INSANE LATE GAME with Village Beacon! Village + Farm Only (Bloons TD Battles)

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all righty so today we're doing some Bonanza MO pretty darn juicy so we're gonna try out a new Opie strat hello Rex um and the new Opie strat is gonna be village farm so village farm it sounds like a look it's a pretty fun strat and it sounds a little sketchy at first but then when you think about it it's not that bad because the village you have the high-energy beacon which is the tier the tier 4 power upgrade yeah tier 4 upgrade and so you can use that to pop balloons instead of rely on that and so with Bonanza mode we can actually make it happen but if you want try this beefy Colosseum by level I feel free to do so I'm sure it's gonna work out great by the way okay um so wouldn't do that oh yeah we're gonna go for this so basically what I do is we're going to use better soil and lightning and farms to read as much as we can and then once we get off of enough money then we can go for the village now the problem of the village beacon upgrade is you have to get the monkey town upgrade before you can get the beacon so you have to buy a seven thousand dollar upgrade which isn't even gonna do anything before getting the beacon which is really annoying so that makes it really expensive it cost like 20k to get this beacon up and 20k is a lot and so it's gonna be a little struggle issues but we can make it happen right all right so this guy's going wizard the most common farm down here like you strapped down here is wizard farm super so I assume this guy's going wizard farm super I don't know if they are though but you see wizard are a lot in the lower arenas it just happens so because it's fun there's the farm yeah maybe they are going super we'll see if they are they might be going ninja instead so we're using a better soil here because we got agreed we got to get this village up as soon as we can so we're gonna push for that we're just gonna leak any legs we can um and try and preserve our Lighting's as long as we can I'll eventually I'll have to use those but yeah um so if we can get like 6 plantations or so that should be enough eeeek now that part of the village energy beacon is it's really it's really expensive but not only that it's not that good like on round 10 if your opponent sends you fallout Pink's the village cannot defend and it's like that'sthat's really bad like for a 20,000 dollar upgrade like tower you think that it could be able to find Pink's but it can it's like come on alright so we gotta be safe here so we're gonna go eat there we go okay good so we'll go for one of these and now we should be good the better so is still going um so I guess we'll go for a farm a village here we'll do this to make a little cheaper and meeting start going for this we got preserve the Lightning though we gotta make sure we don't choke this an accident like a look at that right there we could have just died right there like it's just it's scary you know what I mean um so all right so monkey town can't afford this we still hold another lightning oh we're chill right now we can actually leak those two lies actually so we'll leak that went down to five all right let's be safe let's go a little early just go a little early just to be safe and now we need ten thousand eight hundred so we can actually afford it no matter what we're fine we said see how much how many farms do we have to sell so we're gonna go through boom boom there we go and look at that we still farm so we're actually gonna do better soil here actually better so I'll be pretty juicy so we gotta catch up back in farms actually we are ahead and farm still even though like we just did that which is awesome all right so I'm gonna sell this now and now we just gotta keep going we got to get this better soil up okay go for this on Beacon cuz the sooner we get the factory the sooner we can get enough money for a second Beacon because we do need a second Beacon if they send us yellow Pink's on round ten which is kind of sad like greens were fine right now look at the pop count isn't that cool my good dish all right what could this know sell go okay there we go good thing about sending us stuff but let's look at the beacon pumpkins space those space balloons the beacon is solid there we go that's how you do it good job beacon alright beacon it sounds like bacon good job bacon alright that was weird okay um so um alright so that's nice stuff so we just continue to go for this factory well do use our last better soil normally you do not want to go eco powers when you're going on Bonanza mode Bonanza mode basically gives you infinite money so you don't need to get more money on top of infinite money but you know we we do need it to help create agreed for this beacon so you know with this strat you need it but it's okay you know the strats fun like they're going wizard and wizards great and all but like the stress more fun you know what I mean and we're also gonna send them some ooh snag that all right can tection um we're actually gonna send them some region rainbows in a hot second I'm gonna farm a little bit more all right buddy so if you can survive can you survive we're not even ascend camel we're just gonna send regen Ramos you know if you can get up a super monkey can survive props to you come on buddy come on buddy I know it looks bad oh man look how beautiful that is though look at that look at all the colors that was beautiful you have to admit that that was so beautiful a big fat juicy region Raymond Russian Bonanza is just really beautiful especially on long maps like good game to Rex and you know it's kind of chill like like you shouldn't feel bad for Rex because Rex last what 20 medallions like Rex had 3,000 medallions they'll be fine like Bonanza vote is just a fun mode like everyone's a friend you know whenever you find someone like in in the top arenas it's like girl you know like we gotta win this urn I want my medallions but like 20 medallions everyone has 20 medallions so like hello player and like player and I are friends we're chill all right you know we're just greeting shower we'll say hello it's a beautiful day hi yeah okay so we'll grab this um and they said hi back look at that isn't this just beautiful but grab some farmers were a little low um but yeah oh my goodness so it's just chill you know even if you lose to region maybe works like that and stuff you lost twenty minutes we'll move on and you're just having fun you know if you're trying to grind you're gonna go in the upper arenas but down here you're just chillin all right there he goes continue pushing we got it we got a push just like last time players starting with a farm good job you need to start with a farm that's like you know don't start with other towers if you have farms in most cases some cases you do want to start with your tower but most cases if you have farms start with a farm all right player is leaking down as well maybe player is doing the village farm strat as well probably not but like it's fun to think about right okay oh yeah by the way thank you guys so much for 5k subs like we hit 5k sobs so fast like I'm sorry for not posting but track is over so I will get back to posting it's fine I'll try and see if I can post daily I can't promise I'll post daily but post like really very frequently I'll say lightning bolts ooh they got some tier two powers player might actually be decent here players really decent like they're not placing terrorists yet they're greeting they're doing decent and um there's the wizard okay cool so we're still doing the same strategize time but basically I want to send a new sub goal so when I started my channel I set my sub goal a thousand subs and then we hit a thousand sub so darn quickly I just kind of was like what and so I never set a new sub goal so we need to set a new sub goal so a smart sub goal would probably probably be when I say stop I mean subscriber by the way I'm sure most you that outfit probably one person didn't so I'll help you out don't worry um oh wait we got to focus for a second but um a smart stop goal would be gosh dang it why you got to do that all right wait all that boost yeah we gotta be you guys careful here actually do not mess this up all right let's let's let's just get our farms down Yeek Oh we're gonna leak down look at that that could have been our doom right there if we didn't do it fast enough eek alright so we got this up um how many farms we need to sell they're not rushing us anymore we cannot tank any we can take a little greens we can do a little late eek scare that we didn't leak down we're good go for this now higher GP can so now we need okay let's be safe they could rush us alright there we go we got it awesome alright now we'll go for this and we will resume our I guess to get a better soiled early we could have better we could have used a second better soil earlier man okay whatever it's fine player you gotta chew me for some defense and player maybe we should come on play let's just do a bit of that they'll bail for some defense or getting there actually farming very well if they had a factory right now like baby beasting it but they didn't get a factory oh they boosted that come on buddy alright so we'll continue that so I want to set a new sub goal cuz we're going big or going home so I want to send a new sub goal at 100k we want to go for a hundred K alright I checked all my statistics and stuff on social blade like basically I could be at 100k in a year if we do a free lead beast it out and I wouldn't thats like hitting on hunter kate just sounds awesome like like that'd be awesome so even if you don't hit hundred k i'm really thankful for like how far we've gone and like thank you guys all honestly but like let's let's do it let's go for 100k let's just have fun right it'll be fun to try and go for that right and if we can get like we got a thousand subs in a week if we get a thousand subs every like three days then we could hit it in like a year and be juicy or a thousand subs in a week we can hit in two years in two years that's worth the way I think maybe I don't know we'll see it's fun to think about but well we'll be fine either way like if we hit 10k that's fine too but let's just look we're going for that so most of the people who watch my videos by the way you're not subs so if you want to sub and support me yeah that'd be cool great all right so we're still doing this um I guess we could no let's just go for camera attention um so let's get it some far I'm gonna play some villages down because just in case they rushed us cuz beacon mmm it's not that good all right so do we want to regenerate my brush number let them show their farming I'm gonna let him chill actually you know regenerate rushes we could do one um but they would boot mmm we could do it but let's try and take this leg I feel like we could beat them with villages late-game let's see what they have late-game they probably super monkey though hmm should we rush them while we don't know we're not rushing them we're just chillin all right we're gonna get try and get some money here so um we will try to rush them so maybe we shouldn't go for too many banks but let's go for a few banks let's just let's lapse I'm down here quick fight two bank two farms and like a row down here eek Oh it depends on what the other tower is it's the other tower ninja or is it gonna be um super monkey is it gonna be like what what's it gonna be that's the question that's got actually get it help decide the game because this guy has glue gun or as the third tower no no you're done kid you're done each kid is kind of a mean thing to say alright so we'll continue farming doing this I feel like getting this I feel like getting on factory some more Forks we need more money like just for these beacons because we need to get defensive engine late cuz it's scary I don't know you can't place a village in the middle here seriously come on man villages are so tanky man it's like it's almost as if village is not supposed to be your main popping power no begin such a fun off grave it's just like it's not that effective like Joan Jett Halle pilot and tempest tornado they're just not that effective but they're so fun it's just such a fun concept like I appreciate it like it was good it was good idea just like Benny LaBeouf like down shark alley pilot you really need a buff that ninja kiwi yeah I just found out the other day like I was emailing the cheeky me up they said that um they like how I don't swear in my videos apparently they've been watching my videos if you're watching this ninja kiwi hello juicy Bruno and lucky the ninja kiwi account did didn't comment one of my videos too I know that all right we got a lot of juicy money here so okay player you got it they have some good defense down but they gotta do something so we're gonna send them a B FB just two mmm they got Phoenix's now I don't know tell you what we're gonna all out them with so my gods and see we can do so this this is a twenty thousand dollar upgrade right here and we're struggling against around nineteen AI it's just like come on see like look how far look how far that made um we all start upgrading these in a second well not before we get up more zero zero villages ooh this is this defense just looks like weird we're just spamming villages oh my goodness this is so fun it's a fun strap right we're just having a juicy time against my friend player over here you know player is not a very original username though you know you want a more original username like like player is fun but if you can get like something like a Luke Ian oh man no one else has a Luke Ian except for a few people I thought I thought two people I thought one person named okay we got to get some more defense up in here I fought someone named a Lukey and gay boy and fought someone named a Lukey and daddy I think yeah and like like literally like I'm honored to have people named after me like thank you very much I appreciate it oh my goodness I can't leave people named after me it's so weird that they're devoted but I appreciate it I guess by all I might not see you know like you might name yourself a Luke Ian fan or whatever but I just might not see you and it's just like it's kind of sad I want to see you you know um cool okay so um we're gonna rush this guy that is oh my god in a second just to see what they have a lot of Phoenix's now words mm I don't know I can't make up my mind I think I'm gonna out them I'm like because Oh My gods around 24 instead well let's do I will start going for some defense here huh I'll just get some defense up I can't believe he can't place villages in here like you see this like this would be the perfect village spot get a nice row of villages but no like like that and spike back there like spike factory and village like it's just like it's like you they're good too they're fun to spam but they're so tanky super-monkey - super monkeys very tanky like it's hard to fit in a bunch of them at once Oh oh man these banks have been full I'm sorry for those of you who have been yelling at your screen for like the past 10 minutes like collect from your banks Oh looky and gosh dang it oh my gosh unsolved two dislikes alright buddy do you only have wizard or what you gonna do oh my goodness here right you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna send them some reeds I'm gonna send some reasoning cameras and see if they do anything who'd do something ah can it be forced a cannon oh we are awesome that was oh the deadly camera reaching rainbow rush oh my goodness alright so um by the way what does call arms even do in a minute tent up stacks be pierced range alright so we're just we're gonna dude we're gonna get some called arms well continue doing this we're getting camera text in all these villages I know it's kind of bad but like look at our money alright we're fine we got 666 cash it's thousand cash six-six-six okay so I guess we can rush them now like what what if we did like this this this will just we'll do a few that well trying to preserve some eco ich do this come on buddy what do you do again three thought oh the super monkey comes out oh boy well done okay yeah that was coming and there that can in sacrifice but they need to sacrifice the cannon buddy you need a sacrifice the cannon to the soup for the temple oh my goodness come on buddy you know their defense is cool with the temples at all but we got the better defense look how cool our defense looks littles eyes aw it's adorable alright that's weird okay I guess we can echo now we're taking this like it we cannot finish them off so we have to wait till like round 35 to finish them off I don't know if we can do this oh boy okay no we still a better soil oh man let's let's go wait a minute ooh look at this cache Oh baby oh baby yeah let me stealth three dangerous yeah she's pretty good assuming the effects villages which it better that's all I'm saying um so um what do I start getting over deep nuts I feel like we just need to be safe and start getting them up like round 32 the AI is a little scary some oranges we're gonna get up our defense I'm like round 29 or 30 I don't know we're gonna do around there sorry about the cut I haven't done my chores yet my mom was gonna remind me I should do my chores before I record a video but like recording a video it takes a while to upload so I feel like just getting the video over with and then having to upload while I do my chores it's like better yeah we're going for is a defense out look at this faming the zero zero farms it's cool those aren't farms as their villages my bad there we go look at that we can fit it fit there we go man I was about to have a fit about fitting it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ok subscribe great ok if I got one person to subscribe I'd be so happy okay no that sounds weird ok whatever anyway um we gotta be careful for this Brown story to a I here in a second cuz like village is not no village is not that good against um ceramics and stuff look at this you see this eek there we go we're fine alright so that's a little sketch though you saw that did you see it like look at this let's watch it again it looks cool like oh man that looks awesome actually that looks really nice I hopefully they don't rush us though cuz I feel like we're kind of screwed like if we can't take out the ceramics around 32 like one Specter could take out all those but literally we have all these like we've like a million dollars in defense and we still can't defend my goodness alright so hopefully didn't miss a village you could easily miss a village it's just a village madness right now equal its continued spamming so why do we want to rush this person I don't know they don't stall are they using the cannon sacrifice did you have a pretty good defense we don't actually have to rate to like round 40 and no way they're not gonna rush us until around for you are they I don't know this is a weird strat man this this strap might have been better in theory I don't know if it's gonna work out but we'll have fun with it right keep going with spam some call to arms put this in here look at all the beacons that looks so cool look at all the I does all the robotic and stuff I can't leave you can't fit villages right here that's a shame my goodness alright well continue doing this we have basically infinite money I guess we can keep the farmers and I'm gonna sell it yeah I'm gonna sell the farmers um eat we gotta fit in as many villages if you can just pop plot these in here uh [Music] ah there we go juicy all right so we got all the beacons up um I don't all these beacons back here I feel like they're not gonna do that much then I'm a very good range but that's okay sell some please juicy look at okay so we got plenty of cash to rush them whatever we need to we just gotta wait why don't when are we gonna rush them we basically they have a better defense than us so basically we have to wait for us to wait to wait for them we to wait until we can rush them and then when we rush they'll meet up kind of just cross our fingers that they don't rush us at the same time so it's a little sketch for us we can make it happen who knows why can't it fit this stuff here I don't know whatever uh there go go for a quick call arms right there and I think that's it I and I know it looks like open holes up here man it is annoying Oh farmer there's a hidden farmer right there no yeah there we go there we go now a jam packing these in get a few more it's around 36 okay eeeek got cam touching all of these I can't live getting camera action like that's useless but I guess we did it all right I swear I missed the village I know I did I'm sorry for anyone who noticed um village that I missed but look at this defense isn't this fantastic alright so we don't wanna rush them let's look at their defense how fast we're popping them faster we're cooler but their temples on the back so that kind of makes sense um and their defense it's kind of weird they should go for temples but they're kind of just spreading out wherever they want uh I don't know idea I don't know when to brush them like when do we rush them like I feel like going all out right now Abbi the thing is when we rush them they might rush back and so we need a wave to the last possible second so we just have to hope they don't rush this for the election rounds look at all these be consistent cold Oh like we do have seven called arms too which is pretty juicy man I don't think we can I wish you could fit them in here it's annoying my goodness we could put farmers in there lucky farmer here's the farmer of luck alright this farmer is our commander commander Henry Henry the monkey farmer hello Henry the monkey farmer commanding all the beacons good job Henry there we go Henry look at this Henry oh man good job Henry and his team are doing some serious destruction right now alright so one do how long are we gonna last we're starting to struggle a little bit so I think honestly uh boy we might to go now now's the time we're just gonna destroy you come right now we've like infinite money it's fine we don't to think about it all right good luck player please don't rush counter us don't counter-attack good thing at least player does have any stalls though we're okay come on we must win with the village stretch the village farm strat the opie all these stove along tower boost we did for some most early on wait we're making it far go go Oh another counter rushing with jam-packed BP's which are faster Oh eek uh-oh all right damage boost call to arms go call to arms go pop them all eek wait they only sent a small rush we might be able to pop it go come on villages we can't even like like aim the villages are like anything we just have to stay here hope they survive oh no this looks really bad eek come on wait oh no I think there we go Oh let's go gg gg oh my goodness good game player of my goodness wow that was great oh the feels foreign strap with the GG oh my goodness good game player oh my goodness alright that was fun alright oh yes let's go man we got to do one more alright we got Angelo Gilad de mesmo they have a lot of medallions ooh this is spooky okay we're still gonna try and take him down pretty darn quickly hello Park Park is good alright let's go the village the farm man this is yeah I'm so psyched about that that's fun my goodness and that was kind of close late game it is late game time indeed bring it on Angelo I meant to say late game but you know I said bring it on that's fine these are all fun like you know yeah good luck late game bring it on get ready and they're all like kind of nice sayings and then you got chat packed too which is like haha unlucky see ya and then they're all like mean things I don't know chat factor is just a bunch of mean things my goodness alright good luck - Angelo over here so we will snag our farms all we need to go I got choking this one more banana eek okay let's go here oh no it's Angela know what they're doing please don't tell me they don't know they're not eat going oh no they don't okay cool the spamming some ninjas that's okay eeek all right so we do want to if we can get another farm up before round two then we can use a better soil we got it we got to push this eeek ugh yeah I saved the recording whenever you see that notification that means I'd like a recording was saved there's something I keep doing that just to make sure recording saves so that's the recording doesn't say Ben that's what like I don't normally rage at when I make a video but if I make a video and then at the video like doesn't save from due to some error like some of this just says dude and Aaron it doesn't explain what happened and it's like all right I know it makes me very mad especially if the video is good you know like I mean I'm trying to have like a certain level of quality like all my videos are like DS somewhat decent but like whenever I have a video that's like really really good like yes it's like and then it just doesn't save my goodness that it just pushes my buttons gotta say that alright so we're just we're this Chelm we're following pretty well we can still move our farms up here boom um they're not rushing you guys thank goodness alright we're down to ten lives already which is pretty juicy I'm gonna still keep pushing we'll go for the farm to be right here alright we gotta go for this and we will start doing actually we can go for the plant let's go for a plantation thing right here but not the plantation the Republic there we go and now we can show tell you what they're not rushing us oh we need to use better soil we need use better so well right now alright we can use one more these good thing that rushing us they're not eat going or farming so I think Angelo's gonna be taken down pretty darn quickly we're gonna go for the Republic before doing this I'm gonna go we're gonna be a little bold yeah the fortwo is already up alright and we still don't have the farm up alright let's do this alright we still have one more lightning though that's the thing wait how many blooms are at four four okay now that would finish us off unfortunately eeeek alright so we will have to use this thing but we got plenty of time here look at this boom and now we can take out those yellows there we go wait wait okay we need a little bit more cash look at that we got the four too and we could afford this we afforded it yes let's go there we go Eco oh why don't use better soil when I was already active whatever okay we use it it's fine oh the rushing of the yellows uh-oh but we got the Republic up so the factory ups which is really good so that means you can get up another beacon whenever we need to below this yellows it's struggling it's actually struggling versus yellows at 20k tower come on what you do it but you did see it right there you saw that a the farm village strat took down a um a temple a temple with a cannon alright so the temple obviously village is better than temple late-game so never go super monkey ever again that's the moral of the story ever you know guy go this village farm strat the new Oh P strat ah Rob so continue going we gotta be careful they send us pinks though so we'll do this let's just go for another one let's just just to get it over there we go where'd you see Rob so we will continue farming up here but let's get some juicy money here but Angela I'm gonna say I'm gonna regenerate we rush them in a second if they if they don't get up anymore defense and I don't think that we're a region name we rush them you know cuz Vangelis not gonna do football late-game if they can't do um I guess they're going on they're not gonna do well late-game if they can't survive a region Raymond rush so where I'm gonna camel we're not gonna can why's it even camel eyes that's a word all right good luck to Angelo um we don't even can't action look at that we just tanked the cam of lune oh no Angelo oh no oh no it looks bad oh no look how beautiful it is oh my goodness look at the colors look at the colors that's so pretty my goodness alright thanks for playing hey I stole 20 of his medallions alright heat a lot all right good game - Angelo yo it well thank you for playing with me Angelo and thanks to you for watching alright like I appreciate it right it's nice to have common CJ that that's a nice addition to my life so thank you guys so much for watching have an awesome day and make sure you brush your teeth very well
Channel: Alukian
Views: 389,612
Rating: 4.7936649 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: jEzcV_uQt5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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