6 things UNDER $30 I take on EVERY trip! BUDGET GEAR!!

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okay everything here is under 30 i can't promise that prices won't change but as of today's date i've done all the research this isn't like the sale item this is actual cost of the item so if you find this stuff on sale that's awesome this is all stuff i use currently it's been with me on every single trip at least the past three or four trips and i'm taking it with me this upcoming weekend um and it's all ultralight gear and it's all fantastic gear and let's just get started item number one it is this guy right here so when you're hiking and the bugs are absolutely relentless and you are out of deet or you've used up all your deet and the deed isn't even working you're gonna bust out your head net this is the sea to summit head net sits inside of my ditty bag so i always know where it's at basically it's just a no see a mesh that when the bugs are really bad goes over your head look at that now they can't bite you it's only 11.29 right now on amazon so and you don't even need this one you can go get a different headnet because there's cheaper options out there i just bought it i don't even know when i bought it i probably bought it because it's a sea to summit like that's gonna be any better i don't know but i've never been bit through it so it works and i'm gonna take this off because it's probably extremely distracting number two this can actually save your life it no it probably could save your life it's never saved my life but if it was the right situation or the right circumstance it probably could save my life or at least prevent me from getting really sick potable aqua tabs can you see my mouth through there potable aqua essentially what this is are just small little tablets that filter water when you don't have your water filter handy or it's clogged or you lost it or it broke or you can't make a fire to boil water or something and you just toss a tablet into the water and 30 minutes later well bam you got purified water i can't tell you how many times i've been on trail especially when i was testing out the sawyer micro which is the worst water filter ever by the way because it clogs up and i've been talking about that forever so you guys got to stop buying that thing if you're buying it but it clogs up it's clogged up for me been totally terrible and thankfully i was with somebody else who had a separate water filter so i didn't have to use this because it takes a little bit longer and it's not going to clean out like the debris or anything but it's going to make the water drinkable it's going to make the water not make you sick so you can trust the water when you're drinking it just buy this put it in your ditty bag that's what i do and it's always there as a backup water purification situation in case i can't purify my water and i need something to do that it could save your life all right next up on the list the gossamer gear 1 8 sleeping pad so currently this is out of stock on their website which if you're listening gossamer gear why do you got stuff on your website that's out of stock it always says that it's out of stock you got to fix that start making these it's a foam pad how difficult can it be to buy 800 feet of this and cut it into a rectangle what i've been doing lately with this is i've been putting it underneath my sleeping pad and it keeps my sleeping pad one it keeps my sleeping pad from slipping around there's nothing worse uh in the middle of the night especially if you're like me and you roll around a lot at night your sleeping pad is always sliding around the bottom of the tent that's a pain so this holds it in place and two it adds extra warmth so i use the uh thermorest uber light uh it's a really lightweight sleeping pad but it's got very limited insulation in it this actually adds a little bit of r value to keep me a little bit warmer at night and another thing that this does is it protects your sleeping pad so for instance i was in the utah desert a couple weeks back and i laid out my dyneema tent with the ground sheet but i was using polycrow uh that's sort of like a plastic ground sheet but what i didn't realize that just under the surface of the sand was a uh dead cactus or the remains of a dead cactus and so there was some thorns there and as soon as i got in my tent a thorn popped up right through the polychrome right through the bottom of the tent and this pad protected my sleeping pad my air pad from getting popped this is only 18 on their website and it is about five feet i think and it's probably about 20 inches wide or so this is also really useful as like a sit pad if you want to use it as a sit pad and i also keep this inside of my backpack along the back on the inside of my backpack and that keeps some of the bigger items from you know pushing on my back and just a little bit more comfortable and kind of squares out my backpack a little bit more so this is a super useful piece of gear highly recommend this super cheap i've been taking it on every trip all right next up on the list is an item that is actually free you guys are gonna like this one and it is the sponsor of today's video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people i often get asked what camera gear i've been using and how i shoot my videos and how i've gone from this to this and i was able to do that by learning from my good friend matty apollo who has classes on skillshare and i would highly recommend if you're into filmmaking or cameras or anything at all you check him out plus there's so many other classes to learn from if you're uncertain about what's next creative challenges and productivity classes can be a great way to help you structure your time and set up achievable goals connect with the support of fellow creatives and enter a community of encouragement communication and inspiration whether you're looking to fend off boredom focus on self-care through creativity or join a similarly creative community skillshare is the place to keep you learning so i said that it's free and it is free for a limited time click the link in my description to get a free trial of skillshare premium membership okay next up on the list it is darn tough socks so one of the most neglected things in hiking especially with new hikers are their socks so people just don't know what to wear and that's totally fine so i'm gonna kind of help you out a little bit i highly recommend a pair of merino wool socks these ones grip my feet really well they don't move around um the only time i've ever gotten blisters while wearing these socks is if i didn't tie my shoes tight enough so it was a shoe problem not a sock problem 17 seems expensive for a pair of socks but when it's stopping you from getting blisters that are gonna stop your hike or ruin your hike it's worth every single penny so darn tough socks awesome socks just just pick up a pair of socks okay next up on the list the tocs 550 milliliter pop you've probably seen this before or if you haven't you've been living under a rock but it's only 29.29.95 actually on amazon right now as of the filming of this video and there's uh i've got two of them here because this is the older version uh this is one i've had for several years and i had to scratch the markings inside of it i ended up picking up the new version of the tokespot which has the markings on the inside of it now so you can see right inside there the markings the reason this is such an awesome pot one is for the money as far as i can tell this is the lightest weight pot available also it is the perfect size to boil enough water to be able to fill those freeze-dried mountain house meals or pretty much any other brand on the market because a lot of them require two cups of water then it's also got this lid that is pretty cool fits really nicely on there it's got holes to vent it's got this little tab thing here that sticks up you slide it to one side so it stands up and it doesn't fall over and that's why that's like that so this way if you slide it just falls over so that way you can keep it packed and you want it to stand up while you're cooking because then you can easily just grab it and lift off the lid without having to touch the lid and burn your fingers and that kind of thing so it's lacking a couple things it doesn't have a spout it doesn't have like the silicone handles or anything like that at all but for what it can do it's the lightest weight smallest option available that does exactly what i needed to do and i really don't need it to do much else so highly recommend this pot under 30 bucks pick yours up today okay the last item on this list is right now my absolute favorite i cannot believe i did not know this existed it is the therm-a-rest compressible pillow okay before you super ultra light guys start harping on me i'm just gonna tell you this if you want amazing sleep if you want to sleep with the feeling like you're sleeping at home this is the pillow for you this is exactly what this pillow feels like it's very similar to the pillows that you would have at your house it's not quite like a down feeling because it's not down there's actually i think it's recycled uh foam mattress inside of here so there's just lots of little pieces of foam mattress in here but it is not too firm but it's firm enough that when you put your head on it it doesn't you know shrink to the bottom and it doesn't feel like a rock it's got this really nice fabric on here that's really smooth it's not sticky at all it's a cloth and then this will actually kind of into itself like this and then you just shove this in the bottom of your backpack i bought a second one and i bring both so that's how much i love this pillow because i'm a side sleeper i sleep with one under my head and i sleep with one on my side just to kind of prop me up the therm-a-rest compressible pillow all right i think that's it i'm headed out on a trip in uh well tomorrow i'm actually leaving for a trip if you guys like this video though make sure you hit that like button also subscribe for more make sure you hit me up on instagram which i will put right here for you guys and i will see you on the next one you
Channel: Dan Becker
Views: 49,492
Rating: 4.9358287 out of 5
Id: -bbPvV20OY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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