5 Ways to Prank PrestonPlayz Minecraft House

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today I'm gonna be pranking presents houses in five different ways I'm present little brother Josh as I like to say the more handsome of the siblings a month ago Preston pranked me and 13 million people saw that I'm getting my revenge today I said on that video one month ago that if it got 100,000 likes I would prank Preston and it's at 300,000 likes Preston is building his house and he's been working really hard on it it's not looking too bad but I have to get my revenge so I'm spawning these zombies husks right now oh man I got such a beauty what that guy's your zombie guys I think it has heard a zombie mom I'm scared hello oh why they're zombies there wait no no no no no no no no no no no no why they're zombies oh why did I not make a sword oh my gosh Josh who sent you this is my revenge Preston what are you doing on my server wait oh my gosh why you why are you doing this why are you doing this this is my revenge why are you doing this why they break how are zombies breaking do I swear zombies are not supposed to be able to break houses like this what the heck is going on no no no he's pranking my house Josh soup why have you done this you're a monster this is what you get Preston George what are you doing no I just finished defending from the first Oh literally there's so many I'm not gonna be able to fight them all bad guys I worked so hard on this house and now it's literally over and by nothing but zombies how did you even get there in the first place why don't you come down you big bully huh no I'm seeing up here and I'm gonna keep getting my revenge Preston are you kidding me are you kidding pretty zombies are there what the heck dude you're so simple George you haven't won think oppression yeah I told your house ok is this revenge is that what this is because literally Josh this is what you get Josh they are eating the grass but zombies are eating the grass and you don't fine I don't even care about this ass because I have a much bigger and better house and I'd like to see you do anything to hide that one ok so guys Preston claimed that he had a bigger and better house just because it has obsidian in it but that doesn't make any sense he's no match for this I'm gonna get my revenge by exploding this second house as you can see here the sign and as soon as I flicked this lever his house is nothing I'd guys check this out there's no way Joshua's gonna be able to take this house then look I've got an obsidian fence over here first of all the house is bigger it's more Orange it looks like Preston style to merchandise but you guys should go check out link down below in the description we got all kinds of new products that just came out check it out even got the fire logo on the carpet floor over here I got a TV this house is set up even got a double bed I mean it's looking pretty fabulous if I do say so myself I really like like this jazz and every day it's just so beautiful my god wait Josh Josh Oh George you gotta be kidding me why did pressing Josh person you're up there again I literally guys I just checked that spot and Josh was not up there that all is how did you get there Josh how do you keep doing this this is what you get Preston pretty P this is what I get I already pull up your house a few times ok what the heck ok and this'll this'll help you know to not do it again cuz you know what's gonna happen so never test me again never touch my houses again if you say sorry I won't mess with any of your new houses no way man look you might have thought that you could break into this house I'll give it to you the TNT command blocks pretty fancy but this next house there's no way you're gonna be able to do damage to it if you think it would apologize to you you got something else coming yeah little little little brother look at this new place guys I even have bigger better obsidian built walls here and look at this house this is probably my favorite house yet Josh whoa better not do anything to mess with this house because I've been working tirelessly on the like yeah of course I've got creative mode but still doesn't mean I didn't put a lot of hard work and effort into this it's very modern in fact if you guys watched you know infinity war Marvel movies Iron Man to me this kind of looks like a Tony Stark house like it looks like the Iron Man crash pad and look I'll give you guys a little bit of a tour about it really fast if you come through the front door as you can see much more improved on my previous house I don't have it acquire me here with fish I've got all kinds of storage even have a kitchen down here a couch with a better TV and if we go up here I'll show you guys a little bit more wavelets what's that what's that sound what's that sound what's that's it what is that guys I wasn't I wasn't even finished showing you guys the house move this is one like Josh oh my gosh Josh snuck into my world again what is happening why is there TNT this better not be coming towards my house no no no no no no I even put bigger better obsidian walls this time no Josh there is no way you built this this is what you get for not apologizing I told you there would be consequences okay what how was I supposed to know that you were able to build a floating what is this it's like a floating sky tea a tea cannon this is ridiculous no no I just spent so much time on this house guys oh it's all about the bay bro and Oh Josh okay you know what I am not letting this discourage me I am gonna build an even bigger better more secured house you do realize you're about to kill a lot of innocent fish huh you realize that you do realize that you never told me sorry well yeah I'm the older brother older brothers don't oh my gosh shot you just blow up on what's fair you are so me hey des say goodbye to your house Preston you are a toy guys Preston thinks just because he has bedrock on his house that I can't do anything about it he doesn't know that I'm going to explode the top of his house with TNT and in just in case the TNT explode doesn't work I have speed invisibility and a lot of spawn eggs check it out guys bedrock obsidian house and just in case Joshua thinks he can drop TNT on my roof again check out by ceiling made of bedrock and obsidian so there's no way he's gonna be able to get inside of here not have flippin chance if you look at this I got another TV once again an even better kitchen and a giant bookshelf of amazingness plus I've got a little secret bedroom in the back over here if you know what I'm saying nice try Josh I've got bed rocket obsidian on my roof so you can't do nothing to blow my house up how does that feel huh yeah you can say all that but is your house mob proof what what where did Joshua's nametag just go Josh no no what are you doing wait the front door wait oh no no no no idea lock the front door josh Josh Josh are you kidding me are you kidding me where did you even get those spawn eggs No get ready to risk my house Josh you oh I am so mad at you now you know what Josh good luck I'm getting three bucks yeah wither skeleton spot eggs - what the heck is going on my house is literally completely destroyed from the inside out ha ha ha ha you know what Josh yeah you think you're funny you think you're sneaky don't you you think you're so sneaky yeah just blow yourself up with a creeper you big dummy I'd rather blow myself and not lose my house oh you know what get in that hole get in it no no get it all you know what you're just Josh there will come a time where you have a house again and I will troll it at last the perfect house there's literally virtually no way Joshua could do anything to this house and you might be wondering why well look I have a lava moat specifically designed to keep my little brother out I've got trapdoors over here so we can't into the house and place any kind of monsters the floor is made of bedrock and I even have the walls and ceiling made of bedrock as well you just can't see it because I decided to cover it up with wood because you know bedrock doesn't look the best or anything like that but look at this beautiful and magnificent house it's small and cozy but it's a perfect dorm room for one and as the king of the castle I'm gonna be the only first living here sorry Brianna but I just think it's so beautiful and so sweet I am in love with this house so Preston built this house and I gotta admit it doesn't look too bad but it is no match for the Joshua v button you guys and I of course are gonna love this but Preston not so much all right guys just maybe do a little redecorating in this bookshelf and what what just happened what just wait what wait Josh's bed sweet dreams no no oh sweet home jump Josh what did you do to my house what did you do to my house now it's my house Josh what do you mean this is your house turn what do to my beautiful house no it's so ugly now oh god Josh what did you do what have you done what are you doing what are you doing what are you Josh what are you doing no more lava but no more trapdoors my bed this is my charge this is my house this is this is not this is my house we're doing you just I I cannot believe what just happened to me ladies and gentlemen did I deserve this [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 18,755,221
Rating: 4.6284275 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, prank, prestonplayz, preston, 5 ways to prank preston, 5 ways to prank prestonplayz, prestonplayz prank, 5 ways to troll prestonplayz, 5 ways to troll your little brother
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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