because I love to argue with the comment section it's the best part about being a YouTuber anyway catch you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 356,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ul_nvqJPB3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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