Urban Combat Survival CQB and Room Clearing. Urban Survival Part 2

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Alright can’t figure it out, what riser are they running. Made in house?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slimslam101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Absolute most based dad advice to date.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Itchy_Importance_605 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm flippin freaking out over here cuz idk where tf part 1 is and I can't watch part 2 until I find part 1

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Green_Magnus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What exact flannel shirt is he wearing in this? I know that the brand is KÜHL but I can't seem to find the exact shirt on their website

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Salt-Independent-579 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who does Jared call out that they bleeped from the vid?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlatResort πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doin it wrong. You’re supposed to drop you flash bang in front of your team blind them and all scramble through the door while tripping and falling over each other. For good measure toss a few flash bangs around the room yall are in too. Neutralize the enemy at all cost.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

So thankful to get such training for free.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/landlord1776 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
part two of urban survival now when we talk urban survival we have to clarify that we mean that we are fighting a superior force in an urban environment and the reason we talk so much about written survival is if you want to retake a country if you want to retake your land you're eventually going to have to retake those cities so you can't just [Β __Β ] off into the mountains and expect to retake a country now today we're going to be talking about perhaps one of the most dangerous things you could possibly ever do and that is clear room now should you clear a room that's something that we can't tell you but what i can tell you is that when you do clear a room it should not be the first time you have ever cleared a room so today on grantham we're gonna be talking about clearing rooms because if you don't get that knowledge now 100 you will [Β __Β ] die the first time you ever do it [Music] now before we get into that we of course have to thank the biggest sponsor of this channel that sponsor being the sonoran desert institute if you're looking to get your certain gunsmithing they are the people to go to they absolutely rock a big thank you to them now of course this particular video is sponsored by primary arms a big thank you to them for sponsoring this video they make awesome optics at a great price and we certainly recommend them and of course what can we not forget micah uh which one we have two things that are busting one's the onward research ones patreon if you want women in your life go to onward research and get something that that hasn't been verified by the food and drug administration but yes and also the patreon everything that i don't want posted is posted and get in there and check it out a big thank you of course to arms directory they rock and les concealment thank you guys ladies gentlemen my often forgotten but most certainly not by me mark 18s welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very interesting topic and that is going to be room clearing now to be clear my specialty in the military was not cqb however we do have some cqb experts here we have jared he wears a size two small and cry pants thank you for coming in today thanks for having us man of course man please introduce yourself introduce your team and uh tell us a little bit about you guys awesome i'm jared i'm the owner of orion training group we also have jason and will with us and mitchell here in the back who's one of our repeat students and uh we offer training uh we don't restrict it and that's part of why we're here with mike mega based mega based yeah so uh what we'll be talking about is cqb and like you said already if you have to do it you're you've already failed one thing right if this is about surviving this is the worst case scenario fighting people a few feet away inside a building sucks but if you're going to do it don't want to be the first time so we're going to show you guys some really basic stuff deliberate clearance footwork a couple different types of rooms and that'll get you started absolutely and i think it should be noted too that for my people who are watching this right now um cqb is something that teams will train to for years you will literally have the same group of guys training together for years on how to attack a building how to attack a house so what you have to understand is the things that you're going to be taught by jared which are really good it's very good basics and very good fundamentals you're not going to be an expert after 30 minutes you're not going to be an expert even after a couple of his classes this is going to be something that you have to focus on and like he'll tell you cqb is not something that you can do alone so like we've always said especially when it comes to the survival stuff you can't do it alone you need to have a community you need to have a team that you're working with cqb alone correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure that's actually called suicide yeah it's pretty bad and we teach class on it and it's all force on force because you won't learn how much it sucks unless you get shot every rep and it's basically a 50 50 ratio and again it could come down to that but hopefully it doesn't so if you can weigh the odds in your favor get yourself a good group of people get that community going that's going to be what's important jared please go ahead and take it away man and start teaching us brother so the first thing we're going to talk about guys if there is a reason to go into a structure you see a lot of people that want to just go fast you know on instagram social media they want to just run into the room because it looks cool however if you've ever been opposed or been shot at you know that sometimes you can solve problems in that room from the outside that's often called deliberate clearance how you position your body around a door a couple different ways is going to reduce your exposure and give you the most angle into the room so we'll talk about that footwork real quick i'll show it then if you want to try it all right so footwork we're talking about a technique called panning panning is just talking about a fairly rapid movement at the speed you can process around the doorway okay so michael if you want to watch jason's feet and look at the orientation of his hips right as he begins to pan go ahead and start moving jay he's orienting his hips in the direction he wants to travel if you come up to his uh torso notice how he's turning his body into the target area and then reorienting his hips to travel when he reaches that uh final point and go ahead and show him back the other way jay as he moves across he gets his feet set up and he moves at the speed he can process information which is really what cqb is all about now what do you mean by process information because this is something that a lot of people fail to kind of understand i think you did a really good good job explaining it to me when you talked about walmart which i hate that place but it makes a lot of sense yeah so just give you guys a real simple scenario we call this dorito speed okay if you're going to walmart to get chips how long do you want to be in walmart not super long right no i hate walmart yeah this is not sponsored by walmart in fact the opposite um if you had to go into walmart you want to be quick if you're too slow you're in there a long time in a place you don't like if you're too fast it draws attention you maybe give unnecessary cues that you're doing something weird right so when we walk to the chip aisle we have a mission we do it at a relative speed where we can process information and get out of there right because this is about surviving absolutely so we call it dorito speed and if you ever come to class you'd be like hey bro dorito speed that means you need to slow down do it at the speed you can process okay so footwork okay everything the first thing we're going to talk about is a panning technique okay panning is moving around the threshold at a speed you can process information farther into the room okay we don't know what's in there and right now uh where is jason looking for those of you that are watching well he's looking in that deep corner okay all right so any information in this direction he's got now as he starts to move out and we'll show you that from a different angle mike if you want to wrap around over here as he starts to move he's going to get more information okay deeper into that room as he goes because the idea is to reduce the amount that he doesn't know about before we commit to that entry so if you look at his hips as he starts to decide to move go ahead and show him jay he gets his hips angled out and away because if he moves in a straight line his weapon is going to penetrate the plane of the threshold and that's going to telegraph his location we don't want penetration in this yes no it's about surviving right all right nice and slow jay you see how he's breaking the plane of this threshold i can see him from here and he can't see me that means he has given me time to process him and he doesn't know i'm there and that's very bad in cqb that's how you die how you die yeah so now if we're going to do it right when jason goes ahead and orients his hips out if you watch his feet micah what he's going to do and i know mike loves to watch feet we're going to walk in an arc so we get that muzzle away from the threshold okay just step by step j you guys see how he's turning his upper body into the threat area keep coming jay it makes so much more sense after you see how the muzzle breaks you're like well why is he walking in an ark yeah once you like see it and you're like oh i get it because then you oh cause you die because you might die and this is about surviving okay can we go ahead and have you go back the same direction because everyone's gonna ask people on youtube are going to say well what if he's right-handed and he does the other side so notice how jason's hips move so go ahead and start it jay he starts to turret his upper body turning to the right there we go and he did not have to do any funky crab walking or anything weird he just simply rotated his upper body it's kind of it's kind of it's pretty hot yeah a little bit yeah i agree so we're thinking about entering an area we've done the one man show what does it look like with two and three man as we start to get our teams together okay so the second man has certain responsibilities the first one is to protect his buddy and that also comes from muzzle discipline so unless you're when you want to point at the back of the dude's head just ignore the rest of the video right okay my guys are stacked up over here mike if you want to check out what they've got going on we're still doing the exact same panning motion note that his muzzle is pinned 90. there's no way that he can muzzle jason right second part of that is look at the relationship of their bodies okay as jason starts to move go ahead and start moving jay when that area of responsibility opens up the second man occupies that space and is locking down what jason previously knew now he has got that situational awareness and we have established relatively about 80 percent of the room has been seen how do we decide who goes first we've got a lot of situational awareness the more alpha male goes first yeah yeah we would have we would have checked first been like 8.5 7.5 you go first but anyway and that gets cut immediately guess what guys all these guns have been rendered safe have a manta system on them uh there's gonna be some flagging but these are weapons all rendered safe so yeah welcome to big boy rules okay so now what we're talking about guys is how to actually signal who's going first okay and there's a lot of stuff we talk about in courses on non-verbal signaling if there really was a bad guy in here would be like no you go first no we want to be able to say who's going first without actually giving them any data okay we already talked about you don't want to muzzle the guy in front of you so whoever saw less danger or has less work would simply get their muzzle out the way for that next guy so if he raises his muzzle what's that telling him to enter the room and that's going to bring us into talking about how to actually get into the room after that process awesome now when you say you said whoever has less work is going to raise his muzzle so what do you mean by less work for these uh individuals who aren't as familiar with cqb because they don't know precisely what that means so we talk about priorities of work and uh there are some of you that are going to hear that and think something else because you have a different background priority of work would simply be uh what's more important somebody we can't tell if they're armed or somebody who's armed somebody who's armed clearly right and then a person we can't tell if there are it might be lucas from t-rex arms you can pull out you know 0.6 draw so we still have to worry about that person but they're not as important as someone with a gun or a knife or whatever then we're talking about places where people can hide in a room dead space and we're worried about open doors and we're worried about closed doors so dead space you're meaning when they're looking into a room once they enter it they're not able to see what's beyond that such as like you have like a cabinet up middle of the room you can't see what's behind that cabinet like mike if you pan over here uh not sponsored by bang energy somebody could fit behind this right if somebody was hiding back here this is a dead space that we can't get like mil-spec mojo could pop out of there he could yeah he could he could stand up you'd be standing and just kind of raise his rifle up yeah him standing up is this tall anyways exactly he's gonna come in and just yeah i've never met him so now i'm roasting it looks bad okay we're going to go through this step by step in case y'all are [Β __Β ] so what we're going to do is talk exact talk exactly about what foot goes where so we'll give us a little laser in the center line of this door for me please that is a a center line here okay if will steps to that with his outboard foot outboard meaning farther from the door we're entering it's going to set his hips up to go straight through that room okay he's going to step with his next foot and it's going to deliver his hips around through the threshold that's a good lunge right there yeah it's nice you know deep black so when you step with your next foot we've cleared that path and that's when that second person can get into the room can we see that from the other side as well certainly so now from a little bit of a different perspective gonna show his footwork again and we're gonna pick up some cues that you guys can use when you're doing this at home to learn it so go ahead and come through one step at a time will pause right there notice you can come around here micah you see his foot is in the direction he wants to travel that is squaring his hips to the target which is going to be that deep corner okay we talked about that a minute ago it's the only part he hasn't seen right go ahead and step through next see his foot and how it's squared too all right go and step through one more time and so he is being delivered to this corner really really smoothly so we have taught my followers how to walk what do they actually do once they enter the room is my question okay so it seems self-explanatory but we're going to go through it step by step i would say it's not self-explanatory it's actually there's a lot that is that why we're doing like a video on it so yeah that makes sense step out there so mitch is going to do it step by step so we're going to start with that outboard foot like we talked about center line step through look at where his muzzle is presenting okay all the way into that deep corner now the reason he's doing that is remember the context we've panned this whole room the only thing he didn't see from the outside was right there or behind us in the other deep corner gonna take your next step let's see how his feet are leading him into that corner he's going to start to turn his body processing the rest of that room okay he's going to collapse his sector all the way over and we'll talk about a little bit of that next all right so first person perspective go ahead and hit it miss nice and slow that outward foot's leading him in breaks the plane of the threshold and boom first thing in the corner do i start moving collapse that sector over looking for work and we'll talk about some safety stuff in a second perfect okay now that we've shown them what it looks like with one guy they can clearly see how much of the room there is and how long it takes just for the human mind to process that so like certainly it's gonna be better with two with three so what does it look like when we start getting more than one guy entering that room at once right so one of the cqb principles we talk about is not exposing yourself to something that you're not covering with your own muzzle or that a buddy is covering you with their muzzle okay so let's get to you guys to actually enter this room and flow okay all right so now we're gonna see how it looks when two guys do that same process that mitch was just doing where he entered so you guys go ahead nice easy step by step notice how jason is moving at the same time as mitchell to cover his back really quickly and they're collapsing their sectors of fire now look at this y'all stay in that position where you've maxed out are they muzzling each other it might look like it from your perspective but he's actually about a meter off he's about a meter off right you can see that mitchell is looking in this angle he's not within a meter of jason's muzzle so that means he's able to safely take a shot with this overlapping field of fire okay so the next thing we're going to talk about is adding in a third or a fourth person because being alone sucks having two people you know better but we would hopefully have a group of three third wheel you want the third wheel yeah i want somebody to watch so if we can have you all three of y'all work actually into the doorway okay yeah i can't wait to see how this looks yeah so what you're gonna notice guys that are watching this look at how they have to distance a little bit more and what they've been doing is called limited penetration where you get about two steps in the door and most y'all are used to limited penetration but when you have three people you have to actually move a little bit more so y'all go ahead and hit it with three and something that you really hopefully notice there is that the third guy in went the opposite direction of the guy in front of him it takes us to another cqb principle which is left right left right if the guy in front of you goes left you go right and just like we saw earlier right if somebody went and covered this corner well you have to immediately cover that corner the third dude fills in the middle and looks for extra work and his scan is still to a meter off and a meter off that way they're all online they have intersecting fields of fire no one's getting muzzled and we have more people to work this problem i think you bring up a really good point that maybe some people didn't catch but that's looking for work that's something that's going to be like vitally important was a thing that i was always taught and that was always drilled into me when i would go through a shoot house it was hey look for work before work look for work you should always be doing something okay so we have tall chris costa here he's going to explain to us he's going to explain to us weapon manipulations we've talked a lot about feet which is important but uh you know you can really tell the difference between somebody who's trained cqb professionally not based on how they're manipulating their weapon through doorways and that type of thing so i'd really like for you to explain to our people um what they should be doing with their weapon as they're moving through a door yep so one of the things that we like to uh to demonstrate is simply the gun is just entirely too long to fit through the doorway right so there's gonna be some ways we're going to have to maneuver this gun around our body to get through the doorway efficiently and effectively right so even if we collapse it down a little bit you know i like to run mine all the way out uh but get footwork again being crucially important get that proper footwork set up as i start to move forward the gun is going to come out of my shoulder and you can see from the the back side it's going to come out of my shoulder just like this when it's out of my shoulder i'm still able to acquire a sight picture and i'm still able to manipulate the safety and the trigger if necessary yeah this was kind of in stark contrast to what a lot of people like see in old movies where you dip your gun as you go through and the problem with that is of course that you don't have that weapon up ready to fire as you're coming through that right if i go through the doorway and i dip it down i don't have a sight picture i'm not not able to defend myself exactly and my teammate if the gun is down while going through the doorway so we want to be able to keep that gun up and in the fight as we move forward so what that will look like is up here the gun simply slides over the top of the shoulder i take that good step out with that foot as i start to go through the threshold of doorway the gun simply slides back into the shoulder pocket and be able to clear that corner that deep angle clear my sector of fire continue to move and look for work yeah so you saw one particular way to work the gun around your shoulder there are a few others that we talk about during class because we you know power ourselves being flexible but that by far is the most effective and the easiest one to train people on simply just pulling a gun up over the shoulder and back into the shoulder pocket it's real easy so we've mostly talked about center-fed doorways where you have a long wall long long short whatever but it's not always a center-fed doorway what else can we encounter um possibly a corner-fed room which simply means that the door is in the corner and it's important to know how to handle that because actually a lot of commercial buildings rely on corner fed doors because it fits their construction better so if you only know how to deal with a center fed and you come to a corner fed you'll be like what do i do with my hands so we'll go talk about it let's check it out hey guys welcome to a corner fed room right here so if you come around we of course have another doorway but here is that corner fed doorway that's what we're going to see in those commercial buildings jared please take it away man so kind of the same meta that we did with center feds we're not going to destroy you guys with too much information he's going to do the same thing he did over there he's going to panic remember we're talking about getting as much information from the outside as we can because it's about survival right mike so absolutely jason wants to live through this encounter what can he see over here it's a wall right so we know from the outside if we're looking this direction well most of the work's probably going to be over here so go ahead and start your process jay same exact thing he was doing before he's moving at the speed he can process now if he's hanging out right here how long do you want to be standing in a door not long not long obviously people know you're going to be coming through that doorway and so the number two guy out there is doing the same thing he was doing before getting his muzzle out the way jay's gonna come in and hit that limited penetration pod right there two steps in and scan well the next question becomes well where's that second guy going so our second guy as jason's doing that go ahead enter for me he's gonna hit the other corner that wasn't seen gonna scan his sector collapsed a meter off his buddy and that's it y'all want to see it all yeah let's see it at full speed here all right guys like if you want to come into the corner we'll go ahead and watch these guys as they enter pretty straightforward right very straightforward easy day awesome so now what does it look like from the outside because you guys got a lot of me pointing at a wall you guys go ahead and go through your process we initiate this non-verbally that muzzle gets out the way he makes entry easy day right and i just want you guys to really remember from that how was the muzzle discipline right nobody got muzzled it was smooth and efficient and we established our sectors collapsed pretty much it's a beautiful dance yeah it is so we've talked about center-fed rooms like we're in right here we've talked about corner fed but obviously a lot of fighting is going to be at night in buildings and even during the daytime those buildings get dark right because there's gonna be no there's no power etc so what does it look like under white light how do we do everything that we've been doing under white light what are some basic things that we can tell our audience that they can start working on yeah it's easy so when you're in this room we've talked about getting into it we've talked about what we're supposed to do while we're in here how we're supposed to process it and deem it clear well if the lights are off and you can't see you can't actually process and actually do that job we're in here for a reason we're in here looking or fighting so we might as well see and be able to and process the entire situation so we can cover that right now love it let's do it all right so some easy things with the light they can actually on the other side of the wall that you can't see right now they actually speak a language for us so while we're in here and we're collapsing our areas of responsibility or the section i've chosen to take as i collapse to my buddy family member friend or teammate as i collapse that weapon light is actually scanning on the wall and it's broadcasting something to them it is saying hey you're going to see some light coming your way it means i'm looking for work and have yet to find it and that's important so when we fixate on each other those are going to intersect at some point and that's really important to practice because we have photonic barriers that do exist meaning light that we cannot defeat unless we broadcast something stronger than that so when we are sending our light against the wall it is telling us hey i'm looking for work i'm coming your way i have nothing but if at some point i am collapsing and i see a person or something that has piqued my interest that i want to inspect i'm going to lock on that and my teammate's going to be collapsing and then say oh he's not with me yet there's the problem we've converged on it so let's see what that looks like real quick and for now we're gonna have the lights on we will be doing it off later but just so you guys can kind of see what it looks like lights important we're looking in this corner so if my eyes are there my muzzle should be there so when i come in i'm now processing and i am not just running through the motions i'm running that light against the wall to find my next problem here's something important that will help you process better you want to avoid you may see it on instagram or a couple of people scanning through our optic which is actually blocking a big portion of the room and that stops you from finding a problem if this isn't your job you're going to bypass things a lot faster because it's not in your wheel space so let's get out of that habit and actually get over top of our optic when we're clearing so i can process from the baseboards to the ceiling so if we do it incorrectly and we're processing notice the height of the optic where my eyes are going to be and where the light's on the wall if i'm going this high i'm going to eventually miss something which might be a beautiful handsome man in flannel now if we're processing a little bit better if you notice the height of the light i'm able to see from the baseboards to the ceiling and then there's that handsome young fellow again all right we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna look at this at full speed we're gonna have three man entry under white light okay so with white light it's very easy to speak a different language without verbally speaking we're going to use this light and demonstrate what it looks like when we have nothing and what it looks like when one of us might find something which is that dead space we talked about earlier so we start our scanning process we scroll over oh and there's a buddy so i am locked in jared has done all the work collapsing the rest of the room because he's not seeing me collapsing it on him which means i have found work all right so here's what our lights are going to look like if we have no work in the room the scanning process starts we're actually passing each other collapsing back pretty little halos okay so one last thing we're going to talk about is we've communicated to each other in the room by looking through our areas of responsibility with our white light it is speaking for us okay well how do we tell each other without speaking that we're done well we introduced the pretty little halos we come right through here we finish our scanning our area of responsibility is done we go right here and we come straight up the wall and create a pretty little halo over my head which means one i'm an angel because i did my job two we're done so non-verbally you your friends your wife your spouse your husband whatever you are can tell you're done in this room so we've talked a lot about room clearing what changes under night vision well just based on the way night vision is made think about the distance that this aperture is from your actual eyeball sure or four in your case it is going to cause my brain to process information that's you know four to six inches away which you know leaves people bumping into things if they're not used to moving under it also you have a 40 degree field of vision this is this is worst case right i can only process what's in this little bitty space whereas before when you guys were watching we were working in bright light and able to see peripherals so in cqb under night vision we have to replace some of that sensory loss with other things like contact right sometimes intimately so that we can understand how to work together without having to look over and lose situational awareness on the threat awesome can we talk a little bit about getting on the threshold and preparing to enter through and how we can talk to each other yeah absolutely let's do it so it should be noted that the lasers that you're seeing that the lights that you're seeing on these rifles that they're emitting are actually ir that means that they're not visible to the naked eye they can only be viewed through night vision there are a couple things that you should be aware of of course if you're the only one with night vision not that big of a deal but of course if you suspect that whoever you're fighting against does have night vision you definitely want to be careful with how much of that energy you're putting out because obviously they're going to be able to see it and it could highlight the fact that you have that technology and that know-how and it'll show them where you are precisely yeah okay so let's get set up boys it's just like it was when we had daylight right so for you as the viewer looking at this there's really no difference except these guys are now working with limited sensory okay so jason show us how you put out that light and that laser and that is allowing will to see what you're doing and when you get that muzzle out the way it's allowing him to see that that gate has been opened so you can actually get in the room y'all able to see that pretty easily okay and that allows him to move through the threshold without getting muzzled and no one had to say anything because we're keeping that stealth advantage having to speak okay guys just real quick uh we're going to talk about what does the full process look like so my boy's on the outside y'all go ahead and start but move real slow for me we're going to talk the viewers through it same principles as before right look at look at his footwork he's moving the speeding in process he's collapsing his sector and there's going to be some non-verbal signaling about what happens next one of those muzzles is going to get up out the way there we go notice how he didn't bump into anything we're keeping that stealth advantage they're collapsing to each other and giving that little pretty little halo technique nothing really changed under night vision right except that they had to be careful about how they moved they had to be very deliberate about their scans it's the same principles and a lot of people don't understand that you're seeing them use ir obviously it's pretty bright in here right now we have a couple vampire lights on which are our lights to make it a little bit more visible but night vision can only amplify light there has to be light so especially when you get into buildings really dark nights where it's cloud cover with no moonlight you absolutely will need ir devices in order to make your night vision devices function especially subterranean especially in buildings when it's pitch black with no light so that's why they're using it for those of you who are a little bit confused and haven't seen night vision in use actually under night vision so if there's one thing we can really like impress upon everybody from this really short discussion on cqb like we've truly barely scratched the surface because we just don't have enough time in one video to explain it that you really do need to get training when it comes to cqb definitely practice what you're seeing here but what are some good places to get cqb training um well we offer stuff all over the place but there are some really awesome facilities for example out here where we're at right now core vision this is out here in the pacific northwest specifically in washington outside seattle they're awesome yeah also super based the super bass oh yeah so uh but we all we offer stuff all over the country a lot of stuff in texas louisiana east coast um there's a lot of really other awesome companies out there haley yeah absolutely yeah you talk about bear fair solutions i love that guy yeah what i love about the community is that everyone's really open they're like hey there are lots of great places to get training the point is that you do need to get it especially when it comes to cqb this is some something that i definitely recommend having a professional watch you because it's really hard to diagnose yourself at times so get out there and really train guys this type of stuff is extremely uh important it's an important skill to have because what is it that you say you don't want your if you ever have to do an actual room clear you don't want to if you had to do this for the first time you wanted to be the time when it matters or you won't be the time when you're figuring it out and training right when opposed doing this statistics show that two-thirds of people that actually make entry pose get shot that's not very good odds and those odds can be reduced by training and again guys that comes down to our urban survival right this is a critical skill to have it is a dangerous skill you shouldn't room clear unless you absolutely have to but like we said it is something that you will likely have to do if things get really bad so again train to it guys there's we just can't harp it upon enough now guys we can't thank you enough for watching jared we can't thank you enough for coming on and having your instructors out here i really appreciate it guys get out there be a good person thank you for watching we've got nothing else for you okay final thing we're going to do what we always do dad advice jared you have to give my poor audience dad advice they are lost they don't have father figures i was going to say the first thing would be repent and turn to christ stop watching pornography uh go outside touch the grass sun your balls you know things like that damn that's amazing that's mega bass right there awesome
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,824,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Room clearing, Clearing a Room, CQB, basics of CQB, basic room clearing, urban fighting, urban survival, close quarters battle, close quarters combat, cqb tactics, cqb techniques, nvg cqb, nvg room clearing, cqb training, room clearing, room clearing tactics, room clearing special forces, room clearing training, room clearing drills, cqb room clearing, cqb rifle, cqb basics
Id: Ca9IolhUjgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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