So I Trapped 100 Kids in a Coca-Cola Can

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so how's it going guys welcome back to another video all right so in Tuesday's video traffic 100 kids inside of a coca-cola why are these videos oh my gosh so yeah that right there is the cocaine oh dude what would happen if we turn on shaders let's try it okay shaders on come on lodup lodup lodup lodup lodup oh my god dude this is amazing so before we get into this video make sure to subscribe and lick right now with notifications or else what will happen they have to lick the top of the code can you know where like cut your fingers that will happen to you let's begin this video so we have a hundred kids scattered around the map spiffy what's the first idea how should we eliminate something oh my god are you ready to do this I'm pretty ready let's do it alright you know we should tell them to enter the code count as the first Charlie I like that and then whoever fails is out yeah the last five people inside oh so what they have to do is say everyone get on the hill and then once they're on the hill what they have to do is like parkour you feel me so unnecessary to go Oh way around for no good reason this is so dumb go this way and make some ladders put some ladders right there for me Oh way back around cuz this isn't pointless at all this is so me add some more ladders right there alright they're coming up through the wall people all right fine we'll give them a way to go okay now more and more people are coming okay once you land it doesn't end they have to keep going and then once they go here they have to go all the way back around good and then you might want to add some more ladders right there take the coca-cola is floating like this is literally liquid right it's coming out the cotton and it's floating above the condom and it's all part of the liquid oh my gosh once they get here here's where the fun part happens okay stop right here do not move all right so we're gonna do is we're gonna go like that and we're gonna start with some obsidian so oh lucky guy all damage is now on so they will die now are you serious okay go for it no did I tell you to come did I say Kong go back go back oh that kid fell and he died they're gonna go a long way down in a second oh my god before their life has come to an end pretty much all right add a little bit of parkour drums here and then this should be efficient you know we should do but some should have them enter the cannon through a straw parkour jump oh okay I got you I got you so from here to here they have to enter through right here this straw right there through this straw in order to get inside the how you drink coca-cola like yeah those curly straws and then enter through right here perfect okay go for it don't die oh my gosh they will rip if they die this is kind of a difficult first jump to me I know what's going they're going really really slow but they made it this guy's the first gotta make it all you have to pay this person cheated no no no get out they cheated and then they have to go down here into the water go down the straw hey people are cheating get out look at this guy look look look wait oh my god no no no no no no dude they're going in they're going in easier dude we're losing people so far okay fine fine going they're going 15 seconds to get into can now they're rushing five four three two one oh he thought you was too late get him out get him out all right everyone's in the cocaine dude oh my gosh this place okay there's two different levels of cocaine there's below the liquid and to get to the top all right welcome to the cocaine you know what I'm gonna say I'm gonna drop a book and if they pick up the book they lose that out okay wait what in this book it is going to say Pepsi okay oh no okay do not pick up this it's someone really going for it okay resist it's a secret message read it come on it'll be worth it know what we'll do is we'll say if you pick up the book I'll shout you out do this like a strong missus let's see if anyone wants it he'll ends in five four what's the shout out to Anton there he is a cool guy but now he is gone you know we should do I think it's time to have him swim inside some type C you know okay that's to swim okay now what we should do is bring them to the top yes they perfect so put some ladders right here and what they have to do is basically do the parkour you have a thought we would be trapping I don't want to think about that because I don't want to think about that I don't want to think about what we're doing with no stop stop stop oh and then once they go to the top that's when they master the art of getting to the top of a coke can so let's go ahead and make them do a block jump where they have to go something like that is that possible and then once they do that they've done it we should swim no we'll make another oh my gosh a wooden straw yeah they swim up the yellow straw and they make it okay got you stop flag and then water that do second layer oh no we didn't block it off oh no way we didn't to get up oh dude that one jump is hard though yeah and then they made it I don't know when you give them a time that they start panicking and they start like it's true it's true 20 seconds I'm gonna start breaking the parkour I think we might have to lover them Ted that kids alright this is their final attempt this is all your final attempt I'm gonna destroy the ladders right now five four three two one I'm gonna let this green kid go and then it's open ever mind is never mind these people have one final chance thing these people might have to be stuck down here forever yeah the ones that matter yeah it's give them a second we'll stick them under water Oh are we gonna okay okay that's around that's me Gigi or now she's here now Gigi or now oh [ __ ] off the straw it's gone oh no once my feet no wow alright you wanna mess up the coke an event you figure out how to deal with this the doormats do credit you [ __ ] that's fine that's fine I get well and cut the can in half and I'm gonna choose a side to stay in South on one side is rip one side survive if we lose a lot of people on this one they're all on this side why are you not coming to this side I'll cut it in half cut it in half okay two people just got cut off I think the rip but I might be a rib moment alright spiffy I think you have to get rid of a side now you know what's nice to be choose well there's an easy way of doing this all I want you to do is take gold or iron and whichever side you pick us out so go ahead tell me one I am going to choose valuable all which is gold all right Gold is out don't tell me it's the side with all the sides with this people go ahead and cut that off don't tell them just do it they're just gone they're just gone dude Wow I have been idea let's replace near the water with the lava right just like that perfect guess what this do right is that everyone on the red line that's on the wall on the line we should block them on the line there's no exactly so now once we do that there's no escape perfect okay now that you're on the line of doom don't die that's easier said than done when this around the boy a billion books of law well you see sippy what we're gonna do is set the stone and say be VP on there we go there we go okay replacing 50% stone to air what that gives us line end obsidian okay three two one boom oh the snows gonna melt right down to the final four you know listen to you we're never gonna do a powerful jump to escape no yes across this jump boom boom boom boom escape the can forever off the going one made it all one fell in lava that's a hard job that is or jump we have two survivors and make that go back come to me they will wait it again unless I hope it does out of you three last one to jump is owl oh one two goodbye goodbye all right smithy get us a winner okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna replace the lava to water I want to see if the first wasn't it jumps in it is going to lose it's a simple simple method but it works they think it's a safe place to go there's gonna turn back to lava as they step inside that's oh my gosh okay I have a sort of interesting idea okay so what we do right is we put them you know one by one just like this and what we're gonna say is one of you will win one of you will lose since we happen to have water here we will place a bow first one in the bow wave this is very evil here we go say Ando I'll cut it three two one go oh my god oh my god they're going did you push it around push it around rest in peace alright well this has been our winner and we have trapped a hundred kids in a coca-cola can totally it's destroyed alright get rid of it get rid of it just be all and see what happens if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe right now or else you'll turn into one of these people and you don't want that break the coke can do it dude look at this cocaine it's guys it's literally demolished thank you for watching bye you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,469,289
Rating: 4.9088244 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, so i trapped, 100 kids, 100 players, coke can, coca cola can
Id: sCFQm5j0fCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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