r/AmITheA**hole My Sister Demanded I Give Her My Baby!

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where a woman demands to have another woman's baby am i the butthole for telling my sister that she's out of her mind when she said that she wanted to take back my child whom i adopted from her i'm 36 and my sister nancy is 29 she became pregnant when she was 18. i'm infertile and i knew that i couldn't have kids so when nancy said that she was giving her baby up for adoption i decided to be that baby's mom after that nancy went no contact with me five months after giving birth for a bit of background nancy got pregnant by a one-night stand and she apparently didn't remember or know the father at the time of birth however when her son victor was two a man named tom who was 35 messaged me on social media claiming to be the father of my child nancy had run into this guy at a club and drunkenly confessed to the pregnancy we met up tom bonded with his daughter and well that man is now my husband of seven years what on earth what am i reading so yesterday my sister called me i was really surprised to see that she was calling me but i picked up we made some small talk then she said that she had just gotten married a year back and both of them wanted kids but they couldn't because her husband wasn't fertile but they really wanted kids hi i asked her if she wanted to adopt and she said that she just wanted to get her baby back i was speechless for a few moments before replying that if she wants to meet my child as an aunt then she's welcome to we can both sit victor down and explain the reason for her absence but she can't just ask me to give up my child she said that she'll sue me because she's the birth mother i told her that she was out of her mind and then i told her about tom she exploded she called me names and said that i stole her life i got too emotional and i hung up tom came home from work and after explaining the situation to him he was beyond furious i then got a call from my parents saying that i was the butthole for telling nancy that she couldn't see her baby i said that i never said that and i welcomed her to bond with victor but they refused to listen and said that i was being insensitive and harsh and i was flaunting my family i now feel bad because me and nancy were very close as sisters and i feel quite close to her situation since i know the struggles of infertility tom said there was no way he was letting my sister have full-time custody and i agree but i want to know am i the butthole for being too harsh and telling her about tom and then op clarifies i did legally adopt victor at birth tom also adopted the kid after we got married nancy never wanted kids and i think the only reason why she wants victor now is because her husband wants kids op what what universe is your sister from that she can just swoop in after what 10 or 11 years and be like oh thank you so much for babysitting my child for the past 11 years i'll take over from here and let's be real here your child literally has no clue who your sister even is you said that your sister's been no contact for like 10 years now so we had this normal 10 year old kid and suddenly you're supposed to be like oh by the way sweetie you have a new mommy now see ya this is this is the single weirdest story that i've ever read on the subreddit and i've read a lot of stories that are just plain bonkers i mean i'm not trying to make fun of your situation opie because you seem like a decent person but this sounds like something out of like a cheap soap opera opie i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes i'm giving your sister i think 5 out of 5 buttholes because she is absolutely out of her mind and has no idea what she's asking of you she basically just wants to straight up take someone else's baby if that doesn't constitute a 5 out of 5 score then what does honestly i can't even sympathize with her because yeah it's possible that she might have regretted her actions i think a lot of people win that scenario but apparently for the last decade instead of building relationship with your kid she's been out clubbing the whole time so yeah i'm with uop i think she really doesn't want her kid back she just wants to make her husband happy am i the butthole for telling my wife that i can't watch our son i have a good job i make good money and i work hard to earn it to the point that about four years ago after our son was born my wife decided not to go back to work and i became the only source of income this worked out well and everyone was happy until covet hit once the quarantine hit my role was transitioned from working in office downtown to working from home i was a big fan of this i typically work 5 am to 7 pm monday through saturday jesus opie 5 to 7 5 to 5 is 12 plus 2 is 14 14 hour days times six oh my god op 84 hour weeks oh my god op so not having to commute meant that now i got to be home to put my son to bed and read to him at night and have more time to spend with my wife in the evenings the only problem is that my wife has struggled with the idea that the location of my job has changed but my responsibilities haven't i've had several discussions with her about the fact that even though i'm home now i'm not able to watch our son during the day or i have to explain to her why i can't do all the dishes until that evening she'll nod along but i don't think she really believes it this has caused tension but not quite an outright fight until this week some of our mutual friends are coming into town this weekend and we've made plans to spend time with them however on monday my wife told me that the couple is actually getting in on friday and she and her friend are going to get lunch and go shopping she tells me that i'll have to watch our son i respond by saying that i can't i have to work and besides you didn't give me enough notice to take off she got angry at me saying that she watches our son every day wow you just sit in your office from sun up to sun down and how i should be able to watch our sun so she can have a day off she's been giving me the cold shoulder since then i would love to spend the day with my son i just can't take the time off on such short notice so am i the butthole alright op i'm definitely respectful that you have a job to do and that all this financial responsibility is falling on your shoulders honestly take a day off 84 hours a week that's more than double the typical work week so you're basically working two full-time jobs to provide for your family and you said it yourself by the time you drove home from work your baby was already in the bed it kind of seems like there's two separate issues here the first issue which the story is actually about is that your wife isn't being respectful of your work time which yeah is a problem however it sounds like the reason why she's frustrated is because she basically doesn't have a husband and i'm not saying that to you to like trash on you op because clearly you're really really working hard but with how much time you spend at your job you're certainly making your wife feel like she's raising this baby by herself i think the real core issue here op is that you've devoted way too much of your time to your job 84 hours a week does not seem sustainable and if you want to be involved in your kid's life then you have to scale back i mean maybe you and your wife actually like this arrangement maybe you really like your job and maybe your wife wants you to work this hard because she cares about the money that you bring in i don't really know because we can't tell from this story what that arrangement is like i mean if that is the case if your wife actually wants you to work this much then yeah she's being a hypocrite but my guess which admittedly is completely a guess my guess is that she wants you to be more involved in the child's upbringing so i think i have to give your wife let's say two out of five buttholes because she's not being respectful of your obligations to your work however op i also have to give you 2 out of 5 buttholes because you're just not spending enough time with your family am i the butthole for not giving my daughter money after she ignored me for her whole life i got pregnant with my daughter emma at the age of 18. i lived at home and i was going to college and working when i got pregnant my parents kicked me out and i had to move in with my ex i dropped out of school and quit my job to take care of emma because my ex told me that he would support me when i was 22 and my ex was 24 he graduated law school he told me i had to move out because he wanted to find a wife my parents had forgiven me by then so i moved in with them my ex and i didn't have a court order but we split custody with him having her 25 of the time and me having her 75 of the time when emma was six my ex married his now wife his new wife couldn't have any more kids and she wanted emma and her daughter to be sisters over the next three years emma spent less and less time with me and she would throw a fit if i tried to pick her up they gave her things that i couldn't when she was eight she told me that she hated me i never blamed her for the lies her father put in her head because even though i lived at home i was in college and working and did my best to provide for her but obviously they could do more they took me to court when she was 10 and surprise surprise the lawyer and his doctor wife with their million dollar home beat me in court they painted me out to be this horrible parent and emma backed them up they got primary custody and i got visitation but emma still refused to see me i gave her money and gifts but she just didn't want me in her life when i was 30 i met my husband and he's the most amazing man i've ever met he's seen me struggle with this and he's been very supportive he has a daughter who's emma's age and a son who's 5 years younger they lost their mom and they were very welcoming and loving they treated me like i was their mom emma made zero effort to get to know my husband and step kids emma and my stepdaughter both graduated high school this past may my parents also recently passed and they gave me their estate since i'm an only child i've decided to pay for my stepdaughter's entire college tuition buyer a car and pay for an apartment a week ago emma contacted me and told me that she missed me and she wanted to see me this shocked me because we hadn't talked in a year we met up and she told me she heard my parents died and she asked if she could have some money to pay for college i was shocked and i said well what about your dad and his wife she said my mom and dad want me to pay for this on my own to teach me responsibility and i believe i'm entitled to money seeing as though you ruined my life i was very hurt and i told her after years of ignoring me and telling me that i'm not your mother you demand money from me i'm not your wallet my husband is telling me that i did the right thing but my ex is telling me that i'm a piece of garbage and that i owe this to her my stepdaughter feels bad and offered to give back her college money because my daughter and her friends have been harassing her and i said absolutely not that is your money so am i the butthole for not giving my daughter money after ignoring me her whole life down in the comments i'm gonna read this post from car trouble abc this seems like one of those stories where the two sides would tell very different versions everyone is biased in stories like these for example i would really be interested to hear how emma describes her upbringing but taken at face value based on what's here you're not the butthole op like the amount that emma hates op seems to go far beyond just opie's kind of poor and she can't buy her nice things maybe opie isn't telling the whole story or maybe emma's father has been dripping poison into her ear ever since she was a little girl so based on the information that i have available i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes op i'm giving your ex four out of five buttholes he sounds like a terrible human being also did anyone catch that he refused to pay for emma's college because he wants to teach her responsibility but then when emma tried to get op to pay and op refused he called opie a piece of garbage like which is it buddy do you want her to take the easy way out or do you want to teach her responsibility because you're not being consistent here also i think i have to give emma two out of five buttholes she's being really unfairly harsh to op in normal situations i would give her a higher butthole score but i can't really be certain if she wasn't constantly manipulated by op's ex so who knows am i the butthole for not answering work emails while on vacation resulting in the loss of a client my husband and i took a much-needed vacation to the beach last week and the entire week before we left i sent emails around letting everyone know that i'd be completely inaccessible for the week so people would have to come see me for any work materials files etc i gave my co-workers everything i thought they'd need and i left confident that everyone had prepared themselves seeing as i'd given them eight days to prepare when i returned i found chaos in the office apparently one of my colleagues needed files for a particularly important client of ours and hadn't been able to find them in my office and i never responded to calls or emails just like i warned that i wouldn't do this co-worker knew that he'd be handling this client in my absence and he had eight days to ask me for all the pertinent files and clearly he didn't in any case i was blamed because the client is technically mine and i'm the supervisor of this co-worker i contend that i'm blameless because this co-worker had eight days to collect all their files like all my other co-workers did but this co-worker neglected to do so no one seems to care about that am i the butthole here honestly op the problem here isn't with you or your co-worker the problem is with your office you did what you were supposed to do and your co-worker didn't but can your co-worker really be blamed by that based on this story it's really hard to tell because we can't tell how reliable or competent that co-worker actually is the real problem here is with your office's systems the fact that everything could fall apart and you could lose a major client just because one person is out of the office is ridiculous so no op you are not the butthole you have every right to not answer work calls and emails while you're on vacation that's the whole point of vacation so op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes honestly i don't even know if i can give your co-worker any buttholes either because they didn't do anything but holy incompetent maybe but is someone a butthole just because they're incompetent not really this feels like a solid no butthole here situation because no one's really acting like a jerk well actually i guess whoever's blaming you for doing something wrong you're not really clear who that is in the story but that person gets one out of five buttholes because yeah it's not your fault that was our slash in my the butthole and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: hRpBR0PpauI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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