Ralfi's Alley - AIRFIELD RADIO BREVITY (for beginners)

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hello and welcome if you would like to skip the intro and goes straight to the lesson go to this timestamp with several servers running simple radio standalone or SRS I think it's time that we try to bring in more people who are currently too afraid to talk on the radios whether it's because they don't know the terminology or perhaps they may be too afraid to make a mistake while talking I do believe that we finally need to get these people on board and enjoy the radio along with the rest of us that said the following is split into several segments that will cover what you need to know in order to get going on these servers regarding radio brevity the first video will be on airfield procedures while the second will be on communicating with the AWACS we will see if a third video is needed for communicating effectively with your wingmen so let me know down in the comments if you'd like to see that one before we get started I do need to put out a quick little disclaimer this video is only meant as an easy introduction to talk on the radio with leniency in mind I do not claim to be an expert in this field by any stretch of the imagination and to be frank there will be several areas that may make real pilots cringe when someone lightly misuses to certain terms or ads and removes words from my particular radio call-out if you find yourself to be one of those people then you are partly responsible for scaring away some of the potential simp islets who make simple radio mistakes by not saying a sentence exactly as it is listed in the manuals you see the thing is that we're not trying to pass an FAA licensing exam here we're trying to introduce a simple and sometimes casual radio brevity to beginners who feel intimidated to even try and talk into radios because of sticklers like you so you will need to ease up and how strict you feel about some of the terminology that we are going to use here so the goal here is to make sure that we can introduce these new people to communicate with us in a somewhat organized I'll be at casual fashion okay so with that out of the way let's get started I'm going to assume that you have SRS already installed and mapped out and you can find instructions on how to do that all over the web I'll try to post some links in the description next we need to choose our callsign if I'm flying by myself I might just leave it as Ralphy dude but if I'm flying with friends and are in a package it makes a life a lot easier for the GCI if you make a package name this makes it easier for the GCI to identify who is flying in your group for demonstration purposes I will make my package name hentai 3/4 I [Music] may have gone too far in a few places and if you had a buddy he would make his hentai 3/5 and his actual callsign after that package name and so on and so forth now please do not use the generic names that you will find automatically generated by DCs when you join them will to player server such as Colt 1 1 to Z 1 2 those are generated depending on the slot that you join but are not visible to the GC I when he's trying to find you he will only see the name that you typed in the multiplayer screen okie dokie so now that you've joined a server you'll more than likely select a spawn point which will be a NAPA at least on a server like this which is Georgia at war now you do have a service called ATIS that is at your service ADIS stands for automatic terminal information service and all it really is is like a radio station that plays a loop of information about the airfield that you're in when you tune to the frequency of the ATIS you will notice that's not going to start right away at the very beginning because it's playing on that loop so you might catch it in the middle or the end so we're going to tune to that frequency and just listen through the entire thing from beginning to end now in order to get the frequencies it is always a good idea to hit escape go to briefing and read through the briefing especially on a server like god that we're in all of the information is there the ATIS information for all the airfields that you should be interested in are here since we're in a NAPA the ATIS information will be at two four Niner let's go ahead and jot that down additionally you have the objective information set up right here and then becomes frequencies right over here the ones that we're interested is the ATC field traffic at to 495 this is what we're going to be using to communicate and traffic unless you're doing carrier operations in which case you would be in this frequency the comment is kind of like the guard frequencies so this is where everybody's sitting at if they're not tuned in to anywhere specific and then you have a choice of the aia wax or the human a wax if there's a human a wax always connect to that first at 1:34 but we're gonna get to that at a later lesson near the case once you have all these frequencies written down let's go ahead and look at the ADIS at 2:49 i'm gonna go ahead and switch this to the manual then i'm gonna change this to two four nine okay so we're done with their frequency we're gonna go ahead and get off of it so there was a lot of information that was just given to you and I have it all listed on the left hand side here now we don't really need to know any of this the one thing that you're gonna get out of it is if there's anything that you're gonna learn here is the runway that is in use the active runway was mentioned was zero for this is extremely important if we hit f10 map we are currently in a NAPA and if I hit this little check mark up here we can just zoom straight to where we are so we're in a NAPA and as you can see when we have two different directions that we can take off from we have runway 2 2 and runway 0 4 so 0 4 is the current active runway which is this way so we will have to land and take off from here as this is our active runway so do not take off from - 2 now this is basically on at least on this server almost always going to be 0 4 however from time to time the winds do change and when they change the active runway might change to two - this happens and it's a good idea just to tune to the ADA's frequency here there just to see if there's any change but since we're okay we're gonna be taking off zero for now I know which way I'm gonna need to taxi in order to get to the runway I'm right here so I'm just gonna make a right head all the way down this taxiway hold short and when I reached this area over here holding short of the runway that is when I'm gonna make my very first radio transmission there are some people who tend to get a little bit crazy with coming over the ATC freak and start blasting it with information about your taxing instructions enough traffic this isn't a 3/4 I have one soul on board 8,000 pounds of fuel and a full load out of harm's gonna be taxing out of April 32 for runway 4 via alpha Bravo echo Charlie Beck and Bravo then Delta a NAPA I'm sorry but this isn't real life and nobody on the frequency is scrambling for their Maps whenever someone is going off tangent and describing which taxi routes they're taking to see if there's any conflict with their own routes it just doesn't happen so at that point those people are just cluttering up comms with unnecessary information don't be that guy now what you may find is that sometimes AGC I will double up as an air-fuel traffic controller and you may hear something like this this is a rare occurrence and honestly not something you need to worry about you don't need to request clearances or anything like that so just skip all this and taxi on the runway because we are in a uncontrolled airfield it does mean that we need to look out for each other so just follow Road rules wherever they apply give way word should be given and you will not see a conflict develop on the taxiway all right so now we're holding short of runway 0 for now what I need to do is to know exact beware I'm gonna head after I take off so as we're currently over here we're gonna make a left onto the runway and we're gonna take off the action is going to be to the east for this server so I'm gonna take off and head straight east and right over here is gonna be where all of this stuff happens so my departure will be due east so we're gonna keep that in our minds now the way radio transmissions work is extremely simple there's three key things that you need to do step one who the [ __ ] are you talking to step two who the [ __ ] are you step three what the [ __ ] do you want so for step one we are talking to the anapa traffic remember there is no tower there is no actual physical person on the radios who's gonna give us clearances notice that up to this point we haven't contacted anyone and requested permission to taxi to the runway or anything like that so we are doing this on our own and we're just transmitting between each other within this hair fields so the very first transmission you're gonna make is basically over here right before you take off okay so we have a NAPA traffic now who are we well we are hentai three four that is my callsign and what the [ __ ] do we want well we're gonna say that we are taking the active and we're gonna take off from runway four and then it is also very nice to say which way we are going to depart so we're gonna head east which is basically down that way we're gonna make a right-hand turn and just to give people a fair good idea of what your intentions are up to takeoff it's good tails so let them know which way you're gonna turn after you take off so they don't get mixed up and if there's anybody in the flight pattern that can be looking out for you why'd you take off so I would transmit over to four nine five since I'm currently still tuned to that frequency and now say the following a NAPA traffic can take three four take in the active runway four for an East departure a NAPA traffic and we're gonna take a look around we're gonna make sure that there's nobody else in the pattern because sometimes there's some people who just aren't on SRS and they might not necessarily hear you and let's go ahead and take off oh and by the way if you weren't going to make a left or right-hand turn or and you were just gonna take off and fly along the runway heading of zero four zero you would say for a straight out departure just half way I now notice that I said a NAPA traffic at the very end this is not necessary but it is a courtesy the reason why is that sometimes people will tune to the frequency at the very last minute maybe they forgotten they just barely tuned to the frequency when they heard you talking or maybe they weren't paying attention because they were talking to your friend and they only caught the very last bit of your transmission and because they weren't paying attention to the very beginning of transmission when you said a NAPA traffic they might not necessarily know that it was a NAPA traffic that you were talking to because remember when you're on to 495 this isn't the frequency just for our Napa back here this is for every single airfield that you're gonna be landing or taking off from so that is the frequency we're gonna be on for Krasner Center crashes our peshkov ski as well as these two down here so it is a very good idea to go ahead and repeat which airfield you are talking about when you're transmitting which is why I said a NAPA traffic at the very end that way if they missed the very beginning at least they'll know exactly which traffic you were talking about if they caught the very end of your transmission now it's not necessary but after you've left about ten miles away from the airfield it is also curious to let people know who are still on the frequency that you are out of their air spacing they don't have to worry about you and this would sound something along the lines of a Napa traffic last call for hence a three for a Napa traffic and this is a last call just kind of like a goodbye I'm out of your Oh space don't worry about me at this point I would change my frequency over to whatever I want whether it's an in flight frequency between my wingmen or two five three whatever you want you no longer are responsible for anything else as far as the ATC frequency goes okay so let's talk about coming back into the airfield so when you're coming back you need to be tuned to the frequency of the ATC which is two four nine five yet again just before you enter ten miles now it is very courteous as well not to just tune to the frequency of to 495 and immediately key the mic and start talking this is because there could be a conversation going on between other people so before you step on their comms just listen and if you hear dead air you can go ahead and start speaking unfortunately when it comes to pattern work you are gonna need to know what the different patterns are called like downwind upwind crosswind base and all of that jazz I have a picture over here to describe how all of this works and I will keep that up while we're doing the pattern work for this airfield the other thing that was very important in the ATIS that you may or may not need is the qfe information that was given at the very end of the ADA supports in the remarks section if you recall the ADA's said that our qfe for a NAPA traffic was 2 9 or 8 1 now because we will typically take off from a NAPA and we will fly east engage some targets and then if we survive we want to rearm and reload we will not fly all the way back to a NAPA we would more than likely fly to kratzner peshkov ski or crescent our center so we don't really need the cue for our Napa because we will not be coming back there now the reason why you want to tune to the qfv for the specific airfield is so that as soon as your wheels touch down your altimeter should read zero instead we are at the standard pressure of 2 9 or 9 or 2 by default so the qfe here is going to be different in the qfe up here so if I was to come back and land at Crescent peshkov ski or grass on our center I will need to tune to the ADA's for those two airfields one whichever one I'm landing at and listen to the remarks section to check what the qfe is and that's if I want to change my pressure setting over here so that when I land it says you're on the altimeter gauge now since we're coming back to a NAPA back here I'm gonna tune my qfe to two Niner eight one boom just like that okey-dokey now I need to start planning out exactly how I'm gonna approach this you know there's a standard way of doing pattern landings at 45-degree angles and all of that nonsense but remember this isn't real life we're doing this in an easy way no one's doing any standard deviation stuff over here instead of coming into a NAPA because we are over here and we're coming into a NAPA we would normally enter it at a 45 degree angle go on the downwind the base leg then final onto runway 0 4 remember that is our active runway but what we're gonna do instead we're just gonna enter a lung base and then we're gonna enter a final because we don't care and if we were coming from the east it will be the same thing either I can loop around and enter a downwind based and final where I could go from here and enter a right base and then final it is worthy to note that the standard pattern is to the left counterclockwise so when you say downwind or base it has generally understood that you mean left downwind and left base if however you're gonna do a non-standard approach and come in from the right-hand pattern you should definitely say right to downwind and right to base so be sure that you do mention that but now see I'm way too high and I want to approach this in a somewhat reasonable manner so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna fly down towards the airfield and I'm gonna do an overhead break so let's go ahead and use the same 3-step radio procedure that we use earlier a NAPA traffic can take 3 4 is entering a overhead break for runway 0 4 approaching from the south and up a traffic so I let him know exactly what my intentions are I let him know where I'm coming from and now people should understand that I'm coming in for an overhead break right over the runway and obviously make sure that you check all around you there's nobody else that's over here you don't want to be flying into them and let's go ahead and break and up a Trafficante 3/4 is downwind for runway for a Napa traffic and if a traffic in Sector e4 is on left base for runway for a Napa okay now instead of calling final this is gonna be a very short final so we're gonna call short final and this lets people know that you're very close and a NAPA traffic on six before is on a short final runway 4 right Napa now this isn't supposed to be a video showcasing how to do a proper landing or proper pattern altitudes or anything like that I'm doing this on the fly so forgive me this looks terrible but good check and obviously make sure that there is nobody else here that's coming in for for a takeoff so you're not coming into it you're not going into anybody and that's about it a lot of eating but of him and that guy just asked for a radio check just to make sure that he's coming in over the frequency and you give them a good check or 5x5 whatever you you please you don't need to be crazy about the procedures for radio comms that you use now as I made my left turn out of the airfield you'll notice that there is another aircraft right behind me who held short of the runway and waited for me to get off the runway now the thing about this airfield is that there is a small possibility that you may end up actually spawning over here and you'll notice that the active runway is 0 4 so you can't take off from runway to - it's extremely frowned upon so what you we need to do is taxi out and cross runway 2 - and then head all the way down and then take off from runway 0 4 which yes it is a bit of a pain in the butt but that is the proper way of doing it if you don't want to piss off people on the runway that are taken up from the opposite direction then you know that's just the way of doing it so in that instance you would hold short like that guy is doing and if you wanted to cross you would wait until it's completely clear no one's taking off no one's your way and you would just call in an up a traffic and say three four crossing runway 2 - and then you'd cross just like that guy did and then make your way down to a runway to 0 for all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try and head over and land at krymsk now so chrome skis over here more than likely the way I'm gonna have to land is from right to left so about a hundred percent sure let's check the ADIS two four eight and the runway in uses zero four we have our UAVs sets so that when I touch down my altimeter will say zero and we are going to approach this since we are here I don't have 45-degree angle go downwind base final and we've confirmed though the runway zero four is on the right so I'm gonna landing right to left so that's also good to know and confirm and Crim's traffic head tight three four is coming in for landing on runway four we're gonna enter the pattern on a left on wood chromes trafficante 34 is gonna be on a extended left downwind I'll slide in right behind you I have traffic in sight all right so what happened is this guy is coming in kind of squeezes ass in here but that's okay and what we're gonna do is we're gonna appease him by extending or downwind longer than we normally would because he's already on base and there is our final guy and we're gonna [ __ ] in right behind him cringe traffic ahead 2 3 4 is on left base for a runner for risk there should be enough time for him to get out of the way and I see him right there he's on a very short final as long as we don't speed up we should have just enough time to get out of his way and if you don't feel comfortable if you feel like you're not gonna make it then it's always a good idea to just go around or enter the pattern try again in a little bit but this guy just landed he should be out of the way in a bit and I'm in a nice little setup here Chris Trafficante 3 for short final over-under for Chris traffic and he just let us know that he's off that runway and you could see him off going to the right there and there we go touchdown Chris trafficante three four is off the active krymsk and this just lets people know that you're out of the way you're not gonna be a problem and that's it you you are not responsible for anything else at this point you are basically done so to give you a visual representation of what happened my plan was to go left downwind turn left base turn final unfortunately the a-10 cut in and he was already on right base so I changed my plan and I extended my left downwind to give him a little bit of room so he can make his final and land then I would slot in a left base final and then leave just enough space where it will be safe for me to land behind him so we made some pretty good progress we had a nice little dynamic situation happen and we overcame it and as you saw we we didn't use some overcomplicated lingo or anything like that and often is the case you can just literally talk to people and it's fine as long as you're able to clearly communicate with one another you are going to be absolutely a ok anyway I do hope that you guys enjoyed and I will see you in part two where we will talk about talking to the AWACS or GC I [Music]
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 58,012
Rating: 4.9774556 out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's, alley, dcs, fc3, digital, combat, simulation, flaming, cliffs, battlefield, bf, flight, sim, f-15c, eagle, f-16, viper, radios, traffic, air traffic control, brevity, comms, coms, SRS, Simple Radio Standalone, tacview
Id: z_t92kZ4W-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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