Trying the DCS: A-10C II for the First Time | PART ONE

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we are in the a10c look at that i are in the loading screen well douglas will be here in a minute we got the a10c we got some mavericks uh i don't know if that's gonna mask the pot or not but there we go the brand new a10c2 this one is equipped with a scorpion the hemet however does mover know how to turn that on the answer to that is no i don't think i have anything fancy like that no you don't even have i mean you're an a10 a let's see here i have to get out and open the canopy and throw rocks oh you've got the gun that's really all you need replacement batteries at this thing oh there it is oh yeah i got here oh [Music] that is fanciness right there so this is the helmet that the f-16 block 30 has and i i've seen people ask the question why or will the f-16 get it and the answer to that is no because the f-16 block 40s and 50s do not fly with this helmet it is only the block 30 with the software compatibility upgrade aka sku that fly with it damn seat switch i found it the other day oh there we go seat down dude sits way too high i like to sit low yeah all right you're done i feel bad because i'd have my lights on hang out lights on for safety where's the runway like i don't even know where we're going let me call and get a progressive is this a runway oh it's the closed runway that's probably good it looks like a long enough stretch that way let's just go this way okay i'm still trying to map a control to my lights so i can have my lights on for safety things all this stuff's working yeah it's all working all right you ready i'm ready we taking off down that thing okay let's go let's just go you're gonna need to move yeah i'm going okay we're not doing a formation takeoff though are you trying to we're doing we're doing line of stern is that a thing no that sounds like atf gold 10 second interval takeoff yeah about a second and a half usually we do more than that let's see if this thing will fly oh she's heavy oh she's heavy she's still skipping there we go come on gear so i knew a guy who was in afghanistan that did this and then he skipped off the end of the runway that doesn't sound good it was high hot and heavy yeah my um this thing is my aircraft is protesting a lot she's a big girl all right coming right reference to target this cockpit looks amazing do you want me to uh come up here to attack in if i can figure that out uh it's not gonna help okay that's right because you don't have i can i love it i love that i can read this cockpit so well okay let's let's fence in because this is going to happen fast laser arm gun arm master arm turn that on targeting pod air to ground all i had to do was push one button i've been able to identify my attack on attack and readout what direction should it be pointing if it had the right steer point zero six zero we're 32 miles away this is a really good looking cockpit i mean i feel like i'm wax was talking about changing the view distance but honestly i think this is perfect i wouldn't change a thing mine's pretty good too it's not quite as cartoonish as the a4 i mean my attack hand's doing stuff but it doesn't seem to be doing anything useful so i'll just keep an eye on you there we go players yeah i know where you are well i'm i'm gonna need flares so the scenario this is actually i don't know if you remember the mission that uh ray and gb and i did where it's a hilo escort you can go get in the ah sixes if you want um but there's it's the helo convoy escort mission i actually do remember that see all the finger fire drill that i know and the viper and the hornet do not work in this jet why couldn't they just map them the same they're both lockheed i mean there's an argument to be made for doing that across multiple platforms yeah but you know it's oh look dude there's already the convoy we have dude the tanks have already destroyed everything that's not good yeah i'm i'm tracking our tanks and they've already done dude they have laid waste so i guess we may have started this too far because uh did our convoys already they already creamed bad guys yeah i don't think we got a manpower guys yeah so let's go to the next year point dude this cockpit's so real i just wanted to reach up and hit the next steer point oh yeah i see smoke yeah dude they destroyed everything man i wonder if that means we're safe for man heads i think so does that mean that's a friendly because there's a whole bunch of other little yeah those are friendlies that is awesome friendly smoking yeah no dude i'm i'm tracking in the pod those are helicopters and i'm currently tracking one of our friendly dudes cool that is awesome but it also means we got here too late and they've already done their thing well i mean it would be a terrible break from routine if it looked like we knew what we were doing so at least there's that i'm just looking to see what's out here like there's two guys in the open right there uh all right so two strikers are still on the way dude this is awesome i mean the graphics the feel i don't know if they really improve the a-10 or if i just got the graphics finally good enough but man feels like i'm in an airplane yeah i see a couple of strikers yeah those are friendlies yup um yeah all right you want to reset i'm gonna roll in one more time and strafe over here okay well let me know because i'm gonna reset it so we actually have targets i don't hit the floor all right so targeting pot on tgp standby air to ground mavericks we'll turn those on oh those already aren't come on turn on ah crap i shouldn't have done that okay gpu-12 profile uh change set start time fall two there's time to autolays on safe how do you get bmw oh we got to get rid of that manpad stat um so i'm looking at the wrong thing then i'm not getting any warnings from him that's because you don't have so the older a-10 doesn't have that trying to figure out myself where he is i got ground quite a few contacts over here and they're shooting at me too so they're probably bad guys uh i'm sorry i'm i'm on the other side i'm looking at the convoy so if you if you go south out of the city yeah just got shot down so i found him there you go now how do i make the targeting pod look at that square that's the question oh man i blew up somebody's house that is the question oh boy he's shooting at you now too yes he is i've got too low i got shot down by something with some bullets looks like a little anti-aircraft what am i in like flare jettison stop stop stop okay all right oh dude i see bad things happening over here you are oh we lost the uh the chat sorry fellas oh god they're doing it again they are popping off well you know what if i just keep flying around until they run out of uh interest well they're shooting at yep so they're still interested okay there's the wagon wheel we'll go to yeah well hell i'll just i'm going to try to hit him with a maverick it's my wagon wheel i gimbled [Music] crap run away run away run away run away run away with pride all right well gpu-12m ccrp gb12 arm all right i'm going to come in i'm going to run out and come back in and drop a gp 12 on them assuming that i can do that countermeasures players dispense supposed to be there he is there's a point track on him too okay get climbing i am in what mode [Music] pcrp got it you gonna pop off around at me he does i'm in a good position to spot him i'm gonna climb i'm out of flare so i may die on this one this thing just will not climb it's hard to stay out of the threat there he is master arms on 20 seconds only i had a jtac that would 10 seconds seven five four three two one weapon away i hope yep weapon away oh he's shooting at me too checking left lasers on lazing get some get some boom suck it got him i think there's two of them though i don't know but that was extremely satisfying i like that was fun oh that was a lot of fun i enjoyed that a lot yeah do that again is that another dude sure oh it's just the infantry guy yeah they're firing small arms at me over here there's the helicopter well we can blow up the helicopter that'll make a big boom helicopter go boom wait there's a vehicle out in the open oh look who's this guy infantry i don't know there's something underneath that bridge and i'm going to blow it up and see what happens okay our tank guys are shooting people again oh yeah there's some stuff at the edge of the city if you want to help them out all right rolling back in i just wanted to steal some some light stuff over here where i am yeah at the uh edge of the city there's a whole bunch of stuff too what the hell what did i just lose there's a tank and some trucks over at my location the tank was shooting at me seemed kind of optimistic i i flew over it uh 15 seconds oh i got some weather to deal with yeah there was um bad guy under the bridge yeah that's the one i'm going after he hit me with a missile i do not think i destroyed him with my crash no you didn't teach me to try to crash on people under bridges weapon away is there a time to impact lasers on lazing get some three two one nope that countdown does not equal oh are we gonna mask oh it took the bridge but it missed him i went long that's okay we got a maverick all right i'm gonna try to bomb him missiles are not working is this thing stuck in gimbal limits all the time all right here we go will it be able to do it all right wagon wheel you got this oh boy's gonna shoot at me well we're committed now oh he's gonna shoot back this was a poor idea tactically not sound mistakes were made yeah it's okay oh i shot her friendly [ __ ] i did not know our guys were there but they made it through anyway oh he's shooting at me you should have me too man there's you're a fireball yeah i know wow that went really bad really fast well our tanks have passed the checkpoint yep time to do some a-10 stuff just time to do some a-10 stuff they're engaging um some dismounted infantry there's a lot of infantry next to the road hitting our humvees where near the helicopter past the bridge okay pass the bridge away from the city i'm in danger close the humvees are still alive the infantry's chasing them oh yeah uh yeah you did you did bad things like bad things or bad things bad things to bad people or bad things good bad things to bad people there's still more of them though oh yeah i see them pretty cool ground level view is kind of neat where is that fire coming from looks like it's mostly small arms dude that would have been the coolest clip ever i need to switch to these and go to rockets ccip rockets foreign wow how you can find an a10 squatter man this is fun there's rain and hate here that's got to be somewhat atypical reaction to playing dcs hey you know what i could do this in real life time to go oh boy we are out of rockets this thing's just got such a small turn radius it's just like we can just turn right back around and go after him again pop smoke here a little ridge line that may be a factor but that's okay sloping down uh-oh am i out of bullets i'm out of bullets how did i run out of bullets it's crazy yeah well time to go maverick oh that's the thing okay is that you oh look at us dude i'm designed to bomb that infantry appear to be some helicopters in the air over here is that ours well i think they did a decent job with this okay if they are going that direction they are probably good guys the good guys have pushed all the way through plus they didn't shoot at me oh get out of the way watch it oh suck it nice strikers are still taking small arms fire well i'm out of bullets oh dude that's awesome who are these guys are these dude looked like he was about to rejoin with a shadow i see you up there remain blow the bridge no more bridge i guess yeah so now they can't chase them see because you knocked the bridge out uh oh oh that's the rest of our convoy that was probably ill-advised [Laughter] whoops uh huh well i'm gonna take that one in debrief call up one of those bridging tracks no that they're they're way past that bridge they're going the other way no dude no no no they're not i passed them after i shot it and they were heading toward it let's go see if they all die it didn't knock the bridge out though so the maverick was ineffective must be talking about two different bridges good job fellas you guys did this is an awesome trainer all right so if you do that you can move it right like so and now we're on the bridge nice so we'll get to watch as our dudes go careening off and it's going to be sad i see some abrams past that bridge you destroyed it oh yeah no the convoy is well behind them though that's the problem yeah oh not an obstacle for tanks yeah that's gonna that's gonna that's gonna be an issue for him i see a dead infantryman that's a little detail i hadn't experienced before are you seeing dead pilots me and ray especially me i don't know there's a suspicious looking civilian over here yeah this is uh not good it's not good for you i got the see that no i missed it did you hit him ai infantry ak destroyed with an at mark 82 america the convoy is stopped that's why they're not showing up there's no such thing as overkill there's only fire and reload yeah the convoy stopped dude they gave up you want to reset this mission and do it one more time please yeah absolutely i mean oh kind of an idea what's going on now excuse me oh no oh [Music] the doors off [Music] don't be a douche that's rule number one make them tell you no
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 43,462
Rating: 4.9241276 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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