Ralfi's Alley - A-10C II Tank Kil*er Update first look!

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[Music] welcome back to my channel and tonight we shall be going over some of the important changes that have come to the new a10 c2 tank killer update we will take a look at the new interior exterior flight model changes then move on over to the laser guided rockets and check out just how effective they really are against light armor all the way up to something sturdy like a t90 now as you can see the exterior model is just absolutely gorgeous when the lighting hits it just right you can really see all the rivets and wrinkles in the skin as well as how bumped the nose is after all those refueling boom accidents [Applause] even the pilot body has gotten a bit of a facelift you can see that ed is really trying to catch up to hitler in terms of pilot resolution and that honestly is not a bad thing [Music] now if you're transferring from the regular a10c over to the a10c2 you're going to double check your controls because i found that there were some issues if i press escape and go to the controls and go a10c reel and go to the hotend section uh the one thing that for sure was off is the trim the trim is obviously a view which is normal this always happens with new modules but the thing that really tripped me up was that the coulee hat was done improperly uh this was wrong only the left and right was done correctly and the up and down was not so double check your cooley hat controls for sure and obviously go into your axis commands and make sure that you take away everything from the rudder pedals because everything's bound to your flight controls like pitch rolling and whatnot because i don't know dcs still does that for some stupid reason but the pitch and roll had the correct access tune that i have over here so that carried on over perfectly well uh the only thing i had to do was invert my vertical uh whole test slew and that's pretty much it everything else was pretty much on par with what it was supposed to be so if you would like to change how the cockpit looks you can go into your options your specials tab go to the 810 c2 section and you can change from factory new to [Music] aged [Music] so [Music] i don't know which one i like more but uh you let me know down in the comments below are you team new are you team old obviously the main concept here that we have that's new is the the hamlet mounted system display now this display has a control panel that is now active over here and all you really have to worry about is setting it into the on position and we still don't have the radio panel over here so we're missing uh the correct radio panel on the side and of course the helmet mounted display so if i press dms left long i can turn it on and if i set the coulee hat up twice one for heads up display which it's already at another time up you'll see a little dot and now if i press dms up and down i can work the intensity of this thing and boy is this a ton of fun to use so i got some targets up ahead here at this airfield and first thing i'm going to want to do is hit the air to ground make sure the target pod is actually active so if you take a look it's now looking at our current position and i have a nice little wedding cake over it uh i do have some tanks just uh sputtered around for instance i have a row of tanks over here so you know there's several different ways that you can get your targeting pot on this i have to make sure that i make this my soy so cooley head up short and now i can use the slew sensor and it's lose that little box that i can move around as i please um i could set this as my new speed so if i press tms up long that'll set it as to my current speed and i can then go to my targeting pod and just simply press china head forward long and now yeah now it's looking at those tanks that we have over there so really quick and easy way of getting your tarting pod on on target essentially and as you zoom out the box gets bigger as you zoom in it gets smaller so it's got a really nice representation of what's going on on there if i press dms left short i have the target pod overlaid at the bottom of the ja hammocks it's a little difficult to see depending on the contrast as you can see uh white black hot actually looks a little better i wish i could zoom in on that for you but uh it's a it's a weird image i'm not sure i'm going to use this very much it's going to get really complicated but it's nice it's nice it's there you know if i wanted it but dms left short to get rid of that so uh here's a funky little thing um there is a command in order for me to move my cursor over to some vehicles for instance i could point to the beginning of this runway and i should be able to press dms right long in order to slew the current target pod to my current cursor because the target point is looking over here the cursor is over here so um what you first have to do is that the box that i salute from the cursor is now over here so i need to reset the box first to my cursor so i need to press china hat after short real quick which resets everything and you can see the lines over here so now if i were to try and press dms right long you'll see that nothing really happens it's kind of bugged out or maybe i'm not fully understanding the uh the implementation but one of the things you have to be careful of is that china hat aft short no longer uh resets the target pod to boresight mode if you have the targeting pod selected um and you press trena hat after short it will instead go into the laser search function uh supposedly this is actually done correctly uh the relay 10 doesn't actually have that feature to pour side to target pod so what we would have to do is go to standby go back to air to ground and now switch the cooling head back up here and then press dms right long and then i'll be able to move the target pod to wherever the heck i want and this introduces a second problem where depending on where my head is when i press dms right long it it skids the uh the whole targeting pod off to the side so i need to keep my head as still as possible when i do this press dms right long and even then you know it's kind of it's kind of buggy there's two ways to stop this uh i can press the slew sensor real quick with the targeting pod selected so i'm going to cool the hat right long i'm going to touch the slew sensor real quick and then i can you know slow it around and ground stabilize it uh but yeah it's uh i think that i think that's a bug i don't think this is supposed to happen so you know but it's a first implementation so i guess they're gonna be working on it it's still really cool to be flying around and just look somewhere and be like hey i want to target that and then just uh really quickly switch to the targeting pods slew it and boom that's it done uh otherwise just use the other method which is uh with the jay hammock selected as soy slew sensor this over to whatever you want it right and press tms up long set it as a speed and then try to head forward long and slave the target pod over it's just that at this point even if you press trying to have aft short uh you're gonna have a problem where you're no longer gonna be able to press dms right long to slave the target over to whatever it is you're looking at so you're gonna have to reset it and then it works again with dms right long so a little finicky not gonna lie it's uh it's a little finicky but i mean with enough practice i think you everybody's gonna be able to get it so still super useful and of course you have dms right short to set mark points so where to wherever it is that you have this cursor i can just go ahead and start setting up mark points uh of course you can't delete mark points but you know it is what it is so i'm going to move this over here um right now i'm using the target path to slew so let me switch over to the jhamx and now i can use the cursor on geohemics to set uh the mark points with tms right short so there's one tank group there's another tank group here's another tank group and here's one right here and i think there's one right here somewhere i can't really see so hey let's uh let's move our tarting pot over there check it out this oh yeah yeah there's definitely a tank group there just set a mark point with the target pod and boom we got all the targeting uh the mark points set that's pretty cool the only thing is that uh i can see all of my waypoints but i cannot see all of the mark points that i've set up i wonder if i have to switch this over to mark point ah yes so if i switch it to mark point then i can see all the mark points that i've set up on the map which works exactly the same way as you'd expect on a tad so you know it's uh that's normal all right so remember how in the past we used to have the capability of broadcasting speed uh it used to be dms left long this is now changed and as you can see on this hotas list this is the official 810c 210 killer hotes list so you can see exactly what your controls can do depending on what system you have um in order to broadcast your speed what you need to do is press tms left long and now i'm broadcasting the speed over here so it's not dms it is now tms so that's that's definitely one of the weird things that i've found which means that now dms left long will turn the helmet mounted sight system on or off no matter what sly you have set doesn't matter if it's left right mfd heads-up display or that johammax dms left long will now turn the transmix on or off with dms left long so yeah something to note definitely something to know all right and uh the next thing that we did was to take a look at the rockets so we have two flavors to choose from uh we have the uh 282s and 151s now the 151s are high explosives while the 282s are armor piercing now matt said that you shouldn't bother trying to kill tanks with the uh either one of those things they're only meant for non armored and soft armor targets but uh you know we like to experiment so here's what we found so i've just selected the uh the first group uh these are just a bunch of lightly armored uh apcs let's select the 151s which are the high explosives and let's just go ahead and turn our latch on because i don't want to hold the laser button down and uh the range of these things they say it's five nautical miles but we've been able to shoot out towards six nautical miles 6.5 so what i like to use is the slant range over here for the rockets at the bottom or the slant range for the target pod which should be pretty close to what you see over here and it doesn't matter if you start firing the laser before or after uh we've seen that it makes almost no difference but it is fun to watch these things fly so we're at 5.1 where i can just go ahead and shoot it so i'm going to go ahead shoot and then laser is on now it's tracking remember this is the high explosive one and as you can see it kills the abc uh the funny thing is that those rockets don't seem to turn for some reason uh i thought maybe that's just how they are designed but uh you'll see here i fired this off at uh over seven nautical miles so it's gonna be just out of range for this thing now notice how it doesn't spin right i don't know if there's a battery involved because i know that some earlier missiles have batteries involved that they die and the missile goes inert or what the problem is it may be a laser uh range difference but you can see that it's latched onto that laser it's flying straight towards the target that i have it's trying to pitch up for it and in a second here it's gonna stop it's gonna slow off to the side and it's gonna start spinning and there it lost it now it spins like i thought it should and it falls short and this is at seven point something nautical miles so we found like 6.5 is pretty much the uh the range the maximum range before this happens so it's something to keep note of and i know that the laser is supposed to be active only up to around six nautical miles but it seems like the way it's coded is like it sees the laser it definitely is tracking it but then it gets like this last stage where it just i don't know it just stops it does its own thing starts spinning i don't know it's weird that's not the point let's go ahead and take a look at how effective the armor-piercing ones are against armor all right so here i am and i'm facing one of these t-55s we've also found that these rockets are kind of inconsistent sometimes they do damage sometimes they do no damage the most consistent hits that we've seen is if you aim in the rear not at the top of the turret where you'd think the armor would be the thinnest but in the engine block in the rear right where these two exhaust ports are so if i switch to point mode lays and i'm gonna fire one of these off you'll see that it has damaged it it's moving so it definitely felt it and if we take a look at the health of this tank uh you'll see that it actually got about a third of its health down so i'm going to select a brand new tank and i'm going to fire off three of these missiles into the butt end of the tank laser is on let's see what happens boom and three is all it takes to take care of a t55 so as you'll notice the uh t72 does have reactive armor on the sides the front and the top uh so we were testing out to see whether or not hitting it in the turret in the top back where there is no reactive armor would do anything and the answer to that is uh no it either wasn't registering any damage whatsoever or the reactive armor was bouncing back the the rockets so the place where we had to shoot these things at is basically the engine section where the oil containers are in the back and that gave us the most consistent result in terms of killing these things unlike the t55 however the t72 requires four rockets in order to kill it uh three will bring it down to about a quarter health uh which could be desirable if you just want to finish it off with guns right afterwards but if you want to kill it four is really the way to go and what you have to do is also make sure that you spam them really quickly one two three four because if there is too much of a gap between the rockets uh the tank will actually react and it will turn to the side and when it does so that last rocket is going to hit the reactive armor on this side and it's going to completely repel the rocket so uh yeah you're going to be wasting that last shot with a ladies and fire and boom here's that example of uh the missile basically doing absolutely zero damage the t72 didn't feel anything uh he basically uh didn't even move so there's that silly situation where we don't we're not really sure what's happening and it's being really inconsistent in terms of when it actually deals damage or not uh we think that maybe if you're too shallow the rockets may be hitting underneath the tank it's not doing anything but we're at 10 000 feet and the target is basically right down here right below us so that really shouldn't be the case so we try to aim up here but not at the top of the turret and there you go so four will bring it down to basically zero health i really don't understand how this thing is still alive but all you would need at this point is to just basically squirt the gun at him or almost anything really .01 seconds of a trigger pull will kill this thing at this point so if you want a guaranteed kill you would have to use five but at that point you're really starting to waste a lot of rockets so four if you want to damage all of these tanks and then finish it off with guns or five if you just want a guaranteed kill like this and there we go there is an example of the last one not hitting fast enough he turned to the side and yeah the last one just basically did zero damage boom so definitely you can use these rockets to kill these things now let's step it up a notch and use the same amount of rockets five for the t-80s and see what kind of damage we do boom five is all it takes to kill this thing and let's check out what a t90 will be like for those of you have tried you know that even trying to guns at t90 is uh it's tough work it's uh it's not easy you have to get uncomfortably close to kill these things so this is pretty interesting to see what happens i fired six but as you can see the fifth one actually managed to kill it off so there you go it looks like it takes five five five four and then even the heat round a single one will kill an apc and anything that is uh basically non-armored that was pretty cool to see the only other thing that we did was to check what kind of angle off these things will actually pick up a signal and based on our findings we saw that uh if you're off board by 20 degrees or higher the rocket will not pick up the the the laser signal so i we would say around 15 degrees off bore is about the maximum you should ever try so if we try and fire from here you'll see that the hydra is just not picking anything up then as we start getting closer there that's the angle that it does so so roughly speaking we're looking at this being our bearing of 007 degrees and the tank is essentially right there almost 30 degrees but let's be generous and say no more than 20 degrees off bore it also depends on your angle it depends how close or far away you are so this yeah it's not a scientific method by any means but let's just say try not to be more than 20 degrees off-board from the target from here she'll be able to find the laser and guide ourselves over to the tank so that's pretty cool i guess the other thing that we've noticed is it also has air-to-air capability uh believe it or not uh i would have to use the uh the targeting pod and try and find him and lock him up using the diamond boom i got him locked up and if i fire the laser uh it should track him he's a little far but he should be coming towards me here soon so let's see what a fire laser let's see if it tracks [Laughter] that's that's just stupid that's just dumb and lastly i took a look at the the performance of the a-10 in terms of how she turns so for instance we are pretty heavily loaded right now we got some bombs these are the new gbus the 54s wasn't really too interested in testing these out because they are the same thing as the gpu 38 or gb 12s there's really no difference the only thing that's different is the fact that you can either use laser or gps coordinates so looking at the performance of the aircraft uh remember before if you went past the solid tone and went into the chopped tone you would start stalling your wing but this no longer is the case as you can see i can ride between the two signals and my wing is just fine uh speaking of which the churn rate is actually relatively decent and the amount of speed that i lose doing this is not that bad i can hold 195 knots in the chopped nose tone but i am losing my turn radius here as i do this and if i were to dump my munitions completely you will notice that in a 360 turn let's say around 290 knots i'll be able to retain a lot of air speed by the time i roll back around i'm not trying to ride the solid tone as best as i can but look at that look at the turn radius i'll be honest fighters uh fighter's gonna have to watch out and 220 knots so you know we lost what 60 knots in the 360 turn that's that's not bad that's really not bad so this means that you know fighters now you know they can't really get too cheeky if they do they're gonna pay a very hefty price for doing so so i don't know about you but at ten dollars for an upgrade like this i think it's really worth my money so in any case i hope you guys enjoy this little preview of what the a10c2 tank here looks like [Music] you
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 57,608
Rating: 4.9514565 out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's, alley, dcs, fc3, digital, combat, simulation, flaming, cliffs, battlefield, bf, flight, sim, f-15c, eagle, f-16, viper, a-10C, A-10, A10, A10C, Warthog, tank, t-55, t-72, t-80, t-90, APC, GAU-8, first look, helmet mounted display
Id: rBPP5GsPvvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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