BUILD RACE! Minecraft Minigame /w Taurtis

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hello my name is green and today I'm back with a brand new minigame that we have devised yeah oh my gosh so it's called build race and it is quite simple it's a little bit like what's that build however we are racing to the finish line as you can see by the fantastic layout here so what's happened is I have written a bunch of themes in these dispensers and Gareth has no idea what's in them and neither does tortoise and likewise tortoise has done oh the same thing for me on my side now the judges here are going to be getting what we build and we cannot progress until they have successfully guessed it and the first one to the end wins you got it yeah okay cool judges ready oh it's going right out it we go if we go straight for it rafi alright three two one go nothing everything I've given you oh okay oh okay I had to think for a second so I'm just gonna put up on screen what what we have so that you guys know what we're both going off after it's not I came here good so amazing it but we're not allowed to directly tell the judges what we've got because that would be hideously cheating however we can tell them if they're like on the right tracks or there you know warmer or colder yeah how do I do the shape of this this is actually pretty difficult forgot my gauge you actually oh yeah you know yeah I know I know it me I go I can remind you if you want no no no no no that's okay you know you don't you don't need to say out like oh oh no way he's he's close he's close oh my god really Jay my god how did he do that what no way as if Omega D oh he got it he can hold on let me Oh let me just look over here prison you got Squidward's house from some sand and science any play what there's no time Jay no no you gotta get a light go to put the light on I can't go why not Jay's a god of this game right I can see where you're going with that but I'm just gonna go ahead and do mine okay okay next one go Jay you know give me Google faster I guess oh my god I can't believe he got that so quickly my god oh okay that one's a little bit difficult you you tried to make this difficult for me didn't you yep I want to win i I must have no I don't think I gave you that hard ones but you're like struggling over there this is like the shape of this is really hard um so oh my supposed to do this I think I think I know what I have to do this is pretty decent it's easy is he still not got it no I thought he was good at this game the clock oh no that's yours Twitter bird no sound Twitter bird oh I know what a good I know what I can do I know what I can do yeah yeah yeah yeah you're good that you're there you're getting there you're getting there you get in there ah no no mm-hmm god I just wanna like say it not iTunes not iTunes it's you know covered um okay okay I could build something else this could take really long to build everything for him to get it come on you know what it is yes it is you know what it is pop culture come on Brit song no no no no hey you gotta cheat me congrats Jay yeah well done you took inventory why is why is that even an achievement like people may have managed to do that anyway like how is that just to make them feel good about themselves yes you got it yeah I'm ahead oh my god yes next one do this a little bad this is so bad you're on the right dog you're on the right track you're on the right track he's on the right track dude it's not a whistle it's not a whistle he's on the right track though no this guy is it you give me the gimmie to go it was like all the hints I could give you I don't know what else oh yeah yeah come on come on come on come on well it's the cameras come on same thing thinks the tingling what's the blue thing come on come on gerund easy you got this one no good Gary's like come on come on you're saying it like link Twitter okay come on boss laughs these things I can tell that is this thing it's these musical notes so like what what could this go so far behind I'm yes oh my god I thought that was an easy one okay see it does look like a Brent from this angle see that but he said link and we were like yes yes and he's like Twitter god damn it Oh oh I see what did I get other was that one Oh anyway what was I I'm sweating look I just come home like a god is that hard Wow yeah this one's so easy why did you give me this I don't know how to make this um this one is like so easy towards I don't know why you get wet boy you gave me this one I don't know what I gave you I don't think I can make this I think I might have just lost right here really thick oh yeah I got it like I don't how do i I don't um I'm just gonna try my best I guess come on gasps Gareth is supposed to be good at this game I put some water yeah but I suck so I kind of evens out oh no it's not a I feel like I'm playing this game as well almost I feel like I'm playing this game a car trample I gave you it's see if you don't even know that's bad but I forgot I don't like I can all colors to you you're not reminding me at this point ah hey give me the peace paper I want to see what I gave you because this thing oh yeah oh yeah this one was a tough one this one I don't fun puke no no yeah Nanuk holder died right sir okay so what you need to do for this one to traffic space because then an anime don't don't think green you gotta you're like you like this color no why do you always used flashy colors for your builds they look like really like Takashi colors don't use because it's cuz the thing that we're building is white there you go see he got it dude see see see all I had to do is that and he got it I'm sure okay now technically I can't leave I just had to help you there as you get extra points if I win oh my god really really I know it's really good oh my god how I don't I don't know if Jays gonna get this actually yeah it'll be cute I don't I uh I might have just lost here okay okay I can make this one I can make this I got a nice new people here I'm dying I'm dying right now okay okay okay here we go here we go Hey okay well you'll get your on there check that is what it this is but that's not what the theme is the category is oh my god what did I give you anything what did I give me that one I think that one was kind of easy if we're epic right it's pretty specific yeah yeah I think I could get this one I just got a it so he knows what this is already so I don't think I have to finish it we just built this stuff back here wait how do I do this part well you know wrong Jay is definitely a middle-aged man but past no no no no like I don't know how to build this I don't know how to build this part let me check I've even chicken middle-aged man man who a new Toyota no why would you say that why would why would tortoise to choose that hold on yeah one of us one of them is bearded I'm gonna make - what color is this it means like this is just gonna take a long time yeah for me um I don't know what I can go to make to people okay I know what I'll be man of God don't mess up no it's just odd oh yeah don't mess up huh how have I managed to do that oh I need to make it one winner Euro Truck Simulator no check okay let's see if I could build this shape that is gonna be a lot different caught oh you're getting really close you got really close game oh I know I gave you now see on the track seats yeah see on that no okay look it no no no not now no keep going keep going I hope you appreciate the length I'm going to service who is it okay that is a Millington hey you know what this is right love in a car kind of mean kinda kind of yeah uh-huh I think I think he's struggling hold on it's like so you know what this is already um what else could I do to get my point across I've got to go to great lengths for this one car it is a car um no it's not a Rob Schneider movie okay that - its - two dudes come on look what what am I making it was this red was this red thing here come on think think what's this round that's okay what's gonna do come on what's that come on you can you can you can do it I believe come on Jay think think think um well they are if they are okay no you're close you're close you're on the right track you're on the right track don't even put him in okay oh no so these keys come up with me come on come on think okay next next different different channel different channel Jay come on think oh this one's easy this one's easy uh no no no no different channel different channel wrong he Chiba I don't like is good mythical yeah wrong to you Chiba hold on maybe if I maybe if I do this maybe if I maybe if I do this yes yes you got it Oh Oh God okay for the light on for the layin oh boy that was tough that was tough right to go to great lengths for that one what oh my goodness okay okay you got this I think I think a pretty clever for this one right Korean uh oh yeah yeah is that design count does that count you got ice fishing so you just made a hole in the ground inside fishing in it I'm not sure you can be part of the build I don't think that count the rolls I suppose I suppose we didn't actually go over any rules so what how did this is it a thing how do i what I actually have no idea what to do for this you know what it is right it's I mean it's not a thing but it is a thing as definitely as a thing the other thing you could you could Gareth could get it if you built the right thing so huh you just have to build the right shenanigans like a it's like a saying where well you can't you can't tell him that but I don't know what to build build build the man behind the thing there's a man behind the thing really oh yeah I don't you don't know oh just oh oh oh you came to get a bigger thing Mariga think bigger think bigger can I google it I mean no no no no no too big too big too big what was what's our one chord what's that one called yes a doesn't matter yeah I got it okay mine was Eureka come on you build Albert Einstein why because like he's associated right Brizzy oh yeah you just build a scientist or something with like a beaker or anything like that why does it what does have to do with Eureka uh well like Eureka was said there's a there's a thing called a Eureka beaker right I don't remember the scientist behind it but they it was a way of measuring like the amount of volume in really primitive times you overestimate my knowledge and things green how am I suppose I don't know well the story is like I think it was like someone in the Roman Empire right said I need a way to measure how much water is like poured out or something like that I can't remember like how much volume there is right and yes so he jumped in a bath that was overflowing and water went everywhere and he suddenly had a burst of inspiration went Eureka because the water that fell out was his maths he could work out his math from the water that was displaced I came here to build things not to learn I don't know I came here to build not learn yeah stop learning me Ned this is clever I didn't put the milk there I think jaded oh I wish I'd thought about super okay should we review the builds yeah I think that went really well okay with it but Gareth would you have got Eureka if like God no he put exclamation mark no okay all right maybe that's maybe that was too hard a little help all right so round one I had Squidward's house and I barely had to do anything I have no idea how he got this I guess he's just got a spongebob on the mind I keep the first thing he said was Chum Bucket and he saw sand okay I could see Chum Bucket and Gareth and tortoise had ocarina like this isn't bad I would have got this if you look at it from like this angle it just look like a bird I mean yeah it does it does look like Twitter bird I'm not gonna lie but you put the music notes and the holes in it you can you know kind of make sense and then second round I had air bag so I got the steering wheel and he got that he said driving wheel and then like the I was gonna be like a person get in his face like him but he got it and then you had coral reef that one's super hard it wasn't like I came over here and built it in seconds and he got it I this still doesn't look like a coral reef yes it does mara normal color yeah didn't all colors to use okay well like when when the coral dies it goes white how does it yeah so it's like it's called just like using your fleshy okay I just just let the just like that color and they could be building an apple and you guys still use that color yeah and then what was your one here it was honeymoon oh yeah honeymoon leap like I tried you like it just married with the cans in the back I don't know how to really do can oh it's a coloring oh it you know what it looks like some sort of electrode it looks like some some form of electricity device no because he already got the car parts or just aa car so anyway I guess clever I had Lego brick which he got instant yeah I don't I don't know why put that one I was kind of done that mean like look at that that's a Lego brick yeah that was that was pretty easy this is where I got stuck yes I had the finebros oh good I think I did really well there don't you I'm surprised you were able to pull this off cuz I wasn't sure what you could do that I could do something like copyright notices someone's channel getting taken down or something Oh edgy and then you had ice fishing and I feel like you cheated here this is not cheating this is using clever antics gotta this that's really smart Wow and then we finally had Eureka but I think I would have won anyway even if you had something else cuz J got mine pretty pretty I'm surprised he got Milky Way on a fan but he said yeah he said what did you say fell I think he said galaxy first yeah he said stars he said stars cuz they kind of go start oh then I was like cuz you're allowed to tell them when they're getting warmer yeah yeah so that was that was good so I think that was a fair round that was a fair round Oh juji juji juji okay so that's it thank you very much for watching and think to our judges Gareth and no you don't win thank you to our judges J and Gareth and make sure to check out tortoises round because we also played a build race on his channel yeah that's it from us good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,144,211
Rating: 4.8994327 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, with, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, build battle, build race, build swap, minigame, minecraft minigame, funny, Taurtis, taurtis
Id: HncjmymoKmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2016
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