Ralfi's Alley - DCS AJS-37 Viggen Review

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hello everyone and welcome I would like to introduce you to our new friends this is the DCF age is 37 or more commonly known as the spigen made by 11 accumulation the viggen is a 1970s Swedish Air Force supersonic single-seat attack aircraft it was designed to be a low-level striker with good acceleration and supersonic performance along with short takeoff and landing capability although the Viggen has some multi-role capabilities its main functionality is to focus on pre-planned targets with only a single attack on a target area and then egress at high speed let us step into my office as we have learned from Leathernecks previous work it is no surprise that the cockpit is a work of art as you would expect all the details are there and as you can see from here it is all in very much Swedish admittedly is this make for some difficult studying as I try to match the English and Swedish works together and commit as much to memory as possible but if you're not as allowed a knack to plan on making the English cockpit available to you upon police the other stunning feature that is immediately noticeable in the pit is the lighting if you guys remember from Leathernecks previous work on the mig-21 we saw great lighting work by these guys however in the Viggen when the lights are on they feel real those plans give off exactly the kind of light that you would expect from those old types of balls that they use back in a day not to mention the amazing lighting you get from the radar and the reflecting glow that shines around the pit due to its radioactive green tint the exterior of the Viggen is fabulous she is obviously modelled damn near perfection and although we could spend some time looking at all her curvy features like a teenager hitting puberty I think we can move on to another category that is rather more striking and that would be her sound [Music] the sound design of the bigan is absolutely sublime and I'm not just referring to the deafening roar of the engines but to all of the other little details that can be heard as you operate this beast I love the sound of the canticles pull our nose into it again whoa that's sad I absolutely love all of the clicking from the different positions of the throttle you will have got several different clicks to let you know the power setting as you pull out of idle as well as three distinctive clicks you will fall in love with as you get past each afterburner zone but there is however one horrifying sound you do not want to hear in this aircraft that banging sound on the side of your fuselage is a compressor stall this happens when there is a disruption of airflow into the engine caused by Wilde movement of the throttle or more commonly flight at high angles of attack the mild side effect of this will just be the banging sound of the compressor stalling however a more catastrophic result will end up with an engine flameout of the combustion chambers and that was very impressed when I compare this to the sound of a compressor stall in an airliner jet okay so how about operating this aircraft is it hard well the answer to that is both yes and no the degrees difficulty lies mainly in learning to functionality of the Viggen and as you can see here she's very much all analog a couple of switches here remind you of the old-school typewriters there are some very advanced functions in the Viggen for its time though as for example it was one of the first aircraft to have an aircraft computer implemented but as with all new technology it comes with its own limitations and problems such as navigational drift over time I believe the biggest issue for most players will be learning the correct procedures you will need to follow in order to get the Viggen to do what you need to do and unfortunately it uses the damn data panel which might as well be in all Swedish since you will have to rely on having several different charts available to understand what some of the codes meet or weather display is actually showing you based on the function you have selected there really isn't a whole lot to memorize but it sure can get very confusing for the ugandan first personally I made sure to write down a lot of things in my knee board and reference it when I'm not 100% sure or something especially for the damned Swedish data panel from the a-10 we are used to seeing quite a lot of information on the heads-up display so when you hop into the big in and look through the HUD you may be somewhat disappointed it looks quite there and for the most part it's quite basic however there is more information being displayed than what we see I the HUD a heavily relies on showing you things visually based on symbology rather than words or numbers for example the Hut will go into a take-off mode when taken up letting you know what to rotate how far to put your nose up for a good climb and then it will revert back to normal heart function ality all automatically that does seem to be a common theme here for the Viggen as for such an old aircraft there is a surprising amount of things that happen automatically under the hood flying the Viggen is relatively easy she's incredibly stable even past not one it also helps that you have an autopilot system that helps you dampen and smooth your controls called the spot without it you will noticeably fly sloppier especially on the rollout when compared to having spock help you out the controls aside from regular manoeuvring you also get a few new toy to play around with for landing the first of which is the aft system which apparently translates to and I'm not kidding the automatic fart control essentially this will help you reduce pilot fatigue by automatically adjusting the throttle based on one of the three conditions when engaged when the landing gear is up and the FK lever is on the afk system will maintain 550 km/h with the landing gear down in the afk lever on the system will shoot for a speed that would have maintained about an AOA of 12 degrees the third condition is the same as a second but with a 15 and a half degree a away when the 15 and a half button is pressed in order for the Viggen to be able to stop as short as possible a reverse thrust Weaver is present when pulled reverser claps will close the ejector and direct engine exhaust forward and slightly downwards the more power you give it the harder you slow down before you get any fancy ideas no you cannot use this well in the middle of flight for some SuperDuper evasive maneuver I'm gonna head to break some fly right after one pulling the lever and flight will prime to reverse thrust to engage as soon as the main and nose wheel is pressed down and I gotta say it is a lot of fun to land this thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so landing this thing is a ton of fun but there is one thing you should be aware of for takeoff make sure to put a curvature on your rudder because there is no way that I know of and disable the nosewheel steering if she can be a handful when you get halfway down the runway I only wanted a small adjustment let's talk about the PS 37 radar for a bit leatherneck did something quite revolutionary in dcs as for the first time we finally get a ground radar [Music] although this radar is capable of doing some basic air-to-air mainly for ranging purposes you will spend most of your time using it to find targets on the ground instead it uses three votes a zero which is radar off a one which turns the radar on in wide search mode and a two which will use narrow search mode for those of you who have a crust master warthog and Hotez you can map this function to your boats which as you can see here the Leatherneck has made it so that the centre position of the belts which will cycle to the a1 mode the image you will see is mostly unfiltered and rather noisy the primary use of this radar is to find ships at sea they have made it so that the Raider will display the ships clearer if you point your Raider Abdeen to the ships rather than approaching the ships from their front or rear which will show you a smaller picture with fewer radar return in order to spot down vehicles you will need to be within 30 kilometers of the target and you further out and the target size is just too small for the radar to show once spotted you can mark that position in the same way that you would set a sensor point of interest in the a10 and depending on what weapon you have selected you can now use that position to deploy your weapons additionally the radar is used for navigation with it showing you the next waypoints location as well as the landing procedures and the little flexibility on top of that it has a terrain avoidance mode where it will show you the terrain ahead allowing you to navigate around obstacle do not confuse this with the TFR of an f-16 the Viggen wheel your shows--you prey pictures it is all up to you to make sense of it and manually steer the aircraft around and set obstacles you can additionally use the radar to manually set navigational fixes in order to fix any NAB drift and they have the courage during flight in order to do this you will need to map the trigger to the t1 and T V buttons it is worthy to note is that the radar does not lock onto things evidence that identifies the position of terrain features and potential targets the Vatican possesses roughly 10 available weapons and we don't have time to look at all of them right now but I will give you a look at the main weapons that I find to be the most fun if you have a particular area you want to obliterate you have a few choices at your disposal one such choice would be the Eric M 70 be rockets you can mount for rocket pods with six rockets in each pod for a total of a loud rocket the destruction comes from its firing in a single salvo that empties all the tube in 0.6 of a second they come in high explosive or armor-piercing forms however be aware that this does require the knowledge of what the target position qfe is and you can see the calculations for aiming these Rockets is wholly dependent on that information this seems to be the case for a majority of these weapons now if you want to do the same exact angle from more of a standoff range then I have great news for you the BK 90 cluster munition dispenser is an absolute blast literally a blast I'm not kidding your frames will drop great very one cheese egg this is nothing like the CDU 97 2 though they come in a form of the glider that spits out the cluster munitions over the target that's their position for the use of the radar this allows you to fire the gliders about ten kilometers away from the AO and you don't even need to be facing the target directly as they will guide themselves down to the target please do take note that as of this recording the effectiveness of the munitions is at the mercy of the standard DCF damage model leatherneck are looking into trying to make it more effective but this is an IDI level issue that is mostly outside or less than type and next up we have a weird weapon called the AR bo5 missiles so this is a radio-controlled missile that can be shot at pretty much anything your heart desires when launched do you have absolutely full control of the missile with a separate controller that you spirit by visually inspecting the flight path of the missile as it has a large flare and a path to help you spot it all the way to its destination this missile can be a little finicky at first but with some practice you will be able to hit targets new problem and standoff range now remember when I said that you can use this against anything I meant anything if the missile is fitted with a proximity fuse in order for it to work in the air to a remote Shack school not exactly the most feasible thing to do but certainly a great amount of fun but I believe a more practical weapon percent off range would be TRP 75 which is essentially the AGM 55 a maverick we are all quite familiar with that weapon as it works pretty much similar to the a-10 version so we're not really going to take a look at it next up we have the Klem of the crap weapon for the Viggen as it tries in his environment with anti-ship missiles you have two flavors to choose from the RB o4e or the newer version the RB 15m the 15 will yield a longer range for more sophisticated targeting than the o4 but it does require more work and planning to get it to work properly the O force though still do a fairly decent job so I can recommend either one francy shipping purposes [Music] as far as guns go the Viggen does not have an internal gun if you want guns you are going to need to bring them along in the form of the AK can gun pods each pond here is 150 rounds with the casing staying in the pod the gun pot is to be mainly used for air ground but it obviously has air capabilities [Music] and if you are looking for a dog slide it will be a lot smarter to do some aerator weapons thankfully the Viggen can be fitted with four rear aspect RB 24j heat seekers or two of the all aspect RV 74 heat seekers their range is piss-poor and get spooked rather easily by countermeasures so be mindful of that when going up against our prey speaking of which how well does she not fight well in my limited testing I can say that with no external weapons the spigen will make an excellent instant turn right up to around 180 degrees however passed that first 180 you really need to start easing up on the controlled at the compressor stalls with start to limit your actions so if you manage to get our drop on a guy you certainly can turn in very quickly to put your nose on it however in a drawn-out fight against an agile fighter you are pretty much doomed to fail you only have the advantage in the first few seconds of the fight and after that is just a constant struggle for air to avoid seizing the engine it's hard to summarize my feelings about the Viggen we all look forward to aircraft that can dominate the battlefield in BCS a ton of people will worry about how effective the planes they are considering to buy will be in the multiplayer arena I have since stopped worrying about those little details there's a simple reason being is that we have seen players take even the most disadvantageous birds to the air in BCS world and still kick ass players will go to great lengths to get kills and show off their skill in an older generation against the mighty sukhoi than Eagles I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Viggen will not be a slouch it has a definite role to fulfill yes even if its main highlight will be the anti-shipping job up to this point the only player controlled planes capable of coming low to that job with the prophets so I think of the Viggen is a new challenge to the players who are constantly seeking the next you thrill with a bunch of new toys to play around with any beautiful ground radar that laid the groundwork for future modules that will use a similar technique leatherneck has permanently embedded itself as a competent and trustworthy company but I guess you guys already knew that if you bought me 21 right as always a great job of an X already can't wait for your next project [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ralfidude
Views: 216,921
Rating: 4.9534597 out of 5
Keywords: ralfidude, ralfi's, alley, dcs, fc3, digital, combat, simulation, flaming, cliffs, battlefield, bf, flight, sim, f-15c, eagle, f-16, viper, AJS-37 Viggen, Viggen, ajs37, swedish, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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