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okay look learning a plane in dcs is usually pretty hard i mean these are full fidelity fully simulated planes they've got their own entire operating systems and missile dynamics and all that sort of fun stuff but it's even harder if you chose to learn a plane in the middle of december you know why because well the dcs devs decide to make a fun december christmas time for everybody and make every plane free for everybody you know what that means everybody and their grandma is going to try out the new flight simulator nobody knows how to land a plane and even on a thursday afternoon you got like eight aim 120s in the air going towards friendlies at any moment it is not a great learning environment there is two m120s headed towards us but this friendly is burning towards you turn right quickly and burn don't do it don't fall right another fox go right right right jesus christ this guy's a [ __ ] they're they're aim sevens why is he shooting aim sevens at you two a120s on you dude this guy is the worst team killer on earth reckless are you on two five three ruger one one reckless yeah what's up you've shot two fox ones three fox threes and one fox two at a friendly you could say you're being quite reckless i can't believe you've done this hey magic are you is the thunder jam 17 in the ale with me on net unknown it is it is friendly i have not been able to raise him on a radio contact because he's fired off at least four missiles at me dude it's [ __ ] scary okay okay fox fox fox [ __ ] left diverted good oh my god he just shot another guy it's an f-16 oh my god it's an oh no it's like watching a murder of a child oh oh and also if you were playing during like the middle of december when that air-to-air bug was happening where the missiles just go yeah it made you think didn't it you learning a plane like this in this sort of environment is obviously a little bit harder than usual but it's also equally as more rewarding as usual because i really like games that can effectively give you a reward for your time spent and this game the reward is just getting good i mean getting good at a almost one-to-one simulated aircraft is challenging but then also there's more challenging aircraft than others in the game for example the fa-18 that we learned how to fly last year then aircraft is what is known as a fly-by-wire sort of aircraft it's got a computer flight system in it that basically it flies the plane for you you really don't have to uh baby the plane around and know all the nuances of the flight model to be able to fly something like an f-18 it's very computerized and assisted flight but there's some fighter jets out there that don't feel like a compact suv with 20 20 features and seat warmers subwoofer systems and air conditioning you know there's some planes in this game that feel like your dad's old corvette 1970 sitting in the barn collecting dust yeah it might not have all the modern day comforts but it's a corvette and this is the part of the video where we finally land on the final subject the f-14 tomcat raw as can be fast and loud this thing is a powerhouse of the cold war era sweeping wings for different levels of drag and lift flying at 45 000 feet with ease 27 000 pounds of thrust per engine a maximum speed of 2.3 times the speed of sound and this version of the airframe is a third of a century old so how do you fly this thing it doesn't have a flight computer so if you pull the stick too far back too quickly your wings come off oh you ripped the wing oh and flat spins yeah flat spins ever heard of that no no no no no no no no no no no um uh roll reversals i i have no idea i what is going on it is a difficult aircraft to learn and that's why this isn't just a game this is more of a study sim you're looking up chuck's guides on the internet downloading a pdf that's the size of the game itself and then trying to figure out every single control that you need mapped on your brand new hotes let's say probably three hours to memorize the startup process maybe another six to get used to flying the plane and figuring out the flight dynamics landing taking off carrier landings and maybe a few more weeks until you're comfortable fighting other players with this plane but i took the time between my tarkov matches in the last month or so i've been practicing with the f-14 and trying to get good with this aircraft using servers that i fought bots in and so after multiple days of self teaching myself how to fly this aircraft i was ready i was ready to fight other players in this game and see how i stacked up against some of the finest finest pilots in the in the video game galaxy i guess i don't know so on a cold chilly georgian morning i'm taking off from the i believe the kutase airfield with my f-14 on my first run ever to kill the red team which consists of f-16s f-14 alphas which are the lesser thrust of rain of this plane and a lot of russian chinese and iraqi aircraft basically so my plan was to head north up into the mountains i wasn't comfortable with flying high because a lot of people like to stay stealthy in the mountains so i wanted to try it out for myself how stealthy could i be in this mountain range up to the north i'm seeing some nails off to my right it's from the hostile awax which is a very far away radar plane that is most likely seeing me right now and giving my position to the enemy i got a little call that something might be up here to my northeast here so i'm crawling through these mountains again the a wax plane it's shooting radar pings at me trying to find me and that's why we're staying low in these mountain valleys because we're shading ourselves we're almost in the shadow of them and the radar just can't go through mountains obviously so we're just trying to hide ourselves from this a wax as long as we can and maybe our a wax will see a hostile i think i give it a little burner here to get over this mountain yeah hit that tomcat burner good bandit suddenly jester calls out a bandit to my right and he is correct he saw the aywax told him where it was on the data link and he called it out for me so i started scanning i can see it marking in front of me but i guess i didn't notice it at the time looks like i'm focused on my radar more than visually checking but then i think right now i visually see it yep there we go start going into the closer range scan mode that little diamond out in my glass of my hud is uh is searching for him and there is a lock i double check the map to make sure he's hostile and not a friendly and i launch a fox 3. that's a radar-guided missile and in the f-14 in particular the radar guided missile that it shoots is a phoenix which is a super super fast missile doesn't turn as well i believe as the a120c but it can go very far and very fast and jester calls the splash no way and i was just amazed no way that was a that was a sketchy engagement man holy crap that was so sketchy that was insanely sketchy i actually got somebody i gotta confirm that kill i did i got a j11 what the heck literally the first maybe 20 minutes of flying through the valleys and we already caught our first bandit i was i was pretty happy with how that went so if you came here expecting to be able to easily see the target that you kill well that happens sometimes too it's just when both players make mistakes usually if both players are playing it rather safe then you're never really going to see the other aircraft you're going to shoot beyond the visual range and you're going to hit them from you know a 20 mile or 10 mile range but sometimes players surprise you sometimes they're sneaky up on you in this case like just what i filmed yesterday there was one bandit that was able to sneak up on me and scared the living hell out of me make 29 nails i'm getting locked gotcha what is my bar to be our directions yeah i'm getting locked from the north saying anything when i say he's hidden if he's here he might be on eo he might not be on radar well he's nailing me turning that way again i'm going to scan for him yeah i'm just about to come through the mountainside here he's he's like he's off to the northeast i got a missile one o'clock burning towards you three o'clock he's on me close i love it he's aged we're in a furball seven o'clock i'm just over jing wearing a fur ball four o'clock high let's go let's go i'm winchester i gotta go oh my gosh dude holy crap oh i gotta go home i gotta go home oh my gosh i cannot believe i won that i also just like really enjoy carving through the mountains in this game with a uh more manual feeling aircraft because the tomcat man it can just carve it's almost like you almost get to where you're so comfy with the aircraft it's almost just like you're skating you're just skating over the trees i love tilting my head to the left looking around oh it's so cool once you get all the knight's peripherals set up or you have vr oh man this game just changes changes entirely once you can look around i think i think if i'm not incorrect i saw something on my radar there because i'm focusing yeah i see some radar signature to my front i'm not sure what it is or maybe that's something that was popping up from data link uh i checked right there and it it it was not a friendly on my my map which the f10 map is kind of cheatsy because you're technically not gonna have an f10 map on your uh on your airplane but it's always still safe to do i recommend using it just because then you won't accidentally have iff problems or or you won't friendly fire anybody but i decide that because there might be a target to my right i'm gonna go to the left and notch and uh i would explain notching but i think that'd be a little bit too boring but basically it's a way that you can hide from radars by moving perpendicular to their radar emissions perpendicular and underneath them so i'm just trying to be stealthy here trying to carve through these mountains and see if we can see something again oh it looks like a pop-up to our front right here and i definitely see it i'm looking down at my radar oh it's a friendly okay i'm just you oh i love going inverted over mountains like that it's just so much fun i can't explain it dcs players know what i'm talking about battlefield players you know what i'm talking about when you're in a plane and you're just cruising through valleys it's pretty fun it's that same sort of excitement you get like riding a bike down a hill or something just just that fun little physics game yeah i love it i love it oh something on my radar to my left i definitely noticed it yep zoomed in on my radar all the way just to make sure i could see it yeah definitely spotted him so roger okay i just told my radar to go silent but i kind of need it on as well i'm trying to be stealthy from him but i think i realized that i'm already low enough that my radar most likely won't even hit him even if it's on because my radar again can't go through mountains and he's most likely behind those mountains so i decide that i'm gonna flank this guy i'm not gonna go directly towards him his a wax might be seeing me or something i think it is actually and so he might be getting some calls but right as i get into this next valley i'm going to be invisible for mosaic wax i decrease the range of the radar display so it's down to 50 now so i can see him a little bit closer so that means if he's halfway down the display that he's at 25 miles so he just hit 25 miles and now he's about maybe 20 miles to my left all just rolling around this hill look at that the shadow on the hill oh it's so cool jester does not like flying this low getting over this mountain here i had to kind of yank it but when the wings are folded back uh as much as they are in this video oh got a lock and fox 3 already fired dang i was fast when your wings are far back they don't have as much lift on them so you can kind of yank the stick a little harder when uh when your wings are back and they don't they won't fly off as easily so he's locking us now i gotta go evasive i'm trying to notch his radar by going perpendicular from him and i bet i was notching him at this point honestly it's a pretty good notch if i were to critique my past self but now he can probably lock onto me right now and jester calls out a missile and although i don't get an rwr tone i'm still going to believe him because sometimes rw has dead zones and stuff i'm not really sure but uh i get behind the mountain anyways so i'm immediately clear of missiles and i'm turning around towards the bandit i checked the chat box oh hey i got him oh i can now officially say that i've watched top gun so i'll now understand any references that you may say about the f-14 i watched it a couple days ago it wasn't that good but it was still a fun time yes yeah he's within 30 bearing i'm seeing roughly like zero six zero copy i'm burning 32 and i'm still in the valley below you yep he's at my like i'm trying to lock him up now i don't know where he is dang it i can't pop up yep i'm hopping up and burning oh i see him he's marking he's marking he's at 30 000 so he's gonna have a oh he doesn't even know he doesn't even know oh he knows he's diving he's going evasive now oh nails don't get behind the mountain i think my missile's on him target nine miles yeah splash nice good splash [Laughter] f14 is so much fun i didn't even lock him up like i boresighted him basically damn i might have to figure out what i did to my buttons because i did something he's dead dead that's my oh i know what i did okay let's just try to hover in these mountains um and just keep east okay actually roughly like maybe like one two not straight east i'm headed towards that friendly very much basically ride the ridge of these mountains so if you get rwr nails from a plane you just go on the other side of the mountain like nails one o'clock so one of those at a one three five is nailing me that's a three ship really yeah uh also pop up on sa oh yeah left yeah yeah i see that i see that i'm scanning actually i have him right next to that friendly right below that friendly sixteen sixteen mach one okay tally locked him up sixteen miles burning missile twelve o'clock missiles target twelve miles not on us i'm gonna go ahead and [ __ ] three on him to get him away [ __ ] the box three 15 he's diving he's diving he's gonna go in the mountains copy i'm jinking left a bit but i'm keeping my lock on him oh is he before the mountain oh he is oh [ __ ] okay my missile might hit him if he doesn't go deep enough in that valley he's deep he's deep right now he's at 10 dying still i'm going to lose him right now just lost him but i've got his valley i'm going to get him when he comes out of that valley gotcha lost my lock man this one pitbull oh he's probably just right in there yeah i'm on your six now i see him at tally telly where the heck did he just go oh shoot fox do fox 2 fox dude oh i got him oh my gosh he came straight at me he came straight at me he was being sneaky too he just popped up out of nowhere i was so scared i wasn't gonna hit him so i just fox three times fox twos so on this sortie in particular i was uh near the top of the mountain range just kind of doing circles around it until i got a call there he goes yeah so he said he said that there's a bandit within 35 miles at 45 000 at a bearing and so i know that if i just point up to the sky i could probably find this and i'm trying to go through the jester menus here but i realized like i'm not i'm not really good at this i'm just gonna i'm probably close enough anyways so i think oh i actually might have caught the target there i think jester saw him for like a quarter second but i just eventually set it back to auto because i don't want to mess with it and i think i go into the uh horizontal scan mode and he definitely does not see me i honestly should be looking at my glass right now instead of looking down at the radar though because if i looked up if i looked up i would see the guy but i'm not because i'm in tunnel vision at the moment look up look up out of the radar box dude look up at the sky there is probably a white trail is there a gigantic white trail leading from this dude that's uh nails uh two o'clock i'm trying to look down low he's at 45 000 he's passing me because he's going so fast and yep yep oh i just saw the tip of the truck come on dude look up are you skinning down this low drizzy's stupid sometimes all right fast past drewski's stupid target five miles off man he could have he could have easily detected my rwr my radar basically and figured out that there was a bandit close to him even if he couldn't see me on his radar surprised him yeah i surprised him pretty good here he just had no clue until the missile was right on him that he was getting shot at and he's so high up in the air there's zero chance he can hide he could have possibly notched the phoenix there but i was right behind it with a heat seeking and i shot it anyways just in case it missed let's go sneaky you're 14. this was my this was my first day still fighting in dcs so i kind of got excited about every simple kill i got so over time as i started to get into more fights and get more kills in these matches i definitely have already grown a skill even in the first 10 kills i already felt much more competent with the plane than i was 10 kills earlier and in a shooter game you know you're just going through people uh one kill per every 20 seconds but in something like dcs there's a lot that happens before you even fire the missile that really uh is is highly important and highly i guess like a structured and doctrined so each and every fight is a huge chapter in your uh mistakes and and learning process in this game in this last fight in particular my wife chelsea came into the room and watched me fight so you guys can hear our little discussion we had as i was kind of teaching her the basics of what was going on as but as best i could while i was piloting the plane so this is my radar he might be looking at me one sec nope he's not looking at me yet so that's my radar it's actually not even on but i'm data linking with other airplanes over there that can see him wow so my radar is off that circle right there with the gr e3 that's my rwa that's telling me who can see me so f16 just started to possibly see me i'm not really sure though i'm gonna pop over this hill go active my radar and see if we can see the guy he's last just over this hill there's definitely not 16 behind me oh found him you got it come on where are you oh there's two bandits to my front this is gonna be fun come on find them nobody's not fighting them oh there's one 12 miles oh [ __ ] that's really close shoot go go go go you could have already shot i mean i don't even know holy [ __ ] how did we not see each other until that one moment oh got him oh yeah and so guys with that last kill that'll be the last little clip of today hopefully you enjoyed my video on the f-14 tomcat i definitely am going to post more about this plane we'll get used to this plane a lot more we'll start to do a lot more bvr stuff and uh probably have some gameplays of that out for you guys so hopefully you enjoyed this dcs episode i have a lot of dcs videos on the channel if you'd like to watch them i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,705,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GUyS4bT2LvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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