Best Weapon? 7 AMAZING Weapon Combinations In Lies of P

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hey what's up guys today we're going to be talking about seven of the best weapon combinations in Li ofp now I did try to cover a wide variation didn't really want to talk about the same type of weapon combination over and over again now if you did want to know about the boss weapons I do have a whole dedicated video ranking every single one of them so you can check that one out I'll link it down below now there are plenty of different types of weapon combinations in this game so I probably haven't really covered every single little one so if you do have your own findings as to what you consider to be the best or whatever you think that's actually really good just let me know down in the comments just to let you guys know this list is not in any particular order every single one of these builds is just as good as one another so if you actually haven't decided on a build yet just pick the one that looks the coolest to you because they're all really good yeah that the way let's just get started starting off I want to talk about the salamander dagger blade alongside the acidic Crystal spear handle now this is going to be more of an advanced type build as the handle does actually offer an a scaling in advance and when you put an advanced crank onto it you actually can bump it up to an sc scaling which is really nice now this is going to pair very well with the salamander dagger blade as it does get that innate fire damage so actually will end up procing the overheat even quicker and the Fable art ignit will also do the exact same thing now another good thing about the handle it gets a very solid move set it's a bunch of quick poking attacks so you can pair it alongside the armor of God to just constantly get a bunch of damage really quickly and the handle Fable art single stab although it does consume three slots and actually does have a longer charging animation it does actually have some nice range and do some very good damage in one hit now the downside to the blade is that you cannot actually buffer with any type of Elemental abrasive or grindstone so the grindstone to pair it alongside with would be the destruction grindstone to just get more stagger damage but you definitely want to be utilizing different types of elements like electric and acid theatri playthrough so if you go up against puppets I would just recommend using the coil stick head and if you go up against humans I would recommend using the acidic Crystal head but if you didn't want to actually level up two different types of weapons you could actually go with the Tyrant blade as this one is still just a dagger so it's still going to have a very quick move set actually does get some critical damage and obviously you can actually buff it with any type of grindstone but with how light and quick this weapon actually is and how much damage you can output it definitely is going to be one of the better options next up one of talk about the bone cutting s blade alongside the military shovel handle now this is just a very long boy the blade itself the bone cutting s blade does actually have some very nice damage obviously really good range does actually get a pretty decent Fable lot that's actually very quick and the followup attack just makes it do enormous amounts of damage and it also gets about 70% of damage reduction rate while guarding so needless to say this blade is one of the best in the entire game will actually pair well with almost every single handle especially all the ones that you'll see on this list but we're going to pair it alongside the military shovel handle which also gets amazing range and its Fable art is Alter which extends the range even further so you basically have this ridiculously long pole that can just hit things very hard which is very fun to do might I add now the move set itself is actually pretty decent you have some very solid variety obviously isn't going to be the quickest thing in the world because it is a larger weapon but the light attack combo is a nice horizontal swipe which yes you can run the risk of actually deflecting your weapon off the wall but that's perfectly fine because the heavy attacks is a nice poke and when charged actually is a nice vertical swipe that actually is very quick quick and does enormous amounts of damage and this handle does get a c scaling in both motivity and technique so you actually can pair it alongside any type of build just use a motivity or technique crank and you'll be perfectly fine next on the list we have the big pipe wrench head with the crat police baton handle now you might have seen this combination a bunch before because it's just really powerful you can just do so much damage in one hit with this bad boy it's just that good now the wrench head does actually have amazing damage gets almost 74% damage reduction while guarding and its Fable art does ridiculous damage especially when fully charged you can destroy so many things in this game very quickly with this bad boy and pairing it alongside the crack police baton handle with its Fable art strike chance does boost the damage of your next hit by roughly like 70% so you just get even more damage in one hit when you pair it alongside this handle it's just ridiculous now the move set that you get with this handle I'm not too big of a fan of with this light attack combo because it kind of stops halfway so there's a lot of times where you end up just missing but it heavy attacks are very quick which is obviously nice to have because you end up just staggering enemies a lot quicker and it is a a motivity based handle so you actually can get some very nice Stager damage with those heavy attacks anyway but just the stats on this open alone is just ridiculous look at all the damage that it gets the Fable charge charge pul Soul stat it's just ridiculous next we have the pistol Rock drill Blade with the Tyrant murderous dagger handle now this is just another case of having a high damaging blade alongside a quicker handle because that's kind of just going to be the met in this game but in this instance we have the pistol Rock drill blade which is a very nice weapon that gets critical rates now critical rate is basically a chance of which you can actually just do bonus damage with one you re hits in this case is a 30% chance to get 50% more damage now this weapon's Fable art is grind of which actually further improves the critical rate Chance by an additional 30% and you can pair this build alongside the Assassin's amulet which actually does boost your critical rate damage by 25% so the way you actually look at it is that you have a 60% chance to do 75% more damage with every single hit so we're going to pair this alongside a quicker type of handle of which Just Hits enemies really quickly so you basically have a very good chance of just always having that critical hit damage up and you compare this alongside the arm of God amulet to just get a bunch more damage and as keeps sping those light attacks and those charged heavy attacks as well because that is hit multiple times which obviously this only benefits now the Fable art of the hilt is quick stab although I don't really care for it much it is very low risk as it's a very quick attack you can't really go wrong is it relatively cheap as well and it is just decent damage in one hit so it actually can pair nicely with the conqueror's amulet also now you might be thinking to pair this alongside the satisfaction grindstone but there isn't much of a benefit to further improve the critical rate damage You' much be better off going into the elemental grindstones as a did mention in my grindstone video you just benefit way more but basically this entire build is just trying to get as much Fable art as you can constantly use grind to just do a bunch of damage spam those light attacks and charged heavy attacks and you'll be perfectly fine now next is the electric coil stick head and the boosters glaive handle now the electric coil stick is a very popular weapon because you get it really early on it does innate electric damage so it's extremely good against puppets now unfortunately you actually cannot buff this with different types of elements so once you end up fighting things like carcasses and humans you don't really have access to fire or acid damage in this instance so I do recommend switching to a different head for those types of situations probably something like the great sword of Fate or the pench head both of those can perform extremely well but if you didn't want to do that you can still find plenty of success with the electric coil stick head because shock damage still performs well against everything it they just make them take more stagger damage which is really nice and you can proc shock really quickly with this weapon because it's Fable art to generate just adds even more electric Blitz damage now we're going to pair this along sides the boosters glaive handle which is a nice technique based handle which does get a relatively quick light attack combo but definitely the selling point of this is going to be those charged ter attacks which make you just yeat yourself from one side of the Arena to the other now this is going to be extremely good in a game like this because you don't really have longer openings so having something that can close a distance really quickly can trivialize a whole bunch of enemies and bosses so the way I like to use it it just Spam a whole bunch of charged heavy attacks and you actually end up getting some decent stagger damage along the way and you can pair it alongside the destruction grindstone because being that you can't really use any of the elemental grind stones it can actually make for a very nice pairing the Fable Arts patient slash when fully charged can also do very good damage and have a very nice lunge although it is better to be using it at Point Blank Range being that it does hit multiple times in that area but if you did feel like that range was a problem throughout your playthrough I would recommend picking up this handle right here because those heavy tacks does actually work wonders now next up we have the live puppets ax Blade with the puppets saber handle now this bad boy blade right here takes up your entire screen to where you can't really see anything half the time but thankfully the damage is just outright ridiculous and the Damage reduction rate when guarding is like closer to 78% which is just ridiculous definitely the highest in the entire game and it Fable art Killer attack does actually get some very nice damage very quickly so this definitely can get some of the highest damage in the entire game with just one hit so once again being that it's larger and heavier we're going to pair it alongside a quicker type of handle now this instance we're going to pair it alongside the puppet saber handle which gets a very solid combo nice horizontal swipes so that's light attack it's charge heavy is actually a very nice double swipe now this move set is very similar to the dancers blade which honestly I might prefer the dancers blade a little bit more and the fact that it actually does get guard Parry with the densers blade means that it can perform a lot better but if you're a person that cannot land guard Parry for the life of you this can actually be a very decent alternative because this handles Fable art is concentrate to which boost your damage by about 15% for like 15 seconds which obviously is really nice to have throughout a fight cuz you can stacker with your other Buffs and just melt everything really quickly but if you do know how to use God par I would just recommend using the dancers blade instead but either way you can't really go wrong because you can get very solid damage out of this combo right here now the last weapon of what you want to talk about is the black steel cutter blade alongside the dancer's curved sword handle now the black steel cutter blade is a very solid blade does actually get some nice range very solid damage good damage reduction while guarding as well and it's Fable art storm slash does actually hit multiple times can do some nice damage output and do that nice overheat buildup now being that it does get the innate fire damage unfortunately you cannot buffer with different types of elements so it's going to be really good at killing humans and carcasses but unfortunately against puppets you're probably better off using something like the electric coil head or you could just use the bone cutter as well now any of those things can actually work because we're going to pair it alongside the dancers's curved sword handle which is going to be one of the better if not the best handle in the entire game because it gets a very solid mov set especially with those heavy attacks fully charged gets some really good range really solid damage and its Fable art is guard Parry which is just the best damage to Fable charge ratio in the entire game because it only consumes one slot and does really good damage now unfortunately it would actually require you to just get off a very well timed Parry now if trying to get the guard par was hard for you I would recommend just going with the Poo saber handle as I mentioned before because it gets a very similar move set but you just get concentrate as its Fable art instead but one other benefit that the dances curve sword handle does get is that it has a better scaling it gets a b scaling of technique and a c scaling of motivity compared to the puppet saber C scaling in both so the fact that it gets an amazing move set you get very good damage good overheat buildup decent range good Fable charge very solid Fable art as well both blade and handle are very good options anyway that pretty much concludes it for this one as always please do like and subscribe cuz I do have some more Li ofp videos coming along the way and do follow me on Twitch cuz I am there every single day doing some challenge runs of all the souls games so yeah see you next one guys bye
Channel: Youwy
Views: 158,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1Y8g_62h3_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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