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Tangentially, I'd love to see an as-close-to-accurate Su-57 or J-20 in DCS.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Kantei 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Flying igla site

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Cheeseknife07 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fucking camper.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Darkstar68 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] uh oh hello uh you might you might wonder why i have a shinyang j-11 fighter jet um parked next to a uh akami tower well there's a reasoning behind that it's a little bit of a story so sit down get some popcorn and come along for the ride cause i'm about to get banned from every dcf server that exists to help you understand why i'm parked on the ground right now we got to go a little bit into the science of radar technology radar will spit out a beam in a wide area and then all those beams will come bouncing back at different speeds and based on the speed at which they come bouncing back it can tell if an object is coming towards it or away from it or standing still now the thing is is that well when you're flying an aircraft the ground is constantly moving towards you so the radar just sees it as a big c of let's say the color green but if an aircraft is coming right towards you in front of that ground then your radar will see it as a big blue object and be able to lock on or if it's going away from you it'll see it as a big red object but the moment that aircraft flies in a perpendicular fashion from you and below you he's invisible he is matching the speed at which the ground is approaching you so your aircraft won't be able to see it he'll just disappear in a sea of green this is a strategy that you can use in dog fights called notching it's it's very common you see it a lot by dcs players going defensive against missiles but there's a more effective strategy at totally disappearing from enemies radars and that's simply well becoming the ground so let me set the scene i'm playing as a red four player a chinese j11 that's parked way south of the caucasus mountains and the enemy base i want to start attacking is up to the north but this isn't an easy task i'm gonna have to take off stealthily fly throughout the entire mountain range undetected get into the open air valley that's right beside the enemy air base and then find a suitable road to land on will there be any roads in the area that are long enough and straight enough for me to be able to land on will i find better roads eventually i didn't know when i was starting this out all i knew is that i wanted to absolutely embarrass the blue team on my first try i was lucky to get into the server right as it restarted now 50 more people were about to spool up their jets and start fighting and so i needed to get to and through the mountain range as quick as possible before the blue four jets were up in the air i'm so happy in the congo all right now we've made it to the mountain range we just need to stay low in the valleys and stay sneaky and make sure nobody's radar detects us that means staying as low as i can possibly get as fast as i can go when i get over mountains i need to get under them as quick as i can it's a pretty scary process when you're trying to remain absolutely undetected as i'm carving through the end of this valley my friendly that's behind me by about 20 miles and he's also about 20 000 feet up in the air his radar detects two enemy fighters that are coming directly at me now luckily datalink is in the game so his information that his radar sees is automatically sent to my radar screen as well so as i'm stealthily going through this valley trying to evade any enemies i possibly can i see two enemy fighters coming directly on top of me she's a plane right here right beside me yikes he's going really fast too well there's two fun i wonder if i can avoid that i don't know if i can i'm getting out of this valley right here there's one of them it's the closer one radar hasn't hit me yet i'm gonna help a homie out right now and shoot a little bt at this guy he's not gonna know it at all yeah that's an easy kill bunk ff6 or f15 on f16 all right now we're about to get in there sam view and if there's any planes out here to the north they're gonna see me i need to really carefully do this scan here make sure nobody's looking this way ah it doesn't look like it okay gonna turn west for 2-7 thanks for the coffee and the water appreciate it uh sure sure that'd be great i love you i don't know where the other blue four guy went ah man i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to land on this highway oh my god where where [Music] f-15 down okay now we need to land was that the road is this the road nope holy crap that was so close okay okay you gotta slow down a lot [Music] i'm slowing down a lot more than i thought i would okay gears are down this time let's do this come on break break break break break break break break break break come on no wobble no wobble no wobble no wobble yes yes did we break a tire i think we definitely broke a tire no we did it we're fine yes let's go okay well we're landed i don't know if we can turn around um but i could just taxi over to the next town and get you know a little bit closer or something i'm gonna lower my air brake it's a little it's it's red on the oh my gosh yes are now the friendly's like what are you doing i'ma pop a player for him i wonder if he sees me can i see things on my radar i can't i still have data link yes okay can i turn around anywhere is there yeah look he's coming back he's coming back to look at me again he's taking another okay now we drive you got to be careful buddy we're in the open we're with okay okay i have to look at the map see where to go where can i drive oh it's bumpy it's bumpy oh it's doable though it's doable i'm fine as long as i slowly roll i'm fine oh shoot i can go across fields so this is where this aircraft in particular came in handy if you've watched the last few episodes i've made about this jet in particular you've known that it doesn't just have a radar for detecting enemies we actually just used it twice to detect enemies without even using our radar dish on the nose of our aircraft we were using the thermal camera on the front of the aircraft this picks up the engine heat from nearby enemy hostiles and we can lock onto them and shoot missiles at them and so the thing about radar is that if you're on the ground most aircraft inhibit you from being able to use it they don't allow it at all because if you were to turn the radar on you could i i'm pretty sure you can kill birds uh you can mess with electronics in nearby buildings like you can basically emp buildings with radar so it's kind of uh kind of dangerous to use uh on the ground also it gives out your location it's like pointing out a flashlight in a dark room you know you're saying hey is anybody there but everybody that's going to be there is going to going to see you too but with the thermal camera i'm passively able to detect enemy aircraft flying around without them knowing that we detected them that's why i chose this aircraft for this particular job so we can lock on enemy aircraft while sitting on the ground theoretically then take off while still remaining locked to them fire a missile at them that they don't even know that's coming and fly all the way back to the ground without them ever even hearing a single warning sound it is deadly if done right i don't know why this is so fun this is just stupid dude this is so stupid oh okay stealth mode activated look at my and now now i have no air speed no altitude you'll probably look at me on their data length they're like what the hell does the guy not moving not doing a thing okay now could i engine off technically i think i could i think i could engine off chill here not use any gas i'm i am going to preset myself for a takeoff so i'm going to go down this way and then turn around at the very end all right stealth mode activated boys i'm going to get in these shadows over here just to get a little bit more stealthy but look how look how stealthy our gray plane is on this brownish grey street though like pretty dang sneaky beaky all right let's get out in the snow oh that snow is thick and crunchy and gonna do a tight turn here don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck yes oh my gosh it's so dumb so dumb [Music] oh shoot is that is he coming it looks like he's coming oh let's go let's go let's go let's go to be down e.t selected let's go let's go let's wait until he gets we gotta get him close we gotta get him like within ten two bandits directly front they might turn south i'm gonna turn my eo onto them you should be able to see them [Music] there's one [Music] oh i can visually see them [Music] oh they're close they're closest oh my gosh they're so close go go go go go engine ninja come on come on come on flaps down we're good we're good we're good air brake down come on come on come on full throttle go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay i lost him for a second i'll get him back in a minute any second now come on gears up flaps up where are you buddy where are you i just saw you i just saw you there you are and back down to my spot oh we got him okay okay okay oh shoot where's my spot i lost it i lost it i lost it where was i where was i gear flaps was i oh gotta go back down quick there's another band that's like looking this direction now and i think i'm getting i couldn't tell everything oh i gotta focus on elaine because the faster i get down faster i can be sneaky oh my gosh that is so dirty that's so dirty i love it i love this my gears aren't down i forgot about the gears damn i could have gotten the perfect run my first try but i happened to pull my gear up instead ugh what a mistake anyways i'm not going to give up there i i'm going i'm going straight into another jet flying burner all the way to the mountain range sneaking through it getting back to the same spot and landing again let's see what we learned okay flaps back down i guess is that the road right there i think that's it that's it you're down ooh i might have to reapproach this yeah i'm gonna have to reapproach this crap okay i'm gonna come in from the other oh there was my old explosion there's my old body right there oops that definitely wasn't me don't know what you're talking about sir oh i'm getting aircraft nails that i can't see how close are you okay he's really far i need to turn around now i need to turn and land right now because he's definitely nailing me 100 has seen me now okay gears going down yikes yikes he is nailing me i think he lost lock i need to go i need to run into the mountains run into the trees over here no no no i don't have nose wheel steering nose wheels turn on why is my nose wheel staring backwards oh no i can't turn oh now i can why are you not working before nose wheel steering now you're working really dude he's trying to find me no fire he found me right engine fire no he found me right engine fire no left engine little to my knowledge as i crash-landed on the road an f-16 pilot by the name of asgar left our main base and barreled through the mountains past my position to the north and started to head west through the mountains even ambushing an f-15 along the way asghar flew so far behind enemy lines that the enemies weren't even looking his direction he flew over 300 miles just to get behind the enemy lines to do one thing the enemy a wax the a wax plane is the god it basically tells your team where every plane is on the map and if you take this out the enemy team can't see anything they have to rely purely on their own radars which are not anything near as powerful as the aywax plane as car barrels out of the mountains into the open waters an f-18 attempts to chase him down shooting aim 120 sees at him he takes hits from an anti-aircraft gun from a aircraft carrier pops flares goes straight up in the sky fires two a120c's at the a-wax and kills the thing while taking sam missiles from ships while taking another a120 from the f-18 and then hall's ass as fast as he can knowing that he's faster than the f-18 behind him and escapes into the mountains what a legend and now it's my time to shine [Music] he's very low he's got to be going like right over us right now [Music] where is he shoot should i there's a sam launching wait what i'm confused wait wait wait wait wait there's a sam launching he's close all right time to go just keep the lock on amio keep the lock keep the lock where is he oh where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he [Music] there he is [Music] what the heck are those evasive maneuvers [Music] oh and he's dead i had my air brake out that entire time i'm dumb okay we need to get back down now there's no no no aircraft see us luckily holy crap we're so close to them okay so i don't know if that was the other guy's kill but we would have killed that guy anyway so i count that as a kill even if we didn't impact even if it wasn't our missile first we definitely would have killed him so okay rw is clean oh my gosh we're landed back down the highway i'm so scared of somebody just seeing me visually and coming and gunning me again oh aircraft aircraft aircraft nails very strong from the right where is he where could he be he just probably took off come on eo do you see anything see anything buddy oh yep yep there he is how close is he shoot he's close he's very close i don't know if he sees me i definitely pop my wheels i don't think he saw me oh my gosh i don't know if he saw me come on come on come on wow oh my gosh okay i think i popped a gear though so this landing is going to be tough oh i stole my flaps down oh this is so much fun wow that's so scary he flew right over us he flew right over us i thought he saw me because he literally fl i mean we're we're 10 miles no we're not 10 miles we're like 20 or 30 miles from their airstrip where they spawn so for him to fly directly over us the chances are crazy low okay just gotta come in and do my gear is messed up oh this is gonna be sketchy i really wanna land this but i don't know if i'll be able to with a messed up gear whoa oh we're coming in low okay oh i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it soft okay we got a messed up gear it's the rear left it feels like we got it we got it gear no gear doesn't matter oh my gosh yes this is so cool we did it we did it with a broken gear but it doesn't matter we did it [Music] hmm there's another one where is the eo where is he where is he that's so spooky just getting the art of here that means the plane is coming at us right now okay probably gonna do this it might be the same guy [Music] oh yep yep yep there he is here he comes again same guy same guy same strat oh my gosh come on take off take off take off take off no he got me i got it back yes yeah baby yes he knew he knew he saw us in the last second oh my gosh [Music] there's another bandit in front of us hold up that's gonna be a rough landing there's another band in front of us somewhere should i take i'm gonna i'm gonna take off yep there he is go go go go go take off [Music] go go go flaps up gear up come on come on come on no air brake no air brake we need speed baby speed uh oh he might be going too fast nope nope he's coming into range now we're getting faster there you go oh okay okay we've got a bandit on our butt definitely looking at us should we try to go for the landing will he expect it can we land that quick f-14 dead easy kill i don't know this is sketchy i'm gonna go for the landing i'm gonna go for it air break come on we need to slow down so they can't lock us whoo yes we did it again success oh my gosh this is nuts this is crazy this is so stupid this is stupid that was oh okay he finally crashed oh this is so stupid there's no oh there's hey wait wait was that that's me that's past me on the road again one just passed right over me one legit just passed right over us oh my gosh can i see him i don't want to wreck but i want to look and see if i can see he's within like five miles right now i should be able to visually see him he's out to my direct right maybe a little bit to the hmm i don't think i can see him how many kills we've gotten so far eight kills and we've died five times and two of those deaths were players so we're doing pretty good we're basically eight and two other than the three crashes that we've had so is this a legitimate strategy yes [Music] do you have to be a good a good take off and landing person also yes because you could do this technically i mean the both the times we messed up we're pretty avoidable oh wait something's coming something's coming oh wait i have it locked it's right here let's go time to go we can't miss it this time [Music] can't mess up okay garrett flaps up and he's within range in the iff good to go [Music] fox 2 come on hit him hit him hit him hit him [Music] bunk whoo all right now to go back down oh and i shot him with a close range missile he's got to know that i was being sneaky and poke brakes air brake pulling back on the stick there's one of my crash dead bodies there's also past me standing out in this field over here i'm seeing all my failed attempts along this road but i'm the one that succeeded that's a good little thematic ending to the video don't you think [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,641,018
Rating: 4.8760023 out of 5
Id: iaJOElP_6bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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