Worlds Most ANNOYING Kid Blamed for Griefing on Minecraft (Minecraft Trolling)

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you like that football stadium it looks like it's some sort of football arena and then there's like a soccer field over here might support you I'm going to be creative you can like run around like everything air work everywhere Jordan want to help me build like the mini game for the bank Nick you want to see our movie theater okay it's over here so for you I'm gonna give you moderator on that so you can teleport do you like it Nick it's like some sort of movie theater yeah it is so I don't like I don't like any people like hack I don't want my doing that way who hacks I just friend asked me and like look my credit card and like the my dad's clunky hacked it and then like like look all the money nice naughty boy look at your ID card again I'm gonna look a car I'd be like a red stone car on about that Nick what are you building I don't know I'm just exploring I'm too tired to build the car is ready to go I didn't like start at any minute now Nick want to see my car oh yeah Oh see it where are you um you can teleport okay and then to the car and then you can activate it by putting like a red stone right here and then mining a nail activate find it and see what what it does you like it uh-huh that's pretty good well my mind I'm gonna mind this block so it isn't like run into anything and then like you just can be set it by clicking that block and then mine it again it starts oh cool looks like a car I don't know how to make it turn I'll go backwards though Oh can they do that I wish I could oh so it can't all right well that's a bummer yeah I wish it did you're pretty cool and if I - no it doesn't work okay still going how's it so going oh go Nick are you bored of this room ah not really I'm just exploring it think it's like a pretty good room it's okay I mean welcome I make a map room it's I don't know that's pretty cool so you just like do that cheesy colors that's pretty cool I like what do you mean you should look what he made Jordan it's like an awesome red something look he may like you can like switch it we're like you can like make the colors which beliving lovers who put the basketball court on fire where's the basketball court it's like as far as presence I'm like an hooped who did this who did this what huh who did all this we worked with your heart on this who did this not me did you did you do it Robin no well did you do it Nick oh I was just exploring I haven't even though there was the best I know yeah yeah you didn't do anything your jewelry don't know them adjourn how to do it Jordan did you do it I think I've joining music what happened that I was I was all the way up on roller coasters who put teen teen and fire spreads on our ceiling I put parchment even look in those I was even looking at when they couldn't done it Warren could have done it I could have done it cuz I was I was trying to like work on my arm my whistle car how does it happen if none of us did it then you were whining our room no everybody was designed for people or I'll be fine with it hmm but I do have your right six-pack but I don't have it well I'm not in it right now Justin says I have is like skin pack too but I'm in my mic pack yeah so one muscle that has been um skin pack oops so unless I did it before like before anybody joined how it I knew it she's the best Punk loves blue eyes if I get jelly like if I summer blue eyes like um dead stuff cool it my house on fire cease yes Lee my house on fire where where's the roller coaster you guys keep teleporting me around where'd you guys go I see how it is you teleport me to you then you rise prank what because I'm putting tea okay I want to put a fire does not spread and like et desire who broke my who broke this who broke this who broke one no where are you guys at is my gamertag's on I was I was working on this about you dude it to this pretty gamertags on so like when people like look at stuff and B which are doing stuff wobble I know this lava on it it gave me our taxes on so now we know looking people are like doing stuff always Paul parts of people when everything's happening like when they build I can't believe or cities ruining apart who's invisible front dollar time flyer pew bounce Freddie not me is who did this okay everybody get some like joint a zombie vs. on me oh my movie ventured and fires bridges on the water with the water will destroy that dude did water will destroy a part of that but look the lavas contractors I know but it destroys a track you rather have the track then we can just put the Shocker back we can just put the track back I could work but nobody get rid all this water bunches work perfectly what's up you know what sue you know that Mia be snow that it is I think we think we know we think we know yeah um it's it's Robin its omitting Robin yeah cuz Robin Robin actually told my rule before he started used for literally tackling nearly technically troll toys remember he destroyed this like building over here Robins wearing the minecraft story mode skin to try and shift and make him look innocent cuz he's playing one of the heroes from the story mode but it's actually him probably it's him maybe it was you know because why would I do it I just got here I was building over there - punch my inventory oh I know what that thing is I get it someone must have not been in here with the name attached or dispatches please if you think it's if you think it wasn't me then help or next to me the whole time oh I'm trying to find a sponge-like my Sammy please text you know who it is probably no it is I think it's kind of Robin I think it's Robin is it if somebody he done did that didn't he know actually no I mean I've a really good position that it's Robin because it must be Robin cuz he tried he like he started greeting and I role before yeah all right he's my skin like that is Robin I try to be here soon but not knowing something someone humming it rid of all the water trying to do this don't work we based when I was looking at the world when I was looking at the roller coaster mama was just coming up nowhere I just keep on happening I'm gonna give nobody moderator then I wanted me to like born invisible it's not me not even my only option I am known as moderator hopefully I like the healthy that helps like no one does it now should I'm like no more griefing now let's let's heart it who can help me rebuild the basketball court I'm okay one for me to get all the fire out first I keep all my getting the fire out fire first coming Blair where where are you there is next to the roller coaster I'm at the roller coaster I see anything teleport to maybe teleport to me teleport to me Harry Harry me I thought was the wrong person sorry no you're next to me you're next to me Oh what is this yo Robin was the only one around this area that's why he noticed it happening first cuz he's the one doing it it's Robin somebody's tick - therefore if he did really good it must be Robin cuz he's the only he's always around the stuff being broken it was Robin yeah he was right cuz Ramazan all the one who's noticing it at all first Robin he's breaking stuff Robin it was Robin it was Robin it must have been I I think I kicked him a little working I kicked him Robin forgave you didn't do anything no no you did if it wasn't Robin they couldn't have been anyone else cuz Robin did it no I did it yeah you did it how did you know that because you you're always beside the stuff that's you're always around the area that has stuff breaking like when you're around the roller-coaster and when you were around the basketball court and then you were around the tank you're always the one doing that stuff I didn't I watching all that I want you I'm watching all my clips to see what happened I didn't even do nothing it was Robin he was doing it he was you I must have been Jordan I might not buting my sheet it was you peas why how creepy me anymore what did I do funny and you should not the gamertags and you want an invisible one invisible cuz I was trying to build something in surprise so you guys kind of oh yeah oh you did it he look oh I'll show you I'm putting a car all I can show you I was building a car everybody look a brick oh dude look obviously husband Carla was well maybe we start the game like so like he can join no he grief don't don't let him join back don't let him join back he grief we'll just put him like an adventure well so you can like look at stuff I always want to play Minecraft with you guys not for you will you greet so hey stories I use every bleep thing GTA and then you brought it to Minecraft you can't even grief in GTA you can't blow stuff up I don't get how you could for GGA I don't get it I think he's just trying to make up stories to make it seem like he didn't do it but it was obvious him that's like the first sign of doing it is your you try and say you didn't hear Y me back in the Permian good real there's a J okay we'll put you in jail yeah we've all let me up like a half give a jail and see I'm gonna be in there the whole time in now I'm not gonna do nothing prove you wrong okay I'm gonna like reset the game or one I'm gonna exit oak remember do you have Auto C and then like I jump back and then it could've been me but it was you how did you know if you said it do not believe you you believe a PC or of Laura thing like hard to say cuz like a big like unit who makes toys up I think that's why you do you're the one that's making stories up you're trying to tell us a story about how you didn't do it when you did it because I couldn't have done it you want an invisible that was building it sounds like Nick was invisible when i teleported to him he was invisible no one could've won me it was Robin he's just like that's why they called him Robin the liar no you you we give you guys invites the game and dance and then see if I didn't not heard it let me guess being right here oh just can't side the Jill guys had the Jill just go through here go through there Your Honor I'm urban survival not just gonna walk around and see stuff were you a venture money I think at survivals too much he probably still has stuff women like jail jail is what we agreed on he's trying to work his way back up to privileges Yap him in the jail one close off the door someone goes off the door to the jail I'm not a cop or to me and then like close the door to the jail I don't have privileges I can't teleport to you yeah nobody interaction click it around for Jordan close it off yeah it's bug portation now what's up for cheer okay I did it give me some Oh mommy forgive you we thought we thought you did it it was Robin thank you I hope this house I didn't do it yeah you did we all know it was you yeah I'm actually kind of all know cuz pick me out oh no it was you you don't get how prisoners don't get freedom oh no prisoners don't get freedom dude maybe when you Nick it wasn't me it was you we all we already know that what how you don't get out you're a prisoner you've grieved your that's why you're in jail guys watch my Clips no we don't want to your clips are boring you're welcome indeed bye again we know you did it we don't need to watch them do it no don't tell us what to do we you're lying oh I thought who did it I saw who did it yeah it was Robin I knew it I saw Nick doing no he was Robin who did it he even turned off my minecraft because I couldn't even see anything recording it wasn't it it was Robin he's just trying to put the blame on other people it was unique because you made my camera go black then why is it all black uh probably because your xbox DVR is disabled I'm gonna watch everybody really yeah except you you were blowing stuff up and griefing well how didn't know if it was me no it showed you doing it in my xbox DVR what can I get out you don't get out cuz you're a prisoner do you why any you really don't this is your punishment you you were impressive uh I didn't do it so there would be no reason to put me there what happens if I lose food I hope Nick dies why bring grass in the football field cuz it's easier to run when you have more traction but listen minecraft we don't have a pizza or anything like that yeah your feet on minecraft I say you don't have cleats yeah you're popping on minecraft I not not feet cleats you know beats her like football cleats baseball cleats she liked it yeah you know you know they are off cleats I don't play golf you'll have to play rely on cleats are we playing any sports no who keeps on putting fire in my house fool did you let Robin out of the prison coz that's your answer right there if you did who are you out of the prison Robin Julio to the ones the highlighters who let him out oh I died I don't know how but I died I don't know how I died trust Robin can't do anything yeah but he got out of the prison so he could have any planet still on him yeah cuz he used it all burning down the house I need to go to bed it's okay you weren't an asset to this world anyways uh-huh Oh minecraft Oh what loved one there look up oh wow Nick ah I believe in two minutes look at the chest look at look at the chest look Oh what look see look at this he didn't get this food in prison he stole this yeah what are the only thing we the only thing we gave him is rotten flesh he's he's stealing yeah he's stealing don't me give him rotten flesh stand still and take your beauty ygg a Rob Roblin frangie Jana nigga bossy litter I'll see you make me be nice tell em I'm gonna bring the thing I'll see you next time we Nick I just saw you please lava I just saw some reason I did that is because that's where he logged out so when he logs in he'll die because that's a no because the this he logged out right here and when he comes back in I want him to die for stealing oh okay there was a reason you mean I'm strategically placed that there because Robin is bad and okay I'll see you Nick see ya bye see you next time see gorgeous all ian is actually just alright somebody ah what
Channel: UnstoppableLuck
Views: 1,955,393
Rating: 4.6839099 out of 5
Keywords: unstoppableluck, Minecraft Trolling, Minecraft Griefing, Trolling in Minecraft, Trolling, minecraft, unstoppableluck trolling, Minecraft Trolling a little kid, Minecraft Trolling unstoppableluck, Griefing Minecraft, Griefing, unstoppableluck Minecraft Trolling, Trolling on Minecraft, Trolled on Minecraft, Griefed on Minecraft, Trolling Minecraft, Minecraft Trolling noobs, Super Bossy Girl Trolled on Minecraft, Energetic 11 year old Trolled on Minecraft
Id: WCbn0tEZa_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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