Ralfi's Alley - Hentai Flight Strike Package

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he'll Louisville a baby well today I've got another 8nc mission on the Huggett at war server and I totally love this server there is a ton of stuff that goes down in this video hence its length so I won't spoil it for you but let's just say that we're going to experience some air to ground and air air all at the same time my wingman is none other than our Leo's who is doing extremely well in the hog at this point the only other thing to note is that this is grabbed from my twitch stream hence the chat and the quality if you'd like to join my future streams my information can be found in the description hope you guys enjoy it Cheers so we're gonna be going through all the waypoints I think we point to maybe the active one but we'll see we have the south end to contest with pretty sure that's gonna have Sam's but we're gonna fly out to eight point one first crashing our Center to ship a 10:00 flight taking off runway 9 for a southeast departure Krasner center run them up brakes ready now van slowly 200 update gear up flaps now and a slow turn to the right slow turn pressing our Center last call for hentai 3 flaked crasner center all right I'm getting rid of the strobe ease because they're [ __ ] giving me PTSD here my gosh that's just disgusting we're doing just under 1,000 feet per minute so and it looks like those objectives are gonna be definitely due south somewhere fox juliet seven one don't worry i'll take a look at where that is but it's definitely not here don't you think that gets over to the right over here let's make a right-hand turn we're gonna go 144 465 all right those 29 nails 11 though those don't seem to be friendly yet oh ho let's go ahead and fence in just in case yeah see the problem here is you're relying on other people to have common sense and he is Oh 247 just check it out if I still remember how this works it's gonna be hard to see until we get a hook around the the mountain over here and get a look in there to see what's going on alright this valley directly to my right right now that's where the contacts are right in there we may need to climb back up again just gained some better perspective first black nor k-11 the next target is tally looks like a radio station most of the stuff is probably dead already but just double make sure yeah all right I'm not seeing anything left over there unless we need to kill that bunker over there now that the radio tower is destroyed it looks like it just looks like there's that one structure I'm gonna try placing a gbu-12 on it it's just gonna require some very quick hoe test controls but let's see if I can get it done and after that we'll keep moving south looks like we are down to about 5,000 pounds is that correct close to that or maintain your altitude five seconds I think it's blown up but you never know shagging wyvern magic can't say three for just a group of eight tens currently pulls eight to one eight four sixty four looking for something to kill do you have anything for us to run our area [Music] just give me a bearing range understood we'll fly over there keep us informed of that understood thank you I mean I know we're gonna have targets up northeast but is that that sounds like it's been real voting area what we're gonna do is strike that one target that's friendly up there but they may be a threat later also that's you 25 bearing one zero you want to continue your u-turn back in the background hantai flight will press on in that case thank you enough a teens engaging that 25 oh well let's just turn hot 1:03 for 4000 15 thank you 0 to 0 for 15 enemy frog foot bearing read on us that's going to be our left here damn at everything looks like a [ __ ] target it's gonna be difficult to spot ah [ __ ] here we go sa safer we're in it keep me updated on that froggy cotton pipeline current bearing that the Sam site has disengaged me is he still spiking you yeah it can't be that I mean I think I see him three four thank you if we have to fight these guys it's gonna suck make sure you get accurate firing solution on the aim Dynes don't waste a single one because I think we have four to six aircraft bearing at us not to concern with the Frog boots but I am concerned about the f5s yeah you know I think I'm just gonna need to get the coordinates and do it the hard way Oh [Music] that's a three for broadcasting destiny broadcasting mark point is set I'm broadcasting right on the location tell me if you got it Sam much Sam watch two times at you that's on you it's on you it's going up high is that coming after you rifle 0 5 0 4 12 thank you I'm good good eyes on you listen we may need to bug out of this one temporarily the f5 s and everybody else is coming after us right now start flying Northwest in the valley f5 s are targeting go low anti flight is bugging now ok I have eyes on you let's just make our extract out of here I got tally f5 to our right but they are flaring so I think they might be engaged alright got my diver page up to Kadota that's a 3 for Roger altitude altitude alright look we might need to fight blue that have 5 right there actually have tally on right now he's off for seven o'clock I'm gonna go low Master arm is air-to-air altitude altitude he's out my nose box two we're engaging target missed he's flying overhead do you have a shot he's for the one flaring but your nose McQuillen posturing all right turn back around turn 165 splash panting special 1:05 once is here for miles we're gonna need to engage that guy as well I dropped all my munitions as well I got eyes on you missile launch missile on Fox two bucks dude splash bandit that's eight three four splash second f5 [Laughter] to 95 qfe good auto traffic anti flight to ship 8 tens inbound for landing runway one-five looking to enter a left base all right slow down pump your brakes throat is idle this is gonna be a sketch landing all right drop your flaps half weed out of traffic hug flight is on left base now four one five good out of traffic on final runway one-five well the winds in the right position very well done let's go sixty at a traffic hence a 3/4 is taking the active for a southeast departure Firefly its beckon comes hey ferme we got a mark point in position on it so we can take care of it now completely understood thank you very much Pat say three four all right uh currently looking at a tuna boost I believe we just turned his radar off like dumbass this tunguska broadcasting now is next to a Zeus they're almost side by side stop men gonna make that my priority target I'm in range hence I find advice TFA hostile j11 bearing 1 1 0 425 headed home to you and 2 3 4 rifle all right the bandits are within 20 miles now turning back around [Music] turn fly heading two-five-zero for the time being missile launch massage mr. la vie Brad hagh flight is engaged offensive hence I three for mig-29 or it's the ju l 11 that you were talking about all right I might be safe over here I just got behind my old signal okay I am clear that confirm that the splash is still flying good shot me vai burn hence a 3/4 splash yeah but 25 [ __ ] understand thank you [Music] twelve O'Clock bearing one to zero I got a speck out there speck is a bogeys abandoned currently won 3-0 up hi tracking slightly right noisy lighting your target is bearing zero eight three four twenty two su-25 an angel 26 but friendlies are in the mix 0 8 3 for 18 target is Rachel 26 all right f18 is engaging that target let's go ahead and refocus on our Sam site we have times to splash definitely killed some stuff times 2 times 2 it's on the back side of the hill whimpering sculpey one st airfield in visual will going to make the call for rounding ending sense for the guidance the words copy woman have to be running rifles launch copy we need to get on the south side and take care of those two launchers or they're gonna start picking off our fighters press South now and get fine Remax left turning it hot now sandwich okay that's coming up to me defensive [Music] all right come on come on baby rifle down a to Mavericks okay Duchess are coming from the valley we lower from the mountain looks like on the south side of the mountain down in the valley all right I found the si6 site now I think there's the radar of spinning dish I'm gonna go ahead and gauge it might alleviate some of these missile launches at us rifle no stinger that's the stinger 30 seconds I got a man pad top of the hill man pad man pad that's a tour active got the tour rifle rifle rifle that was my last man right pump and I got it off on that tour right now you should be going down if it doesn't just as well I'm gonna see if there's anything else we can do but I think that's it I'm gonna check if that tour is down no I say six is still active there's another one here we're definitely gonna need seed in this place and I did get the tour yeah that sa-6 definitely [ __ ] it's still active okay let's turn back home and bogey we're not gonna be able to engage that thing with guns from this angle wyvern MJ three four all right just as a status update we've taken care of most Sam's in the area for any preceding seed flights from this point forward there are some triple-a Left Behind we are Winchester so we're RTB and we could not take care of the last sa six site there is also several MANPADS located at the tip of the mountaintop Roger that hence our flight is RT be beautiful regen just don't crash into me sukhumi traffic gente flavours inbound for landing on one two we are looking to enter a left downwind out of traffic hence a flight is downwind for one five and slow it down further we're gonna make this along sorry Ron cops so let us down a little bit further we're gonna go for a long final let that guy land because he's coming in from the opposite side like a dumbass it's a good thing I didn't broadcast it's okay we're extending long downwind four one two gear down flaps [Music] [Applause] [Music] for a second there I didn't think you had a nose gear it was just overlaid over your right gear I was like see that call with the taxi made sense cuz at least he tells us where he's going that makes complete sense telling me you're just taxing is [ __ ] stupid so cheer Sukhumi it's going slow down so can we traffic hence a flight is on long final four one two why do I hear fighter jet thought I heard a fighter jet it's a cable forgot a little long is a long a runway so we should be fine fast enough for this foot break for a break for a break [Laughter] alright we're gonna go to the left here I was really stirring on I love that scream that was amazing thank you for that [Music]
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 62,684
Rating: 4.9205461 out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's, alley, dcs, fc3, digital, combat, simulation, flaming, cliffs, battlefield, bf, flight, sim, f-15c, eagle, f-16, viper, a-10c, a10c, a10, warthog, strike, SEAD, SAM, SRS, landing, f-14, tomcat, mavericks, agm-65
Id: IIHya2UZJ1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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