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this is the last time you're ever gonna see me in this house i'm moving [Music] it's kind of emotional weirdly is it i don't know these are my last few moments in this house this is the last time you're gonna see me walk down these steps bye thanks for the memories i really am so emotion like i'm kind of an emotionless like that's the last time i'm gonna close that door i'm out of here so i'm moving basically what happened was i moved into this house a little bit over a year ago and you know i loved it um at the time and it was an amazing house and it was my first house which was a huge um dream of mine is to have my own house and that dream came true in this house so this house holds a very special place in my home but i'm moving so soon because where i live well this house that i'm moving from is kind of in the thick of la it's kind of in the middle of l.a and i'm ready to move to a different area of la a more relaxed area of la a little more removed from the rustle and bustle of los angeles so that's what i'm doing i'm still going to be living in la but just in a more relaxed area i bought a new place but i have to remodel it i have to remodel a lot of it because i bought an old house it's gonna take about six months to fix everything up before it's ready to live in and so in the meantime i'm going to be living in a rental so that's where i'm moving to right now i'm moving to a rental what's funny about this rental is that it's fully furnished like it already has furniture and everything all i have to do is put my clothes in there and that's it so this is not the last moving vlog of the year i will be moving again in approximately six months into my permanent house um but first i have to rent for six months so that's where we're at moving is very stressful i actually had a panic attack today i'm not lying um i had a panic attack because you know when you make a big decision can stir up a lot of emotions so i did have a panic attack today i'm feeling much better now also i think my period's going to be coming in a few days because i feel extremely uncomfortable in my abdomen right now which is usually a telltale sign that my period is coming so i think that that's the reason why i had my freakout but anyway i'm moving now you know now here's my mom my mom has been so helpful everybody comment down below something nice about my mom because my mom has literally made this move possible because without her this would be a mess but she's so organized that she made moving easy aren't we having so much fun moving we're not having panic attacks and stuff it's a blast it's really aren't we having so much fun it's so it's probably the most adventurous fun adventure like i've had in a long time mommy i oh i didn't just call you mommy you just always call me mommy this is the one time that i'm going to call you mommy with my full chest and really just belt it out loud because guess what you um are literally moving for me because i'm so emotionally unstable that you are doing it for me yeah i will see you tomorrow when i moved into my rental you guys don't want to see like you guys don't want to see the chaos okay of all these boxes everywhere and stuff like that you don't want to see that when i'm in my new rental and life is simple again then i will see you but for now we're gonna spend the rest of the evening in the first half of tomorrow moving it good morning so you're probably like emma that's not your bed that's not your nightstand that's not your bed you're right i slept here last night i am officially in the rental shall i give you a little tour we're here oh back in bed the gardener's here okay well it's really loud um anyway post mated a coffee because i don't have my coffee machine actually my coffee machine's broken i had to order a new one like i don't even have a coffee machine right now look at that girl just staring at me i am tired am i tired yes i'm tired but i should probably be productive with my time so i'm thinking okay let's run some errands i need to go to whole foods and i need to go to sorry it's not a booger it's just dead skin i have a rash under my nose right here my mom told me to put ointment on it and i didn't and it's going away anyway so i don't listen to my mom that's so not true i do i think i'm gonna go to whole foods and trader joe's i'm like out of groceries honestly one of my joys in life is going to the grocery store and stocking up on produce it's so fun for me which is so embarrassing i just figured out how to roast carrots and actually make them taste good because whenever like i've eaten other people's roast carrots like they've made roasted carrots and they've made them for me and i've eaten them they've never been cooked properly but the other day i was like you know what i'm gonna try myself i figured it out so maybe i'll get some carrots maybe some cucumber definitely some raspberries definitely some strawberries i actually bought strawberries yesterday and then ate the whole carton in one sitting so i thought i was gonna have strawberries for a few days and then i ate all this so anyway we have to really stock up get ready with me i honestly like never took care of my hair up until recently i didn't realize how much of a difference it makes like i use a leave-in conditioner and um a hair oil and it just makes my hair silky smooth my skin is really dry for some reason ow ah ow ow and then last step to get ready for the grocery store ow fit check okay honestly i used to like make a little effort every morning to get kind of dressed before i'd run errands or do anything like that but recently like i can't get myself to wear something besides sweats in public i've always been somebody that liked to wear sweatpants and like comfy pants out in public i used to wear old navy pajama fleece drawstring pants everywhere but that's just me like i like being comfortable i've always liked being comfortable the weird thing about moving for me is that like it takes me forever to feel at home and i don't know why that is maybe i'm just like really weird about energy and like i don't know i'm making it a lot deeper than it needs to be but i i really like the rental so i'm excited about that i mean i definitely was a little bit anxious last night because it was unfamiliar moving is possibly one of my least favorite things to do on the planet i feel like for the past four years every time i get like moved into a place like everything is in its place everything's organized everything looks great right when i get to that point right when i get to that point i move why do i do this so when i was younger i always wanted like an excess of clothes and an excess of makeup and an excess of jewelry i always craved that and wanted that as a kid now that i make my own money i kind of have more freedom to like make those dreams come true right which is amazing but now i'm like it's too much and it's stressing me out it makes me feel cluttered almost and it makes me feel like i don't get proper use out of all of my things because i have so many things now whereas when i was younger i didn't really have that much stuff right so like i felt like every pair of shoes that i bought every uh makeup product that i bought every skin care product that i brought always got used to like completion now i'm like stuck with all this stuff and my like life feels cluttered so i'm really actually i'm not with you guys i'm really gonna change my life right now i've decided i'm gonna get rid of a bunch of stuff donate as much stuff as i can to charity some stuff's gonna have to be thrown out whatever it may be donate as much as i can just live with less clutter this is growth you guys are witnessing growth sorry i should not be removing my hands from the wheel if i'm being honest i'm going to trader joe's for one thing and it's a salad dressing but it's so good it's called green goddess but it tastes like pesto and it's so good it has like avocado blended up in it so i'm going all the way there just for that is that stupid a little bit here's another thing i slept for like six hours last night i'm used to getting a solid eight hours and now all of a sudden tonight last night see i can't even talk last night i only got six hours and my god it is a f i am affected which is so funny because when i was younger i would just stay up all night and i would thrive actually i was not thriving i was i don't think i was maybe i was just more used to it ah this parking garage is so narrow y'all this parking garage literally why okay why are parking garages in la just not simple it's like a maze in here i keep following the arrows to find the elevator oh there it is it wasn't actually that hard i do have to fart though i'm very constipated right now sorry tmi and that also makes me pissed off but anyway we're at trader joe's now so let's go get our ones our singular salad dressing oh look how cute this elevator is day equals may i'm no longer grumpy okay we're done when i get home we'll do a little grocery haul it's gonna be boring though because i just bought only like fresh stuff there we go now my face is in the light i have a zit oh let's pop it ow i popped it i hate having acne but i do love popping zits i know that's gross but like i've always loved it like when one of my friends says it i'm like let's go you know okay if you can hear that loud sound we're just gonna act like it's not happening the gardeners are here but we're gonna do a grocery haul hard-boiled eggs that are already peeled the best invention ever raspberries my favorite a bell pepper red literally so many strawberries some arugula and some lemons some tofu because vegetarian life i got some dates i haven't eaten a date in a really long time but i saw somebody eating dates with peanut butter and i remembered how good that snack is little mini cucumbers these are way better than the big cucumbers the big cucumbers are like soggy always i hate that literally so much broccoli and then last but not least i got colorful mini carrots oh no that's not all i got so i got this jar of spicy kosher dill pickles pickles i love spicy and i love pickles so let's see yes i mean those are delicious so love that then i got three of my salad dressings it's avocado green onion lemon juice chives basil and garlic and it definitely gives you garlic bread so i eat it only when i'm going to be by myself all day but it's so good [Music] that was fun back to bed for me that was productive now i get to lay in bed and wait until the movers get here and unload all the boxes then it's gonna be grind time while i'm in bed i thought i'd talk about our sponsor for today's video which is public.com and this is such a cool sponsor and i'm very excited to talk about it public.com is an investing app where you can buy and sell stocks follow investors share ideas the whole nine yards as you can see here you can discover stocks it gives you a bunch of interesting info as you can see here like oat milk is up 18 cents today that's cool um you can scroll down on your feed and you know read interesting stuff from investors and once you've added your banking info you can invest through the app and it's great i'm not really big into investing i don't really know much about it i know my dad's always been into it but i am definitely a rookie and i think that public.com is such a great place to start because it's very beginner friendly and i think that stocks and investing and stuff like that is so intimidating when you're just starting and that's why i think public.com is so great because it's like very easy to digest mentally like it's not super complicated the app is free and you can start with as little as one dollar you don't actually have to buy full shares of stocks you can actually buy portions of stocks which is really cool fractions or slices of stocks what also is cool about public is that you can see what other people are investing in like i follow cody on there cody ko my friend and i can see what he's investing in and that's really cool because he's really smart public also doesn't share your data and information so you can feel secure and safe while using that you'll get a free stock when you go to public.com emma get started today follow me on there my username is my name emma chamberlain um i'm not invested in anything yet because i'm doing a little bit more research on stocks and how they work first before i actually start investing once again go to public.com emma for a free stock thank you public for sponsoring this video you guys are really awesome check it out i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing right now like i'm in this weird like random it's like random right now because it's like okay i can't unpack anything yet because i'm still waiting for the movers to bring all my stuff over here i just like don't know what i'm supposed to be doing with my time right now you know what i'm saying like i'm just gonna lay here and go on youtube and tick tock i really need to start reading a new book i have two books right now ready to read at any given moment i have to kill a mockingbird here and i have pride and prejudice here and i think i'm gonna read pride and prejudice what is it about spirited elizabeth bennett is one of a family of five daughters i don't know what to kill a mockingbird is about it's a gripping heart-wrenching and holy remarkable tale of coming of age in a south poisoned by virtually prejudice okay this looks interesting both of them having it seems a female protagonist which i've not read a book that has a female protagonist yet they've all been male protagonists so that could be kind of fun and hashtag relatable because i'm a woman oh look how like cute the pages look for the next minute or so you're going to watch me organize my fridge and it's going to be extremely satisfying so enjoy i'm done it looks exactly like my fridge at home kind of boring but fridge is done fridge is done now should i do the pantry i kind of love this like honestly i kind of like the organizing process like it's kind of amazing and fun it's also nice i'm also getting rid of stuff guys i got rid of so much like old food that i forgot was in my fridge like it's amazing now we're working on the pantry ow i think i said ow because i thought you're gonna put it on my toe i'm always ready guys i'm tired let me show you what i've done i've done a little bit more but that's all the interesting stuff you guys this is i hate this there's just so much so i made a little coffee station i ordered a new espresso machine and it hasn't come yet so just imagine that it's there imagine that there's an espresso machine right there i have my little kettle little matcha chamberlain coffee and then in here i have beans and tea this one helps me poop don't judge me my mom hasn't been here for the past few hours because she's been running other errands so i've been doing all this by myself and i really need my mom here i need my mommy but look at the view i can't lie i do love that i want to take a break but if i take a break then i won't start again i'm gonna get back to work i just hit the eight hour mark and pac or unpacking for eight hours i haven't even started unpacking my clothes i think my period's coming or something because i'm like so emo like i feel like normally i'm pretty like resilient with projects like this but today i was just like getting pissed off i was like throwing around honestly that's why i wasn't filming um the second half of the day of me unpacking because i was like i don't think anybody wants to see me ripping boxes open and like throwing things everywhere violently not a good look for now i'm just gonna lay in bed and enjoy being in bed the kitties are meowing at me stop oh my god i am so tired i am so tired right now first time cooking in the new house i'm going to roast some vegetables i had a very stressful day a little bit not just be a whiny baby so i feel like this is good for me ah i didn't cut into my finger just now but i cut into my nail it was a very bizarre sensation i really wish i had something to say but i'm i think i don't have a brain anymore i've never ever been a big carrot girl like i've always hated carrots but ever since i figured out how to roast them and make them tasty now i'm like a carrot girl for sure i've never seen like white carrots before it's kind of crazy i always almost accidentally leave the sticker on and i mean i feel like it wouldn't kill me it actually might even be good for me can i tell you something that happened to me today when i was off camera actually i don't know if i should tell that story i don't know if that's a good one for the internet fine i'll tell you my period was a day late and my anxiety started to convince me that i was pregnant um so today when the camera was off i did take a pregnancy test i wasn't pregnant i'm like 30 seconds late to my period and i'm like y'all i'm pregnant i miss one day my period and i go onto youtube and make a new account so that i can start a family channel i start coming up with like click bait baby ideas when i miss my period for one second i start coming up with baby prank ideas pranking my baby into saying as its first word see how iconic would that be check it out i'm lazy so instead of trying to evenly coat all the veggies and olive oil i'm just gonna spray it with olive oil then we're gonna take salt i just basically salt my veggies and then i season them later now anyway that was a fun activity now i have veggies for the week see look this is good i can start crying but i won't because i stay strong for you i stay strong for you that was an early forehead kiss okay it's been a week so much has happened so basically i'm fully moved in now but the chaos that ensued off screen was unbelievable my mom and i were trying to move me into this place by ourselves with virtually no help and after about two days of doing that we both had a mental breakdown i had way too much stuff my mom and i just couldn't do it by ourselves we hired an organizer which i didn't even know was something like i didn't even know that that was a type of person that existed um and now i'm fully organized i'm somebody who doesn't like to ask for help if i wanted to i could have unpacked and organized everything myself i know that but hiring an organizer was the best decision in my life i have a new macho recipe it's not really that complicated there's just one key ingredient so as you can see i'm making matcha right now hot but we will be adding ice in the secret ingredient so now we have our matcha here's the secret ingredient caramel nut pods i've never tried this flavor and i ended up trying it in coffee and it was good but then i tried it in matcha and it was life-changing so what i do is i add a decent amount of our nut pod here then then i add water then put some ice in there so good the caramel nut pod is the secret ingredient and so random like caramel and matcha doesn't sound like it would be good together but it doesn't really taste caramelly it's just like buttery almost i can't explain it but it's so good we're in bed i thought i would be brutally honest here for some reason moving sent me into a mental breakdown spiral i do not know why i think it was just because it was so stressful but now that i'm like fully moved in i feel a lot better i thought i would show you some of the things that are organized now just because i want to share because they're exciting and she did such a my organizer did such an amazing job so i thought i would show you some stuff first we have my main closet love that she also did my jewelry the most exciting thing that i think that she did was my spice drawer i've always wanted to have a spice drawer like this please look at this you're going to freak out like are you kidding me you guys know how i feel about organization i was so stoked a lot of the other stuff was boring like you know not anything interesting i mean this is actually cool so organized we're here everything's good all is well my mental breakdown is almost over like i i know we're almost done i journaled this morning which i think helped i've been really trying to journal i also started a new book the razor's edge by summerset manga [Applause] it is literally five hours later basically i took a nap and then i took a shower and then now i'm laying in my bed with a face mask i'm a simple girl i don't really plan on getting out of bed for the rest of the day sue me that is my what's the word prerogative definition of prerogative correct that is my prerogative but anyway guys i got through the move we're moved in i hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me during this process was it a train wreck absolutely are we surprised no this is exactly what we would expect but anyway i hope you guys had fun hanging out with me um i love you guys and appreciate you per usual another one another one sorry okay keep it real stay strong out there we can do this whatever you're going through whatever is challenging you at this time i believe in all of us all right see ya you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,907,786
Rating: 4.9758644 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: lUhM1zRW324
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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