Lies of P VS Lords of the Fallen! Which Game Is Better?

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so I have beaten both Lords of the fallen and lies of P about five times whether it be using different builds going into New Game Plus or beating the game at level one so actually do feel like I am qualified to make this video we are going to have a bunch of different categories nine in total and have them fight each other and see which one ends up with the most points now we can have a little class activity as well for the people that have played in beat in the game just let me know down in the comments what your final score is now one thing I also want to mention before I do get started is that both games actually have amazing support the developers are actually listening to a lot of the feedback for the players El and they actually constantly updating the game every now and then so by the time they actually might watch this video whether it be a few months from now the game might be in a different state but it is very nice to know that both games are actually getting changed for the better now please for the love of God don't just skip towards the end of the video looking at the final score thinking that actually means anything because what I'm saying throughout the video is what actually is going to have Merit and this video is made for the people that are unsure as to which one to buy so if you're a person that values things like level design bosses or quality of life you might lean more towards one game than the other but if you're a person that doesn't really value those things then you probably going to like the other game because at the end of the day liking something is completely subjective and we also shouldn't gatekeep these things as well cool we got it awesome let's get started okay now starting off with level design now when I talk about level design I'm specifically talking about the areas themselves not the entire game inheld or interconnects now with the level design for both games actually is pretty linear it is like one set narrow path from boss to boss but both games do have a nice amount of branching path that do offer some nice exploration and rewards now one thing I actually do appreciate about both games is that every single room end section does actually look different to the last there's RAR moments where actually walk in a room and it looks very similar and end up getting lost now Liza P doesn't really innovate with its level design as it is pretty traditional but it did perfect the interconnected level by having all these well-designed shortcuts that lead back to the Stargazer and they also have a healthy amount of stargazers as well so it feels very nice to this progress from area to area with no backtracking and coupled with a nice amount of enemies that are well placed it feels like a really smooth combat experience that just clear out the area do some nice Exploration with little to no frustration now with Lads of the the Fallen though they actually really did innovate in terms of the level design by adding a second world they actually added the umra world to where you actually die where you actually can manually teleport there to have a whole separate experience in the level design now this is actually pretty cool because having two separate areas means it actually adds extra elements to exploration and for them specifically actually allow them to add more puzzles in the areas as well now unfortunately you don't really benefit much by being in the regular world as most of the exploration and all the secrets are hidden in the arber world because the way that it stands right now is that the regular world is kind of like your easy mode you have an extra life less enemies where you also get less rewards whereas the umber world is the harder version with just more rewards but being that in most cases you kind of have to be in the umber world just to progress through the area it doesn't really offer you much of a choice I wish those is both different experiences with their own Secrets own enemies which can actually be another issue all the enemies and the regular world can actually be in the umbr world at the exact same time so there's plenty of times when you just die you get teleported to the umbrell and then you just get overwhelmed by a bunch of enemies and you kind of just forced to run away I just wish they were completely separate which could actually still work because the harder enemies are actually still in the umra world so it still will make for the harder experience and in terms of the puzzles they're actually very basic they kind of just served as random obstacles to just extend the play time and another small complaint that I do have is that the umber World kind of just all looks the exact same it's kind of hard to navigate it's not as easy or as fluid as it is with just the regular world but if I were to talk about just the level design itself outside of the secondary world it is very similar to lier p in terms of its well-designed shortcuts but it's just not as good as there are some shortcuts that is completely useless and also the game's level design is actually balanced around you creating your own checkpoints as there aren't many vestages throughout the world which I'm actually okay with if it actually allowed you to have more than one checkpoint up at a time which they don't so overall Lords of the Fallen is really good and I'm happy that they actually did innovate and change things up but Liza P was just a masterclass and level design getting into the world design now this is actually going to be a pretty broad category as it does cover the overall Vibe and atmosphere of the game as well as how the world all connects and progresses now starting off with Liza P it's extremely linear it's just one area after the other which can be fine because it's like impossible to [ __ ] up or get lost but it could still be an issue in terms of build creation because instead of having 20 weapons open to you at the beginning you only have five now this isn't much of an issue on your first playthrough but if you have a second or third you're definitely going to wish you had more freedoms now the world itself does actually interconnect really well playing the entire first half of the game and seeing it all wrap back around to the start is honestly insane now unfortunately the second half doesn't really do this as well we ever heard that one before but it doesn't really mean much as you can just teleport anywhere now one criticism I actually do have as well is that a lot of the areas do look very similar it's just one dull dark area leading into the next dull dark area which I guess does fit the theme of the game itself and being that actually has more of a realistic setting it does make more sense compared to the fantasy setting of Lords of the Fallen but just for me personally I do prefer to see a more diverse color palette as for the overall Vibe of the game though it is just phenomenal the game has such great character to it the NPCs are very well made the environmental storytelling with how the enemies can interact is really good and sometimes just a little things that just really make this game Stand Out close your come to me now as for Lords of the Fallon this game is not as linear you have a bunch more areas accessible to you for exploration earlier on which once again is great for build creation however in Lords of the Fallen it isn't the most intuitive in terms of progression as you get like a random key sometimes and you be left like okay now which of the thousands locked doors does this one unlock but something that actually does really well in is having a bunch of these like beacons that are lit up in the sky to actually try and tell you where you actually should be going next it actually is a very good form of environmental storytelling and another thing is that every single area looks extremely different to the last which obviously does differ a lot from Liza P just like traversing from a snow area to a lava area that goes into like some deep underground area it actually is really cool but in terms of the overall Vibe it is actually pretty nice it's very dark and depressing like Liza P however in Liza P does feel a little bit more creepy and nuanced whereas in this game it feels like everyone is just [ __ ] pissed off which honestly I can get behind I respect that but I feel like this was just done better in Liza p so overall in terms of world design I prefer the freedoms in Lords of the Fallen but I prefer the overall Vibe of Liza P so honestly I'll just give this one a tie I probably should have separated these things but you guys get the idea getting into the graphics and art design both of these games do it extremely well it is just going to be very subjective as to what type of art style you do prefer for me personally I just tend to prefer a more of Med evil setting so I actually might lean more towards Lords of the Fallen actually does get some very decent variety as well you can get some this amazing scenery with the cool medieval fantasy castles or you can get some like extremely like just weird hellish scenes as well and just progressing through the Overworld and loads of the fall on you end up getting this much more granded visuals but things that Liza P actually does do better in my opinion is facial animations they just look a lot better the cut scenes are also a lot better and I just feel like that animation quality in general just feels much more smooth and not really as Jank as it does for Lords of the Fallen sometimes but for me on this one I'm actually going to lean more towards the Lords of the Fallen because those visuals are insane bosses and enemies now both games have just Flawless boss and enemy art designs they just like look really cool have really cool animations as well so in terms of design there's like nothing bad I can say about them 10 out of 10 but unfortunately it kind of just ends there in terms of the balance because Liza P just clears and terms of enemies there just way more Nuance that have way more cool and unique interactions where would be deflecting the weapon and having it get snapped in half or even the most basic enemies having like a rabid Beast for a second phase whereas in Lords of the Fallen it feels like a lot of the enemies are just way more basic and don't really have much Nuance to their move sets at all cuz the way I feel it's actually balanced is that in lies ofp is that you have not many enemies throughout the Overworld but they're just more difficult and more challenging to fight against whereas in Lords of the Fallen they're more basic but they're just way more enemies which in my opinion I'd rather just fight the few enemies that are actually challenging it's that it's a cluster [ __ ] of just basic [ __ ] not going to lie and also Liza ped just adds like new enemies in almost every single area you either go up against like a new mini boss or just a new group of enemies and obviously this makes the whole game feel a lot more fresh whereas and Lords of the Fallen they kind of introduced like all their enemies right at the beginning and just kind of just use them throughout the entirety of the game some areas do change it up a little bit but for the most part they're exactly the the same especially like the last few areas they don't really have any new enemies at all like every single area just has a dog for some reason and in terms of the bosses this one's just not close as well Lords of the Fallen bosses are just incredibly basic some of them are actually really cool and fun to fight against but their quality of bosses feel like it's very dated they feel like the Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 2 era of bosses and how basic they actually feel whereas Liza P definitely feels very modernized definitely feels like I'm playing like nextg Souls like bosses cuz they're all like really complicated and they're actually really challenging as well which is what they should be which in Lords of the Fallen is didn't really like that they're pretty easy there was plenty of times where just like walk up to the boss especially in my first playthrough and just first tried the boss which should not be happening especially with how challenging it actually is to get to the boss itself like clearing out the area such an arduous and hellish task and the boss is just a cakewalk which I'm just not too big of a fan of now obviously this is a bit more subjective actually might differ from person to person but for me I'd rather have difficult bosses and not as annoying and difficult areas to go through but if you want to know more my opinions on the lier bosses themselves I have a whole dedicated video ranking all of them so if you want to know my opinions specifically you can go check that out but I really like them next up I want to talk about build creation Now I did want to label this build variety however Lords of the Fallen is like very deliberately going for good build creation and good build variety and the other end lies of p is deliberately not going for that because lies of P build creation is literally just the weapon itself and that is it just being able to like mix and match the hilts and the blades which is an amazing concept by the way to try and find like the perfect weapon combinations for move sets and weapon skills it's really cool but the reason why I say it doesn't have much build variety outside of that is because every single build just feels the exact same I've done playthroughs with motivity technique and advance and every build just feels the same and it's purely because that you can just keep on mix and matching different types of heils with blades with almost every single type of build and with using cranks you can pretty much just have the exact same weapons for all the builds which is deliberate on their partt CU they actually want to make it to where you're just constantly changing up your weapon depending on what area you're actually going into they just want you to constantly experiment and just use different types of stuff which this is true because the game just throws a whole bunch of upgrade materials at you to just have all your weapons just be upgraded basically and another reason that's to why this is true is because there's no requirements there's like no requirements for anything you can use whatever the [ __ ] you want at all times and even with Legion arms it's kind of the exact same thing most of them kind of work the exact same way that there's like different versions of projectiles but like depending on what area you're going through or depending what boss you're fighting you'd actually want to go with a different type of Legion arm and with how stats actually work in this game you don't really benefit much of actually going to level up an attribute stat compared to some of the other games so using a legion arm with any type of build is still going to be very viable now another thing that actually enhances the build creation of liip is going to be the P organ the skill system which skill trees don't really offer much in terms of build variety because you can just like Max them all out and they're not really like limited in anyway so like inherently they're just not going to be as good for build variety but obviously all the really cool perks and stuff like that you can acquire from the skill tree definitely enhances the creation of the build itself but yeah the entire build variety of lier is just the weapons there's 40 in total every single one does get its own unique move set and they all get two different weapon skills as well one for the hilt and one for the blade and most of these skills are actually unique which if you guys did want to know compared to Lords of the Fallen it has 45 weapons which is 100 more weapons than Liza p and that only gets 15 different move sets and no weapon skills roughly 15 but that's still kind of crazy so that's kind of an L on lws of the Fallen part I wish they did have some more move sets but thankfully they actually have more going for it cuz every single type of build does have its own range and projectile based options even with like your strength and dexterity based builds they have the options of thoral objects bows and crossbows and these things actually do work the exact same way as spells do and they just replenish they're not finite at all which is an amazing concept I've always wanted that in the souls games please from software do that and the Spells themselves are actually really cool as well every spell type does offer 20 different types of spells there's a bunch of them that give you some really cool Buffs and there's a bunch of really good damaging and support type spells as well so already the build variety of Lords of the Fallen just from that alone is better but I wouldn't say the build creation is as good until you actually go ahead and use things like the runes and the lamp sockets because runes are kind of like your blood gems you can just equp them onto your weapons even your Shield which is something else I haven't even mentioned you can actually do shielded combat or power stance or two-handed but the runes though are actually really nice additions to your build at itself because some of these things can add really nice perks to like your damage or your status effect buildup or health regen and then when it comes to your lamp socket it kind of works very similar in how the runes do work that just add some more effects and perks to your build itself where there just be some like more health regen in Umber form more damage to Soul form just adding another Soul FL charge as well one thing I also forgot to mention is the Rings or amulets and Li of P I just feel like the Lords of the Fallen rings are just way more fleshed out than the amulets are in Li of P especially when you include the pendants as well cuz there's plenty of cool stuff out there for like stamina regen health regen boosting damage but there's also really cool unique stuff out there like being able to proc one status effect and it just inherently procs another one for free or being able to cast different sorceries with the wrong Catalyst also just makes build creation and Min maxing just amazing so the cool and unique interesting stuff you can do with your build and Lords of the Fallen you can like definitely minmax the [ __ ] out of your build and just create the most broken ass stuff and just melt [ __ ] really quickly I feel like you can't really do that in lies of P you still can really make some cool combinations but the mid maxing potential stacking Buffs finding the correct runes equipping the correct lamp sockets I just feel like that concept enhances the build creation a lot more combat okay listen up this will be the most important thing you guys will ever hear in your entire lives this is very important everybody needs to know about this combat in the souls games has very little to do with your play characters abilities obviously it has some importance but what the souls formula actually is and what fromsoftware innovated or like rein I don't know that's probably word who cares but they shifted the attention from the play character to the enemy or boss which means that the combat is memorizing boss move sets and then reacting accordingly now this is the reason as to why we can just do nothing but spam the exact same button throughout the entire playthrough and it won't feel boring or stale because every single time you fight a new enemy it's a new experience look at a game like secutor it's hailed as like the king of combat all you're doing is clicking the L1 button but why is it good cuz look at this [ __ ] it's Flawless it's amazing now the deflect mechanic does have a lot to do with this but the point of which I'm trying to make is that it doesn't matter how good your combat system is if your enemies and bosses suck your combat's going to suck but being that already talked about bosses and enemies we're just going to separate that and purely talk about the combat system now both of these games have a very similar combat system both get that same Hunter Dodge the Dodge roll and locked off they both get a deflect mechanic a Poise breaking mechanic they both can take partial damage when blocking and can actually end up getting that Health back when you do damage back yourself and when staggering an enemy you have to do a Charged heavy attack to complete the posture break they pretty much all work the exact same way but the main difference is that Lords of the Fallen is just way more forgiving in all of those areas you just get more eye frames with your Dodge you can like Sprint faster you can roll further your deflect frames are just way more forgiving as well and you're not just limited to just using a Charged heavy to get the posture break you could also kick or power and in terms of getting your health back after blocking in Liza P it just gradually goes down over time whereas in Lords of the Fallen as long as you're not taking damage that withering effect is actually never going to go down and you can actually never die while blocking as well because you just take no partial damage whereas in Liza P you actually can take partial damage depending on the build that is one thing I actually completely forgot about is that Lords of the Fallen doesn't actually get any backstabs at all where lier actually does even though it is actually somewhat inconsistent but Lords of the fall and not having backstabs or traditional backstabs at least is definitely disheartening because it just makes makes combat flow a lot nicer especially when you're trying to get ganked by a thousand different smaller enemies but looking at other things that the games do offer Lords of the Fallen does actually have like you know spells and range options and projectiles that are a lot more fleshed out than the range and projectile options that Liza P has but one thing that Liza P does get is a bunch of cool perks VI the skill tree now unfortunately there are some like really like good perks that you feel like they should be part of the base kit that are tied behind the skill tree like being able to roll when you're just knock down to the ground okay I just want to chime in really quick cuz actually was just a live stream today and the developers did actually say they were're going to fix this issue and actually might come round about later this month or getting someone back of that guard regain Health back when you deflect but at least it's better than what you get in Lords of the Fallen because every single time that you deflect you still take a bit of Chip damage which is just like that withering damage but it's still kind of annoying and another perk on the skill tree not being able to take durability damage when you deflect is also something that should be just part of the base kit I just hate durability in general like in every single game I don't know why they have to implement it into this one now thankfully it is like a little bit more flesh out and actually is a cool mechanic and it is easily counted in Li of P but I still don't like it so with all that being said I feel like that Lords of the Fallen has more upsides in terms of its combat system but once again bosses and enemies is most important but I guess Lords of the Fallen can get the win on this one performance yeah this is lier P this is not even close um lier p is just like perfected haven't like encountered any bugs in that game I think it's crashed on me like once in my hundreds of hours of playing no frame drops it just runs so [ __ ] perfectly cannot say the same about Lords of the fall and I'm pretty sure everyone knows about it as well I've played it on both PS5 I played it on PC as well I have never had it experienced where I've had 60 FPS for like longer than like 30 seconds straight which for me it's not like the biggest deal in the world I've played bloodborne but unfortunately the problems don't just end there there's still a bunch of random crashes weird texture bugs clipping issues which thankfully they actually are improving on every day or every other day they feels like they're just adding a new patch for just bunch of bug fixes and improving performance which is nice and hopefully like maybe like months from now it ends up being somewhat decent but at the moment the performance is just not good and it should not have been released in this state okay getting into replayability now replayability is basically just the PVP ends New Game Plus now being that Liza P has zero online and Lords of the Fallen online is this complete Doug [ __ ] the servers are like worse than from software somehow pretty sure the PVP is like already dead so with that being said I think nobody wins that one by getting into the new game plus for Lords of the Fallen thankfully they had an update to where they actually had the enemies not be complete [ __ ] and they actually added some of the vestages back as well because they had the intelligent idea when they made the game to not actually have any vestages which are your checkpoints throughout any part of New Game Plus which makes it just beyond unplayable and just completely obnoxious to play through but thankfully now in New Game Plus you actually have some of them back once you get to New Game Plus 2 and three you're basically going to have none left and the new game plus itself doesn't really change up anything it's pretty much the exact same game just like way harder but one thing that actually does do though is that when you get one of the endings of the games it actually does unlock a new starting class to which you can like play through with that which I guess only really affects the early game because some of the stuff that you actually get isn't really that far into the game anyway so I guess the only purpose to replay Lords of the Fallen is to probably try out some of the other new builds that you haven't tried out before which can be good cuz you can make really fun builds with every single type but like if you already played the game with like a Radiance and Inferno based build then you pretty much did everything so you're basically playing the game to get the umbrell ending cuz if you didn't get the umbrell ending then every other endings Final Bosses is absolutely terrible so yeah the replayability lies behind the build Variety in the game as for lies ofp obviously no on line the new game plus once again doesn't really change up much except for this enemies hitting a lot harder and they do hit a lot harder but thankfully your skill tree actually does get an extended P it gets a phase six in New Game Plus and a phase seven in new game plus two which is actually really cool because like some of the best perks are actually tied behind those and these actually really enhance the combat and make the new game plus and plus two experience at least somewhat bearable because they can be really hard so for me I'm just going to go based on what I actually enjoyed to replay the most and for me it was lies of P I like the new game plus better it was purely because like at least I had bonfires and I had something to look forward to in new upgrades whereas in Lords of the Fallen was just like testing out new builds but I did replay both games at level one and both are actually really enjoyable playthroughs and ironically my favorite playthrough of Lords of the Fallen was actually my level one run because the game could be so stingy with like the Vigor which is basically like your souls or runes and you always have to like spend them on like leveling up but you also have to buy a whole bunch of materials buying some Mana stones and things like that but when I had my level one run I didn't have to worry about leveling up at all I just spent all the stuff that I wanted to buy all the materials all the ammunition pouches it was really fun and M maxing a level one Runner is really cool as well so I feel that Lords of the Fallen has more play in terms of challenge runs out there but liip has more incentive and replayability so I don't know I proba just give this one to Liza P I can now getting into quality of life this one is just not even close it's probably just as much of a discrepancy as the performance-based one because Liza P just clears so much I'm just going to list like 10 things that Liza does better they not less like about a few things the few things that Lords of the Fallen does better in terms of quality of life if I'm missing anything just let me know down in the comments but one thing that Lords of the Fallen does not do well is that a lot of NPC quest lines are extremely sensitive you just like enter one area then all of a sudden that is dead or they'll teleport then you just miss out on a whole bunch of really good items and like the best spells and to get the best ending in the game it involves you having to kill the blacksmith which the blacksmith smth sells like all the upgrade materials that you need some of the best stuff obviously socketing your runes upgrading your weapon now there's like somebody else's quest line you actually can do to counteract this but if you [ __ ] up their quest line that means you just have the whole end game not being able to upgrade your weapon or being able to buy upgrade materials whereas on Liza P there's nothing like that all the items are very easy to obtain and none of the important items are tied behind very sensitive NPC quest lines next quality of life change is infinite resp you can infinitely Respec in Liza P very easily don't even have to farm for nothing all you got to do is just like play the game and you can also like Respec your skill tree Respec how much you actually level up your Legion on whereas in Lords of the Fallen you can like Respec like four times per playthrough because you have to like get certain types of items I hate not having infinite Respec in these Souls games it's even stupid in Elden ring next actually having a damage testing area in the hub world there's literally an area to test out your damage which is just Flawless every single Souls game should have this loads of the Fallen does not number four resetting elevators in Li of P you don't even have to send the elevator up or down it just automatically resets depending on where you are but in LS of the Fallen not only does it not even automatically reset but you can't even send it back up or down please it's like one little quality of life update number five having the Ogo drop outside of the Boss Arena is like incredibly huge so when you die to the boss it just drops your souls outside that you can just pick them up without even entering the boss room what a fantastic luxury number six it tells you where the NPCs actually are the icons will just light up in the Stargazer HUD and it'll tell you exactly who you need to talk to at what time you just go there talk to the NPC it just makes doing the quest lines so intuitive and so nice don't have to resort to like looking up guides looking up you videos which 90% of the people end up doing anyway so I don't know why the game just doesn't want to just do it themselves number seven infinite use Homewood bone if you don't know what a Homewood bone is is an item what you use that can teleport you back to the latest checkpoints or back to the hub world and you literally get this item right at the beginning of the game it's so nice to have it just saves having to run all the way back to the Stargazer there's so many times you have to go back to the hub world it's just so cool to have whereas and Lords of the Fallen not only are these items very finite you can't even go choose the option to teleport back to the hub and these items are actually hard to acquire like you have to farm these things of like very annoying enemies and if you want to purchase them they're very expensive as well which Speaking of which getting into number eight the economy is such a problem in laws of the Fallen you just don't get much Vigor of things and things that just incredibly expensive if you want to upgrade your weapons it just costs so much like getting one weapon to like plus 10 cost like 30,000 bger which like endgame bosses don't even drop that much it costs so much to buy upgrade materials because the game just doesn't give you enough so you have to just do constant farming all the time I've never had to farm a single time in Li ofp but on Lords of the fall and I'm doing nothing but farming just I'm going to buy the most simple and basic of things and lier P just gives you all the oggo in the world to just buy all the materials upgrade your weapon very easily you can easily upgrade like about seven or eight weapons to Max in lier P even though there's only 40 weapons there's over 140 weapons in Lords of the fallen and you can only get four weapons to Max and you have to upgrade multiple things cuz you sometimes you want a power stance or even upgrade a catalyst the fact that only gives you the ability to actually max out like four items is very silly number nine rechargeable pole cells when you actually run out of pole cells you can just do damage damage or just kill enemies to end up getting some of that pulse cell charge back there's so many times where you just like run out of pulse cells but like it just ends up clutching up and it makes a nice sound as well to tell you they end up getting a pul cell back it just makes combat feel so nice and very rewarding at the same time and then number 10 you don't have to farm for [ __ ] and Li a p every single weapon is a guaranteed drop of something you pick it up out of a chest all the important items are as well you don't have to farm for anything in that game it's so great I don't know why all the souls like games or fromsoft games in general they always feel the need to have you farm for stuff especially when they have so many weapons and armor as well and they won't even be like very forgiving drop rates they'll be like 1% 2% drop rates now thankfully in Lords of the Fall there actually are ways to get like some nice guaranteed drops with the runes but I think farming is pretty silly but getting into the quality of life changes that Lords of the Fallen does really well one interchanging the Spells now obviously I know Li of Fe doesn't have any spells but I still want to talk about it cuz it is really cool being able to just switch your spells on the Fly is just so nice number two leveling up at the bonfire you can't really do that in liip until like at the end of the playthrough or in New Game Plus which is unfortunate and number three armor d you can like die your armor I guess that's it if there's any other quality of life changes I'm missing please let me know down in the comments we can discuss it there anyway that PRS concludes it for that one this is the final score as always this is not a good representation as to what game is actually better depending on what categor is actually important to you be depending on which game you actually might like the best for me the categories that lier P one tend to be the ones that I like the most so for me it's not even close Liza is like the way better game but for you it might be different but do let me know what your scores are down below in the comments and please do like and subscribe as well you have to like you have to like And subscribe if you don't I'll literally start crying and [ __ ] and pissing
Channel: Youwy
Views: 56,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WkYRS5EPb2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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