Jaws - GameNight! Se7 Ep10 - How to Play and Playthrough

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This was yesterday. Have been a huge fan of the movie forever, and when they started explaining the rules, I knew I had to get it. Looked up Target's website and saw my local store had copies. I get there, start combing the board game area, and can't find a single one. I start to go up front to get some assistance, and I reason, well, at least order it off the website, then they'll go grab it, wherever it is. I pull-over to the side of the aisle, so I'm not in anyone's way, pull my phone out, and bring up the site. That's when I see they only have 1 left in stock at the store. Well, no wonder I can't find it. Ok, so order it anyway, that way, if they can't find it, when they get new stock in, I still got it. I hit order, look up to start walking again, and it's sitting right in front of me on the end-cap display of the aisle I stopped in front of. sigh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scottishzombie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want this game so bad, but its only comes out in october in Germany, the waiting is killing me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chemistryboyzzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The second half looks too long for the double guessing and dice rolling fest it is.

That saved me some money.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/raged_norm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] tonight on game night Bruce Brody Hooper and you all know me you know how I make a living we're gonna play jaws a game for two to four players designed to buy Prospero Hall and published my Ravensburger the thing about a shark he's got lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's weight I can't hold it all right let's play hey Quint hiya chief will you teach us jaws the board game you can look at it for three okay but I'll teach you and you can play it for ten okay ten thousand all to myself can actually get the rules the bits the whole damn thing jaws is a board game in two acts it's the shark against the players in this case Nicki is the shark breed we are the players I'm gonna teach this game in two halves so I'm not gonna teach the second half of the game until we flip this board over to its other side which is the Orca after one takes place on the island and Act two takes place on board the boat here's how act one is basically going to work in act 1 there are going to be swimmers that come out to swim and Bruce is going to try to eat as many swimmers as you can and we are going to try to attach two barrels to the shark okay if we can the this part of the game will end and we'll go to the second part of the game if one of those two things happens if Bruce eats nine sewers then we flip to the other side and if we attach two barrels to the shark then we flip over to the other side regardless of which one ends the game where this tracker is is going to dictate how many shark ability cards that you will have when we flip over and how many crew we will have so as you can see the more swimmers you eat the better it gets for you in the second part of the game and the worse it gets for us okay all right so you want to eat as many summers as you can all right and all this stuff over here is stuff we don't need until we flip the game over and all we need for this are these cards set the board is divided up in to these sections that either have a number and a letter on them they're numbered one through eight one two three four eight seven five six and these beaches the north and the south beach in the east and the west beach sorry this is weird I hope every turn we're going to flip over one of these event cards and the event card will have a little action which will read and and and deal with and then this shows where swimmers show up so two swimmers each letter is a swimmer so two swimmers will show up at the North Beach one at the South Beach and two at the West Beach so we read the event will do the swimmers we're done with this card now Nikki as the shark plans for move she before we flip this card over you will have decided a space that you're starting in okay okay it could be any of the eight numbers or the four letters that I've just said and you're gonna write that here your little location thing so that's where you start then we'll do in a card and then you will take your turn your turn consists of spending three actions all right you have just basically two actions that you can do but you have three three and any water you want you can either move one space you can do that all three times if you want or you can eat a swimmer once we're only okay all right so you're going to decide you're gonna write down in your little score sheet here and you have a little handy map there to help you you're gonna write here and turn one if you move to a space from where you are you're gonna write that space down there okay if you eat one or two swimmers you're gonna write on these little beach letters like if you eat one of the tour in the West Beach you'll put like a little one there to indicate meeting the swimmer and maybe you move again maybe you you come in you need to swim or you leave or maybe you started there and then you're gonna move and if you move again you're gonna write that here the order in which you do these things as you write them down doesn't matter this is just to show you that you spent your three actions and also to let you know on the next turn where you are okay right you are going to be at whatever the furthest location number you've written down right if you certain down to then you'll be at the second line regardless of if you've eaten in between alright so you'll do that in secret and you might use one of these tokens these little power tokens for you that I will explain later I'm gonna come back to them okay but once you do that you will then announce to us if any swimmers have been eaten and you will eat them so if you did say eat a swimmer at the North Beach you'll go hey I ate one of these swimmers and this swimmer which will be on the board will then come off the board okay and you will say yeah you just remember and you would put your little thing up by one can I put him in my my yes in my jaws yes you can actually eat him if you want okay then it is our turn okay we all have four actions and we can there's no player order as to which of us goes first but when it is one of our turns we have to do all four of our actions so you take your turn in its entirety but the order is up to us alright so let's start with you Lincoln the first thing you have is a move of space correct okay so you are always on land great Cooper and I are in the water the whole first part we're just gonna we're gonna be in these boats and we never get out of the boats okay so you can move around on land again adjacent space I already explained so Nikki as far as movement for you as well a Jason is always orthogonal so if you're here in the South Beach an adjacency is here or here or here but you can't go Dagon lead to three but note that if you start let's say you're in for for is adjacent to to just line it goes all the way around okay but it's not adjacent to seven because again no diagonal right same thing for you Lincoln you can move one space around on the board what's the second thing under thing rescue once for there yes so if you are in a space where swimmers are you can rescue them by also taking them off the board so that they're not there for Nikki to eat right alright you can pick up what does it say pick up one arrow so if you go to the shop in the middle you can pick up a barrel and you're gonna put it next to your board to indicate that you are now carrying that barrel and I believe you are allowed to carry as many barrels as you want hmm and then tough yep so the next thing you can do is you can pick up a barrel right to do that you must physically be in the space where the barrels are you can only pick up one and it goes next to your board like I have to here to indicate you are carrying a barrel and as you might suspect barrel is big and heavy you can only carry one of these at a time which takes us to your next action which is drop one right yeah so if you're at a dock you can drop a barrel am I putting it right here in the dock space all right and then the last thing you can do is you can lose two more things so you can close a beach right will use binoculars okay so you can use your binoculars only once per turn so if you are at a beach area and a beach area only you can decide you're going to use your binoculars to do that you drop them on the beach area that you're at and if Nicky is in that exact space if she's at South Beach run each other's binoculars she shows up I'm here alright and that's all that happens either we just find out that that's where Nikki is but you like chop on you or anything like that I thought I was Bruce Bruce you hear that once per turn right right and then the other thing you can do once per turn is you can close a beach speech you must either be MDPD or the mayor's office and the beach that you want to close must have no swimmers no so let's say you're here and you're like I'm gonna close South Beach so you put the beach closed and now next time an event card comes up that puts swimmers in South Beach and regardless of how many swimmers no swimmers go there instead this gets flipped over and the next time swimmers go to South Beach and it's this goes away right okay while it's here if you want you can on a future turn decide to close the East Beach which means you're pulling it from here and moving it to there oh so you are not you don't have to wait fully for you to get this back though I suspect you probably will right depending on because it narrows the field but there might be strategic reasons to pull it in the middle of its use all right so that's everything that you can do uber you are in a boat and you get to move two spaces because you're in a speedboat so if you for one action yes you look like we got a quote ready to go no for what accident you can essentially move to when you can adjacency rule is no diagonal all right the second thing you can do is your rescue swimmer the same as Brody Yeah right you can I can pick up any or all barrels from the water or a dock right so if there are barrels in the water which is one of my abilities I can drop barrels in the water and let's plan that but you can pick them all up to do that you must be in that space of course and then I can give all the barrels to you Quint you need to be we both need to be in the same space for you to do that that's the way to get more barrels to me and then the last thing is you can use your fish finder right my fish finder this allows me to look for finish so you're gonna drop the fish finder in the space that you're at unlike the binoculars for Lincoln you can be anywhere on the board to use the finder doesn't matter what space you're at and when Brody uses his fish finder if you are in that space like binoculars you show up ah however ours near the fish fighters got a better reach if you are not in that space but you are in an adjacent space so here that's adjacent to that by this line or here or here or here but again not here you you don't show up and you don't tell us where you are but you say I am nearby okay so that means we know you were in one space adjacent to the fish line okay and again you can only do that once per turn correct those are all of your abilities my abilities are of course I can move one space I'm in a slower boat than you I can rescue a swimmer I can pick up any or all barrels from the water or from the dock or from your boat the last thing I can do is I can launch a barrel alright what we're trying to do is attach them to Bruce so let's I can launch the barrel to where I am or in adjacent area so let's say I launch a barrel here in area 4 so if you were there when I did that mm-hmm you have to let us know and then this barrel attaches to you okay and there's nothing you can do to get rid of it sure and therefore I put my total you can if you want you can if you want but we know you're there okay but if you're not there then nothing happens if I launch this barrel and look at you and you come look what are you looking at me for and so now the barrel stays but okay there's an advantage to the barrel staying there for us as well though because let's see it's now turned to and let's see you started here yeah and there's all kinds of exciting food over here in the ass Beach so you want to get to the east beach so let's say you went 1 2 3 and you and you ate a bunch swimmers with one of these tokens that are having gotten to Yemen let's say there's a reason for you to go there okay when you are done with your turn in addition to announcing hey summers are gone here you also have to go you have to kind of trigger this barrel to say I moved through this base ok doesn't mean we know where you are and you don't have to do that in the order that you did it if those were out for example you could say hey move these two okay you don't say I did this one and then this one right oh okay you don't have to give us your path you just have to know that there was movement on these okay so even if we miss it helps us sort of get a barrel indicator and also it gets us potentially turn around now let's come back to these since I sort of mentioned them you have four of these special power tokens you can use them once per game during this Amity Island part of the game so when we flip the board you won't need to use these anymore so you should probably try to use all four of them you can use whichever one of these four you want you don't have to tell us which one of them you're using but when you use one you do have to tell us you're using one yeah and these are going to do that as just put it here right basically say hey this is I use this all right so here are the four things that they do the first is feeding frenzy and you you Circle it on your little thing here to indicate it's used but it'll be out of the game anyway so so for one action you can eat all the swimmers at a beach instead of just one okay so there's a lot of service somewhere it might be worth it to even get a barrel attached yeah if you can get five summers and bump that up by five that might be worth it alright speed burst which is once per round you may move up to three spaces with one move okay so it's basically a plus two - your move cool all right but only once not you can still move in addition to that at regular speed but all right out of sight so if you played this you are invisible to both the fish finder and the binoculars for that round and again when Lincoln uses the binoculars if you're there you just don't show up you just go nope you don't say while I'm there but I use this token Yeah right we're not supposed to know and the same thing with the fish finder if he uses the fish finder here and you're there or nearby you don't have to say I'm nearby okay you just basically go nope all right go fish obviously go fish all right and then last but not least evasive moves mean that you don't trigger these barrels which is to say you could move from here to here and not go wiggle-wiggle-wiggle because I'm going so that allows you to hide your movement for us again once per turn and again you have these only ones okay that's pretty much everything for this round again when I said when because it probably feel like it's gonna happen okay yeah when Nikki eats nine swimmers or we get to nine that ends the round or if we can attach the two barrels then the round ends and wherever you are takes us to the next thing and when we flip the board I'll explain all of that then okay because there's a lot of stuff don't don't you have a son that's on the island I do the special little the special swimmer right here he only comes up if one of the cards brings him out and as you can tell he's worth to two swimmers to to the shark yeah yeah you need to pick a start space for yourself sure yep all right here we go first event holiday roasts the Ducks are under repair barrels cannot be dropped or picked up from either dock this round okay that's section in a bad event to get out of the way yeah who's Charlie we better catch something this is my wife's holiday roast now that's where they have the they have the the thing stuck in the water this it's a guys thank you guys on the pier trying to catch it for the money well that's Charlie all right uh North Beach East Beach - West - at the west all right Nikki thank you I'm so silly alright so now we wait for you to take your three moves take your cleaner three actions okay and maybe you don't eat swimmers at all maybe you do don't forget you are allowed to play one of these as well in addition to your thing okay read it yeah okay did you eat any swimmers Oh where and how many one which beach north all right so that's where I've gone oops Hooper's in the water eat him well he's got scared Hooper's in the water caves in the water all right so this goes up by one okay all right well what do we think well we think the shirt well we know the shark was here maybe the shark is still here maybe we could do want me to go over there and by knock it possibly pop what you could pick up a barrel on your way through and have it one two three four sure when I'm are you there no all right so she's either moved away from there or she's played the token that allows her to hide from us and she is there but seems like she probably once per round what's around this is around okay so that I can use it the next time it's mine yes and you can take him back now if I don't get your turns over cuz your actions are done anyway right I could potentially use out use the fish finder out here ooh I like it and then that would eliminate either of the two sides yeah the potential of being in the dog okay I have a total of four actions move use the fish finder because you get to move twice when you move oh I do don't I yeah oh absolutely yeah keep forgetting about that but cuz you know I'm reading to keep forgetting is your first turn well yes I could try just in case Bruce is heading over to the east beach so what else this is one movement okay action two will be this fishfinder well actually so you stop there new stuff they're gonna stop right now do this we get to it shall we get the results for this right in our nope so you're not there no and you're not nearby correct you're not here or here or here or here nope okay all right so again she could be there and just hiding from us I'm still willing to move to the east beach so this is your third action you get to movement well I think she might be over the heading south well I'm going that way I'm gonna go that way are you gonna do that well there's if if we believe that she's not hiding from us it makes sense for me to go that way right are you do all you think you want to say this instead like it's only one doesn't doesn't get juicy but I could only save one here anyway also I think the empty beaches are ultimately better for us because with three empty beaches it gives Brody a chance to close one for an action and block it for two turns right that might be worth it especially since he can't pick another barrel up an external one choose my third action and saving that swimmer alright so I am gonna go one I'm dropping a barrel chief are you here no no all right that's one too well three I might as well just end my turn here I think in case there's some swimmers left to save alright okay end of that round end of that round alright flip a MIDI event on the next round here we go Ben Gardner's boat ooh now if the shark moves through a space with a boat oh they may knock the boat's captain into the water the captain must spend two actions to get back in his boat oh here you go this is your quote he was Ben Gardner's boat it was all chewed up it was cheap Brody said that no I probably should have been in that space two swimmers in the North once or in the south and Yipes - in the West oh and by the way this token is be sure to move if versus to move through here you'd fall in yes my being in that space obviously I don't know what the event cards are that's not good for us alright plan your move okay yeah they're all gonna die maybe maybe probably uh okay but she only has three actions I know if she uses that to eat all those swimmers then that means she's not using the move faster way or the hide from us she can also be there yeah she can't eat all of these with she uses the card to eat all of these as an action okay instead of sure sure instead of one eating them all still is in action okay but that's the card says that the cards are right independent of action unless they say it correct like the movement thing was none of the cards cost in action they just augment an action she's already doing or in the case of the hiding thing just hides stuff from us okay you did yeah did you use one of these no no did you eat any swimmers no did you trigger this no did you knock either of us off our votes you couldn't do that I don't think I could do that well if you go into the beach where we are you notice off so you didn't move through this space or this space nope okeydoke hmm let's do that for you which is too bad for me right I think I was eaten this seems like four even if you get a barrel it would seem like it'd be worth it but maybe she wasn't close enough to do it she only has three movement and maybe she used the runaway thing last time all right well I feel like I should save three swimmers or two in a barrel what do you think then I'm gonna do something right I guess you should probably drop that barrel that you have right and maybe close a beach sure the problem is there's not many beaches except for Rusty's that that's it well you can go last rusty can well he doesn't have to be in the water I mean you can say I am no I'm saying rusty can go one two and save this swimmer mmm-hmm or I could save these so he can go one two and save both of those swimmers and then I could do a fish finder from there for my fourth action then you could close any of those beaches that makes the most sense I like that and if I use the fish finder here we know that Bruce isn't here so maybe East Beach might be a better idea to close okay okay I'm with that well thought out mr. Hooper thank you take your turn wait Oh Jeff one two four movement just one action I'm saving for a second to action saving for a third reaction and then this brucey are you in the north are you in North Beach nope are you nearby nope okay I'm done I've done everything I can do well what do you think do I save three swimmers and drop one of these well don't we want to get them there I guess so right because remember the barrel I can go to an adjacent space doesn't have to be the space I'm in let's do that one two three I think you just go back here because I'm gonna need them and then I'm gonna drop a barrel here in three are you there nope okay well then well played because I'm baffled now one yeah drop a barrel here for you guys to pick up yeah two no three three and then close this beach which is the only one that's empty right no no this one's empty yeah one dude oh no you already did the figure under yeah okay okay and a turn right okay move it cut the wrong shark when I say cover I'm sure yeah move Brody and Hooper to the same dock of our choosing and the shark gets one extra action this round yeah alright so we put a summer in the south in the West and we can't put one in the East so this flips over right all right where do you guys want to go I think we should probably both go to the same dock with the barrel that way you can pick that up no it's Brodie it's you and Brody's not me Brodie Brodie and Hooper what do you mean oh that's what the visit of the car do you guys have to figure out you can go to here or you can go to here but you have to both go to the same dock why don't we both go over there that gives me a better chance of moving out sooner and then I'm going to be on this side because we know we know the Sharks not over here well but because the shark did shark gets an extra action this round hmm so the Sharks gonna be anywhere by the end of this turn yeah I don't know it for me it's ultimately not great there's two there's two this is valuable because it it I can use my by knocks this is viable because it moves you this side of the board this is valuable because it puts you where the barrel is if you want to try to get it to me but you're already there you're correct it I can take up the barrel as well so I think if you guys want to go over here that's as good as anything so we need to do that you have to the card wires us to do that Curtis if something at the bottom yeah yeah in fact it's you me hmm the kind of shark not the shark very nice okay your dad yes okeydoke did you eat any sores yes I did okay how many in from where - from South Beach is above gun okay everything up - did you trigger any of these no no all right all right okay now what well rusty he want to go someplace an easier fish detect or fish finder well we know she's not in four we don't know that well she might be if she might and using my fish finder I I could try it from here and that would give us the East Beach for South Beach this entire area here and did you were from here though right yeah these two right adjacent this and then that's it yeah that's just anybody's two and end in the space itself right if I moved out and did it that wouldn't impress the fish finder even helps us right I don't I don't have a barrel to use oh that's you have to get barrels I can I can go here and get one but it seems likely only Hooper can pick up the ones in the water no I can pick up barrels as well game cool but I don't know that I want to get rid of these right now sure no I think you should leave we have barrels placed but this one you can pick up right so yeah unless you guys talked me out of it I figured my move is gonna be save save move pick up go for it Jeremiah let me just do that save save move pick up I'm done all my actions are done and your boats on it's a dry dock thank you thank you well it does need some work sure does as we find later in the film in the game I you might as well use the fish I got nothing else to do right unless you want to pick up both of these barrels and bring them to me but I don't think so all right I think I think they're more useful out there I agree um I almost wanted to use the fishfinder around here then do it in case so I think it's movement that's one and then fishfinder are you there nope are you nearby nope alright that was it useful Matt you get you have two more actions what else we gonna do hmm you don't have to use them all by the way so you can figure out where you want to be at the beginning of your next turn why don't we try having me hang out at South Beach just in case okay anybody new shows up okay so that I can rescue the quickly so we'll go one two that's my third action and I don't need to do anything else not up to form that's those are my actions all right chief okay well we don't know what's going on here so we'll by knock in here you can only binoculars at a beach no that's a no it's a duck nobody knocking okay well one two three are you there no okay okay next event Mayer Vaughn steps in after placing swimmers remove all swimmers at any one Beach and close that beach hmm here read the mayor line the mayor Martin my kids are on that beach too oh I don't think we've had that feeding frenzy yet that cards a little too soon okay north north yep South South yep oh all the beaches east so this finally goes away and west all right we can remove all swimmers at any one beach and close that Beach does this just come back out yep I think independent of my action right yes which meant technically if if we if that were here would have to move right if it were still in effect somewhere else right because you can only close one beats at a time so north south which one north gives us the greatest risk we've to swimmers there so if we close the North Beach there's two here to you right you're closing the beach chief which one you want to close I don't know I really don't know I don't think it really matters oh it just pick one well we'll pick that we only have to empty the dudes out to do that yeah well okay we're doing it remove all swimmers in any one Beach and then close it yeah I know I don't I think it this is the one to do okay please go away Beach closed in the beach the boat should be in the water boat is in the water okay take your turn okay you I don't think you picked up your barrel from okay right now right one is super slow three four yeah this is a sumo wrestler it looks like a sumo wrestler this is the back end he's kept a little okay sort of see it okay I can start to see it okay I am ready to go and you used one of these I did it's right there all right and I've done what I came to do all right have you eaten anybody yes how many and where one at here okay so mark your thing up by one did you activate any of these no no nope man hmm fish fighter fish finder well she probably moved through here right no supposedly can't move too much though that's a lot of movement and if she ate it the West Beach that's one action yeah so the farthest away she could be is here here here right well she can't go like this you have to do this way cuz she didn't jiggle this and last oh yeah unless unless she's hiding from us with the hiding thing I like that Brody is like getting the barrels from the middle of the island and yeah why are you there why are you there that's the barrel manufacturer right there well it makes more sense for you to drop a barrel at the dock before I leave there mm-hmm yep I'm not there though yeah but what I'm saying is you should take your turn before mine sure whether Hooper goes next door not our one two three four or the binoculars maybe Nikki is just waiting for us right there you think so well yeah give me the cagey doesn't be right you can do it I mean just point I almost don't want to spend this river because I want to get to the eggs are you there no I'm thinking I could move to the West Beach okay and then fish finders I find it up okay so let me I mean or maybe hmm maybe you go here and fish find it up well if I go here then we can check adjacency here because he's only looking at the beach okay I like it and this gives us all three boys I like men oh she's not out here and we don't know that but it's true but I like it but if she's using that you made this search too or is it a different thing one's a girl's one ones barrels and the other so if she used the one that's a barrels then she will not it does not affect the fish finders or binoculars maybe that's the best way to go all right mr. Hooper huh let me stay in my boat I've had a little too much sue is drinking is on the boat you're already getting ahead of it that's one action to in the West Beach with the fishfinder fish finder oh no not here by and not there no Wow could I say that to that I knocked yeah used already yeah it'll keep them very separate I don't matter to more actress she's just nobody yet or something yeah what to do I almost want to go to the other side do it just to be there do it one two that's yep one - hmm all right let me be there just in case just in case we cards are they could be helpful they could be terrible well I mean if you can manage the beaches one is that's won't only where they go all right I'm gonna pick this up one thank you for that by the way two three four right here are you there No ah we're not having any barrel luck no all right next round flip the card okay here we go the fourth of July oh you got a big you got a big line at the bottom link before placing swimmers open all beaches and he just cannot be closing this round Oh panic okay one in each beach panic on the beaches of wonder nice when in South here and you have a quote when in West and one ignored if you open the beaches on the fourth of July its ringing that it's like ringing you the dinner bell that's right it is that's what we just did I am ready okay planet your governor is served okay oh yeah you're all in trouble [Laughter] mr. Hooper maybe you would have more beer barrels something quit would never say Dada Dada da all right all right using the last one yeah I am alright did you eat any sweet yes I did okay how many and where three yeah alright that has to be feeding frenzy did you trigger any of these three barrels I did not okay well what the heck did we do I mean I've binocular there right she's just kg kg in the water yeah Sharky in the water shortage but but I think her movement is still limited is she correct feeding frenzy so she has to be within two spaces of that even if she started there right well we binocular didn't we well yes yes but she could have been she could move there now and you can't use the binoculars at any place but a beach well I mean I would agree mm-hmm are you there no all right that's one yep - no maybe save Suarez now well I mean we have to get barrels yeah okay if you get him in the water and oh yeah binoculars already one now nock there's one move to pick three move four yeah next round Yipes you have one there analyst yeah I do want to return anyway yeah all right also it looks like a mouse we're all right fish finder like find her mr. Hooper I know fish finder that is she could be here she could be here so she can't be anywhere on this shaping anywhere in this quadrant but she didn't trigger either of those correct if if we think this is feeding frenzy so she could be so we know that if it's not feeding glish eight eight three and then state and then moved if she was all we know she wasn't there last turn well we don't know because she could have avoided us exact I'll she's kind of eaten three and then run I think that she has three actions Bruce has three actions there so eat eat eat and then run no it is three does it use feeding frenzy right but then the this could have been a movement one this could move to or whatever it is right if she hadn't used but no but it has to be feeling oh I see you're saying it might not be feeding frenzy it's probably feeding yeah cuz it was there right but if the previous thing had been perfect timing right did she played something like that say possible I'm saying it's saying the reality yeah yeah there's a chance it's outside of ready what we're thinking here all right rusty fish find somewhere I stand here and fish find just in case okay it means she's one off here trying to avoid this on the larger side okay but if she's still here we'll know nearby which means she's not there because the binoculars already used we know she's not here ah so then I almost feel like your fish fine here is fine here so I will save for one yeah move as my second for tuna fish fine are you there no are you nearby accent adjacent so are you here are you in e6 one or four no wow no no she could be an eight except I don't know she he's six one or four give you five or she could be here I know I can't binocular there well where do I drop the barrel well do you think it's oh you've one more action right yes you did save move a fish you know one more action I want to move here okay we're not telling you not to do that yeah all right well I'm dropping a barrel either in W or five because I feel like she's either in W or five do you guys have any you think she would just go to the beach and hang there or do you think she would go to the dot I don't know well here's one I don't have to do one I can drop the barrel from there from here from where I am a barrel can be dropped from me adjacent like I know that's a that's an amazing feat yeah we're just shooting them big harpoon anyway Karpin well how about this get over here Dave why I can give you the barrel how about one two mm-hmm I'm gonna end up there anyway right so three barrel from that space where do you guys think I think she'd be in five because she can't be binocular there it's true okay oh my druthers in five are you there yes yeah we stuck her one this are overcome about all right next round that's one I think I'm out of yeah buds now but you're probably gonna be able to get to fish it's the cars to supers come out of those places this rounds over uh helicopter Brody may immediately move to any space on the island boy we could use that earlier hey you got a quote anyway wait north northeast east west here you go I can do anything I'm the chief of police yours east west this runs over well if she's laughs she's just gonna go there and eat too and that's end of the round there's no stopping if she cruised correct and we don't have two barrels even if we wanted two barrels all that does is end the round right which she's already ended so minimize like now I'm gonna - okay if only so we'd only actually need to play this round out yes we do you're gonna move here - all right write it officially what could we have gotten instead while you're doing guys do $1,000 bounty on the shark Hooper may take one extra action oh if the Sharks summer track is at three or lower who also place more swimmers shark alert then helps the shark Michael Brody's birthday place Michael at the open beach with the fewest murmurs he counts has two swimmers and only you can rescue him okay as harsh oh hey between these four emergency rooms I did how many - and where I ant North Beach all right well there you go that amelia is around we didn't even take our actions one two all right well drop we got one barrel I drop my barrel all right we're gonna start with the worst available stuff in the next round so yeah oops we we now no need to act - everybody take your thing and flip it over to their side tight keep the barrel do it nope swimmers log away yes you also flip nice we all start at zero unattractively but I have to do we use the barrels yes oh yes we use the barrel okay okay wait no we don't I don't think I thought that you did no we don't the barrels are only I think the Browns are like for the second round we'll find out because all right Nikki you get these shark ability cards okay flip your thing back over for a second okay how many servers did you eat I ate nine okay you get 10 of these ah two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right all yours okay you can use one of those per turn Oh Madge now you can flip it over okay yeah this is not good yes how many how many cards do we get three crew cards because that's where that way it was yeah it shows you owe three no we get to eNOS we get three between us here side to here Greatest Hits give it reach get to gear cards so give us each our gear there mr. Hooper you don't there's your gear we don't need a bigger boat we don't get three right we get we each have our own personal - okay then shuffle the rest of the gear and put out three which we can divide amongst ourselves in any way we wish man this is harsh all right well durable you get that face up yes oh I get this you get your little bull's-eyes you owe my shark cage all right these are gonna go in the movie it was a look because the Sharks are big I think they had little Mikey here gonna come over the kids may be smaller here for now diver in the hole or caged eyes look larger but like I think you notice when it's going in you could see it doesn't look the same we still need our movies outside for water mr. meeples Wow there are other people's this is Brody we still need our characters okay here's how this face of the game works so this is the end game all right the shark wins if this if if the shark can either kill all three of us or completely destroy the boat all right if all eight of these boat pieces are gone and the shark wins or if all of us are dead and we only win if we kill the shark all right the shark has 18 hit points to kill and I have we all have six Wow okay all right the way this round is gonna work we all start with two special weapons that are ours right I have to quit weapons and we only have three gear cards because nine people got eaten we can divide these up in any way we want all right probably we're gonna all take one and then once those are there they were just in front of us okay right and we never get any more gear so this is it this is what we have to work with each a turn is gonna work like this we're gonna turn over three cards this is gonna show where the shark which is under water is gonna resurface all right so and we use these little a B and C's to show us where they are so the shark is either gonna resurface here or here or here okay Niki has these little a B and C tokens that she's gonna keep over here okay you're gonna look and you're gonna pick one this is where you're going to resurface okay okay once she has picked one then we and and if you want to play a card you're gonna put the token on top of the car okay this indicates you're playing a card this turn these are all one-time used cards okay all right I can't imagine this will last more than ten rupees it might actually there's eight pieces of the boat so you probably will last more than 10 rounds sure but maybe there's no reason not to use a card almost every turn as you said there is dice rolling there is dice rolling okay I didn't say where we start in the boat we're gonna pick where we want to start once we figure out the weapons and all that stuff but we then after she's picked we can then prepare all right and that allows us to move up to two spaces and movement is adjacency like normally right so basically you're moving from a tile to tile and then we're going to scale all right we're gonna pick which of the weapons we're gonna use all right and then we're gonna target with those weapons so if I'm here for example because I think maybe she picked B then I'm gonna pick either my flare or my machete all right we all have one melee weapon this little hand-to-hand weapon and when you use a melee weapon you are it's I think it's it's also I think the one of weapons we have that we get back and can use over and over again some of these are one-time you use these weapons a melee weapon attacks either the the space that you're in which is to save the the water space that you're in the water that we think is in you or a space adjacent to that now we're only attacking the water so right now if I'm here I can only attack here and by the way you use your target to say I am targeting this piece of water you couldn't do this that is not adjacent to where I am because that is diagonal okay yeah same ideas affect the diagonal rules the reason this is weird and the reason they say adjacent is I haven't explained how it happens but let's say Nikki hits this part of the boat and it becomes wrecked okay Oh wreck does not completely wiped out correct if I am Here I am now adjacent to both of these waters right because this is and this is gonna be helpful for me because if I were on this space when it flipped over I'd be in the water mm-hmm okay now I could move out of it on my move turn but but if you're in the water at the end of a round the shark can get like an extra tack bonus automatically well we actually got the caves because in the water no but that you should be back here when the thing in oh yeah yeah I'll try to die here okay so we're gonna we're gonna all move this place and we're gonna target something we can all be in the same space and we can all target the same thing if we think that's the one you know where we can do a lot of damage right all right then after we've all done that Nikki's gonna flip this in this card over okay we'll find out what the horrible ability is and we'll find out where she went and if we attacked in any of those spaces then we attack all right attack is die rolling the dice have one blank side and two double hits and three one hits and each is a hit except each of these cards in this case it's the same each of these cards has a fin number on it all right and a fin number is her defense for that area so let's get a different card so if she went to a right she's gonna get to roll three dice this is how many dice you're gonna get your room but your defense is one less right yes meaning you would let's subtract from our roll so my machete for example is two dice plus a hit so if I roll that but if I rolled say if I if I rolled sequel if I wrote that that's two hits okay if you were in fact in B yeah that'll be 2 B minus 2 and by the way when you reveal B we'll just get rid of the other cards they're not in the way so as my pain the in the pin yes that's your defense that's how many gets you shake off before we actually hit you okay that's good for you the bigger this number is the better it is for you this is your defense against ours and by the way that's against each of us individually so if you also pick that when you roll she's gonna subtract you from your role and if you were also there she's gonna subtract 2 from your role so that finn is tough III don't know if there are cards that don't have fins on them but I assume they all have one minimum in fact they're all ones and twos sure you gonna make you is the highest in size these are the dice you'll be rolling against us I'm sorry not against us but against the boat in any case we will do all CEOs I will tell you they shouldn't fall in the water source we will do all of our attacks when that's done Nikki wherever she surfaced will attack either us or the boat she can only attack us if we're in the water and we're currently gonna not be in the water so she's gonna attack this piece of the boat that's what this number is okay the number in white is how many hits you need to flip that over okay and the number in black is how many hits you need to just completely obliterate just four hits and nothing it immediately it immediately goes away there's no it's not even a two-step process not even wrinkle if she rolls three then obviously she just gets the two she were higher but four or higher and if you only roll one then nothing happens okay if it flips over we fall in the water all through this okay and if at the end of your turn might me at the end of the Sharks turn remember you and we're gonna do this by the way you're gonna be here those are gonna show that you're in this place okay if at the end of this turn there are people in the water yeah that are on your space or adjacent to your space let's say Rusty's here you will roll one die against each one individually okay well one against me and one against Russell terrible let's say this so if this is gone and Brodie here put yourself in the water here if Brodie is there okay you are not adjacent to that space yet because there's boat but without you near the mask but if that bond if that boat weren't there you would be adjacent to Brodie as well thinking three dimensionally so I can swim under the boat so for example if you attacked let's say I was in the water here okay if you attacked the ship instead of me and we're successful and note that the second side is just a single black number and this went away now you'd be adjacent to all three of us and you would get a bonus roll on all of us all right couple more things let's go through the weapons so we I have one and there's a fishing net here there are weapons that have hooks on them all right I saw that so these weapons you don't roll dice for it if I attack with the flare and I attack here and be and that is where Nikki is then this attaches to her via the hook and while attached at the end of each round the shark must roll one die and take that many wounds there's only one other hook and that's his fishing net while attached the Sharks evade value which is this is lowered by 100k she can shake that off of her in a future turn if she chooses the area that has this shake off a hook card hmm but that potentially helps us know where she might be yeah it's stuck right shark reveals yes I didn't explain that because okay that hadn't happened okay both the fishing it and the flare if you pick a space and she's not there you don't lose that weapon right all right I say that because you guys have someone use weapons so rest of you have a hammer what is that I have a hammer bait when I'm attacking with the hammer the Sharks evade value is zero but it's only a single die hit as you have to pick the right area I have to pick the right area and the right these are these are each just one use well hang on the rifle the rifle it's in red after firing the rifle discard either an ammo or the rifle so there's crew gear that we didn't get because we only got three cheese's with it it's animal so this is the rifles got a one rifle isn't one use so when when mr. Hooper uses the rifle was it over these Brody that uses it but this is a long-range weapon yeah so you can target any of these three areas from anywhere on the boat you do not have to be again the melee weapon is in the space you're in or adjacent to the space you're in the long-range weapons is anywhere from anywhere to anywhere but it's a one-time use okay it would be a to time use we had mo what do you have chief this I have the pistol which is my ranged weapon I guess yeah it doesn't get your old two days after the shark reveals their resurfaced token you may move your target tug into an adjacent water space so adjacent to me or adjacent to the adjacent water space to the target okay so for example let's say this was let's say this was a BC like this let's say this was a BC like this okay you could target here right and be sure to a man when she surfaces you can then move it to one space adjacent right and then what does it say after firing the pistol discard either an ammo or the pistols right you go so what those are both can be one-time you get a couple of shots though but you have a baseball bat for the whole game what's that if your attack misses reroll both dice ooh the new results are final remember when it says you miss that's not double blanks because you're gonna roll and then subtract this number right and that results in zero hits you get to roll again okay so it's not just two right so if you roll this and she had an evade value of two that would be two minus two is zero and you could roll those like you're not gonna pretend a roll because I don't want to waste [Laughter] all right and we have these three shark Kage before the shark rolls for an attack you may play the shark Kage and you cannot take any ones this round after using the starcade you discard it hey Chum Chumlee hey Chum after the shark locks in there resurfaced token you may play chum the shark player must reveal one of the tokens they did not choose hmm and then you discard it and then the fishing that I already talked about so those are just available to us so we just say we want to use no no we have to divide them up amongst us now should we throw matically divide them up er yeah we have to divide these up now and and we can't pass them amongst ourselves so for example we don't have any idea who might need to be but we can do these very thematically I don't think I actually get the fishing net because I already have a hook card right we want to be able to be able to hit with two hooks if we can so of the other two I don't care right so one of you should take the fishing net and one of you should take the other if you feel fanatically attached to either of these mr. Hoover mr. Browdy then take it and I'll take the other one sure I don't it doesn't matter to me your son mr. Hooper I have no preference you're our shark agent I almost want to take the net so you can guys have these are same but it doesn't make sense does it I don't think so alright here you get to live you get to live and you get the Chum okay so I'll show you get the fishing net sir and I get the chump you get the show that's what I meant he's just gonna eat my shark kage will be completely on female come off the board for now so these stay with briefs causing damage each round and correct ruse shake them off correct yes I'm gonna shuffle these cards alright so we have two to start in this round we have to be on the boat before anything else gets cool well somatically you should be hiding cards right there done not not you I should better I do perfect all right and I'll be back here by the Chum even though I don't the jumbo K let's see there's all the Chum they only do it out of that one corner yes let me turn over three of these all right so these are the three cards so this is here this is a right this is B where I am and the water B is in the water C's and can they double up yes it could be that they're all the same area no that would be unfortunate for her but I'm sure she's got some shark ability card that would allow okay so now Nikki chooses a B or C this is where you guys have decided to we haven't we don't make a decision yet no you make yours you should have been out here for scale dude it would have been great if you think okay I Knight you pick whichever one you've chosen you to chase down over here and if you're playing a card you put that card underneath it to show you play the card okay are you ready yeah so you pink card yes token and the biskits Orion in the card yeah there we go deck take it yeah all right guys where do we think she's gone I assume she's gonna want to roll more than one die right so between these two we're voting at both of those positions - all right well we picked so I'm in C right yep so I will I'll i'm gonna use my machete I don't think I'm I don't think I don't want to use the hook till I know I can use it right well I better use it right you know lose it you get it back but it's a wasted opportunity right yeah machete could do some damage I mean the flare does damage too but if I do it in the hook card comes up in the very next I don't know what you think yeah I'm gonna target here pick a weapon pick a spot you have to choose your weapon now you can move yeah you can move up to two spaces I'll do that one baseball bat oh and move you don't have to write I cast you to use the baseball bat because it's a melee weapon so he's gonna there and baseball bat oh I see cuz he's not in a place so rusty you're gonna go to B or C I think I'm gonna stay it'd be okay I think I'm going to target here as well yeah I think I'm gonna target with the fishing all right sure that's where we split him up yeah if he's not if the Sharks not there the loss all right Nikki Bruce all right for the yep where are you I'm at a yeah she did the sneaky thing did also read your sneaky Bruce readability time ramming speed after the crew attacks the shark may move to an adjacent water space if the shark moves add two hits to their attacker after the crew attacks so this is crew prepare shark reveals so now crew tax right after the crew attacks you may move to an adjacent water space if you do add tutor they're all alright well all of our tax fail because we're not there nope so now we're on you okay all right you can move to an adjacent space if you like and had two hits to your role did I do that [Music] Jason do you think gonna here I would go here where it's tougher to yeah so alright here to roll one you're already hitting with two so if you can roll it too you can kill that whole space right now so how this that just that you just gonna add okay can add to your roll you've already flipped it right yeah just don't roll two hits you know my rolling doughnut but that's good you get two hits so it flips no one's in the water for you to take your bonus move so now you you go below surface she's all go away and here are our choices for this round a B and C so C is right where needs to be a is here and B is where it needs to be well would we think we did so well last time when you flip those on the end no yeah just clarity signals well no it's discard that's fine we're gonna need to go through the deck I don't know that's true you might be right ah there's all kinds of quotes on these yep oh hey we did two went to a right you picked a picked a was the front of the boat that's you fast fish all right Nikki you pick first you pick one of these spaces a B or C yeah I was right in my car yeah the card if you want oh I hope you pick C just for the quote [Laughter] although here this is this is your most famous quote right here the line that's most often misquoted I really I wonder what that is I don't want to know tell me if she picks it oh yeah it's hard to see from that shirt that makes sense no need to hide it it's the curse of the reading glasses should I guess though is it like we're gonna need a bigger boat it's almost like that okay all right guys where we think what is it you're gonna need a bigger boat that is correct I'm gonna stay where I am are we in the boat though I'm gonna stay where I am and I'm gonna use my silly old machete again my shitty um I'll come down here do you want to just stay where you're at rusty sure hey we're down a hit man for sure baseball bat okay and then I think I'm gonna try the fishing net again just all right all right Nikki yeah yeah where you are okay come and get me where are you V CC hope are you a idiot starboard ain't you're watching it is that was the one you wanted yeah alright so there's nothing to shake off you would normally be able to shake something off go ahead and read your card okay this is gonna hurt yeah okay Domino if the shark damages or destroys a boat space apply to it's to one boat space that is adjacent to the targeted boat space all right okay all right so but I attack first yes so they're all in front of you so I'm gonna you have a fin defensive one so already that's gone with my guaranteed hit come on don't be double blanks all right so one two three four minus one you take three hits okay all right some progress is being made and now unfortunately you roll three dice against the boat and I can't imagine you're not gonna get at least two you know okay I'm not thinking that way I want to eat this boat that's right you are hungry are you hungry there you go three hits okay so you damaged it yeah I'm just I've already done my target so you you're in the water here you damage it it flips over the iPhone to the water yep and now because you did to hit because you damaged or destroyed space you can apply two hits either to this space or this space which would you like I mean don't you think yeah that's only one go and I take the bigger hits well like you're gonna need a bigger hit mm all right you guys can take your things back because your attacks right you chose it ruthlessly and now you get a bonus attack because you are in the same space where someone's in the water you roll one of this site I'm trying to eat you right now yeah can I try to you will likely eat me in some small fashion or buy two chunks oh well that is thematic I am supposed to die first all right we got a mean buddy all right Nikki here are your options at the end of the movie I think this is the beautiful friendship the BAE or C all right so C is hay and C are both here and B is here hmm so Nikki before you pick right because the boat flipped we have weird adjacency rules okay if you are in this space nothing would both flipped I think it's just sinking day because the tile I know okay if you go to if you go to a or C then when you attack to where you roll you can choose to attack either here or here or here no no hey from a or C because no I'm just right here or here because these are now adjacent see how this touches the water of this boat okay that's now adjacent to where you are so not this space but these two spaces are available for you to attack okay from here see of course does she attack first or do we attack we attack okay cool Dave is it one movement to get Bob to vote I never explained that no chief no it takes two movement to get back in the boat so it's your entire turn yes so there's no it says here move up to two spaces choose one weapon place one target oh and that's those are three different things but there that's what we've been doing every time so you're gonna move zero one or two spaces you're then gonna place a target where you're where you think will you be able to do a target don't once you get out of the boat yeah okay okay never I'm bad it's not like you're not gonna have a chance to attack right but you're only gonna get up here right you can't get up here to potentially right if I had a which I don't if I had a long-range weapon I could target that right even though it takes me to movement to go here right in theory I don't have to go back on the boat I can attack from the water so I could move one here now it goes there yeah instead of attacking the bug she can choose to attack me because I'm now in the water where she is she can attack me here in the water if she goes there because that's water in Jason but I could for example well this is a bad example but I'm gonna move this for you let's say this was here I could for example go one two and just swimmin over here because you'd be safe maybe depending what her cards are I'm not gonna do that of course I'm gonna do you choose yeah alright she's there she's used a card yeah well I'm gonna I don't want to get eaten yet even though it's thematic okay well boat still this is above water still Dave yeah you're not that bad yet um alright we can hit both spaces if we want to hedge our bets well you and I could reverse T mm-hmm right I think we had draw bets okay I move to the I moved to the to the bowel okay one two and the B is a single defense with two right so the hammer thinking the hammer Hammer hammer time okay well but you're most likely to roll one right I mean no it's all so bad I'm didn't base ball event what's the peanut butter jelly baseball bat all right all right Nikki and you just got out of the water i I can't target anything because I don't have any long-range weapons mmm if I had a long-range weapon I could target this like if I had a pistol or a rifle but I don't you have to be adjacent to the space to target it yes and I'm not adjacent to this water remember either they're targeting the water mm-hmm so from the boat I cannot I am NOT an I'm not adjacent to this water but if you'd stayed in the water right that isn't yes but I would also be adjacent to the shark so the shark she could choose to attack me instead of the boat and if she going here and rolling three dice there's no reason that could end I could be out all right yeah yeah what do you got all right see all right so Lincoln you uh you roll how many does she get to - all right and see is the value of two and if you roll with the sharks oh yeah yeah sure I read your ability card okay Thank You mr. Hooper sorry my mouse yeah if the shark damages or destroys a boat space each crew member on that boat space takes a wound okay well you roll the - yes yeah hey fine so zero yep no hits yeah okay nomnom doesn't she get to do yeah yeah whatever her attack is URC right yeah roll - all right blink blink more wasted wasted for it isn't wasted more here should be okay that flips no it doesn't flip I mean the way you're in the water and because of that you take a wound now what does your shark aide say before the shark rolls for an attack you may play the short cage you cannot take any wounds this run I would save that when I'm like nearly deed okay okay well she's gonna roll one more wound against you because she now gets a bonus action co1 died right yeah because you're I agree I would save it floating yep roll homework okay like a bobber yeah all right that wasn't just hitting the boat was enough yeah Kermie oof here we go you were definitely Hey a B or C oh that's good meeting choice okay B is here C is there the Hey yeah all right choose Nicky oh hey go ahead while you're choosing okay we didn't read the quote it was the two one right with the hook I did see Hey well it doesn't make any difference look at that mother actually made all the difference in the world for me Lincoln well because you were actually the guy perfect and I'm gonna win but we're at least gonna be true team that hammers not great hmm I mean these are all ones or twos right like it's such a latch last-ditch effort well and it looked max when we can roll is to or is there a three on there no to two so if you go to a to Finn and the hammer isn't useless well this is strikes with the zero the Sharks of eight is zero automatically oh I forgot about that thank you yeah thank you I forgot about that that makes more sense cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense at all yeah we're not really landing lots of hits either so don't look like it's when we try to do a bunch of hooks for the first round and we just chose wrong okay got it huh yeah all right that was fast all right I don't think we use the Chum narrow should we use the Chum now we get to see one of the ones she didn't pick do we care we'll save that for later I don't know like the importance of that well she got to try to roll one die or three right is she gonna try to have to defense or one right where you gonna move you're gonna get back in the bonus in here okay and then I'm target here and I could yeah I mean it is with the baseball baseball value okay do some real damage hi rusty should we just pick C and be sure CB radio it means what it means one of the three of us will get bitten probably right by this but one of those things is gonna fall into the water I would I Ord you want to use your rifle now I would think I should move here as it's a to Finn okay for a defense and I don't fit hammer and okay guarantee it now that's a one Finn the see ya Toby's the to Finn so you want to move there okay that makes sense alright I'll probably take some I take some damage I'll go here and I'm gonna use the flare let's try let's try to hook these things and for some reason I think they target based on your barrel sack your barrel activities do I think you will we've got one all right Nikki where are you Oh Dave see oh I'm green sounds like you thinking you're being ok oh where I put the card DeeDee this is gonna be that link for an attack the shark may roll as many dice as they wish the new results are final Wow okay well first I attach a flare to you okay buddy this round you're gonna roll one die and take that many wounds okay and that will happen every turn till you shake that I shake it off and it has a card with it has to come up and I have to go to that and you must go to that correct oh you went here oh hey this is you this is a great white Larry a big one and any shark expert in the world will tell you it's a killer it's a man here maneater all right maneater well so I've already done mine all three days I mean protect me real as may distinguish okay it's a man so it one thing about this card isn't my if this was only like - yeah - and then that says as many dices your rear ollas many as you wish alright Adam I'm reeling what you roll man I know you did you get in your max okay here we go I'm so sorry Quinn alright well you don't need to roll because you only needed to to throw that over okay so these go back this flips over and I go in the water yeah wait goes in the water into the waters and Eric is in the liner Iraq you get to roll one more as a bonus attack against me because I'm in the same space as adjacent to you when it counts flare I got a rule for the flare right yes oh yeah thank you I'm excited role for the flare yeah come on no blanks 1 take 1 take 1 take 1 hey B no hook loose oh let's see whoops see Hey and Biren where they need to be here you go you you're hiding again all right hey pick us kiss oh there I'm doing better with the flare than with the barrels I want to why don't I ever get to stay where that dudes bobbing in the water well I'm gonna move anyway not letting you get to me okay oh wow I just noticed so rusty has to go into the water to get to the back half of the boat and it costs to to get out of the water [Music] oh that's so great that's so great I think I'm defending the front astok I don't have to use the car if I don't want no you sure don't okay you got one yeah you just go in there no car no car no card all right well I'm just getting back in the boat that's both my actions well I have to defend both which I can't you just pick one you figure out which one she's gonna be they're both basically this is snow no they're not yes here you're exactly the same does one have my quote on it though at least uh these are quick Quinton Quinton okay gonna be me whichever one she chooses and what are you gonna do and I think i'ma gonna to focus there but do I want to focus with the rifle or the fishing net so or the hammer Hammerton Yammer again the rifles long-range if you're gonna use the rifle than you might have one you know I was focus on see the right with his long-range so if you really want to use the rifle you shouldn't pick B but I feel like she's gonna go air B I thank you I think she's gonna try to get us in the water yeah all right we're done yep all right okay Hey all right so busy go away oops okay hey you know the thing about a shark Oh somebody's got lifeless eyes black eyes so good I'll never do that as good as him ever all right there you go and I'm all right looking you go first baseball bat minus 1 right 2 minus 1 is 1 you take one hit okay and then roll it up too nice for you you just need a 1 to turn that over and I'll do it all right so this turns over and I'm in the water it follows my water and the shark is there with you though he's in the water you gotta check on him roll one died one died for a chump take no hits and roll for yourself cuz you slam the flare now I'm gonna hurt myself yeah and on to the next we'll be right oh hey we ran a reshuffle oh there's a hook Thank You Lincoln we go B and C all right well hmm anyone hook that could potentially help us and B and C no help her Oh help us where we know that we can yeah now remember wherever you move you can attack adjacently so if you go to a you can still attack here and here and here okay I mean Jason Lee's name is Brody Mallrats but why would we worry about Jason Lee in this he's not actually in Jaws uh this is kind of Awesome okay she's played a card and she's using the token yeah all right what do you think I think I'm gonna stay where I'm at but use the use the Force use the rifle really he's one shot you think that's where she's going right oh pretty confident that she can also come here oh she can't if she goes there so she might not go to the hook because we think that's where she's gonna go right game but if she goes there don't you want to use your hammer or you want to use the rifle yeah cuz it's a bunch of hits I think it's a bunch of hit okay that make sense I think she's gotten she's taken too much damn yeah with the flare alright so stupid flare just gonna shake it off so she's gonna take damage but she's gonna shake it off right well that's what he thinks that's why he thinks to target there right now she seems to flip I can only turn over right so do you think I should target somewhere else I don't know maybe not if we could all gang up on that space is this the time to use Chum do you want to get rid of a letter or do you want to wait and save this that's latency okeydoke then I might as well use the machete right if we're gonna go for it let's go for it pistol I guess well you also can move so she's in SIF you go and she's on C you can move it if you go and see it she's on a you can move it right all right Nick can we ganged up on you yeah where'd you go of course today yes all right this is Brody we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna sink aren't we yeah that's kind of nice all right so you shake this off cuz there's a hook there yeah that goes away all right uh start with You chief do you want to know my car oh yeah oh yeah we need to know your card because it probably didn't speed after the crew attacks the shark may move to an adjacent water space if the shark moves add two hit points to their attack role yeah I'm going back in the water all right your pistol is wet too right yep so you're not gonna do it but you could move the target if you two three hits one hit - what - what hit okay all right rusty come on high numbers 2 plus 1 is 3 minus 2 is 1 1 hit I think we could have saved these maybe but who knows what wasn't there so oh yeah you needed to do that and then my machete is two dice Oh 3 plus 1 is 4 minus 2 is 2 well if you're about to chomp on me I know but like yeah yeah that's how it's supposed to be it's supposed to be a race all right uh you're gonna move yes guess I'm gonna guess here that's correct all right all right two days two days two dice and you add to his and I add to it so she could get a four here I could and totally totally all right two plus two is four yay the pieces just complete joy I like this though look at the cards are floating in the water hey bonus chop on me yay that was a mistake all right so we're done right yeah oh we're done here we go a B B is here you take your target back everybody and where's an A is here all right Nikki Pig mm-hmm I might just stay in the water to use your machete I think you're dead if you do right well I think I'm dead anyway but here if you come on here yeah then I'll be in the water when it flips over right hits it right but she can go here yep oh look it's all three of us one of us gets a quote it's exciting both the shark ability cards alright take it off alright I don't think it's the best use of the Chum card but I might not be around to play it next turn it won't be floating in the water well I'm actually taking him away from a movement one two like this right because she can only I don't know what the card is but in theory if I do that she can only attack me in the water if she goes here and gets rid of this space and if she goes to the B I don't think she roll three dice for this piece I think she didn't roll three dice for this piece because I think that's more valuable to her to get rid of it completely but the question is do I use the Chum or not I don't know that finding one of these out is helpful right we get to look at one of these that you didn't use if it's the B that's helpful but if it's the a or the C that doesn't really help right now well I can only defend a so if I can only divorcΓ©e but I'm gonna just do this cuz that's gonna be gone okay that's where you should be you should be there with your legs kicking at the sharks MA let me do it I can die right now right now and try it I can try with machete and go down C is a too I can go to be and try it there let's get on the boat she only rolls one die it has to be a double to right what do you mean well I think we have we have to risk it I'm gonna go here and here in the water I'm gonna stay in the water and I'm gonna use the machete because she goes to be it's only a one defense right I think she's going to where you are Lincoln but I seem to be in the right spot for that's me using water every time and your target sorry thank you I'm targeting be okay Nick you peed all right where did you go Nikki all right I want a yeah yeah okay that's me to read the quote I mean what I do chief is I trick him into the surface I job at him not gonna haul him up like a lot of catfish all right and your shark ability yeah is second helping after an attack that that targets the boat the shark may launch a second attack on the boat with two dice the second attack may target the same boat space or a different one I assume the different ones still means adjacent yeah I would imagine so so I don't think you could do but she can take that out only if this only if this goes completely away right because she's not adjacent to it otherwise but first the baseball bat that's only one me minus one is to take two they're small all right one tail and now you get to roll two dice I'm not doing very well you're doing great you don't feel like you are cuz you're there but it's gets rid of the complete boat piece all right which means we didn't have to worry about adjacency because guess what you are adjacent to this now so go ahead and do your second helping roll two dice second helping you just need one oh wait this goes away Brody's in the locker Jason - Brody you get to roll one on chief yum yum - shark Kage what do you want to save it what was before the role before sharks world nevermind I'll save it no he knew what he was doing okay so alright take back your thing here we go new cards move is this beach stuff that I've been holding on to dad alright no other binoculars won't work out alright seas here days here bees here Wow Wow well she could come over here and eat me right well you get to move first right we get himself back on nope yeah we'll be in the water somewhere but you don't know where but I don't know where maybe he'll trick you and stay right where he is Mike you might just stay where things gonna be dumb because you can attack him from this space right you can attack by Oh Jason so I can do adjacent right I can swim over here in attack yep is your not in the water are you yes I attacked oh you water I'm over than I swam over why would I waste my movement came back on the boat I'm gone I'm close to there there's never really been a good choice for this Chum cart unfortunately like even this is not that well it's this is pointless for here here she needs to go there I would agree there yep all right where you swimming to Lincoln hey you got to go there right you got it I guess they've target there right yes because my bat will do that yes it's also one again yes well I'm gonna stay I'm gonna try to think if I should stay in the water because then if she attacked me instead then she wouldn't be attacking the boat and that would keep the boat around longer I think you should get on the boat it forces her to hit the boat right I'm saying maybe I don't want her to hit the boat maybe I want her to cuz if I fall in the water when she hits the boat she could kill me anyway it'll be like bobbing for apples they'll be a bunch of guys floating in the water Hey all right it was an idea in any case I mean I think she's gonna hit the boat but good stand up - yeah thank you he's tired he's alright Nicky did you go to a I certainly did okay there you go oh it's from mr. Hooper read the card if you will he's circling the boat look at the size of him yeah all right well we get to it oh and the shark ability card target Oh the shark evade value is three crew gear cards that effect evade value are still active okay oh yeah did you choose the hammer like yes okay well hit what else does he have the thing is the net yeah all right so baseball bat yeah roll - but your event is three so that you were the one hey 3 minus 3 is 0 you gets rolled again Oh cuz the baseball bat no even less all right mr. Hooper one died but it hits it hits this lot this ignores your evade value lion okay and my machete is two dice plus one come on lucky luck nope one plus one plus one is three you are safe shark card is worn out all right you get to roll two dice are you going to attack Lincoln or the bow the boat okeydoke have to treat it completely over Oh glug glug glad you're glad I'm in I mean that turnover I mean completely remove Wow all right you get a bonus attack you don't need to use your kids yet for that so who are you gonna bonus attack first you you get to do all three of us oh we're all the in the water or adjacent to you you get one free role in all of us all right so pick one me first sure roll it up okay one die one day [Music] [Applause] [Music] roll for which one mr. Hooper mr. Bert take Ron and now for Lincoln I'm gonna save it till I'm yeah I really need it I would agree Elsa Lincoln I wouldn't yeah give him a shake walk think it good think about it all right you guys get to put it on me now here we go Hey or B here you go or C and I never got to use the Chum they didn't really matter it's you a please yeah and B and C are here right yeah all right gentlemen that's odd jimin's I think okay all right she is picked and a shark ability card so before you guys moved just a quick adjacency note this not that it matters because there's nothing here but if you were here that's adjacent to here water wise because you look at the lines this space right is it Jason to hear both of these but not here because you were supposed to follow the rule of the lines as they're on the tiles yeah I think I'm gonna go on that portion anyway right here automatically I need to be on the mess the other thing I would agree here Jack you need to go to the bottom of the ocean cage yeah after the cage is destroyed don't have that option that gives you your best chance cuz you might see the big chunks of shark going yet unless you think she's going here I think I think the shark is trying to finish ok boat ok it's only one die though true but she needs a one that's true alright so you can use your hammer hammer time hammer time yeah you're going there it's both bad I'm sorry yeah put your target out all right Nikki you went where hey hey ah we already heard this quote earlier in the episode $10,000 for me by myself for that to get the head the tail the whole damn thing lovely Oh any believe a out ok extra-strength if the shark damages a boat space the boat space is destroyed these great little rusty gets a shot first but it's only one person doing it all right rusty if you had a hammer yeah and this is ignored the to write for your hammers it is alright roll a four in the game for ya one one okay well yes you are still alive the hammer is effective but I think that piece of boat is probably going alright a roller die anything I just need a 101 and your extra strength gives my piece my piece back in the wall you got to go down hey thematically now it's time for you to swim to the bottom of it and you were underwater with rusty and adjacent him so you get to enroll an attack on rusty chomp chomp rusty you take none they're small well we're not gonna win next round do you think we're gonna I thought there was a chance this I mean we got this forest that's yeah well it's not over yet and it's not over yet but all you gotta do is get rid of that boat and here's the beauty part you can do it from here or if you have a card - let's do it from here oh there you go I don't know your cards are but this is kind of how the game should be right it's kind of down to the wire we're close we only need to hit her with three damage right she's only gonna think I'm one here if she goes to a yeah I'm in the water you're on the last piece of boat again we're ready to kill him I know but I don't have the rifleman yeah my big line yep oh yeah you can say the line I know but I don't have the rifle they give it to Hooper for some reason I mean the revolver is yeah that's what he has but still come on oh yeah it's your one that you start with yeah well wasn't it well it was Quinn's rifle wasn't it or was it your nose at Hooper's rightful wrong yeah because he finds it and it's he takes the rifle down the cage doesn't he no I guess not that'll be all waterlogged all right where you guys gonna go stay in there rusty what again you're gonna target a rusty what you gonna do I'm gonna stay in the water and get it okey doke all right Nicky if you didn't go to a no I can live another day where'd you go I went to see Oh get it she went to see it's a little short uh-huh so she goes here what's your card say and nothing that affects I don't think the shark damage as you destroy the boat space all crew members you will members anywhere on the boat fall into the water okay well there's no reason to play the card but since since if you destroyed it wins anyway why not now you get to see the card this way okay gentlemen she went - where'd she go gonna be see ya well here you go you're gonna need a bigger boat but let's assume she went to be instead of see you both get to read this oh my gosh together I used to hate the water nope can't imagine why hey go ahead and take your targets back Nikki take your shark back B and B that is adjacent to that boat Pete I know it is not yes it is because that is adjacent to the boat piece what all three of them attacked the boat this would be a good time to have a Chum all right Nikki choose all right well judge Mindy it's been a pleasure staying with you okay oh this is cool this is like the best thing you could have hoped for only basically have to pick each one of these I don't think we can do two but gang up on one cuz then we give her two-thirds of a chance of but we can't win we can't kill her without getting three damage and I can only do two damage maximum so we both have to aim for one space there so we're just gonna take a shot yep okay where you want to go then which one of these do you think she'd pick right do you think she'd want to roll three dice do you think she's confident enough with two of course we have no idea with the shark ability card is right we're gonna sink aren't we as the quote here that could be a few minute let me give you the quotes maybe that'll help you boys Oh boys I think he's come back for his new feeling that would be you and then that's a 20-footer 25 3 tons of him what do you think rusty I don't know but you're right we definitely have to target once by think she's not as confident and she would want to roll three dice okay I think that's our best bet you have to move there we could move back you know that oh yeah the boat just for the fun of it although he's the Madiga in the water I like water okay all right Nikki yeah where did you go yep see Oh see she was out at sea yeah she just wanted to see you it's all right well card what's your card moley after rolling for an attack oh sorry roll as many dice as they wish very nice results there's two days I know yes there's all three you can pick whichever to you I want this all right you just need to yeah well this is where you don't even get your bonus roll because the boat is gone okay I can't chop upon them you can't sure shark cage nice try and you can't kill him anyway so you guys even though we lose you do get to live to spend back to shore unless he follows this just to just to witness see hey we're gonna sink are we I told you was a fanatic one what do you think Nikki ah it was fun and it was fun being the shark I don't think right I think you were I felt you were wrong actually about choosing the be no because I didn't I she was a great shot at it from any position I felt it was one died one then we would have been in good I felt we'll get back to you in a second I thought it was gonna be C but I also felt at that point being dead I needed to need to shut up and let you guys do it okay from the grave though yeah oh yeah what did you think back to you what'd you think I enjoy playing hidden movement games I've always been not the hidden character until recently yeah takes a lot of confidence to play that kind of a role on your own but now that I've done it in in another game and then this one time in this game it's a lot of fun playing the hidden movement guy and it's fun just listening to you guys thank you yeah what is she it sucks that our real discussion comes after you've moved that's the play nice first bit but it was hard for me at some time pint because I'm just like you know yeah if you want to get me the board's beautiful I love the two halves of the game two halves of the game just evading you guys around the shore was a lot of fun yeah you were good at it cuz you were all just it's amazing that you would do that well I kept wanting to be far out it you were always searching the big swaths so I'm like I'm just gonna follow the shoreline and that makes me avoid the buoys and all kinds of stuff without having to use the token your note-taking I want to see the order that you used so we knew you used the oh then note-taking was nobody more then go ahead keep talking out out of sight oh so she used the NSA first and not the you were right she said you were absolutely right like if she saved this from away for the end you were so right cuz the out of sight was no I said there was a chance but it seems small right so if I could I was wrong and eat so she ate all three no this was no she didn't need all three because I ain't one she know where you were you said at the you swim yes yeah CheY to right or whatever no three I ate two at the last okay right cuz that's all there bono that's feeding frenzy I was wrong she used F F which is feeding frenzy okay I for some reason I equated FF with like fast-flying than I get which was now forest fellers which was the speed one and with two more tokens over there uh [Music] alright there we go speed burst that was it yeah but she used a speed burst second to last so she didn't use it at the beginning which is why we couldn't detect her right evade thing yeah so when you were doing your fish tracker they fell right into your trap you couldn't find me no barrels what one barrel one barrel but yeah so what would have what would have made that happen faster if we just got in the second barrel that would have yeah that phase one fewer card from her then we didn't and one more what was like three-quarters of the way through that that we've got one barrel right and then nothing else so it wouldn't really mean much of a difference it's hard right it's supposed to be hard well what do you think Hooper oh I loved it I thought it was amazing the way that these two dissimilar games work together with the property yeah matically endless and they they just feel so different but they feel combined because of the because of the theme yeah and and the fact that I can get into it and I can feel a part of it and that that threat is there yeah it's it feels real yeah what oh good uh what was what I thought was really nice was I liked not from a game not from us versus you point of view but just from enjoying the game of the design point of view I liked that somewhere around here you started getting nervous I did right like complete run away and what fun is that right and obviously the way it works in this third part is that your first few attacks on the boat are gonna be tough but as the boat falls apart it be easier to sort of pinpoint where you go right and moving where there was no boat was really smart yeah right because it gave you well if these cards were better for you yeah then you could have just rolled the dice no pun intended and hope that like you picked like that last one couldn't be better all three of them were good for you yeah and no Chum well and I figured you really didn't seem to help though your guys's thoughts would be that I was gonna go where I could roll the most dice so right I thought I'm just gonna attack it head-on and it's two dice and that should be enough and the cards that I had so she picks you buddy that yeah Chum had still been available oh I know we can see then it would have been great foot pointed early on it was not again I think a lot of it is the nature of how the cards come up of course right yeah yeah III definitely what do you think Dave I really like this a lot and look at this this move right here in turn she just moved she just moved three spaces like that was so smart it was really awesome I mean it was just hard it should be hard right finding the shark it didn't feel impossible it felt hard in the way that it should be hard I would not be surprised if in act 1 when when we moved to the Orca if the shark wasn't at 7 or higher almost every time oh yeah well you saving three swimmers though was a huge deal I thought yeah I thought we had I thought we had done the right thing and I think that we were gonna do great the problem is really bad because we didn't we didn't catch her with the barrel well the promo saving swimmers is it just I'm gonna use this back on it just treads water for us because we don't advance our clock our clock is getting a barrel under the front gate Arizona the shark you did slow me down quite a bit oh we down right because some of the places where you saved swimmers were places I was near to and was heading to on my next turn right and it was like oh I guess I okay yeah Lincoln had mentioned it and I had agreed with you that I thought in the beginning it was worth it was worth for swimmers to take a barrel right if you went there you were probably gonna take a barrel for sure and you did the right thing I think by not doing that I mean I would have you would have done that right I would have done that in a heartbeat right well I kept I would kept trying to balance being greedy and taking those for swimmer's and the card thing it's a risk that we're having one or two at a time right and you still haven't pinpointed where I'm at well and you were at 15 right at the end yeah so so you you arguably maybe made the right choice if you if we had gotten you sooner let's say let's say just you got to that seven that's two fewer shark ability cards yeah and those were all well that one wasn't but they were all mostly helpful and two more weapons for us which could have made a huge rating on what they were right maybe ones ammo so you guys know you're both ammo stupid flare if you guys had more things that attach to me like that well what cut like it was that the next cards had no hooks in them well the flare is quits weapon is it nice yeah but I just meant if you had more weapons in your arsenal yeah first hung on to me it would have been really bad because that did a lot of damage for sure the fishing net did happen to attach to you but instead of causing you damage every round it would just reduce your evade by mr. Knight and the other thing about the hook right is the hook shakes off everything yeah just one so if the fishing net and the flare were on you then a hook card still gets both of them gone right yeah but if I don't have the hook card or the hook card it's pretty risky for me to move - yeah then I've got all this I got a fishing net attached to me and little air and I'm rolling for both of those doesn't make you roll it just reduces your evade Yeah right it would turn this one to a zero in this - I mean you don't want that either you know what any of it yeah what else you gonna do without that we don't have any chance at all right I mean we have to sort of guess where you're going yeah if we hedge our bets to guess where you're going then we're only one of us hitting you and maybe we're not hitting you depending on what your evade value is right I mean it all comes in a dice rolling like I know you rolled those blanks a few times I mean we needed those yeah absolutely you would have you would have chomped us down I would have been dead much sooner right the blanks saved me yeah definitely yeah on the free rolls yeah well thanks for teaching us Quint you're welcome and I don't have a quick themed closing so if you haven't subscribed or liked game night why don't you consider doing that and if you do subscribe and click that little notification bell to get hey notifications and you'll find out whenever there's any new episodes and let's all sing it ready farewell [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 64,720
Rating: 4.9210052 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: _a85swHjbzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 16sec (7156 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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