DCS: A 10C II: Scorpion HMCS Helmet Sight Tutorial

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the scorpion helmet mounted queuing system is a dramatic improvement in pilot situational awareness it features a combination of the tactical awareness display tad and the heads-up display or hud to give video game levels of icons and information overlaid on the pilot's line of sight today we'll go over all its features as is at release we need to ensure the helmet is powered up by looking at the back of our right hand panel flip the switch to the on position and we're good to go when we look away from the hud we'll see the helmet sight holding dms left will toggle the helmet off if you need a clear view without all the symbology holding dms left again we'll restore it let's look at the symbology at the top we've got the heading our head is looking the helmet elevation lines indicating the degrees up or down we are looking our horizon line when this is outside the display it'll be dashed indicated airspeed barometric altitude and the radar altitude and lastly our heading of our own aircraft x's will show on the radar altimeter if we're too high for a radar atmeter return we can set the helmet to sensor of interest by cycling our cooling hat up twice the first press will set our hud as soy and then further presses will toggle between our hud and the helmet of our hermit set as soy we'll see a small asterisk enabling hotas controls pressing dms up or down will increase or decrease the brightness respectively inside the display we've got the crossover just like the hud we also have a cursor the helmet designation cursor when the cursor is caged we will see the crosshair features crossbars on each end we can uncage the cursor by slowing away with our hotas slew this changes the crosshair to a plus and reveals the box corners of the helmet designation queue the hdc will ground stabilize automatically once slewed over the ground and remain there detached from our helmet this is a great tool for marking locations which we will use later you should note if the hdc is off the screen there is no indication of direction so it's very easy to lose or forget that it is uncaged pressing china hat after short will re-cage our cursor represented by the crossbars on our crosshair drawn out from the crosshair we will have one of two colored lines the green line always points towards our speed sensor point of interest and as we look away the line will extend and start showing progressively more dashed notches representing the angle off from our line of sight a second yellow line is present whenever we have an object hooked with the helmet sight this does not include objects hooked from our tad alright so that's the basics of what's shown on the helmet itself now remember how i said this is a situational awareness monster well okay so there's a lot to break down here this should be mostly familiar to you from the tad and tgp however so let's go over all the objects placed within the world visible through the helmet first we've got nav points these are boxes with dots in the center is the name of the navigation point written in blue below these include our waypoints and mark points our currently selected nerf point will appear yellow whilst all others will be green second we've got friendly ground forces equipped with data link shown as an x remember that not all friendly forces carry data link friendly aircraft compatible with the data link will also show up as the green ppli or precise participant location and identification this is a circle with the distance to them in nautical miles shown below aircraft within our own flight on the same data link net will show up as blue with the aircraft number in the center this means you've got no excuse if you manage to lose your flight lead the location of this marker updates in time with the refresh rate of our data link network and so appears to fall behind the aircraft note that hostile aircraft detected by aywax are not displayed and it's up to debate if this feature will be added later the wedding cake symbol shows the location of sensor points of interest a white speed indicates our own aircraft speed whilst a blue speed is being broadcast from our wingman's aircraft the top number is the range with the center being our wingman's number green speeds are broadcast from friendly flights which are not part of your network if you wish to broadcast your own speed you need to set this by long pressing tms left you can see the status of your speed broadcast on the tab page our targeting pod is shown with the tgp diamond in addition we've got the field of view that our pod can see with a dashed box this will resize to correspond with the video feed on our display we can display the targeting pods video directly on the helmet by pressing dms left short this can be a little difficult to read and i found using the ir mode makes it easier to use it's likely in the future we'll see this image being superimposed on top of the tdc field of view wonder in the helmet site but for now it's limited to just our helmet alright so now we know what we're looking at let's interact with it first we will ensure that the helmet is soy and that our cursor is caged with china hat aft whenever we place the crosshair over an object we'll get information about it in the bottom left we can press tms up short to hook it which draws a dashed box around the object and enables the yellow directional cue to it now the information presented bottom left remains on screen even if we look away this shows us the heading to it the range in nautical miles parametric altitude and if available it'll even tell us what type of unit it is if any object hooked we can press tms up long to set our speed onto the hooked object tms down will unhook and if a spear is set onto the object we had hooked it will return to our selected waypoint we can also set a sp on any object by just looking at it and holding tms up without hooking the object you must use the crosshair to hook objects as the helmet designation cue cannot be used to hook although interestingly you can hook the htc itself if you desire let's now use our helmet to cue our targeting pod if we look at any point on the ground we can press and hold tms up this will place our speed under that point alternatively if we re-cage with china hat off short we could use the slew control to select a location and hold tms up to set our speed there with our space at every point of interest we can then slave our targeting pod to it by pressing and holding china hat aft remember that you can also use hooked objects to set up speed and in turn save the targeting pod onto them next let's talk about mark points we'll recage the cursor with china at half short and use tms down to unhook just like on our targeting board pressing tms right short we'll create a new mark point if we press it with nothing hooked and a cage sensor we'll create a mark point directly under our crosshair if we slow the htc out however it will be created on the cursor instead you might notice that we've only got the most recent mark point showing if we go back into the cockpit below our cdu and switch our steer point knob to the mark position will now see all created mark points and our waypoints will be hidden if you spent a little while tagging out hostile units this can give you a great picture of known threats we can press dms right long to slave our targeting pod to the helmet sign of sight or helmet q this feature does not appear to be ready just yet however as the pod will not enter into a ground stabilized mode often slewing away on its own you also need the pod to not be slave to anything otherwise the slaving will override your command this command is global so you can have your targeting pod as soy use dms right along to save our pod to our helmets line of sight and then we will hit the slow control to stabilize it immediately and we can use this as an alternative to slaving to a speed after it is set by the helmet let's look at a combat example of targeting a sudden threat [Music] once an enemy has revealed themselves we simply look at them and either create a mark point or speed we will then press and hold china hat art to slave our targeting pod onto the speed if you used a mark point you can of course hook it or select it with the hud when steer points are set to mark points then we can set it as our speed with our pod looking at the new fret we're in a great position to engage it this is pretty awesome right there is one limitation however when looking forwards our helmet site will hide in favor of the hud technically the helmet still functions just the same it's just invisible but we can in fact fix that by editing our helmet's profiles we can cycle through the display profiles with dms right the default profiles serve to effectively declutter the display so let's set up our own we can change our profiles and adjust the display settings to our liking on our stat page on the right mfd by selecting hmcs we can then select a profile from the top the selected field is indicated by the pointer pressing the arrows on the side will increment our selected field up or down or we can jump down the table with the arrows on the right we can then cycle options by pressing the on screen button below which will cycle between occludable on and off or special options elements set to occludable will automatically disappear when you look forwards towards our hud or down inside the cockpit switching them to on however will ensure that they stay on in all orientations whilst off we'll remove them in all situations some fields have a display cutoff range we can adjust enter the new value into the scratch pad from either the hud or the cdu and then press the range button to set the new value the objects will only show on the helmet if they are within the nautical mile range set here not all fields are functional either being software future proofing or unavailable you can see a full list of these functions in the manual on page 406 we can also select inertial stabilized area or point tracks i believe this is a default targeting pod mode used with the line of sight slave but lacking documentation i'm uncertain in either case it doesn't appear to do anything at the moment below that we've got our night or day brightness presets on the side i'd personally just leave this on day and use the dms up and down to adjust we'll quickly set up our profiles that our crosshair our own speed and the hdc are all shown at all times with the on setting now we can easily designate for our own hud with a helmet as well as see any other enabled elements through the cockpit i'd recommend setting up a profile for this purpose unfortunately changes to these settings are not saved and must be reconfigured every time you start a new aircraft hopefully in the future we'll see a data cartridge system added to save personal options i've talked with eagle dynamics about the possibility of having the ability to save your profiles added this might come in the form of blue editing for the time being however lastly i wanted to bring up a few common mistakes it's very easy to forget about your helmet cue if you attempt to create a mark point with the cue off the helmet screen it will be created on the edge of your display not on the crosshair as you might have hoped for if you're attempting to create a speed with the helmet crosshair or q and find yourself unable to you've most likely managed to hook an object and lift it hooked off screen so you're actually setting the speed on that hooked object in most cases if you're having difficulty simply check the helmet is soy cage the cursor with china hat half short and press dms down short to ensure you do not have anything hooked and try again all right so that is everything to the scorpion helmet mounted queuing system for the warthog 2. i hope you enjoyed and happy hunting you
Channel: RedKite
Views: 30,425
Rating: 4.9921494 out of 5
Keywords: Thunderbolt ii, Tank, Warthog, Helmet, JHMCS, HMCS, Scorpion, II, Target designation, A2G, A G, A-10, A-10c, Helmet mounted cueing system
Id: NJjHu_H1ImY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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