Paladins of the West Kingdom - GameNight! Se7 Ep37 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] tonight on game night Candace Nikki Lincoln and myself Dave are going to play paladins of the West Kingdom a game for one to four players published by renegade game studios and Garfield games and designed by Shem Phillips and SJ MacDonald I'm sorry I'm from the East Kingdom so I had to look so why don't you join us won't you hey Dave hey Lincoln we teach us paladin to the West Kingdom I will paladin's of the West Kingdom looks like a lot doesn't it there's a lot of stuff going on that's a lot of the same stuff so you will see as I explained the rules that like oh okay that's kind of like that and that's kind of like that but basically we are going to use these characters these I think these are like monks and clerics and fighters and and we're gonna take these peoples basically and use them on our boards to get actions and try to generate build engines and recruit towns folk and convert Outsiders or maybe fight them basically trying to do all these things over seven rounds to have the most points by the end of the game all right because of course the game's paladin's of VO those in the kingdom we have these paladins all right we each have the same deck we have the same twelve cards okay and at the beginning of every round we are going to first turn it over cards here right in round one we're gonna turn this over all right and okay these three red back cards these are the King's orders all right and they're all going to look like this in the sense that the King would like five of these by the end of the game and he will reward you for victory points all right this will be worth six victory points and this will be worth eight it's worth more points because we don't know what this is yet okay okay but it will be five of the things that I haven't described yet but I'll get alright when we get to around three we will flip both of these cards and then for the rest of the rounds we will flip these cards these are called kings favors all right and what they're going to be I have like here's one that we didn't use they're going to be additional spaces you can place workers okay so in this particular case if you place a purple worker here alright you will as a perk right you will gain influence on these tracks which I've not explained all right so that's and I'm gonna explain the King's favorite card as they come up there are ten and we put out five so five will not be seeing and same thing for here there I think five of these and we put our six of these and we put up three okay all right additionally it's started have you around all right from our paladin deck we're gonna take three of these paladin cards and we're gonna look at them we're going to pick one that we want to use this round and we're gonna put it facedown here we're gonna pick another one and we're going to put it back on top of our deck which means we'll draw it again next turn and then the third one goes on the bottom of your deck alright you have a twelve card deck and I believe the math works out that you will likely see this car begin but you're not gonna see any others after that so everything you discard I think from turn two or at least the very least turn three forward our paladin's you'll never see you again okay don't worry about it it's our first time through and we're just gonna figure it out alright once we do that we will put out five well this will actually happen before we just pick our paladin's we're gonna put out these five taverns which is number of players plus one are they in teef and tall all right and what's basically gonna happen is we're going to flip over our paladin and then in player order in this case can assist our player in player order she's going to pick one of these taverns and take those four characters those four pieces then me then Nikki then Lincoln and then the one that doesn't get used they'll all basically go away so you'll pick one you to go and basically be discarded the rule said it this and then in the cleanup phase to remove it but there's no reason not to just in my opinion remove it right away all right and then we'll do that every round so your paladin will always have on it two characters as well right he's looking to then you will collect those as well so between your paladin and the tavern you're always gonna gain six of these to spend and for the sake of argument my paladin has a random wine yeah and let's say I took this one and I got two greens a little red yeah so let's say I had these to spend on my turn all right now starting from the start player we're gonna take our turns on your turn you take one action or you pass if you pass you're done you don't come back in so once you pass you're not taking any more actions and in action as you might suspect is putting stuff on these little work replacement spaces on your board and getting stuff for it so let's start from the beginning and talk about these spaces so let's talk about the things you can do on the board all right I'm gonna skip develop for now and I'm gonna go to hunt all right we start the game with three coins and one provision this is a provision look I've got a fountain for those oh you have a different yeah we all have a different thing thank you I have the fountain so the three coins go to hey and by complete accident I think I actually matched my background palette into my the same card right but I might not remember you see what I got oh maybe you're right do you have the fountain adjust it is the the background is the correct background for my Wow no okay so I'm very yeah so we all start we all start with three coins and provision one of the ways you can get more provisions is by hunting okay when you hunt you are going to place either one or two of your pieces there all right the first piece and you always fill up from the leftmost side the first piece can be any color you want it can be and that will get you provision the second piece if you want to place a second piece must be green and will get you to more provisions so this move will get me three provisions all right when you take this hunt action you are not ever taking it again so if I put a maple here on my next turn I cannot place here when you place in the hunt you must decide then in there are you doing one or two entire game no for that for that turn basically right for that for that round because there's a way these can clear but once these are in there they're just there okay so that's what hunt does trade works the same way but with coins if you decide to place just one you get a coin if you decided stead to place two you get three coins but this one has to be blue okay and if you have a fountain you can do the fountain joke okay all right Rick rate is what these townspeople cards are flat so again it works the same way as hunt and trade you decide when you take the recruit action on whether you are placing one or two so if you place just a single you're going to take this sort of discard action and you'll see at the top right corner of each of those cards that shows you what you get for discarding that card so I'm gonna go here and if I discard this missionary I will immediately get my green in the white hmm okay and that's my turn if instead I decide to play to one of which must be red then I recruit the missionary instead in which case will you hand me that card please this card will then stay in front of me for the rest of the game and will give me two things one it might have an immediate effect this one has an immediate effect it allows me to discard a suspicion card a card I have not explained nor do I have so this would do me no good but this will also give me this permanent bonus for the rest of the game which is and I haven't explained this but every time I take the convert action I will get a coin alrighty some of them have immediate some of them do not this one for example comes with provision hey Abbott hey Abbott and every time you take the absolve action you get a provision okay all right I'll explain all those powers when I explain most the rest of the game but that is the recruit action okay um V I'm gonna come back to pray the conspire action takes any meeple you want and it gets you a criminal you put a thing there and you get a criminal criminals or the purple ones they are wild and can be any color you want them to be as much that's pretty smooth but they are criminals so if you take a criminal you also draw a suspicion on yourself sure and you draw a suspicion card all right when you take a suspicion card you turn it over it will have either 0 1 or 2 coins on it so you might get some coins that's coins you receive most of them are blank all right and you're going to keep your submission card here and the suspicion cards will come into play when the inquisition takes place which I'll explain later okay but that gets you the wild purple okay all right I'm going to come back to these to everything over here essentially works the same way each of these actions need three meeples two of which are specific colors so this fortified for example needs a blue and a green this middle one is any color you want it to be and when you do that you will take that action okay the Commission action is how you send your monk's out into the world all right and to take this Commission action you will need the I don't care I'll use my wild purple because I don't have a black I'm now doing this to take Commission action I take the leftmost monk from my board you will see that to do that costs me a provision so I'll have to be able to spend a provision to lift him up off the board all right and then I'm gonna send him out into the world this is the world right here okay I'm gonna place him ready none of you I'm gonna place them on one of these squares and I'm gonna get the benefit of that square okay where I place him however is going to be dependent on his faith faith is the black shield that we all have here on this track off to the side this is faith this is strength this is influence and then they all start at zero on our track okay so in order to place this out into the world all right we're gonna look at these numbers here all right these numbers do double duty they um they show you the faith requirements for this each of these areas they also show you they also show you the faith and strength requirements for the cards below okay so zero faith for me to place here so as long as I had these through pawns and I had a provision I would take the leftmost guy and I could place him here so I could cover any one of these spaces and get the reward for that this would get me one of these immediately rid of that this would allow me to get rid of my suspicion card this would give me two coins and this would allow me to recruit someone up here for free is this a white worker or in any work no yes the only any workers are the ones on your board there are outlines they're not nice kind of lookout line even and if if I had at least two faiths let's say I had three then I could be in this area because this area requires two I have 3 which is enough but not enough to get to the four area right and you're gonna need that potentially if these start to get covered by pieces as well right once these are covered that just stays there permanently for the rest of the game so that's gone for the rest of the game once you play something there and it's a requirement you're not spending the faith no you were not as bad a happen it just got a have failure or not a few stories excellent so let's say for sake of argument then instead of this paladin I chose this guy I would have started with two green as well this is also temporary boost on these so with this paladin I don't move this marker I leave it at three but I technically have five faith for this turn nice okay and that would allow me to go up to this area if I wanted to the the four area on the board and take the various actions in there um when you pull the guy up you'll see that you reveal a blue influence so you gain one okay that's how you gain and every time you see those shields is when you're gonna gain those things okay all right and the color coding on the names of the abilities shows you this so for example in order to do Commission Commission uses faith to advance on where you need it to do and it rewards you in influence and they all work that way fortify is going to be have a influence requirement and when you take a fortify action you will get strength okay okay and since I said that let's go to it so fortify action is three meeples there and this is how you build walls so for a fortified action I'm gonna build my first wall walls are built left to right from the first empty space and you'll see that to build this wall I need to spend a provision and I need to have at least zero influence which at the beginning of the game I will and when I do that I just take whatever the top wall card is and I flip it over and I place it here and you will see that this wall card will give me one red bump they'll all have a red bump on them they might have more than one but they'll all have one and in this case I get something else which is I can either I haven't explained this symbol yet because we haven't gotten to it but I can either flip over I can pay off a debt or I can take two points right my next wall will require at least one influence and still the provision and then they get more expensive provision wise and influenced way so that's 45 all right Garrison Keillor garrison is pretty much the same as Commission except instead of sending out monks you are sending out your little garrison T things and those also get placed on a space on the board and those get placed according to so again it costs you provision to pull the first three to four the next three for those and you're going now according to these numbers on the board as to where you can legally place this or that so you'll note there is no zero for this one you'll need to have at least one strength before you can do that but that could be on your padded card for that turn right all right that works the same way absolve is essentially the same thing except with these little jugs down here the first one cost you a coin the next cost to those cost three and you must have this in influence so in order to place the first one zero minimum of one minimum of three minimum of five on your track over here and sort of like spaces do cover on the board when you do that you pay the coin and you move it over here and you get whatever you cover Plus you can throw away a suspicion card hmm so that will always happen okay this is this is an influence right right in faith that's what that is and then I've sort of explained most these others this one at the bottom here is two provisions slip over a debt which I haven't got to I've not got to this simple yet that's this pray action I'm gonna come to it okay eventually all right attacking convert are the two actions that deal with these cry like their recruitment townsfolk cards you can do the cards in one of two ways which is to say the top right corner or the bottom part depending on which of the two actions you do all right if you attack so attack needs a green plus anything plus a red and when you attack you are going to look at your strengths relative to the strength necessary to attack that card the difference with this action is that you are allowed to also pay coins if you want to to up your attack number by two you don't move the flag right you just bolsters it temporarily basically every coin gets you to the next level because these are all off these are all a difference of two between them one three five seven nine eleven when you attack you let's say I get up to nine I'm gonna tech this guy for nine so here's what I would get I would get whenever is on the top right so I would get a influence bump and I would get two coins and then I'm gonna take this card I'm gonna put it face down over here and collect it mmm alright because it might be worth points for me on the end of the game based on if I instead of tech convert you are now using faith to convert them so now you're using the faith number on the cards and if I had say up to six faith I could convert this guy I now turn him from being a bad guy to a good guy and he lives peacefully with me like this and two things happen the first is he might have an immediate reward in fact they all all have at least one red bump because convert needs faith but will always reward you with red when you use it so in this case he'll have two red ones and then I put in here and now I have just for me only a special victory point and game condition which is I'm gonna get a victory point for every card that I have attacked that has that symbol on it which is right there so if I did attack this guy he'd be worth the point for me now at the end of the game nice and if I converted him that would be worth the mercenary is worth one point plus one point for every other mercenary that you also half so he's automatically worth a point and if you get another mercenary now that mercenary is worth two but so is the other one right alright and I will explain all of these when we well I'll do them on that just I don't explain them as they come up but they are all kind of in the same flavor so here's the cards have three different symbols on them and of course I didn't manage to get them all this sort of blue cross and this yellow + + anchor anchor manage the anchor part and then this little green another time yeah I'm sure they all are right now alright so there's there's ones for all three of those types for every two of these that you have moved over you'll get a point and this is one victory point for Oh every four faith you have so if I had seven that would be worth one point for me and if I managed to get this to eight that would be worth two points for me okay okay so that's what those do um okay pray just make it today crazy to mine in it pray Mary's pray I was thinking it a monk or a wild purple okay and this is not gonna be an action that will probably use early in the game but when you go here you spend two coins and you may clear one of your spaces out so in this case I'm gonna clear out this convert these long go back but this is now available to me to use again this turn if I have the three maples to share there because you're only ever doing these once per round once you place me pose on the board they don't clear out till the round is over but a pray action allow you to do that additionally there are of course these pray actions on the board and those if you can cover them do not cost the two coins and still give you that action so you don't have to spend the guy and there might be a king's favor as well that has that action okay so that's what the pray does develop let me come back to develop now that you sort of understand part of the game so develop is expensive it costs four coins and two guys but any two guys but if you do that and pay four coins you're gonna take your first little development Hut and and you tiny one cover something like I'm on covering this oh I get blue influence I'm covering this I get faith influence this is gonna get me a white maple and you're gonna take this and put it over here on any space that has a dotted square a - like dotted square ideally you're gonna probably put it on the colored one because that is now permanently filled so from now on to do a commission I only need two maples nine one which can be any color I want and the other has to be black and I can do that again if I want to you'll note you can never cover your third one always got to pay something correct but you have eight of those at your disposal to move over and again those are always the same they just cost two maples and four coins and I don't think there's there might be another way to do that somewhere in here if one of these cards comes up but I don't know when you take coins in this game all right you'll see like here you're getting coins here you are spending coins but what a pair here if you if you if you attack this guy you'll get a blue influence and you'll get two coins but you see how these are red yes okay these are tax coins and they come from here all other coins gained or paid go to the bank okay all right so we don't don't put money here we just take it from here when this runs out all right we we immediately have an inquisition all right what a show if there if there are not enough coins to take when you need to take coins from there you take whatever is there and the rest from the bank so you complete that you get it you do get it and then the Inquisition happens when an inquisition happens we look to see which player or players have the most suspicion cards okay ties are we can't go ties are friendly in an unfriendly way of course you don't want to have the most if you have the most then you take a debt and then you lose half of your suspicion cards rounded down so if I had one card I would still have it okay okay a debt is negative three points at the end of the game that's what this indicates but there are two ways you can get rid of that that's this card flippy thing here this little card flip icon that is basically turn over debt hey and when you turn over did now it's a victory point oh all right it went from negative 3 to plus 1 or there are ways there's one this is remove a debt which case you just discard it No so you don't get the point from flipping it but you no longer have the minus 3 all right I think that's all the cards and actions and explain and stuff and obviously the at the end of when all of us have passed that scene in the round um you don't have to use all of your workers you are allowed to carry three over into the next turn up to 300k anything more than that you will have to discard them and then at the end of the phase we will get rid of our paladin right that will basically go out because we're only gonna use each of them once you're only gonna use 7 of them basically for the game if the furthest leftmost card is still here we will throw it away if the furthest rightmost card is still here we will throw that away so let's say someone recruited this card in this case we don't throw anything away because there's nothing here but if these were gone at the end of the round hey the furthest leftmost card is still here so we're also gonna get rid of that then everything will slide down and we'll fill in same thing from above so these don't fill in till the end of the round okay all right we will pass the start player marker we will turn over the next card here we will put out five more taverns we will all look at our paladin's and pick them again and then I think man I think that's everything are there any questions yes thank you know what this means yes I'm gonna refresh you what everything means because we also have to do a first player special round setup thing um this means at the end of the game if you have attacked five okay attack people the king will give you four points for that gosh yeah okay you don't have to do that at all oh hey let me talk about the end games grant so your end game scoring is going to be as follows you're gonna score all three of these markers individually based on where they are on your track the scoring agent can see is on the side so that will get me sixteen for that and eleven for that and six for this because I didn't reach it to here all right you're gonna get points if you reach these spaces and they're empty that is scoring me nothing for Garrison's but that will score me one point okay ditto on these other over here alright ditto on the walls the walls themselves may have victory points on them but if you can reach this wall building space that's a point that's three and that's six okay you will get any victory points that are weird special and game points that you collected right yeah you will either lose or gain points based on whether you have debts and whether they're flipped over or not and then you will get any set of three mixing matching two coins and a provision that's worth a point okay and that is your final score when does it end game turn we play seven rounds that's it there's a seventh round alright so first round is special and it works like this can a start player so starting with Lincoln and going backwards we're all gonna take one of these for free we're going to start with recruit we're recruiting them which is just say we're getting the bottom part and also the immediate action if it has one so if you were to take that one Lincoln you would get a provision instantly and then you would for the rest of the game gain a provision every time you took the absolve action so this gets you white maple every time you convert the acolyte every time you send one of these guys out that gets you a meeple I've already explained that one the peddler okay the peddler I didn't say but when this empties of course we fill it back up with four players we put eight coins in it okay so the peddler is a power that happens when an acquisition is triggered if you have the peddler in front of you and you have two or more suspicion cards you immediately get two coins all right there are other cards that allow you to ditch these cards before an inquisition and if you have both of them you may activate them in any order you want so you can activate the peddler and you have two cards and you can get the two coins then you can activate your other card that maybe gets rid of one of your suspicion cards all right so that's what that does and then the missionary is every time you convert the same as that except instead of getting a thing you get known as a red coin from he attacks yep and what was the deal in the coins here that doesn't matter because we are recruiting that is only if you are discarding the card okay right now we are recruiting which just say you're gonna take one and permanently put it in front of you and you will have that power for the rest of the game okay and you don't have to pay for it so you can take the most expensive one if you want these will fill in before we start yeah okay no pressure yeah I don't really I'm just checking it out I mean this kind interesting you can have some make money off your suspicion yeah oh hey speaking of which what's your suspicion right keep asking you yeah give that a quick shuffle sure uh I guess I'll take sabot that makes sense here it comes in this provision right and then I nope you know if and when you ever do that action you know and you never have to but you would get a provision when you do that and those go there do they tuck under here these tuck under there these just go off to the Sun Kay this is a game that needs a gigantic table yes all right Nicki yes well that's that's conversion yes yes we'll try it okay I'll take the next one though accolade and I'll take the other conversion one okay so this guy slides down these all fill in please oh you're a plate didn't you have a coin they're different it's the Acolytes we'll all give you a reward for the same action in this case sending a guy out right so if I plan on doubling down on that power then I would love to get that guy right because he would get me a coin and a meatball every time I did that anything new come up pretty much new whatever that's if you ever do a garrison action okay you get that thing 45 action and if you do a 4 to 5 action you get that thing all right so take the top three cards from your paladin deck and remember you're choosing this for three reasons oh we didn't talk about this but we'll do it when we do it you'll see at the bottom of your paladin they also have special powers to them right so like this guy I'll just show it because it's one of my hand like this guy if I do converting it doesn't cost me any silver which is to say if I were to convert one of these guys right and took him under right the first guy took under is free free right but the second guy took under cost me silver in order to do it right so this paladin would save me that so that would not necessarily be a good first round choice if I planned on do conversion is it will be gone because well because you'll the first one is free you're gonna want this one it's gonna cost you something so for example you took a convert action if you plan on doing this this might be the one you put back on top so you can see it again remember even if it's back on top you can still put it back on top again you can you can kind of hold it in your hand that writes that make sense what is fortifying do for us it's fortified builds a wall right doesn't have any effect though yes fortified will raise your red that's 0 by the way and all of these fortified will raise your strength I'm on your track here the walls also have potential Awards on ok and one of these two cards might be hey if you have five walls at the end of the game and we'll get you some points okay but we don't know what these are yet right basically these cards are gonna be one of them is already this right five attack five guys they're gonna be these six things attack five guys or convert five guys or absolve five of these or send five of these guys out or build five walls or send five Garrison's these are all just one of those cards okay of those six things we just don't know what they are doesn't involve any burgers or fries all right Candice yep what first there grab flip what do you got K which two do you get from this so I have Sampson develop it cost to fewer silver I get a green and white in a minute temporary to influence into string so hers means that she can do the develop action hey I don't have these I don't have these either develop action for two less instead of four it cost for two yep all right that'd be nice gonna start with yeah all right I'm which of these taverns do you want I'll try this one so was it green green red blue yep there you go you guys just discard this yep put it over there if we need to reshuffle we will hey nz's is any pronounce it fortifying costs no provisions which is to say I don't have to pay these provision costs up here and that comes with a blue and a green and is there anything out there with black yes I'm gonna take this one like black green red black black green red gun tape so mine is attacking urns to silver then I get a green red and a green yep and which of these do you want so I'm gonna want to attack right well you have a red and a green right he comes in green so that helps right so well I have this lady so maybe I start doing that sort of thing so I could take that's not a good mix but um I'll take that coat is it two blacks green and blue like green blue remember you can always convert anything and then starting out you can always conspire with any color and turn it into a wild purple okay although it gets you suspicious take your discard there you go hi Lincoln okay I'm doing the Otton he's missing the cotton the see what's his blue what's his ability trading gains two additional so there you go I'm not attacking so you should probably take me to that Yeah right just to make that two blue right and that's we just what we were getting rid of them yeah yep yep okay one action at a time starting with you I'm so I think I'm going to develop yep first make sense and are you say green and a white guy and I'll spend - yep because you haven't because of your powder now I put a greenhouse to block yep anywhere you wanted and I think it's gonna be here okay and then I get a white guy right yes cool thank you you're welcome I am going to trade so I'm gonna do it with both with a blue and a green and that would get me three coins total done all right some tacky attacking so a green and a red here in here and then I'll just put a black in there okay and I attack okay so your red influence level is three correct because you have a paladin so you can either attack this guy or this guy okay the question is do you want to bump up to and blue or do you want blue a coin and provision mm-hmm and do you care about these you don't really care about nothing yeah right now okay I'll just do this first one so what do I place there I just take it yep you train it you turn it face down and that had two blue on it so you go up to you and right okay well garrison red you might get some white well I should judge and see what I might be needing it's gonna be the whites are always spendable right you have no white space on the board right all right so you are sending out a garrison so you know take your leftmost garrison and does that cost me it costs you a provision to do that what is your strength level right now well it's not strength is right no what is your you're going out here oh yeah it's - okay so you can only go in here right which is it the one so you can get two coins you don't need this one you can get a white people or you can instantly just recruit another card for free probably just take another card okay take one for free okay keeper if I'm building the gate keepers every time you build a wall piece right you get amiable same idea there sure yeah sort of yeah it could make sense if you're gonna keep garrisoning right and because you lifted a garrison you go up one in your faith and that is your turn I think I'm gonna do a garrison as well I will take my is it green guy no red guy okay and then I also have a strength of two so you can only go here I was gonna get a card for free oh not more I don't have suspicion I think I'm gonna take the money okay take two plans from the bay and then I release my faith till one yep all right I'm gonna recruit by playing two of these can I have the other accolade please thank you end of turn Mickey I have a question okay I hope we have an answer what what when does this come into effect oh hey that's a very good question so you attacked last turn yes and you had that power yes and you should've got two silver for that okay thought and then I'm like I guess I'm not understanding okay I'm sorry that I disturbed about that mm-hmm okay if you wanted to develop okay you are allowed to develop here even though there's a maple there oh oh really back he goes away but you are not blocked from developing that spot because you filmed it already all right okay but I'm gonna do absolve I guess so that's the black and I'll use the green here on this okay okay all right so absolve you need to have at least zero influence you do have zero because I knocked it yeah okay you go ahead and pull that first pot off alright and you cover anything you want over here and get it okay um I don't have to worry about that anymore so well I'll move up on my bladder faith faith and if you had a suspicion card it would go away okay but you do not all right end of turn Lincoln when you pray yep do you get those workers don't you just free up never ever get workers back okay any time you take workers off your board they are going away hmm crystal prayer yeah I guess you just keep using them to do thing yeah game would going forever so you could trade for three dollars if you wanted if you wanted to have money next turn depending on kind of probably should depending on what your gonna do I'm not gonna do you could pass and carry all three of those over to the next round yeah but I would like to develop and no he's not coming so I gained an additional two silver so I get five no you get OH because your power or excuse me for yeah no no that what you just did got you three so you were crappy five okay oh yeah that's your special power and you totally do that right so yeah that's fantastic um Nikki did you pay the dollar when you did this no don't have to pay yes all right I'm gonna do a fortified okay put these guys out here I have a two it doesn't matter because for the first wall it just needs your keys have to go in order it costs you preventionists cost of provision spend that yep flip it up flip this and what do you get and I get to flip a debt or get two coins I go up on the red yep and you can either flip a debt or get you two coins cuz I don't have any debts it all right debt-free yeah alright I'm gonna pass so I'm out well I can't do anything as far as I can tell okay I'm maybe I should conspire just to get wild to give me some flexibility hmm I like it get that take a suspicion I mean we're a far away from those wives yes on it hate it you get now we're not so far away only one you're rich hey you know what you get if that happened is a debt which could be a point which you can turn into a point yeah and then school debt is not necessarily as bad as you think of this so I'll pass to because I don't have any word all right back to you Lincoln have yes you're gonna save your purple eyes do you know that I would say think singles nope you want to save it okay so the end of that round um technically when I passed even though I was we were still doing it I didn't want to do it but the rules actually suggest that when you pass you just get rid of everything been okay so you don't have to worry about it anymore oh all right but at the end of the round you're gonna clear you're gonna clear your board right you're gonna get rid of your paladin we did we did take this card I mean let me start so nothing is removed here but these will all slide down do we just discard them over here something sure we didn't take the pedlar so those will slide down and those will fill in does this stay yeah frankly forever and ever all right I am the new star player congratulations and we flip this over it's round two hey if you built the garrison you're one ahead of the game the King would like five of those tiny City it's like this draw you're tough you're paladins oh and I'll put five of these out there's purple in there nice where does this guy go just gonna discard pile somewhere it doesn't slip under no and I'm assuming you don't take a suspicion when you get a purple guy from that card if you take this with the purple guys in it you take a suspicion anytime you get a purple you take pretty suspicious just putting to crime the bottom well they're all good right that's the thing like I don't want to get rid of any of them right yeah but they're all good they'll do something right I almost wish they weren't all good I almost wish the game would really I mean I guess I'm gonna force myself into a direction at some point but all right I picked curry air the cheese paladin really no okay this is how I'm pronouncing it converting cost no silver I get a black and a red and I am going to take this one with the two believers in the two greens done okay I got Samson Samson Samson Simpson yes so I get a green and a white and did you read your little special thing sir oh I'm sorry expansion thing converting cost no silver okay that's what my figures - developing costs to fewer silver and then I'm going to take a card okay yes I'll do that one okay we'll go ahead and just take me to get to black and white and a blue all right I think Samson Simpson as well Samson Samson we have the same deck what you do yeah that's why I didn't person yeah so I get white and green Dave please okay and take two I want black now trying to do so I will go for that and immediately get rid of it give me to be black and blue got bruises from black and blue I can show you one yeah it's green though I mean I think I'll take this one to really be good no way yep all right take a suspicion and I'll take some suspicions okay and oh and then I'm Roland so I get a red and a white please and then recruiting cross no silver there you go thanks you are welcome starting three days starting with me all right I am going to commission that and I don't know what color I'm gonna do this and regret it perhaps without thinking too hard about it oh yeah I know I need no I need more provisions that's okay I will spend a provision now no I have to to faith or three faiths from Grier the cheese Paladin that gets me blue and that allows me to be somewhere in here and I was gonna no I will I'll recruit a card for you to spend that and I'm gonna triple down on the Acolytes but because I did that I get a white meatball and a coin from the bank not this knee when I just picked up in case you were wondering and I did that and I spent that and I'm done okay I'm developing that's gonna cost me two fewers so just to yeah and I will place I intend to do a lot of this okay and pulling that gets you a white meatball in case you didn't see the green meeples come next things and then eventually blue red or black yeah just that one it looks like it yeah yes no this is the one where they get your meatballs these all just get you the influence as indicated after their name on the thing okay green Anna blue to develop cost me two fewer silver nice I'm going to put that on garrison and I get it white meatball devar thank you thank you I'm going to do my recruiting that costs no silver and grab a card and hmm time stop big bucks no whammies stop I'm gonna go with the watch meters hey guess what that immediately gets you oh by the way my ex wheat yep so I'm assuming we just discard these here yep cool okay so I'm gonna garrison I get a coin from yep the government alrighty I am going to absolve and it cost me a coin oh and I just noticed I don't think I took that I mean it coin when I did my no but just in case I you sure I didn't because I don't want to I think you only took the bonuses from her the bottom of the card thank you but if you win I'm gonna come down yeah and I'm gonna cover the faith so I get a faith from there and a fade from there and that takes me up to two done okay I'm fortifying green blue right good fortify which is this which is build a wall no that's a temper I thought that was a wall hang on oh hey build it you need to have zero and influence and you must pay a provision provision now you may build that wall okay oh here you go thank you sir something special okay I can flip a card or gain coins I do gain one of these yep and you can you're gonna get two coins because you don't have a debt of debt that was a debt that we all wish we had a debt now I think I screwed up okay oh I just realized I did not pay my provision when I did my garrison because I spent the provision when I built my wall I did the fortify and we only started with one and I didn't get another one anywhere got it Wow okay well that was all last round right yes okay yeah so there's no great way to rewind that what did you get from here just the coin that's two dollars yeah well that doesn't break the game too badly so okay the next time you won't get through is I mean it's bad but next time you maybe hunt no just when you get provisions we'll just take one away from shaking yeah okay okay I think that's as close as we can get because if it happened this round that'd be one thing right yeah it's hard these are hard to see well I should have pointed it out to you because I had garrison prior to you yeah the pieces also cover that up yeah yeah that's why I say good that's half a street which you haven't played yet Seward's tapestry that things things are underneath they don't get me around though I love Iesus I think they're really cool I'm glad they're pieces and not like many tokens but yeah I did not even notice that until now that there's a space here and I'm like oh yeah well basically almost all this stuff you know there's a lot of like costs that you have to pay attention to on all the right things yeah and these are these are nice they're the closest to us that they're also the flattest these should be up here so they're not seeing these costs were underneath yeah instead of above yeah with the victory points on the buff but I understand they want the little banners to hang down I mean thematically that makes sense all right okay I now I'm even lost whose turn was it is it your turn it's my turn okay so I am going to hunt I'm going to hell oh you're gonna do exactly what we need to do yeah that's why I was planning to do because I just like notice that with my shaved head meatball here okay cranium wild green yeah my wild is the green and I think I'll use white meatball here and then I'll grab three but I'll put one back okay that I would have meant it was sure thing it's close enough okay cool [Laughter] and now I was into that same thing I'm gonna hunt for three provisions done okay I would like to if I'm doing this right I'm gonna convert I've got this already there so I just need to oh that has to be black yep mooo done well here you didn't I'm happy to swap this out for your development all right if you knew you're gonna do that there's no way you would have done that alright so there's the white and the black and I want this guy can I get him do you have three do you No do you have to faith faith no can only have one thing yeah you can convert faith correct okay I can convert this guy that's zero faith I know I've just I liked what he had going on there well if you're gonna continue to attack right this guy will give you a point for every one of ya yeah which so right but it's a move I could nope I can't do that um do you have another white meep on your head yes why don't you swap that after this now to just pretend like you did that there's a lot of moving around no it's okay but yeah in general when they're just blank like that you should just bend the white ones oh so I should do that too well I only have one but I will swap out my blue I think for that and put the green oh because you got the other one yeah I got that one when I Garrett yeah that when I developed yes so I could recruit yeah you can throw away the top portion of the card so for example if he recruited this this card you would get a black and a white or if you recruited this card you would get a malloon away yeah that would cost two coins though to do that either of those cards you'd have to spend two coins to get those guys sure that's not cheap but I think I'll do that and I will spend - mm-hmm and I'm gonna get this guy so for a black and white yeah nine three good well that gets discarded right yes you don't get it oh I know it goes away yeah um we're limited by these so there is no reshuffle if these run out same thing for these Outsiders if these run out then that's it okay I'm going to pray these will go away I like it I took advantage of who wants to cheat yeah that's really smart yeah yeah a lot of workers I'm gonna do a garrison and I'm going to spend a provision because I see it now okay and so I have a total of 1 plus 4 uu strength this whole end here so 5 go here you don't have to pay no I can still do it okay so I think I've got no more workers I get one for next time you know what I'm gonna get another card try that another I'll take this one for free yes over nuke yes the gatekeeper grabbing I'll open and then I also need to raise my influence or the faith my faith yep I'm gonna pass and by doing so get rid of all of these okay I'm gonna conspire all right okay you get this get this get that no Queen ah I'm gonna develop which cost me two coins again nice and then I will do that I will put it here yeah yeah you get one of these and I have another dude nice I'm going to pass okay give you Nicki back to you okay thanks gonna get a coin Oh and around again well I uh noticed okay I think it's true I will garrison and that's gonna cost me a provision and I'm still low so I will take a white okay meatball keeping your suspicion card yeah makes sense maples are actions Nicki back to you oh okay and we gain your faith from that oh yeah I'm gonna get three provisions okay Lincoln I will conspire to convert to a purple I am passing now all right Lincoln I will absolve which cross the coin and then I do it down here yes and I'm going to get rid of one of these it's always the topmost one okay and oh I also raised my faith for that and I think I will well maybe if I want to have goods no I'm gonna pass for you okeydoke I would I would try to recruit but and you rid of court I did not get my coin sorry about that from the gear for the from the Gary it's gonna put these Oh like garrison does well I get another white dude from that yeah but these over here wow this is bad we definitely want it's hard and it's hard to keep track yeah well you still want to pass oh hey guess what I also get it good for doing minute I get a UH what the for do the last thing you just did yeah did this gracious good nice the attention wake up why was planning all that yeah I'm an absolutely forgot it when I did it yeah I'll get another white wine and I'll do yeah and then I'm passing okay shoot you can hold on to those guys cuz you didn't place them three up to three um when you were saying you have to discard your your most recent suspicions why does it matter I don't know is is that that's just the thing that's painful depending on how much taxes you took or anything because that's exactly the question I was having it's just in the rules for whatever reason it this one comes out that one also goes away okay didn't we replenish based on something that one now when this comes out I think we always remove the oh if there's the last if it's you always remove that when it regardless right what happens down slide down there's one finally well it's gone the other part of it is we have to build up strength to sort of like get all these things right uh Nikki you are the new star player at that clunky all right the third thing hey I looked into that those guys and here's a new space you could place any meeple you want right there and take two Purple's wow you all do get to yes one fridge one for each hmm and Nikki has a start player you will have first like it and we do the one two three Joffrey paladin's I want that one that developing one is cheap you guys still haven't seen it well that is true all right we all pick our paladin yeah yeah make you a star player okay flip it flip in what do you got I got this dude I've or I for yes Ivor okay what do you get I get a black and a blue and you choose one of these was it I have without what customs absolving costs no silver okay so oh that's good as the next one's all cost to staff for absolving black and really cool that's what I need so two black a blue and a red there you go Thank You Lillian okay I am Tom Berenger yeah and I'm garrus garrus any cost no provisions okay Wow that's good since you're mr. garrison mr. garrison which of these would you um I'll take this one to Red's which means another a blue and a purple yeah all right no coins that's good oh and while we're here speaking of suspicions you played and absolve right like a little card you also get rid of your other card oh because all absolve actions also in addition to your action get rid of oh I might not have chosen that then but it's okay I'll do the one YES on top over the underneath there okay okay yeah and I'm angler angler one is you attacking earns two silver and then I start with a red and green okay and then I think great choices mm-hmm I'm afraid to take the suspicion right no so I'll take that one all right chicken a white and a grey green green all right thank you all right Gerard Depardieu hunting games and additional two provisions sadly I hunted last turn but maybe I will hunt again to live another day and here we go two greens black and a purple please don't have two coins on it please do this and now we do an inquisition so they're happy about that does anyone have special powers that be positioning no no please all right then whoever has the most which is all three of us right now all right we get a debt that's okay it's an opportunity to gain a point later and then we lose anyone that gained the debt loses half run it in there against them which is nothing now I keep our thing the end Wow and now a refill eight coins yes eight coins Wow it had to happen at some point yeah okay what do we do to get rid of the debt now what was that again you have to the end of the game to get rid of it you sure they might show up later on the King's favor don't forget this is a space that can be gone to you as well as your board now I am will be absolving and I was trying to figure out what to do with the pot so I will probably do that that is a black and a blue and a I'm not gonna do any red stuff I don't think so so as a wild so then I pay two for the to come on yep and I will do the debt thing and flip it sorry flip it and get rid of this and get rid of that done and you did have one correct yes you did yeah yeah okay no but I go up sorry yep can you go up in your faith I am going to develop [Music] would like to see hmm this is silly I'll do this one and I get to place this I'm gonna do it here pay for it cost me no provisions but four bucks on the other side on the other thing but yes here's the four doll hairs oh that was absolving cost zero that's why I chose that card so I wouldn't pay here did you sir thank you you're welcome and Lincoln you get a green oh yes okay I'm developing also so I'll definitely spend this guy and green and I spend $4 and I'm gonna take this off and I get a white worker and I'm gonna place this thank you I'm gonna cover my other garrison - okay I'm gonna Commission well do that I'm gonna develop that's what I should have been doing long ago one two three more to go there gets me this end of turn all right I'm converting so we all do that and that okay and I would like to take this person you can do that because it's a zero zero faith so regardless of whether your faith is I know you can do it yep okay and then I did convert so I get a white guy Yeah right I don't do I get that right okay no I don't get it yes you get the immediate action I'm rad yep you got a bump in the red in the rent and then you're gonna get a point for every two of these you put so right now that's going you one point yeah that's great I'm gonna convert as well I have a level three I guess I'll do this guy you can only do that guy yep so that gives me two bump on that yep and you tuck it okay down here right yep for free cuz it's your first flop I had a plan okay I'm gonna garrison okay so I'll put my red worker here hmm and then I just need to spend one provision and then I am currently at 1 here plus 3 so 4 uh so that means I'm looking in this yep vicinity and I'll take a green guy okay there you go thank you and then I also need to bump my face yeah all right a little Commission that cost me a provision and I will put I have my faith is at two plus two is four so I can go over here I'm gonna go here and take the blue me before covering I'm gonna take a white Mable for putting a guy out and a claim from here and the coin from here and I also get a bump in my influence the end and I'm sorry I forgot again my garrison huh you're driving a red coin yep still hard to keep track of you know it's like right here I'm gonna do the Purple's okeydoke you get these one at a time sure boom one coin from here yeah and this is an instance where that could trigger an inquisition then we would put eight coin and then she would get her second car okay and you get two more okay I will garrison doesn't cost me any provisions because the Tom Berenger I can only do it at this level but I do get rid of this yeah and you get another safe bump faith bump and do you have any cards to get anything for garrisoning over here yes one more white there you go one worker one worker I'm just gonna hunt two guys so I get three provisions no I'm gonna work reasons I'm gonna pay a coin from this card this Laney yep and discard it the influence bump to get the bump in faith okay what was I doing ah I was going to develop so we'll go I'm like I might need that one too and I will pay for three for me you know the Purple's are wild right yeah so there's no reason to spend it yeah well I was gonna do yeah just in case alright so there's the four yep here's the garrison what do you want it can I put this right there where I you can already have a dude this will just go away okay and I get a white guy for that yeah and I think that's it all right do you get anything for doing that with your cards no all right I'm nothing exciting for that I guess I will trade for three all right take three coins they're small oh I'm sorry yes you look like you're deep in thought um I'm thinking about passing saving my guys yeah I'm gonna pass and save my three guys okay I'm gonna hunt Thanks yep that gets me three provisions and my Gerard guy gets me an additional two so I'll take five of these five okay I am going to add a guy so recruit okay what croute means you have to play two pawns there I have two and one of them must be read which is your well my wild and then I will do this guy I cost two points here coins I immediately get rid of one of my suspicions yep I gained two red coins nope no that's if you had me started it what you will now get is a coin every time you attack which is fantastic an attack stick why well Commission good provision yep what's your faith that right then four and you have any from your paladin oh no I do it okay so you can go up to here these are all full so yeah here I'll do that to turn over a debt make sense yeah I'm gonna pass Nikki I am passing looking back to you I'm passing all right there we go okay uh we did take this doesn't matter this gets this yes it does two more of these yep can you refill those will do when you get a chance the debt collector tipped of the whistle all right here's an additional action that we now have for the rest of the game okay if you place a red maple dinner and pick Oien you can either flip over a debt or discard two suspicions cards please okay all right yeah yep teri going three paladin's what get rid of him good okay I'm Lincoln paladin I have Garrett Guerrero the Richie's cuz you're the cheese palate oh yeah but we get scarier um I get a black and a red okay and then what should he do it I will take this one black and a reading Thanks yes thank you okay I got a green and a black to start i'm ebonne okay commissioning costs no provisions this round and then I need Red's so I think I'll probably I think I'm gonna take that first one to raise green the purple yeah I'm alright thank you I'll take my suspicions flip it flip that suspicious but oh I forgot I had other people last time evil reviewer Evo a hmm I've or RV or ei absolving customers silver I get a black and blue for that and I I guess let's take this one because it's got a little yeah I don't need to read so two blue green and the purple and oh boy okay here yeah so I've got the cheese man - yep and that is a black and a red okay and eek do I want two more suspicions it seems like an awful lot well none of them come with black on them so that's not good for this room has two blacks Sarah yeah but this has got a blue and I do need a blue so I will take this one green and the purple don't don't - cause of my what is this fault influence influence it though this commission okay what are we down on one coin left yep they're tied but you're gonna happen right now because Lincoln is gonna draw no Hardy this is already gone oh good yeah I just realized I didn't I mean I could spend a purple but I forgot that I could use a red here when I do not take this oh boy time wickedness only good I think I will develop and that'll be four that goes here should be doing stood there you got a green for that I'm going to develop as well just put the green okay I'm just gonna spend two greens yeah I'll spend two grains and four dollars and develop which gives me a green worker and no bonuses here and I'm going to put this here mm-hm hey I'm gonna do the same thing I'll spin off for my coins just here you gotta wait done all right we're gonna play around here alright I cost you a coin because this is gonna cost you a coin and do you want to flip a debt or get rid of two so yeah I'm good on debt so I will get rid of my two suspicion cartons all right that makes me the leader the most suspicious all right Lincoln um conspire okay there you go take your card coin Hey any question all right Sam I have the most with two so I will take a debt I will lose half round it in my favour and we put any more comes out and Candice it's your turn six seven eight all right um I think I'm going to commission for that please a blue and a black I'll spend one provision and I'm at 3 plus 3 6 so I can go here oh and I took my bonus is it doesn't cost me anything so take my provision back remember to pay it I'm gonna do that I'm gonna take a white and a green please all right you're my blue yep and do you get anything for that I do not have any Commission bonuses okeydoke that was that what I'm gonna solve absolving cost me no silver this round so I'm just gonna take that guy I am going to flip a debt and gain one faith end of turn okay I'm converting so we're gonna do this and I need to keep those aside and I will do the blue and I'm gonna convert this guy and you're tucking him under but yes okay so that will immediately get you a red hedge which I needed it costs you a coin to tuck him okay unless your cards says otherwise converting costs no silver that way there you go fantastic and then he goes here yeah and that's for every one of my guys guys no that's just for mercenaries see this is specifically a mercenary oh okay that's worth two points right now it's four point plus one point first scenaries that come up on there there's one right there right sure okay I'm converting and I am at level four but that means I can do I guess I'll do this guy right cuz it's bumpy tour plus three rate uh oh yeah I'm at six am I not that doesn't really miss that though you can go up to here what does that do that's per for every two thieves you've done so far yeah - the real question is are you looking more for the strength bump or are you looking for I think I really need a strength book right now okay that's what I wanted that guy tier soon so that's a convert yep as hexaco doesn't cost me anything is turn yeah oh because of your part right yep okay gives me - no okay so I think I'm going to do an inefficient convert here um does have to spend three people to do it but I am gonna get a benefit here and I'm at a total of six so one of these two and um like my development game is a little stronger than your walls right now yeah so I think I'll take this one okay you get a red book for that one single red bump and then I also get a coin get a coin from here and I think that's it okay I'm gonna commission [Applause] cost me a provision for this guy and my faith is at four so I can go up to here and I'm gonna go here in the pray spot and get rid of these and I get a coin from here let it clean from here and a white meat before doing that the end okay my last turn I converted I should have gotten a white maple there you go thank you um and now I wait and a point under that's attack I did it that was attack attack II and I didn't attack II and I was gonna attacking this term but now I cannot attack II yes you can no I'm not high enough can pay a coin to add to if you care to you can reach that if you want to so I will attack so red green and I'll do my white I will pay to bump up to now is that a permanent bumper this is temporarily it's like it's as if it was on your palette so three four five at five now yet that temporary bump and I get a blue bump yeah and a blue meatball and for attacking you also get it won't get it kind of tax coming from here right yep and then that goes in my pile yep a long hunt and I will you that's gonna be unfortunately the black since it's hard for me to get the black it's funny though right we're so scared but the purple is pretty much anything right but I know what you're talking about well you don't have I mean I did the same thing for develop so a question if I was to do it a garrison right now I'm only at a strength of - okay and everything is covered here right I still take the action in the house comes out of the game no or I can't do it unless I have a place to place can't take the action interesting in that case I am going to fortify because I do have a single influence so I'll put it we got here green guy here green guy here and then I'll get a card I need to spend a provision yeah and I'm building my wall so I get a another strength yep and two victory points thank you take it do you get end what are you get and oh wait worker there you go thank you you're welcome all right I'm gonna Dolph absolving cost me no silver this round I have five faith so this three is okay and I will go here to the pray space and I will get rid of these two done done end of line okay I am gonna do this alright so I get two purples and two suspicions so here's one I don't work at no coins to no coins okay I can't tell if you one of them or not sometimes you might want them I didn't I didn't necessarily need them I'm gonna garrison it's gonna cost me two provisions yeah I am at level strength three before excuse me nice but that's still only lets me do it in this zone is Owen it's tough I got to tell you sometimes it's easy I get two of those because of your car yeah even then these limited decision situations sometimes it's hard to think yeah what should I do alright I'm going to garrison let's all put my red worker here that'll spend two provisions I am currently at a strength of one plus three now so you don't I guess I just make money two books and then I also get a buck from this mm-hmm and a bump on the faith I'm gonna absolve again hey it cost him a silver I have five do to my paladin and I will it's my last chance to flip but I'm doing it flip this one okay I'm garrison doctor and taking the two coins please okay and a face bump did you spend a provision for that and a problem hmm and a faith bump yep did you get anything for garrison you don't know I just checking my I won't trade hmm yeah just go for it get three thank you yep and I will hunt all right @s I'm passing passing hey thank you Wow yep here's a new star player all right you slide down there's some work sighting out of towners hmm this turns yes for this round we have a new King's favor all right if you go there you get two provisions in the tax coin okay any meeple can go there thank you yeah close enough to Jess Jazzercise just put one out now and then I'll shut them down all right everybody you know look at your paladin's and pick I'm just realizing this needs seven of these and it's a two right now right I was artificially inflate I mean I'll I'm gonna bump it from here but all right they'll choose flip them what do you got Candace all right this is Anne siese fortifying costs no provisions yep need a blue and a green yep and then I think I'm actually going to start with the red and three blacks okeydoke Thanks you're welcome all right I have Commission's cost me nothing with Yvonne the black and the green and I just looked at my Commission's and notice that I should have at least three of these so I'm gonna correct that and then I will take two blacks and Luna green okay Otten so I get to Blues and trading gains two additional silver kind of take wilds which wilds you want to blue or green financier wells I want a green with my wilds okay green red to purple I'll take that do those one at a time and here we go yeah two coins yeah money is money I'm gonna win in a way I'm going win in a way I'm Roland I got money man recruiting cost no silver I get a red in white please I kind of function I'm gonna take this which is whip these two purples and we're blue in a red alright Lincoln you get ya through two coins so you get this one in this one nikki has the most yeah you get this thank you so much two of these okay yep hmm and you get one more right listen yes sir okay and give him one of those eight coins okay it's funny there's actually an argument for taking that thing if you think you could get money out of it right right yeah totally um all right so first action I think I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to develop so I think I'm going to spend two blacks or actually I'm gonna be getting a green so I'll just spend the green black and a green and four bucks and I get a green guy back thank you no other development bonuses and I think I'm going to put this over yonder all right a green and a black the Commission doesn't cost me any provision that gets me the blue pomp which I will not forget this time and hey this is gonna look familiar I am eight so I can go all the way up to the six I will go here and pray on the six and get rid of these two guys and that gets me clean here and they come here in a white done okay I'm converting like that and I am gonna take this guy okay all right that gets you a red one red and it cost you two coins to tuck unless your guy what does your guy do again now he's training tickets and do you get anything for converting yes I get one white okay I'm gonna develop it's gonna cost four coins you know take that blue guy yep okay um I'm going to fortify I think I'll do it with these two and fortifying costs no provisions this round I have three for influence so I can put it there put her there okay cool and then I get a red bump mm-hmm and and also yep you're welcome all right no no wait black commission cost me no provisions I can go up to an eight hey this isn't familiar and I'll go here and pray then it gets me of this and a white guy and it clinically done okay I'm attacking that's attack II it's a tacky and I'm doing it and I'm good with I don't have to pay the coin for being okay stronger so I'm taking this one mm-hmm so I immediately get another red no no you're getting all this fat part you got a blue a blue and I bump a blue and a blue guy and I'm provisioning and you turn that face down over here yeah and then I attacked so I get one coin from the Red Coins place the real coin place and I am going to absolve that was the whole goal so I put a blue and a red and I can afford to do that because I'm at one I will get rid of two cards here nice it cost me two coins by the way as well thank you and do you get anything feeling special what else I do get a provision and I never get to do it so easy the phrase why it's easy to forget I needed to build that up so I couldn't do that occasionally yep I'm gonna garrison well that gives me another Bell yeah yeah little bit the buzzer at least trackable ready pretty like I know I need one two three four at least five of these and I'm at five so it's like okay that's all right that's correct all right I'm gonna garrison yeah you said you got one from a card as well I got a faith from a card so I have four faith plus one I got from the card so they're both in there six is over there underneath the zero ah thank you good call thank you linking oh I'm gonna garrison so I will spend two provisions [Music] and put this so I'm at a strength of 400 so I guess I'm just gonna go here discard this and then I get a bump on the faith track 1 2 3 4 5 factors and [Laughter] okay I'm gonna do this again the green no with the wait that cost me no provisions and just take two white people's and wait maple and it coin it a coin uh-oh how am I gonna do that here move Wow the two Purple's right oh one coin and that's the other one okay two of those go wait eight more oh yeah one flipped for sure with the absolve but I'm not sure about the other okay I'm gonna go here to take two provisions and a tax coin okay that's a good little spot ah I will commission spend a provision Oh hold on let's see where I am six so I can come over here I'm gonna take a worker that red worker please and then I also get a blue bump I'm gonna build a wall blue green it cost me a provision then I get one read a worker okay I'm doing trade so that gets me three coins and an additional two all right five coins it is two three four five I'm gonna garrison oh so me two provisions I can put it on read of what you're about eight eight yeah so you can go here or here here here here right a black worker please thank you sir I'm gonna do a I think I'm gonna do a discard recruit okay I'm gonna take the freebie one just take two bucks I'm gonna trade for a dollar then okay I'm doing absolve so that's gonna cost me two coins to do that to flip a debt like that and describe movies and oh it's both yeah it's always that are getting guaranteed forgotten this this is wonderful okay I'm gonna convert it's no silver I will take the one that's every two gives me this one yeah oh yeah sure and I'm gonna pass me too yeah I pass I think I'll pass all right you slide down my wall fall down - nice yeah Oh a knight also um should have gotten the white maple for them okay sorry no worries put five of these out here's the new action for this round alright if you put a blue maple here and spend a provision you can either immediately develop or you can take a red and a black maple yep the kings favors are good and discard your paladin take your next three I forgot to bump that all right hey it's gone conspiring actually earns two silver if I do it you get a blue and a wait and I will take this one clean purple and why these cards two coins done okay holla ver two blacks Oliver Olivier Hey oh well probably insolate I don't know is there an eye but there is an IV er oh thank you it is different the ER Oliver actually it's got red points on it so I just noticed there were some other friend she can you know French pronunciation it's all in French right well Watchmen isn't French right is it true I need to pick a card a tavern I don't know that I have it as a BB ot infringe can't remember I think I want the green black yeah right - wait yep Green black - wait yo are you thank you sir you look live on I'm on black it a green please okay this point I don't think there's one we haven't seen yet and then uh that one okay she blacks red blue yep nope sorry and then I am bérenger okay Tom Berenger red and blue please all right and then I'll take the two Reds way in purple - that's right that's all and go ahead and dry your card what card your suspicion card oh yes I got a purple - I'm gonna itself right now no that's gonna cost me three coins that gets me a faith pump I will go here to get rid of a card and doing that also is the next light actually gets rid of a card those are gone done yours yeah so I am gonna have to do the wild thing again all right yeah what do you want I don't know one coin there we go give me some more horribleness oh you have the most you lose one yep did you get this yep and then you can just go ahead and shuffle those up eight more actually six more and I'll give Nicky - okay - three - thank you four five six okeydoke yep no I miscalculated that let's do do you want to use the way to do that just in case sir or sure they can be any color okay um I'm gonna provision I'm gonna do this I mean yep it's been the provision all right and what do you want I'm gonna do that yep and what do you did you evil in under it and you get that because that's cool and you don't get anything right for nope developing any bonuses uh I'm gonna do I guess a garrison because I can garrison caught with no provisions this room so so I'm at 4 plus 3 7 what color guy I'll go here go get a green guy okay thank you and then I get a dollar from my garrison and then a bump here all right commission well a guy my last one I can never do this again three provisions I'm at seven so I can wake up to six but that's fine I will go here and pray and throw these guys away and that gets me a bleep bump and hey by the way I hadn't been doing one two three four five six seven minimum Wow well the good thing is trackable yeah all right Nicky yeah now I'm fighting so that goes there and there and any color right I'll put you there okay so I'm going to take this dude okay and I get because I'm fighting a bump in the blue and a purple guy you want a purple guy come to the card not really can I refuse oh yeah whatever okay let's do it okay two coins okay here you get some kind of reward you're the most suspicious yeah really that's because I'm just I'm running around doing my own thing then I fought a guy so I can another one of us mmm I'm gonna go here get a gold which characters than two provisions please thank you alright the way it goes I'm going to convert and when I do a covert I have six so I'm gonna take this one and I immediately get a red bump yep and then I also get a coin from here oh and I need to spend a coin yep sorry yeah you had it yeah that's it for my convert all right I will absolve it's been three coins don't let I put this here and pray that through these guys away okay I'm gonna pray okay and get rid of those guys it cost two coins oh wait give it back praying costed a silver excellent and you have a card for praying over there okay for that cuz I'm a little sketchy so I'm in a commission and I'm at level oh it's black right so I'm at level 10 so you can go all in here yeah do I want to do that does it make a difference where it's out on there no just blocking things I guess correct just things that are available do you want for example do you want a regular thing in a blue or thing in a regular or anything in a black I'll take a black and a white so that's here yeah I just can find a grey from cards right yeah no no good boys you're pouting again no what goes up another one this is the know what was his power commissioning cost no prove it okay great so yeah I didn't extend them yeah I did pay attention to that yeah I think I'm gonna have to conspire okay here I get your purple kind of cards - cards I will absolve and that cost me three coins and I will I don't know I take awake I end of time I'm gonna convert yes that is the correct thing to do convert mm-hmm that guy so that will be for I'm safe on the faith business and I get a bump of two right thank you for the faithful minor yep yep obscene already read one - that was there yeah and he I pay - don't put him under the board sorry and converting gets me awake I um I'm converting it will cost me two silver I will take the goal victory point per to listen right here yep wow that's cool your faith is at hate right it's more than eight nice it's ten right this moment cool and then I get a bump in that and you get anything for converting now right okay spending my purple guy to end two bucks to pray Oh queer this guy okay thanks I'm passing so I'm gonna do this all right you want to flip something or get me to I will be getting rid of some debt thank you and for three of them now we've got now I'm down to two debt okay I'm going to Garrison Keillor just three for fishing I'm at six so five or three right wait paladin adds oh it does add another one seven that you can write here yes takes you to here it's money in a blue right I'll take the blue there's a red officer right I don't know that I need it and kind of this sort of things I'm gonna I don't know who knows yeah remember the purple is a red if he needs it in the long run but he's only got one more garrison and I will garrison and I don't need to pay provisions because my paladin hmm and I am about my black right now why don't we just do a check right now for everybody eight what do you how many of those do you have exposed by now your faith ah seven right I meant tune all right mmm seven I should be at nine and I am and I should be at seven and I am and the red is it one that's correct yep I'm at four in face okay I am um well you got red from here right you're you're correct and leaking you're correct well I think so so I'm at one two three four five oh wait I'm sorry this is six yeah one two three four five yeah it's believe me all right you're good I think so an eye on it and I'm good too two blues seven black seven one two three four five yeah okay good okay all right Candice you still go yes yeah you interrupted your channel no worries to do something we should probably be getting of every round right so I meant eight total strength up to here and I think I'll take the extra work read worker please oops I'm thanks I already passed all right just don't know if it's worth it I can do this one here and get rid of these two really what's great is that fish well that's that's if you flip it you get yeah no no you it doesn't flip one it just lets you take a black one when you flip I would say throwing away those two for one meeple right it only cost one meeple to do it it seems a lot of it right you put it on the recruit X 1 that's the throw away a card for the upper benefit right yeah and I take those ok there's no coins on anything no that's why because this one does the same thing but it costs okay um I'm gonna hunt I'm after you three yeah I heard it I heard it too ok I'm gonna develop spend 4 oh yes I get a person back yep a blue person I'm just gonna take the blue and I go with it and thank you and then I'll put this pink okay Nikki yeah I pass my I will pray and I will wipe that out alright that cost two coins yep unless your thing no it's commissioning okay Candice and think might see these guys yeah I think I'm gonna pass okay Lincoln I'm gonna garrison yeah good last one at level seven so here or down right oh well you don't need to flip anything so coins are a meatball meatball all right linking back to you oh this goes up another one by the way I keep forgetting me and you get a thing for doing it right oh yeah another wife yep okay for three coins yeah all right and then I think I'm gonna pass okay just because I only saw two no one asked but just this symbol is pursued for recruitment yeah yeah I figured any of that but but he goes away regardless here on this exciting last round and the final oh these get cleared the final King's favorite in the game is for a purple guy you can get three white guys okay and Mickey you are the star player okay those are all gonna fill they enjoy your company paladin's for this last turn of the game stuffs gonna happen it's the end of the game ready yes all right I get a red and a white thank you very much I will take I need this one so two blacks are green and red done rolling home I am I've I've war I remember him get a black and blue and what's happened the one on the green no I will pretty much can take whatever I need I think ultimately so I'll take them another purple well I don't really want to take a purple this would be probably safest so I'll take two greens of blue and [Music] that's how it always works always how it always works I mean that paint it the case I'm Oliver just plain old Oliver I get two blacks please so I now what would you like instead I think I will take through the double black way to I guess is moving towards it mine thanks it's like all game I couldn't get blacks had elastin but I I was struggling to get the black red and green and I will take it they both do do you want a wild or a while oh you're right I'm getting one whether I like it or not yes so I guess that I don't take that you gotta have Nikki I'll take she's done I'm done oh I'm start playing back to whites purple and let's go and this goes away and I have to take one of these two coins alright I'm converting here we go dunt dunt okay gonna be this first lady here okay so I pick let's see where that's recruiting so I pay - okay Chuck I go up in the red and I converted so I get a white done okay I am gonna spend a purple for the three white yep and I am going to spend wait for the two provisions and a coin from here I will convert a red my faith is at 10 with this guy which gets me this guy done oh you got that one okay hmm yeah I could have done it were you at 10:00 to fight fate oh you know so anyways doesn't matter um oh well the fight you need to be 11 read 11 yes cool with this and that anyways moving onward do I have a CI have that one so I want just move it about which I completely forgot about is this points for if you have the for every time all purple very purple card you have oh where were those sneakiness also for this symbol is that for every one that you have could everyone that's here it's here gif for here yes oh you need one I know that's what I'm working on it's exciting okay I will be fighting this guy then okay so it is a green and a white and a red yep do you have more than enough icing I am at seven there plus four so yes we're fighting take an influence in blue and a white meat boom okay I had a provision and do you get anything for fighting yes I get one red coin okay there are you thank you alright Lincoln I will trade the three blue worker thank you and I think I will put her there alright I will attack I'm at four total so this is the only one I can get well I guess you can pay a coin but I'm not gonna yeah that gets me a blue and one of these goes facedown here all right I have to get rid of another one of my debts so there's that and a coin just a bit to flip it I am going to recruit and I'll pay a coin for the architech oh wait no I don't want to do it that way I want to do it this way and I throw it away yep so I don't have to pay anything why don't I do because it's one right there so not that I will be doing a lot of that but you get two cards I get two coins all right there's one yeah and we trigger yeah it's you right it's me and this time okay yep sorry here's your other if that's the way it works all right oh no ready yeah comes over here so put seven no no it comes out it doesn't come out of the eight oh come out of the bank comes out of every place if you've had a second action it would come out of the eight so I'm gonna do it I'm solve just cuz this whole game yep these guys here I need to spend dollar and then I remember this so I guess I'll just do the flip right sure flip this get rid of this and bump this yep like that I'm gonna recruit and with this one way or not hmm okay I can't to everything unfortunately hmm I don't have a blue so I can't do that I don't want to do wild I'm afraid hmm actually it doesn't matter you just refilled it right I can get two purples and live another day then you could get Merson there's that yeah so a card in a card yes nothing and two points from there oh thank you great mmm um I'm gonna absolve and I have enough even though I'm only get two okay to place this nice I'll take a bump and that yeah plus I get a bump in now yeah that nice and you get rid of a purple card yep okay I attacked and I'm supposed to get two silver for that sorry guys doesn't seem to be an efficient way to get it not having greens do these count against at the end of the game nope okay you know counting your favorites you I'm gonna pray I pray for free because I'm Oliver and I'll clear this off yeah all right the train for three coins done okay so I'm garrison I can push back cuz you can get to there right yeah goes to that with white and two Purple's nice so cos supervision vision yep yeah so that goes on my flip yep and I flipped that and I go up yep which is also point make your point thanks yeah okay I had an idea of what I was gonna develop you know I need something here well everything lift up your develop and see what you're getting a reg yeah you're getting around do the right just in case there you go that costs for yeah and I'm gonna absolve again probably okay I'm gonna absolve make sure I want to do this yeah I will absolve so I spend some coins I have to influence and this will bump up one and then I think I'm gonna go for hmm go for another bump here so doesn't sound bad I'll be 2 points okay yeah I'm gonna go here and just do another bump here okay and wait yep nothing I'm gonna hook I kiss me 3ds done and I pass okay commission cost me I don't have any goods I don't have any food I need to do that so I have to hunt for three you know okay one two three thank you and I'm going to conspire cost you coins what no I'm sorry I thought you're the praying cost few coins my bad not hardly scared sorry it's like I don't have two coins no I get two coins huh okay thanks whoa I pass Nicky past I had passed previously I needed food to specifically put out the commission right which is that right does that even need to do I don't think it is oh boy and I did that a couple of days so I'm gonna pray all right that's gonna cost two coins yeah I mean I'm gonna get rid of the absolve okay make sense um and my oh yeah I needed to get food so I'm going to send this red guy for one team for one place back to you Lincoln I'm gonna absolve okay hmm what should I do this is this yeah that's cool um goodness gracious you really don't know what to do here informations is a victory point for you it is yeah because right now you have oh I have one uh three no you're sharp oh and you're sure I see yeah um I'll take that then are you good I meant to just do a double hunt with this guy cuz I forgot I don't have enough influence to fortify on the last turn you mean yeah my previous turn so I'll just take that way more so for this turn you're obviously passing yeah yeah okay I think I'm done it's hang on there's gotta be something conspire you might get two coins oh okay that's interesting I in theory you can convert a purple guy to a purple guy two coins is a point if it's two coins take two coins that's cool okay okay so how do we do this I hope there's a score pivot all right okay guess what there isn't all right and there is not a score track either so um should we get something to write with and do it that way I would agree right things yeah I would agree all right Oh beautiful oh this is fantastic okay let's do Nicki and let's do this we'll just do everything one at a time yeah okay so from just your points here on your free track so it's pretty sad it six times three eight to that one yeah it is yeah Lincoln so I have 27 okay Oh Candace when I have 17 13 3 16 17 17 and I have 20 on the news okay Nicki yes sir I want you're on the board points from any of these that have gone all right so that would be zero Lincoln 13 okay Candace 10 and I have 15 okay walls nothing for me no no no four four for Candace okay all right let's do bonus points down here mmm so I get a point for every two of these so one two three points for me that's it for that all right here we go so a point for every - I only got yeah so that's one so I'm gonna keep track of later yeah then I got three of these okay so this mercenaries were the point plus a point for the each other mercenary these are all worth three so three six nine eight nine more that's ten total right and then a point for every which I've got not person but one two three four nice so 14 points for Nikki's bonus cards all right Lincoln I get one two three four and that is it because I didn't attack anybody okay and Candice I get for the garrisons so there were seven here so I get three on that and then 2 4 6 3 on this on the so six total yes okay do anyone attack six five people yes oh cool that's like four points fortunately you didn't do the other two grant did not all right Lincoln yeah just get this six or six for that Candice I get the six as well and I get to eat and finally left over money and stuff okay one two three four five like it's getting all of that and don't forget about these two oh thank you yes I have four for that okay oh I'm just doing the money now other than its 353 okay and then - for me - all right and then finally debt we're not dead one two three four five five points for Nikki one one for Lincoln one and two for me and pretty sure that's everything when we add it up all right so the final scores are Candice with 40 Nikki with 46 I had 53 and Lincoln had 60 Wow okay yeah you were doing good you had a you had a good thing going with the we'll get to that in a second think you would you sir I enjoyed the game I didn't think I would it was kind of clunky at the start but I think not being able to get to these banner not yellow banner numbers on the board probably hurt me and but I was focusing on getting the getting the bad guys right and converting because I had put a development in in there and I wanted I wanted to use it what do you think oh I think it's neat I'd like that I've only played a couple of these I mean this is a different series but of the Garfield games but they're pretty neat you know it's it is a lot of little all these kinds of games where there's a there's games where there's lots of little bits that you can overlook it's kind of rough right but it's pretty awesome and the system is cool I mean it isn't entirely solitaire right there is some I mean is especially with these things where you're claiming stuff there is a little bit of that but not a terrible amount but it's not awful I mean these are this is where it was rough the drawing of the taverns was sometimes a drag right you just couldn't get what you wanted I feel bad taking those tonight I was just I didn't want another purple I figured like the reckoning was coming and I didn't I didn't want to get hit with it because if it came at the end of the game yeah it would be bad right yeah I think I overlooked the fact that I did not have enough influence so I really I really like it I think it's just a lot to keep track of especially when you start recruiting and you have these actions and just remembering like oh if I fortify I need to study influence and the amount of things that I mean we probably caught 80% of the mistakes we made this game yeah you know it's tough and most of this is trackable but the fact that I threw away a card for a bump means that it's not 100% trackable sure you can't count all of those better the one yeah well at least like it's there on the board it's just hard to remember because it's covered what's interesting to me right is the three of us did this for the most part right sort of like a a focus on one thing and like I ignored this to the very yeah and Nikki is sort of dead center and I don't know if that was maybe also part of it but I don't know yeah well I'm just gonna say I think that messed me up too at the end just making that mistake and forgetting about the influence because I was anticipating bumping this up like to the next level and I lost some points there I don't know if I did a little too much I was trying to focus a little um well first time especially for trying to remember everything yeah right yeah I mean you caught a bunch of stuff that I missed would you wait yeah yeah I was trying to I was trying to help I mean you you know it's it's a lot of little things and I'm you know even myself I wasn't catching everything each turn it you these are actually kind of hard to remind you should get good at me but the problem the problem was is this was the only one I consistently did right you know that I was getting that cuz I went through the entire track there and I got it relatively early well also if you were playing this game in a non videotaped environment right there'd be no one to tell you hey you missed the thing when you missed the thing right right and you would never know and your own game you would never know right maybe that would cost you the game but you wouldn't know that you cost yourself the game you just forget it and yeah I mean I don't I don't want people to do that right no one wants to do that but one thing I did think about when I was playing was most of these games where you're doing a bunch of different things you eventually focus on a path this one was interesting to me I don't know if this happened to other people my path usually in games like this becomes pretty clear after turn one or two in this game I didn't think it was very clear to like turn three or four right which was different I I do you think that's the game or the fact that you're playing for the first time I think it was the game because you don't start out with anything except your stack of cards and everybody stack carts are the same and then everything else that's out on the board is up for anybody to grab instead of where games like this maybe you will get a secret objective objective a or something that pretty much tells you what direction you want to go for the game so that was interesting that this one for me anyway it wasn't obvious until like turn three or four that's part of what these are are yeah right yeah and and of the four of us i blundered into a path at the beginning right by starting with one of those cars having another one come up and I just thought well if I take that that will just push me in a direction then I have to worry about thinking what are the nine things I'm gonna do I'm just gonna do this and in fact on the last turn of the game I really didn't have anything to do right by converting for it I converted three four points I converted four points I I got this for three points good but I realized like oh I I thought well there's no place for me to place a garrison because I couldn't even get to here I didn't I didn't even have three right like because I ignored that path there was a moment where I wish I would have prayed here and I did something else and I was like should I take it back and I was like now just you know accept it but basically trying to take advantage of your paladins when you get to do the stuff for free if you can pray and then do it again on that same turn I think it's really beneficial I did notice that I didn't really absolve until like the end and I don't know if that's where I kind of fell behind point wise maybe a little because you're getting you know these extra benefits and sorry cuz it's like there's so much happening I like that you have all these choices well again I got pushed the the monks of course gave me all this influence and I'm like well the influence is gonna get in this fed back to the month so sure a sort of symbiotic but I thought Lincoln what did I think the main reasons that you were doing really well before the rest of us was you went the very smart thing which was you went over here and built your engine faster than I'm right these developed things mean you you spend fewer pawns Lincoln was getting routinely two to three more turns than we've got in the game yeah not just because he also was and ended up getting more of these pieces because he pulled them off and got them but also because he was spending furious I mean you both got to the point where you're doing a thing for one yeah and I think we both kind of started developing early but I really yeah was there anything else where you were getting you were had so many workers I just I was just using them efficiently yeah yeah things like down yeah yeah yeah yeah like these were big well they those how does it save me at the end because I couldn't I couldn't I had dudes but I couldn't it's one to get like some of these goods right to and a one was pretty powerful right yeah it was interesting that those and this one right you know that was a good deal there too yeah ultimately it helped me out a lot to get rid of to spend non colored ones to feel fulfill some of these obligations right it was painful to do that positive because it at least keeps you some variety right yeah that is the most real player interaction to in the game really is positioning here trying to get to something here before you think someone's gonna get to it or get to occur I just forgot these cards sometimes yeah I was not so focused like on my board I was nervous that somebody was gonna take this and I probably could have developed before I converted but I was like I didn't wanna risk missing it cuz I was like that's a couple points for me since I've you know cleared my garrison track right so so what was this card was it another was another one of these guys four points at the end is that what you wanted well yeah cuz I could have done that I could have doubled up on the pot oh yeah the absolved pots got it there was only one point vote only got you woman no but I was dreaming that we're gonna absolve more at least one more and it would have been too huh my point is I understand tempo wise why you didn't do that one first yeah it was the lesser it was the lesser what the one you took instead was was got you better stuff it did get me better stuff and it bummed me up on the red track which I needed to be able to get because she was all the way at ten eleven at the end right mmm well cool Dave thanks for teaching us you're welcome Lincoln thank you for watching game night hey have you subscribed to the board game channel considered if you haven't or like us if you also haven't and if you do subscribe hit that notification bell to get notifications [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 72,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, Teach me how to play Paladins of the West Kingdom, Show me how to play Paladins of the West Kingdom, How to play, Renegade Game Studios, Garphill Games
Id: bOGok_t12-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 30sec (9150 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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