DCS Tournament FINALS with Fighter Pilot Panel Commentary | Folds of Honor Fight For Honor 2020 LIVE

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[Music] three two one [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to the folds of honor fight for honor 2020 we've got a great show today we're gonna crown a champion the person that will fight banger or sorry falco that beat banger in the uh in the ai darpa trials will be selected today and we've got a whole bunch of real fighter pilots uh that are helping us out so without further ado here are our panelists for now we're going to have more joining us so say hello we've got uh donkey you guys know donkey say hi donkey hi donkey there we go and then in the other corner we've got mr oral oral pleasure hello tomcats tom goetz tomcats i hear you i hope you hear me yeah oh we hear you loud and clear i hope uh i'm sure the chat will tell me if they don't tomcats um so and we've got uh specials on his way we've got gb's on his way and we've got old uh multar who's working on an issue right now so uh what you guys missed yesterday we had a lot of good fights uh oh there's moltar multar what's up man now it's uh we were having some issues with we're streaming people showing that's all right we were having some issues with people's attack views showing different things we got it all worked out uh so now we're i think we're back on track uh we're ready to go i think the match we're gonna be streaming is brno versus sungho which is two of them wow wow we're starting off the top rope early on starting with a bank so we'll have to see if the matches after this one are able to keep pace so what we're going to do this time different is because we've got so many people i'm going to leave the little sidebar up so that you can see who's actually talking so we're going to have the webcams up the whole time and then i'll put the uh the stream in the center there all right so one change that you and i talked about today uh mover is that today's matches are going to be streamed live so they're not from tracks correct there's going to be a little bit of me getting in contact with the pilots there'll be a slight delay with that but other than that there shouldn't be any change so we're going to lose uh two of our panelists in about an hour and a half but then gb will eventually show up i got to find out where uh world gb went here i'll harass him as well yeah just be like hey dude what's going on so uh the chat the chat hears this uh let's see burno was the boom and zoom viper guy yesterday and sung ho was the flawless victory hornet got yesterday correct is that what we're doing today that is that is what we're seeing and supposedly what i heard today is one of them is taking a viper and one of them is taking a mig-29 so make 29s yeah we haven't seen one of those fly yet okay looks like sungho is having a little bit of a connection issue but he's he's working on getting that fixed so what did i miss before i i jumped in here uh you missed nothing you missed introductions in case you missed it that's ganky uh that's oral who has flown the tomcat he will be our resident tomcat expert uh okay since we need one of those and also f5s and if there's any tornados that show up or tornadoes tornado tornado yeah and if there's any sort anything anything swing wing yeah what is our swing wing guy donkey will be our expert in the flanker okay okay all right i remember hearing that yesterday that gonki has some experience with oh so rule of uh rule of thumb here today uh this is a charity event it supports folds of honor folds of honor uh provides educational scholarships to the fallen or the families of the fallen so if you want to support that use the super chat feature use the donate button or uh use foh.org fight for honor so the tournament gets credit then we'll do more of these you know obviously if it does well we'll have more of these in the coming years but it's a worthy cause we all highly support it and we've got a virtual ready room full of people that are here for this part and uh here's special without his headphones yeah hi special nice special can you can you put your headphones on so i don't hear me i don't hear me [Laughter] how are you today good how are you i'm great we've got berno and sung ho in the very first round remember burno the boom and zoom guy that went up to 50 000 feet yeah that's that's who's fighting today so but he's he's fighting supposedly at mig-29 so i don't think he's gonna be able to outrun him like he did the hornet so you guys ready you ready to get this started we are ready ready to rock i don't know what happened to gb he's receive only all right so i brought up the stream for you guys to be able to see and then i'm just asking to make sure that the pilots are ready and then we'll get them jumped in all right they're ready so fights on where's the go go and here if they spawn in here where are they there they are so we're going to ride along with burno first oh burnos in a hornet this time they're both in hornets oh wow so take i take totally back what i said earlier about viper and mig-29 here we go this time all right i think it's sung though man i i think sung ho's got the edge today and sung ho is ace just so everybody knows it's yeah so there's no confusion and we are riding along with burno who's being look at that lead and something else i'd like to point out to all of the viewers is the pilots can't see labels that should just be us okay here we go low to high so who do we think has the advantage here i mean burno obviously is on the sticks of the base but yeah he has the altitude advantage yeah but he's offensive he can just follow him around he's getting really slow the range i think it's gonna stall well we're 30 000 feet in the con 65 knots you got that oh well like you said yesterday mover that's totally controllable yeah why not he just needs to he needs to delay start that race yeah ace is going to start that radio here in a second wait what are what ace is playing his he's out of control those rounds must have hit is he i don't know but they're separating from each other oh ace is not in yeah he used his last flare he didn't have a wizard so he had to do his own flaring he's in a flat spin dude and for anybody that doesn't know i assume this is a bad place to be for a pilot i mean out of your aircraft he's in his shoe he's good is he gonna shoot i never saw it open i just saw dots deploy from his aircraft and we didn't see where he went oh it's a bad day right i guess we were all wrong we all jumped on the ace bandwagon and berno kicked his ass oh is this wow that was quick is he coming in for the carrier break or the no this is straight in oh overjeed the gear what then crash on landing that was just the the stereotypical dcs bleed all your speed before straight and approach lane straight what do you think about straight ends man we talked about this yesterday i guess if that's all you can do well we talked about i don't i think a big part of it is they don't want to make their opponents wait no no we uh yeah we agreed on that and i think that's i think that's fair well but it's interest it's funny to watch people do those massive and sweeping turns to bleed the the speed with their gear down and realize is that a bad thing to do no well not with the gear i think there's a g limit for the gear down isn't there yeah yeah i think that there is a bit of a hey oral's back welcome back oral hey hey that was awesome man we're gonna ride along with ace this time and this is round two so we've got ace looking over the on his nine o'clock we can see berno in there and we're going in for the turn-in these guys do have to stay around 15 000 feet around 400 knots before they turn in and after they turn in it's uh you got to maintain altitude but speed is whatever you want to do well he's 550 bills at the beginning yeah he's oh boy oh boy wow there you go neutral both into the oblique 550 at the one circle is a little bit aggressive it is the factor on pole yeah polti you can't see any more than let off it's a proven tactic [Laughter] is that how they train you guys in the navy in the air force hold till your blackout if you're over 40 you don't pull past three g's [Laughter] four g street still neutral now you guys said yesterday it's really common uh the horse scene versus vers or sorry 18 versus 18 to get into this descending rolling maneuver yeah mm-hmm roll to the floor and then is that simply just because you're it's the same jet and you're is that simple just because you're trying each guy's trying to out rate the other one and fly to their advantages and you get into this or is it pretty common in same on same fights like if it was viper on viper would it be similar to this i mean when you're the same i'll say no it's a lot of it to do with the go ahead oral it's just an energy game yeah no i was gonna say just because the maneuverability of the of the hornet is what i think pushes it to this oh boy i think we're in a roller coaster now it is i think we're not oh oh oh we rolled around [Applause] [Laughter] oh well that may have worked in his advantage ace room was the winner last year his gun gun mechanics though in his last round that we saw him fly and move her were a lot better it only took him one shot to kill his he's a sniper he just he aims for the head that's it and right into the canopy so i'm assuming it's guns only right yeah yeah which is painful because yesterday we had a guy go up to 55 000 feet and run away [Laughter] but he ended up winning yeah it was burning wasn't it wasn't it this guy oh it was burno i mean not the guy that's in the closet in the foreground it was b3 who's further out oh we are back in a roller coaster they have limited rounds yeah pull up no they've got 500 oh they do have unlimited rounds no it's i thought you said limits i said no i did i said limited they're limited so whatever the jet normally is which is what oh he squatted he hit the brakes he flew right by uh he's got more to work is he getting more i think he's got it trees are getting bigger oh boy oh there you go that's something that you guys never did work out for him where are you going oh he's doing a deck save dude that's a that's a deck run away dodged now it's a civilians 6k it's a 6k look for your turn circle no paul man oh dude ah that was a 6k it was a 6k it was a 6k wow one from dead six to oh there you go over the top gun shot over the top oh he couldn't get his nose [Music] good lift vector placement yeah we'll take it we'll take it oh hey how much gas do these guys at nice shot for a while the gas for these jets is all based around the mig-29 because the mig-29 can go through its gas the fastest wooden gate yeah so we tried to balance all of the jets around the 29 so that they all have very similar times so full gate five minutes we tried to balance the tournament in that way it's about it's about five minutes yeah yeah this is been in a roller for like five minutes yeah i don't think they've come out of blower we tried to do it how we calculated it was we did it at low level and just had him go in a circle so we could maintain the same air speed so we weren't changing the fuel flow rate by increased airspeed or altitude so it should be pretty close well remember they still have to land after this and the hornet's not great with flame out landings they do it's not definitely not it's not the best having hydraulics tends to be a problem it tends to all right go to lag yep there you go he is just i gotta say somehow it seems to be flying really well yeah here we go oh he just can't get it over oh no early turn what's with the wing waggles looks like it's flying like a tomcat it could just be his it could just be aerodynamic buffet mover come on i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah he was oh no got him out of his game plan now it seems to be sung ho at the disadvantage are those oh really close oh nice but burno did a really good job of reversing positions i mean sungho was it had the advantage through the majority of that now it seems like brno getting those rounds close to sunghoi's got in the driver's seat now he did a good job of getting skinny and missing some bullets well we thought he got skinny last time donkey and he didn't have a pilot in his aircraft when we thought coming off his plane it was the best vertical [ __ ] he's ever done though when he was oh his nose oh no oh boy oh dude oh dude i thought that was game over there for a minute he's trying to raid around he's doing a great job oh watch the trees watch the mountains watch the mountains all that stuff so what altitude would you guys when you got below a certain altitude your butts start to pucker with trees we don't do we don't dog fight tree if i see trees i know things are going really flying that low oh oh did he scrape a wing i think he's okay players don't help against bullets they don't teach them right in flight school what the four players from being shot at for well they do but not for good guns only though right yeah yeah oh finally out of blower or is he out of gas here we go here we go it's a 3k dude you got this oh did he slide i didn't see any hits there close but i i didn't see any hits no do an aileron roll there you go i think just ace or sunglasses get really low on gas oh oh oh oh oh oh no it's a good guns g where do i know he's just rolling continuous aileron rolls oh shoot him so i've seen that in a movie oral it works it works top gun this is like watching world war ii gun footage how's it going oh they're out of gas they've got to be out of gas wonder if he's out of ammo gentlemanly runaway did he think he killed him oh that that would be a problem for berno that would be a problem for bro oh what happened he ran out of fuel i think he ran out of gas and he lost he lost surfaces and dude you can't do it is he going to try to do a flame out landing oh no oh all of that for a draw oh wait man i know right the first to eject loses right no it's it's you gotta land so it's the first you gotta land you gotta land oh man and the reason we put that rule in was for that reason because we wanted people to consider fuel states instead of just going balls to the wall the whole time and so is running out of gas as soon as they killed somebody is this it or if if uh burnout wins does that create another round no if burno wins we're done if ace wins uh we'll fly for another round we'll go to round four okay okay special what'd you think man what what is your expert analysis [Laughter] why won't this end it was good it was good it was good oh uh the chat wants to know if you mean world war one since you like to point out world war one [Laughter] two okay fights on who are you guys picking in this one i think they're both going to lose any credentials who are they uh ace one last year we got ace and oh and and brno has been doing well this one's ace [Music] i think we're going around foreign if he ends up winning that is what he has to do to beat the ai because the ai does that that is all the ai knows how to do is shoot him in the face oh he's got hits too oh oh he's pretty shot up too he's not small oh no oh boy dude it shot up his luggage he did 10 left 10 left just taken out no golfing for him yeah can he get the gear down i don't know i think he can hook down take a trip hey oh it's too early all right hook down he must have power though his engines are still at seventy percent so he's okay he overspend the gear by a lot still 240 knots yeah 270 with the gear down does it matter look at the airplane uber i think that's the least of his worries when he's got like person-sized holes i don't see anything leaking oh he's got it he's got it hook down flaps down we're good throw the hook down this is a pretty good round to start going four rounds oh nice oh for the day he had a ton of gap that's gonna be an msp code right there the planning link failure i'm checking out anyway you better check that bad boy all right so this let's do it next is this it now this is a tie breaker round right this is a tiebreaker so if they draw again obviously we'd go to round five but whoever wins this one if somebody does win will win the match okay that's it i think they're they're both gonna go for the throat face shots for everyone well they both tried to do it in that one and somehow was just had the better shot there's somebody's parachute interloper oh oh that's the fisher [Applause] gb you in here i see you i just don't hear you uh-oh i'm here like he's got the advantage here oh no oh no oh nice this should be it right here oh yeah the commitments for berno i think put him in a pretty bad spot oh roll roll alive is that it is that it is that it no i think he's trying to conserve his energy there you go over the top welcome back special we're back at a roller special get comfy this is like every hornet v hornet dfm match yep there you go down here there you go align it squat the jet he's got the energy shot squat no not quite hello yeah 320 bills there yeah easy well it is a smoke screen yeah he's smoking he's on fire oh that might be right there i think he actually is on fire yeah i think that's it he's coming oh he is that is uh oh no oh god that's a lot of lead [Laughter] you got two engines they're both smoking why are they both smoking no it's that's contrails for him oh it's fuel unfortunately for brno well he doesn't do it oh departure spin oh we're good now he's dead moltar you said that uh oh attack view oh ace actually has a bunch of damage it it'll flag the over g's right that somebody's asking in the chat so if it happens we'll know about it yes okay yeah yeah they were asking so i just wanted to make sure and there are staff are watching these yeah yeah now will it auto limit the g or can they pull through it they can pull through they can pull through it's it's supposed to in the world so whatever the real hornet will give you you know seven and a half g's so you have to pull the yeah or if you paddle yeah well from my understanding you can you can pull through it like mover just said or you can you can paddle depending on speed donkey did a whole video on that go watch his channel so again hey like facts here or ace says uh gb wait we got gb has to get his sensitivity i've been wanting to say this for the whole time tell us about g limits gb i've been saying it that's why i rage quit the forums just because [Laughter] i'm retiring i'm done it's over i'm not i've said my two cents i gave him like three dollars worth of two cents [Laughter] he just straight up was like okay you guys are the experts i don't know why i'm out i don't know why it took 29 pages yeah it took 29 pages where it could have just been one sentence the hornet is a 7.5 g airplane that went on for 29 pages oh god oh they're mad well they also want the tomcat to be 12 g's yeah i mean come on being a real fighter pilot doesn't mean anything hey you don't know anything about jet fighters oh yeah how many chair aviators are the ones that know everything how many times did you pull 12 g's in the tomcat oral we lost uh i wanted to keep flying so i didn't [Laughter] oh no no yeah snodgrass apparently did it every sortie so we have to talk about it you can you can do it once no he did it on his last story and destroyed the jet oh no no i did he really yeah that's the rumor anyway i turned it off because i turned this stream off because uh they're done for now so i got to get the next round set up okay we're back you guys will have a few minutes to talk about whatever you want well where'd gb go because i really want to hear more about the uh drama you don't want me ranting now i'm just gonna sound like a sore winner if i keep ranting yeah there was there was what are your credentials anyways man yeah i guess uh you know that meme with the buzz from toy story where it's like years of academy training wasted i didn't want to put that right into the forums after uh apparently all my training was for now yeah no respect for the real deal uh i guess uh how do when i was uh flying for the r map they treated they treated an over g even if it was like 7.6 they treated it like you over stressed like a like a 747 it was a big deal yeah i didn't realize that until i over overdeed one of their airplanes you over you over gia hornet you know you see seven point six you're like oh oh oh oh oh oh and then you check the msps and you see an 811 there you do a walk of shame back into maintenance control it's a straight up walk of shame and i don't think that the community is not quite aware of that that you are a walk of shaming back into maintenance into the squadron for that jet going down to an inspection and now further events now have to be canceled i joined late but i am so glad i made it in time to see that face to face gunshot there that was actually pretty awesome that was awesome that was pretty sweet that's the best one i've seen yet yeah why not right just spray a couple bullets you might as well just throw the training wheels out the window yeah i guess if you're a real combat you would do it just for the shock factor special have you actually tried to play this the dcf i haven't i haven't oral have you tried it i don't have such such uh technologies i had to i had to go how long it took me [Laughter] yeah i got a buddy who who introduced me to dcs i don't know about a year ago i didn't even know anything about it because he was asking me questions about the hornet i'm like what like these ridiculous like startup questions and stuff i'm like dude what gives he's like oh yeah i'm learning how to start up the hornet so i can play this game i'm like oh okay and then he told me all about the game i was like oh wow that sounds pretty cool and then he showed you he showed me his setup so he's got this huge setup and he also plays uh iracing oh yeah eye racing there's a mover ruins racing our racing league we do that too dude he he's got like a whole like chair like this whole thing it's like a cocksuit of a car dude if i put something like that at my house divorce city [Laughter] that's what you do after the divorce yeah that's that's how you feel your time once there's nothing left but okay i think we got the stream back fixed it's back into a reason they were having buffering issues so uh apologies on that but um yeah so if you see these forums they're pretty toxic they're pretty bad and gb and i were trying to do the the folds of honor chat and try to talk to people about that and we did g limits this year and everybody's mad about g limits and one of the biggest things they say oral is that snort was known for going around on his book speaking tour talking about how he never honored the g limits of the f-14 and always pulled 9gs with the flaps down and to try to beat other aircraft and they say because the one guy does it that no fighter pilot ever observes g limits and nobody cares and what do i know i don't i'm a noob in dcs therefore i can't have an opinion it's interesting so what do you think mr tomcat pilot uh i mean everybody had observed the g limits but him and he was known to be a that type of an individual which i mean he's got a huge head on in his own right and uh he goes around and brags about it but inside the community nobody really respected him for it yeah that's my honest truth what i've tried to explain people to people is when you over g a jet in combat it's called an f kill because your jet is not usable so even if you won the fight your jet you have to turn maintenance has to go take it apart so we don't go intentionally over g we try to use good bfm i mean gb that's something you tried to explain to him right you tried to explain that when you when we're in combat we don't intentionally we don't train over g we train good bfm tactics because we want to use the jet again uh a jet is just if yes yes yes how much time do you have yeah this is perfect all right so uh yes people seem to think that over gene for an emergency that combat is itself an emergency no the hornet is a 7.5 g airplane you train to fight with 7.5 g there's no manual that says only in combat pull this paddle switch and training don't but in combat do it that that is not written anywhere obviously we can't talk about what's actually written down but i can tell you at least that much like that is not a thing it does not rip the wings off in combat that is acceptable that is not a true statement that is not trained to that it's not thought that it's not written that does not exist just to clear up anything it does to keep you alive it does the missile defense sure i mean that's right you've been saying when i went on my rants i said hey if you have bullets listening past your head and there's certain death i think you would be totally fine to try that out first thing i don't even know if i would think of it because i never even trained to it or studied that but if i were to think of it in that case i sure would be justified that is not a normal thing at all even in combat i mean so guys wanted realism this is realism you do a a 30 minute fight and it takes two hours to debrief it oh yeah well don't forget about it you can have everyone drawing up arrows by the end of this here's malta he's back virtual pilots are some of the most like i don't i don't there's not even words dude just pick one just go look ours is right next question i mean that's all you can i know i do i've got you all here i know how i know we never all right we ready are we going to the next one i'm we're i'm trying to get i got to figure out where everybody is and um we're a little bit behind having to deal with this stuff trying to get everybody on the same page and some rounds went longer than the other ones and it's just been a cluster so anyway we're trying to get everything ironed out i got to figure out what server everybody's in but we'll give me a few minutes you guys can carry on what you're doing and i'll let you know when we're ready to rock it'll only be one or two minutes maintenance minutes maintenance minutes i mean i guess it's been it could be like three days so you know dcs time frame it's two weeks dot tm so just but hopefully a couple minutes thank you matthew bowle for a 100 donation to folds of honor that's awesome dude that's great awesome that's amazing this is like the uh the the thing so uh let's see we've had everybody on the channel gb are we still calling you gb by the way is that you are okay all right just checking um you uh can we say what you flew or is that illegal yeah yeah go ahead all right so hornets and then fat amy i'm sorry obese obese amelia thank you yeah for the metric system obese amelia and then t45s right yeah there's some super hornets in there too super hornets all right so what is your scariest obese amelia story oh my god all of them i think it's impossible it's impossible to pee in that jet i think that's what actually makes it the scariest oh god that's that uh that's pretty rough because there's a qrb buckle that goes over your junk which is a lot harder to deal with and the g-suit is a little bit different and kind of all gets in the way and being in the jet is three times harder than it was in the hornet so that got pretty scary but it can be done is what you're saying some guys have done i mean you find a motivated person you'll find someone that will you know jury rig some way to make it happen and someone has done it so i just i just make sure i go like twice before i go far did you wear the a tags no wow yeah i've heard the a tags makes it even worse no i didn't wear that so even with like the you know regular stuff regular gear it was still pretty uh that got pretty scary did you like flying it i love flying it it's an awesome airplane it's uh it's super cool like i'm into all the you know the high tech and the nerdery stuff as far as like you know the big screen and the crazy iron man helmet i love that stuff and it lived up to that it was really cool it also had 20 000 pounds of internal gas almost so that was pretty sweet too for the first time ever not like sweating about running out of gas every five seconds like i used to before model was it a uh a proficient dog fighter i mean did you it was it fun to bfm with i didn't really get to find it very much i wouldn't be the best to answer that but i would say that the fcs was really really impressive it moved it was quite nimbly it was really not any slouch by any means it had a high aoa just like a hornet and it was more powerful and less draggy than the hornet so well i didn't get to really fight very much in it during my time flying it it was definitely not a slouch in terms of performance so it was fbc all right i think we're we're back in business so awesome we're the one we're going to watch spencer or spency d from todd just run one round once we're going to catch round two spency just landed so we he won um i got the stream up for you guys so you guys can see it they're getting ready to reset and we're moving on to round two and then we should get a constant stream of matches into the server so hopefully things well what was the result did did one of those guys that we watched over g is that what happened no no it was the reason it was such an issue is because it was a server that i didn't wasn't paying attention to and the other guys were and i was just having to go back it wasn't the fight we just put in my ruling no no no okay not at all all right what do we got a hornet and what i don't know okay yet good talk morning morning yeah and somebody on the forum said we would never see hornets in the finals because of these rules so oh that's weird because it's all about the airplane let's be honest they're like you can't go one circle with a mirage and a hornet really really hey gordon bradberry 250 thank you gordon that is awesome thank you uh nicholas uh he flew the f-35c is that right gb i guess that's the only stripe yeah so we're looking over spencer d's aircraft and out in the distance we can see uh pac-man i like the name pac-man that's who i think is going to win it is a solid name [Music] it's really all i have to go on right now three two one fights on that's a pretty good call there nailed it so spency won round one are you guys going with him to take this uh no because based on not being able to see anything uh all right i'm gonna say a hornet's gonna win that's bold that is a bold prediction bold cotton we got this little two circle game plan going on all right hmm oh nice is he reversing he did yeah yep yeah what's going on with that that's like you guys that's on you guys that's the connection yeah it's getting better well it's all of us so hey about a mile a mile and a half we'll check the tapes if they record [Laughter] uh we'll have to debrief this oh wait yeah yeah drop some arrows oh boy yeah oh the [ __ ] i think they got schweck did he yeah yeah he did yeah well no no he's good he's i thought his engines were out but he's doing the shotgun approach but he seems like he's in a really bad position you are correct look at that call guys i mean look at that oh the overshoot though the overshoot i don't right now patterns when your engines don't work and your pilot may be dead well allegedly still gotta land that's true so wait so pac-man's still flying yep spency lost that one so now if pac-man's able to land we're tied at one a piece and we'll go to round three well this one's this was a lot better than sung ho and ace or sung ho and brno oh it's faster yeah right which i guess sung-ho and berno equals matched skill level so so sung ho moved on is that what ended up happening yes yeah that's what happened well i'm glad they're not flying the ils good thing it's a vfr day yeah yeah the uh the full high tech end yeah full procedure yeah yeah we got to grade them on that that's what i heard happens at the uh fallon grad 1v1 isn't that right if they uh whoever loses has to go do the high tech end back at fallon and the winner gets me on the overhead oh god oh welcome aboard oh that's a 904.00 so is the pixelation due to the live stream yeah moltar's connection to us or it's your connection to me yeah do you have cheap internet i have fiber same as gawking special this is pretty accurate like hug quality if we actually did get one to record in it well i think that's a two that's a two we'll call it we'll just call it good it's good it's good you had it right side up we're good [Laughter] so now these guys should be reset and we're moving on to round three tied one a piece pac-man i think i think pac-man's got the advantage here coming off of that that win i mean he was able to come off a loss come back get the win and now i think he's got the the advantage headed in here his favor well moltar tensions are high as we move into round three it looks like we're tied one a piece thanks who's gonna win it we don't know but i think the guy who gets the most damage on the other guy is gonna win back to you and land alan land yeah right right and land who's in this one uh pac-man and we're watching spency spin cd smogless panic says donkey's getting sauced with the juice over there conkey what are you drinking coffee irish coffee i think for a tournament they'd take the pylons off right oh but that was we explained that yesterday there's a reason for for these things fights on we're sorry mover not obliged oblique oh thank you use use the queen's english it's a real word i'm outnumbered dude you guys are all navy guys i'm the only token oh you're all going to stay old well gawky's air force now too so he has to stay oblique i do yeah bleak and a trite or a trip a trit they're english words how many words do we actually use every day that are not english like zorching and trundling well that's a real word you know what i over to mean big boy rules varsity hayaka none of these things are real oh face shot face shot oh nice oh that great shot he hit him he's got him did he pac-man took some hits it looks like he's still flying here we go another shot uh it doesn't look like it looks like it just scared him a little bit wife and kids he almost orphaned him he never even seen him i don't know what happened up there but i was so scared yeah he's about to squat the jet get the shot that's a high platform shot right there that's my normal flight man we lost oral he'll be back though he's he's troubleshooting yeah the death spiral has started yeah yeah pretty good let's go to lag go to lodge oh i think i'm back weird hey we hear you you're voice only i can see it hold on you gotta turn your camera back on dc loneliness it says it's um ah here we go the spiral to the floor it's right there trees are getting bigger oh what are you doing what why oh man oh watch the floor whoa 1500 feet 1200 feet oh another one of them rollers oh here we go again yeah at eighteen hundred feet though thousand feet nine hundred eight hundred seven hundred six hundred oh boy floor safe floor safe oh hey yo these guys are way too comfortable just close to the ground i got some maniacs oh here we go oh there we go there it is oh oh there you go yeah this is cool that's a out you don't look oh he's gone uh he's he's left the chat f all right where's the field no are those birds no those were the rounds i think detonating after being in the air for so long wow that's interesting wow it's what they do it's like shooting your own flak no way to see how much gas they have in real time nope can we can we see inside their cockpit nope okay it's a limitation for what i can do here in dcs gotcha well hopefully the next fight is something other than the hornet that i was told would not be in part of the final rounds [Laughter] welcome back oral i don't know what was going on i think she's cheating internet my kids are gaming i had to kick them off sunday mom i'm trying to do some dcs here oh oral uh what was the channel we were we forgot to promote last time oh that's my daughter's channel oh do we not want to promote that now because you well i'm going to say the wrong word so i don't especially remember what it was special subscribes to all the channels yeah hold on everybody's hey so you know that guy bio baronic that did top gun the the rio he's on my channel tomorrow tonight we're doing an interview tomorrow night live nice who which guy the rio from top gun the one that goose is modeled after he lives ask him how he likes flying with snog grass he's on a book tour i don't know if he would if he's gonna say such controversial things although that controversy sells right when goose was modeled after him there's a he sent me a picture of him with goose and they both have mustaches and they look identical and they're both rios oh i think they are like he was an advisor on the film cool we're just getting uh everything set up for the next round so i gotta restart the server so you guys have a few minutes i hear the birds that's pretty mm-hmm that's a nice touch yeah the birds are are nice so what do we think of that round did we see anything that was interesting other than two hornets fighting graphics are good the graphics were good awesome yeah i'll be right back i have to do some parenting yeah get off the internet uh-oh you're grounded who are we gonna see next i'm not sure yet i gotta restart some stuff and we're gonna find out here in a few minutes once i get the servers reset who won that was spencer that was spence d spency d and pac-man and from what i remember last year pac-man actually did really well and made it pretty deep into the into the tournament bracket i don't know i i've shot the banner before the hornet i can't hit anything man well that's why my 500 rounds is like oh you got two hits congrats too much rudder conkey too much rudder dude i was afraid i was just gonna shoot down the leader jet that was towing them yeah no kidding so it's sunshine studios 25 sunshine studios25 sunshine studios25 here i'm gonna put that in the comment is it all one word uh i don't think so well i think if they just look for that it'll probably pop up i also tell them to uh follow the ready room yes the f15 has a g limit let's see let's look at the chat we've been ignoring him for a while uh who won that was spence d no pac-man won pac-man one well why'd you say it was spence d when i said that i didn't i said pac-man who went really deep i've been known to be wrong though we're all wrong there's no hockey tomorrow night how do you get to be the learjet guy the contract draw the short straw uh seeing real pilots here makes me think maybe dcs really deserves the rep it has as of now keep it streaming guys i wonder what rep we're talking about no the ai fight will not be be today that way it's going to take a while to get the winner and get well ben's here [Laughter] i just got demonetized thanks oral appreciate that we're losing money here oral yeah just lost everything uh i'm trying to see this chat thing your time goku how did you get your your your call sign is always a favorite question i will leave that to your channel uh it's because you're really smart right didn't we figure that out it was because donkeys are really smart sharp as attack super smart yeah it's classified it's one of those things we can't talk about on here yeah like chuck yeager i can't oh you said it i said it ah oh oral no kidding the other day we got demonetized because gonky said chuck yeager i know i actually i watched your little thing that's kind of crazy did you ever get a straight answer from yeah i got they they finally got like the fourth appeal they were like oh we fixed it thanks you were back it's like well nothing how about the monetary compensation they don't they don't care about that uh orals carlsen story is on the interview with oral which is really good really really good he's a he's an amazing human being um gordon says gawky that footage of fighting the the malay su-30 mkm was great especially that reversal he did on you did he do a reversal on you uh yeah he did he turned a very defensive situation into a neutral one after i'd shot him though yeah it was still good [Laughter] everything was valid i wasn't scared oh my god yeah yeah donkey did you did you fight against those guys a lot i would say maybe once every two months or so mainly we would do bvr against them we wouldn't do we wouldn't dog fight a whole lot i think those guys did like are they like yeah they're still flying the suit 30 they retired the uh mig-29 yeah we mainly did bvr against the mig-29 and the 230 and sometimes they would we would do dedicated bfm but it's fun hmm another part of supply it could be challenging you know with the uh they got the hawk and the hornet as the western stuff and pretty good i think the russian stuff there's they have their issues but they're super resourceful man i mean they make it work for what they got hey they're asking for you guys to show off your helmets oh oh that one yeah [Laughter] uh ganky which was uh better to fight the mig-29 or the flanker uh in dog fighting yeah it's a fight ah the flanker was always much harder yeah uh if you were to choose one jet to participate in this tournament which one would you would you use to get get yourself to the end around the room gawky uh maybe like a piss with a 50 cal but turn inside everybody special uh hornet oral what was the question i'll come back to you gb if you could pick any any aircraft to fly in this tournament what would you pick hornet all right now back to oral since since tomcats tomcats [Laughter] why not i mean does anybody find the f22 it doesn't exist in the game there's they don't have any it's a mod or something but because i think the mod is actually based on the f15 flight model that's tweaked so i doubt it's accurate granted all of the data on the f22 is probably classified anyway that makes sense does your guys's popularity as fighter pilots does the aircraft you fly impact how popular you guys are at events uh in my household it does in my mind it does yeah sure sure i didn't know if any different fighters have different impact on people you talk to one of my buddies rolled up to a non-pilot group of people in his wife's minivan and the dude goes hey man nice vid nice nice minivan and he was like where i come from we judge each other by the jets we fly hey they're all guys i was like oh that's good that's good i'm using that one dude i did get i did get one up pretty hard on that one i did go to a party a couple of years ago and my friend i don't know just a house party at his house and they got into you know people meeting each other and you know the whole what what do you do for a living kind of thing kind of came up and i was like all right i'll handle this delicately so let's call rule number one don't be a douche i thought well this will you know obviously be impressive because most people find it impressive and sure enough it got to me asking so what do you do and he was an astronaut so it finally happened my worst fear [Laughter] i mentioned i was a fighter pilot to an astronaut and it just stopped completely and he actually was he was uh in the actual training pipeline he was uh he yeah so he's never been it's not a fake one no he's never been in space i guess that's true all right neither i can count you're not an astronaut until you send into space well what kind of astronaut was he was he a pilot astronaut or one of the ones that rides in the back one of the ones that rides in the back there i mean if you're not flying the thing you're just a pastor those are just everyday people right yeah that's just a passenger that's just some people that's just people going weightless you know that's not the astronaut i mean i could do that yeah maybe navy seals can trump you as well is that true can do what navy seals could trump you as well is that true only to women and who have their medical degrees [Laughter] hey guys i i'm gonna roll out but uh good seeing you guys good luck to everyone in the tournament bye bye gb yeah hey bud how are we doing multar uh the guys are loading into the server right now this one's going to be this one's going to be pac-man taking on white lines so pac-man's the guy we just saw take out spency d and white lion is somebody we haven't seen fly yet did you say white lion white i know dude i just had this vision of like sigrid and roy just like dude that's a tiger by the way hey guys i i i think there's no way you will guess what aircraft they're flying horrendous hornets that guy on the forum i swear to god that dude on the floor oh there's never going to be a hornet that can't win with a hornet apparently you can't if that's apparently you can alright so somebody asked i didn't answer the question i'd pick a hornet for this for this tournament all right streams up if i wanted to win i would pick the hornet and there aren't labels this time because we they were causing an issue so i had to turn them off so we're just gonna have to make do we're riding along with white line pac-man is the yeah that you guys can see maybe way out there in the in the distance at four and a half miles nicely tomcats there an actual tomcat no no no last year there was last year the tomcats won it's because of 12 g's yeah well the 12 g's with the flaps down that's how that's how they won a lot of lift everybody likes to go into the vertical here go up to blow up right donkey in certain airplanes yeah is the hornet one of them gunky depends oh flawless victory dang white lion what pac-man pack it in wow he needs to take a victory lap wow he's got gas to do a lot of stuff he's gonna have to dump gas to go land dude what what's the minute the maximum that you can land with in the hornet for kids it really isn't i don't there probably was one i don't know what it was was it thirty four thousand thirty thirty something thousand for field landing 36 000 or whatever but then you just have four flare to land yeah yeah yeah but the carrier was 34 right did he over g i don't think so somebody said they saw a bit of an overview 8.6 uh don't don't don't pay attention to the g limit in here the guys are watching intact okay attack view is our official source yep and everybody knows that don't pay attention to this and they can watch on tech view right i i didn't put the link this time they should be able to if it's not connected i can work on it but it should work you can watch this intact view live if you have tech view using that well they need tac view advanced attack view advance sorry oh pac-man's now saying he lost sight lose sight lose the fight man and that's exactly what he said to himself it happens it does it does unless you're fighting the tomcat right oral never happens yeah because you got the other guy he's just old job i need you to padlock that dude watch him it actually won't come in handy because he could tell you oh yeah pull yeah is that why you don't have neck problems in the tomcat could you just have the other guy do it for you well that wheel there's six and a half g's gentlemanly yeah gentlemen we've got the limit cranked up to eight in this this tournament they still didn't want to use it because the argument was it's not fair to have to look inside the cockpit to look at your g-meter life isn't fair wow that was that was fast yeah that was textbook this is my kind of debrief [Laughter] yeah one below see you tomorrow is there a taxi passport multar somebody's asked no and there's actually a bunch of people already connecting to it that i can see so um there's no password he's is he a podiatrist what's a positivist but it's the foot doctor right the side poseidous pacman last time we were with white lion and this time we're with pac-man oh low to high a little bit of a loading a lot of angles too white lion's got the advantage coming in here oh oh are we going to see the same thing yeah i think so he don't see him he doesn't see him no white lion i think sees him though oh here comes boy [ __ ] ah dude oh the low overshoot uh oh now he sees him and roller and oh go for it 120 knots oh you reverse squatted the jet reverse hit the brakes fly right by conkey these fights look a lot better than the one you and i had we were spiraling nobody should watch our fights oh digging seems familiar bubble bubble violation geez uh-oh here comes the ground all right 200 feet yeah dang dude he had 199 to spare get some cannots back you know mover in comparison last year we're seeing a lot less people running to the ground you say that you gotta saw one we saw one i feel like it was it happened oh boy a lot more frequently last year you better pull call dude no well he's going oh he almost murdered me he almost merged with a shadow yeah which is which is the ground not good yeah and we're gonna do it yeah well how much maybe got 350 knots somebody go out d350 dude they're holding six g's at the floor you know how much this would suck in a real jet just go on a plane somebody go out a plane uh-oh oh oh through the trees 370 now wow pull harder no kidding oh he's there he's there let's hold seven now seven seven yeah seven seven he's gonna have to come out of blower yeah he is accelerating or maybe you go out of plane yeah i'm just thinking somebody go up please [Laughter] you got 435 knots just like finally there you go figured it out he's listening white lion he's listening to the discord nice job taking it away though oh yeah oh did he hit him i don't think so all right oh floor safe 1300 feet and we're back we just swapped directions now dude white line he died did he got him in the face yeah it's 1-1 he did he got him right in the face oh wow sniped him it's if he didn't hit him it was uh he ran out of fuel i'm not not entirely sure or his engines were out i i don't know wow kills again i gotta fail was cool this is fun thanks buddy donate to folds of honor yes absolutely thanks so much good to see you see ya all right so we're tied at one piece these guys are really good at their deck shave yeah these are the professionals donkey yeah i i do you and i thought it's almost like i dove straight for the ground literally yeah these smooth some of these moves are pretty good yeah no this is good so we got a tie breaker around now and what level of the finals how many more rounds we have left uh we are in the quarterfinals i think right now i think let me let me look one more time maybe the eighth finals no we're in the quarters we're in the quarters math is hard so next next will be the semis nice almost there so we rode with pac-man last time we're now looking over the shoulder of white lion pac-man won the last one white lion won the first one this sounds like a name from step brothers call me white line it does and fights off this is the exact same thing they did last boy oh boy nice oh you get him oh is that it hey just we're riding with white lion yeah he got hit or he he got rounds on onto pac-man but we're riding with white lion yeah okay is that a different gun sounds like my fault oh he's missing some riding he's missing part of his wing his flat looks like he went a little out of control there well the flapper on on the right side is gone uh this is eddie's done he's done ski that's it he's the tiger king man i wonder what he's wearing [Laughter] oh wow yeah yeah dude specialization we need to know what is that guy named white lion who's playing a dcs game at home i mean like what is he in a white track suit that's what i'm i'm thinking i don't know helmet g-suit harness dude come on but it's all white he's in a tiger he's wearing something leopard print or tiger print or or whatever it's it's fine i'm just imagining him in a flight helmet with with with uh like a mane underneath it hey man whatever works like white spandex hey he's winning what i'm picturing here it is it's working for him he's winning hey michael thank you for the 50 donation folds of honor man we really appreciate it skinny jeans and slippers timmy says i just saw that that was fun and a wife peter's shirt well if they win when we do the interview if he wins at all when we do the interview we'll ask what he's wearing what is he wearing although there's a good chance he might be a kid right because we didn't have an age limit in this so that might be highly inappropriate like 10 years old just kicking everyone's butt it's rip rips over the other smogless says it's he's joe exotic from jail all right who's next uh we gotta wait i don't know who's gonna be next yet nope sorry you guys are going to have a few minutes while i get the next round set up the raging bulls isn't it vfa 37 i think so yeah i don't know that's that's all navy speak ben are you here are you just watching man you're being awfully quiet yes sorry hey what's up what do you think so far man that's pretty cool uh i see a lot of things that i thought they wouldn't allow in training rules same thing that uh people didn't like about falco taking face shots and uh closing in that bubble that's what i said i said that watching falco against bangor felt a lot like watching dcs fights because that's what they do this is i mean it's it's when you're not trained for training rules you end up doing this stuff but we didn't have those rules in this tournament we could add that next year see how many if it's a 29 page forum post about g limits it'll probably be a 2 000 page if i say you got a 500 foot bubble no no face shots no way dude i say leave the face shots in yeah yeah believe it might as well go for the throat go for the throat go get them yeah i'd take missile face shots not call them of course but yeah well that's different that's dude the other part is employing the gun on a face shot other than just being a training rule it's tough i mean it's tough to get a hit it's a skinny jet yeah especially when the pointy end is coming right at you [Laughter] and i would imagine if you solve uh all the gun problems to pull the trigger you've done it for him as well it could be like mutual destruction yeah that's good good point yeah oh there he is oh another 20 to folds man this is awesome i think we're doing a a great thing for fold so just so everybody knows um we had 196 entrants is that right what uh something like that 198 some uh plus i think 800 in donations and then i guess ben you will be announcing from your company when we finish this right we've gotta you guys are making another donation as well are you authorized to make that announcement at the end here uh i am not as far as i know but i i know that we'll have some release about it we'll start talking with the winner to see when they're up to fight falco yeah so the plan is when this is over if you're around hopefully we're going to get a quick interview with the winner and you can talk to him congratulate him and you know and then we can get get you offline get this information so that or her his or her i don't know anything i'm not going to judge his um there are very few women in dcs it is no maybe white lion is one of them so maybe i need to take back what i said about the mane yeah well it could be real hair an awfully nice name you have there ma'am [Laughter] yeah uh is loblow still in it because he's a real pilot uh uh no he got out on over g ah ah summer and i think i think it may have been dcs he got dcs but i can't really do anything about it you know if takvy shows you over jeed that's why we put in that 4.5 amount of slop for there like at the mirage he was flying it's a 9g aircraft we gave him the point we gave him to 9.5 and you know that's that's it is what it is so but we got our next match nancy ram against trigger is what's going on so i'm going to pull up the stream for you guys so you can see what's going on um and this one su-27 against hornet this is you man first we know that the flanker has the wanker is it a 227 like standard standard flanker yeah it's a s variant of the c27 yeah so the s i think is the export model if i remember right which i think the one we have in dcs is a mid 80s variant okay best best decade ever right donkey that's right eye rocks and hair band we're riding along with nan saram and his hornet and there is trigger in his c-27 oh two-circle with a flanker good luck good luck with that yep you gotta go for the throat we'll see how that works out for him there cotton 220 knots not well [Laughter] who's the other guy man sarah trigger so trigger is in the flanker and nancyram is here in the hornet oh i feel 30 30 mil coming [Laughter] oh who needs wings to fly oh well get out oh and so with russia jet lag you on occasion uh i've seen the the barrel end of the flanker it's not pretty it doesn't have what is it like 300 rounds or something it doesn't have a whole lot of rounds right no dude hit you one time though yeah it's a yeah it's a big round and they fire like razors at least here in dcs there's like no spread on that gun trim it out somebody said just trim it out it'll be fine this guy's probably got like 19 000 pounds of gas remaining i think they spawn the flankers at like 7 000 pounds of fuel that's it wow wow that's not much the [ __ ] seven thousand maybe seven thousand kilograms look it will go that way see i think that's what they spawned with gawking man this would be the i think this is the right if you could pick a russian jet would it be this one to fly yeah only because it looks cool i'm super official so yeah we've noticed yeah anti-fat amy just because she's a little chunky dude you can't do an eight-hour mission in fat amy it's a physiological limitation no just pee your pants dude nice the shooting i knew he was gonna use the chute that's just nice not to see a hornet for once even though i think the hornet is a superior aircraft yeah waiting for these guys to re-slot they got to rebuild the flanker engines really quick [Laughter] time's down okay vlad we need new engines for to beat american in dogfight [Laughter] it's very good i think the doors that close on the intakes though on the russian jets are pretty cool that's because they take off did you guys they don't have fod sweepers did you see that picture of the c-27 or the mig that landed on the road and hit the road sign yeah and it didn't get sucked into the intake because the doors were there and flew back with the road sign attached to his intake i saw that yeah it'll buff out [Music] c27 is a pretty plane though you got to give it that yeah sure all right let's see the hornet go one circle this time that's right somebody special send them a text no well at least he's going out of plane yeah so kind of kind of yeah hey goku the chat said we malaysian love our flankers but damn the russian for their shitty customer service i don't say it dude that's what i was thinking oh the customer service yeah i get you every time better the r map they're super resourceful man they get they they make it work oh we're gonna transition to a one circle downhill fight a little late but so flankers down 170 knots oh he got it all back oh boy triggers oh man all right here we go yep um the hornet's unloading here gonna lag yeah gotta lag him uh oh snap get a snapshot oh okay dude he's he's working these out there you go there we go oh there it is that's it oh dude and over the field so he's got plenty of gas to do a couple close patterns he just wanted to make sure that nancy ram didn't have to walk far after jumping out he didn't even get out getting taken down well he didn't make it out ambulance has a short drive he's right there in the middle of the napa the investigation won't have to go very far wow maybe we will see a flanker in the finals yeah flanker versus sungho or i don't know who's flying next we may see him next round in the in the semis i don't know [Laughter] he's doing the overhead the victory roll yeah yeah yeah yes yes it finally happened for you guys it happened hey andy did the roll to the downwind all it took was a russian aircraft yeah i think trigger's a real pilot i like it i like it after waiting special you got to over g in the break at 904 on touchdown right yes here's your jet maiden oh oral disrespectful inverted flare drop please i think he can get him stopped before he crashes into the well is his wheel spinning yeah oh that's new he needs some snubbers uh wade walker says it'd be great if that guy cratered the runway and the flanker couldn't land that is that possible yes hangar 51 donated a hundred dollars thanks hangar 51. that's however i i don't think it affects flaming cliffs aircraft i think they just they ufo hover right over the craters but if you're in a full-fi aircraft you'll you have to be really careful because the craters aren't actually rendered on the runway and you'll just fall into an invisible hole i've done that i've done that that happened to me on one of my dcs videos i'm not going to lie i was hoping you were going to say that in real life like it happened in real life yeah i went to the fifth dimension i'm sure the spinning tires make him last longer on touchdown oh and flared off look at that he's even off his wingman if you land in the flanker i think over 300 kilometers an hour you'll pop your tires or you have a pretty high chance of popping your tires we saw that uh yesterday uh mirage popped his tires landing at 200 knots yep that was awesome uh multar they're asking about the labels you want to explain again why we turned off the labels i had to turn them off because they were um causing some problems and i just had to turn them off so okay that was awesome all right so trigger takes that one and two and i think our next match uh is going to be i'm going to turn off the stream here is going to be we're going to see sung ho again taking on hexx i think we've seen it we saw hex fly once in one of his rounds that he took down viper guy i don't remember but remember that these guys can change aircraft for each match so just because somehow took a hornet last round he may fly something else i'm not entirely sure what they're gonna fly ganky what'd you think of that round man with your flanker fighting experience how does it go for you if you take a a horn a flank or two circle like that oh we saw what happened it's not good yeah that was cool i it was nice to see another airplane in the mix and hopefully we see see more of that but yeah yeah the suit 30 is not you know the 230 is the older model i'm sorry the 27 is the older version right it's 230 so i mean there's a couple times in there if it was a 230 it would have been over much quicker so sung ho is the winner from last year your winner was what was the winner what was your winner donkey um uh the swedish guy i know yeah uh huge stooge did he not participate this year no he didn't uh sung ho really interesting guy he's actually south korean and he is in the south korean air force she's like a pol guy and i did not know that he is a real like because i obviously when i did the flight with him you know i got to know him a little bit and he's a super super friendly guy very competent we went out and did some defensive setups and some tanking and some basic you know fighter stuff and i don't remember if we dropped bombs or not we flew for a couple hours and super nice guy just a really good pilot he said he told me he's been flying for a while like you know he started flying back i think in the jane's days or something like that i think he'd dcs was not his first sim so you can see it kind of come through here uh today but it's definitely going to be interesting to see if he can repeat and be a back-to-back champion all right server's back up or streams back up we're going to ride along with sung ho here to start our ace coming in against hex x and i think uh f-15 equals sex and hoes in the hornet mover i got to uh i'm going to have to bug out man all right they're not going gonna stay for this one oh everybody's leaving us all right fellas yup thanks for being here wednesday we'll see you guys when's the finals let me check to see how much further we have to go so we are in the semis right now so it's this match and then the other one is white lion against zonus white lion all right yeah i'm gonna try and uh come back for the finals all right we'll see i gotta get donate folds of honor yeah donate to folds of honor and donkey's name do it see you guys see you there see ya all right so it's just me and you like last year here we go back here we go back so high to low i can't tell if he's hot or cold he's away far contact it's a defensive setup yeah he's trying to run away now yeah he is he's trying to he's trying to extend because you see the speed building up it's it's a uh he's trying he knows he's defensive so he's trying to run away i wonder how i'm going to flip to his view to see how fast he is considerably faster yeah 850 in comparison to aces 550. and he's and he set something on fire behind he did his best it was a tactical maneuver yeah i think it looked like flair yeah now the air brakes now he better be well because if he doesn't he's going to over g the crap out of this thing oh that's true i mean you i would have thought though that with that much energy you'd want to go up and take the hornet up well i mean it depends this is obviously working especially if he lost looks like he lost sight it does it looks like he might have lost sight oh he's gonna he's gonna convert this i think he's got him back he's gonna convert this that's over yeah i think i'm not sure if he didn't lose sight but a highly unusual but highly effective maneuver but he's got it back now if he if he did lose sight they're definitely sung ho's trying to take it into the vertical oh twist of fate yeah we're we're neutral now so we are oh maybe we're not neutral i saw at least one round hit the side of ace's aircraft it sure did but it looks like he's still fighting he's still he's i mean oh go just couldn't already have him dude those high aspect gunshots are very hard to to do i mean it's it's not an easy very true oh oh he's missing he's missing a stab he's missing a vertical it's just a flesh wound yeah so we say they're hard to do but he's and that is it and that's it but this guy better pull it out so to speak no he's fine he's all right and blower well you got to make sure everybody's awake mover yeah it's morning in uh uzbekistan uh i think we're actually in russia oh i think a nap is in russia oh yeah right i did i don't know i don't know you got the georgian mountains so george is down below i think russia's up top i think that was a i mean so going back to the fight though that was a highly irregular but effective i mean that is an old that's an old f4 tech you know the old days there was what called check and extend where you would actually do that you know if you were defensive or you found yourself in a bad situation the problem is you just can't do it anymore and you know with with missiles you know so it's in a guns only tournament it's a very valid thing where you you use the superior thrust to weight and superior maneuver or uh acceleration and extend build that separation back and then get the angles to force something else but now when you're saying they would do that they would do that against the mig-21s in vietnam it was just like a standard tactic i mean it's an old vietnam tackle to to do your your brake turn and then basically extend away and accelerate because they couldn't keep up with them well i think you called it right i think sung ho lost sight and that was what allowed uh hex to really get the unseen recommit because if songho would have seen him right that could have ended very differently he didn't take those angles away and you know so he allowed it to go from you know defensive to neutral to almost offensive for uh hexx but very nice landing on speed in the zone so that's pretty nice and now we're one nothing and this is interesting because last year we didn't see the eagle that much yeah last year was tomcats tomcat and hornets and the occasional mirage yeah uh rg asks if it's possible to see inside the cockpit the answer is no um and are pilots allowed to listen to the stream i mean yeah they can listen to this yeah they can do whatever they want so here comes round two round two but they are locked into the same aircraft between rounds right yes yeah eagles i mean i will say the eagle is a good looking airplane it's huge you know it's i mean it's a it's a big honking target but it's a good looking airplane there we go 470 480 at the merge and again we're going to go two circle i wouldn't personally i mean the hornet i was told on the forums that i was wrong so maybe i'm wrong in dcs but the hornet is not you know your your best it's a bet it's a knife fighter you know it's a very close aboard uh you know it likes to fly slower likes to be uh more that one circle geometry not this and you can see he's already defensive yeah and over an over-the-top gunshot is probably one of the easiest shots you can make so if he can make this here and the eagle has the power to be able to go up like this but he's out of knots he's out of knots he is i don't think that that horn it's very fast either i mean however the eagle tint can't hold the alpha he's 150 knots so he's got an 80 knot advantage and he's right at 30 alpha so he's still flying yeah he's got the energy back now eagle fell off though sunghou is going to reverse this i think the eagle though hexx is just going to run away and we may see a repeat of what we saw in round one well maybe not i don't know somehow he's getting those angles back and closing he's getting the angles back and now i don't know what he just did with that he's jinking he knows he's in trouble he's jenkin the vertical i think he's gonna be able to get away does he's gonna be able to watch hex is already pushing 700 knots yeah that's going to be a problem for the bug yeah i don't i don't we're going to see the same thing happen i think the difference though this time if i were to have hazard a guess would be that sungho is not going to lose sight that's true but i think that's what we're going to see here the more separation you get the more likely it is that he loses sight because i mean you're you know zero aspect tail on shot he could have him locked though that's true are they allowed to use the hammocks yeah you can use anything you want here we go again same thing exact same thing i mean that's a it's an effective tactic yeah i don't think he lost sight though oh songho got really low on that one uh he was building up his knots to go over the top we got a floor more at 500 feet 400 300 200. i think he's so cool oh 350. wow and i don't think that altitude is necessarily accurate i think it's from sea level so they're actually a lot lower oh they got him side hustle shot from something ah sung ho bringing it back man he didn't he's still flying though not very well but he's flying no does he have both of his horizontal stabs i can't see the one in all the gas no uh i think it's half the one the one on the yeah yeah it's definitely been blown off ah they'll have to write that one up yeah that may be a problem it'll be code three probably crew chief may be angry yeah but he's still doing 700 knots he is fuel's not igniting you know tis the dcs long as i'm not on fire i guess it's i'm still fighting he's losing fuel at a pretty incredible rate though yeah it's too bad we can't see how much fuel he has uh it is a problem but not much i can do sungho though seems still seems to be like he's in the driver's seat xxx is doing a decent job of defending though with massive holes in his left wing and missing a horizontal stab for somebody with some battle damage he is really doing i mean sung ho is a good pilot so he's giving him this much trouble he's obviously very proficient with the eagle was hex in this thing last year do you remember um i don't remember but they could have been under a different name so he very well could have well he's given hex or giving sungho all he can handle that's the ground and trees well he's trying to get lost in the clutter it's kind of hard to get lost in the clutter when you're trailing yeah with gas is is he so i mean that's the next thing right he's going to end up running out of fuel that would be my assumption maintenance could not duplicate that's awesome thank you anna markey donated 50 to folds of honor much appreciated what what total are we at now i i'd have to go look man i don't know um i can't see it on here but we'll look at the next break look at him coming over the top this is not pretty good this is not over and we saw this last year where we thought a guy was you know done that was with stooge stooge had sung hill on the ropes and then morted himself i think it's about done though songho is going to line him up here in just a second unless xx just continues to run away use the eagle's power advantage and run away it's going to be next to impossible though for sungho to lose sight of hex with hex uh his own contrails chemtrails he's kim trailing this is literally a chemtrail right now excuse me yeah yeah those are chemicals definition of a chemtrail this isn't a bad maneuver though for him to be doing though he's just gonna flame out both motors compressor stall and yeah but if he stalls above his opponent i think he'll be okay as long as he's able to get him relit i can you really didn't re-light in this aircraft i mean it doesn't have a clickable cockpit right i don't even oh that doesn't matter that's it that's it that doesn't matter you i don't think the f-15 in this will actually flame out like that yeah the 227 the nozzles right so it's it's it's supposed to i mean that's what those big intakes are they're supposed to redirect it's those are very yeah this takes the su-27 you can fuel starve your engines if you're inverted for too long and you can restart them uh in this even though it's not a fully clickable cockpit but man look at xx he's the reincarnation of the eagle story flying without a wing is he seriously still alive he's still fighting oh there you go he's done he's done he gave up he just wanted to get to a lower ejection altitude so he wouldn't but that was an admirable fight that was a very good fight now yeah that was great these these are two titans titans in the battle of the folds of honor fight for honor 2020 so uh we're going to round three it is assured that whoever wins this one jon will end up in the next round so that that's my next madden quote for this match well they'll end up in the final yeah so the next one's the final yes fighting well let me let me back up fighting the winner next one we're gonna see the next one we're gonna see is the semi-final that's gonna fight the other finals yeah and then we're gonna go to the finals yeah you're absolutely right do we have to do another one after that to find out who second place is like we did last year you mean third place is that what we had to do we had to do it i remember we had to do another one last year to find out who uh we're not gonna stream the third place round this year okay so we've only got two rounds left after this one so we've got one round unless they draw them we go to a fourth one and then two more matches gotcha gotcha but with how these rounds are going we're progressing things are getting steadily faster i mean things aren't well taking nearly as long as the quality of the fights is going up too absolutely somehow puts it down relatively easily i haven't seen anybody botch a landing yet uh supposedly we saw somebody with a hornet earlier that pretty much what a 904 oh we're back to xxx we're still falling thank you g.i joe for your donation game said we weren't done yet yeah we're now we're done no all right this is it fight's on go go go for all the marbles well for some of the marbles to get us to the next marble set of this match-up the marbles have yet to be determined noticeably absent is the mirage in this tournament i am surprised i thought the mirage would be a formidable foe especially given what the people on the forums told me i think a part of it mover is that people the last tournament we saw the hornet was still newer than it is now so maybe it was just that people hadn't made the transition to the hornet well they've also updated the flight model several times in the last year yes i mean it's been over a year so and the the mirage has gotten some updates too that's made it a little bit less of a ufo even though it's the viper's been giving up updates too and it's not we're not seeing the viper yeah i don't think the viper's quite there yet it still needs a little bit help and a little bit of help in g on set and stuff because you're still blacking out at like 8.5 g and from what you've told me it's a 9g fighter you should be able to pull 9g they need the 8 the 8 tags mod all right so back to are we we hornet be hard at this time no no it's an eagle out there we're just riding along with sung ho hex x is in the f-15 you should have a better visual of it now but yeah sung-ho is now in the driver's seat but we've seen seong-ho be in this position every time until heck sex hex extends and then sung ho just loses him so do you think sung ho will learn from that and try to because he needs to be in lead right now knowing that he's doing that he needs to get that nose out in front of him to try to not have his air breakout yeah here we go third time's a charm free of the trees no flare to set the trees on fire well that does that happen in dcs is that what happened no no it doesn't that'd be cool if it did but it doesn't mean it'll happen in real life here we go how long do you flare well i won't ask you that question because i'm sure that's we won't go there here we go over the top sung ho is way too fast but i will say sung ho it looks better than we've seen in the past two rounds it looked like he maintained sight of his opponent the whole time yeah this is oh he got it he got him but we thought that last time and hexxx made the fight go on yeah but that flame one of his actions is on fire yeah he's running a bowl face right now that yeah that was a problem he's out great great fat fighter pilot thank you for your donation yeah sung ho man come back victory and the roll uh that's not a roll it's not it's not are we gonna get a victory roll or is he just gonna go straight in uh i hope i think he's gonna go straight in straight in just for thank you bert for your donation that's an interesting question why no harriers we haven't seen any harriers any either year uh i took him to a tiebreaker and got the quarters i'll take the top ten and marky who are you in the uh in the tournament and also thank you for your donation i think he's doing an overhead mover well sung ho knows how to do an overhead we did it when i flew with him question is does he remember well i mean he's 400 knots he's doing an air force overhead he's doing it like we did in the viper if he were really in a hornet he'd come in for the [ __ ] hot carry break or is he just oh departure in break no come on man numbers so here's one for you what if they come in and do this in over g in the break we don't we're not worried about that i told them all the guys at the beginning if you over g on your landing man i don't it's we're not that's that would be a funny one though you go through all that just overdue you overjeet on your landing sorry that's a real thing i mean no it is guys have busted rides had the best ride in the world at you know the actual fight and then come back and bust for some kind of admin so a big reason that we've we're not doing that is because you can actually we've seen that several times desync into the runway and it can do some really weird things with your g and yeah we just don't want to have to have those questions be part of it so we said after the fight if you're rtb it doesn't matter do whatever you want just don't blow up so where would the hook on a runway where would the cable actually be about a thousand feet down the runway you got two sets on both ends depending on the the configuration but usually they can either raise them or they're rigged depending on if it's box 12 back 15 those are the type of barriers navy bases they're rigged air force ones they raise them they automatically raise them and lower them but it's very surprising to people when i tell them that you know like a raptor has a hook an f-16 has a hook f-15 has a hook all the fighters have them except like the a-10 and the team now i'd assume the hook is not as structurally sound as like a navy aircraft no and it's it's usually held up by a shear pin that keeps it in place so that shear print actually breaks so if you use it it's not like you know you just put it back up they have to put the pin back in and all that stuff so it takes it takes some use i've done uh in fact my only trap in my career is in an air force aircraft because i did a barrier shirt uh which is where you go to one end of the runway you hold the brakes you're in a clean jet you light the after burner and you got to get as fast as you can by the barrier and you're doing you know 120 130 knots uh maybe 120. um and you got to assert how fast you can engage that cable which is a lot of fun because the viper i mean it's just a hot rod oh yeah absolutely all right what do we got next what does it do does it do any structural damage or anything when you hit you hit the hook no no it's made as long as you're not going a million miles an hour but i guess you you there there is yes there is a barrier engagement speed but um so how many minutes we got if we got a few minutes while we get the next one going i'm going to take a commercial break for the kids at home and it's a mover break and i'll be right back and we're back awesome and thank you everyone who has donated to folds of honor so far please keep that going we've raised a bunch of money we'll have a total here at the end uh next is trigger versus sung ho what'd you just say sorry uh it's this isn't sung ho so the last one was sung ho against hex and sunko took that one so he's moving on to the finals and now we're in the other semifinal which is going to be trigger in a su-27 against white lion i think in an f-18 and i think they're having oh they're getting in there wow awesome ben you still there man he's probably asleep going why am i here nah is there anybody else here what are you doing here what do you think ben what do you what do you think so far any uh anything from the falco that you've seen um i mean there are a couple times where you're going on a high aspect merge and i'm just thinking i know falco would have made that shot but uh yeah so no otherwise it's been really fun to watch i like the uh tactics out of the f-15 there yeah trying to lose sight the runway your opponent yep yeah i have a feeling that wouldn't work against falco no unfortunately i tried it not in our sim he just chases you he chases you and then when you turn around he shoots in the face next question that's that's all he does sounds like sounds like something an ai would be he shoots you in the face like oh i won nope shot you in the face i would i started defensive with the thing he shot me in the face i'm like yeah i can't wait to watch it uh ben we have uh we will after this though we're gonna be able to stream maybe not live stream but at least show the fight right that should be yeah that should be possible yeah um we normally log to attack view so we could do something that way yeah because we've got the tag view advanced license and stuff we could do it that way that'll be that awesome yeah i'm open for whatever yeah whatever you guys are oh well so if it's i think it's a cool opportunity if it's sung ho if he is in south korea though so the we'll have to figure out the connection issues but hopefully it wasn't a problem just going from me got me to you guys you know we just did some minor testing shouldn't be a huge problem south korea has usually got a pretty good connection to most people in the world better than ours mullet 369. thank you for your 69 donation and a good round number we appreciate that thank you for doing that and also pitbull vicious with your 20 euros or 20 pounds 20 pounds donation i'm so american all right these guys are in so i'm bringing everything up right along with rightline first here and ben feel free to chime in man all right i'll see what i can add if you see anything what kind of aircraft is falco flying so it was originally flying the f-15 and it's moved up to the f-16 now okay notice he said moved up that's correct yeah [Laughter] the upgrade low to high here we go against the flanker one circle uphill much better tactic and he's getting slow this see this is how you fight a flanker that is a good maneuver right there oh look at that that was that was nice now white lion is the last time we saw him in round one did make that maneuver connect so unfortunately he wasn't able to do it this time the flanker's a real big target so he almost it's not small no it's a lot of that's a lot i was shocked that it's bigger than a tomcat oh it's huge it's huge it's like massive 40 something foot wingspan 45 foot it's like five feet longer yeah it's crazy the length could be just because of the shoot this cell that comes out the back between the intakes oh yeah well it's got the wanker yeah so oh no oh no he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory why that's okay that fliker is very formidable triggered making that thing work and only took trigger one shot that's all it takes that's all it takes did white line get any hits rounds on target uh we can look nope nope yep i mean he had it it's just his pepper mech was just a little bit off maybe he was trying to fish for a lock instead of taking a no lock shot or something but he had a really big high platform gunshot and my my old hornet didn't the trigger is obviously very good i'm i'm anxious to see how this progresses because if trigger ends up against sung ho i think we're going to be in for a really good fight yeah but the c-27 does get sung ho who's been a sniper in the past in that right target a huge target yeah and i think if for anybody getting training to ready to fight falco you better be ready to shoot very small targets yeah where you don't have very long of an opportunity to do so otherwise falco's get like you said gonna shoot you in the face yeah well you see though that uh white lion did where we've seen problems was when guys take this to circle he you know cashed his energy in for a radius fight and that worked out a lot better uh he just couldn't capitalize on it there at the end i'm just surprised that trigger was able to convert that seemingly unsurmountable position he was in but into but the flanker can do that i mean the flanker you know is very hard to beat just in general but it's got more power and it can power its way out of stuff the horn once you bleed off all that energy it's very hard to get it back well and the the flanker you've got massive amounts of nose authority in comparison to other aircraft that yeah are that big at very very low speeds now decent speeds um i think it's equal to a lot of other things but the flanker especially with being able to disable or lacks lacks and g limitations on its flight surfaces can do some really crazy things at low speeds absolutely absolutely well i mean the cobra i don't know if dcs can do the cobra but you can yeah which it's very easy to rip your wings off while doing that but oh really um yeah if you're a little too fast yeah it's very easy to do and one of the other easy things to do if you're a little too fast in the flanker and a little too heavy and you dual load it by pulling and rolling at the same time you'll rip a vertical stab of your wing off well that's an asymmetric over g yeah all right here we go we're gonna be careful didn't we arrive with white line last time yeah we're gonna flip over and go to trigger now with trigger all right here we go another low to high white line does a really good job of getting that turn advantage before he gets into the merge pure vertical i don't know that i would have done that but we'll see if he can come over the top and get a gunshot which i think he's going to make it i think he's got it yes he got it he did that's a falco tactic right there lost his his left engine yeah dang wow oh he's still sure he's shooting the shoots that's a giant convention violation right here doesn't care about that falcon does falco care about geneva convention uh actually after you win i think the fight's over so takes over flies it back now he's flaring victory flares stop flaring and land there white lion that was a quick kill yeah it was very good over the top that was reminiscent of white lion's last matchup where the first round like we just talked about in the first round of this one where he went over the top and just annihilated his opposition in that first pass for a guns fight the flanker is such a juicy target i mean it just gives you so much to work with it's a little bit larger than the broad side of a barn so it's somebody's somebody said dcs court time for the geneva convention that's awesome mover if next time i see you is in a international court you know hopefully in front of hans gruber that i witnessed a white lion commit atrocities and overspeed his landing gear what is the landing speed on the gear for the hornet 250. he was pretty close yeah i mean the flight department [ __ ] bad things still happen at 250. well it'll tell on you uh you know when he downloads the the thing to maintenance it'll tell on you and then probably all the other pilots on the base will make fun of you well maintenance will be like oh now we got to do an inspection thank you sir and then you got to go buy them in case of beer no i got you somebody's probably gotten a call sign for doing that though so are we now moving into a third round right yes we are tied one a piece these have been some great fights i mean i have we have we have seen other than the first one that was just hornet v hornet madness we have seen some really good stuff look at that flared off landing good lord uh we've seen some really good fighting and some really good uh stuff out of them now mover you you guys have talked about the flared off landings a lot is that something you don't want to do in the hornet the problem is you've got that trailing link gear so it's called a planing link and if it doesn't settle right it can actually roll over and the the gear can buckle so it's called a planing length malfunction so to firmly get it on the ground that keeps that flares it basically squats the wheels out so that it actually gets there so if you flare it off there's a chance you can induce a planting link malfunction and we lost the jet uh about a year or two before i showed up at 204 where that happened and the bowl faces to go around he didn't and then ended up careening off and ejecting and almost hitting a whole you know group of fallen aircraft it was kind of a bad thing so all right here we go before we get into that before we get into the fight real quick the objective of the hornet is to land kind of hard yeah firm yeah okay so 500 knots going straight into the vertical and he's just cashing it all in and i don't know i think he's got it that's a big target yeah i saw i think i saw a hit you might want to check out that jack view i'm gonna get limits though uh they're they're actively watching them okay because that that showed eight and a half nine which would check at 600 nods yeah they're the dcs one isn't necessarily accurate so that's why we just said we're going by attack view no no that's all we can do that's valid it's worth a look uh but either way he squandered the opportunity and didn't get anything out of it now we're in a roller situation and i think we're back to the the flanker having a bit of an advantage oh he's yeah because he's going to outpower him he's got the power he's going to power him if he just goes to seeing that right here yeah why'd you reverse why did you lose sight and 30 mil i think's got some reach out it can reach out may be irrelevant at this point because it looks like it's about to be a clean oh he's defensive he's purely defensive and i don't think you're gonna run away from the flanker no six 569 oh he's the guy look at those intakes look at those intakes just coming around the corner he's just he's just being very patient which is good i'm surprised that the hornet's overpowering him here where is he can we look at his energy oh this is all we got no the other guy oh the flankers yeah way slow i think he lost sight i think he did too i think he got he lost sight yeah he's not maneuvering in relation to oh that's going to be a juicy shot get him so actually there's yeah so what ended up happening is the maneuver that you thought they over overdeeds they reset it oh he did over g he did over g so they reset it okay so that should be cause for everybody to know that we are policing it it is being policed it look in a so everybody talks about the hornet limiter and we'll talk about that for a second seven and a half g is the g limit the natops limit up to eight g's may not be an over g as long as you don't have an associated msp 811 code which dcs does not model so we set the limit at eight and a half because you know eight to eight and a half gives you the half half g buffer you can overshoot so if you go full after the stick most air speeds the jet will just give you seven and a half g's where you can get in trouble is a situation like this where you're doing five i think i think mover we actually did at 8g for the hornet right sorry 8g you're right yeah it's seven and a half to eight but what i'm saying is you can go right through the limiter if you're at 550 600 knots 0.9 mach especially at high altitude because the limiter can't keep up the onset rate is just too high so yeah seven and a half g's we gave it a half g buffer to account for that because there's no really way because you could have an over g at 7.7 if you have an associated 811 msp it just it just depends yeah so that's why all the jets have that 0.5 g buffer and that's because we wanted to include buffers for dcs doing dcs things or attack view doing tack few things so i encouraged everybody and all the other guys did mover included don't fly to the g limit because if you do that odds are bad things can happen and that's exactly what we saw happening it should be a loss right because it is yeah this is not a drop so we're moving on to the finals now uh yeah unfortunately that happened in the semifinals but that should be a showcase too we are actively watching it and if we do see one yeah um it happens so we're moving on to the finals last match sung ho against trigger 18 against su-27 the fact that a su-27 is in the finals mover shocks me it did it didn't happen last year this is no there was like one guy last year and maybe trigger's the only one from last year or from this year that flew the c-27 i don't know that's just i i so i mean obviously we can put to bed the myth that the hornet is not competitive because the hornet is very competitive and one up to this point so and many times um so just to clarify misspeak yes seven and a half plus a half g is eight that gives you that buffer and also um the over g triggered the win so we don't know so in takvy we don't know how far he went over we can't tell unless we go back in um yeah that's what i saw but i can't really say i don't rely on the dcs stuff all we get in tack view is we get an alert that says hey he went over eight g's and i worked with france from tac view to make this happen um and for the most part we went back and tested this for the most part when you over g in the in the plane um we see that in intact feed now there are discrepancies there sometimes it doesn't sometimes whatever so that's why i've said we're only going on tack view and that's why we've said repeatedly do not fly to the g limit because he was in a bad i mean if you looked at his parameters he was he was in a situation where i mean real jet's gonna over g anything's gonna i mean five six hundred knots at thirty thousand feet twenty five thousand feet it's i mean you cannot pull a full f stick you just have to you manage it i don't know if you have to reset your curves or whatever i i have done testing in dcs i have not found it to be that big of a problem but i also try not to just reef back on the stick and welcome back special uh who's back with us thank you robert for your 50 donation it's very much appreciated uh special do you hear us hey um i can hear you can you hear me we hear you so it's going to be flanker versus hornet we are in the last round the finals and we've got the defending champion against the challenger who just won by his opponents over g but honestly he was offensive anyway so i think the flanker was gonna have it yeah and i think at the end of that round the reason we said oh we lost sight was because one of the staff members was in there talking to him and the brown was over so i think that's what caused that what we saw as a loss of sight of your opponent yeah so we are now fighting for first and second place which there's still great prizes for both of them um you want to talk about the sponsors real quick uh we can do that let me get back to where i need to be let me get back to the page i got like five million windows open right now to be able to see any of this okay so big shout out to all of our sponsors eagle dynamics who's this wouldn't be able to happen because it's the sim we're flying in um so huge shout outs to them they've donated several modules to first second and third place fox mount who if you guys don't know he makes mounts out of 80 20 or extruded aluminum that you can mount various different things to for racing flight sim whatever you want it doesn't even have to be simulated uh but it allows you to put your control surfaces or whatever you want in positions in hard mounted positions and serp oh i need that places yeah don't do that but we're going to have to come back to that because these guys are actually all right back to the fights thank you for our sponsors though yeah we'll be back we'll visit the rest of them in just a second so we're riding along with sungo in his 18 triggers a little dot out there again this is sung ho in the 18 trigger in the su-227 america are you going america defending champion mover i mean you know he's an ally of our great country he is looks like they're just they're both taking the same approach here slide oblique into the vertical i wonder if sung ho watched the last round and saw what worked maybe that would be a smart thing to do but staying in the vertical i feel like is a bad move against the flanker well it's when you fall off over the top that things start to go poorly for you and it looks like they're both just kind of hanging it on the blades yeah i'm starting to see slowly more and more of trigger's nose yep oh yeah literally coming around he can't i mean he's not gonna be able to get it at thirty thousand no they're gonna but i think he broke off early and the question is is does ken seungho bring his legs around look at it he's got the lift factor in lead he's running away which i think is the correct move it was the only move the trigger had had there i think run away all right nice it's the old special do you ever never teach the old check and extend from like vietnam remember that where you just break and then run away the old f4s would do that sure that's we saw that earlier with an eagle and he did that like as a pro really well done it worked together that was actually done against somehow yeah yeah it works against sung ho but that's a lot of jet that's a lot of plan for him he's giving him right now there it is oh my god this is the assassin the assassin sung ho we talked about that in the last round mover that sung-ho is going to have a large target with how big the flank is yeah that's that's easy gun mech and thank you bick uh 1498 for your donation and doug thank you for your donation to folds of honor hundred dollars man you rock i just got a shout out to everybody that's um here to watch contributed money uh it makes a huge difference even if it's just a little bit hell yeah look at sungho coming in for the break yeah see i like it do you see the power he was modulating his power using speed break i thought oh man i hope he doesn't leave that speed break out he got it back in he did like the reverse 270 break right what was the weirdest check very interesting he came up opposite direction initial and broke the other way mover i think it was a show of dominance yeah established dominance uh i'll take this time while he's landing though to continue i got a couple more sponsors blackhog who if anybody doesn't know is button boxes you guys can check out them just type in blackhog to google i think they make some of the best button boxes out there both for racing and flight sim tac view which we have utilized heavily throughout this entire tournament oh which has been a huge huge plus here and then point control is one of those that most people don't know but it allows you to utilize your fingers and hands in a vr environment to flip switches and knobs in your cockpit without actually touching anything it's it figures out where your extremities are in virtual space and then you're able to manipulate things in the game that's fascinating yeah that's awesome huge shout outs to all of them for making this possible and contributing to the prizes for an awesome awesome cause so well uh special what'd you think man i thought that was great i thought sengho did exactly what you should have done what he should have done utilizing the hornet he kind of went i mean i know he went oblique in the vertical but i would have you know he was kind of in the right-hand turn i would have gone the left-hand turn i think he could have could have uh even quicker kill he could have even been quickly killed yeah now now we're just fine-tuning i mean the guy other than that it was great cl i mean dude the guy put you know a speed break out he was managing his closure i mean it's it's usually from what i've seen is just point full burner all the time yeah point in burner dan what is uh what does falco do is he modulate his power and use speed brake for closure control or what yeah so they don't have speed brake in our sim uh it's just not enabled but he does modulate power a lot yeah so is this the second or is this a rerun this is the second round yeah no second okay if sungho wins this is it or it could push to a third round yep it's a much more neutral setup in this one now yeah they're more two circle now which is not necessarily playing to the strengths of nope the hornet but i don't like he's giving away a lot of angles yeah he's giving him where are you going maybe trigger thought he was getting too slow and he was dipping down to get some of that energy back thank you dustin and andrew i think the flankers flanker wants to be about 300 20 350 knots looks like he's slow but he just cashed it all in to go vertical which just gave sungho a huge opportunity i think trigger's got more energy though well now he definitely doesn't sung ho's got that separating he's separating and getting over the top though yeah you're gonna use some flanker alpha still pretty neutral i'm not seeing that nose of sungo come around really what's sungho's airspeed we can flip over and take a look he's a little bit faster than trigger 70 knots yeah yeah 69 knots trigger dump your nose oh here we go again oh no oh here we go another oh he's gonna have to run away he doesn't have the speed to do it though no oh he got really lucky though he's about to take it he's gonna take it from him but sungho did come up over the top so i'd be interested to know sungho's energy state and if trigger is significantly higher he's just going to run away and reset i know i don't i think sung hill is pushing this fight this is not good not good for trigger no he's about to i would like to extend i would like to see him extend instead of trying to just stay defensive he's got the energy a lot of air speech those huge motors use them well at 470 he's not doing that great no and he's constantly giving sunghou the ability to close giving him angles that he can take advantage of especially right there well he's about to push this look at him trading his energy he's pushing this back to a neutral fight yeah he did a good job look at that left vector on i mean oh and the burner though downhill that's gonna hurt did i see one hit no not quite but this oh that may be it good turn by got him and he got him got him and mover as you said earlier around having one like flame like that out of your engine is not afterburner it is not well it is a reheat uh but it is kind of like a space shuttle so sung ho again god back to back 2019. good victory roll can we get him on the chat yeah we got to get him in i'd like to see his setup we can ask him it's probably like a command center with all the he's probably wow and the hey wait i think somebody told me a hornet couldn't win this because of g limits did somebody tell me that did i hear that maybe somewhere that the hornet would not win this tournament it's not all about g if only there were somebody who were trained in this whole profession that knew something like that i just hmm what dev definitely wouldn't be you or special you guys have no experience or gb or donkey or oral or anybody else that or lex that said you know maybe it's more than just taking a rate fight in a hornet i don't know i mean it you you'd think the government wouldn't waste their money on training but i don't i don't know things [Laughter] somebody says i bet he uses a game pad that would be i'm anticipating an xbox controller or logitech 3d pro which is like a 25 joystick he's got the force feedback one from you know man actually those force feedback ones are worth quite a bit of money because they actually are why so i'm curious why don't they make force feedback joysticks anymore patents really is that what it is yeah the patent actually just recently expired so nobody could make one because there you had patent trolls that would hold it and sue anybody that tried to do it well that's amazing that's the reason back-to-back world champion sung-ho man supporting his allies across the pacific with folds of honor which by the way donations are still open man those last several matches mover were amazing intense that was good that's that's good tv right there that's great that's good tv so i had the the staff guys ask if he can send me a pm then you'll have to send him a friend request to get him in here so we can talk to him just send him the link send him the invite link is there an invite link for this yeah i don't know how that works hold on turn the camera i'm gonna shut the stream down or the dcs down there you go there's the link all right uh we will take a short break we'll be back with the winner uh hopefully in a couple minutes so stay tuned we'll be right back awesome awesome please donate to folds of honor there's still time thank you for your 50 donations that is awesome we'll be right back all right i sent him that uh that invite he should be joined [Music] ace how are you all right we got all right we're back sun oh hey what's up man what's up you won again oh yeah i was i was lucky lucky look at that we have humility we have a bet that we want to know what type of joystick or something do you use i uh i have many joysticks but i mainly use my gunfire mark iii i was wrong a warhawk warhawk throttle and the vkbt rotor wow oh yeah i got i got this got some nice stuff he's got yeah i have i have virtually all kind of kinds of joysticks in my in my room i thought we could slam everybody i thought you'd be using like an xbox controller yeah that is awesome man so uh thank you very much how how you you kind of were rocky there and the what was it the semi-finals we were worried about yeah against hexsec tell me about that fight man what happened he just he kept checking extend did you lose sight when you died that time no no i i was worried about i'm overjoying my aircraft so i wanted to have some i knew what hex is going to do so he's going to it's going to pull really hard uh reducing his radius and make a head on fighting again and going for the high upper maneuver that's what he was uh doing so i was the main i was trying to maintain not to fully follow his trap but the problem was i didn't solve the distant problem so yeah i was managed to solve the angle angular problems but i could install the distance so that's what happened awesome well did you run the hornet the whole tournament or did you switch aircraft hornet all the time nice and last year you were in the tomcat was that because of the limits oh yeah and uh actually to be honest uh the tonkat uh last year has it wasn't correctly modeled i was able to use the landing flaps and yeah so when you talk when you when you say um you when i heard that you put that g limit and banning the uh landing flight i was kind of i felt bad about that so i just wanted to go for uh hornet yeah uh so that's gonna be a good opportunity i thought that's gonna be a good opportunity to prove my i don't know so tell me about the last fight the one against the flanker man what was going on there so yeah i saw your commentary um it's going for uh going for two circle against the uh s27 gonna be a suicidal so uh but yeah because that's but i changed my tactic instead of going for horizontal two-cycle fight i just went for uh altitude i just went really high up so in that area the because that's the 27 had it's heavier than the f-18 so so i i thought that's i i could win the fight if i go really high wow that's what i did that's awesome well i'd like you to meet ben ben is the representative from here on systems do you know you will be fighting the ai now is that something you can do oh yeah actually um i sent personal messages to her and system for a month ago and um yeah i couldn't get the reply back and this is how you got your reply you earned it you you absolutely yeah ben ben what do you got for mr sung ho yeah uh first congrats for for winning um certainly i read your email sorry things were a little busy so i didn't have much time to respond but uh it was actually the first kind of view that we had into this community and seeing uh people's interest in flying against falco so uh you could really thank seong ho for kind of kicking off our thoughts on getting involved and and trying to get simmers against falco so not only was he the one that kicked it off now he's the one that gets to fight him yep awesome see how that goes oh that's going to be awesome sung ho do you you do have x-plane 11 right you you were set up for that oh yeah i need to set it up and i need to reset everything because i'm going to be if i'm going to be flying with the f16 then i have to switch my joystick to you know this guy's a purpose i want a similar f16 yeah do you have a real slim stick oh yeah i have a real theme fssb hey so sung ho i was kind of telling pardon me if i was speaking out of turn but you when you and i flew together you were talking about your flight sim history um just just real quick how long have you been simming and how did you get to the point that you are being self-taught being so good at this stuff um um it was all started back in 2008 that was when i was a high school student i was just interested in every kind of tactics war history and everything and i just got into area warfare and then that's where the journey started i just for some reason dog fighting was was i was fascinated by the dog fighting so i brought my uh internet uh to gain some information about dogfighting and everything and that's how i get started to fly in dcs so it's been 12 years but i had to take away two years because i was in the military so take away the two years it's 10 years wow wow and so uh did you watch the fights against falco and bangor uh oh yeah watch that um so what's your strategy do you have one have you have you thought this through yet since he doesn't want to reveal it oh well we um i have my eyes not listening he's not listening it's just humans here it's just humans in google i'm just imagining ben whispering to falco he's gonna do this yeah i have a tactic actually i saw that fight i'm pretty sure um because banger uh i saw that says mp it seems like i was like pressed them right in some custom yeah it was custom made and it looks really uncomfortable so if it was a real fight then i'm pretty sure banger would be able to do something and and will be able to win uh because it was the same and it was totally different environment but looking at his fight i uh i saw some mistake that bang when made mistake um so did the heron so uh i'm gonna go and dig that part i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for two circle five no matter what and uh i'm gonna drag it down yeah that's what i'm that's that's awesome well i we can't wait we'll get we'll get with you offline we'll set it up we'll either try to live stream it or film it like we did yesterday but congratulations man you have thank you very much once again won the folds of honor fight for honor dcs tournament remember this is for a good cause for folds of honor so uh thank you everyone for participating and uh multar what do you got man i got nothing you know it's always a pleasure just to be able to do this and sit here and hang out with you guys that did it in real life i was telling mover earlier that i have an opportunity to do this a long time ago unfortunately i made a poor choice and decided to do something else uh not illegal i just made i went the wrong direction um instead of joining the air force academy and now i'm here a virtual aviator so the just having the chance to be able to support this cause and interact with everybody and have fun doing it because i think people have a tendency to forget this that this is for charity and everybody should have fun first and foremost uh it's it's just an awesome experience so i'm just happy to be here well we we thank you so much and go check out dcs world events on twitch and what is it saytowel.com you do this all the time this is three days esports this week is a real thing and this is not the first one so that's awesome thank you so much for hosting this thank you so much for you know your time and everything and um we have uh raised a ton of money for folds of honor i think uh between the live stream and the uh entries and uh heron systems and their donation i think we're close to almost ten thousand dollars for this event so really i think five times what we did last year it is and uh that's two scholarships so we are sending two kids to school um through dcs which and and that's on top of you know last the spring when we did the the mover promo code with dcs we raised 9 300. so i think we through dcs this year alone we've raised 20 000 or more and that's four scholarships which is just amazing it's an amazing organization and i really want to thank the community you know putting all the g limits and stuff aside you guys rock you're very generous and you've really stepped up to help a very worthy cause so i'm very grateful and i appreciate it and thank you so much and ben thank you guys for stepping up and you know donating your time and obviously your donation but also agreeing to do this because you know i know you guys coming off the win you know it's cool to do but you know obviously it's uh you know you're obviously very busy so i appreciate your time and heron's time for doing this yeah no mover it's it's been great and we really enjoy being involved in this community and actually we're going to be raising our donation to the folds of honor to 5k so holy crap yeah you're doing a really great wow job and that's something that we believe in so keep going on awesome awesome awesome you guys rock uh real quick before we go any raising questions i know we've had the chat i thank you guys for hanging out and watching with us you guys have any questions or anything you'd like to ask the winner sung ho you still with us yep you got time for one one good question that's that's what we'll ask anybody in the comments you want to do one good question oh yeah of course and props to trigger uh trigger and hexx and those guys who made it to the semi-finals and then the finals really great job very good sportsmanship good showing white line as well you guys all rock i i saw a lot of good bfm out there so i'm very impressed with what we saw and i think it was a really good showing so well i got to give trigger props because nobody expected a flanker to be anywhere close and here he was yeah all the way in the finals i mean everybody's talking about oh viper and jordan viper yeah vipers were yesterday yeah wow oh uh sung ho sounds like you got a new nickname or at least i'm just finding this out have you known that you're the terminator wow it's gonna be that's gonna be cool i think the terminator uh although the terminator is ai so is that a frat if he beats falco i don't know uh and we'll just download his brain and that's uh that's what we'll make our new agent all right so last last question it comes from george patton sung ho this is for you uh what is your best tip for winning a fight versus a plane with better angle of attack or alpha um um try to if if someone if some airplane has good ability going for a high alpha maneuver then try to rate try to outrage it and that's the uh that's what i can tell you yeah it's classified i could tell you but then you know he doesn't want to give away his secrets uh dude awesome actually go ahead um can i so it's like a racing in in racing um there's there's a concept called ideal line you don't want to imagine there's a curve and you're not you're not just following the curve right you're not just following uh a corner you're gonna cut through the corner so that's the ideal line it exists in the 3d dimension especially in dog fighting yeah but unlike the uh 2d racing 2d because the short circuit is it doesn't it doesn't transform so the ideal line is static but in 3d dimensional space where two airplanes fight each other the ideal line always changes so you wanna you want to see the id line changing and and go follow it wow well that's awesome man that's that's a good analogy do you race do you do eye racing no i'm terrible at racing only and it's too simple for song yeah he needs three dimensions not two well that's that's awesome well uh again thank you everybody thanks to the sponsors thank you heron systems for your generous donation sung ho congratulations man uh multar thanks a lot and thanks to the chat we appreciate all your donations uh thanks for watching we're going to end this now and i will see you guys on the next one stay tuned we'll announce new tournaments and stuff we've got some ideas on how to do maybe some air-to-ground stuff and maybe some team stuff later on so hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching and we will see you on the next one excuse me [Music] the doors off [Music] don't be a douche rule number one make them tell you no [Music]
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 206,884
Rating: 4.8794866 out of 5
Keywords: esports, e-sport, dcs, digital combat simulator, cwlemoine, f-14, f/a-18, f-16, viper, tomcat, mover, tournament, esport
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 35sec (9875 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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