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anyway good morning ben [Music] y'all i've been going to bed at like what 9 30 p.m and i wake up just ready to attack the day but it comes at a cost he's going to bed at 9 30 is kind of sad like there's something kind of sad about it because you're like really like i'm missing out on you know a whole segment of the day which is night time but you know makes me feel good so on my grandma [ __ ] i actually might make tea too because i've been making tea so does anybody else ever like let's say you have a shopping bag like i forget to bring my reusable bags to the grocery store which happens more times than i wish to admit and i end up getting a paper bag i will just fill it with trash like that's what's happening right here like i i got this i got a gift in this bag and i'm now using it as a makeshift trash bag this is a vintage chamberlain chamberlain coffee mug it's vintage because this is the old logo so recently i haven't been doing almond milk in my cold brew i just put in dairy free creamer i don't know it just it makes the coffee flavor more intense i'm using a cookie butter flavor mixed with the vanilla flavor because i'm feeling funky on this i have no idea what day i was gonna say like this friday morning but i don't know what day of the week it is if somebody was like emma i'd give you 50 bucks to tell me what day the week it is right now i would be 50 50 bucks i'd be out i'd be out 50 bucks yummy oh definitely you didn't see it but declan just attacked my leg this teacup is very dirty so i've been trying to spend more time outside whenever i can get it in there you know what i mean because it's so easy for me to just lay in my bed get no vitamin d and feel like [ __ ] listen i live in los angeles best weather in the world except for not really in my opinion but you know some people argue best weather in the world do people even argue that so it's like i need to take advantage of it at least i've been tanning the last few days outside i'll lay outside for probably an hour 30 minutes on my tummy tummy who the [ __ ] says tummy that was creepy 30 minutes on my stomach 30 minutes on my back because i'm just trying to get a nice tan for summer you know summer's coming i mean the feeling of getting into your bed at night after you've laid out all day and gotten a good tan i mean it's priceless but the thing about it is that it's my least favorite thing to do and i'll explain why i mean it's very simple i hate sweating it takes forever my phone will overheat it's just it's not fun it's not fun it isn't it's not but it's worth it it's very worth it i just got back from a trip to new york i'm i'm definitely a little bit bummed out to be back in la but at the same time the weather is warm the sun's out the uv is high if you don't know what the uv is it's how strong the sun is i think don't even quote me on that so i'm trying to enjoy la for you know what it is a sunny place that has a lot of youtubers in it it's time to make brunch because it's not quite breakfast but it's not quite lunch so it's brunch i'm just gonna lay out some ingredients we have some sunflower seeds lemon juice fake meat mmm fake meat kale some avocado dijon mustard tahini i was thinking i was gonna make put parmesan cheese on it but i think that my parmesan cheese is rotten so we're not gonna do that oh olive oil okay let's see what we can make here we're gonna make an extra fun kale salad in here this is dirty we're gonna add a lot of olive oil some tahini not too much because i always [ __ ] up and add too much and then it ends up tasting weird we're gonna add some dijon mustard not too much of that either because i've made that mistake before oh we could add some maple syrup to kind of sweeten it up a little bit tiny bit of maple syrup that's too much maybe a little bit of this everyday seasoning a little bit of salt let's give it a go oh it needs lemon it's pretty [ __ ] good fresh from my garden you know what's actually interesting there are so many things like so many basic things that i don't know how to do i'll give you examples number one i don't know how to mail a letter and that might sound like funny to some of you i could not tell you how to mail a letter i don't i wouldn't if somebody was like hey here's um some seeds you should try to grow a plant with this wouldn't know how to grow a plant like i have no idea how to run a garden all of my plants in my home are fake i'm pretty sure or i'd hope so because i'm not watering them kale is one of my favorite vegetables but only if it's groomed correctly like it can go wrong quick this like really thick step no no like this stem listen to the skin break that's like there's a lot of fibers in there it's disgusting whatever i mean i am a picky eater like when i was little i used to eat the weirdest [ __ ] oh my god you know what we should do later should i order all the weird foods i used to eat as a kid and then we can try them together like for example my subway sandwich order i'm not gonna spoil it because i think i'm gonna order it later and then we can try it and the way i used to eat pizza was like disgraceful oh my god we're gonna do this later i'm gonna order all the foods oh my god the way i used to eat french fries was even weird there's a lot of foods that i used to hate like i used to hate avocados i hated avocados for years now they're my that's my [ __ ] that's my [ __ ] bestie right there okay i think that that's enough kale that's a lot sprinkle a little olive oil in a little salt and then you massage your kale this is crucial for a delicious salad okay now we add toppings okay so let's add the avocado avocado will make or break a salad like i honestly i don't think you can eat a salad without avocado in it and that's crazy coming from somebody that literally used to despise avocados as a kid and what's weird about avocados is they don't have like a super distinct flavor profile like what do they even really taste like you know what actually made me realize that i liked avocados was avocado toast because i was just trying to be a trendy indie indie kid by eating avocado toast avocados in what now oh i have this vegan meat this is technically tempeh bacon which i've never actually tried so i should probably try it before i add it in my salad it's pretty [ __ ] good actually god it really does kind of taste like bacon that's weird now we'll add some sunflower seeds now we add the dressing it's almost like kind of a season no it's not i was going to say it's kind of like a cereal salad but it's really nothing like a caesar salad so i don't know where i was going with that or where i got that idea mixing i like it so yeah i'm out of here okay i'm back in bed i'm gonna order all of the weird foods i used to eat you guys don't understand how weird my food preferences work i'm not gonna spoil it but i'm gonna order everything and then we're gonna try it all and i'm going to end up eating it eating everything i ordered over the next few days because i don't want to waste it and these foods are weird so like i don't even know if i can [ __ ] order the stuff i want because it's that weird like can i order a custom sandwich let's see oh can i not order a custom sandwich i swear oh you can okay great my sandwich order i'm so excited to share this with you i really hope i've never talked about this because it's embarrassing i i get three things on my sandwich the person who's making the sandwich for me is gonna be like who in their right mind is ordering this okay it's all ordered welcome to a new segment that i'm like that i'd like to call trying emma's weird childhood food preferences i ordered three of my weird foods that i used to eat they're not weird but the way that i would eat them is weird and i think i'm gonna start with the least weird and go to the most weird i ordered a slice of pizza i would get a slice of cheese pizza and what i would do to it was so [ __ ] up watch i would peel the cheese off and eat it with no cheese i'm not gonna peel all the cheese off because i actually want to eat this later so i'm not gonna ruin the whole thing i would eat pizza with no cheese just crust and sauce because i didn't like melted cheese for some reason it freaked me out because it was all chewy and gooey and all that so let's see how this tastes with no cheese i mean it still tastes good let's try it with the cheese and see if that makes it better it's substantially better with the cheese but it still tastes good without the cheese i'm gonna rate cheese pizza without the cheese a six and a half out of ten because honestly it tastes good i mean it's bread and tomato sauce like you can't go wrong the next weird thing i would eat was fries but i would eat them with mustard i loved burger king fries so i ordered from burger king and i would just eat these with mustard like there was no tomorrow and it was like my favorite thing ever why that is so gross and unnecessary ketchup is so much better french fry mustard let's give it a go it's a very nostalgic flavor and it's really gross listen i love mustard i always have but when i was younger i was like obsessed with mustard like i would eat mustard with a spoon which is clearly an issue i'm going to rate this a 3 out of 10. it's really unpleasant french fries are delicious no matter what you put on them but the mustard just doesn't complement the flavor of the potato at all i i can't believe i would eat that next time you're at a diner and you order fries and there's a little mustard squirter thing try mustard with french fries and just see how wrong it is those two were weird but like not that weird this last weird food i used to eat takes the cake it's my subway sandwich order you will not believe this it's [ __ ] hilarious honestly there's three ingredients in this which is why literally nothing's spilling out the side i'm gonna let you take a guess as to what's inside of this you can kind of see a little something there but it's swiss cheese olives and bell peppers now i know some of you guys are not gonna believe me so i'm gonna call my mom and ask her what my order was to prove to you guys this is not staged to prove to you guys that i used to order this [Music] she keeps declining my call i'm gonna call my dad and see if he knows okay quick question off the top of your head recite my subway sandwich order and don't ask questions just say it okay uh it was just pretty much peppers and green peppers and olives i think slices what did you think about that when i was a child but how did that make you feel about me and how i was developing were you concerned well no i wasn't concerned at all because basically i just thought you know eventually you'll figure it out there we go um honestly okay it's sad it's definitely sad but it smells good like it smells good and honestly like this if this was grilled cheese like if you grilled this it would probably taste really good it's time to try it that's far worse than i remember i actually was excited to eat this i was like this shit's gonna be good i don't know why i was like you know it's definitely a nostalgic flavor it tastes exactly the same as it did you know a few years ago yeah i'm gonna have to give this like a four out of ten it's not as disgusting as fries and mustard that's like really bad to me now like i really don't even think i could eat that as a joke this i could eat like this i could get i could eat it i'm just happy to say that my palate has evolved as an adult and now if i were to get a sandwich i would get hummus in it and a bunch of veggies but that was my [ __ ] as a kid that was my [ __ ] growing up so what are you gonna do so that was fun i probably had more weird [ __ ] that i would eat so if you want this to be a running series let me know i think i'm gonna go get back in bed though bedtime while i'm in bed relaxing i thought i would talk about the sponsor of today's video hack son thank you paxton for sponsoring this video this is crazy to working with paxton has been so cool for me because growing up the first store i would go to in the mall was pacsun without fail every single time and it was the place i went to find the trends to you know load up on literally anything jeans tops like declan so being sponsored by them today is very exciting what i'm newly obsessed with from pacsun is their unisex collection it's basically a line that you can shop in without thinking about gender i shop in the men's section all the time it's a bummer when i find something in the men's section that i like but it doesn't fit my body it's frustrating paxon created the perfect unisex line there's so many different types of pieces tops bottoms outerwear accessories shoes all of the above you don't have to listen to the noise of what you are or aren't supposed to wear this line is created for everybody and i absolutely love that the top i'm wearing is from the unisex collection also i'm obsessed with this this leopard sweater is from the collection my sweatpants are also from pacsun by the way and i wear these way too much working with pacsun is so great because i really appreciate their commitment to being inclusive and they have such a great collection out go check it out links to everything will be in my description also another thing i have to say about pacsun if you've ever seen me wear these shorts i'll be back i wear these so often it should be a crime these are also from pacsun so anyway declan you need to stop you're starting to cause a ruckus i've worn these to death like i'm surprised they're not they don't have stains on them thank you for sponsoring this video paxton i love you so much and send me more pairs of those tie-dye shorts asap because those things are gonna disintegrate soon i just got back from a walk slash jog anyway i have this subway sandwich as a newfound chef i can't just let this go to waste i need to turn it into something now it's a little bit soggy but i'm determined to make this sandwich into my dinner first ingredient i'm determined to add is pesto okay we're gonna add some pesto listen um i refuse to waste this beautiful sandwich i'm trying to make this like upgraded i also am definitely going to be putting this in a pan like it's a grilled cheese because if i didn't that would be a disgrace so let's actually put the pan on the pesto is definitely gonna add a bunch of flavor i also have some sun-dried tomatoes i feel like that could be a nice addition i feel like this is good that's already gonna be a buttload more flavor than it was before like maybe a little bit of salt i don't know i don't know oh should i add hummus to this okay see now i feel like we're doing too much you know what we're just gonna do this it's looking kind of sad though you know what it could be good oh what if i olive oil up the pan oh you know and then it's like more of a panini should i like press it down really hard to kind of make it flatter that could make it taste i don't know i need everything to like warm up and melt so i'm going to do something that i saw in a tick tock once or you go like this and you steam that [ __ ] so i guess we'll leave that for a second it doesn't sound good in there oh my god it melted the cheese now we're gonna take our sammy flip it over oh this looks actually kind of good it's like soaking up all the olive oil wait this might actually be good this is what makes cooking worth it it's moments like this oh white that was a little bit too ironic for my liking sometimes the universe tests me it's not the most attractive thing let's see how i did does she look great absolutely not but does she smell great shockingly yes yo this might be good wait listen to this wait i'm a good cook i'm a good cook because i can make something from nothing we're gonna give it a try guys that's one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten the bread is so crispy but like soaked in olive oil but crispy and like so good the pesto is so good the sun-dried tomatoes so good the olives have a nice kick the pepper is a nice wow i can't believe this i cannot believe how good it is this is why i love cooking this is why i love cooking did i really do anything no subway did everything this was not really me before i go eat this i'm gonna plate it up wait i kind of can't really plate it up properly because i already ate part of it so it doesn't look as pretty but we're gonna plate it regardless this parmesan cheese might be moldy i feel like cheese doesn't really get moldy but there's just like some specks on it but i'm just gonna use a little bit of it anyway if anybody tells you that you can't do things maybe they say emma you'll never be able to well they wouldn't say emma because your name's not emma but let's say somebody says to you you're never gonna be able to cook that's what people said to me and look at me now seriously guys anything's possible i'm gonna go eat [Music] i'm in bed i'm i've clocked out like i'm done you know what i'm saying like i'm done i have transcended into bedtime but anyway i loved hanging out with you guys today i hope you had fun with me if you didn't don't tell me because i will not be able to handle it but anyway um i love you all so much you guys are so awesome follow your dreams be yourself believe in yourself be kind to yourself you know that's something i need people to say to me more i don't know stay off your phone take a break from the internet stop checking your instagram all the time stop checking your tick tuck all the time stop checking checking your text all the time it's bad for you it's really [ __ ] bad for you be kind to yourself and stop going on social media that's my advice that's what i want you to take from this video also go for a walk [ __ ] it go for a walk i don't care if it's cold bundle up go for a walk if you can't go for a walk listen to music i don't know do something me and my cheetah cardigan are out of here you thought i was gonna forget didn't you hell no [Applause] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,626,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: 5a7MGhe8ByM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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