Spirit Island - GameNight! Se6 Ep 32 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] tonight on game night Nikki Lincoln Aaron and myself Dave are going to play Spirit Island a game for one to four players designed by our Eric Royce and published by greater than games fabled Nexus so let's kick out those invaders hey Dave yes Lincoln we teach us about the spirit island I will teach you the game spirit uh which is about the spirit it's not really so I don't know if it's spirit oven or not spirit island is a co-op game that some have called and by some I mean you Lincoln Catan fights back it takes place on this island there are three presences on the island there are the Don the natives represented by these little wooden mushroomy huts there are these colonists these are referred to by the natives as the invaders as they're just trying to come in and set up towns and cities and live on this island and then there's us the spirits of the islands we don't have any physical presence necessarily on the island but we have spiritual presence and we are here to help the natives repel the invaders it's kind of like a little semi philosophical thing going on here in this game the game is complicated in the sense especially the first couple of times but the game comes with all kinds of player aids and stuff put on places on the on boards to help you and it's all pretty fantastic so that's going to help us out a lot and also each essentially turn of the game is the same so once we get a sense of what we're doing every turn it should be easier but having said that as this is our first play I recommend that we don't try to crazy hard for the wind yeah for the crazy quote let's just see what we can get through it and see what happens the setup that we're doing is the true most basic of setups the game suggests you play with these four characters these for spirits to start additionally I haven't gotten to this board but there are these healthy island cards that we're not using that's where blight would normally go this is blight over here on this on this board and if we were playing with them when we ran out of light this would turn over and stuff would happen there'd be all kinds of actions so it's sort of like a two-level more complicated step we're not doing that we're just putting blight over here we put five of these per player some are already on the board and I'm sort of getting ahead of myself but if we run out of these if they all come off the board that's one way that we lose is if all the blight comes onto the board before I get more over here let's talk about I'm gonna go into sort of what a turn is like so we all have a character of spirit and we all have four cards that come with that this is our starting hand all right these cards these are our cards these cards are going to cost us energy to play that's what this number is in the top corner all right and we're gonna generate energy every turn and I'll explain that in a second additionally these cards come in two flavors fast cards and slow cards and fast cards have the red circles and slow have the blue additionally the fast icon if you can see it is this bird and the slow icon is this puddle alright and the way a turn sort of works is that the first thing that's going to happen every turn is that we are going to do what's called like the spirit phase in which we're going to take one of these growth actions we are then going to generate energy and we are then going to pay for our cards all right so if I had for energy I might pay for these two cards and I would do that after I generate the energy by putting the energy I generated on the cards to show that they are paid for all right no these haven't happened yet I'm just paying for them you have to do this all upfront all right so we were then going to we will then activate all of the fast power cards so the ones that are fast happened now and that's why they're fast we then we'll have the invader face that's where all the bad stuff happens I'll get into that in a second but it's broken down even on this board right here in fact everything I'm saying is broken down on this board spirit face first then you fast power cards the invaders do their thing then the slow power cards and then time passes and when time passes cards will grow the discard pile anything that's partially damaged will fully heal and we move on to the next thank time passages time passages another thing that these cards have are these little elements you see them here on the side dungeon these are these elements on your cards are yours meaning doesn't matter that that power hasn't happened yet for this turn I have these elements and the reason that that's important is that on our boards on all of our boards we have innate powers okay these are essentially additional powers that can happen as well as our cards in my case my I'm playing vital strength of the earth that's my power my innate power is a fast power so it would happen during the fast power phase and if I had one Sun which I do and two mountains which I do and two earth green whatever that is which I don't but if I did let's say I played this card instead then I could also do this during the fast power phase and it says on mine once this turn well I'm not gonna tell you what says because I haven't gotten to know what the actions are but you don't spend those elements so if I had other stuff that required elements I could use them again it's just a pool of it's not that you're using them it's a threat to Thresh right Jimmy you have this now in my case my innate power is once this turn I can do a thing if I have more of those elements it says here instead do this and then instead do this so I don't have additional stuff but one of you might I can't remember do you Aaron have what your innate powers are they just instead instead instead as they go on no no they're all different okay so if you have different powers then you can do multiple of them if you just have that qualify for that flesh right sure does that make sense yeah this is also are all and also say instead that it's also also but the weird thing is is they're the same so I'm kind of maybe it's an additional yeah the bumping up one more lady destroy another city yeah so he's sort of builds on the base ability right most of the things that we're trying to do is we are trying to save our people and we're trying to destroy these colonists pieces okay because one of the ways we win is right here on the board we are currently at terror level one and one of the ways we win is we destroy all explorers towns and cities so if they're all wiped and there's nothing on the board we win the game correct that won't happen okay all right there's a second way we can win and that is every time we destroy a town or a city we generate fear the colonists are like man this islands I don't like it then we also have cards that just generate fear hmm every time we generate fear we move a fear token down into the generated fear section okay there are four of those tokens per player's so there's 16 in that fear pool and when those move down when we have them all down and any extras if we move them down we'll carry over to the next thing so if there's one token and we generate three fear one moves down that triggers then we they all go back up it clears then we move to more now but every time I do that that fear card on top of that goes facedown to here and then when we're when we get to the fear phase we will then turn that card over and reveal them that deck is nine cards these are extras that we're not using and they all have good stuff for us depending on where the terror level is like right now the terror level is one so we would do this part of the card when we go through three of those fear cards go ahead and pull to the next two off that moves this over to terror level two and now our victory condition is better for us right now we just need to get rid of the cities and town right all right terror level three as you might suspect is just getting rid of all the cities and it also increases the value we get out of these cards correct things that happen and terror level four if we get through all those cards as you win nice so if we can hear the crap out of the island if you can pull 16 fear tokens down ten times right nine times ten to nine times maybe we can win so those are two ways we can win the this is just gonna wear it the fear tokens is hair until one of the ways we lose as I said is of all the blood tokens come on the board yes another way we lose is if any single one of us does not have presence on this board these are presence tokens and right now we all have presence on the board you may make your Nikki yeah good job let's just water or something so let's talk about how you get more presence on the board that's the growth face so at the beginning of every turn the first thing that happens is the spirit face and the first thing that happens in the spirit phase is the growth face for the growth phase and instant growth this growth will continue and for the growth phase each one of our spirits has three options yeah you're going to pick one of these three options all right I will do mine my first option is I can reclaim my cards and that's any power cards I played already that are in my discard pile now I'll come back to my hand and I can add a presence this little icon means presence and this little arrow shows the distance I can add a presence up to two away from where I already a.m. on the board when you add a presence you just pull it from one of these tracks mm-hmm and the reason that that's important is these tracks show this first one is how much energy you generate every turn and the second one is how many cards you can play I'm going to generate two energy every turn and I'm can play one card but if I pulled that I could generate three energy every turn and if I pull that I'm still only playing one card I have to I think get to here before I can play two cards so let's say I did that first one which I wouldn't because I have no cards to reclaim I haven't played anything yet I will add a presence up to two so let's say I'm here and I would maybe go one two when I would go there or wherever I thought would give me most most of the stuff you're doing is gonna be adjacent to where you have presence and so to a certain extent you want to spread out however if I were to pick my second option which is gain a power card and add a presence up to zero from where I am it means I have to be where I am so in this case it wouldn't either have to be here or here all right so are these in sequence or something well no sorry no it's a good question let's talk about getting a power card power cards come in two forms there are minor powers and there are major powers the minor powers as you might suspect are cheaper they cost less energy to you and in fact there are some minor powers that cause zero energy mm-hmm and then the major powers which are obviously going to be more helpful they mostly cost more additionally every time you gain a major power you must forget a minor power huh which is to say it is discarded from the game and when you does that include your starting hand or the actual minor power no Coney carts any cards you want okay you can even you can even if you want to get rid of a major pepper God you can even if you want to get rid of the major power you gain to that turn sure I gain this major power and here's why you might do that when you gain a power card it's your choice you can choose from either deck let's say I'm gonna take them out of power you're gonna take the top four cards you're going to look at them you're gonna put one of your hands and then the others basically go in the bottom or in a discard pile but they don't go back on top all right however because we are playing the beginning game the game comes with these little start cards for each of our powers and what they say is instead of doing these here are the cards in the order you're gonna get them so we each have this specialized deck minor minor major minor major minor minor from my deck and the order that I'm gonna get them so every time I have a gain a power card action I'm just gonna take the top card from this deck so that's one way that they have of streamlining the very first game okay so having said that I'm now gonna move these away but but the rule is you always draw for and choose one and choose if we get through you're just gonna keep doing that yeah you're once you've gone through a couple times you'll have seen everything and then you just keep picking from what you have in your looting well no I once you add a card to your hand it's permanently in your hand right but my point is is that we will not be acquiring any more from those decks this is what we have our pool to select from for this as I as I understand it yes okay I I don't know the game well enough to know will we even get through this day of course and probably not but if we do and we need more cards we can bring those decks back out I don't think there's anything against this I mean they're just trying to stop you from having any sort of AP yeah sort of like oh my god I've these four cards and I don't even know what I'm doing right right so that's actually a very cool thing and even though this is maybe not the right time to notice it let me see one of your cards like these cards have this little red tab in the corner and aaron's guy has like a little red tab here so you even know like I don't do it what's reckless right back in the right place this is my recommended start cart set darken tangled woods is your top one that's correct okay cool yeah it's really neat does it you know a lot of really cool stuff going on as far as helping you out in this game okay what's your third growth choice my third growth choice is I can add a presence up to one and also take to energy uh-huh all right once I do that let's say I added this presence to the board and let's say I did here I then will generate three energy oh this always happens you're just gonna make that energy and basically you just take it and put it on your board and energy not spent is saved over and carried for future rounds you don't have to spend it all in your turn in fact you probably want to build it up for using some of your especially from whammy you know my character is a big energy generally you'll see you start generating zero energy yes your starting hand I think cards did cause 0 yes so some powers have elements under here oh you know you when you pull this off you get to my car you can reclaim a card from your discard pot me we're not playing with them I guess some powers like you really this and there'd be like a Sun under there and then you would permanently have a son called addition to the ones on the sides of your cards on this I'm gonna do one of each of these things are just everything in one space everything in one wedge okay and then this one here is add presents up to two away and this one's add presents where you're at crash and you can do those in either order so you could put one in an add one right I mean in that case it doesn't really matter but but that would that's one way you get two of your things on the board right right right I think the first one we all have and they're all different all the stories all spirits are all completely different the game is actually fairly asymmetrical and I don't know Harold I'll do it on mine but the the other side of this board in addition to telling you how to set up the board sort of tells you what your thing is like for example my guy is strength sorry my guy is powerful but slow and he's really really good for defense so my primary goal in this game is gonna be defense and I haven't actually gotten to this part but in addition to each of us having different growth and a different like look at your presence tracks right yours is very top-heavy as far as energy goes on the bottom but we also all have not only different innate powers but we all have one special rule mm-hmm for example my special rule is I defend at a level of 3 in every land where I have a sacred site a sacred site is where you have two or more of your things so if I were to take this middle growth action which is likely what I'm gonna do and put this here I'm defending now at 3 in both of these places just because I have two of my guys there tonic and what was the name of that special power this is just my it's earth versus vitality there you all right there you go so Niki's growth options are your first growth option is always gonna be pick up all the cards you so if you play a card it stays there unavailable until you take all your cards back correct okay that's the other reason why you also want to get more cards this is picking up all of your cards in your case you can pick up all your cards and then gain a card and then gain an energy your second one is basically add presents add presents went away went away and your third is get a card and add one presents two away all right okay your innate powers you can push explorers or colonists you can push them or or a city your city sorry or a town because of the waters yep right you can short out um again I haven't gotten to this yet but I'll get to it in a second and you are special is what rivers domain yep your token yep your presence presence in wetlands counts us too so it counts as a sacred site it doesn't count as two but it is a sacred site so this is a sacred site for her okay so if you have any powers that need that requires sacred site when she's in wetlands only that's just essentially a regular presence but this is considered to be a sacred site because she's in wetlands so if she had another one here would that kind of signal yes Oliver single tokens in wetlands countess because she's water alright that's right I am lightning swift strike okay my special rules the swiftness of lightning it's very similar to my name for every purple that you have which is I do not know what for this this symbol this element but what is that element purple great is it great everyone you have you may use one turtle power as if it were a swift power oh wow power cards or your innate powers that's pretty great I that means you can destroy potentially before you they act you can decide that you're slow power is and again that's just a ten second threshold then I have to have it visible in the cards of them playing correct right but for everyone so that's kind of cool right you want them anyway to activate you yeah na powers are important in Aaron um I am shadows flicker like flame and my special power is whenever I use a power or my innate power I can pay an energy to target a land with a native Hut regardless of the powers range so if I pay the energy I can target anywhere that the natives are what is a are you hold on does that mean you're changing your power card you are it means if I pay an extra energy and a half managers spend my range is essentially infinite on the card you play on the cards you work on the card or innate power that I'm using okay great as long as there's a native Hut there I Mixon I I have special connection to the island people okay so I know that we're not gonna be able to remember what everything yeah that's our met what is our what is your main thing that you do my my main thing is defense right but what is it that what what what is it happens when you do that like some of your name okay well we owe my innate powers mighty powers allow me to reuse power cards that I've already played okay what does the new Keys do then pushing people around Nikki gets to push people around and if she gets to the bottom she's also dealing damage okay what is yours do unsurprisingly for the fire guy it's about enduring and destroying the invaders yeah okay I can destroy your actually lives and their minds just basically destroy buildings it looks like we haven't we haven't gotten any oh so we're we're getting there okay um let's talk about gathering and pushing so when you they pretty much do exactly what you think when you gather you are bringing stuff to the targeted area now remember it's to the targeted area so if you have a thing that says gather like nikki has a thing that says say push a town and it's range one and it's any land that's the other thing there's always a range and there's always potentially a qualifier so that means she could push the it's up to arrange one that means if she wanted to she could push this town if she had that ability and she would push it one space but if she were here she could also push this town or push this town because it's range one this is the thing where the action is taking place sure so she could push this and by pushing it she could push it here or here or she could push it here sure that looks like she's gathering it but she's really pushing it okay okay because she's doing it from the area that you're doing it and gathering works the same way when you were gathering you are gathering things into the land you are targeting that land might be away from where you have presence so if I were if I could gather something with a range of two that means I could gather this let's say I could gather let's say I'm here and there's a range of one two and I can potentially gather this DeHaan in here with the gather action at a target range of two does that make sense it does okay there are going to be cards that do stuff on weird things that don't happen right away and that's what you have these little tokens for these are just remember tokens so if I have a power card that's gonna do something later I can basically go this is gonna do something later here so I'm gonna put that token there just to remind me okay that's what's gonna happen and in fact I am going to I am absolutely going to put this token here right now because any place where I have a sacred site I defended a value of three and I might forget that more importantly you guys might not remember that right in case that matters from what you're doing now am i defending this area for three my gonna you're already knocking stuff around my defending this area for three might not make any difference okay all right so let's talk about the invader phase I've been kind of hinting around me now so they're the first season happens invader phase is this blighted thing which doesn't happen because we're not using these cards god but if we were this would happen cool so we're a spared that the second thing that happens is fear if we had fear cards there we would turn them over and the good things for us would happen hmm alright the next thing that happens is the ravaged face so these are then gonna happen in this order there is currently nothing in here so that doesn't happen I'll explain that later after ravaged phases build there is nothing in build but that's how more towns and cities get on the board I'll explain that later and then the last thing that happens is explore and for purposes of setting the game up we're gonna do this now before we actually start so I can explain it the explore phases there's three phase one cards there are three different island terrains out of the four terrains we have shuffled them and removed ones so we don't know which one won't come up but in this case it's jungle and they're going to send explorers to the jungle explorers are guys who are gonna come either from an adjacent or current town or city they're gonna walk out of their town a city to explore or they're gonna come via from the ocean so we're gonna look at every jungle and we're gonna see does this jungle case of this jungle has a city and it's also next to the ocean so it doesn't matter but it gets this one guy he comes to explore this jungle this general does not distinguish a jacent to a city so he could come from there but even if this weren't here he could still come because he's next to the ocean so this gets an explorer all right this jungle is adjacent to a town to town in a city so he gets explore it's always just one regardless this is adjacent but even if it weren't it has one so this gets an explorer this is adjacent so it gets an explorer and this is adjacent so it gets an explorer and hey this is adjacent so it goes explore and it seems pretty easy a lot of explorers okay yeah all right we lost okay having explored this card is now going to move to here all right mm-hmm so then this is now done we would then advance these cards that's what we've done right we're at the end of the phase so now we advance cards which is anything that was in ravage goes to the discard anything that was a build goes to ravage and anything the explore goes to build mm-hmm so on the next turn on our first real turn of the game we're gonna do these we won't have ravage but we will have a build phase and then we'll have an explored face so let me explain what the phases going to be holding so on the first real turn of the game we're gonna do growth we're gonna do presents we're gonna take our fast actions and then before we can do our slow actions this stuff's gonna happen building is this you are going to look at every jungle space on the board if a jungle space has any of this white plastic in it if it has any of the invader pieces in it you look to see if there are more towns than cities and if there aren't you build a town and if there are you build a city so this we get a town this we get a town this we get a town this is good at this we get a town this we get a town this would get a city because there's there are now more towns cities this would get a town this we get a town yeah so we got to knock out a bunch of these explorers oh yeah yeah and then after they build they will look the new explorers will pop up on a new land yeah alright let's talk about ravage then since what's gonna happen is next round after the build this is then gonna move to ravage whatever this is we don't know what it is we'll move here mm-hmm so ravage is where the damage happens okay um the pieces on the board the white pieces on the board all have a value of sort of what they are like these guys have a attack and defense of one the towns with the two little buildings have an attack and a defense of two and the city is with their three buildings have an attack in a defense of three so when ravage comes and remember ravage is only gonna be in the jungle spaces not where all the pieces are just for the ones it changes it'll be so we're gonna when we get to that point where it's ravage whatever is left whatever we haven't been you know they get rid of or push to a different terrain right is going to ravage they are going to attack with whatever their base value is so in this case this jungle is one two three four so it's gonna attack with four all right a needle and they're gonna attack both the land and the natives in the land if you attack land with two or more if a land gets hit with two or more it picks up a blight blight is sort of pandemic like because if you attack in a blight where there is a blight it you you don't put a second one there you put it into a neighboring place okay a blight in addition to hastening the time clock to us losing also if it goes into a place where there is spirit presence all Spirit players in that land lose a presence those presents come off the board and out of the game they don't come back to your board so because your board will always be yeah it'll always be advancing your generation and remember one of the ways we lose is if we if one of us has no presence on the board okay additionally yeah additionally the Jehan have a defense and an attack of two so these four these four hit points would basically take care of this guy and he would be gone but let's look here this guy attacks with one so that he tacks the land with one there is no blight because it's not two or more he hits the Dom with one they injured Don you turn up something to indicate that has one hit but down but not out after the invaders attack of the Don fight back the Don hit with a value of two hmm this has a hit thing of one so off the board and then when we get to this time passes at the end everything will reset no that includes so let's say this Don didn't take any hits let's say we played some cards that protected that this is for example why when I drop a second guy here this will have a defense of three and that's a defense for everything in there mm-hmm if this guy took a hit we would turn him this way and indicate he's got two left and we would turn him this way to indicate he's got one left but at the end of time passes if we haven't finished that city off it regenerates back to they rebuild it yep do you do the same thing with the town's name yes everything in time passes that is partially damaged is fully healed okay so that's gonna be ravaged yeah then build and then explore and so these pieces are just gonna keep coming Wow I think that might be everything is that impossible there's got to be something that I've forgotten that will come up but I think that's enough for us to dive in so the spirit phase is essentially done simultaneously but for purposes of at least the first couple of turns we can talk through it if you want and not do things simultaneously okay all of them you have your four starting cards okay so the first thing we're all gonna do is we're gonna do growth so you're gonna pick one of your things right I already kind of said what I was gonna do so I'm gonna I'm gonna take this presence and add it here and I get a power card for doing that and that's my thing and I'm gonna mark this year to also member remind myself as well as you guys that I'm defending three in these places if you're doing that I think Nikki should put one here too so we remembered that that's a sacred site for her in the there you go so what do you guys want to do who wants to go next to me again this would normally be simultaneous okay I am pretty sure that I want to use my third ability okay because it gives me free energy otherwise well I could do this one that just gets me one otherwise I otherwise I'm thinking you two cards yes it does no yeah that's true too and you have at least two cards that are zero right no I have one ho so it's either only play that yeah this is the only way that I can put I can't play two cards this turn that's the unfortunate you do the third one and and then jump across the board yeah yeah I think I want to do that so I'm dude getting three energy yeah and adding a presence up to three away this is what I'm saying you have three energy to play two cards now if you took your presence from the bottom yes but you want to generate more Dexter yeah so you want to do it yeah you choose yeah that's cool yeah it just depends it no I think that's the smarter way you had it in your hand so I'm gonna probably add a presence so for a while he's thinking go for it yeah I don't think I'm gonna try to get more energy so what are you doing I dunno do we gain any energy yes from the very beginning you know but you're gonna but once we're done with the growth phase basically just move down the top of the board once you're good like for example I'm gonna gain three energy when we get to energy so I'm gonna do one away but part of the thing is we kind of got a guess where they're gonna go correct so we want to gain presents where they might be so we have some defense so that there's two things that we're trying to do the one thing is obviously we're trying to stop we're trying to stop the ravaging from happening when we get there but we also want to try to stop the building from happening right because if the building doesn't happen in some of the general spaces then we don't have to worry about the ravaging happening there I mean it's it's all gonna be triage this game like trying to figure out and all a lot of it depends on what cards you have and what they can do right so I'm but I'm saying we do know that there's gonna be two more terrain types coming in this place correct and they won't be jungle of course because they're all different right but my point is don't we want to have presence we want like right now it's jungle I'm here somebody's here in wetlands Dave's and jungle Dave's in the mountains Niki's and wetlands don't we want to be in the areas that they are yes but you also want to be places on the board where your cards will have maximum chance for use so you are you doing like the target land is any for me which growth action are you doing I thought I just said I was gonna add presence in game 3 energy oh so you doing that one yeah so you can jump up to two away just one on this one okay so here might be good okay right yeah again because it now gives you access to this this and this this and prior to that you don't have access to that you didn't explain for if they do damage here to add blight where does the new blight go is it a number in that land no I know you said it jumps another whoa we decide worker question adjacent land we decide that goes Nikki what are you doing presence yeah I need to gain more energy to do carts okay presently we do in the middle but you can do and do them off of either one if you want to play more cards but yeah I don't understand I can't afford more energy first so here we go I'm gonna put my presence in the jungle is that gonna help this situation here this dude potentially again again it depends on your cards for example if your cards have although if you go here Nikki it's double its its site and you you access you don't need that right now okay right we need her to jungle again let me we have it explained like say here are all my action cards right I haven't read them through I'm not sure what they all do yet but all of my action cards have arrangement one all right yeah yes which means that none of my action cards can attack here can affect this land right now none of my action cards can affect this land right now because I don't have that right I'm out of range I understand so part of where you're placing your presence is to be able to deal with something about those exactly I'm correct correct so that's part of why you're placing is depending on the range of what you have my range is not we didn't talk about this either but let me do this now these cards also all have like a like a target I'm answering their Nikki that work for example this Power has a range of up to 1 and can only be used where there's a Don mm-hmm right this says any that can go anywhere any any this is it can go anywhere except I can't use it where there's blight okay oh no yeah in other words the targeted land is any space with no blight right and this little icon these little three three dudes this is any spirit meaning one of us right and there's there's one that's any spirit and there's one that's another spirit god I mean can't any spirit means it can be you so I only placed one presents here correct you get are you doing this growth I'm doing that do I do a second yep that's what I thought well the plus is if you did this one you get an additional card in your hand although you don't have the energy necessarily but you can place two away right and that could get that jungle they're not that that that that doesn't deal with this jungle either but went away from wherever you are can two of your presence being the same yep absolutely now when we okay there for but it's probably too strong no there's no strength to this all that all that is is just giving them access and again that gets to you accessing out of this wetland which is good for you and here and okay there's no strengths in this isn't that some defense or no no it's just present nothing it's just presence it can only be blighted away okay it's just the range of where the spirits remember we're spirits we have no physical presence we are only we imbue the the native turn of our power right mmm did you do all your stuff for now sure you did you place your one I place my thing and I got my three energy okay so we all generate energy as well I get three Niki you get to weaken when you get one did you want to no no this is just one no it's just whatever the all I think that's right it's radio time so that's great next one will give me ten Aaron gets none and now we all play cards all right and those cards when you play them you pay for them and put the money on the card and now is the part where we get to figure stuff out yes so I have one will allow targets for me use up to two slow powers is that is if they were fast powers this turn so it's a single energy to activate and that could be good for it could be good for me but it could be great for you guys as well well are those this is one damage to each invader but range one so it's not but that's gonna happen right away even though it's a slow power remember your special ability oh you don't have any purple down do you have a purple then yeah here okay so you can turn that slow ability that will happen as a fast ability for me correct I'm saying I can target others oh yeah I can give somebody else another spirit the power to muscle power gives fast powers okay up to two yeah it's what I'm gonna do because the other stuff is a zero let's see push up to two huts and this says one fear if you pushed any huts into a land with cities or towns or cities so I mean that's something that's valuable to is that we can bump up fear so I mean you all know it's free so I can do that one so those are the cards I'm playing but you can only play two cards on that's right not three that's right I know reason why and I remember that as I was trying to make this happen but oh I can't do that - I can play three cards okay and put the payment for the on your cards so you know you paid for them okay so someone's slow action is a fast right you've up to two selections Wow one person one spirit one sears chemist two selections okay I can play this one card and see one two and if you can let me do that I can get rid of this mm-hmm and I can oh I can't push that guy because he's not there can anyone can anyone move this to where I am or move either of these two here yeah I mean that's what I would like here because I have the I'm going to damage each invader what one in the targeted land and obviously it's gonna be that one for me because it's the most damage I can inflict in a jungle space each invader one lic so you so if Aaron can push us into there and we can push it this into there those all will take damage well but the one damage on the town is not gonna help it's just gonna flip back over right that's true what but it's it's great for getting rid of invaders and then I can do the same thing elsewhere I can do it here anywhere that we actually know that's one we do it there okay I can also bring this guy in there which will destroy the town no not the Doha only attack after they're attacked so the Dolan only attack in the rabbit has a counter attack it's a counter attack all right they do not fight every round they only fight back but won't they be no fighting this turn I've got it there will only be building the only time fighting happens is once we get to the ravaged face the thing is why I keep pointing out yeah the energy is if I target another spirit they gain one energy per power card they played this turn okay so can that Aaron in the carts that he chooses to play right now yes are you paying for the answer is yes here's the deal she can't target you anyway because you're here you can't give it to any well there's no range it's can go anywhere ha I apologize everything has a different thing I apologize but I could just forgive myself I thought were yeah we think it's terribly I wish I knew you were doing that thing and they could have played different all right we all chose our stuff sure okay so the first thing happens is fast abilities so who has fasted all a miner finish okay so so what do you got well first thing I can do is I can target whoever we're gonna give we're gonna do that to you Dave's that we decided we're gonna make what Lightning's Boone target spirit may use up to two slow powers as if they were fast powers this turn oh it's only worth it's only one player yes yes there and he's got to slow powers Nikki also has to slow powers no she does she does she has this one and she has this one okay all right so we'll give them a nikkie yep and we're already falling into our own trap which is which makes sense because we want to play we're gamers and we want to play the game but it's just it's so hard to know what to do and till you sort of understand think he's got those I apologize I'm just guilty of that is everybody all right you're going to target the invaders here yes absolutely all right my fast ability range one from a sacred site is I can target this space and gather an explorer into it so I'm gonna move him there so this is your target space yes yeah they're not gonna gather in correct like not where you are right support its key it's up to range one from my sacred side and I gathered it out of that target space yep Niki's fast moves you still have a fast move to use until everything's done that makes sense all right it's probably doing this though you have to fast moves you have this one and you have this one this is the past you have three but I mean you have now three phase are all fast they're all fair courtesy of Lincoln okay well I should pride you the pushin yes so for this one yep is push one yep one way either dude or town yep so purple I'm in these areas so I can push we want them well we want them out of jungles fight them right so oh I don't want to push it here because it'll make this stronger well Dave I think well actually actually you know what forget the town push the dude push you to this dude here or this dude they're just bunch the dudes I don't think she can reach this one it has to go through this one this way I cannot what's up chief I'm you know sacred site its range one of a sacred site so she can't reach stone god no it's so it has to be this one yeah sacred site range one got it so push this guy here done done next festival okay next possibility push up to three whoa dudes or towns rage rage one for many for many Oh Axl II push these two guys here these two yeah now they're both out of the jungle all right and she might as well push this one out she can't she it's not three dudes anywhere oh it's just three dudes on Sesame base correct I see so why would she this is because this is where you're going to do something yes but also they're both out of the jungle now right which is where they're we want them to build right right but if if you can't deal with them in this range in this area here I can but my slow ability is gonna happen after the build okay okay right now she's got done they got a building okay and then I've got my boon of vigor I can either mine was lightning his boon by the way okay I can either target myself or another spirit if I target myself a game one energy if I target another spirit I gained one enter they gain one energy per power card they played this turn okay so me Lincoln you were linked to where you want to give it to and it's any range oh right we that's not a problem you know I have the lowest energy per turn so far so it would prone you pull your next presence off you skill zero I soft you up to - yes okay then probably Aaron is the better bet so you can he's still gonna be zero but well there's one next turn all right let's do partners I'll take that too I'll see you get yours thank you done that got used that guy I wish we had time to read every Power named as we I know used it but we definitely can say the cardinal hi all right you have another fast power so mine's raging storm okay they're gone does it does to me yes each one is gone it's one damaged for everybody how much to each invader so this is damage let's just mark it those two guys back you know yeah therm into the wrong bed it's interesting that I'm at all these that was a slow ability that she made fast no that's I for each purple I have I may use one oh yeah so I can that's what's weird it's like basically I have slow powers but I can make the backs and fast as long as they just most of my cards have purple oh nice I'm not sure well you are enough the god of lightning sounds made alright is that all of the fast abilities I believe that for me yes alright now we move on to the invader phase so the first thing that happens is if we had a black card but we don't fear cards but we don't ravage build here we go let's look at all the jungles this jungle has a guy in it so it gets a town this jungle has a guy in it so it gets a town hey nothing gets built here and then gets built here yes this jungle has a town in it so it has more towns and cities it gets a city and the town doesn't go away it just adds still injured town that's right glass nothing here this gets a town and this gets a town yeah well we got rid of half of the time yes I mean the half of the builds alright okay okay so that's the build phase now we explore commence wetland like here comes guys this is adjacent and also next to the oceans and this gets a guy this oh my god okay I can't pull it apart this gets a guy because it's adjacent to all kinds of fun stuff that's adjacent to this is adjacent town city yep this is for Jason to town and city yep that has a talent city yeah they're pretty and that one as well as yeah okay alright so far we haven't had any we need to like clear out a whole like quantum gotta get get it so that there but it's unacceptable in again oh yeah we got to get rid of the whole thing okay then we advance these cards so ravaging will happen in the judge this next turn and building will happen in the wetland this is my thought seems I'm totally impossible right now but my thought is like since these are spreading you know from like all the jungles all the wetlands and everything and right now all the spaces are getting stuff yeah like if we could clear like one quarter of the island then we would just be putting out less white plastic every time this happens also fewer but the problem is these motions does it well can we drain those oceans or something that's right alright it's just remember we're gonna start slow and hopefully get better as we get more advanced and will get better and more presence in alright hey Dave if there's more than one Explorer here do they double build towns when the building parts come no but it makes it harder to stop the building because there's more splat against okay and also like raging storm on this and also the attack stronger because remember every piece of plastic has an attack of value right like this is an attack of four right now right one two three four okay and we only we didn't attack this turn because there was nothing in the ravaged spot correct all right we advanced the Gator cards let's get attacked with his cards no I mean the ravaged correct major there's no member we never attack here this is where the Don fight back yes all of our attacks are I'm talking about the invaders ravaging but we are done with the invader phase so we're no not we're on the slow movement yes yes no there's like that comes just powers mm-hmm so that's both of yours and mine so I can deal two damage and push one thing I'm gonna do two damage here and I'm gonna get rid of these guys does that make more sense than getting rid of the town yes they're gone okay well no they're gonna sense the exact because these are easier to get rid of by doing like his power does one damage to everything in the space well not anymore right that's in the discard pile now but yeah that's what he gets it back yeah okay my god yes I think a town is harder to kill okay even though those guys may build on them I can push one of these guys do only to push him somewhere no because right now deserts don't yes I will absolutely push him somewhere I will push him back to the jungle joke right no matter I have a defensive three here all right and if we can get a de haan into there like these guys won't only won't kill Han cuz they're not doing anything I don't know maybe I shouldn't I think you should push them into this jungle where they will attack the Don and then be killed by the counter-attack beautiful that's exactly right that was what I was trying to do here but I was fast I helped thank you all right dad that was time triggering dread yeah he really pushed okay mantilla dread to fear period now in any spirit space so anything where we have a disc anyone space very nice the target spirit can push one Explorer and one town from one of their lands so for instance I this may not be the best spot but since they're about to build here we could push these into a space where nothing's gonna happen or do you think you just did here or yes push push maybe this town out and there's this building here now it's Manmadha Han will kill this guy or rather they're not building around James it's one Explorer and one town from one of their lands so I feel like we should do a the next issue while we can get it yes okay so but like this space this space in this space let us get the maximum push we can do we get a deal with this we're guess we do have to deal with that trouble over there next turn well maybe you should do yours right that's gonna be where the ravages just know let's do it over here cuz I I have something else for that okay just space okay so mantle of dread added to fear it's also the target spirit being purple Nicki's dude can push an explorer and a town from one of their lands we're gonna push them out of a jungle so they don't get ravaged next turn yep and and hopefully the desert does nothing in the next coming up rounds that makes sense and because you had added fear you reminded me that we need to add one more fear because I said this before and then of course I forgot I got rid of that town uh-huh and getting rid of a town as a fear yeah for fear the main reason I forgot was I was going to get rid of two of these guys and you correctly talked me into getting rid of the town yes added bonus my other slow ability is called favors called do and I can I think I'm gonna do this and start a plan for the future when the DeHaan help us fight things ideally I can the target space is up to one away from me and I can gather up to four DeHaan into that space okay then if invaders are present and the Dom now a member them three fear chicken wow yeah I totally favors called do DW so I thought they were like they're the favors were called do [Music] so then if this is a combat space we might actually bowl to break down this city right remember a 14-2 got about combat space it gets explored built and then built in those two phases I just think it gives us more potential to yeah it's very very cool all right that's all the slow actions for Lincoln did it or yes you have one all my actions were spending time passes so that goes to your discard pile this gets regenerated and we're on to the next thing so first is growth figure out what you guys are gonna do for growth okay I want to get over there now I think I'm gonna do well it may not be urging yet cuz we don't know what that terrain it's gonna come up or not know but I have a pretty great card that does damage if there's at least three DeHaan in a space okay okay the problem is it's the slow ability so though it would be nice to put three here if we did that the ravage would happen first and these guys would all be slow to do that anyway uh shoot no I can't get a guy into there no I can't I can't do it any way I can protect all those huts okay this turn so then Lincoln can you move those to their horse might I get my range is two on that is no no I'm sorry that's my show that's fantastic therefore my growth I'm gonna add one presence and gain two energy so I get two energy I'm adding my presence and gaining through my presence is gonna be here add presence it's a one range getting three energy yep hmm I can actually do I wanna I'm doing this one I can do two but I think I'm only gonna do one is there a much I want to pull a cart so I'm just gonna get in here right okay that's waters scary right now young'n be scary it's good it's good and also that's a sacred ball so you go over here Nikki and then you have range of all the stuff yeah that's true cuz yeah you're already adjacent agree to go to that water one hundred percent better just to mark that I'm too nice and I draw a card from here yep you just take the top card okay but normally you would draw four pick once okay all right I'm this I'm three for that or it decided yeah him if you're searching if you're protecting these guys and he's pushing them over this is laying three a reminder is the huts are protected this turn okay that's great Jonathan but not the land ready to that just in just the hut so we'll gain of light but that I suppose we will you still need to know whether its job or pizza and I forgot to take income to Minnesota what do you get - I know when you when you generate energy from here you also forget you just get it every turn thank you I'm might this protection card is a fast effect which also creates one fear so I'm processing my fast card right now okay anyone else doing fast actions because that's where at now all right haven't even chosen though okay all right no worries sorry go ahead and well I think that one's free and I paid the one I'm saying so we know you did it oh oh well I have to do this one are definitely okey-doke what are you doing in this space are you damaging them are you doing something we are killing everything in this but well then I can gather into that space as well yes as long as nobody was doing that without everybody know man if you can that's fantast great that's my other fast affair and you got a thing out of the water that's even better right cuz that's there that's where the builds happening yes ma'am what's going on here yeah nothing yet we're just trying to weasel my beer as we can okay okay so mines all about pushing so are we doing this stuff that we're doing or hasn't done everything in it well mine are all fast okay just a fast man did you have the purple cause you're purple that's awesome well you're starting here I'll be there on there you're starting as probably all purple right it's like an eggplant that cost one it's good though right you want to then you can do your thing again to two and three so it's still early right yeah it's like fire wind water something leaf and claw it does seem like I thought one of them is internet Wi-Fi we're gonna do Stefan alright we're already fast actually okay I doesn't in my fast first I'm going to do this one harbingers of lightning one range away push any to Hut's fantastic I get we gain one fear if he pushed any Hut into a land with of city or a town space fears that nice then my other fast action possibly get new this into there to is absolutely to I get to destroy one Hut range two away from a sacred location which I only have one wait destroy a hut what do you mean uh house hello town town yeah town and that we gain a fear for doing that but I need to know what we should do here have a sacred location yeah this one huh guys takes care of that one or that one and we don't know if this comes up next or if this comes up next so that so if a nest one cuz they're gonna ravage I suppose well it doesn't really matter because they're still doodoo blight but is anyone else doing anything over here before Lincoln makes it uh we can't reach it me neither only Aaron and he's alright well I can only affect this my space I mean with my other thing then I don't know actually that's not true I guess I don't know if it's better to what you're doing you're destroying a town I don't know if it's better to spread it out or to do its range of to completely remove this thing I can go to the zit so of the things that have ranged - oh no I could go here to that one as well which is the build is anybody gonna be dealing with this dude no but go ahead and pull it right because then it would just when we build there it'll just come back otherwise if you don't we build their city's gonna go there um okay so that says yeah this is already horrible right so they did another town well no nothing's gonna build there right oh that's right it's just in Iraq yeah this is a range of Tim let's do that one and ahead of fear because we have destroyed a town would and those are both done boomba okay and you're saving your other one or you did them all you didn't I did both oh that's your discard pile like it did you do yours no no all right go for it okay I can do one damage okay but if the target is coastal I add an eye so I can do two damage if I do a coastal so correct this is considered coastal correct no no coastal is stuff that touches the water okay which is not to say this even though this looks like it's sunrise do not coastal dodge it hurt here yeah that's considered coastal even though that's water in there okay so with this right yeah do what damage - if it's coastal I do - damage well - damage doesn't matter than that yeah because there's so maybe we just get relief or the city well you can make it get rid of him but that doesn't matter cuz he's only one it doesn't matter cuz he'll build you might as well wiping you can't reach this oh that's not coastal it's not coastal I would say yeah I would say get rid of that it doesn't have to be coastal I can just do one damage you can do more damage anywhere it's just Coast you can't reach this one in here mean it has to around away one damage one away too much you can't do this I got well it's a slow movement so it'll happen after the badness happens but I kind of feel that would still stop the build yeah like some it's either here here here or here yeah that all those can stop the Explorer building right if I just use it for one damage yes well you can't start the doing here so this is where you should go because there'll still be presents there right by that any white plastic city we'll build a town yes okay yes then they made way out white will any white plastic piece will yes yeah totally all right that's for my speedy and then there's my payment yep is that all the fast actions you're you haven't any power but it's slow you're in a Paris fast did you generate enough I'm I did that's what pulled this guy okay cool alright so we're on to the bad guys so there's no blight there's no fear card ravage here we go how much okay in all the jungle spaces this does three damage to the space so you add a blight but it doesn't it bounces to wherever we want it to go yeah okay that's this general space this does one damage which is as far as we know not going to do anything okay no damage here yeah Aaron okay we'll do this no damage here that does five damage which is one light because you did it just doesn't make as long as it's two or more no damage there three so that kills this Oh unfortunately but it doesn't place blight it does there's three damage to the land Oh separate they fight the land and the natives independently Oh yuck all right and what about this it is protected the Gihon huts are protected from ravaging no damage from ravaging invaders but not the land right so this gets a blight okay because it's being attacked with three four five six seven ice do you get rid of light yes okay yes okay because there was a ravage the dawn now counter-attack there's no DeHaan here there's nothing to fight here hey these DeHaan fight with a value of four this has one so this goes away sweet note on here note on here these two haunt fight with two four six so they get rid of one two three four five six Wow nice and that creates three fears yeah destroying a town city three fear that's amazing yeah my card was probably unnecessary as it turns out I still think it was a worthwhile campaign it's gonna generate fear though so if we could have sucked that in actually I can I can basically use it somewhere else if I want to now if it hasn't yeah it hasn't done anything that's all the jungle right we've done the the yes alright now we build so let's just do this then we get a town here right nothing here correct nothing here you get a town here of a town here yeah down here down here you're in town pieces there's a lot there's a lot and a town here oh and nothing here Wow yeah - I'm saved after all right and now we're going to explore in the map mountains so yeah we didn't do this last time but let's just be the person that gave it yeah okay so we know we're doing all the places all right if we got rid of this there be no again I've had an empty space yeah oh well we got close oh no this just showed up it just showed up on the bill all right said didn't know that we could have done about that all right that mountain that's next to the water regardless that gets one that gets one that one's one they all they all get it kids we didn't save any spaces no that gets one and that gets one it's really hard to do I I think really what you're trying to do more than anything is stop the builds if you can help it right we stopped a lot of builds last round which will potentially help us okay I thought this was gonna be overrun but I mean obviously that's part of what well Aaron's card was great okay and now these move right yes that goes to the discard pile that goes here that goes here before we get to our slow actions I have there's a couple of blight things that I need to correct already the first was I was wrong when I described this earlier when you add a blight to this it you do add a second one yeah and then it this was the thing when I said the Deming thing it's yes and then we add an adjacent one so that makes this time cloth so it's um I don't want to say this upfront but when we removed like it does go back to the card so it just slowed the clock back down but the other thing that I did say but we forgot is when you add blight via ravage we just ravaged in the jungle we added a blight hear a single presence from any spirits and that gets removed this is now out of the game oh you did say that this is now out of the game because we added one here right and then we didn't add a light to any other we added no blight here no blood here no blood here no blood here no blight there so no we did it right there but there's no okay sorry about that okay having said that slow action time Aaron got Dean there yeah I got hammered but we did we got have a good you're fast action did happen first yes so that was good alright so my slow action is to damage a single space away I was gonna do it here because if the plant has three or more blight I got five damage and to fear so the question is what do you guys think is it worth just losing five on that but generating to fear or should I do the full to damage somewhere you got five more here a four more here is there anywhere you can destroy the town yeah I can get rid of this town then I would say do that that's better about to ravage it and would get a fear for it I can do one away from wherever I am so so it's pretty much there that's the only town I can do or there yep wow they're both good what do you think anyone ever I guess this one cuz we can all get to that one okay so I'm gonna get rid of this to you okay that does generate of fear yep yeah a hair a hair fear hair fear into the mouth fear and I kind of wasted that card unfortunately because I didn't see a head that that would be like already go on it no I think we're I think we're still doing well my crops wither and fade to fear so we're super close now here I can downgrade a town into an explorer or a city into a town I can do it here where I am or what's gonna build next turn mountains mountains ah well that ravaged is gonna be bad right you're gonna lose this guy if this blight is still here I don't have any way to get rid of that blight I maybe there's a way to move this oh you know what I might I might be able to destroy those dudes maybe I'm I'm looking for a place to yeah I don't I don't see any I don't see anything - does this count as destroying if I downgrade this to an explorer or not no I was just replacing it now all right I'm downgrading that town okay with crops wither okay I am done with all my stomach II you still have one yeah and I also have my oh yeah it's true you got two so I can add it I can add a fear if I want to or I can get rid of some blight no no you both know that's a period no even do both if invaders are present out of fear your target land is one of these to remove a blight okay both you always be doing everything on the card unless it says instead does that help him is it too far away that's it I have to why'd you do it from my sacred site run away shucks well that's a secret say right that's what I do not hear ya I'm not far enough away so and the hit has to be either water or sand perfect say do this and then so I can well I have a lot I I can hit over here yeah and I could hit over here there's no blade there there right yeah you definitely want to remove it okay so invaders are present yeah a deployed fear out of fear fear sorry that moves a card over automatically me I'll be down and then all the fear goes back the hair the hair goes back to the top of the head Mika's has a job and then this is Samson and the blade remove a bra like yep that's great that is a good cause so there's that business sorry yep and then you have your innate powers and I am I slow which is oh I can push either a town or a dude and it's one of Western online anything sacred site oh just from your secrets from one away from a sacred site one away from us so she can push this out of where it's gonna build next turn or or the town out of where it's gonna ravage her sacred site mm-hmm right yeah those are all good yeah for this one where it's gonna ravage her sacred site they're all good choices and really know oh yeah cuz right it'll it'll cause blight it won't hurt her like say in those spaces I say push one of them into here and see if we can first of all nothing's happening in the desert second of all this guess I don't know what this is no we're by the way we're on level 2 so this could be it now double up this could be mountains as a second time could but so far we know that desert was the one that didn't come up in the first three right it also gives us a chance to like let's push everything in here we can and maybe we can whammy that desert space so I'd push one of these things into that desert right we don't want to push another town you want to push it too sweetie only if they build that which we know you want to push Tim these are gonna rampage next to ravage next turn and if they ravaged it a value of three they do blight got it yeah so let's get that two or more and they do blatem you don't want fortunately I can do it for both spot good good progress all right that was my innate okay that's everything time passes how I feel discard Oh on to the next yeah okay yep when does this happen the fear card happens here seeing in the later phase and that could potentially really help us yeah cuz we don't know what that is right it's our first really good fear all right so respect to spirit actions yeah I bet me and Lincoln are both reclaiming cards no yeah none and we get art I get a card on top and we get an energy bonus and I don't I'm gonna do that same thing believe it or not I'm gonna reclaim cards all right that's what I see like it does seem like a popular because that allows me to also add a presence for two or more can you got me an energy with a whole dance there's no energy for you thank you sir and then make sure I'm doing the thing I didn't you do how much energy do you now - I think I just took it right oh no like you know one time one here Sun to mountains to green oh that is exactly and you got that other one as well yeah I did that was I had two from the last round yeah oh wow okay this turn is gonna be fantastic well this is where I actually start to make things happen yeah all of us right because I can play three cards now so I can actually actually hit happen do but I can't get it before all right I'm gonna take also so I can through this after you do one was your income to the main comes to all right there's two Lincoln I did it mine okay you guys take yours yeah okay good uh-huh oh that's fantastic done my turn is programmed Lincoln are you doing your turn slow cards into fast cards thing again potentially yes okay that could be pretty huge Aaron I can probably take care of this are you dealing with this or leaving it alone I'm I'm leaving it alone okay I'm dealing with this okay or at least defending it Nikki I like an if you do that for me I can take care of this all of this I can get rid of crap no I can't generate the crap tune of fear well part of what's gonna go on here so I'm gonna do the way you good raging storm so I need people to gather stuff okay I can do that too so it says here on I have one called my new one is called entrancing apparitions and it says defend to if no invaders are present gather up to two explorers so I'm not sure because I'm only gonna be damaging one everything's got this the only place it's got more than and I haven't I'm not I'm not expanding so I can't I'm not adding presence so I'm not gonna be able to hit anything that I couldn't hit before so this isn't even close to me but anyway but I'll do that that's fine you know actually you might not have to Aaron are you playing it what's your fast ability do does it gather anything no no but I can gather one Explorer but you can't bring in Dylan right no okay are you taking care of this so that the Vino blight uh no I don't know if I am oh but I can target there actually I could if I need to you know what never mind um I'm gonna do mine it's gonna be fantastic well I can give you the plate here I can give you played out far away I can jump too great for this one and I'm gonna do that you don't I don't think you need you Lincoln I mean I need to do it to somebody okay then part of my I guess I don't know I want to be able to do an innate power which is to destroy in another town I think I'm gonna be damaging are you playing you playing the make slow fast yes might be better to damage - well it depends unless unless I can get where I'm gonna damage a bunch of invaders then I might be better off doing shattering homesteads where I get to destroy a town another town you absolutely don't need to do it for me I don't think I think I'm okay so if you want to do it for someone else or his head girls need it if you're playing that it's art its its cost one I can do something else that cost one as well I accept it doesn't give me huh the sucky thing is this for me to do this I kind of need to I kind of need to do it if I want to use my innate powers which is to destroy another town you're by the way this will be fun I'm taking care of this baby okay what space are you damaging well that's what I was asking because other thing is this I can only damage each one and if I yeah some ways I'm damaging a bunch of people we want a bunch of explorers in that space right that's what we want in what space whatever whatever everything takes one damage and it has to be how many away from Lincoln and it is one it's fast because it becomes cannon yeah what yeah it says you may use it so it doesn't have to be but it should because otherwise they'll yeah there's well I can is it a fad it's it well you can do it you can do it as a slow if you want yes you can it doesn't hurt the thing well I see you're saying alright we've all picked everything yes alright you were gonna go first right yes my innate power which is a fast power two hours now two moons a fire I can gather in an explorer this is the target space and it's one away from my sacred site okay awesome all right that's power today boom you're making all my powers fast or two - you can sure you can use up to 2 power ok I have to yeah there you go so this is now fast power I can gather up to two explorers from one away and also to Don although I don't feel like I need to move to Han right now so I'm gonna gather this would be my target area I'm gonna bring in this guy and this guy and now my innate power which is a fast power because I have a son two mountains and two greens once this turn you may repeat a power card with energy cost 1 or less sweet so we can repeat a cart with cost 1 or less this is a card that cost 1 or less right I have to pay for it again the repeats not free okay but I will now gather up to 2 things and I will target that area and I'll bring in this guy and I'll bring in this down nice and I've used that and since you already made this fast Lincoln I might as well just use it mm-hmm so ritual destruction I'm gonna target here it's too damaged but if the target area has at least 3 done in it it's actually 5 damage and a to fear so to fear from the card this goes away which also gets us to more fear sweet the city goes yes also dinner is to fear yeah that's why I picked up my cards again ok and I've done everything so well let me give Lincoln his boon of vigor ok so you get you gain an energy per power card played this yeah so we go take that I need it and then my other one is nature's resilience okay and it's a defend of six do you have two blue I don't okay good one yeah I know if you've had time no I know I'm just saying it out loud for people pay attention again I'm not on your case in a which you perform Samara means you are defending six from your sake one away from your sacred site right so which one are you doing this one this one pearl because that she can't reach to this one unfortunately no it's not one away from sacred but this is a better one anyway she wants to you save save her sacred sue she doesn't want to get a bite token or she could defend this one which is gonna take two blight one cuz there's already one there no it's not gonna take any plate oh right it's only the young marshlands wetlands here we're gonna do this we're gonna put this here remind us that something happens here okay all right and I paid for it yeah so why do you set that up in the fast face when it's something that isn't gonna happen until we do the rabbit cousin has already active because you just defended before they attack yeah that's why I guess I got my swift power yep which is what is it doing again it's three and it didn't want damage to each invader to everything in that one to everything yes as well if it could only get that right now only one four and more you didn't have anything just does one damage I only see it I still have harbingers of lightning which is also fast it allows me to push to dehang tahan and maybe we can somehow you know yeah from here I can maybe push one here because there's no sack there if you push any dawn into a land with a town or a or the city yeah fear though not damage Oh heaven you push to to push these two here okay Wow nikki is already defending that with six and then these guys will fight back and kill that stuff even though they don't take the damage out sake yeah okay so then that gives us one fear if you pushed any one so does it happen for each it says one fear if you pushed any Hut into a land with town or city no I think it's just one no just if you did it yes it's just one fear there we go I'm on my vest ability don't it does not get the defense boost but I added two leverages of lighting by the way it dark entangled woods that's the to fear sweet okay is that all the fast abilities I believe it is alright so here we go for the first time in the game turn your fear token and read the terror level are you mean yeah hired target card where's the same for terror level one what does it say invaders do not build in lands with cities cities all right neat now it goes here yep invaders do not build and lands with cities of this round got the only one well we'll remember cuz we're getting it's the only one that's got wetland yep yeah the next thing is ravage wonderful here's your card doing something there damn they're not gonna build there no pull it off they're not gonna build there they're not gonna build there anyway really big amounts what about that that's it well Pam will get that I want to remind you that's a reminder for your stuff it's reminding me of that ravaged here we go nothing here this fights with one and only one but no nope but this one is not enough okay there's nothing to hit the land needs to before that happened would it ain't me enough mm-hmm rabbits nothing here we ravage nothing here ah its - that puts a blight on the board nothing here man we did pretty great this way yeah all right nothing here because I guess defense reminds us that nikki is defending with six so that's fine and unfortunately that is this gun six so goodbye native hello blight and uh blight the Don now fight back that's only in this area they have a thing of four so that gets rid of this because that's two and one is three and that also adds a fear to track right destruction of my face now we build in the mountain so these mountains get a town these mountains get a town didn't we just say they don't build where their cities this turn oh that's true I wonder somebody wouldn't let me we remembered yeah I did I was just testing Thanks the East mountains good a town these mountains have a town so they get a city even in snow it's damaged we didn't have we didn't hit it enough and then town in town you know what that fear cred is not that helpful town and then town no it wasn't it stopped one town from well again you know they're random we could have gotten a really fantastic woman it could have been fantastic yep and now for some exploring alright so we are playing a scenario which we are not playing this would activate something on our scenario card but boy we're not doing that yeah so we're in the sand here come the explorers I assume it probably go everywhere that we said yesterday water that's next to a thing right yeah that is uh-oh the weren't fit no no those weren't there to now my mine it there gadzooks yes they're all yes I think for the most part these are always gonna come out it's pretty hard so unless we manage to like carve out us pretty hard start I don't happen yeah and the second one here okeydoke that is that and now for these advanced discard boom and boom and now slow abilities are there any left yes and fear and I think to fear somebody us where we have a spirit presence can push we didn't add any blight where there was one of us right this tournament don't get to take it all right we can push an explorer and a town away from one of our lands it looks like the only place we have that is here so we can push those away from the town the place where our lands is one that has that has our presence but I'm defend three right my special thing is I'm defending with three here so these guys aren't gonna be able to do anything right they're not gonna be able to fight this is where the is gonna happen so we don't want to push those we want to leave those there what we really want to do is we want to bring in to DeHaan their next turns sure so they can fight so they could yes you added the to fear yes he did well but that's the that's the only valid space well okay we could also just push an explorer out somewhere to cause them to possibly not build it's only one Explorer in one town from the same space oh I see oh and it has to be where we have presents yes not one oh right oh right here where I'm at yeah that would stop that build that's fine push it to a a jungle or wetlands then okay might as well yeah push it to word Niki's yeah yeah all right at least it does something okeydoke done okay we are any other slow abilities otherwise we're done slow abilities time passes he's go to the discard pile card we're out of the next round so figure out what your growth phase is gonna be Hey alright I'm gonna do my middle one I'm gonna add a present it's here I'm no longer gonna remind me about this cuz I don't have anymore reminder tokens but I get a card has anyone drawn a major power card unit you next turn okay remember when you do you have to forget a minor not any other card have to forget any other card from your hand including the major power cover got that yeah that's so silly oh wow oh wow that's fantastic see I I this character can get caught in a loop here because it's pretty much yeah powerful for me to just keep taking my cards back and gaining a card but I don't gain any additional power unless something less Nikki is feeding me power right I kind of feel like should do that again and then maybe go for the next round try to get to - I think I'm gonna do that sucks I'm doing the two away okay so should I go here or here this is what I'm think here here yeah cuz you it gives you access to this side of the board right which I'm not there yet yep done and that gets you a card I don't you took it I took it off and what's your income - - alright there's two for you thank you sir my income is for Aaron did you get your income I did they can your income is one did you get it no yet I just took the one for my growth ah that's right because you get an extra one for that yeah that makes sense it just it makes sense I know but it's this weird loop that I would like to not I'd like to keep building this stuff up here okay I have a card that says invaders skip all actions and target Leon this turn which means none of the things would happen just in that one just in that one yeah do we have a space like that they were worried about do we have a mountain rampage ravage that's gonna be especially horrible we're not there he would just build into the city I can't do anyway that's way too your day one away from me well they're gonna build a city here and put two blight down that's pretty bad and destroy a dehang okay that seems pretty bad so that seems like the right spot for that yeah okay there we go does anybody need me to do lightning spoon again which is the gives you fast power of speed I mean actually let me think about that for a second I might have a good spot for that I'm fighting with three now I can't get that anyway maybe Lincoln let me know cuz that's a that's a possible man this is hard this part is hard yeah it is no man it takes me so long to get to three cards to do three yeah I can do three now but I got two three finally everything I'm doing this turn is slow so okay I'm ready I'm done I'm doing this so you're getting my speed I think so yes yes barely any constant on one on one or two abilities to powers as a great work great fast powers and then all a minor fast again but the downer is no innate powers this turn because this is yep using I don't have them either all right we all chose yep all right fast powers all right I have a bunch could use that too from Lika so there's and I have two innate ones Wow all right you know you make number one I can gather into here okay innate number two I can destroy up to two explorers which causes to fear yes cause of fear yes how fantastic those eyes they're getting bigger fast from Lincoln yeah gather up to two DeHaan okay now that they outnumber the invaders three fear oh wow oh I shouldn't I used all my fear cards oh no yes you should because they'll keep going yeah no I really want to do that I'm down to one fast number two from Lincoln to fear nope nice so wait one set commented card everything goes back up one more we get a second card that the auspice okay could you have to ask someone for hundred percent and then the rest of that effect is this downgrades to an explorer so his ravage will have no effect and he'll be killed so I'm clear both of those faces yeah no that's I'm okay with that done I only have one faster then you're slowing I'm just yeah and it's fine I'm gonna target this year in fact it can go anywhere I'm almost at it removes a blight I'm sweet and it defends with a power of 4 there I know that's over tau I am the god of thunder so I'm I have the power of authority I meant who never heard obviously I meant to do it here you just said always in sport I meant to do in the mountains there's a blight which I did I just about the great defends with force so that stops that from how great all right that's all my fast abilities is that what that reminder tokens me he's also so there is no grouping of invaders other than what we have unless I can do something yeah I have a slow push but it's not gonna help for before so yeah well this is spent you used it I also have entrancing apparitions which is gonna cost one and what that does is it lets me target and I uh defend for two but if they're no invaders present we can gather up to two so I think we should either it's kind of one half-dozen one if I do this I can stop this one mm-hmm wait you can defend for to defend for two if no invaders are present gather up the to defend here for two okay just do that oh yeah that stops that fist ice that okay light okay and it gives them a counter attack to destroy the tan totally yeah that's great okay and that's the other one is you just did that one I'm that one my raging storm it's not as powerful as making a very fast one they're all fast because they have purple on them as long as they have purple I do everything fast so yeah it's kind of silly I'm like my but it's encouraging me to play those crusher our feathers wind what does it do it's damage to one to each invader and I guess maybe just do this one sure it's close enough sure damage yeah damage oops see that we need to coordinate that better if we could do it right I told you know you did but the problem I'm not over there is the problem yeah we're not but maybe the fear we'll get the rest of them Aaron's not initially run that fear card could help us right alright is that everyone's fast actions Nate abilities all that stuff all right fear card ooh Jehan and heartened okay each player may push one to hunt for mal and with invaders or gather one DeHaan into a land with invaders ooh that is done I mean heartened by this mess we've got here now I know pretty great so let's do so push into or run away from invaders spaces we can bring in dummy push one to hunt from a land with invaders or gather one han into a land with invaders it's and it's each one of us have to do it so it's fun essentially okay well we could save that one let's save it we gotta save it save it save it is there a reason what's what's ravaging this tournament no no it's just push one art store or gather one okay that's weird though it you can push it really far no pushes an adjacent space okay this one needs to stay here right cuz that's gonna fight back let's put one this one Nikki has defended this right that's Lincoln's Lincoln you have defended this with two yes so that's gonna fight back so we definitely want that there so yeah this one is gonna die that's a good one to flee so I want to bring this here right because this is defended that's to boost your defense three right will kill this we're not getting rid of everything in it but we're at least getting rid of stuff to tear your place by exactly the same so yeah that was yours like I said that's fine let's say yeah and let's and this one is gonna die this turn unless we move it to here or here come to water I know I see we already have some here so we might as well this I may accept that's good right you know the more spaces these guys are in I can target the space other circle ities okay I feel like we should spread them out of them although maybe not I mean once they I don't know whether it's better to clump them up or or spread them out I almost feel like do we better just well if these aliens are we want to wipe everything over here out what do you mean well if we bring one in here when we bring in a second one in here that wipes everything out in these two spots oh yeah that's pretty powerful yeah okay and it let's okay you know what let's match these together okay because I also have the one carrier for now that was for house boy I have that one power that moves for at once so we can mass a counter-attack that way all right the NATO's UPS that's family oh they're gonna ready got a fare UK ravage is that our only ability on fear yeah fear ravage okay rabbit so let's start Lister in the spaces that we know are funky so we're going here mountains ravage and nothing we can do about that blight goes there all right Lincoln you are defending with two here correct so this hits with one which is not to cause any blight to the land perfect and I'm gonna do the fight backs now so this fights back with two and it kills this yeah and that adds a fear yes yeah okay my special my Earth's vitality is my sacred site so this defends with three which comes cancels out their attack company leaves attack with four so that gets rid of everything here yeah and that's a fear nice nice okay this is my special card which is defend with four which cancels out their attack completing this attacks with four would you get rid of all of these ads if fear oh my gosh it's our best turn ever yeah on this side of the board anyway oh yes subjects with one one which doesn't which damages one and they go back in a tech with for which bikes for this one guy out okay yeah and we had a blight here let me do about that we are half the mountains didn't get ruined that time alright now for the build building in the stands here we go yeah that's a town that's a town at sit down that's a town that's a town that's a town oh nothing nothing nothing alright and this has two towns - yep - damage towns I guess we pushed up in there yeah we pushed the explorers out but everything oh no he killed the Explorers but it didn't that gets a city yeah that's the build speaking of explorers in the jungle well the Explorer is explored tonight so there's that one there's that one that is yes adjacent that is adjacent I keep looking as if somehow I know is this somehow there'll be one turn where that doesn't have nope yes yes there you go and then one more okay all right slow abilities we get to the next level I just worry about these guys all we got to do is deal with the building's they're gonna need to focus on that I need to shift my power to that phase we have one more card to get to that one more for your card what do you do for the face if you get that rid of this then we only have to wipe out the buildings and not to in those yeah not these still that's a pretty tall order it is but the thing is this look at my guys right as I start to have powers I can destroy a lot more buildings all right well I'm gonna do my ability here I can gather up to three DeHaan so I'm gonna gather this guy so as you're slow powers yeah and then I can push up to three - hon I'm gonna put them all here so they won't ravage next turn is that your point correct not only were they not ravaged but they're gonna die this will this will be save those people gonna die this will kill everything in fact I might not pull that one yeah I did it no I'm leaving it there it turns out I don't need he's wounded no I do need three I'm sorry I do need three okay to do my okay any Nikki's got her say guys like all three so I'm canning melding if invaders are present I'm targeting that we gain a fear token we if target land is sand we remove nice slice yay okay so there's that one Hey look it's getting low yeah yeah okay then my other slow is pull beneath the hungry oh cool um all right if the target land has sacred site mutton it's not a sacred it's just one of my token oh wow nice one of my presence I add another fear which one are you targeting and a damage and if target land is the sand or the water again they added a damage somewhere what's Pacers trying to decide that this one okay yeah that gets rid of that town and then that's two feet it doesn't have a plus in front of it so that kind of threw me know it's one it's one damage yeah and then one more damage its marsh one for the card and one for the town did you add one for the car I did not I can't wait until that was done yeah thumbs up awesome it's not - it's only adding one right but we kill the town I also adds one there's my payment for that alright then I have my slow my push okay cool so my innate powers so you can push something one away from your sacred site sacred you can push a town Dave are you is everything in this space automatically gonna be killed or are you doing for damage next turn it's doing I'm doing no damage the DeHaan is doing six damage next turn but the invaders will be doing nothing so if we can get but remember we're gonna build there so a city's gonna come into that space I see oh no we didn't do this sorry yeah this should have shifted my bad okay so yeah they are gonna build unless we stop that as well no I'm saying I'm saying can if all right they're gonna ravage first so they're gonna nothing and then you it you want to push stuff into there Nikki if you can right into where one away from your sacred site is here here yeah you want to push definitely you can't though oh oh you see jungle I can push that guy then she does it now there's no build that I can push that guy in there right now from oh yes I think what can you push this guy here no because you have to do it from where there's DeHaan yes correct so I shouldn't have moved those other ones is what you're saying all right well if Aaron can do that Nikki you should do something else so put an active that all right what can she do she can do one away from her sacred site she can push either a Explorer or nor not atone yeah yeah texts horror town okay yeah push this one right then it doesn't rampage or this one doesn't build ravage thank you I keep saying rampage the ravage is more important if we're fighting the blight at this point where are you talking this one here Nikki and maybe oh yeah yeah we can get a here next and I will push this one into here where you're gonna kill it next turn I have to spend an energy but that's oh I'm sorry that I I activated this space with the shadows of the burning forest hang on one two three four five it will knock you kill next turn unless we get more DeHaan in there but I can probably handle it as well then then if you're gonna do it do it Don but it does stop the build there so it makes sense here it also invaders are present add to fear for for that card to fear oh wow yeah my guys all about fear already to get and having this thing alright we're under the next I am going for my growth to reclaim all of my car I also need to do that I'm getting a major Papo I don't get oh I do it to reclaim a major power and then discard something or throw something out of it game six energy wow I'm gonna add presents totally doing that alright which one [Music] okay I need to do that I don't think I do I think I need a car I kinda need to be over here this is not happening over here I can I'm gonna do at this area in this area or not I'm coming over there now for what it's worth going here doing this think you have that you are not doing your slow too fast this turn correct Lincoln did you have this here Nikki were here yeah it definitely was not I was in water I'm about to not be in water though oh he was here it was not here with these three dudes it was next to sorry sorry me I'm the one bumping everything okay um presents I think should I add a presence into that jungle over there only if you want to be destroyed by next term when these guys ravage the space for six I mean only if you can really take care of that space because you really need to like either block the guys or let's see I'm gonna take my income which is big Wow what yeah you are not doing your turn slow and fast this turn correct no okay oh wow just helps me to know what I'm doing I'm just gonna do these three Wow I still can't yes opposite of what you need yes do you draw a major power yes I did hey remember you have to throw one away I did already you guys are priority for the turn yeah it should be yes major power push everything we can into this space I've got a lot of push stuff here okay it's this that is turn is that is a my absolute certainty okay let me in fact in the caption you are safe to go in that space as my problem is but all of that pushing and would it well pushing in this shoving pushing in to shoving in this having the language and the Thunder fires and we have this we have this maybe I should do it elsewhere then there you go mystery there isn't really any place else I can go oh yeah and Nikki I yeah you have the he's got that I could use possibly the extra energy this turn if you have that I already there's no jumping I got to do the major presence thing which I can do so I'm gonna be where I was at sucks oh no way oh wait then you know what Nikki do this next turn because next turn is when they will ravage we will will let them build here this turn next turn before they ravaged I can destroy everything so we can still push into here but next turn I can wipe that out wait them out can you tow Nikki go here I think because then then you can touch this then you have presence next to that right doesn't that make sense because I can have presence here and here we've got basically everything covered if you do that don't know what we don't have except her is know they're all covered now they're ravaging des no blister that no they're they're all covered within one you can't have to do this although if you need the sacred spot site you could go here and then that would become a sacred site right I don't know if that's important but it does give you your sacred site powers to like this stuff here yeah so it's up to you because this is this is a downer they're gonna ravage know maybe we can do something see if you said these guys are protected right but that makes no sense yes I don't know what your sacred site stuff has been this has nothing to do with sacred and I can do damage if I put a presence here I can do damage here okay well you can do that because this is covered this is covered if you go here it's the same idea then at least you're covering that as well potentially when we need to if you have if you have a better place to do it I can actually take care of that space okay because the good thing about here is its she can do something good for her here but this this becomes a sacred site here which is powerful for her isn't that a sacred site as well then yes yes it is yeah everything everything water is sacred for me marsh wetlands well yeah but see swamps mean swamps I'm doing fw I'm doing flesh blood sister no so I need to be near the waters to do oh we don't drown in them suck him into the sea that's right you don't need me to do anything over here right not not particularly just lets us to target everything here and it's not a rush next turn is one I'm gonna what's happening sand is happening and there's nothing that's what's happening I'm going here I said go there or say come over here is this the area we're getting worried about no Nikki is over there now it's she's but only Nikki's it but only Nikki's over there right that's what our point was yeah okay he's coming over here then how far can you jump I'm good here I can jump to from where I am oh you can do that then yes totally I'm just okay that's okay that's that's not gonna hurt me for ravaging I'm just worried about the rest are you are you doing this space Nikki or no she's not okay then I will can I get in there so that is to this for you thank you what are you doing over here are you moving a guy out you moving out they're gonna take no damage and then kill those guys so that space is good oh that's fantastic is that fast no but that's during the rest of the fast it will take effect before so they're they're good for the turn and you'll have the make slow fast next you're good okay and have to all have no cards okay then this is gonna be under this turn this is gonna work I really need to get the six cards I mean this is huge when I get to these things yeah well all of us right I have that same problem my problem is let me do a lot of buildings yeah you see he's got four of those all of us holy yeah yeah double powers at the bottom yeah it's just money right I need energy as well I'm still at one income I'm at least at four cards now so this next round I might be able to do it I'm a sit down I just need energy I'm only gonna get like I'm gonna do this I guess does the next one give you two yes but I probably will do this next turn that will give me four or five I'll have two five total I might be able to do something five cards robust I promise these other cards don't have the things that I need this is where this doesn't have did anybody never be taking income this turn I did not even where to take mine yet so I'm doing this instead they just changed my thing I said I'm taking my income I I forgot while I was planning out my cards my big one income hey mine too big one and it gives me a lot to work with just saying you might not throw three deciding which one to throw away yes the one I threw away actually has a symbol that I need yes that's the problem that's actually the problem because I need more orange than I need purple right I honestly feel I'm gonna get more orange than I would agree that's why I brought you to get card next turn I have to keep like to say they're symbol not repoing but you have the ability to let my slows happen next recurrent right so yeah okay in that case that one everybody ready seven deaths in here seven fear everybody ready I I've been ready I'm ready all right fast abilities okay yeah again everything is mine is fast I'll do this within a year a year of perfect stillness invaders skip all actions in targeted land this turn so there will be no actions happening in this turn in that land and that in that specific land so there will be no ravage in that land cool all right my this fest ability I have to pay an energy to cross the board and make it happen in a DeHaan space but the DeHaan take no damage from the ravage this turn okay the story of light there still will be a black gate this one one fear please add they're afraid I go ahead this one I would like to work from coastal so I can do two damage okay flash floods yeah that is flash bullets okay are a happenin if targeted Lana's coastal hey this target land is coastal here oh you're not near so take this house out I can take that house yeah totally but I can also do out of fear there's a few few wrong ones in that one there's no Santa that's coastal near where you are so I did that did you get the other one with this one or is the only one thing that you're doing from she'd the other one the other ones are all slow no the flash ones oh no that was it it's one damage but if it's coastal it's an extra damage okay cool I just see that one oh I'm sorry I miss reading that I apologize do we added it we had to fear for that correct yes okay great thank you we have six five left it cool all your step is fast linking right so yes oh wait I have my other fast is to gather and explore into this space which will stop the build here okay okay so I can I'm gonna shatter homesteads okay with a range of two from my only one here for your only sacred site yeah so maybe this one okay don't you think cuz you got this taken care of writers that next rights next round should I just deal with that now no don't I wouldn't worry about shadow host hit do it shattering homesteads I at first of all a fear okay oh they you just kill it and then I just and then I destroy one fantastic which also means another fear that's great this is perfect right okay beautiful that's spent oh yeah yeah that's dummy effect yes tops that rabbit when harbingers of lightning its I can push any to DeHaan from where to where and if and we get an additional fear if we pushed any tahan into a land with a town or city it's one away from my stuff so you can do this one one way from yes yes is it gonna be into a with a hat yes do it should go push them both here if you don't mine well because you have the defense there I checked yes another fear yeah yeah and that's done unless you had other plans for that now it sounds great and then call the isolation I can push one in Explorer or a town per Dhani or push one too honey this is one again away from it needs to be a land where there's two honey in it and you can push a woman explore per tune or town okay push one explore temper Donny / no honey - honey in that in that no no that one's all taken care of seen care of or one Don you could I mean you could push this guy in here from later Cataclysm that's not terrible what else it's too bad you can't get one more thing in here but yeah well why can't I there's nothing you can push it in there that doesn't have to know it doesn't haunt in it Yeah right it has to be from yes that's by the way say yes I heard it said that tar no one from presents but it has to have to Hon target site it must have done yes this seems like probably the best one I would think so if Erin thinks he can take care of that space next turn my super you're to love my super powers get so much first off your stupid parrot is not Blake restricted aye that is correct okay he said confidence check it it's totally cool alright is that all the fast abilities yeah oh wait you shouldn't well you've already used all yours the reason to essentially not get rid of them is in case you're slow ability needs your elements right your ability does no I don't have it right you know in advance you didn't have it I'm just saying for yes sure you did say that earlier okay uh no fear card right so ravaged here we go all right Erin what happens over here I forgot already oh these are token to remind me they are defended from damage the Donner honor but the blight will still be please mystery so there's a blight goes here and the Don now fight back and they wipe everything out here and we had a fear all of them and we no longer need this reminder Thanks one does nothing so that's fine no actions get taken here but they still owe light no that's an action that's a ravaged action no I don't know counter-attack I don't think the de Haan counters no I think you're right right it's part of it's rightly part there and it's like a blanket fog over the whole that's fine it's still fine it's stuffing your defense of three cancels their attack Oh though this guy you're right kids you have these guys hit four and as these go away that as a fear that's a fear hey this morning does nothing no card this does this has you're late though isn't it right this has nothing no buried face to them move that terror level to over oh yeah wait so now our victory condition got easier nothing there's nothing very bad ravage and blight blight and it's just the first blade and this comes over that one yeah that's all right and that's it for ravaging all right building this gets a city in this jungle this jungle gets a town this jungle gets a town hey this donor gets nothing this jungle gets a city town this why this jungle gets a town nothing nothing and not more Challenge the city so town Oh does it meet so exciting with their pipes that old spaced out I like that I don't say quite know what's gonna happen but that something's gonna happen and explore in the mountains okay there's that mountain there's that mmmm it's already explored oh wait oh all I want is once this place knows we're here there's only they'd be right next you know this right here this one wouldn't know there's a oh no this weren't here also that fair enough Mountain next to the thing I know water I know man that's crazy you slide over please Nikki yep yeah don't let Dave mess that up yep I missed it luckily it doesn't it's not now and now we're on to the slow powers yep all right uh I need a few cards the next time maybe for lucky are there two cards there no there's one but we haven't actually get through Thanks that would be tough to do but yeah maybe it's possible okay all right mice I have mantle of dread adds to fear yes Lee where are you okay and he says this we haven't made this power work well yet I can what targets spirits so any of us can push a Explorer and town from one of our lands we haven't figured out a fantastic use for this yet an explorer and a town yeah oh I see I can also gather no moss my slow ability I can gather two explorers and to Don I just don't see like a fantastic target to push them into yeah I'm not gonna do anything next round is it terrible oh no you're just all like you're all used up have no energy um what are they when they're ravaging forests next turn you may not get that Dave I don't know what that I guess ravaged okay for that's one force just so never Nicki might be able to give they're gonna build in mountains then but it gets me cottage cheese that's funny so they don't do anything there yeah sounds good so they won't yeah they won't ravage this and blight it and take your piece away and kill one of our huts at least eight nothing's happening in the marshlands that we know of Aaron do you need to move to Han anywhere for you I don't think so does anyone need I can gather up to two of these into to hunt does anyone need that I probably shouldn't even play this card let me see I had a plan but I came or what it was now what's happening next job you can have either ravaging is happening in the forest I don't see how we win this though Oh me either look at all this stuff fun yes I want to definitely bring these two here right or no I want to leave those they're doing these two well these two here I'm playing a card that gathers the so if if it helps where you are right yeah but if it helps it for you pull these two for me to go first and then you can take right it gets a closer to you where you can do it now I'll pull those in right because again I'm defending with three and these will kill those guys mm-hm and in fact I can pull that in as well right because they're gonna attack with four to my three and then they'll all be wiped out and there's no good room now Hey look at that I blended a new plan yeah I got all kinds of crazy I have to get the synergy here to work right I have a wash away okay which can push up to three explorers our towns went away from where you are right went away from where I am okay I have to push all three of those into here I think we do okay okay good god I hope you read there right when it's Tarzan two towns oh it's guys push up to three explorers last chance any variance in that I think that's just fine oh my gosh so there's that one please have read your card correct that's it's alright so there's no really doing nothing mixture and I have one I'm gonna have to cold yeah okay okay I'm sorry no good together we have to gather and then I'm also set it up so I could do my number two action which is to damage and push up to three explorers or towns all right well you get both of these so right so um doesn't have to be from a sacred site yes but one away right yeah okay cool so but I can do something to damage so I'm I was thinking over here yeah sure so two damaged okay and then as part of that then I can push up to three actually where'd you do the damage here from there let's how about do it from here well I can't do you can oh I'm there yeah why because these two out no because oh yeah because that's where the builds gonna happen right so backing up damage those two then oh and put that house back the town of the town bag that goes back no no there was a town there that he just pulled yeah I just moved it I just moved it to here we pulled one from there so I just moved it right but the thing is is she destroying that is that what it lets her do to to villagers and to explores and yep she destroyed a town on her other car there's a different card now okay no what are you talking about no you did to damage I did to damage right now she's pushing okay so this does go away no we got rid of this one instead is what I'm saying alright and now I can push those guys okay right skies correct or anywhere no perfect put one guy here cuz ravaging yeah he'll die he'll do now and he'll not gonna starve to death right and then just push the other guy out of there somewhere and then there's your bill yeah sure whatever then there's no build all right and now I got it gather loss no mom you can gather up to two Donnie or once I get to there I can add another - honey - to the board I'm know what happens is if there are more than two Wow yeah you guys won again energy has fantastic and all kind of yeah no it's scary so where'd you do it well I need to do it okay go ahead I mean unless there's a silliness like I already had three dragon is on to the board no she has to gather - to haunt - where she is Oh to where I am and then we can add another Don to the board okay I'm an energy from you're here and you're here and you're here and you're here so I could gather these - sure you don't want to do that though because the jungles those guys are gonna fight back right you sure yeah sure and then you add one to that spot yeah yeah and you gain another and I get in Wow fantastic okay everything then yeah all right so yeah I'm not gonna be doing anything because I mean I can do a little bit I might be able to do I can probably do the one that lightnings boom I lost one so I'm gonna take the cards back reclaim gained a power card it still haven't got to one of my major powers yet it's all purple I haven't either for it's worth I might actually reclaim my cottage anybody need Nick one Thank You Lincoln what's worried what we worried about jungle right now right yeah we have to stop some of their things okay where else they're gonna ravage too much so I'm gonna definitely yeah one more juice for me in come your tower energy I get six energy at play that so you guys want me to do like rivers bounty which is the huts again it's a slow action it it'll happen after all this horribleness happens what does it do that is the one that does gathers up the huts and adds another hut I don't know that we care about that I think what we have to do is destroy invaders or move them out of the jungles or they're gonna add so much blight that we will lose in the middle of this tournament okay so that's all like we have to we have to do actions that will stop that and is our major priority right now okay I can stop this okay I think I think I can stop in that space let's see well and I can stop this I can stop this this space this space does not have blade I mean this is time okay it's our it's also defended member by three thank you I can deal with both of these and I don't need any help from anybody well I don't think I can deal with this space can you can you help that one instead and I can do this one yes because I am one away no no this only this I can only help this thing because I have a sacred site here otherwise no I'm sorry alright oh because it's got done in it oh wait okay wait uh the city's too tough for me to deal with there I think let's see yeah I'll tell you jokes away so most of my stuff is too slow to to handle any of that so you picked up your cards yeah are you gonna can you affect any jungles this turn you know I have three juice three power three energy I there's almost nothing I can do I can like it I can do this I can target spirit gains three energy once turn the target may repeat a power card by paying its cost again oh that could be very useful that's huge that's huge that'll help me that's great just doesn't I can doesn't make it a fast oh shoot you're right I'm doing boon a vigor for you oh right but does that count - you know I have to pay your cards first right okay you pay all your cards and then you actually you act all the actions out oh but hers is fast she can give him the energy oh she hasn't you decay all your you have to pay for all your fast and slow cards in advance right what's the card you can play it gives someone the ability to just really thing again they gain three energy and then once this turn they may repeat a power card by paying its cost again is that a fast no yes oh yeah oh I can handle this then if you can do that I can do if you can do that for me I can what about him doing this that's slow so we're still worried about the blight right but I can not only handle this and this I can pull both of those blights off all right Wow yeah and I can handle this okay so if Lincoln can do that I can handle all three of these that's great I'm gonna have to do three two cards then it just sucks good the problem is is the timing is still the right way for me I get ready for this and then I don't need to go there I get three for my income and one power card yes no oh no this is gone you do another power curve yeah it adds blight it's like the complete opposite of what we need right now right yeah well probably does good stuff it probably does but it's like that's the last thing it does a lot of pushing but then it adds a blight so not be playing that this alright so I'm paying for for those all right well then all right Fest cards okay um do you have fast cars yep let me sure doesn't help you right now but next turn hopefully if you get another turn yeah I'm targeting Lincoln spirit you gain an energy per power card play it so you're gonna get to more energy that's good I have my innate abilities are fast I will gather this guy into here then I can destroy to to fear for the two disabilities it is one more juice I'll just play another zero oh yeah totally oh well this one unless you were saving that for next time he's got the symbols on it okay great now to fear I killed two dudes to fear okay you two explorers you're you're dealing with this I hope I don't need to pull him out of it nope thank you Dave I'm gonna do power storm okay and it cost me three but what it does for you is it gives you three energy and then this turn you may target but you may repeat a power card by paying it's costing and it's similar to what Aaron has fantastic well if we kind of knew that was coming so I just want to do it to Nikki and then let know give me three more points no joking customers all right watch how this works so I'm excuse me I'm gonna spend this one so invaders skip all actions in this land this turn okay so that's gonna be I'm gonna use that here then this one is remove a blight and defend with four that's gonna be here and this blight goes away and then I'm gonna use your ability to spend more three do it this blight and defend with four cool wait did that not that's still gonna have an attack there but it'll add one blight instead of two did something movie about this one we're not to blame one two three four five six well nothing's happening this turn because no actions are happening there before I do that can anyone move stuff out of here or out of here I can just move this one guy that's perfect he just said it wasn't he says nice there was a guy here yes I'll move this one instead of that one so he'll stay there excellent that's actually now it defends with four and that works okay great I was returning those there right yes okay yeah that's my entire yeah there were six now there's a acting more fast nice and fast to do okay cool do nature's resilience I can either defend for six or if I play to the the water symbols I can it's not or it's in addition to oh if you have in addition to yeah I can remove a blight so it lets a defend it has to be one away from your sacred site okay which she has many of its good okay because I could do you want me to do else crazy Oh actually defend for six no but there are talking of a blight but no Barrett well attach getting rid of the blight will stop to white yeah that's true I can defend actually no it'll stop your one it'll this one will riad but the roll over one won't happen right so she might as well get rid of it somewhere else right we'll see if she can defend for because it offends six defense six is better she can defend six here and take rid of this right that's that's that's getting rid of Terry here yeah it's not attacking there nothing is attacked in fact it's only we want jungle there they're only a tell your rectangle that's why I was pointing to this no nothing's happening nothing is happening he's got something there we're actually too well defended so I guess maybe this is the best spot like one two three seven five six seven maybe I shouldn't have gone there then if she can defend that with six and remove light doesn't that make more sense yes okay so assuming this so do you want no actions here then instead can you reach there yeah I'll just move that then oh my gosh yeah I'm right here no actions okay good so now Nikki does this defense six like put a remembrance token there so yeah I didn't see that one coming much better than I've got a one damaged if it's coastal I add another damaged okay hurt something get rid of something so that's considered coastal there yes and that'll destroy considered coastal there that's not as good cuz there's not of town to kill right down to kill a town I mean they will just rebuild this town immediately when we get a fearful we get a fear for it right that's what I'm saying okay so it's to that towns take two degree and we still got a level to fear coming all right out of fear wonderful that's only fast okie doke I have harbingers of lightning where I can push up to two to Han plus we gain a fear if you pushed any DeHaan into a land with the yeah to a high or a town or city it has to be one away from you though right yes I lost one of my dudes which was yep but I could do this or something well we want to worry about jungle right yeah well you can just move one of these right this will be defense and what's coming up mountain is coming up we'll deal with that when we get there okay good well do we it's not gonna help here though doesn't really matter and we need to worry about the four is there any of it over here that I can help with like push you don't wanna there no these are these two hunter in these jungles right now or exactly where they need it for fighting stuff and that's nothing's gonna happen there do you need two on there though nope doesn't help you I can notice I can push well an isolate okay that's that one what about over here can we push just to gain you're not know it's what's the range for you one oh yeah I'm not there and I'm not over there anymore all I know is over here I think yeah yeah pushing these two here would be fantastic but we can't do it oh wait push me because she's defending with six if we can get down in there and they can fight back yes why can't we push them in there because Lincoln can't reach there distance-wise how maybe you can can you do that I don't know I cannot currently push those good dudes now okay well Dave what's happening here I am defending their way about this Dave for so it's only hitting with five okay yeah but about here okay I push one here and one here maybe oh where are you can't push that either oh hey that's not bad well no that's gonna build but oh that's not bad yeah totally or push them both over here I don't get the bonus of it no you're doing one in one so you can get the won't get the bonus right yeah okay and that's done and then I have called isolation which is push one [Music] Explorer or town per DeHaan or push one to Han and I can push these guys but we're gonna deal with them right yeah yeah I mean if you get nothing if you have nothing better to do moving this here would be helpful for next turn right okay it has to be arranged of one again right yes so you can't do anything over this okay yeah unfortunately those guys would be helpful next turn all right is that all the fast action I believe the year do you have those there that I just I don't have the best one all right come on fear card see your card read it link enlighten to do level two fear and the title each player removes removes one oh yeah emigration accelerates okay each player removes one Explorer or town from a coastal land oh one Explorer or town from a coastal land that's that talent see hmm okay those are both but there's a town what did I miss one where they're gonna oh that's me that guy's gonna but I hear no no this one where he's gonna build a town right and then die next turn no we wanted to build the town that's not coastal by the way oh it's not close to not coastal anyway oh yeah right coastal oh the underneath well yeah I know I'm get rid of that yeah but yeah that's fine it's defend in anyway but we might as well yeah and this doesn't count is destroyed right for fear no you know you're into that then why cuz it's gonna build a town yeah one that's that's funny this is all these are all defended but should we get rid of it anyway okay mountains are next and is it each player player oh so here he goes we need one more there's a dude here and there's a dude what's the first thing we took out this one here cuz he was all the time yeah so maybe this town then just to get rid of it yeah cuz it's gonna put a city there the next time good if only in yeah I know or no it's just exploring only thing that's building next turn is this death right there's nothing we can do about this right now I mean I guess that's okay so that's probably the best choice this one yeah even even though it's not active right now it's sort of in the strongest position alright that's pretty cool alright that was our fear that was all for this all yeah alright ravage so let's start here Nikki defends with stiffness of six one two three four five six seven so the one does nothing everything is cool this jungle it attacks with one uh and these guys fight back and get rid of this yes this one's empty this one's in this one attacks with one two three four and you have did I have three so this goes but and then overkill these guys go away and we had a fear one fear for killing you too okay what what's that yeah your token you what are your tokens over here defend 4 right 4 no spaces no I used this one you said was for this one was this one was no action I used one of those this moves but no you're like thank you then they were defend 4 so this is a one that does nothing right and this is a defense for but then the counter attack White's them out correct and adds another favor fear Wow and this isn't in that forest right and that misses no that's a no ash that's fantastic all right these okay all right all right that's the rats ravage now build and right and it's nothing nothing down no you know towns don't have Donner cities some town nothing yeah hey nothing town nothing town Town town that ain't bad know what slide no wetlands yes swamp wetlands yes that ones yes I know we still haven't we still haven't gotten maybe never gonna have no I wanted to yes and yes yeah so close yeah they slightly yeah all right slow edges so close not at all so it was so close I tell you slow actions who's got smile actions I got a one push what do you got either a dude or a town hey push this dude okay pushed done anyone else yeah I got a few oh you got tons except most of some of mine are that's so great actually okay um this one is the right yeah that's what I'm actually easily after all this time man I can't chain all mine together which is what I love to do in fact what I this disc should have gone here and I could have killed more things okay but anyway I won't fix that okay um crops wither and fade to fear was it too late no no it just degrades a town or city okay so I guess I think it's have fun it's to better don't also have to Hans in good places looking for de Hans and although in all these places and I'll degrade this town into a an explorer we can deal with him later no my shadows of the burning forest too bad I can't reach that space mmm or I'll do this one if what's next ravaged mountains and building okay I'll do this space here if invaders are present to fear and then actually I'll do this space okay so too but then because it's Mountain or jungle I can push the Explorer and I'll push him over here in the desert where nothing's gonna happen yet okay now the big one which I would hope I wish I could have pushed a few more things in there the jungle hungers okay cost three energy yeah target space is a jungle within one range yeah any target land though of with him okay jungle within one range destroy all explorers and all towns what and all dehang also if you have two cards and three green symbols this turn destroy one city oh don't destroy the Don if there were any so it didn't even matter if they there so add three fear for the three towns and actually make it five for the city so three now all right and then to Wow and the space is empty except for the black Wow oh yeah well now yeah now we know and we need to push everything near the jungle again when I can time it a guy who only works in the jungle it only works in jungle and I have to ideally play three green cards that turn Wow well I need to make that one card for you the dumb way yeah those that's everything alright another the next it also used pretty much all my energy no yeah that was a good turn though we survived much better than laughs we're going to a stick three do we have any we go for some mushrooms here so I'm gonna do the ad presence yep get some dinner - I'm gonna do - I'm just gonna do this more yes alright I'll get a new major power - away from me what do we need to worry about here here no Nicky's there but it's gonna become a sacred spot well how about oh it is yes because moving to do - you're gonna do me the same space yeah because I can do two and then one on top of the I can do one on zero so that peak it makes anything as I see it to work I can make an old another existing one or new one do we need you over this weary or over the worst she is maybe well well these are all touched okay this is all everything's touch now it's just what we need to worry about in the future here here weapons you're probably right where you are well no I don't know what that you're saying here it seems like it's either they're here we're here right that touches all of these you know it's just again these are they got these weird little ones here that are well this is the space right that where you need to be care about you're right that's where they're all though like I can do it right I can probably do like I can reach that is there a blight in there already yes actually Dave may be over here okay I mean you're not touching you're touching this one but we're not touching thank you yeah and you're touching it - I think anywhere you spread out is probably good Lincoln you know what do you know what Nikki I just put myself in there do you know what card you're gonna play this turn because that might also help I mean I don't have much to play I'm trying to I'm gonna rest money this is Nate this is e this I mean I have raging storm which damage wound each invader if we have a spot that we can do that this is an ebb turn not a flow turn right yeah wait damage one to each invader yeah it's the one I raging storm I've done several times I'll just do it okay that might look we don't stack enough okay I only have I'm only half gonna have it just go there for power so it's not like which I'm gonna collect my income you guys you cooked your yeah I got I'm thinking I'm gonna do this time I'm doing this one you had one presents and game two energy that's the one I'm doing doing that and where do I want to go I should just hit this one with my raging storm if anybody can push anything into that one that would be great unless we don't need to worry about we don't necessarily need to worry about it need to worry about wetlands can we push dudes into this spot do I have anything no that was all the line might be able to link hang on let me just look it was a freebie though that's why I did it I should have saved it for this turn though cuz it I wouldn't have much juice but power I was I was looking to do something there Nick here you can be able to do it it's not fantastic it's just maybe because never least nothing is okay then that's fine what about this this is the one we have to worry about no you know what it has to be if I'm reading it correctly it has it a cake you can't have explorers in it because it says otherwise well maybe I'm going just here just for defense purposes right would that be better so do you guys need lightnings boom I don't yeah don't mind might be better is that to turn slow fast no it's the one damage to everything oh it's arts that's raging storm sorry okay I can wait on that too you know to play a lot here I can try to recoup some energy or something I'm gonna cook your Lighting's one is the fast one yes it lets you let you do to power or slow powers is that they were fast I could just do that and save some energy and then take all my cards back okay cuz I'm doing it's kind of its kind of a AB turn for me - I'm not doing anything amazingly but that gives you guys speed is what I'm saying I can it will only cost me one but it will give you guys speed and you just replace this now that I'm figuring out what I'm doing and it's going to go here right yes because that gets rid of everything there I had this if if Aaron could it was was able to push something over which he can't I would have been able to wipe everything out that's going to be built this turn meaning the build would happen and then I could get rid of it mm-hmm-hmm that would be exciting are you got your stuff sure everyone got their stuff yeah yeah alright fast actions what is hey you can get hey Aaron you get two fast actions oh sweet this is gonna be a good turn then what swampland marshland is building this turn we yes building so okay I'm going to gather this Explorer I didn't have much I could do this turn this turn out to be the best thing I can do crops wither and fade down grades this city into a town nice and then I'm playing the jungle hungers again and it actually has to be a jungle where I have presence and then up to one space away so it's this jungle which will destroy everything in this space okay so three fear for three towns destroyed she played that correctly the last yes because it was this face adjacent to this so I was 183 fear 3300 sweet all these are festivities and of course if there were any DeHaan in this space they would also be destroyed but we don't have it good so that's my entire turn that's correct yeah I mean I cleared out those two spaces we have no ravage and no build that's all I started to clean it up ravage over there is what I need I played the wrong card here yeah okay light or right I played the wrong card thank you buddy all right any other fast abilities no no no other festivities it's all right turtle you got it all right so we're a week I'm sorry two more fear crops wither and die added two more fear that I did not announce at the beginning of it you know dad oh my goodness five fear night ma'am I'm all about fear almost all my things do fear I mean I'm a shadow of the dawn darkness swallows the unware lightning should be a little bit pretty much I like very much you know fast no fast so for your car yeah Rita Lincoln please be good seek safety no we're a little too right yeah yes okay each player to gather one Explorer into a land with a town or a city or gather one town into a land with a city Oh funny I'd known like that Oh would it mean you can't go that way so we want to gather them out of blue in there yeah they're gatherers gatherers suck them in - how much range well it's all they're all adjacent okay does it say is the rain tears just so gather adjacent that makes okay so we can gather what I be either a Explorer into a land with a town or city or a town get or gather one town into a land with a city into a city okay well we can stop a bunch of builds if we yes we can start a bunch of builds so water for instance we can empty out all those explorers so there would be no builds there or we could have a powerful these two and these two to stop three builds well then we want to put everything into a jungle I mean isn't that your best color it's actually adjacent to jungle so it's really almost any space over here I just spent that card where are these two turns away from that and right now desert is actually the safest space well we don't know what the I didn't so let's assume I'll survive this we're in the three level here Oh the three levels gonna have two different terrain yes now and let me reiterate because I can more if I mention this or not another way we lose is if we run out of these cards if not if when it's empty but if we need a card and it isn't there we lose this is the time clock for now there another way to die another way to die but if we get to level fear level three we only need to take down all the cities that's correct okay well how close are we so we can wow we're not that far accidentally well we haven't built yet that's why but right we could stop some builds right now that might be the thing to do right and the and the builds are in blue we can stop three builds although they all only towns that's still that stops three bit agreed the only way you get cities is with towns and level three if we get to it is destroying all the cities yes or or down great one of mine down grades them to a town so same deal no I'm saying level three fear the are level three positions just I'm saying get rid of City get rid of finally what does it take to take down three damage me damn it Jim no our city is three damage yeah City yep it's an easy mistake to make I think I like I'll expose the real yeah III stopping three builds yeah so we can stop two builds by these guys going fleeing to this city square correct yeah has good Turner City these guys could go to this or this wow this is where I would hit the next time man this is hitting it three yes we can't we can move we didn't want they could move one two there which will be destroyed by the counter yes and one there where Lincoln has a plan next round bang great yeah beautiful view alright fear fearing been ravaged you love it when a plan comes together rabbits are average that's a plate and a neighboring blade we all by assume here because otherwise we'd have to keep castrating him right yeah now ravage defense of 3/3 is only one does that on these guys doing perfect counter-attack with no fear nothing and nothing we had benefit by a building not happening yep in those yeah all right build nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing to town - that's pretty good - yeah well here's where we go here's where it gets exciting some of them aren't gonna do anything you're finally alright I can die how this man gets one this jungle gets one this mountain gets one this mountain gets one this mountain gets one this jungle gets one extra notion this jungle gets one this jungle gets one I'm done with my half of the board and yes yes yes yes yes no no no no yes ocean and ocean yes so that's four spaces that no I need some it's not next to a building or an ocean yeah it needs a needs an ocean yeah we finally cleared a section of the I love you Nikki and now that's all I wanted the whole guys I know who I know all right now the slow jams slow jams all right I I'm doing all of mine on one space so the slow jams playlist go alright call them migrate gather up to three dahun push up to three DeHaan I'm gonna push three - here does anyone need me should why should we gather them to here for the ravage stuff do we need to gather them hmm in other words I can bring two here and then push three there so that these are here next turn if if there's a ravage and their stuff in there this is one way we can destroy stuff but does anyone care if no one kiss it was fine to bring them in here yeah and then push to sum over here or do I leave them in the jungle well it's not gonna stop a build yeah it's not gonna stop a build I suppose it's better to move them up there right well just depends its defense right like these did their job the the dine sometimes can help us if we can defend but we're not yet not children but I think I think Lincoln's right it's better to have them here where we know they could have enough okay that's next turn rather than a little too in yeah and then when to push three two here alright because I can do that that's call to migrate then rouse the trees and stones I'm gonna do two damage to he it's got to be from a sacred spot I'm gonna get rid of this town for a fear in here running in fear and then finally rituals of destruction it does to damage but if the targeted land has at least three 2 Han Plus let's say two plus two damage looks like no +35 tell us three damage thank you so these both go yeah please add three real fear loot and because of the card also add two more fear Wow only two more oh sweet Nick even still any nice construction yeah nice destruction Dave that was a good set destruction I am going to that's sand that's okay I am if there this is uncanny melt melting okay if there are new Vader's input present I'm gonna work in here okay so in the swamplands yeah target land is either sand or that you can remove nice a light alright that car and also adds of fear and need adds of fear sorry mmm that's and then this one is a two way I can it either in jungle or water okay so I'm just gonna do this area think so what are you getting rid of I'm first of all to varying to fear sweet and then for damage yes I'll just get rid of the city and Laurie and that's two more few more fear and then what's the get to the bottom market symbols so we have she's got more action okay all right it's just my simple yeah push one push a town or a fish up town or a thing so here's what you should probably do as far as my next I'm gonna try to get to something like where I can build a city in a destroy a city in a town okay so I think we should try to make something like this is pretty great I'm not here though I don't know that I will be there so I can't do that we have over there witness it over here well push the town to their right where'd you push it different you guys yeah I guess well that's still dinner no building no not happening right no Aaron ravage is gonna be in the water next time so yeah good that's right do that done yeah it doesn't this really should have been over here because this to do this it needs to be from a sacred site oh it should have been here like it doesn't matter you'll get there all right stuff will show up well buildings gonna happen both here in here yeah so is that all the slow actions I believe alright on to the next turn those recover anything recovers I'm I'm grossing all my cards back yeah I'm gonna get another power car and I get a presence and doing that next room and look at this I could plant a large you everything yes I only have six I mean I've only ever picked up two cards which is weird so does anybody need lightnings boom that's the one damage to everything no that's the tree that's the famous fast yeah no I don't think I said I have to spend two no matter what I do yeah but I think that's what I'm gonna do right but you're gonna get three cuz I also get a name power which won't let me destroy town which give me one more fear and you are not you are playing lightnings boon anyway I mean I don't have to but well but if you are then maybe some of us can do something cuz I can spend one if I don't Oh does it cost one to you and they just want to use it cost one to use oh but you'll get it back from Nicky every card you put down is gonna be an energy no I'm gonna have a boatload of money of energy next round okay I serious I think because I'm only spending two if I don't give that this is if you guys need it if not I'm gonna just do called isolation which is cost nothing I would do that instead or please lady Boone I can't speak for and Nikki I don't need it yeah hold on to it for I'll do this I'll leave it here until they decide then if not I'm gonna save it cuz I'll have enough energy and maybe based on what I'm cuz if I just go with what I have in my hand it's a lot of stuff and it's eight oh no it's only three it's not a city destroyer though okay so maybe maybe I should do called isolation what's the what's the one that lets you double a card power storm that's going to be next round okay I thank yous it really should be the downer is as lightnings Boone is the one that lets me do it doesn't matter just during a town this turn makes no difference it'd be nice don't still fear but I actually feel like I should barely do anything I fear I that's right I'm gonna do this that has to be this I'll just do lightnings behind you guys okay if not I'll do something I'm gonna plan for it then unless these guys need it cuz got all this I wanted yeah go for it no okay if you don't care I'm applying for it one two three four ah there's no blue in here though come on who's that supposed to be one others I get seven normal matter that we got to be someplace where there's two cities yep which I don't I won't have actually enough if we kill enough towns we don't even put new cities on the board right right that's that's pretty helpful I not do the boom you're only gonna get one oh yeah I can save it yeah but I need the money for the next round do you have a bunch of zeros I do well what are you doing next round are you gonna put two things on the board are you gonna pull the card thing off are you do what well what I was trying to do was gear up to do right I could maybe just do the four let's see if what I'm saying is if you pull off your next money token that gets you two right mm-hm still two well you're asking both of these I'm going to have two three Dave that could turn two of your places into sacred space yeah you've got a you have a card that moves too hon yes are you using it now or you do you have it next turn I am I can't do the thing thank you for thank you for pointing out that I actually can't do the thing I want okay sir I guess I'm using it now oh I want you to have it for me next turn then I will save it for you next doesn't what does it have any limit does it push or gather in a circular two three push up with your fun we're just somewhere that you went away from where I am anywhere in 2008 from where I am but I'm slow so if you want me to do it next turn I could I should do it now does that make sense the next turn is better because we want to then we can combo but remember it's slow if I do at the end of this turn it's like I'm doing it at the beginning of next no my power that will work with it is not available Lister thank you alright do they won't have their stuff yeah I'm still trying to side work bro I'm sorry no no I'm sorry so I think I kind of wanted to talk to you guys about it since you were all planning can I have four income Nicky Pete by pushing that another way that's it so Nikki's gonna you're gonna target this one right cuz its wetlands right in this turn wetlands yeah okay so I think I'm gonna go here sure and then it means that I'm one away from this work next turn I might be able to do a nice big destroy and take care of that city and probably the in your town and you're playing no cards turn there right I'm playing the cards I'm just taking my income I get three and that is that alright so you're doing that and you're playing a card you have your income I got mine we've all played our cards right so we're on fast actions now yep okay all right I'll do my standard innate powers which is gather one Explorer towards one away from a sacred site and then I can destroy up to two explorers but there's only one in the right range actually I can gather this one into a desert where he'll do nothing right then I can destroy two which will cause to fear they don't have this two different abilities they don't have to target the same space and they're both one away file six different ability yes it's two different abilities right okay that's your fast ability my best yep is energy well I guess you could have four I get four next turn so I'm fine okay unless somebody needs it I'll tell you yeah because I'm gonna be able to play cards multiple times all right just give it to myself when you get one if you give it yourself do you know only one uh take three for outfit I'm playing four cards done was my fast great all right I have invaders skip all actions in a target area this turn what is going on this page this is a heavy round I can't reach it what it has to be one away from where I have taken presents I can't reach it well I can stop building this would build a city that's what we need that's ok because that city will disappear you sure thank you no I'm wrong what do want to say this is the only city that will appear this turn oh no that'll blue they'll be a city here that's then that's the one blue is ravaged not we need to start out don't let us stop all actions yes stays yes what you're saying yes ok and then I can do it a second time if we need me to do it I don't I think that would because these three more but I'm excited that I can see me that would appear this turn so I think that's the right thing to do I can stop this rampage you don't need to stop this rampage I mean not if this rampage will destroy two huts and then the reverse I'm gonna just do it do it because I can do it I'm gonna stop this then they're all right but then you stop the counter-attack two and stop a fear maybe there wouldn't be a counter tech two of those would go away and then the counter-attack would destroy me I'm gonna clear all of that out when I get all right done ok anybody else for fast that's my fast action twice good for you because that's also a fast direction all right anybody else fast no we have a fear card fear it up here where it's still - yeah each but it's called fear of the unseen each player removes one Explorer or Hut from a land with light up no no with the presence no presence Explorer or town from a land with presence and I assume that would be your own presence notice to never make sense that we make sense which could leaves me a single choice oh dang ok I mean mmm well this doesn't on a damaged well it won't ravage it it will this it'll stop saying I won't did we do that yeah just one yeah yeah right so that's either you or Nikki right so you are Gina we'll go again but he's well oh no that's already nothing right but but it's not more than well yeah but then the city is just gonna plop down another town it doesn't particularly matter okay or is it what about Nikki's gonna lose this by the way this is gonna come off the board oh yeah what about you Dave I you could stop this from building a town okay this was what I was gonna do that one time that we I've skipped maybe they say that for the next turn well then nothing's happening in that space though good all right so either Lincoln or Nikki still has one to do right that space is nothing they're not gonna do anything I'm just a bit yeah I'm sure stop a builder he'll save a tree you're pushing it we're pushing him out of the middle of me yeah we really have finally cleared us somewhat of an area like I've been hoping could do all right ravaged ravaged okay a blue space Hey ravage one you this guy he thought a counter-attack kills all right nothing happens there because of me nothing happens here nothing's here does your horrible rajab light and three it's seven so yeah blight blight light no not there yes it's the only choice that doesn't double up no hang on blight goes there nikki goes away yes this boy can double up but why would we want to do that instead of just putting one there just to save Nikki's piece but oh I see actually no problem is its next round right that's too bad ya know there might not be a next round there might not be an expert but it's gonna Ram it right now yeah no no no no when you put a what is it oh this has to be lifted but that's okay you weren't using this one anyway but otherwise it's gonna go here and then remove somebody here or go here and cascade and cascade are we doing ravage I believe that was all an okay build okay this gets it down mountain and jungle right yes Sam no build he has it my token yes town downtown town Town town down town Town town Town town to town I'm sorry the thing nothing town town nothing nothing nothing nothing town go to town and explore jungle and sand oh I know all right there there there there yes yes yes yes yes Oh we're gonna run out of these I know yes next to a town yes ah nothing next to anything now no not next to my knees now yes yes yes yes still when I've got three three free ones that time Hey all right let's let him slide him over slope slow Jamz slow Jamz okay see if I've done this correctly so I can gather up to two Don let's see two three four five six seven remember I might next turn just zap that and they'll all be gone okay then I will leave that for you because that's build next turn correct yeah what are you gonna zap you're gonna zap that's why not it's raging storm one damage to each invader together I'm just gonna have to spend it to get Mike to get the juice Dave my yep hope you're gathering dawn now yes is that you can gather into one of these two jungle spaces which would make these City spaces targets from you next turn well my goal is typing that next okay then let link and then gather some at least one Hut into that space okay and that's get rid of that city well then I think we're over killing it but where that was my idea otherwise if we all take one yes she's get rid of this city on this turn we don't even need to worry about it okay at the risk of jinxing the whole thing we can't lose this game next right to damage alright so I'm gonna I'm gonna do two damage and push a thing right I'll take it here you want to hon where Aaron in one of those jungles although it doesn't seem that necessary now okay but to be safe I'm gonna do two damage here sweet you're gonna I'm gonna push a guy to here I'm just giving him a sinister smile you really could use some dental work I think mmm oh okay I did it here then I am going to one two three four I am going to do that again because I can spend a dollar and do that again cool so I'll do two damage here yeah that's a fear and there's oh I can't do that last one sorry yep there's blight there and I can't do it where there's blight okay so you've only had one so that one's there so did I no yeah I did the two damage here instead and instead of pushing that there because I can't I'm gonna push that two there now can you do it not used you paid a dollar yes I will do it again nope I'm gonna do it here I'll do two damage to this one there's no blight there right no okay too damaged for that another yep and I will push this guy out into the water it's the Lippmann's wetlands or do you want to do it here for your masher yeah it's their next planet okay so I've done that twice I'm now going to do this it's about they're all sitting around I wonder why we're all exploring this damage except if there are three DeHaan it's five damage plus two fears awesome two three four five one more fear so then and two more two more four three toe tree total awesome yeah total of three three one for the town and two bonus okay you go and then for my last thing I'm gonna gather up to two Doan where do you need them here yeah do you just wear the one now what to be safe why not Oh coop done to be safe who knows what's gonna happen that's all my stuff but he got Nikki a lot me too go for it okay let's do this one okay jungle or water so I'll do here yep to fear wait you can't anymore no no not there two away Oh be nice anyway sweet ice okay so uh to fear sweet for damage advice amber these and two more fear to more fear for the city okay two more fear for the city I have actually managed this sweet Wow have you son - blue yeah alright plus five damage damage Wow one more fear the space is empty and remove a blight yes sorry to rot well I like that's a riot riding in the street yes ah how does it right now trying to time this right here I think I'm trying to get rid of blight is the main thing so let's do you remember you can do both of these uh no instead oh it's instead I apologize um is this gonna put another city in you know they're not building their next turn okay good oh you know what mine was instead well you dodo put more fear back is that where I got it from where did I getting that he was here or one of these two which I did that one it was the second it was like here all right go ahead so you just mixed your shovels over here oh I got like seven lined up here was it it was like there's one of these but I don't know David wasn't there there wasn't I definitely killed that one and I don't Knight took one somewhere I'm really sorry I definitely wasn't here cuz these just showed up right all right well since I don't remember oh there was one there go ahead that still is Lee still valid right I was there there was one there yep okay okay um sorry we're gonna damage to that remove one of these Oh fear he did it he told you to do it oh because there's warning I'd made it horns good it's like alright so from here yeah one two damage so yep yeah I guess or should I get rid of the Explorer dudes no get rid of that because that has a fear that's a fear alright so another fear I can push all of them three so I should push them okay somewhere push them into blue cuz wetlands aren't doing anything early here yeah yeah if you push them here though I could spend three and do my action again no I well I'm gonna do my big action but I'm saying it doesn't next turn I have I have power storm which I can target myself and do raging storm twice so in a Jamaican doesn't win the game okay I see yes but it's just fun to kill by me I'm gonna be killing cities as well I mean that's all happening are killing city dirt so these three dudes sure yeah now this card if my target has guys in it then I push them it does not so I can remove a fly so wheat nice that's it that's tough nicely done thank you before you take your turn on $1 bet for also for not if I destroy that organized yeah alright so I need to make one fear in order to get to us that next card right yeah let's see favors called do I gather up to 4 Don if invaders are present in the Dom now outnumber them 3 fear 3-1 and that just has to be one away from where my presence is nice definitely give us that card stage the killer cities no wait no there was one near yeah no oh no that's right there was one more to go and then yeah because I had three yeah all right shadows of the burning forest can target here where I'm present if invaders are present to fear me if the target land is mounting our jungle push 1 Explorer in town okay and mantle of dread to fear hmm and then I can choose any spirit to push a an explorer and town out of one of their lands what are we doing next turn is ravaged this one I mean we want to push we want to push a town out of any of these types trade types so that we don't rights sold a city into the blue which is nothing through them exit didn't have to be that one I mean II yeah oh yeah but that's fine this doesn't mean anything right now right nope all right done with turn I think we can both come off anybody else any other slows so Jim you know any mushrooms to flip over yes that one recovers alright on to the next hey I'm gonna take home like how you me to picking up some cards I am NOT I am going to I have one I'll put this here two three four yeah I got a new card it is seven eight nine so I either take a power card and an energy no that's reclaiming cards they don't really care about those one two three four five I think I'm just gonna do I'll get seven dollars thinking we do add presents like this kind of - I don't really need to go six there's no need to honey is oh oh I can make that stop no we didn't do that oh we didn't explore well I decided we didn't explore yes we did then we shifted all the cards over oh yes Nicki's right I mean Nicki's wrong Aaron's right let me did Nick that's why you do it all for us what that's why you do it and then it immediately shifts we do we checked deserts and forests no that was a total red herring you be quiet that was exciting it wasn't because we were totally screwed up a whole turn and had to rewind I felt like it was exciting I you're wrong did you play or do you think I should devil up it's it doesn't matter because my my double up does not require okay presents it doesn't mean well doubling up here doesn't get you adjacent anything sexy sin right yeah well although building is gonna all your steps fast anyway yeah hey I wonder if there are time do you want to intentionally be selected that I'm gonna get three and then I'm also gonna earn 3 make sure you get your income I got my downline you hear them I need to do it right now five please cuz I did this again okay I've known them all and then you every single time now I need you pull stuff off the first time so I have all my cards in my it's okay I mean yeah that's everything I have to oh no I have three have a lot of money yeah fine of course I didn't do anything for sell surance basically yeah yes yeah you got definitely charges and recharge but I think I'm gonna do this I think I want to do this why not do the raging storm or I could do and I can't do any powers twice if I couldn't that would be wonderful but I can do raging storm twice boom-boom so much so Dave to confirm I don't know if we said this or not yes we've gone to terror level three yes we only need to get rid of cities to win the game yes and that's instant if we do it in the middle of the term or righted enough fast actions at the beginning of the turn the game is over and we've won yes thank you does anybody gonna need the boon of vigor I don't believe we are in fact that extra energy is at the end of this round does anyone need me to do invaders skip all actions this turn it consists on how to get it could stop building I don't how about this I have to do a three anyway I have to do it fast three anyway in order to get somebody's getting fast too fast items for me it can be me but I don't need it all of these it says for every one you have you may use one powers of work so it's like you have to do is there only to season the board yeah Nicki destroyed this one last turn wow that's fantasy they're gone because it's happening now give me one fast action will we go for anything happen there you're done all right doesn't really matter just put you got two fast power I don't need one I have two cards played and three green symbols okay this is a jungle next to where I have presents I thought you had have jungle be on a jungle with it no it's jungle one away where I have present us to a range of one from a jungle with presents it's also eating the jungle where I've presents it so it doesn't matter it's ok it's not a sacred site nope you're not it's also next to a sacred size but yeah so I've got two cards three green destroy one city and all explorers to fear just in case you fear just in case - here just in case here okay and that's it I'll just do that one alright Lincoln okay so I'm gonna go I'm gonna go the long way okay so I will first do the raging storm yeah crack crashed a bunch of energy in I told you guys we should bump stop here in a big and then I'm going to guess what I'm gonna do power store me do that again free energy I'm just gonna put it right there okay like this is very bad manners to just kill everybody he's rubbing it into these European yeah okay bloodthirsty and then I guess you destroy it's a you're immediately get her a bursting burn then I'm gonna kill this town for a fear and then another fear okay those people had families they did but they no longer they're not even around anymore and you know that's gone that yeah one more three cards down there what is that yeah and that's the laws raging storm you spell yep nope so I have one - no it's fast everything's fast Oh cuz you got the purple yes yeah because one of these was fast anyway or the two of these were stressed so I have so he was okay basically can win five his heha one two three four how many purple and one blue so I have enough to do he's got enough to make all yes I are wasting my time let's put it over there I'm going to do that one there okay because I want to do it all in one time I'm gonna wipe that one off the map yeah he can't I get to strike and it would be initially just a town but since I've upgraded to the 4 and a 5 it'd be a city and it's gonna be a city in a town it could be two city could be two cities but it is not okay so that adds three we've used to be sure to get that all right yeah so does anyone else have any well yeah I got a uh that's all the cities right wait you can make one of my other's actions fast right I don't doesn't matter it I can add two more fear we can almost we can almost get to the next fear card just just for fun I know we're the open we only need three Wow yeah that was cool I could damage some stuff so we win I was I was gonna be able to do one of my three squeaks Wow Wow and I had a look I had the money for it yeah well obviously that's how the game is supposed to work right right you build you you start slow and you build this stuff where you can really do it well cool yeah what do you think Nikki I really like this game it's the second time we played but you know I like the little figures blah blah blah I like having the player and the interaction and all my cards the little extra kind of bonus actually you can make it happen finding a good mix of the characters to play and how they interact is really yeah we always like these powers is pretty amazing yeah because you have urinates are fast and yeah minor things to it Mayan eights were that I could repeat a power and that ended up being a problem because they were fast cuz most of my powers were slow unless I did something wrong right so the only chance I could ever really repeat them because I took repeat as meaning I had to have used it once already yeah and so that was sort of interesting but yeah yeah and that your card powers are limited to land types or limited to how far you're reaches across the range instead of just being like ah I can pay blah blah blah and do this one and I'm gonna do it here so I like that it kind of oh my god you have to work around that kind of stuff my power is any piece be any spirit so I can you guys could ever be repeating power so dumb not mattering but now that makes a target is for any of us to repeat a power that is a huge difference will you have to pay for it again you'd have to have the money quite a bit I mean you had the money to do that you were actually may know it's a hard money since it's our money that's right my point is you can do his own itself more easily forgive others cuz I saw you didn't have the money right I don't know what was your money situation you had done the booth about this last couple - oh yeah - yeah for zero right because it has only you know fairness I only I think through that power away once meaning I think there's only one time where I didn't use it because I didn't see that it was any any spirit yeah it make sense right now for some reason I just thought it was my it does seem like it is only supposed to be I had a hard time just seeing all that stuff the first time anyway partly because I was also trying to make sure everything was working and in doing that I probably messed a couple things up I'm almost positive at least once I played one of these cards where I didn't do it from a sacred place but just from a regular presence that's tough you got to pay attention it was just difficult for me they are small little icons on on busy cards well the difference is let's see you know they do a decent job of it no but look at that I mean that little icon versus the other type of ID but the other one has six underneath it right the one you're pretty small I know but it is different it is not the guy that can see things on unlock so once I realized that all of them were that way they're all of my initial start cards were from sacred places so it didn't matter anyway once I knew that it was like okay well that all of them I mean I never drew more than two cards the whole game I have no four cards plus two more well my deck doesn't allow me to do to reach my most powerful which would let me destroy three cities now we never had that many cities where actually had some control on that right but I couldn't reach it because I have five purple five orange in here but only one blue so obviously that's something for the advanced you know where you choose four cards yeah well obviously if you would you could choose the ones that have orange on them right just to make sure you get to that point if you needed colors did you want to say morning fear oh yeah fears that's always neat there aren't these randomly shuffle yes okay because I at the beginning I was like well why do they even bother we didn't even use this many you know putting the third phase one on the first two that we draw because right really not there but right that would be why I didn't read the other ones either so I don't know what they would be well what was our very track all this is great remember our very first fear is like almost unhelpful yeah what was great invaders do not build on lands with cities trade suffers yeah and that didn't matter because it was the first one as opposed to say here this one first thing is defend to on every land that has a presence in it oh wow yeah I mean yeah that's great right I mean it's just a lot of it is just random and and sort of when they come up another thing that really really helped us was playing the basic blight level so we didn't use these cards that say healthy island because this guy down I think at one point two six yes when we started with 20 yes so we put fourteen of them on the board before you really start dealing with them with healthy island you put two per player there so we're only struck eight yeah okay and then once that happens once those eight are out there you flip them over and then you recheck them so now this gets five per player and this gets four per player so that resets your clock you have there's so many more blight tokens yeah that we didn't and same thing remove ones go back there but listen to this downward spiral downward spiral so every time remember that blighted Island that we never did ohyes at the start of each invader phase each spirit destroys one of their presents hey that would happen every turn that's blighted Island or downward spiral and then memory fades to dust at the start of each invader phase each spirit forgets a power oh wow or destroys one of their presents so that would make the game way hard it ramps up in difficulty and then the scenarios do things too yeah there are these there scenarios I haven't I haven't looked through any of them but like this one says it the board differently and it gives you a they all have like rules changes rule changes rule changes let's see blitz for example all powers are fast for blitz everything that's fast is made the fast power cost one less so the slugs become fast in the fast cost one less but you put an additional blight per player no on the blight card yeah it sounds like this is good so I guess blitz helps you but you're playing these there's these adversaries that we didn't play the kingdom of England the kingdom of Sweden and they do all kinds of extra bonus bad stuff we never did for example these little simple form of cards yeah those activate a special extra bad stuff that happens from here and there historical scenarios just in case this is dangerous but and we didn't do it but the other side of this board isn't actually and this more of a mass is the West they show you like where this goes yeah you sort of set up more yeah you can set up more of a thing and that's really cool I I really this was really cool I'm glad actually that the beginner level was kind of nice that way yes you know I I hate to be the contradictory naysayer but I'm like do you know it I don't hate it I didn't love this that much especially because it seems like it's meet almost at my Ally I love longer more complex games I love asymmetrical player powers and I love you know variable scenarios and there's other you know gods and spirits we didn't get to and I would that at first I thought all I want to see what those other ones do but there's almost just too much bookkeeping and and too much turn structure that that just bogs down the game for me I really felt like a lot of what we were doing was a lot of busy work and didn't really I mean it impacted the sure the game stayed in the board but it wasn't really all that thrilling from a gameplay perspective and and I felt like we won but only when we got to the point where winning was possible yeah we're not very good at this game yet because it's our first game and we were you know just trying to keep our heads above water but it didn't really yeah but I took it took so long for what it was and it wasn't so enthralling to me that I don't feel the need to it I spelled uux you merge things up once and it's gonna be hard to be you know I mean like you notch up saw these things and it's gonna be difficult to be the other thing is is obviously you know I like the the deck-building aspect of it even though it's not really deck built I guess it is deck building if you played in the regular way where you're gonna be drawing from the full of cards sure but I like the chaining of things I mean that's it's always fun to do that stuff in games and you know obviously you know Dave's pretty spectacular at that stuff and you get to do them like we all had at least one turn where we were able to kind of make our stuff do the things we really wanted to sure and that's fun as opposed to games where you have to hope you just draw them and then can spend the money like you can actually wait a turn and sort of set up your thing and someone can help you like when you said let's put everything here yes like without us doing that for you you still get to do your thing but it's not as fun right I agree I feel like that's a great idea in theory but the turns were so long and this is again it's our our being first or second game problem right if the turns were ten minutes long that would be a lot more fun it was so angry you know it was so much to it and so much to go even though the turns are elegantly structured and we do the same series sequence of stuff over and over again it just took so back when almost turns where you barely did anything didn't it seem like forever till you got to go back in selections again but that's how that works it mean it was time to do these import stuff and things like that I mean that's how these games work it's a lot of downtime to set up I would rather that structure of an ebb turn in a flow turn in a temp turn in a flow turn or I'm gonna set up for my big Cataclysm power was not 45 minutes between those action I don't disagree that for a co-op there's maybe way too much stuff to sort of try to pay attention to to maximize everything but I mean I don't think you should be maximized it's hard to ask if you can on your own and then integrate it's hard to ask people not to do that but you could play this more you could play this about 80% for yourself you could just play your cards almost like that's where you can and then just see if someone helped you as you're going I mean what I did like was I didn't need to know what you were doing when I was what I needed to know like what you see here's what you did once you said can anyone put people here yes can anyone move these guys I love yes that's not you and needing to know exactly what I can do or how I can do it just here's a goal that will help me right right that part's great there are some coops where you have to know what everybody can do right but and again we don't we don't need to play with maximum efficiency especially in our first couple of plays but there are some players who will want to know what every single card does and what every single abilities the thing is is that you can't do it that way you have to just let that go I mean people want to travel I know I know some people will have to try and do that I feel like for a lot of people this is good this is a great one our game that takes three hours to play but I I understand what you're saying yeah Nikki I disagree with what you're saying I like the discussion I like that's what you get into a co-op game for is the whole working out the best play talking to people about what cards could help each other all of that it that to me is part of coop is that I I think he likes the co-op isn't like the length of the turns right discussion book coops can beat like crazy long discussions of trying to figure out what the best thing is so I didn't see this as anything different than other coops I've played with crazy long discussions about what the best thing to do is I think I think just let me speak for Aaron I think Victor in some of those other coops though you were at least engaged in the entire thing right there are there were a couple of turns like Lincoln had some I had a couple turns there were a couple of turns where I like I knew okay I'm just doing these things mm-hmm and I didn't need to know what you guys are doing or not so I wasn't even necessarily involved in the co-op part of it right at least or cuz I turn we're all you've got left is one slow action and you sort of have to sit and wait through 80% of a turn before it comes back to that yeah a lot of a lot of the slow action like the fast and slow that was very cool I just wish the turns were much much shorter what a first play to again III but still I don't think you can cut much time out of this game I think it is always gonna be pretty long I know I this is definitely a game that's longer I think with players with more players oh sure I I don't think that the three player game is the same length oh yeah we played with three last year yeah and there were I there were a lot of people I think were online we're talking about playing it specifically as a two-player game which I guess could make sense because that would be arguably your shortest version of the game and your easiest co-op and also it requires the least amount of knowing all these cards right you just you're either people to do it and do exactly what you said which is hey I need help over here which I tried to do as well right I don't think you need to worry about you just have to get past the point where people understand all the elements of the game I think that it can speed up I understand I mean there was a couple times during the game I was just like wow this is taking a long time but well I was easily responsible for a couple of those times for sure even though even after staying up front hey lets us probably it was just tough it was tough to do because I well I just runs a chain like five cards you know to mean or something like that and that's not a bad thing that's what you're having to do but you have to like think about it you have to determine maybe the best order to make like Nikki was trying to do there near the end she had one where she was hoping to do it in the right order to do the most damage right right and it's not just knowing your cards and how they fit it's also trying to figure out the board okay and what's gonna happen if it were just on cars that would actually be easier but it's like okay if those move than what it's a lot of moving pieces literally and figuratively is you got it you always kind of have to keep looking alright this turn they're going to do this in this territory and next term they're gonna do this in this territory yeah and then maybe they're gonna do another tip like there's a lot of looking forward into the future and planning and like you you have to keep a lot of pieces in mind so to speak you know it it really it doesn't behoove any fast play I feel like it's one of its problems although I totally take your point that if it was just you and me then all I have to know even if I don't know all of our cards right just keeping track of two spirits is gonna be a lot faster in total and then for even again not knowing every single possibility but but I see how a 2 and 3 player game would be a lot quicker well Dave thanks for teaching us spirit Island [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 155,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: VrYn-Mlh_qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 59sec (12779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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