HOW TO CRAFT A $1,000 PICKAXE! *OVERPOWERED* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)

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sounded like the but ladies and gentlemen $1 pickaxe versus $1,000 pickaxe by Swifter one two four three I like what you did there you switched your three and your four around this is no regular showcase this time it's different the $1,000 pickaxes oh it's craftable here is a little diagram oh I like this is like what I would do it oh no um but since we don't want ten hours of survival but still make the few here ten minutes I added shortcuts to make it easier to have fun by the way this is also in Minecraft 113 which is awesome okay I was just about to ask do we have the recipe I gotta say this right now Swifter this recipe it speaks to me it literally is my spirit animal because this is about what I would wait wait wait is that two diamond pickaxes wait what are the gold things they look like they look like golden carrots I think it's wood sticks no no if it sticks would it be brown instead of gold all right now I'm a little bit confused and I'm assuming the star at the top is another star III I don't know so this is our one dollar pick oh gosh so our one dollar pickaxe we can't even jump and we have mining fatigue too and slowness for dear Lord why do we have this okay so wait if I mined this oh great the pickaxe breaks well that that is just not okay wait hat wait okay hold the phone ladies and gentlemen what is this summon blaze wait are those blaze roots oh those may or may not be blaze Roth ladies and gentlemen I don't know how I didn't realize the two and two together hmm I really probably should have come over to this mine wait why why does the one-dollar pickaxe exist in the first place what is this one do over here this one summons wither aha that must be how we get our nether star that makes a lot of sense so wait do we have to kill Dwight the graph Diamond deer killer wither I gotta kill blazes and all I got to start out with is what happens if I click this button again oh great it's gonna it's gonna tell me the whole thing over again I don't want the $1 pickaxe man the $1 pickaxe is terrible don't you ever ever use the $1 pickaxe in Minecraft clearly it has nose since to it I mean just look at this thing I'm running as fast as a turtle I can't even move oh my god use this to pickaxe something oh well yeah I will say this the $1 pickaxe it breaks really fast pretty much one item and that's it so I mean as I was saying over here I can spawn in a wither I get spawn in a place those are the two items I'm gonna need but you guys realize something like we have some diamonds here which is really nice but we pretty much have got to start from the basics man I mean like we got to get steak which I've already done I've got to make myself a pickaxe and once I make a pickaxe I kind of mind the stone and then I gotta get his film pickaxe and once I do that I got to get a knife I got a pretty much start from the ground floor and then progressed to this God pickaxe or whatever it is I can't believe this pickaxe takes two diamonds to Crate I feel like that's a little bit you know it's a little bit ridiculous if you think about it you know I'm saying like check this out like there's a lot of diamonds and stuff like that which is you know which it's pretty helpful but at the same time I mean look at oh my gosh dude this is gonna take some time I feel like I'm playing prisons right now this is pretty much what prisons is but in a vanilla survival minecraft modded slash ish world I don't even know to call it tell me when I mind this is gonna okay it's not even gonna turn directly and I've actually got to smelt this I got to get a furnace I gotta get cold this is just gonna be all kinds of survival minecraft excuse me ladies and gentlemen a few inches late hill alright gentlemen now made the furnace now I got a make gotta stick out it got a smelt that iron guys got it at least the iron is gonna be probably like the most the most the most lengthy part of this video because once I got that I can start getting diamonds but don't forget six of our diamonds immediately have to go towards making two diamond pickaxes because of course that's a part of the recipe a wonderful kid I love this recipe dude it actually cracks me up the fact that it's made and like Microsoft Paint or something like that it's so funny and there we go we now have the iron ingots we're gonna go and pop this in the crafting bench get off pickaxe right here put it on over here man dude doing things in Minecraft 113 you think it wouldn't be that much different but it is okay I almost just broke at the wrong pickaxe no we need to use diamond and then we also probably should figure out how much diamond exactly are we gonna be able to get ladies and gentlemen because I see we got some diamonds over here but dude the Diamonds continue to go deeper are we gonna have enough to give ourselves diamond armor to fight the weather diamond sword and are we gonna have enough to get you know I mean we gotta have six diamonds just for the pickaxe but I mean I think if I do my math right how much is it for a full set of diamond armor I want to say it's somewhere on the range of like twenty seven diamonds we're gonna test that theory here just a second to see exactly how much is it I feel like I should know this with all the Minecraft I've played over here spot blood guys it's been a long time so I made a full set of diamonds but there is a lot of diamonds extra available so if we make the diamond chestplate and then we're gonna make the pants we started out at thinking 27 diamonds and now we have 23 okay so 24 to make ourselves the full diamond set and then of course we need to get stuff for a two pickaxes and then a sword on top of all that but it looks like there's actually plenty of plenty of plenty of diamonds here I'm very okay with this so I think we have just enough now actually I think we had a little bit extra oh you know I need to do I might need to go grab I did it in them no yeah I'm have to go grab some more case we have one diamond I can't believe we have to get two diamond pickaxes for this pickaxe can we just talk about how needy this pickaxe is for a second the fact that we have to use two diamond pickaxes to blaze rods I mean the place rods aren't that bad blazes they're pretty easy to maintain they're easy to kill the width or on the other hand is a different type of beast the wither is an absolute demon of a minecraft mob and I'm you know I'm not necessarily looking forward to killing them it's gonna be all kinds of crazy nonsense and schlimm slam and stuff like that and it's gonna be hard but that's fine I'm not gonna focus on the difficulties for now I'm gonna make my pickaxes I'm gonna be a happy Preston I'm gonna make my diamond sword I got wish I could make it like a diamond bow or something like that that'd be really handy right now now we pretty much have to not die so one thing we could do is we could probably make a nah we didn't know I was gonna say we could make a notch Apple and then I realized we would need way too much gold for that but there is enough gold that we wanted to to make a Golden Apple which might not be a bad decision man I would you have like a totem of the undying or something like that you know and you think they kind of help me fight out of wither I mean I got some sea turtle eggs right here although the thing is I'm not sure what to do with sea turtle eggs as I've not played it I just I just broke one I just brought just what I don't know what to do with these eggs man I think I need to have sea turtles something like that you know I like I said I haven't played a lot of mine for have 1:13 I'm kind of new to this whole thing guys I'm really really new so we've got our two down and pickaxes we got a diamond sword I mean pretty much now I mean we've got some steak I feel like we could probably you know I feel like what you know let's just start off easy let's just kill a couple of blade I just get a bowl I just got an ax what did I just get hold of the phone ladies and gentlemen I thought oh yeah wait it gives you a diamond sword why did it say that at the beginning it gives me a diamond sword with sharpness won this whole time I was creating my own diamond sovereign all I had to do was just kill a couple of blazes dadgum it okay now it's time for the mack daddy of mack daddy's it is time just shoving the winner all right let's see what you got boy I always got a lot all right oh we got a bow Oh see that would have been really nice - no - oh goodness gracious guys doing damage they'll know mr. winner oh no oh this is what we need Oh we need some like enchants it always take it so much know what is on this bow guys oh this bow is power Tim I feel bad for the wither I feel bad for the wither right now oh god he's in melee mode stop it with her you're doing too much damage I can't okay that's I'm backing up I might actually die - whether effect right now whether stay back oh no oh oh I think we're gonna make it oh just barely whether you would look very scary on the other side of that tree faithfully I don't think he knows where I am right now I'm just gonna keep saturating my oh no no no no no don't you be flowing to me now mate don't you I'd say did it it it hey why are you going why are you wait wait hey hey why are you going with it come back okay hey hey come back here don't think you can get too far away from me yes you're right there buddy border Dale okay all right all right we gotta we gotta really I is it is it me or did you guys look at the top at the bar it says with Hitler winter it's not even spelled appropriately come on Swifter how dare you make this map and not oh there's a sheep I musta killed earlier all right take that with Hitler yeah we got nothing on a son we're gonna just keep crit you until you're dead all right we've got this we've got oh my gosh we might die in the process yes oh wait we're gonna eat we're gonna eat oh we're fine ladies and gentlemen we now have everything to craft the one the only ten notes on ten thousand it's a $1,000 pickaxe here in Minecraft right so I'm gonna go over here to the cramping bench if I can find a parody new knob mr. Crabbe meme it right we're gonna go up to you right now so we need to add our two diamond pickaxes if you look at the crafting recipe what you kind of can see it down there and I love how you put these two spots as the air so we have an editor to dine at pickaxes now we're gonna add our last two blades rods and oh my gosh it's like a demonic-looking pickaxe it looks so freakin cold man look at those effects it's like purple and sinister and then oh my gosh and like combs is this like a 1:13 thing or that's let's hover above this real fast it's the $1,000 pickaxe it's got five attack damage mine's a 3x3 area of blocks can be disabled by crouching interesting shift you to throw the pickaxe in the direction you are facing it will mine for ten blocks and then return for you or return to you and then if you hold shift while looking straight down for five seconds to charge the pickaxe release ship to create a massive explosion at your feet this pickaxe is worth way more than $1,000 try like a million dollars okay we're gonna try this one oh it mines down in a 3x3 that's sick okay so other than the 3x3 radius I want to try it okay what is okay so shipped so if you do shift Q oh it might like a ball right the boomerang pickaxe it is a legitimate we can't throw it down okay so you can't throw it down you have to throw it in front of you but that is so cool do it imagine having this pickaxe and normal survival Pike perhaps this thing is crazy it's literally a boomerang pickaxe and it looks so good I can't get over how pleasing this is to my eyeballs okay and now the last one hold shift while looking straight down for five seconds to charge the pickaxe and then release it so we got to hold it down charging up charging up charging up and explosion ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's fire fire fire fire July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking Preston I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your merch just early ok just like my mom told me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing at 3 separate packages we've got the three-ring binder cuz this is a three three ring binder rings that's more than do oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a preston fire notebook well it is also the fire pencil bag that one of my personal favorites use it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle but you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on into the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you'd store a lot of candy in here okay last but not least we have the fire package and know this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffel bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes can we put my cheese in there it's great I think I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys oh my god literally we just set oh my gosh it's set off a nuke and even broke my gear no oh my gosh this pickaxe is nuts I think there's actually an enchant like this on cosmic prisons my prison server where you this is awesome you literally just swing at whatever is nearby and everything breaks look at this look at this look at this ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness gracious this is amazing I could sit here minded for days I could probably get to the bottom of this like look at this I think that there's actually a pickaxe like this out in like the crazy craft mod pack something I used to play years and years ago look at this we don't the sickest tunnel you can even a break gravel with it and it doesn't and I don't you guys notice but it doesn't even lose their ability damage this pickaxe is flippin amazing we're gonna be at bedrock basically in no time at this rate and look at all the materials we have a team we have an entire inventory we got gold we got iron we got diamond guys we got materials for days oh man I'm not gonna lie guys I was really really really hoping that we could possibly maybe break bedrock with this uh no we can't dadgummit I was like I was like can we break bedrock I mean it's a thousand dollar pickaxe guys I feel like we should be able to break bedrock with a thousand dollar pickaxe but apparently no you are not able to break it with this big axe although I gotta say to you'd like these particle effects they make it so much worse I feel like it might be home let's test this out but I think the mining speed I want to say is actually the same as a diamond pickaxe but of course the big kicker here is the fact that we can break so much all at once like look at this like if you were in a cave system with this bad boy and vanilla minecraft as long as you're mining the middle block you could be doing cave systems for days ladies and gentlemen I made foot dates for days although if you mind one block - too close to the ground you can also kill yourself because if you mind like this you could easily mine yourself into lava so you have to be very very careful with your pickaxe and you know you don't want to die with it and you also don't all that time getting $4,000 pickaxe and I throw it into the lava what is the meaning of life if I'm gonna just throw $1,000 pickaxe it is a flip and dipping lava ladies and gentlemen guys guys guys right now I'm about to have a little bit of a mental breakdown just through my extremely expensive pickaxe and do the extremely stupid lava and now I got no more dadgummit I got no more big axe ladies and gentlemen guys I am really really gonna need your help if you guys could please just contribute down below in the comments and you maybe even leave a like on the video so I could get my pickaxe back I would greatly appreciate that I feel like in the next episode would you guys like to see something maybe like a $1 sword versus a $10,000 sword I mean we could even do a $1,000 house it's a million dollar house I want you guys to comment down below what verses you want me to do in our next video like this and of course if you guys enjoy make sure you guys subscribe but this looks awesome - the fact I accidentally pressed my Q key and got rid of my pickaxe other than that you know what's been fun I'm fine I'm great you know I'm just gonna walk away everything's gonna be okay Swifter thank you for making this map but you know what you should have made the pickaxe resistant to lava it shouldn't give it 5 resistance all right I'm kind of upsetting you no seriousness this map was amazing I can't believe this this was awesome and I can't wait to do more of these I'm excited because I made the pickaxe but I'm sad because I blow it up I just don't know what to do with my life thank you for watching guys I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 10,923,729
Rating: 4.6113143 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, crafting in minecraft, minecraft fortune 1000 pickaxe, modded minecraft, family friendly gaming, playz, op pickaxe in minecraft, minecraft modded, minecraft 1.13, 1.13 update, 1.13, minecraft mod, minecraft update, new minecraft update, minecraft 1.13 update
Id: XiQvMwogAWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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Not sure why, but only 1 link showed up.

$10k god sword :

$1k pickaxe :

How to get rich in Minecraft :

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