r/AmITheA**Hole For Suing My Girlfriend After Destroying My Impala?

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g'day there guys how's it going Markie here back at it again with another episode of our slash legal advice now with that said I want you to sit back relax and enjoy the content posted by user jimothy is your uncle titled Emma the a-hole for suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 Impala project taken to the scrapyard now I'll try to keep this short I had a 1967 Impala four-door that I bought in February 20 19 months ago I bought my first house that had a two-and-a-half car garage I moved the car in first and started tearing it down for a complete restoration I had the body in one day and the chassis in another plus the whole garage filled with parts about two months ago my girlfriend came to live with me during this whole crisis and the whole time she hated that car she wants to park in the garage but I have two acres of land with a lot of nice places to park under shady trees or hell even in the barn if it has to be inside I tell her tough luck it's my house and it's not like I can just throw it back together real quick anyways I was out of town for a couple days on a business trip for the small local company that I work for when I got back my girlfriend was all smiles making me fruit all the time doing all the chores and all that I thought maybe she was just happy to have me home but then I realized that I didn't see a car in its usual spots I asked her where she parked so I could make sure that I'm ER that area and keep it clean and she said not to worry she parked in the garage I asked how and she told me to go check it out turns out that while I was gone she hired some people to come over and move everything related to that car including the drivetrain body and chassis and all parts and take it to the local dump slash scrapyard I was absolutely dumbfounded I'd spent over $11,000 on that car including new parts services and the car itself I told her that I was going to be taking her to court for that and she brushed me off like I was being dramatic I told her that it's done between us and to pack our things and leave I admit I was a really angry but I did end up getting a lawyer and as I have all the receipts for all the money I spent and I have run my houses security cam footage letting the guys in and watching them take it all I think I can win her family and friends are absolutely blowing me up saying it's just a stupid old piece of junk and that she cannot pay back all that money I spent and that I should just let it go but I've been putting all my time effort and money into that car for over a year and a half now and damn it if I'm not gonna get justice for what she did am I the a-hole edits thank you all so much for the support and awards and everything I'm glad to have some people on my side I got a call from her mom about 20 minutes ago and she told me that I was ruining her daughter's life over a stupid car I told her she ruined her own life I've been gathering documentation and stuff and I'm about to head down to the police station and file a reports as suggested by lot CL once again thank you all updates I went to the police station last night and was told to come back in the morning just got back and filed an official report against her for grand larceny and for grand theft auto I showed them all the receipts I had for the car and the footage of her letting the guys come and take it all as well as the title for the vehicle in my name they said they will be in contact with all three parties me ex-girlfriend and junkyard guys soon and they will hopefully be able to recover some or all of the car just have to wait now not the a-hole sue her ass sue her for the cost plus a few extra thousand for the time and money have her prosecuted for theft destruction of private property and have the guys that came to get its prosecuted for receiving stolen goods nail them all to the wall I mean I can't blame the guys that came in godit's she told them it was her dad's and she had lost the title for it and wanted it gone and they believed her so it's not their fault they got lied to taking a car that the title was lost on makes them kind of shady I've had cars sent to the scrapyard and if I didn't have a title in hand they refused to take it this is her story when the guy saw what they were getting I'm sure they were jumping up and down inside unless they know nothing about cars I mean at first glance it did kind of just look like a half-finished project that hasn't been touched in decades but yeah maybe they thought they could make a pretty penny on all the original parts that were there which I'm sure they could reach out to them with proof that you owned it and it was illegally taken if they had no trouble taking something without a title then maybe they kept it for themselves as extra parts not the a-hole how do you have the nerve to do something like that in someone's home she isn't even your wife she went too far and I say you dodged a bullet I wouldn't say dodged a bullet more like it hit me in the shoulder instead of the hearts hurts but it could be a lot worse I'm sure the tune of 11,000 Hertz and gone in an instance when I say dodge two bullets I mean if she can do this behind your back with no remorse imagine what else all because she didn't like it's not the a-hole holy crap definitely not the a-hole that's like a girlfriend selling a dog out from under you while you're on a business trip because she didn't like it's the audacity if she didn't like it she could have just ignored it's the most toxic part is that she sees no issue your property your house she throws it away and if any judge knows the worth of that car they would understand suing her for the costs let alone the time you spent on it that's a hobby and a damn good one if she couldn't support you in your project that probably would have been a red flag for anything you do later on I think this is all justified posted by user financial Hornet seven titles am I the a-hole for kicking my son outs because he wouldn't shut up about how I destroyed his life I 56 female invited my son Eric 37 male to come live with me because his wife 41 female works shifts with coronavirus patients I was happy to do it but he was ungrateful and irritable since the first day a little background I supported Eric on my own I put my own education on hold and worked multiple jobs so I always tried to be in volved parents he was gifted sir I fought for him to be put into the best classes etc and when he graduated high school I wanted him to become a doctor there was no pressure involved I only told him I would pay for him to go to medical school but if he had a good alternative in mind I would consider its he didn't answer he went off to med school graduated and became a doctor and I was very proud the issue is that he doesn't see things the same way throughout the years he kept whining about how I forced him to be something he doesn't enjoy and always trying to paint me as the bad guy even though I let him live rent free paid for extra stuff like therapy ensured that he has no debts things other people would kill for even the facts contradict him he has a very well-paid job friends he met his current wife at school etc since the wife wasn't here I decided to bring up some of the concerns I have about her among other things she is trying to get him to cut me off before but despite her best efforts I was able to save our relationship and he lost it he started screaming and shouting some really vile abuse because apparently she wants to leave him I tried to make him see the silver lining and convince him that he could do better than someone like that but he just flipped on me instead and started on his you're the reason my life sucks routine I hate you etc etc spiel just generally acting like a child I wouldn't tolerate abuse like that in my earn harm so I kicked him out and I thought I was completely within my rights to I just got a phone call from my brother Eric went there after he left the house telling me that I'll be lucky if Eric ever wants to speak to me again I told him that all I wanted was an apology and he could come stay here again but he hung up and now I'm wondering if I did anything wrong am I the a-hole you're the a-hole you absolutely 100% sound like a narcissist I'm not even giving you the judgment based on caking amounts I have a lot of experiences with narcissists and everything about this language suggests that you're one majorly get yourself help or continue to your son there's no other option I agree mate the fact that her brother seems to recognize her behavior just confirms your suspicions you author a whole four clearly not telling the full story here he and his wife wouldn't have these feelings if you hadn't give them reason to also the wife wasn't there so she thought it would be a good opportunity to bring up her concerns about the wife you're the a-hole what I'm reading here is all the financial things you threw at him yeah he's a doctor but apparently hates it's sure you gave him a choice but it was doctor or maybe you then tell him his wife sucks when he's basically on the verge of divorce at least partially because he refused to cut you off Wow you then kick him out because he's ungrateful okay there's clearly a lot here you're not talking about this entire thing reads like someone who molded their child without any input from said child why would the wife want him to cut you off generally it takes a lot for someone to tell their significant other hey your mom maybe we should never talk to her again edits reading your other comments I wouldn't be surprised if his marriage is on the rocks specifically because of you posted by user sis problems ta titled am I the a-hole for telling my sister to get over the fact that I wore a bikini around her boyfriend I love to swim and since we have a swimming pool in our backyard I am practically swimming daily I don't think I earn a one-piece swimsuit so I always am wearing a two-piece swimsuit my sister's boyfriend lives like five minutes away from our place and he spends a lot of time here the living room has a sliding glass door to the backyard and the window to my sister's room is looking outside the backyard I was taking a nap in the grass after I was done swimming and listening to music I didn't even know my sister had her boyfriend over because I was in the backyard for basically the whole afternoon from 12:00 to 4:00 my sister woke me up and called me an a-hole for wearing something so skimpy around her boyfriends I asked her what she meant and I guess her boyfriend kept looking at the window while I was napping and swimming I know weird I told her that if he was looking at me that is his problem and that I wasn't trying to cause anything she was ticked at me like I haven't seen her this mad since we were kids and had to share a room she flung told me not to dress like a [ __ ] when her boyfriend is over I told her to get the hell over herself and if she has a problem with her boyfriend looking at me then she should talk with him not me I then went to my room and we didn't speak for the rest of the day till dinner am I the a hole not the a hole she should really talk to her boyfriend about it's not you she's angry at her boyfriend but she doesn't want to fight with him so she's trying to solve the problem on your side instead of talking to her boyfriend about staring a year or she's insecure and her boyfriend wasn't actually staring at you ask her if the huge red flag kept relationship is waving is available to use as cover-up oh my god not the a-hole Jesus this again I swear I see someone comment at least once an mi the a-hole post but not every little thing as a red flag as my dad always said you can shop but never buy when any committed relationship to see staring at someone as seemingly attractive enough to stare at is somehow a red flag is just naive now if you're talking about the fact that our sister feels more obligated to [ __ ] or shame her sister than gear I agree and please down broke my dumb ass to oblivion edit thank you for the award this is my first one ever so extra special edit - I need to specify that I know staring is wrong and should have been a red flag and I definitely did not mean staring I meant a glance edit three people are getting lost in the saying I learned from my dad now if he is not objectifying women he is saying that it's okay to look but don't abuses or hurt your significant other by doing something regrettable with them I've seen a ton of comments saying the same thing but none of them have been objectifying women for saying it I was gonna say the sisters reaction is more red flag than anything we don't even know if he was looking oh my god not the a-hole first of all it's your body and your house you can dress however the hell you once and if she has a problem with her boyfriend staring she should talk to him not you also it's not like you wear bikinis just because you're just wearing a swimsuit because you want to swim edits yes sorry I do agree that even if she is wearing a bikini just because this would be appropriate but I do think that detail would have made her sister sound more reasonable even though she'd still be wrong not the a-hole it's a bikini and you were swimming it's not like you were parading around in your underwear you're right this is something she needs to talk about with him not blame you for posted by user brave friendship titled am I the a-hole for punishing my son for not wanting to go to his grandfather's funeral my wife's father recently passed away and long story short he spent a lot of time with our eight-year-old son and they got along fairly well in the days leading up to the funeral my son was obviously upset about his grandfather's passing but nonetheless we asked him if he wanted to go to the funeral and he said yes on the day of the funeral as I was driving us there one of us mentioned it being open caskets and my son asked what that meant I told him that his grandfather's body would be on display so we can face him and say any final goodbyes my son freaked out and suddenly went into hysterics about not wanting to go as he didn't want to see the body my wife tried to calm him down but he was very upset after his constant wailing I got ticked off and slammed on my brakes and turned the car around to drop him off I was yelling at him for changing his mind the whole way back while he sat there doing his crying act fortunately we were able to drop him off at our neighbor's house Hugh had babysit him in the past and we arrive to the funeral late and missed most of the speeches I was livid and my wife was upset being that it was her father's funeral when we got back to the house I ended up punishing him for three weeks no TV / games / etc and all his time had to be spent studying my wife had been disagreeing with me about the punishments but I told her that we gave him the option of not going and he chose to do so and that it wasn't the right to change mind and made us late normally I wouldn't be as harsh but since my wife is in a vulnerable state and she missed most of the funeral I essentially blame my son 100% for all of this you're the a-hole an 8 year old is not emotionally equipped to see the dead body of his grandfather and he punished him for that because you had to miss the speeches as a parent you failed to prepare him by telling him what to expect until you were in the car on the way to the service you're the one who should be punished that poor kid I was 29 and not ready to see my grandfather in an open casket you're the a-hole Opie when I put my cat down when I was 27 I was not emotionally prepared for her to die in my arms and to see her body you're the a hollow pea you're the a-hole if this is real please get help you appear to be an abusive parents I blame my son 100% for this he was unprepared for seeing a literal fudging dead body of someone he loved how dare he if only he had a parent to help him understand he got emotional and had his grief exasperated by this realization how dare he if only he had someone to help him understand what he's feeling this caused you to miss the speeches how dare he if only the adults in his life had better time management and you openly admit that you actually think all of this is the eight-year-olds problem grower fudging pair and deal with your grown-up problems and the fruits of your crappy communication and unsupportive parenting you just taught your son that it's unacceptable and worthy of punishment to you that he has negative emotions if you continue I hope you enjoy having Christmas dinner alone you're the a-hole ah exactly in some cultures like mine the cremate bodies the body is placed in a temperature-controlled box until it's taken for cremation well my grandpa died I held it together for my parents in Grandma for a long time while grandpa was in the box specifically because I didn't look at him when they brought him out of the box and we said our final goodbyes I lost it and this was in my teens our P is an insensitive emotionally abusive on parents you're the a-hole you're the a-hole he's a child who barely understands the concept of death and who was grieving and instead of being a parent and explaining to him what was going on so he could understand he got angry and punished him for its the concept of an open-casket can be creepy for some adults let her own children and there was no reason for you to punish him for not comprehending the concept of its you also should have told him way beforehand so he could be prepared posted by user angry mcmurdo titled 'he's a mighty a-hole for walking out of a job interview so around this time last year I was in the job hunt and was looking at tech sales positions in my area I'd been in this career about 10 years and had been recently relaid off I was granted an interview at a relatively large startup downtown and after the initial phone screen I did my research and went on site for my in-person interview admittedly I got there about twenty-five minutes early which was pushing obnoxious but nobody was at the front desk so I signed in using the iPad took his seats and waited I waited until the time of my interview got up looked around and started trying to get the attention of people walking around as nobody had acknowledged me at this point and 15 minutes past the interview scheduled time a lady came into the lobby and asked what I was there for I let her know I had an interview scheduled for 15 minutes ago she asked me to hold on and went back into the office and a few minutes later came back with an agenda with materials laid out about the company the agenda confirmed that we were supposed to have already started and that I had to interviewers in the next 30 minute blocks a new person came over and sat me in a room and told me to read over the materials to get familiar I did this for 45 minutes and when the VP of Sales didn't show up to interview me I got ticked stood up and left I found my way to the front desk and told the person who was not there before and had likely no idea who I was that I was ending my interview and to have a great day about 15 minutes later I got a frantic call from the recruiter that the VP was looking for me and that they wanted to start my interviewer I answered that if they weren't willing to respect my time that I knew all I needed to know about what working there would be like I told several folks this story and it's been a 50/50 on whether or not I did the right thing or that I don't know the circumstances and that I could have stuck around at least interviewed and let them know later on am I the a whole not the a whole from the sounds of its they were one plus hours late and didn't offer any reason to you while you were there that's an enormous red flag agreed people don't understand the job interviews go both ways the interviewee gets to judge the company as well this company failed terribly on the interviewer that's what is interesting because companies and people interviewing usually have a bloated sense of importance and power and interviewees usually feel nervous and eager to please and we'll put up with all sorts of bull my guess is the company in question or rather the interviewers in question probably think they did nothing wrong and think the interviewee was rude and lost out not the a-hole the interview goes both ways if they aren't organized enough now or they don't respect your time you can't expect much difference once you're hired yeah as much as the company is interviewing you you're interviewing the company hope he knows what his time is worth and that company doesn't you're exactly right I'm a lead software engineer at my company and conduct the interviews for jr. through senior dev positions I am also a habitually late person I am never late for an interview a proper interview is a two-way street and I want to be there on time to get to know the person that would be working with us and Opie says yeah I ended up taking a job at a non-profit thanks out of curiosity the people who said you were the a-hole what reason or rationale do they provide because you were clearly not the a-hole one said it was unprofessional and that I had a horrible attitude I see their confusion they thought you were interviewing for a position to be a doormats and have people walk all over you not the a-hole you did the right thing posted by user lapped job situation titles am I the a-hole for borrowing girlfriend's laptop since world events staying at girlfriend's she works from home I don't have to work but have full salary I kill time by watching shoun playing online games and hanging with my girlfriend when she's not working yesterday my laptop broke I don't know what's wrong with it and I will have to bring it in my girlfriend has two laptops one for work and one for fun her work is encrypted or something so she doesn't like using it for general browsing I asked to borrow her extra laptop yesterday for my game she said after her movie ended because she was streaming from fun laptop to TV and working at the same time it would be about one and a half hours when she went to the washroom I took her fun laptop and switched to a similar movie on Netflix I don't understand why she had to watch this movie right now she has Netflix Amazon crave in Disney Plus so many options to choose from like she's a bit privileged with a smart TV in her room her guest room and her living room an Xbox ps4 switch in Nintendo 64 sometimes I think she likes having the best of everything anyhow she got really upset with me and said I violated her boundaries big fight last night she made me sleep in the guest room and my guy friends think she's overreacting like it's just a movie this morning she said she slept on it and she feels like we need a break and asked me to leave I left this afternoon to my parents but borrowed the extra laptop until I get mine fixed so she called freaking outs called me a thief she said she will call the cops and accuse me of being an a-hole but my mum thinks she needs to chill maybe do a spa day or something like she has two laptops and all these gaming devices I think she'll be fine so am I the a-hole for borrowing my girlfriend's laptop updates after a long conversation my girlfriend has told me that there were a few things in the last 7 weeks that is upset her and that she felt gave me many hints she didn't tell me out right there I told her I was sorry and it was a really dick move for me take her laptop my brother dropped it off earlier I'm 23 male and she is 26 female don't know why people want to know that she accused me of using her for free housing food and stuff I talked with my brother and he said it's common sense to chip to these things because she's my girlfriend and not my mom I guess I'm an idiot's but at the same time I wish he just straight-up asked me for money to contribute versus we're running out of toilet paper or we just use a quarter of gas on this trip God man why can't you just under read my mind man this can't be real obviously you're the a-hole you took her property without her permission and then when she broke up with you you took it with you after leaving her house what the hell dude this can't be real nobody is this dense and even if she didn't break up with him when she asked him to leave she's definitely gonna be dumping him after she gets her laptop back with a mother like that no wonder Opie is dense and entitled I really hope this isn't real but I've known people who are as entitled as this IRL yes you're the a-hole it's her laptop not yours give it back and be a responsible adults get yours fixed or get a new one she's not spoiled by having all these things she works hard earned money and buys them like a responsible adults and I think that's where I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I don't have much to say I don't think that that is a real story at the end there but it's interesting because you know it's always possible that it is real and if it is he's a terrible person and just needs to learn more about life and get a life himself time to throw you guys too outro marquee g'day there guys outro marki here hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I enjoyed making it today if you did be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe tell me what you thought about it down below also if you like memes be sure to head on over to my second channel marquee - it should be one of the sexiest rallyin faces on screen the one without the flag it's my latest and greatest creation and I hope you like it also I'd like to give a huge shout out to my channel members and patreon subscribers you guys do so much good for me and the support goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway I love you guys and I appreciate all the help and support you provide me on this channel also if you want to join the family links it down in the 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Channel: Markee
Views: 23,855
Rating: 4.9121299 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: tE9vR5dUPnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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