World's MOST Secure House Battle in Minecraft...

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all right so in today's video we wanna be one to see who could make the safest house in Minecraft in just 30 minutes what's the 30 minute mark was over we looked at each other's houses to see well who had the safest one this mod had some really really really cool stuff that I have never seen in Minecraft before so before we get into this make sure you like the video and subscribe right now or else this will happen to you make sure you subscribe and let's go good time in 30 minutes it has started Skippy let's go may the most secure house win let go how much time do we have did you say we have 30 minutes in the first five minutes we're not allowed to talk to each other something like what okay bye okay so he literally just made it up there so I guess it is time to build the most secure house that I could possibly build I'm thinking we go up like that about that far I've seen a very secure house like this before where we just spam some bedrock just like that I'm thinking some lava around the house some fence not fence but like oh we have all different types of fences and oh my god what the heck a shower this mod is insane castle Nettie okay no I can't waste time but I want like a cool jail thing and I don't know what it's called I can't remember don't judge me but this seems like the perfect thing that I want to use alright and then we're gonna grab this block again I don't like this one I want a lighter colored one or so I just do stone brick I can't make up my mind where's Kensie stone brick alright stone brick it is then a little opening right here where they can enter the house you feel me another long wall of bedrock this is coming along really nicely usually when I build stuff it doesn't come along nicely but this is coming along real real nice so this is the front of the house obviously gotta get that stone brick in there what do i watch stone slab looks cool let's let's throw some stone slabs down okay so here's what I'm doing for the defensive part we set lava boom done after lava we set more lava but I gotta get these walls going and in order to do that we need more bedrock going so let's literally get the walls for the house and you will find the center of the bedrock which she sets a diamond of course get the stone brick going goal at least the reinforced iron bars okay that's what they're actually called but this mod is way too cool how you doing Preston walls bedrock oh no that's not what I wanted all right well he thinks he's too good to answer me cuz he hasn't even given me an answer but ROM I died that's sort of not what I was going for I feel like I'm wasting too much time because I'm not the best builder ever but I can build a nice secure little house and all of this must be set to the iron bars oh my god imagine placing stuff manually with your fingers and not using worldedit well I guess world that it is with your fingers I don't know where I'm going with this okay time to find the center once again set it to Diamond of course put that right there and perfect I hope I'm not wasting too much time by doing this but I think it gives it a really nice touch so let me hurry up and get this done do the same thing on this side I wish I was really good at worlds at it and I just knew how to like paste that side onto here so that I wouldn't have to waste time fine Center one final time oh I didn't Center right there's more than one Center no one's ever gonna know no one is ever gonna count that you can't even tell don't worry about it okay the house is looking good now we just need to put lava three down on each side once again dude cycle cheat I want to go cheat right and go look at what he's building but I'm not going to I would usually almost always do it but today I'd be very respectful and I will not do that I feel like this side is a little bit longer so let's actually just make that four so that I can have it like this and this will lead into the house so something like that is that even it's not even and it's hurting my brain here let's do that so it makes it a little bit more even I think I'm doing a good job with this I I hope so let me get some bone meal throw that down give it a nice look on both sides sweet oh my god no oh jeez no that can't happen again so no okay time to build the actual house so let's go from there to like here in walls bedrock again Oh No okay no no trust me trust me it's coming along it is going to come long very nicely with my iron door where's the iron door come on standard door I can get a step Oh what stall I can get some cameras hello step yo hey what's going on it's because I placed it that's so cool I can't waste time here let's get some diorite going there there we go no one's ever gonna see that but it's killing my OCD so we're just gonna set the dirt to walls bedrock see I don't know if you can tell the difference but I can okay let's make it to higher you feel me should I be getting in a call with Preston I feel like I'm getting carried away here but whatever it's all good I want this area set to some type of paned glass I guess grey fits the theme so can I just can I do yes yes I can and then once you go in the house you know the house has to look good so we're gonna set it out of wood so literally set wood I'm just saying if you want a nice house it should be set out of wood why is there we go it's like the play area this is the backyard a very small backyard but it is a backyard indeed I think I have a good vision of where I'm going with this I hope it's not gonna look really stupid but basically I'm gonna have it upstairs right you can go up the stairs what if we had like some weird crystal stairs that would be so cool it doesn't really fit the theme but it looks cool so I want it okay I think Preston wants me in the call hey hey what you want some juice what the hot back in the Coliseum listen dude I'm actually doing so well your money I'm doing well too oh no no no how severe is your house right now it is I came over could I break in no I think I I want you to try at the end of the video you're gonna try to break into my house I'm gonna try to break into yours but you are you okay okay I'm just gonna say it's gonna be a bad time for you okay it's I'm pretty confident though that's the thing I'm usually not confident but I'm really confident about this one are you I mean are you sure you should be as confident as you think you're confident yes I think so I mean I don't know if you should be that comedy like listen my house is dope also we have 18 minutes 18 oh no I need a hurry up dude I need a hurry up when you're doing these challenges do the time runs out so fast I don't even know where go skewed schedule yeah I mean I don't wanna be that guy dude but I think it's over for you just go ahead and retire dude you can't world you have to do it manually I think I'm wasting some time there I had to do the same thing like I could manually do anything or like I couldn't automate it with world that it made me really sad I feel you I feel you I don't know how to make a cool roof uh all you have to do is just set it out a llama oh I found something that's really cool I'm gonna start liking the custom items dude I've been too busy building my house this is so cool dude I have some of the coolest things right now scabby for my roof you have no idea what do you guys plan tell me no I'm not gonna tell you listen this thing is sick dude I'm basically making my basic a factions name oh so it's like secure secure Oh Oh bro this house is so secure if you manage to break into it I will literally give you $1,000 $1,000 I will give you five attempts to break into it and I think I'll give you I'm gonna actually like I might give you full iron gear full iron I think even if you had fly in here you would literally have no chance of getting inside note what do you have that would like prevent me I'm just a pro you know what I mean I'm also really humble oh I can tell thanks man you know I've been really working on my humility lately my wife told me I need to be more humble so I've been just your reflection in my spare time oh I'm proud of you bro um one of those what is this do I just found something looks so sick okay I don't have time to mess around how much time do we have oh you don't I don't have time to mess around all right wait what say oh I'm using a key I think I'm making a key panel right now uh what does that mean what do you mean what does that mean it's like it's a key okay that's so cool yeah okay I've literally set a keypad so the only way you can get in is if you know the code wait I can't just like parkour it no you can't barded okay what if I break your house down dude good luck bro my health is made of bedrock and obsidian bat enough oh you know I forgot cameras oh I was hoping you for yet oh no no no no I just remembered the cameras in place that are down now dude I've got a lot of security cameras and you ain't gonna be busted into this joint hmm how's your plays like it's kepi I've got a bad feeling about your plays like I feel like no don't say that don't say that I'm starting to get a little bit nervous just a little bit how's the interior of place not bad but you know it's coming along you think your exterior is where it's at though I mean yeah my exterior is like a pretty beefy oh dude yeah rough you can I just put eight security cameras on one monitor oh this is so sick dude I'm literally toggling into my cameras dude that's so cool okay hold on I have to do that wait a second I think you know some features that I don't listen I'm not saying I know some features but I'm not saying I don't know some features 2k I'm putting a massive chest it's a password-protected chest but I'm putting dubs and dubs of diamonds son I'm just saying you're gonna want to get in here who have you seen some of the glass the glass did you know I'm not even gonna make it a password-protected chest I'm just gonna put a regular doves of chests for you I feel like you're gonna struggle don't say that or it might have maybe I want you to struggle you gonna put diamonds for me in your house if I managed to break in you break in you can have everything in all my chest okay if you somehow broken but do you actually have valuables and I do I do I don't have any chest yet but I will soon okay scampi it's likely answer yeah I'm very slow I feel like you're a world at it God and I'm like a world at a plant that's kind of my problems right now no no you'd be wrong I've literally manually placing diamonds in my chest oh well I feel like there's no faster way to do this I need more time your kid 30 minutes worse okay I messed up I didn't know no oh did you make any put lava and I may have put what and there may have been an oopsie you did what fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine wait can you not copy chance with world at it I'm pretty sure you can is that not a thing oh it worked it worked oh my God we're gonna get some diamonds in here yeah I feel you on the diamonds I am just trying as fast as I can to get these diamonds filled up I know that's why I'm world out of my chest I'm trying to paste them in but I'm failing oh they're invisible my chests are invisible what in the Nani's but oh I made glitch chests that actually that's really so fitting for what we're doing there glitch Gabi if you make it here all I'm saying is there's a lot of diamonds for you okay chief guess what I got goods just to yeah but do you have an electrified fit what no you don't have an electrified fits brought what are you do with you I want one I want one I'm gonna go get one wait maybe I should put the oh I might have a better idea well I'd what happens if you walk into this doesn't work what doesn't work what's up no it's up I'm trying to figure out where do I have to power my fence hello fence work are you having I'm trying to figure out and make my fence electrical listen dude sometimes you gotta just do the cooking by the book I'm saying okay we a bug we got ten minutes okay okay I can I can do with that we got ten minutes ain't looking good there's a secret sign oh this is sign only the owner of the sign can see what it is there's a Taser open it a see what can I change and you do that that is not okay show cool there's like so much there's wait there's a lot of discover dude wait a second dude hold on did you find the bouncing betty no that's a throwback to some con days dude there are literally oh my gosh I'm about to be the most overpowered press their life ah you're scaring me a little bit there's no I think I might have just made it completely impossible for you to come anywhere near my house right now see I'm not even getting how so I've got like a bajillion bouncing Betties if I need to work on my defense I need to work on that now you're just scaring me my interior of my house is absolute garbage on a stick it's protecting else's dope what is this electrified fence how do I get this electrified fence actually to work mm I don't know and I don't want you to know tell me give me your secrets mr. escapes tell me straight away my secrets right is you gotta get some Opie defense that's all what's gonna help you in okay okay listen dude you got a big mouth right now but when it gets to the face of you breaking in I think you go get slap clap and tax ooh I like the rhyming scheme all right you guys were tried but once we see each other's houses I'm telling you it mine isn't the best ever but you're not gonna get in just watch I'm gonna be surprised if you can even like I don't know man like if you manage to make it pass like five blocks I will be sure I will literally be shot Boop yeah did you done no what do you mean I'm done you're the one who's done don't tell me I'm done no no not even close to my place is looking beefy it's a little it's a little it's not very pretty but that does not matter okay beauty is in the eye of the beholder am i right you all righty all right I am only agreeing with this because of my house as well but is your house we battle no it's it's decent it's decent we'll say that oh you can't roll that it ladders I'm crying right now dude you can roll that it ladders you can you can no big glitch if you try to do it they kinda glitch well it's a riperoni for you I know it's a big fat riperoni in the pepperonis wanting to add an alarm tag could add my alarm alright how much time do we have I'm adding some stuff okay we're literally at seven and a half minutes oh yeah don't be too much longer don't be too much longer can I go I have a ton of these what's a codebreaker what is that I love it dude it's so dope okay something I wish would have done why do I not do this for my entire area do you not do I put something down that is very cool all I'm gonna say I got cameras all around the place so you better be careful just saying I got ladders okay I don't know they're gonna do anything I'm gonna be so shocked like I can't wait to try to break into your house this is gonna be so much fun you just walk through the lasers or will it hurt you the lasers don't hurt you oh they don't hurt you interested they do something else they do something else but like oh my gosh oh my gosh I almost stepped on my own bouncing Betties and just ended my yo dude I feel like I've got to do some interior designing you should probably go do that forget about your defense work on your house come on all right let me get some of those bounce them your bed why are you talking about no no no no I really want to make the interior of my house a gorgeous though but I don't think there's enough no I'm gonna put a really valuable item in here what's pretty stuff like - baby I just make the entire interior orange let's do it dude you're never gonna guess my chess password what do you mean yeah which is it one one one no guess again do you want no because I don't want to guess anymore good idea I'm very happy with my my very shoddy interior design skills right now looking beefy look at me why you know love this I have everything everything in the whorehouse bro how's the interior house coming out it was your idea not great but it's coming along it was pretty not great wait are you on your interior right now I'm working on it okay same same same there yeah it's not very good like I I need to get the I need to get some like the couches and stuff yep no you know I do hold on yo dude were at four minutes you better fall my gosh hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I'm placing down carpet right now I'm trying to go fast have you ever seen the doomsday bunkers they have in real life that's basically what my got your house my house is literally a doomsday bunker and I love it so it's Loki scary's what'd you say if I saw this house I would be you would write dated to a Preston with just me running I would run I would leave my wife branda behind a place I like it's been a fun ride but pseudo perfect stop lying to the audience good once you see this house you're gonna have to agree with me let's go bro I got a TV okay and I'm gonna get myself a TV dude it's time for a couch take an ISIL sexual who's there here same here Preston how's your house really coming along right now dude it literally coming along really well so why don't you just you know you just I summon you I don't know what it is aw dude it's you're gonna you're gonna see it you're gonna be blown away you're gonna be absolutely blown away you like this house is tremendously epic gamer moment I just I don't have I literally have nothing for my kitchen like my kitchen is uh empty okay it's a very empty kitchen rusting can you cook ah no I can cook spaghetti and eggs does that count I love spaghetti and eggs but you know I can't cook in real life you can't cook in Minecraft okay one of those guys in he's one of those guys guys what's up oh she DS getting to me off there we go that's better oh my gosh you can turn on the TV oh wait you really oh yeah there's a download file Preston is bad turn on whoa whoa why don't turn on that D I like I love that channel in fact one minute one minute oh no no no no scapulars regressing I'm sure I'm not stressed I feel like I've got everything I need I know there's any more I can add I feel like I have perfect and Schlag into my place you know I think I feel you I mean I don't really know what else I can animate can add some water to the sink what can add water to this that's actually pretty cool maybe some furnaces to give it that that hypebeast fuel mhmmm a little bit of furnaces alright and now to top it all off what do you top it off with nothing it all off what it sounded I'm with beautiful hold on what happens if I do that oh oh oh love it my house can't be the times about to run out any moment we're about to hear a bear okay yes on my channel viewers of Skippy you must come to my channel do you want to see my house but on Skippy's channel you guys can go to see his house so skeptical I don't want to see this all right Preston I have just seen your house not gonna lie pretty decent house again go check out Preston's channel and yeah dude this is this is my house go here usually yes come over here okay what I get what I you gave me iron armor I'm gonna return the favor you're also gonna get yours but I'm giving you one Golden Apple okay wait is it you to find out okay I'm gonna I'm gonna eat the notch Apple okay I'm doing it oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm about that I about that I'm about that I got I got wait wait wait a words the right way wait I wouldn't know what to do it right here going from here okay same thing try again yeah okay let me get by oh yeah can you give me an apple you're actually take two I think you might need to uh I think I could've made it with one but it would have been hard okay we're going in scratch do it I'm going it okay here we go this is big this is mango faster way down okay okay oh third time's the charm or nah yeah third time let me line it up okay I'm ready all right three apples my gear you big enogh buffalo I don't know if it makes a difference but I'm very generous oh go for it Apple oh my god I got a big job Apple igap it's gonna it's gonna take too much it oh dude I got like four oh nice your place is it nice it looks like a modern secure home that's sort of what I was going for just a very very protective what you know it's funny I put impressed in his bad and it said because there's no bad press that's what this is sick I like how you have this like goodbye Preston yeah there did you even know those were capes actually no but it worked out really don't wait too long okay so Skippy clearly it's good it's the bathroom listen I forgot to put a toilet so if you want to use the bathroom feel free to you know use the sink or as some personal privacy yes yes sorry my bad I'm gone oh I'm not looking dude that would be weird if I was looking at you or something no Dee no you have a bath bomb like you're really mad host I saw that those are bad bald loser diver come on okay show you're gonna keep looking tough we go this way yeah okay a little bit scattered on that I like oh nice little fatso you sleep near the diamonds to feel like you're very secure with your diamonds and your and your very well this is what I was talking about earlier I wanted you know viewers that was a very secure Pat oh yeah nice isn't it sit with me it's like very peace you just enjoyed the Diamonds oh but you hit your head when you get out oh yeah sorry about that I'm sitting far away when you're that tall okay yeah I'm 6 feet 7 on a good day a good thing come over here I have one more thing to show you the balcony and that's pretty much it no one's ever gonna get in I really like this place I feel like the design and the layouts are really good like I got to give you mad props didn't think you're gonna be able to pull it off but skeptic I would say I'm impressed would you say I have the better house I mean I think in some aspects yes in most aspects are the viewers are gonna have to decide it's a close one to let them vote won't let them vote in the comments the viewers shall vote and decide who at the best house all right Preston you know what props to you I'd say in some aspect you also had the better house and I had a lot of good but I still think I want okay the one thing you forgot to add date it was the alarm bro I'll just stop but I didn't know I could have turrets now when you walk through it listen Oh what that's sick what not hey you are oh wow that's so cool and dude there's a security scanner what doc what are you doing to my house what do you mean what am i doing at your house little rapine ain't me goodbyes that is that
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,338,391
Rating: 4.9102244 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, preston, prestonplayz, safe house mincraft, worlds secure house, minecraft secure house
Id: 69wzjD7sK5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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