My Hitches Lashes and Knots Part 1

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welcome to corporals corner today I want to talk about my go-to hitches lashes than nuts so stick around I received a question from one of my subscribers and you'll be honest I've gotten this question several times and it goes along the lines of why do I show the same not same lashes same hitches all throughout my videos well here's my answer I believe in simplicity and with that comes the ability to do more with less and I'm also of the humble opinion my humble opinion that one could be perfectly capable and competent to endure a 72-hour scenario all the way up through a long term situation armed with simply a few lashes couple of hitches and a handful of knots now think about that when the situation comes do you want to stumble and fumble no matter how many times you practice them trying to remember which lash is better which knot works well in the situation I don't want to so I want to keep things simple it builds muscle memory and hopefully when that situation occurs I'm on it now what I've done here is I've compiled a bunch of old footage and combined it with new footage and I give you a two-part series on my go-to lashes hitches and nuts enjoy the Marlin spike hitch is basically used to attach a spike stake or even toggle to a piece of cordage in order to form a t-handle however for me it's one of my go-to hitches simply for the fact that once you make a Marlin spike hitch it can be turning into a few of my favorite knots as well now to create our Marlin spike hitch all we're gonna do rotate it over and make a loop I'll take that loop and lay it down on top of itself reach inside and pull it through it creates a pocket now take your spike your stake or toggle place it inside there and pull it tight what this does is it creates your t-handle or the beginnings of our rung for a ladder you we have a Ridgeline setup right here on that end over there we have a trucker's hitch over here is our quick release so all we got to do grab one to our improvised Marlinspike slide it out that comes undone for me the number one choice when making a Ridgeline in the field is the trucker's hitch it's excellent for keeping a line under tension it also has a built in quick-release I'm right-handed so I'll take my left hand place it underneath my line now this line right here is attached to the opposite tree over on that end using our bowline and our stake some take my left hand palms up grab my line I'm gonna rotate it towards the tree and that creates a loop I place that loop on top of my line reach inside and pull it towards the tree just like that now my opposite end I'm going to pass through that loop just like that I'm gonna pull it towards the tree more I pull the tighter is going to be at this point right here you have a loop and a line take my thumb place it next to that loop index finger pinch them both together brief your cordage over reach inside pull it through [Music] so far so good now let's go ahead and change gears and move into my go-to knots now once you keep the mindset of simplicity most of the knots not all but most of the knots that I'm going to show you can be performed by some variation of an overhand knot pretzel knot Marlin spike hitch or both a simple overhand knot is the perfect stopper knot especially when you don't want any part of that line to slip past a certain point a basic Slipknot is a knot that will tighten on itself when the end that forms the loop is pulled on and there are several different ways to tie this so we're going to start off with our overhand knot or a pretzel knot we're gonna leave it loose or take our opposite end and feed it through the bottom and just adjust it the size of loop that you want and that gives you your basic slip knot another way and my personal favorite is to start off with a Marlin spike hitch so we're gonna do take one end and twist it over then lay it down reach inside pull it through it forms that pocket and if you look it also give you a slipknot a jam knot is simply the combination of an overhand knot and a slipknot he does the exact same thing as a slipknot when the line that forms the loop it's pulled on the knot we'll tighten down causing that overhand knot to jam against that slipknot preventing it from slipping now just like our Slipknot there's a couple of different ways to tie this I take one end and do my overhand knot or pretzel knot I'll simply do it again leave it loose take my other end pass it through adjust the loop the size that I want pull my end and the overhead knot or stop not become too jammed against my slipknot another option stir off their overhand knot or a pretzel knot just like before with our Slipknot move into a Marlin spike hitch make that loop lay it down reach inside pull it through it forms that pocket just like last time pull on it our overhand knot acting as the stopper knot becomes jammed against our Slipknot performing the jam not a basic bowline is the perfect end of the line loop because once the loop is formed in under tension it will not slip for option number one we're going to simply go up a couple inches and just make a loop take our end little brownie low comes out of cave goes into the hole comes back out of the hole and back into the cave again and if we're option number two and my personal favorite the bowline using the Marlin spike hitch so once again rotate over make that loop lay it down reach inside and pull it through it forms that pocket by taking your end pass it through that pocket towards yourself bend it around pinch and pull it tight you a fisherman's knot is the perfect knot to use when you want to join two pieces of cordage to create a loop so time-efficient was not is very simple all you're doing is making a loop is held together by two overhand knots so all we're gonna do is take our ends lay them on top of each other you got one on top you got one on the bottom let's go ahead start with the one on top I might take it go away from myself and simply tie that overhand knot pretzel knot there's that pretzel shape I'm gonna pull it tight another one on the bottom I'm gonna go towards myself push it back through then pull it tight a larks head knot is a versatile self-tightening knot that works perfectly with a toggle in order to suspend gear now take your loop that you created with a fisherman's knot and simply pass it through itself and that creates your larks head knot an option number two let's say you don't have a loop take your end go up around it forms that seat right there go back up place it through that seat now you want to finish it off right here with an overhand knot so what you want to do is you want to include this one right here go around there's your overhand knot your class of pretzel shape let's let me pull it tight and you can see that larks head loop right there being stopped by your overhand knot it's not going anywhere you the prusik or prusik knot is ideal for attaching a loop to an existing line like a ridge line itself tightens under friction which makes it ideal to be combined with a toggle and a shelter system so whatever direction you push or pull it it doesn't slip back on itself here's one there's two and there's three and then go ahead and dress it up make it look nice and wallah and as always let's go ahead and take our hitches our knots and put them all together taking my loop for my trucker's hitch and I pass it through a loop on my tarp now this could be a grommet also and will work just as fine once I pass it through like that go grab a stick from the ground or a tent stake and I pass it through that loop grab the bottom cordage and tighten it down this toggle will hold this tarp in place taking one of my loops on my tire Prosek not on my ridgeline just like before I'm going to take my loop pass it through the loop on my tarp I'm on the opposite end take a toggle slip it inside now grab my prusik and the more I pull on it tight it's gonna be using my other loops pass it through put one inside the other then go ahead and anchor it welcome back that was good to go keep the mindset of simplicity it builds muscle memory and most importantly the practice will make you better take your comments view support thanks for watching and get out the fieldhouse some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 150,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Knots, Cordage, Rope, Marlin Spike Hitch, Truckers Hitch, Bowline, Slip Knot, Jam Knot, Wild Camp, Camping, Hammock, Overnight, Hiking, Shelter, Prusik Knot, Larks Head Knot, Ridgeline, Dave Canterbury, Survival Lilly, Tent, Tarp, 10 C's, Pathfinder, Canteen, Poncho, Poncho Shelter, Lean-To, Plow Point, Fatwood, Diagonal Lash, Tripod, Canadian Jam Knot, Canada, Woodsman, Climbing, Rasied Bed, Rope Bridge, Mora Garberg, Paracord, Joe Robinet, Cabin, Day Ruck, Rescue, Emergency
Id: 8YNugDqi6ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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