Ranking EVERY Primary Weapon Tierlist After Patch Helldivers 2 Polar Patriots Update

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I spent over 24 hours in game testing every single primary weapon this patch against both factions so what's the best primary weapon in the game well that's going to depend on your build and mainly your support weapon so I have a different kind of primary weapon tier list and what you'll be seeing from most YouTubers and I want to quickly explain how I order my tiers so that we could just get right into the in-depth video so against bugs I'll bring a single Target weapon when I'm using a mobbing support like a flame thrower I'll pair a dominator with that but I'll bring a mob clear weapon when I'm using rocket launchers you know I don't really like the S tier format because you can't call the Dominator an S tier just because it's great against bile spitters and run that with a rocket launcher because I feel you'll run into problems every time a little Hunter Squad shows up and vice versa if you're using a mob clear weapon with a flamethrower you'll run into problems every time a bile spitter shows up so for me personally all four of these tiers can be S tier with the right support weapon and the right build and I order things left to right now on the other hand against bots it's a little bit different because pretty much the on Hell dive difficulty you're running into so many Devastators I feel your primary weapon needs to be pretty decent at taking Devastators out and you'll notice there's a lot more lower tiers against bots now to quickly explain explosive weapons because you see that at the top of both tiers explosive weapons can be pretty good single Target damage they can they might also be pretty good mobbing damage but explosive weapons notably deal with weak spots a lot better so an explosive weapon will pop a bile Titan Sack or a charger butt quicker than many other weapons and against bots it will notably deal damage to the heat sinks even if you don't directly land on them so you just need to land the bullets close to the heat sinks now I did also live stream all of this here on this YouTube channel so subscribe and turn on notifications if you want to catch my live streams and let's go ahead and get straight into the tier lists first assault rifle you unlock in the game which is the Liberator now the Liberator against bugs really doesn't feel too bad but but it's also not the best thing ever you will notice that your time to kill isn't really horrible but at the same time you will be reloading a lot and this gun is light penetrating so that you won't really be using these against bile spitters it's not the best at taking out stalkers and you kind of got to shoot the weak points in the hive guards so this gun is just pretty average against bugs now when it comes to bots on the other hand I actually think this is a pretty trash tier weapon you have to land three bullets into the Devastator heads to even kill them and In the Heat of battle you'll find yourself spamming half a magazine and hoping that three bullets get into a Devastator head just to take it out so quickly moving along we've got the Liberator penetrator now against bugs I think it's a little bit better than the Liberator because it has similar time to kill on most things but the notable difference is that you actually can shoot Hive guards directly in their head and you actually can kill bile spitters with this gun but it's still not that great it's still a pretty average weapon to me and against bots it is surprisingly worse than the Liberator because you still really want to aim for those head shot with Devastators and you still need to land three bullets in the head of Devastators to kill them and notably against bots it just has a smaller magazine than the regular Liberator so you'll find yourself reloading more often and now let's quickly move on to the Liberator concussive and this is the only trash tier weapon against bugs I don't think many people disagree with this but this gun just doesn't really do a lot of damage and it has even less in the magazine compared to the other two liberators so I really just don't like it against bugs now on the other hand against bots it really doesn't feel different to the other liberators you still need three bullets to the head of Devastators it still kills little Bots but notably I'm actually ranking it higher than the other two liberators against bots because again you still just need three head shot to Devastators except the difference is at least Devastators won't be shooting back at you while you're shooting this at them because it will stun lock them it's still pretty trash tier so I really don't recommend using it but it's kind of funny to see that difference against bots compared to bugs all right and now we got the tenderizer our first new war bond weapon and this is pretty average now in my opinion this is a side grade to The Liberator on paper it has worst time to kill against bugs but surprisingly the handling of it is actually pretty amazing it has almost zero recoil which is actually quite nice and I ended up liking it a lot more than the Liberator for that reason because realistically it's not really much better or much worse than the Liberator but it has no recoil and it just feels a lot better for me to use so ultimately I wouldn't care if you said it was worse than The Liberator but I just like this gun a lot more and it kind of falls into that same tier against bots where it basically just doesn't really do too much but it has no handling so for me personally I rank it higher just because I like shooting this gun but at the end of the day it is pretty average so next we've got the adjudicator now the adjudicator was in the Democratic detonation war bond and the adjudicator again is an average Weapon It's solid it does 80 damage per shot so your time to kill on specific enemies is a bit faster than the Liberator but it does have a smaller magazine and you do still have to reload it pretty often but it does have medium armor pen so you can shoot Hive guards in the head it's honestly a pretty solid weapon but I feel like reloading so often kind of drags it down a little bit and I do actually like the style of the gun and I do like shooting the gun once again but at the end of the day it's the end of the day this is just another average weapon to throw onto the tier list but on the other hand against bots it actually gets upgraded to the average tier because it notably Two Shots Devastators in the face so if you're looking for a average assault rifle to bring against bots I actually think adjudicator is the answer it is medium armor penetrating it's going to be a little bit better against Berserkers compared to the other liberators but again it's mostly a side grade but like I said it only takes two bullets to kill Devastators in the head withth so in my opinion against bots it reaches a break point where it is a bit better than all the other assault rifles so before we get into the recently buffed marksman rifles we have to talk about today's sponsor blazing boost now blazing boost provides the gaming Community with Professional Services in Hell divers 2 they offer sample farming war bond leveling and connecting you with a pro so you can understand and play the game at a higher level they have over 34,000 reviews on trust pilot and have been in the industry since 2012 and they have Pro players available to play with you instantly you can use code thick 8 to get 5% off your orders and I recommend clicking their Link in the description if you're looking to level up your hell diving all right so now moving on to the D now the diligence was recently buffed this patch and again it's going into the average tier against bugs now I would like to put a big asterisk here in saying that if you can keep your encounters long range the diligence will actually be a pretty solid weapon in fact if you could force yourself into long range against bugs all the time I would actually move it higher maybe as a single Target weapon it would end up being closer to the bottom of the single Target weapons but the problem with marksman rifles against bugs is you can't always control how far you're fighting them there will be even if you're really good at that there will probably come a point in your game where you're getting swarmed and ultimately a marksman rifle just isn't the best option when you're getting swarmed that's when you'll notice the downside of it now against bots that's where we see the diligence will go up I'm putting it in the great tier it's very solid it does two step Devastators in the head but the handling of this weapon is very nice and it can even one tap the small Bots to the body so it's actually pretty good for taking out some of the mobs now you'll you'll find out later in the tier list it's pretty much at the bottom of great now the second Marksman rifle the counter sniper now the counter sniper was heavily buffed it is a very solid single Target weapon however it's going to be at the top of the average tier again if you could force your engagements against bugs to be long range the counter sniper actually does very solid damage it has medium armor pen it'll kill bile spitters very fast it'll kill Hive guards it's actually very solid single Target damage against bugs but you just can't force those long range engagements all the time and as soon as you find yourself getting swarmed you'll kind of wish you had a different weapon at the same time I almost want to put this at the bottom of single Target just to tell people that this is actually a really solid weapon you C if you are using like a flamethrower for example and you need a gun for bile spits it's really not that bad but I just don't think it's as useful against bugs as it is bots so I am keeping it at the top of my average tier for now now against bots on the other hand you'll see that the counter sniper by the of this list it'll be near the top of great it one Taps Devastators to the Head it has great handling it kills all the small Bots very easily it has medium armor pen you can shoot this against the factory Strider turrets for example for that reason even though it's not the best weapon to take out Factory Strider turrets it is a very solid weapon and I think since they buffed this in the last patch a lot of people are enjoying this weapon right now and honestly if you like marksman rifles I think the counter sniper is the best one and I definitely recommend it to those who like that play style all right so now moving on to the defender and the defender is a very solid weapon against bugs now this gun does good damage it has good accuracy it has a really big magazine and most notably it's a one-handed weapon so you can run away from groups of hunters while shooting and spraying behind you it actually does stagger Hunters a little bit so if you're really good at flicking between Targets this is actually a very solid mob clearing weapon against bugs I think the defender is a bit underrated when it comes to bugs people just think it's a ballistic shield weapon but it's really not it's very solid now against bots on the other hand this is pretty much a ballistic shield weapon most notably this two shots Devastators to the head so like how I talked about all the Liberator variants the reshot them the defender Two Shots them now you'll notice on this list it does end up near around the middle of the great tier and that's because I do think that this gun against bots is pretty much dedicated to the ballistic shield I think you could use it without the ballistic shield because it does have really good handling and it is very accurate but at the same time it's definitely best when it is paired with that shield and I think if you're not using the ballistic shield which a lot of people aren't then it's still a good weapon don't get me wrong but if you're not using the ballistic shield you definitely want to go with like the counter sniper or the Dominator or some other weapons we're going to be talking about later all right so now on to the pummeler another new gun from the war bond now the pummeler is basically a Defender clone except it has concussive and how we just talked about how the defender is basically better than the The Liberator well the pummeler is way better than the concussive Liberator and personally I feel that a lot of people are calling this new war bond bad and they're kind of sleeping on the pummeler right now or we also have that unspoken rule where we just call it bad so that the devs don't Nerf it but ultimately the pummeler is very very solid this thing will stun lock any enemy below Chargers and I'm going to be experimenting with this gun in particular a lot more now it does have five less damage than the defender but it doesn't reach a break point where it takes less bullets against bugs that you're going to be noticing that damage difference if anything the less fire rate is more noticeable but the Stagger definitely makes up for it you can actually stun lock stalkers and that is the big difference between the pummeler and the defender this thing is a stalker killer now it does stay in the mob Clear Spot it can actually interrupt the green bile spitters from shooting at you but it doesn't really do a great job at killing green bi spitters so you might want to stun them just to get them to stop spitting and then switch off to your grenade pistol or switch off to your support weapon it really is a mobbing weapon and it's probably less good against bugs than it is Bots uh just because bugs have a lot tankier enemies uh underneath the Chargers whereas against bots most of the mobs are just Devastators and it twoot Taps them in the face now I will say that it twoot Taps them in the face at close range I'm not sure if it's if it has damage fall off for longer range this gun did just come out and I do have to experiment with it a a bit more but the concussive aspect of this weapon is way more noticeable against bots considering the fact that they're all firing at you from long range you can actually use this gun against rocket Devastators with or without the ballistic shield and most notably with the ballistic shield you you can use this against rocket Devastators which is insane because with the defender and the ballistic shield you can't actually use this against rocket Devastators you'll have to dodge you have to dip and weave from those Rockets even if you're using your ballistic shield I think this gun's concussive aspect is I got to mess with it bit more I want to test it against hulks I want to test it against Chargers this gun is actually pretty insane and I think a lot of people once again are kind of sleeping on it I honestly highly rate the defender already and the pummeler seems like a strict upgrade when it comes to bots all right so now moving on to bugs we've got the Punisher Now The Punisher is going to go into the single Target tier I think the Punisher is a great weapon to bring with you against bugs it's definitely not the best gun out there you'll notice once we rank more guns The Punisher might end up a little bit lower compared to another single Target weapon but the main draw of this weapon is the Stagger now just like the pummeler it is light penetrating and you can stagger the green bile spitters but you'll notice that the Punisher can take out those green bile spitters just by brute forcing damage a lot faster because it does have I think what 400 damage per shot The Punisher is honestly an insanely powerful weapon and it staggers enemies now against bots on the other hand the Punisher is actually going to go into Niche tier for me since it is a shotgun and it shoots pellets it does really fall fall off at range but you can actually stagger lock groups of Devastators and you can kind of support your teammates with it now when you're comparing this to the pummeler you might ask yourself well why would I ever bring the Punisher when I could just stagger a lot groups of Devastators with the pummeler and you would be right you probably wouldn't want to ever bring this over the pummeler considering that the Punisher is a close-range weapon and the pummeler can actually be used at a pretty solid medium rain but at the same time I do think it's better than most people think because it does stagger lock Devastators it's just that I can't really put it into great tier because it does really really fall off at range you won't really be killing a lot of enemies from medium range at all with this and that's about it for this weapon now moving on to the Slugger and the Slugger for me is all right against bugs uh when they removed a lot of the sagger from this weapon I felt like it really fell off it does have medium armor penetration but when I was using it recently it just wasn't killing those BOS spitters for me as fast as I would have liked it to if it killed b spitters a bit faster I would honestly keep it in a solid single Target weapon for bugs but it just really didn't kill them as fast as I wanted it to that's really all I can say about it so I'm putting it in the average tier against bugs now on the other hand against bots it has to go into the trash ass cheeks dog duus tier the main draw against bots was again the Stagger shoot the Slugger at the chest plate which is medium armor it won't even stagger them anymore it just kind of flinches them and unfortunately flinching doesn't interrupt their attacks it just makes their accuracy a bit lower so you'll end up shooting Devastators with it but they can still fire their guns at you I really don't recommend the Slugger against bots anymore at all all right so moving on to the breaker the breaker is a very very solid mob clearing weapon the breaker was nerfed at launch and a bunch of people stopped using it but realistically what that Nerf did is it just removed three ammo from the magazine it is still one of the highest DPS weapons in the game now you'll notice I did put it below the defender and the only reason for that is because what it felt like using this gun I had to reload so much that it made my feelings of the gun go down now ultimately if you practice with this gun I actually think it's probably does belong higher on the mob clear tier but at the same time just having to reload the gun feels a bit bad and so for me I put it below the defender right now and that's just against bugs by the way it really is still one of the highest DPS weapons in the game it really still is a great mob clear weapon if you like the breaker if you want to use the breaker then bring it you're not going to be neutering your build at all but I do think there is a couple better options but it's definitely above average and I am not putting it in the average tier now against bots on the other hand I honestly thought the breaker would be good because again the breaker they didn't Nerf the damage compared to launch they only nerfed the mag size and it actually surprised me against bots that I'm going to be putting this in the trash ass cheeks dog duas tier now the reason I'm putting it in this tier is because from any sort of range at all it does nothing even from close range by the time you can kill Devastators if you shoot them in the in the penis but by the time it does kill them it takes what three to four shots and then you have to reload your gun and the reason this surprised me is because this was an S tier weapon against both factions on launch now I didn't really play a lot of bots on launch and by the time this gun got nerfed I was already testing out a bunch of other guns but I saw a ton of tier list putting this against s in s tier against bugs and bots so it honestly surprised me that it felt this bad against bots right now all right so now on to the breaker spray and prey against bugs I'm putting it right below the breaker it honestly is a solid mob clear weapon but at the same time when I was playing it the pellet spread of this weapon is very wide so it's actually only more usable from a closer range versus the breaker which can take out bugs from a medium range or a medium to close range but the breaker spray and prey is really only good from very very close range which really isn't a problem against bugs and that's why it's above average it is in the mob clear tier but I would rather bring a regular breaker compared to a breaker spray and prey and that's just me personally now against bots on the other hand you noticed I said that the breaker really really falls off at any sort of range against them well the breaker spray and prey is only good from super close range so this is going in the worse than dog duus but still better than the cringe pay wal tier do not bring this gun against bots you are actually throwing all right so moving on to the breaker incendiary this one is going at the top of mob clear for me mainly because this has a really really fat magazine and the damage of it compared to the breaker it has a lot less damage however you can normally kill a lot of the mobs in one shot and that fat magazine you'll really feel it now at the same time even though it has less damage than the breaker it applies fire dots to enemies which you could just spray this you could start on the left of a big group of enemies and just spray it and move to the right and just dot everything up by the time you go back to cycle to the start of the group again you'll notice that some enemies died to the fire dot but if you do practice with this gun you could figure out the break points of like how much you need to shoot each enemy and then let the fire dot kill them this gun's just really freaking strong against bugs I really recommend using it all right now on to bots this is actually the only gun that's going into the forgot to switch my load out when I was fighting bugs and it surprisingly works against bots and the reason for this is the fire dot now like I said the breaker falls off at range with the breaker incendiary you're not going to be killing any Bots from range except oh wait it applies a fire dot to them and if you forget to switch your bug load out you will find that this gun surprisingly works now what you want to do with this gun is actually just fire it at range at an enemy land a single pellet on them set them on fire now against all the small Bots the fire dot will automatically kill the small Bots against Devastators on the other hand it's not that great but what you'll need to do is basically kite them in a sense where your go where you come out of cover fire a single pellet at all them light them all on fire go back undercover Let Them Burn for a little bit and repeat until they die you'll notice it takes about three or four shots and uh the dot to tick on them to kill Devastator so it's really not the best weapon but again you you know you just forget to switch your load out and it surprisingly works against bots it's really not all that terrible all right so moving on to the explosive crossbow now the explosive crossbow was notably nerfed this patch but I actually don't think it's a trash tier weapon it's pretty average against bugs it does have a splash radius that can kill a lot of the bugs but it only has five bullets in the map it doesn't have the fastest fire rate ever and it's really just that Splash radius kind of carrying it into the average tier versus the trash tier now notably it does have medium armor penetration and it can actually two tap stalkers if you shoot them in the face crossbow it like it's kind of the feeling of this weapon that brings it down I do think they could swap the values of the impact damage and the splash damage so the crossbow does 420 damage total I believe it's 250 from the impact bullet and 170 from the EXP exposive Splash damage and I think if they swapped those two values this gun would get instantly better because then it would do more damage to the Splat to like the enemies it doesn't hit directly and that it splashes off of and I think that change alone could bump this gun up into the mob clear however I'm not sure but overall it's just pretty average against bugs it's really not trash tier now against bots on the other hand I have seen some Niche uses for stealth so keep in mind the crossbow is technically the quietest weapon but any sort of extended engagement you get into where a bunch of bots start swarming you will notice that this gun really sucks against large groups of bots again it only has five in the magazine you have to headshot Devastators to kill them and that's pretty tough when there's 10 of them looking at you otherwise I think it takes like three shots to a Devastator chest plate and the description of this weapon is that it implants a shaped charge it would be really cool to shoot this into a chest of a Devastator and then it just kind of explodes but until they up the damage on this gun I really don't re recommend it against the Bots at all but since it does have that Niche use of being a really cool stealth weapon I don't really want to put this lower than where I have it right now because I think some people are enjoying this gun against bots I just don't think it's many people so let's go ahead and move on and talk about the Dominator now the Dominator is a top tier single Target weapon it smashes through bile spitters it smashes stalkers it staggers enemies basically the entire Nerf to the Slugger they gave it to the Dominator now the Dominator is going to be a gun that pairs very well with the flamethrower you have the flamethrower for your mob and you have the Dominator for the single Target bile spitters or the stalker because the flamethrower doesn't really stagger any enemies and sometimes you just need to interrupt those spit attacks and it really gets the job done and the same thing goes for Bots the Dominator will One Tap Devastators to the head but if you miss the head it will stagger lock them now personally I like the Dominator in burst mode and I kind of just like to spam it a lot of people on the other hand like this gun in single fire but I just like spamming this against Devastators because if I miss their head I believe it three tapops them in the chest however the main reason I like spamming it is because if you get that one L lucky shot to land in the head while they're staggered you just end up killing them right there and it's pretty great now again this stagger locks enemies so if you are coming up against a specific enemy you can just stagger them and then the heavy Devastator won't be shooting you anymore now most notably the Dominator is very solid at shooting the fabricator Striders machine guns out even from a long range so don't sleep on this weapon honestly I don't think many people do I don't really got to explain this one much further all right so moving on to the Eruptor now the Eruptor is going to go into the niche bughole tier technically this is Niche okay it is the only Primary in the game that shoots and destroys bug holes I got to put this here just on principle but I would like to remind you guys that this gun has the exact same damage of the crossbow but it has a much slower fire rate now notably it does have a larger AOE than the crossbow but ultim Ely this gun is just not that good for actual combat activities why would you even bring this gun to destroy bug holes when you could just bring the grenade pistol or you could use a support weapon that's actually good at mobbing like the grenade launcher or the auto Cannon I really don't even recommend using this gun but it does technically go into the niche tier and against bots it goes into the same tier for the same reason now the devs removed the shrapnel because of a bug and I believe they are trying to rework it and bring shrapnel back so really we're just waiting for that update to see if they bring shrapnel back and how strong it's going to be at that point so we've got the Punisher plasma going into the explosive weapon spot now notably you'll notice that the crossbow the Eruptor those are explosive weapons but they didn't make it into this slot because this is my top tier explosive weapon slot the plasma Punisher is amazing it's really good at taking down groups of mobs but it's also really good at single Target it's honestly an allrounder weapon but at the same time you can kill Chargers with it and you can notably really quickly take out the biot Titan sacks or if you break a hole in the top of the biot Titan's armor you could just kill it from there with a plasma Punisher now one thing I would like to point out is don't shoot this gun near you if you're using the plasma Punisher you might want to bring the Redeemer if you're not using a mobbing support weapon unless you're really desperate and just want to kill a couple bugs before you end up dying then go ahead and just shoot this at the bug in your face but the plasma Punisher is pretty top tier against bugs and it's at in the explosive slot now against bots on the other hand the plasma Punisher goes from great and amazing to absolutely insane the plasma Punisher can stagger lock groups of Devastator this gun feels really really great against bots it is one of the top weapons against bots right now in my opinion if you haven't tried this gun against bots then you really should now notably it you can Arc this and kind of fire it like a mortar from behind cover but mainly if you can manage to land this on top of tanks and you get good with your aiming of it you can kill a tank from the front using this weapon now obviously you probably will need cover to do this with but just keep in mind like I said explosive weapons have notable uh strengths against heavy targets and in this case against bots it is heat snc so not only is this great at stagger locking groups of Devastators but it can also kill tanks because you don't have to actually shoot the heat sink itself you just have to get the AOE to land nearby it and so I highly recommend the plasma Punisher right now all right so now on to the Blitzer against bugs I'm putting this into the allround tier and I actually had to add this allrounder tier specifically for the Blitzer the Blitzer can be pretty decent at taking down groups of mobs but it's not necessarily the best mob clear weapon like if we're looking for Pure mob clear then the breaker incendiary is your go-to or the pummeler or the defender or something like that but at the same time it's a pretty solid single Target weapon and notably because of the Stagger so it's kind of a jack of all trades weapon master of none but at the same time it's nothing to scoff at it's not like it does both jobs poorly it does both jobs above average so I don't think it's necessarily s tier in mob clear and I don't think it's an S tier single Target because you do also have to be pretty close to your enemy to even be able to hit them with this but at the same time it's a tier at both so it's pretty much an allrounder and it's pretty solid no matter what now against bots at the other hand you have to be within 35 M to even hit them this is going into the worst than dog duckus tier but better than the cringe pay wall the Blitzer I do not bring this against bots you are pretty much trolling in my opinion I'm sure there's someone out there who uses the Blitzer against bots and they actually clean up with it but for me personally I will never bring this gun against bots ever again main reason being that 35 M range but also because I just could not kill Devastators with this even when I was within that range maybe there's some trick where you aim above them and then you could get it to hit their head but I couldn't get it to work so honestly I just don't recommend it all right so moving on to the scythe and the Scythe was a notably trash tier weapon for most people but they buffed the Scythe recently and I'm actually putting it in the bottom of mob clear tier and in my opinion the Scythe is a lot better now with a lot of its Buffs now against bugs I was running it with the laser buddy just because I wanted to laser Max and I recommend you use it with the laser buddy because using every single laser possible including the orbital laser by the way is just the funnest way to play the game now I will tell you guys uh when you're fighting against bugs you honestly want to shoot some of their legs off against most bugs you have to shoot three legs off but against a lot of bugs you only need to shoot two now against the smaller bugs don't worry about that so the hunters the Scavengers just shoot them in the head even the Warriors shoot them in the head now notably the Scythe doesn't have any sort of stagger because it is a laser weapon so it's at the bottom of the mob clear slot for me but it honestly felt way better against bugs than it used to now against bots on the other hand the Scythe cleans up it's going at the bottom of the great tier and I'm going to tell you guys why now the main thing holding the Scythe back against bots is the scope if we ever get weapon customizations in the future and if I could put the sickle scope onto the Scythe I genuinely think this gun is stronger than the counter sniper and you might say I'm crazy but go shoot this at a bot's head it instantly takes out the small Bots it pretty much instantly takes down Devastators it truly is just the scope holding this gun back against bots right now so it has to go at the bottom of the great tier but really look out for this gun against bots if we ever get uh if we could switch Scopes around this gun literally really kills them so fast it's insane and the fact that it just kills Devastators as fast as it does and Bots it's it's not an average Weapon It's not a trash weapon it is a great weapon but again that big red dot in the middle and no zoom on the scope kind of holds this gun back so let's go ahead and talk about the sickle so the sickle against bugs for me personally is right under the defender now I think that these guns have very uh similar power levels I think that the sickle potentially has infinite ammo but the main reason I like the defender a bit more is because I can run away and shoot it at the same time but ultimately the sickle is still a really great weapon it's above the breaker for me because you can get that max ammo potential but at the same time there's such a large amount of bugs it's kind of hard to do that but this gun has insane fire rate it can shoot uh pretty much almost 100 bullets before you even have to stop shooting it to let the heat sink cool off if you have to reload it in a pinch don't be afraid to do so but obviously once you get back down to that last ice you're going to have to be careful shooting this gun but it's just a very solid weapon overall and it has a potential to go infinite so it's definitely up near the top of the mob clear tier but for bots on the other hand I rate it a bit higher than the defender and the main reason for that is because you don't need to use this with the ballistic shield whereas I feel like with the defender you kind of do now the sickle also has a really good scope on it you can shoot this from long range and even though it does still take three shots to head shot the Devastators the main thing I want to point out for people to do with the sickle against bots is shoot off Devastator weapon so the rocket Devastators shoot off their rocket pods the heavy Devastators uh it's a bit harder to shoot off their gun while they're spraying it at you but you can shoot off the heavy Devastator gun or you could just Spam this thing at their eyeballs and then just get those three lucky head shot it's pretty solid no matter how you decide to use this now what's notable about the sickle versus Bots compared to sickle versus bugs is bugs just throw a lot more enemies in your face and you kind of max out your heat sink unintentionally against bots trigger to is a lot easier so the sickle is a lot easier to go infinite on ammo and it's just very solid for that reason all right so on to the scorcher the scorcher goes into our explosive tier right below the plasma Punisher the plasma Punisher does do only 50 more damage than scorcher and it is a bit harder to shoot and use from a bit of a closer range but it does have a larger Splash radius so it's very good for mobbing but the scorcher is still just a solid weapon before any of the premium warbonds came out the scorcher was the best gun in the game when we only had the base war bond it was just at level 10 and so nobody really had it unlocked yet and a lot of people weren't using it but now that all the war bonds are out it's really not necessarily the best gun in the game anymore but it's just very solid it's honestly where a lot of the guns should be balanced around it's good against weak spots like I mentioned it's good against single targets it can be used for mobbing but it does feel a bit light on ammo sometimes it's just very very solid and very reliable and it's going to go in the same place against bots again it's just very freaking solid it can be used to kill Devastators small Bots you can shoot the sides of tank heat sinks I do feel the plasma Punisher is a bit nicer because you can land you can Arc it and land it on top of Tanks uh you can also shoot the backside underneath the cannon turrets so if the cannon turrets not if the cannon turret heat sink is facing away from you but you're kind of on the side of it you can shoot underneath and take out a cannon turret's bottom of its heat sink and it's very solid for that reason all right so moving on to the last gun from the new war bond the purifier you would think that the purifier would go into to the explosive tier it does the same damage as the plasma Punisher it has a pretty high range but the issue with the purifier is it shoots as slow as the ark thrower it has a very low fire rate now before the plasma Punisher got buffed no one was really using it because the projectile speed was very slow and it was very clunky and the same thing goes for the purifier except in this case the fire rate's really slow I I don't even know where I would put the purifier it's feels really bad because you need a lot of bullets to take down a lot of enem enemies like the plasma Punisher doesn't onot anything it like three shots like some of the single Target enemies or even sometimes four or five but the purifier just has really slow fire rate now I'm not going to put this in the trash tier because at the end of the day it is a plasma bullet which is pretty powerful but they honestly need to give higher damage to this weapon and balance its DPS with the plasma Punisher and the scorcher so if you guys are watching this video after this gun gets buffed what I'll say is if it gets at least like a 75 % damage increase if it does at least 450 to 500 damage after a buff then I'll put it back in the explosive tier as it would just be a side grade to those other explosive weapons but in the meantime it's kind of bad and same thing against bots I'm going to stick it in the average tier above the adjudicator again it's a plasma shot so it's can't be horrible at the end of the day but it just has really slow fire rate it is not super effective it's not very fun to use for that reason it's just one of those things where like if you're charging a bullet for a solid second you would think that it would one shot Devastators but it just doesn't you need to get multiple shots into them and with the slow fire rate it's really holding it back but again it's a marksman rifle I don't want them to buff the fire rate at all I would rather them buff the damage if we want to spam plasma bullets we'll use the Punisher or the scorcher but if you want to use the Marksman rifle then we should be able to get that higher damage so we could get satisfying one shots so hopefully they buff the damage of this weapon but in the meantime this is my tier list and this is the one I have for bugs so this is my one for bugs this patch and here is the one that I have for bots so if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like on it and subscribe to the channel I'll see you guys in the next one I'm out
Channel: ThiccFilA
Views: 304,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is the best loadout in helldivers 2, best weapons to use in helldivers 2, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 primary weapon tier list, helldivers 2 stratagems tier list, helldivers 2 secondary weapon tier list, helldivers 2 support weapons tier list, helldivers 2 heavy weapon tier list, helldivers 2 best armor tier list, what is the best gun in helldivers 2, what are the best stratagems in helldivers 2, ranking every main weapon in helldivers 2
Id: 76rIgYHVUK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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