CATAN Canada Championship Final Game

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the Canada Championships my name is Tim and I am here with former US national champion Chris we are here to watch some high-level kids on with you guys yep this is a combination of a bunch of tournaments all throughout Canada qualifiers all throughout the year and we're down to just four players mm-hmm this is the national championship it's the final game it all comes down to this final game as Catan always does it's it's it's not quite you can get into a loser bracket you just have to win when you have the chance to win otherwise what a wealth and we're starting here with some early placements obviously some say 70% of the game is the placement I would say more like 50 or 60 it's quite a lot though I mean if you if you do poor first placements you're almost immediately out of the game right and we can jump right into it yeah Joseph started already six three times it's a pretty clear spot on this board there's not much more and or as essential as you can see with this with a shot of the board there's only a six and A five of ore and if if anybody's wanting to build cities or build development cards you're gonna need more than you can find if you don't settle on the 65 so I fully agree with the first placement of six 310 I think it's a very strong placement right I would also place there if I had to go first and if I'm if I'm settling second you really got to think about or and how you're gonna get it it looks like syverud is up second he got some early banter so sorry all right takes the wheat wood sheep in the bottom right at four five ten so this placement is solid but it's almost strictly to get good numbers and good pips on the board yeah so I mean four five ten those are great placements those are great numbers that's gonna that's gonna get some high resource production as the game goes on but you have to be a little bit worried about our course and this super - we'll try and settle for when it comes back around yes you're a second placement if I'm if I'm third player you want to be strategizing here on placing one in which you can capitalize on your second placement so if you're gonna leave yourself without two resources just make sure there's enough of the board open that you'll get two resources on the room on the return settlement right I mean everyone's looking at the five over here you know he's probably gonna set on it in a big position absolutely you pretty much can't leave that fair yes the six is already basically locked down so you got to get on the five and so really in this decision beyond just it comes down to either it's cheaper we it depends on what he prioritizes and this sheep was a better number with the six and seven nine mm-hmm are you kidding very easily and he does know it's the nine five twelve actually 9512 that's good that's good locking down you know I mean he's gonna have the chance to capitalize this and I can get good wheat there's a eight open there's a five open there's a nine open still so if he can find sheep and we in this next settlement he's gonna be in really good shape right in this situation I might actually have taken the sheep though considering yet eight in the middle of the board is wide open mm-hmm the fourth position player is not gonna use both the discernments on 180 he can't shut off all of the weak from you so there's just too much weed open left on the board so in I agree with you I would have taken the situation like a criminally underrated resource by almost every Catan player on the planet if you'd play Catan you know how people laugh at you when you try to offer sheep for a trade yeah no one likes it but it's pretty clearly the third best resource in the game well your mark correctly lamenting the spot he's been put in yeah fourth position super great on this board I mean you gotta get on the wheat for sure I might see a coast settlement this early which is always rough especially for the one he's like he would have to look at it has no port right so it'd just be two numbers it's not a great start yeah but you might have to take it just for that works yeah that's pretty nice let's move the way playing up to the camera yeah so in this situation when players are settling in a high level tournament like this you can pretty much take as long as you want there's no I mean you can always call the clock on players and then a judge will come over but it's it's generally accepted especially when stakes is high and the stake for this game is a spot at Worlds a trip to Norway and you can take as long as you should take longer than that even yeah it's not this is not a long term for now we know where he wanted to go now you can stop at three nine eleven four three six eleven say six Robin pretty solid I mean he's got to take somewhere yeah absolutely get on the way you can't leave that open them through the middle of the board open like that you hear mark here already playing up that he's in last place before the game even starts and not liking his eyes yeah but he goes good placement here you start with a road it doesn't look like he's gonna be racing anyone but he can get to that sheet port on the six very quickly a lot of people that it was maybe started in stone you know gonna have trouble expanding so you know yeah take it with a grain of salt so he takes his second settlement to get the road to start we of course you have to do you're committed you're committed alright so now we're back to the third player and he's kind of in a sense he's pigeon-holed himself but you're not taking cheap early right you you almost can't rely on that six five still being there and of these settlements so I mean I expect a middle settlement of the a tweet and some sheep but he said he's he's decided to start with the road as well um this two sheep is just not gonna be enough for him no but he does sir with the road maybe he'll go inward and try to get to three to eight or something like that gets more sheep yeah he's hoping that six five is gonna West yeah and oh yeah yeah there's only two settlements left so right yeah he's one Road away from the 65 on the on the border there that makes sense again I think the road here has to go to the wheat port at the 8-9 if he does build this road here it's unlikely that I'll get cut off both ways but it's pretty decent position to be in yes pretty much he should be able to expand to a very profitable settlement pretty quickly okay so that's towards the airport which if he does get on the five early early he's starting with a road and the sheep which is it's good but if you can get to that five early double up on that and then we'll see if he can stand leave me with much actually has plenty to settle to go most of the board open you hear the players talking Simon had first choice of her position and that doesn't know pretty much how well you do throughout the time decides which they pick their settlements hmm so sorry but had the decision and she chose Perez oh yeah she goes for the brick and wheat in the top left yes okay she chose second by the way members but she completes her and ignores stone entirely which you you almost have to do in this type of scenario she went for good pips and she continued that guy got good numbers got good pips and I mean she's gonna be producing a lot and if she can settle I feel like I'm saying this about everyone about settling early but people are depending on their expansions on this board I'll just say that much I mean she's obviously she has no stone spots so if she can get a couple settlements down and be able to work toward some courts she's already on the on the wheat port which is good yeah so that's very doubling up on the five would be really good for her or doubling up eventually on the nine but she yes she needs an alternate way to get stone in the lake but she probably as its nan she is the best early game get out there yes she should be able to expand pretty early on so here's a transparent about his options he's either going for the six five which we talked about being gone by the end of these settlements e or right in the middle of the board and there it is his 6iv wraps it up so that uh that almost the terribly handsome strings on this is why if you're the players you take the yes now yeah he's almost completely cut off from cheap yeah it's gonna be very tough especially without being able to get development cards with the wheat and or focus that he has everyone takes a picture I get a translator this is a very common thing exact people like to analyze their first settlements after the games and with seven for the first rule that always slows things down and it really a few people started with a road a couple people and if he steals half of that road from them right now it's it's it's so bad it's a big deal there's another tactic a lot of players usually use which I don't really agree with which is they decide even or out or high-low to see who to steal from there's always something that can affect who you want to steal from whether it be positions or what how many resources someone has but even this early in the game you should be able to decide what was the advantage over you or who has the best spots and steal from them but to each their own yeah I mean it's a chance kill game so another seven very early on for two sometimes like this indeed I think when when a game starts with a couple sevens like this it really it really hurts the people that don't have we're depending on a small amount of resources that they started with right carrying them forward into the late game I mean specifically the blue player here yeah yes that one sheep yes if that were to be stolen I mean that would he just rolled a seven but yeah I mean so when you settle on stuff like the two sheep or the 11 or sorry the 12 would you sometimes depend on that wooden being your first wood for your settlement and if they get stolen from you could really I mean it could be four turns around before you recover from that right all right first row down for John whose road it looks he's going the long way going to the yeah the eight eleven twelve yeah the the middle of the board is too good to be this open right now I think that building a road towards it is the correct play it's probably what I would do considering he it in my opinion he should have built his stop erode down instead of towards the stone fort the stone ports not gonna really help him too much now that just cut off in the sixty five right so now he has to go the long way around but it's still the correct direction right you you see Joseph he's down to one card here he hasn't built anything which means he's gotten stolen twice out of the first degree yes sevens which is very rough yeah it's a heavy loss and I doubt another seven so four sevens in the first what six rules yeah at least he was able to get one resource back here in three we all know sevens the most common role but that's still still in like very on language so another seven was that five seventh out of seven oh seven ghosts it's way too many sevens see when when you're not getting new resources into the into the general bank even when people are stealing it's gonna slow the game all the way down here's about saying exactly that initial groups that's definitely the spot to block yeah thoughts LuAnn read on a very valuable so if you look at read settlements here it's so obvious that he's going through a development card type strategy and his spots are actually really great they're super peered yeah it's just sheep bleat or you know a lot of people are scared of playing without all five resources but if you're gonna go development cards going to so John just bought us the only guard the first one on the game try to track that and see which card it is that's interesting because you wouldn't really expect John to spend the one sheep he had on the development that's true yeah considering it's gonna be really difficult yeah alright the six is rollin early there's been a couple of them yeah I'm assuming John has to trade for sheep now yeah he ever wants us at all yeah what were you willing to give for the brick what are you looking for I might have what you're looking for actually what do you think I'm good for break survived builds a road out of it my guess is she's gonna try to blow up on the wheat here yeah we're going down yeah there's a great road boom that's good she gets that double five early she'll be able to buy cards she'll be able to city it'll be really powerful for her second part as well yes and now we have a long oh way he did play the nights already already flipped it I see so first part of the game and tonight that's it should be a night that's that's good statistical that's great yep see where John goes it looks like he's thrown straight from sorry oh I mean hunter would super surprised by yes but I again I don't know if that would specifically that 10 board is that valuable to you oh wait I'm sorry I didn't see that mark was also on there so he stole from mark okay it was walking two people I understand the biking shape sorry in the early game it's always best to uh nobody to block ass the early game resources which are women great yeah very uncommon thing to have an internet like he passed the dice before rolling up and it was ruled that that means you gave up return play any cards yeah it's another seven and then he just moved it back and install so if you see you there this is a common mistake that people making tournament play John got stolen from and just straight up gave him one of his two cards yeah which pretty much just tells mark which other of the two cards in it so it was both brick right he gave him a brick and it's obvious that they're both worth no not information that you are forced to give away markets the first settlement of it's almost a completely useless settlement 911 we're doubling up on the brick and then getting a nine wood here he is a 10 wood I don't know how many Road TV is gonna be building with nine ten eleven you know so I'm not uh I'm not too fond of that uh I mean now he gets three brick on eleven if it ever rolls but I'm not too fond of that first settlement you want your first settlement to be more impactful than I'm able to get to a port or forget to its large producing numbers maybe for the latter you see the players already hating on how many 17 well just like you know like over and over like I just I feel bad sorry man okay well on the positive side we didn't block a big number for all you need is brick yeah see and that's what happens most of the players probably were aware that the second card was a brick anyways but the fact that he revealed that it was only a brick left-handed skills from and she settles on the double five so really I mean that's such a more impactful settling yes Denmark settle because now she is to weed on a5 a highly frequent number that rolls that hits quite often and there's a five right there immediately paid off for it and she's gonna be able to use the Wii port to make that whatever car she needs it to be so in this situation normally you'd feel a little bleak when you're producing this hutch we work with a weak board you can trade it in for at any point yeah she seems to be doing well with settlements like that it seems to when you just go for good numbers and in high resource production that seems we usually jump off to a pretty good start yep ooh first card for survive she uses her weight port to trade to first stone already seeing advantages from that Wow okay so John gets his two sheep that he already spent and see it's not giving any more wheat mm-hmm you have any bricks that you are looking for somewhere to go with no does anybody have a brick that they could afford - I'll trade you for a wood but I don't have brick I've got wheat cheap and wrong how many sheep for a would have you do one I don't have many codes I'd like to help you so it was alright so there you have mark honestly convincing go straight in just by that disparaging sheep yes you can only give me one sheep when like sheep has got where it coming on this board and it's actually really like Joseph on that first sheep is not that great just got nothing to immediately help me garbage obviously affect the board almost immediately so so here's another sentence for service receiver she this is really good for her that she's had these many seven rules that she could roll or she has control of because she bought a card last turn but she had to spend three week to get it and she's not gonna be able to do that all the time it's tough if you're getting blocked especially if you get out to an early settlement like she did it's tough sometimes to control the board if you're not being able a to the robber at all so the fact that she's rolled couple sevens here in the early game and is able to block her opponents while also building up like a bit of a defense by having a card for herself if she ever does get locked it's really good for ya cuz in this situation you can't be certain that it's not a knight she has under there yeah because it was on blue so exactly she didn't have to play the night before she rolled yes and then and now she really cuts off yes from any or mmm I mean significant intimacy yeah it still is the five in the corner but yeah that that is mostly Joseph's plan is stockpiling or dangerous for him and here's another use of the weep words very very one Billa Road yep see where she goes I think she's probably gonna head towards the or up on towards to the 4 to the 5 I was alright to the five say yeah try to race oh my god okay I understand that so the red player here has no access to wood or brick and the only way serve it is gonna lose this race is if that is already your honey or Road bill yes going down yeah nods of that are pretty low yeah so I like it especially having no or saying a race is always risky but he does have a pre 11 Wow so there's three break for remark there what do you know what would you offer for one brick and that's that thirty generous that's pretty generous but you know what I don't see it very often I don't think I can trade it at this juncture sitting that two points just just offer me and in horn it's almost decidedly a mistake he's getting blinded by the fact that he wanted to do anything and is the trap he can easily pull out he's trying to win the race yeah [Music] honestly think mark yeah for him yeah that's really good needs get three or so it's not five cards well especially because you can see Joseph stand to you and trading those away like almost negates the value of him giving a development time yes and it's no matter what way you look at it evolving card is better than the trading in some mark only gets brick on Elevens and he's really valuing it very very highly it's clear that he probably wants to get longest word in the end he already has four roads on board and it is really good the spot he's going to yes to devil up on that a tweet would be very nice a 230 yen to be fair though he doesn't have any ports it's very tough even even with that amount of resource production he would not really be able to City conserve it buys another element card that puts everything pretty decidedly in the lead another limb that are three more brick three more break from mark that's that's a pretty big swing let's see if he's nice to trade at the center on I mean at this juncture I'm not actually looking so much for or you got you got wheat in the Sheep what have you got I can do a wheat I'm sorry Wow sir Marcus value let's break very highly here yeah especially considering there's an eighth pretty common boy yep and I think sarva might be the smartest here she seems to be buying cards and is waiting for that brick to roll right you know I mean I didn't worry about yeah not panicking and overvaluing yet so there's a wood for here for mark so I mean should be able to settle does anybody have the tip he's just one and you have a week know so well I do but I'd like to help tell you what tell you what Oh eating the sheep for two bricks these are freaking rare man a wheat am I trying to convince the table with an apron on the boy that because it hasn't rolled yet doesn't mean it's rare it's certainly not meant for this brother oh he talks him into it okay so he gets a witness sheep he's gonna settle off settle right in the middle of the board on the a3 - it might not seem important but it cuts a lot of people off it limits other people's expansion abilities and it almost guarantees as long as they're now which is quite good yeah it's very good for him but but yeah yeah you have to worry about waking here absolutely he is start worrying about sitiing now as soon as he settled over he has to start worrying about studying right now I mean when you hear him say oh I'm not looking for or right now he should be looking for any Goods the AIDS just like we're talking about you comes to brick for everyone now all of a sudden Joseph's gonna be like oh now shouldn't giving up that much yeah I think you're correct yep he's gonna be looking at his hand I don't even know if he can build anything right now looks like he didn't [Music] so she bought she seized from mark that's good Pete's keys there's amount of production so far as going to him as far as roads and settlements yep yeah tied at one night each yes started still has available Road and a settlement and she'd Road settled Wow and she wins the race immediately kind of traded for those two group looking to win that race yeah now she just immediately takes it from home and gets me bleep for him he's almost he's cut off hard obviously going up to the three one four for the six stone frame it's really good but he needed both of those spots the five the five four and six Porter right through a wood all right so that's another classic scenario where mark is clearly ahead and Shaun offers up a trade and just ignores mark morning except it takes it from Jessica instead you always have the right to ignore people yes definitely but you should probably say now do you want to make any enemy enemies out here so it looks like a city coming in here from challenged but yeah he's already got laid out on the board I see yeah very nice for him having us to do this early he still needs to get to that a tweet I would hope yeah that settlements really important but eight eleven twelve so yeah but he can get city than ninety five twelve yes got it wrote as well in a room that's a great turnout yeah City in a row again mm-hmm if you can ever do two things in one turn you should yeah it's a pretty great it's almost always correct I mean you want to have big swing turns in this game especially when you start getting them into the waiter development cards right so the thing about that less trade too if Joseph hadn't taken it Jean we probably would have traded mark so just Maisie yes so maybe Joseph accepted that trade so that Marcus wouldn't get it to slow him down a little bit but all the intentions on Marcin sarbat even with him with the card down so she's actually pretty clearly in yet she had the biggest turn this last fair enough all right there's marks first night okay mark boys a night see where he moves a Robert she's nian sarva should be the five oranges looking pretty good and gentlemen their games good luck it's nothing personal oh it's part of the game another love it alright be more brick here for mark so sad so since mark so passionately describe how a rare brick was on the board it's been the most common it's been flooded with Rick in pretty soon yeah as you can see he's trying to get rid of a mouth admits he still has the two he traded for a week and a sheep yes which is very very well used that we didn't sheep now I can tell ya get a card kid okay so that's a for you for one would trader that's what happens when you have no ports in this scenario yeah I mean it's not anything too crazy cuz he gets double wheat on the date here but this road I mean he's trying to get to a port he secures along as in that turn right yeah he needs to get to that one for this quick as possible I want to try to city before right it's a big resource with us try to get right instead of treating the port for one would time went on the board would like it eventually both yeah not be should it taking stone saver absolutely yes it again can't buy anything which puts him super or or get the sheep for sarbat we'll probably see another development out here looks like she's deliberating about something she says one guard down she could play it this time that's true and she oh okay so she buys one but more importantly she did not play a knight and her double five is blocked right so that's the most important spot from here on the board you know it's not a knight yeah so now something so now we know she has two cards that one of them is for sure now tonight the other one is likely a knight the one she just pulled but we'll see next turn if she moves it off her response if somebody passes with their spots still blocked or rolls before they could before they play a knight to move it you can almost guarantee it's not a knight right I mean in that in that scenario for sure yeah it's a most important spot absolutely here's a settlement for John that's very good for him getting on the eight-week but he needs to start worrying about his own ports though it's true and it looks like it's just a wood port up top which isn't too great for this twelve and four all right I mean you gotta take it ya know it's a snowboard out there right on the floor another seven so here comes a tough spot it's pretty obvious that uh that mark hasn't most points he is he is along this road he is four settlements I mean he has six points but in reality sarva is clearly in the lead here she has one card that you know is in a night she has a night played when anybody else on the board only has one night played so she's already ahead in that manner because she has a card down that could be a night so with her four points and her lead largest army as well as a card that isn't a night which is which means it's more powerful than a night most cards are in this stage of the game I have to point out marks laser focus on brick this game yeah then again blocks the brick although I don't think anyone is really trying to build roads now except for him yes he's got the five longest and I feel like it'll remain five long is for a long time yeah he's got six maybe yes six is right here that's good that's what I thought he was there and again if you say those are it's really good for the three for one don't get me wrong but he needs to start focusing and as soon as possible right does it within another pass that's man let's wait to he'll spot alright so she pulled a night that turn the card down is still a mystery and you got to be worried about the monopoly yeah he could be a victory point oh it's all bad everything but a night is really good yeah she could be saving a road bill to try to cut another person off I know she already succeeded in cutting Joseph up earlier but maybe she could go up to the 8th and cut off a sigh actually great I actually love this play here John yeah I mean you could block a tweet in the middle of the mark yeah but it's actually kind of I like it just because that's the main source of the sheep for both Joseph and mark yeah they need sheep right right it's the bottom line everyone in this board needs to eat in there pretty desperate for sheep oh what a block see immediately here just to say I needed that shape seven and he is correct he did he didn't need that sheep so bad and I hate going back to it but he traded one for this brick earlier in the game he really traded that and for that break earlier right it's really coming back to bite him unfortunately that's to eat here from mark you can assume that he'll get his settlement down pretty soon I mean it's rough without having this sheep here I mean you might see a fourth one but with that settlement okay there's the road mark has pretty much maxed out yeah he said was on his three one yeah then he really obviously has to worry about sitiing but I think he should already been worrying yeah ten hits more wood for him because now he's behind pace on a night so he can't go for largest army very easily no maybe he doesn't have the work for it any minutes now and so here he would hope that he just doesn't have she yeah I don't think it's gonna happen he's asking for it right now yeah with it with the six blocks it's tough for him so now he can't even settle to get to the thirty one point to start worrying about the city which he already should have been worrying about [Music] now he's trying to get what eight so he can for everyone who's weekend to get this enemy no one wants to trade with him certainly has the most points on the work and he passed with like a pretty full hand like that it's almost never a good time for it's not good 7 so Charlotte hits a sheep honest or and that's actually so valuable see she knows that if he trades it to Oregon or or to or could just launch her straight into a city right here we annoy you don't want wait to are what what are you looking for Wow - or there so this is the situation justified to session Oh actually was here plenty huh Oh your aplenty that's what he was sitting on this whole thing makes sense so it's a roadside okay so he plays dear bunny in order to road settle just to get a point on the board oh no it's a real pit road building out here once road build and he gets to the sixth floor Wow cuts off John really and its really good for just I mean that's his first place it might be too little too late we'll see he also gave up a tombstone to do it which is it's really gonna be tough we'll see what Starbuck can do with that - she just gets another wheat I mean it's at least a developing tired but if not a city and I think it's probably two or is just so very well again so I mean from a basic what servant is at four points in marks at six but really I mean she's got two nights down she's only one development I'd away from getting misses and she just has better late-game DUI be trading the leader of the game like that basically TIA city yeah yeah it's it's really valuable and it's a lot for just to give up just to be able to cut off Shawn here because John's not even in first or second that's very true and he really strongly job there because now he has no ports to get probably to what really trying to left on March teens what kept trying to get a she she just realizes her second port will be wheat or Wow was this a roundabout way to a city but a city nonetheless that's what happens I mean if you trade someone to already have to a small okay so she city's up there which so the reason you do this is instead of sitting on the five to get triple wheat is to diversify your wheat production so if you are blocked on the five which would become the obvious box block now she can still double up on the nine and she still has it you know right but I still disagree with this just because her four sheep was down there yeah she'd be so scarce on this merger getting two instead of one is a huge difference personally I would have said I would have sitting down there yeah you might think it's it's a viable decision for sure but I mean especially with the brick-like she has no use for their yeah she shouldn't know the road for the rest of the game no it should be all cities yeah John unfortunately has to go to another Road yeah yeah it's pretty rough in your face on it without having import it's just very difficult going into late-game you need to be able to bow see here's a four and with these two sheep sarva could have taken complete control of the game but is still really one sheep this is this is what we were talking about it to start of the game people like to disparage sheep they say it's useless but in a game like this it's so powerful it's super powerful in this favour um the six is still blocked but it's been multiple turns around and you can see the effect it's having on everyone and marketing first sheep for wheat for a sheep and that just goes to tell you everyone should always say that we is a more powerful resource than she'd because it is right in this scenario it's not and if you're marking this situation yes it's good to get the three for one but yeah so thing yeah but you have a six year you know it's gonna get open eventually we have no or you should have been trading that for - uncle and he is a knight played he should have got a D card with that if anything not settled I'm tried to be able to get it off the SEC so we just get more sheep you know cuz now he's just pigeon holed into he can't settle anymore he has a three for one but he's not producing sheep mmm and how was he gonna get cards in order to get off of his spot yeah he needs to be four largest and he needs to get the robber off his father and he's not right oh boy here we go huge turn there's a monopoly by service it's huge not pre-owned or monopoly on or and she just City last night - oh no it's a lot there from John oh this is a big swing turn okay there's at least one city and she's still reaching for more I mean she has a sheeps is kinda doesn't that you a five-year-old and there's a lot of people on the five on the fluffy the five producing or you can see she is immediately snap pound two cities two cities oh my goodness two cities one turn I was just mentioning how big swing turns we can do two things what along two cities oh my goodness huge launch and she's one night away from being more disarming she's already at seven the one card that she'd been sitting on was monopoly and she used it to incredible yeah that's amazing I mean pretty much in this situation you get to see how valuable having multiple ports are so Sabra has the trick board the Wii port and at three for one pretty much she can which the right resources she can buy anything she's got three cities on the on the board now she's gonna get those resources right you know now she's producing everywhere right and it's gonna be tough for anyone to be this is perhaps the perfect example of two people being at seven points but being in support yes absolutely three points compared to one John finally gets the settlement down he should also be buying cards everybody in the game should be buying cards right they should realize that the writings almost on the wall here I mean it's still on the six the Roberts still on the cell we needed a card five turns go to try to try to change the basis okay seven was huge so I read notion is don't America Lee she's well in the week I mean you can't quite get a two city turn and expect nothing to be stolen right it does it doesn't really matter what point of the game around you have to really just like applaud the patient I'm sorry about there though waiting outer monopoly was her first cut second card second development country but she's been holding onto it all game waiting waiting waiting to get a solid amount of ore I mean every pretty much when you have a monopoly you want to get to victory points out of it to cities is the best way to get those points continue resource production yep you gotta shoot what are you gonna get still the only one at the table with sheep if I did they probably lose this marks still trying to trade for some cleansing [Music] okay well one road and this is the issue that you run into playing for longer sort of like Marquez this game he builds two more roads which locks it down but they're going nowhere I mean those are roads nowhere even if he could live even if he had a settlement left it is a five on the board he can't settle there so it's almost wasted resources at this point he was needed to buy a card there instead he traded his wouldn't get more roads and that's not here's a nine four seven see what you want to do and see because she has a diversification of wheat spots she's able to get the nine she's probably gonna be able to buy a card that's fair and honestly doesn't she have the brick board as well here we go yep there's the card in this foot this all but locks it is largest army for her next only choices song no they're not Wow another nine amp so much weed on the board right now so it's almost impossible at this point for like to actually get a city and break out of this seven point limit or catch up on largest army right it's just too late they should have been trying to do this a long time ago and they haven't all right well if Mark and John still only have really high up and they should have gotten at least another one sure side challenge the pace sure sort of ice block right now it's gonna play the night next turn she's gonna be at nine with all the reports and all of our production Road settle or a city that shouldn't even be hard to make right she only has one card right now but we'll see how that turns go right and you can see what you guys are a bottom of the board she's only one row away from Rotato exactly yeah so we do have a treatment is it bad that I really want might be a little mean how to solve it especially when you're this far in the lead yes but but mark has a lot of cards most hand marks still putting the diplomat this late in the game trying to help you out I've gotten to know you a little bit that's why I traded you yes as he's benefiting massively from these trades yes clearly in second so I'm trying to figure out a way forward here it's very difficult I mean he's just got to get development parts and it doesn't look like he's gonna do it I don't think tomorrow's stoning roads he's trying to connect along the longest challenge dongers okay yeah I mean in his position he has the city down that's probably the best you can do right but again nobody's even looking at the night yeah somebody please look at the night yeah I mean somebody probably has it this turn already yeah largest but you need Robert control in order to stop that blasted okay that three more brick there from mark see if he can use it differently this time he's probably just no life not long ago though at this point yes as soon as somebody threatens it the instinct is to build more roads and he does it's incorrect though it's he's it three four one he could trade those three break anything for anything and he just builds two more roads instead and he has to fast he's gonna stay at seven if he plays like that you know it's like sure you might lose it fall down to five but that's not a joke he had a lot of cards a lot of heads and we spent three words we if he didn't have a full city it looked like he probably got one yeah you could have a is another two wheat I believe that mean she has four-wheel and with a v4 so over this it could be over this thing Josef is gonna pass here and I think it might be boys the knife you please deal when you see the winning you're an to get a little giving think that happens to all of us oh wait sounds good for two would that all banana mario donger but I mean let's see then you should have played plays a Baroness that's game and then I'm gonna build a road road settle and she'll settle there you go cuz they're nine points away from me Oh Moses out with the road settle my polls of victory point on the western wall so he was at eight points yeah I didn't know if that was exactly the last term but he should have bought how we should have city got the guarantee yeah I wouldn't you all right I mean strongly played by Saba congrats to her she's gonna go to two worlds and Italy later on as well as the coton Americas Championship okay yes that's that's their next step she'll be representing Canada for the next year well played all around it's a good representation of how quickly games can swing you play one Monopoly you get two cities and it's just about over Congrats fist robot alright thanks guys see you in the next one
Channel: CATAN
Views: 779,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CATAN, Settlers of Catan, Tournament, Tabletop games, Board games
Id: L7t2CypaTME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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