Quickie: It Follows / Update

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Imagine a short film by Adam, edited by Tony from Every Frame a Painting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mwguthrie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Patience is indeed a virtue. But jokes aside, i really respect your decision to delay a video in order to make sure you did everything you could rather than upload something half baked. Keep em coming and ill keep watching!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ayn-buttonmonkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every movie should ask the question: What if there was a man-train?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devotedpupa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam, I will buy anything you make in the future!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flip_a_coin_4_happy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hopefully you show up in a Cool Cat fursuit to your friend's wedding

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cukurcuka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam, you'll love The Book of Mormon! I finally got to see it last month and it was fantastic. Hope you like it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dr_StrangeLovePHD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I always thought it was pronounced "im-uh-jur"...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wazoheat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just saw Book of Mormon last week when it was in Edmonton. Damn good, hope you enjoy it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ColonelSanders21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam just invite us all to your friends bachelor party

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_watching πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
[YMS] So I just saw It Follows and it was pretty good. And in an age where people often dramatically over inflate the quality of horror movies because A. It scared them, and B. most horror movies that come out are complete shit. I'm happy to say that this one was actually pretty impressive. A very important aspect in a horror movie, such as this one, is tone. And the tone of this film is one of it's defining features. Much of the tone is brought out through the film's fantastic soundtrack Giving us the perfect blend of both modern synth and 80s retro with, almost, kind of a chiptune feel at certain points. The cinematography is not only great in terms of shot composition but it's great in the sense that it doesn't contradict the tone that the film is trying to emphasize. The stationary shots are often close and visceral, giving you, not only eye candy, but also leaving a hint of claustrophobia. And if the camera moves or zooms, It usually does so at a slow creeping pace. It's no coincidence that the main villain of the film moves at a slow creeping pace. This same tone is also expressed through the title at the end of the official international trailer. The choices that are made for the film are ones that fit the film and that's something that I really appreciate. Not only that, but this film was made for only 2 million dollars. Thanks to, not only how it was shot but, how professional and impressive all of the special effects were. The final product seems like it's something close to the 10 million dollar range. Unlike another over-hyped horror movie from last year that cost 2.5 million but wound up looking like a 1 million dollar movie. Both of these films were over-hyped and flawed but It-Follows made up for it in it's execution. Before you freak out the difference in my rating between the films is literally one point. A surprising amount of the film was shot outside where, as a director, you have significantly more variables to account for. Because of this, many low budget films often try to keep things as indoors as possible. And, whereas it doesn't detract from a movie to do that, it certainly impresses to see a movie skillfully avoid that. And it does so right from the opening shot. Not only is it filmed at dusk, when you have an extremely limited amount of time to get the shot before its too dark but the shot goes on seamlessly for a whopping two minuets. Complete with actor movement, camera panning, slow zoom and dialogue. And it's all done so fluidly and professionally, that you never feel as though any moment where they slipped up because of the films budget. It's this type of successful ambition that, not only impresses me but, makes the movie feel so much bigger then it actually is. Another thing I like about the film is it rewards you for paying close attention. In certain shots, there's very creepy and unnerving things that you can notice in the frame. And it makes it that much creepier when you're the one actually noticing it. Rather than the film explaining it too you through dialogue or obvious cues. It's refreshing to feel as though you're observing the characters omniciantly, rather than the film dumbing it down for you and thus reminding you that you're an audience member. Now, some of the flaws in It Follows can be attributed to be homages of 80s horror film tropes. And no that's not just something I pulled out of my ass. It's something that the director himself acknowledges. [Mitchell] We're not really sure what it is that she's running from, uhh, what she's scared of. Maybe a play on a bit of a horror cliche. so- some of this, right down to the- the wardrobe, umm, is a- I mean, she's in high heels which, umm uhh, I've had some people sort of point out questioning, uhh er, does that make a lot of sense? And the answer is no. It's probably- uhh, is definitely a bit of a- a play on, umm uhh, the conventions of horror, um, all the way back to referencing women in peril from even De Palma movies, for instance. [YMS] so, whereas one could argue that changing those elements could have made the film better, at least there's argument to be made tat those flaws didn't go against the directors intent. There are other flaws in the film that, regardless of intent, I'm going to argue would have made the film better if they'd been changed. But those are best left for spoiler talk. So if you want to skip spoiler talk, click to this point in the video and your review will stay spoiler free. If you don’t want to get spoiled you should click to this part in the video. Like, right now. You gotta do it now cause I'm starting spoiler talk in 3. 2. 1. I think one of the biggest things that detracted from the film is how inconsistent the rules were at certain points. The information we were given is that, it's not only walking slowly but, it's always walking. Yet, in the scene at the lake right after it breaks the door, It follows her out of the building so closely that it either would have had to run for a bit or teleport. which also doesn't help the fact that, right after when she crashes the car, she wakes up in the hospital leaving me wondering how it didn't catch up to her while she was unconscious. I guess we have to assume her friends immediately took her out of the vehicle and that the truck driver she almost ran into was nice enough to drive them to the hospital. If that's what they were going for then it could have been communicated a little better without things being dumbed down. I mean, It's weird that even the main character wouldn't ask how she got out of that one. Also, it kinda took me out of the movie when I saw it standing on a roof. Because A. at what point would it make sense for it to go on a roof to try and get closer to her, and B. I thought it was supposed to be walking. If it can stand places then why doesn't it just stay in a room and wait for her to come back? It took me out of the film even more because of how obvious it was to instantly know why they decided to do that. I mean, come one, the one shot where it's completely stationary and it just so happens to be the shot where the actor would be seriously injured if they fell. To remove that problem I would have rather had it slowly walk out from behind that house. And if they wanted to be more ambitious, they could have gotten a stunt man to walk on the roof for that brief shot. And if they wanted to be extra ambitious, maybe even do an effect where it falls off the roof and continues walking. Still wouldn’t really explain why it's on the roof in the first place, but at least they could have turned it into something that looks cool or creepy. And when I say they could have done it, I'm only saying that because of how extremely well done the rest of the effects were. I was honestly expecting the whole movie to go by with all of the action being implied rather than shown. But, to my surprise, they did not skimp out by cheating their way around it. And it made it that much more intense because I wasn’t expecting it. The makeup, the gore, and the digitally edited effects were all incredibly convincing and used appropriately And that's something that can rarely be said for films with even ten or 50 times the budget that this one had. I kind of wish that the films riles and logic were experimented on a bit more in the story. Will it go after you if you only participated in oral? Will it go after two different people if there was double penetration? Is there a difference if you're wearing a condom? Is it the penetration or is it the ejaculation? If you came into a turkey baster and squirted it up someones vagina would they be cursed? What about gay sex? What if there was a man train? What if you lived on a house boat? What if you crossed the ocean and never came back? What if you trapped it in a steel reinforced cage? If you already have sex with somebody but you have sex with somebody else after that person do both of them get it? What if the person you had sex with dies in a way that's completely unrelated to the curse? What if you heavily sedated a shark and then had sex with it and then set it free in the ocean? What if there was a man train? All in all, the films flaws are not only outweighed by it's achievements but they're outweighed quite a bit. I'm impressed enough that I'll be keeping an eye out for this directors next film. The parts of the film that were implied were done so for the film's benefit rather than a lame excuse not to film something complicated or expensive. It was clever, it was absorbing, it was tense and it was fun. I may not consider it to be a great movie, but I can consider it to be a great horror movie. I'll be watching this one again and I'll be recommending it to people I know. And I'm giving this one a seven out of ten. Hey guys, just an update. First off no, this is not an April fools video. I would have liked to have had this video out sooner but I've been behind scheduled on fucking everything. Because everything has been coming up at my face. The Cool Cat review took a lot longer than I thought it would. But at least you guys can see where all the extra effort went with all those edits I made and everything. I prefer to release things that I actually put effort into and not just make a click-bait ad-farm channel where I release one video a day and it's all just a bunch of bullshit that I didn't spend any time on. Because of that, I'm not able to release things as often as other channels because I am also just one person and not a team of people. And on top of that doing my taxes was super complicated this year and took a few days out of my schedule because this is the first year that I've been doing this YouTube thing full time. Thanks to Patreon, thanks to you guys and just remember that also, my Patreon page is set up in a way that I'm getting paid per larger review. I'm not getting paid monthly no matter what I do like some Patreon pages are set up. That way you guys can know that I have every incentive to be putting out as many videos on this channel as possible. but also, at the same time, they have to be larger reviews and not quickies. So I actually have to put effort into it. So don't think that I have some sort of incentive to not be doing as much work because I'm trying to save up as much money as possible. I'm trying to get together the funds where, in the future, I can create a feature length film. First I'll probably create a short film, just so I know what the fuck I'm doing. Because I don't want to just walk into it with no real film experience and create something that's really shitty. Plus, if I have a short film then, I could use it as, sort of, like a kickstarter promotional thing or something to show potential producers or investors. Anyway, that's pretty far in the future but I'm saving up for it now because I want to get a head start on things. I have many things that I want to do in my life I want to be doing many things at once. I want to continue doing my music also. I've got everything going on and so I'm a very very busy person because I am just one person. On top of that, I'm the best man for my friends wedding coming up. So I'm organizing his bachelor party and that's happening in April and a bunch of people that are going to be at that bachelor party are from out of Provence that are old friends that will be crashing at my place. So I'm kind of hosting people so it'll be a little difficult to- to try and do everything around this. Also, there's like a million birthdays in April. What the fuck? How many April babies are there? I'm one of them. My birthday's on the thirteenth. Don't even know if I'm going to do anything for my birthday though because I'm really fucking busy. Seeing Book of Mormon, that's going to be awesome. It's finally in fuckin' Vancouver. It's finally in Canada. It was in the States for a while. Anyway, I've got a looooooooot of shit going on. Plus my 2013 list that I'll be releasing in May. I was aiming for April but it has to be pushed back. There's no fucking way I can get it done in time. Synecdoche is probably going to be, at least, four parts. Umm, and then after that, or perhaps at the same time simultaneously knowing myself, I'll be working on the next YMS review. But for now priority is Synecdoche part three because that has taken- tha- I've put that aside for way too long to get out that Cool Cat thing because I was like "There's nothing funny on this channel right now. I need a dose of stupid" Which is exactly what I said at the beginning of it. Anyway, uhh, P.S about cool cat. Uhh, Daddy Derek has been taking the criticism very well And we follow each other on twitter right now and uhh, I- I just- I- I think that that type of- of positive response to uhh, something where I'm- I'm kind of, like, trashing and making fun of Their life's work. I think that that deserves a bit of respect. Go check out his merchandise. Cool Cat shirts, They're pussy magnets. I think that that's cool "Cause if you all remember there was that uhh, when- when Michael Goi uhh, saw my review for Megan is Missing, he didn't exactly respond so well. Uhh... there's a Imgur link that I'll leave in the video description here. It's pretty funny. Anyway, umm, that's pretty much all I was going to say is just stay tuned, be patient, no matter what you're waiting for on this channel, some people really like quickie, some people really like my top ten shit, some people like my analysis videos, some people like YMS, some people lie Thoughts on. No matter what you're waiting for you have to be patient in some sort of way because, I mean, I also have to be patient. Like, no matter what your expecting out of this channel you have to have some degree of patience. I can not make things as fast as channels that A. Don't put as much time and effort into their videos, and B. Are a group of people and not just one person. Uhh, so stay tuned. Umm, That's pretty much it. That's pretty much it. Uhhh, mark's doing a great job on the gaming channel. Check out the gaming channel. He's the one editing for it so it's not takin' time out of review shit. I'm just playing the games, that's it. There's no way I'm givin' up the one or two days a week that I have free time to play games otherwise I'll go fuckin' insane. I love you guys. Uhh, happy... April... Bye. [YMS] Hmm. (Grunting noise) [YMS] Grunting (Grunting noise) [YMS] Smells like burning. (Laughs) I'm just giving you a little pet pet. (Grunting noise) Pet pet in the booty hole. Alright. Yeah you never. Sure you never.
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 776,177
Rating: 4.9212785 out of 5
Keywords: It Follows, quickie, horror film, david robert mitchell, yms, review
Id: JLq0QWRaq44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2015
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