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good morning beautiful i'm making a matcha right now because my coffee machine broke i ordered a new one but apparently it's taking a long time to come so i've been making matcha every day instead probably good for me to be honest have a little coffee break i don't really know if i make matcha correctly i woke up this morning with a terrible taste in my mouth not like metaphorically like actually a bad taste in my mouth last night i made myself a stir fry for dinner and i was putting garlic powder in it because i wasn't going to see anybody for the rest of the evening so i could use garlic powder and i spilled way too much so i brushed my teeth really hard last night and then i wake up this morning and my mouth still tastes like garlic and i'm not gonna lie to you i'm not thrilled about it don't look at my hair i add some ice cubes and my matcha is complete shall we sit outside for a second and see how the weather is oh my god all the plants in my backyard fell over how did this happen oh my god it's such a nice day out okay but look i do not understand how they fell over i'm gonna try to lift them back up myself but we'll see if i get injured in the process okay that wasn't too bad it was upsetting but um i'm going to sit outside this morning because it is such a beautiful morning out i feel like finally the gloomy days in california are coming to an end this is how summer in california works it's like in may you'll get a little bit of hot weather and you start to get comfortable you're like oh my god summer's here it's hot girl summer like i'm gonna shake some ass i'm gonna break some hearts i'm gonna make some memories like the whole thing and then at the end of may it gets cold again and you're like holy [ __ ] wait everybody stop the presses i'm not shaking ass yet i'm not breaking hearts yet everything is put on hold and then at some point in june it gets warm again and then you're like okay now i'm gonna shake some ass but it's like you kind of get a little blue bald in a sense if you don't know what blue bald means just google it because i don't want to explain it i also have a brand deal in this video and i'm trying to be respectful of the brand if you didn't know any better you'd think that i really had my life together right now it's [ __ ] loud out here every morning um before i go on my phone i tried to read or journal or do a little mixture bowl i go back and forth between having good self-control with my phone usage and not having good self-control in my phone usage if i start my day by going on my phone my days ruin so every morning i've been very much trying to journal or read or bulk how you start your day really it really makes a difference and it really sets the tone i like to write in my journal about things i'm struggling with or like things i want to say manifest like things that want to happen to me in addition i'm reading the book the razor's edge by summerset mom i had my little morning routine i drank my matcha i read my book i did my journal now it's time to be active i'm on my way to the gym i've come to terms with my new love for the gym because when i first started going to the gym again i was like this is actually embarrassing because i think there's like a stigma around going to the gym that's negative and it's always like oh the people who go to the gym take all these supplements and are so obsessed with how they look and whatever which i understand that stigma because i think that does exist for sure but i really like the gym not only helps with my mental state and keeps me happy but it also helps with my stomach problems because i have stomach problems recently what i've been doing at the gym is i go on the treadmill for about 30 minutes and then i do all the weight machines that i feel like using that day and then i go home oh no then i stretch then i go home and that's my workout routine and sometimes i'll do like some squats or some crunches or some planks at the end of my workout but recently i've just been doing the weight machines i'm genuinely embarrassed at how much i like it as [ __ ] up as this sounds i just don't feel like it matches my aesthetic it's that's a really bad way to look at life like for example a workout that would match my aesthetic more if you will maybe doing yoga i feel like that's what people would expect me to do just based on my personality but no i like the [ __ ] gym what are we gonna do what are we gonna do long story [ __ ] short we're going to the gym well you know what's funny is that when i first started going it was like kind of tough for me to like like i'd be so tired after my workout i'd be like i can't do this again for another week like i don't think i can do this again but i pushed through that and i kept going and i've been going consistently for about a month now like not only is it satisfying to feel yourself become stronger but also now like it's more fun the moral of that story is if you are getting into you know exercise and you're figuring out like what you want your exercise routine to be be patient with yourself because i think that the first week or so is pretty miserable maybe even the first month is kind of miserable but then after that like you just start to really enjoy it like you start to enjoy it so maybe fitness is my new hobby maybe i'm gonna become a fitness influencer okay is that what you guys [ __ ] want from me you don't trust me because i'm not doing anything spectacular i don't know i think it's a i'm ex like i'm weirdly into it it definitely is shocking although this isn't the first time because i had a little phase where i was obsessed with cycling classes give this video a fatty thumbs up if you guys remember my cycling class phase i was going to like soul cycle every day and it was my favorite thing ever but as long as you forget that other people are in the gym with you it's pretty great [Music] oh i don't look good okay i just finished my workout um filming in there is so terrifying like i got so nervous i also like always get really nervous when i'm on the treadmill because i feel like you know because i'm wearing headphones and sometimes i accidentally fart when i'm running and if i'm wearing headphones then i don't hear my own fart whatever you guys don't want to [ __ ] hear about my like bowel movements and stuff anymore i know that but it's just hard for me not to bring it up these are so prevalent in my life but anyway what's next for the day so number one i want to get a coffee somewhere don't know where actually i see a little coffee shop on the corner here that i've never been to so i might pop in there i want to run into sephora to get some new makeup because when i moved i decided to like clean out my makeup drawers and i need new makeup because now i'm like don't have [ __ ] i also wanted to run into lululemon to get some um more biker shorts for working out i wore biker shorts today so yeah i'm gonna do a little shopping sometimes if you put some like boundaries on yourself and you're like you know what i'm i'm only going to save shopping or eating out at restaurants or going to the movie theater like i'm only going to save that stuff for special occasions i find that you end up appreciating it more and that's kind of what's happening to me with shopping because i feel like i used to shop so often that i stopped appreciating it whereas now i kind of stopped shopping as much and whenever i do go shopping i appreciate it but that actually relates to our sponsor of today's video which is nate nate is an app and i think the best way to explain it would be it's a combination of a mood board mixed with online shopping mixed with afterpay basically while you're online shopping you can save items that you like to boards that are in the nate app and then if you end up wanting to buy them you can and all of the things that you want to buy are all in one place or you could make lists to share with your friends i mean like the opportunities are endless so on the nate app i actually created two lists one inspired by new york and one inspired by los angeles with a bunch of pieces clothing pieces specifically that i feel like encapsulate the vibe of both cities i forgot to mention that everybody who makes a list titled emma's inspo wins a gift every single one of you make a list get a gift does that rhyme so check it out link is in my description download the nate app i'm actually a really big fan of it i think it's amazing it's super fun and there's so many different ways that you can use it nate is a great app link in description check it out thank you to nate for sponsoring this video i was gonna like drive somewhere to get coffee but there's like literally two coffee shops i don't know which one to go to there's like three of them okay we're gonna go grab a coffee i'm honestly i'm super dehydrated and i forgot to bring a water to the gym so now i'm just like dehydrated and i'm about to go get a coffee maybe i'll get a water too but like maybe not so a large iced americano with almond milk thank you okay i'm back got my coffee let's give it a try it's not my favorite but it's definitely better than i expected because when you just go to a random place like you really don't know what you're getting yourself into i would definitely go to this place again i think next time i'd ask for extra ice i don't feel like there's enough ice in it but i'm also a [ __ ] and very picky so some girls staring at me i hate when people stare at me people can literally stare at me for three seconds be like and i'd be like they're staring at me they're harassing me [Music] it's haul time it's such nice weather out and they were playing john mayer on the loudspeaker at the mall and it felt pretty romantic i went to sephora and little lemon let's start with a little lemon i was actually so embarrassed because i'm in my workout clothes and i'm wearing a lululemon top and lululemon bottoms and then i walk into lululemon and i'm like gonna buy more stuff like i hate that they should give people a discount if they come in wearing a full fit first thing i got was a pair of biker shorts they are in navy blue i refuse to buy light colored leggings because they show sweat and then it looks like you pissed yourself anyway i also got some workout tank tops so i got this cute little blue striped one listen i don't really care about how my workout clothes look but then again it is fun to feel a little cute i also got this little light blue one i just love this shade of blue anyway now makeup from sephora i didn't get a lot because i kind of like forgot what i needed but there was a few things i knew that i needed number one was a new eyelash curler boring number two is a new mascara i decided to try out this dior show pump in volume hd oh my god wait what what is this oh my god okay so apparently you like squeeze this wait what this is like squishy and you're supposed to squeeze it when you're i don't know i don't know give every lash a volume boost squeeze the flexible tube once or twice to soften the formula oh that's actually smart next i got a lipstick this is the charlotte tilbury pillow talk matte revolution next this is a charlotte tilbury hyaluronic and happiness happy kiss color bomb honestly we could try it on now why not oh i like that what's next what's next oh this is an amazing product this is the tatcha the kisu lip mask so it's like a lip balm in this little pot and it comes with this little scooper and you scoop it out it's amazing i also got this i don't know what this bruh how to pronounce this brand but it's like this facial spray i like having like a bunch of mini little facial sprays and i feel like you can just like i don't know they're just nice okay next i am on the lookout for a new um setting powder for my makeup so i found this mini charlotte tilbury air airbrush flawless finish i'll try it out i'll let you guys know how it goes and that's it that's all i got from sephora the main thing i needed was a new mascara and an eyelash curler i don't really wear like i don't really like have that many products that i wear on a daily basis so it was not difficult to restock because they were just don't use that much stuff anyway i'm hungry so we're gonna go to literally my favorite place in los angeles erwin i don't know if i need to explain this again but i'm going to anyway air one is an overpriced you know what it's not overpriced i always call it overpriced but air one is not overpriced they have such fresh food that i cannot even call it overpriced because the quality of their food is so good they have like food like pre-prepared food and groceries so that's why it's my favorite place on the [ __ ] planet because i can like go there and stock up on groceries but also get a delicious meal anyway we're gonna go there now and i just looked at the clock and it was 333 which is good luck so the angels are on my side they want me to go to airwan i agree i want to go to air one too [ __ ] now that you know the world is opening back up traffic is starting to get bad again i'm sad i mean i'm happy and sad at the same time as casey musgraves once said if you don't know what i'm talking about look up happy and sad by casey musgraves on your spotify on your apple music whatever you listen to music on and just give that song a listen because i think everybody deserves to hear her beautiful voice sing and i love her i do not believe in paying for parking i don't who does the money go to genuinely like i i don't know the answer so don't call me a [ __ ] i encourage you all to stay curious question society daily i'm saying why can park why isn't parking not free where is that money going i don't care i'm going to pay for parking regardless i'm just curious but also it does piss me off i'm just talking out of my ass at this point you know how most people are like don't talk to me until i had my coffee where was i going with that you know what i'm just going to stop myself because i forgot where i was going with that and then but i honestly don't really know if i want to remember so it is officially the best time of the day emma what time of the day is it it's the time of the day where emma sits in her car eats her favorite salad and watches youtube videos on her phone it's like so funny because this is the largest container that they'll give you so i get like one and a half because i'm like that's the perfect size arowana if you're watching this make larger portions for mommy i also have my pink lemonade oh my god i get like excited about this time of the day i love you i love you so much this is my [ __ ] pride and joy so recently i deleted tik tok off of my phone because i refused to scroll through that app ever again but before i deleted the app i saw a video about how to make edible cookie dough out of garbanzo beans this is frightening to me because ew but i also love hummus i'm gonna quickly try to make it as a snack i don't i'm not following a specific recipe i'm just kind of like i saw a few videos about it so i'm just gonna kind of like use my imagination if this is good this is going to be a fun snack step one open up your can of chickpeas and strain them i will be back i'm only making one serving because i don't want to waste just in case these turn out awful two tablespoons of sugar now i'm gonna add some of this peanut butter powder because i honestly am not sure how i feel about it and like i can't tell if i like it or not now i'm gonna add some flavor drops vanilla water that might have been too much and i feel like that's it and then i'll add chocolate chips after and we can see if this was a waste of my time or not okay well regardless of if this ended up good or not it was very easy to make it's kind of good would i recommend that you make it no like i don't think you should waste your time like i think you just make just make it without the chickpeas like you could very easily have a better situation here i also added too much water it doesn't even really need chocolate chips was this a waste of my time no i keep eating it yeah it's not bad all right good talk good talk guys see you later see when something else interesting happens hi we're having dinner together i'm having some noodles it's weird because it's like 8 p.m which is almost my bedtime and it's bright out are you enjoying watching me eat this or is it gross i can't imagine the sounds that my mouth is making as i'm eating this are pleasant i had a really good day today i did okay i had a good day now it's time for me to read and go to bed it does it looks like it's literally 4 p.m right now i'm gonna eat my noodles i'm gonna read my book and i'm gonna go to bed i just wanted to thank you for hanging out with me today i hope you had fun with me i actually had a really really nice day today that was not good thank you guys for coming back thank you guys for supporting me thank you guys for being my besties every goddamn week have an amazing rest of your day here's your forehead kiss another one another one another one another one i'll see ya love you love you okay bye okay bye you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,931,166
Rating: 4.9821548 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: qG-iM8V8pew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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