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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys did i wear this hoodie in like my last video whatever [Music] hi everyone i have been thinking about making this video for a really long time but it was never the right time you know the title is how to get over a mental breakdown how to recover from a mental breakdown something like that one of my favorite things to do on the internet is fart burp and over share and drink coffee cameron well let me over share a little bit i mean i never hurt anyone except for me later when i have to watch it and then my family and friends watch it and they're like am i why are you like are you okay and i'm like ah no um anyway so basically i had a mental breakdown yesterday let's just keep it plain and simple the reasoning for my mental breakdown was basically i just have really really bad anxiety sometimes i go through phases where it's just like really really bad it affects my self-esteem and like my friendships and my relationships because i feel like everybody hates me regret everything i've ever done you know just basically the worst emotions that you could have um i just was so anxious yesterday and i actually talked to a therapist on the phone it actually really helped i feel a little bit better today but i'm not gonna lie i'm very emotionally drained um and so basically i think today i'm going to use this video as inspiration to kind of have a normal day because it's like 2 30 and i've been in bed all day the only thing i've done is feed my cats and eat i think the first step is i need to clean up a little bit my hygiene i haven't brushed my teeth yet today i haven't washed my face i think all that would be nice to do let's head to the bathroom and do that i feel disgusting i also just got my roots done and they're super blonde now it looks like i have one long forehead so okay now i need to brush my teeth i also need to pee my question is like there are so many things i know that i could do that would make me feel better for example i have like 20 packages that need to be opened right now there's nothing like i've never wanted to do something less anyway face is clean i'm gonna go i'm gonna pee pee like i'm gonna pee while i'm brushing my teeth rub a little something on my face just to kind of bring some hydration back into it god i got really red from that okay i think i know what we need to do to be honest i think the first thing i need to do is be productive which means i need to open all of these packages cute wow cute what is this oh god oh these will be a challenge to style but i will figure it out fun fun oh deodorant for all you guys that say i'm stinky take it back oh cool are these gonna fit cool lamp cool oh hello thanks bliss what is that a shirt okay cute cute okay so that was pretty much the most pointless 10 minute clip of my life because i did nothing except for open packages and say three words cool cool cool cute cute cute that is unfortunate wait what is this oh cute they're little peaches oh let's go make coffee it's actually come to my attention that my kitchen is kind of a mess i will show you ew so let's fix that i've had these flowers in my home for far too long and they are all dead you know what it never hurts to oh my god i am out of disinfecting wipes um i wanted to fully clean up but sometimes things don't go our way i think that a little coffee could help maybe after i drink coffee maybe i'll put on like a comfy but cute outfit like this is comfy but not very cute i also ran out of coffee beans so the question is which one am i gonna use today these are in fact samples for chamberlain coffee that are a secret wait are they still a secret i don't know if they're a secret by the time you see this and see if it's a secret still or not god that's such a nice extraction getting over a mental breakdown is not there's no specific like formula to it you know it takes time to mentally recharge yourself and a lot of that time is spent in bed in my opinion this actually already made me feel better the thing is i know that doing chores will make me feel good about myself but i don't want to do them it's this conflict it's like i know that if i do some chores like i'll feel so good but alas that is the last thing i want to do i'll do some chores i think a good way to stay in good spirits while trying to refine your stability is to give yourself realistic goals and like right now i know that i can't do a bunch of chores i just don't have it in me but doing like one or two small chores is gonna help me feel better for example cleaning the litter box if you guys have a lot of mental struggles yourself consider getting cats i mean obviously a dog helps too but like to be honest i really don't think dogs like there's something about it's like i love dogs so much when they're not mine actually that's not really true i kind of hate other people's dogs like i just don't want to take care of a dog you like get to like snuggle the dog and be like i get to snuggle my cat no the problem with like this whole process of like making yourself feel better and recovering when you freak out is like trying to figure out what areas it feels right to push in what areas it doesn't sometimes you're like i need to go get some fresh air and that's like the right thing to do but sometimes it's like going and getting fresh air will take too much out of you and will emotionally drain you even more so it's like finding that bounce whenever i like am in the midst of it i can't make a decision like right now i want to be by myself like the thought of being around others pains me cat poo check that's not the best strategy all right we got a chore done [ __ ] god listen you guys i don't know what i was gonna say i'll see you when i figure out what else i wanna do okay i'm back in bed i need to rest some more that is a-okay i feel like i got a few things done and now it's time for me to get back into bed drink my coffee i'm gonna lay here and relax for a little bit until i have another little burst of energy the thing is you have to follow your it's all intuitive you know what i mean if you're like i think i have enough energy to go do some chores then go do some chores because you'll feel really good after i feel like you know what there's no way i'm doing chores today then just lay in bed all day but it's intuitive you have to listen to your body if you don't know what the word intuitive means you can totally google it or you can just use context clues and figure it out totally up to you i'm gonna watch tick tocks and disappear into my heating pad another thing that's really comforting get a heating pad trust me on that oh i made a mistake i just went down an internet rabbit hole that made my anxiety very very bad my dad always tells me that when you spend too much time on the internet looking at stuff reading all of it it's almost like you enter that world and then it's like really hard to get your head out of it but i alas i'm very anxious and also i'm very red which makes me feel very insecure but you know what it's okay so i decided that i think it would be good for me to leave the house and do something relatively productive the other day i went to this pottery place with my friend olivia and i'm feeling like maybe i should go there again and just paint a pot or something and then that'll help relax me and then when i get home maybe i'll exercise or something i'm very anxious the first step would be to get into a cute outfit i feel like i need to go out on the town and stunt on the hose a little bit these shorts are cute this little top i don't know it's all about like trying to change your attitude i'm gonna really stand here for a second and really try to change my attitude okay so hopefully that worked um okay i think that that matches i really don't know um i don't care see when i change oh good i'm wearing this little shirt jean shards red converse you know what it's comfortable actually i need to call the place hi can i just walk in or do i have to make an appointment you can just walk in let's go paint some pottery not make the pottery just paint it because painting is hard enough i think the key is to give yourself tasks that you relatively enjoy doing that will keep you off your phone and keep your mind focused on something so very excited okay bye the first time i went to this place it was only babies so it was like me there painting pottery and then babies it's great because babies don't judge you you know what i mean they don't even have brains really let's say i was going to something like the mall which obviously i don't even think malls are open right now but whatever i would be at risk of being judged by 8th graders the oldest person i'm probably gonna see will be the person working at the front desk and they're probably 40 and they're probably like really into pottery and don't give a [ __ ] about me that's perfect the last time i did this i didn't go on my phone for literally an hour straight which is like a world record for me considering i've been very addicted to my phone for the past few weeks so i'm very excited to see how this goes and take you guys along with me um i also look really no do you know what i'm gonna say something else emma you look great it's not true but you want to know the craziest thing about me though that i don't understand i could be having like severe self-esteem issues feeling super bad about myself and just like cry for an hour about it and i kid you not 20 minutes after i cry about it i will be taking selfies it happens every time this car is also really bothering me can you i don't know i think unstable emma is kind of charming right like she's not terrible she's real come on this is what you guys signed up for my body temperature is always way too hot and like my face is always so red like my face is so red right now i can't win did i the question is did i shed a few tears on the way here the answer is yes which means that we need pottery more than ever i called my mom that's always that will send you down the spiral you know what i mean and then it just went south but we are alas at the pottery place so i'm gonna go [ __ ] paint a pot i wish i got this on [ __ ] camera but i didn't but i'm so annoyed about something that just happened while i was painting i felt so much better until a family walks in and it's like a mom and like the two daughters or whatever and obviously i'm there by myself which is you know kind of a not super common thing but like yes i am painting pottery by myself yes it's primarily children i don't [ __ ] care i will do anything that will help this [ __ ] comes up to me this mom she's a mom she should know how to [ __ ] treat children although i know i'm not a child anymore i'm 19 but still i'm still a child she [ __ ] comes up to me and she's like do you like her and i was like no and then she gave me a weird look and i was like i just have anxiety like this really helps me with that and then she was like okay and foley gave me the craziest attitude i almost started crying i literally got up and i left it was just so rude who gives a [ __ ] why i'm painting pottery i have so much pent-up anger about that that i believe that i need to exercise maybe this is why i don't film when i'm having a breakdown or maybe i should start doing it more this video could possibly be the most entertaining video on my channel or the least entertaining video we will soon find out i need to be by myself now oh oh emma is unstable i cried about that i did cry about that this video is about recovering from a mental breakdown when you have a mental breakdown you're very vulnerable so any minor inconvenience of sorts will make me cry actually i called my dad just now and i told him about it and he was like that's just mean my tears are dried we're fine i took some cute selfies of me crying that's the whole point of it all isn't it you gotta think about the [ __ ] that you say to other people like i i mean i don't even think about it like that often you know what i mean i don't really think about like the impact that like what i you really don't know what someone's going through because on a normal day like this wouldn't have bugged me i would have just been like okay that was kind of rude but like whatever something like that just sent me over the edge she doesn't know that but like that's a food for thought but anyway i think i know what i'm gonna do for the rest of the day i'm excited about it you know um i think i'm gonna work out and then i'm gonna shower and get into comfy clothes and then i'll go get food somewhere and take myself to dinner so but definitely get the food for pickup because apparently me doing things by myself attracts judgment noted i hope i don't cry about this one again okay it is now evening time um i was going to exercise there was a lot of things i was gonna do i was like you know what i'm gonna exercise i'm gonna put all my clothes away unfortunately none of those things are going to be happening and instead i'm going to get a vegan burger from this place called montes this is what i truly want to do with my evening so i'm doing it i actually feel a lot better now i think that i got out so many different tears um today that i feel a lot better i do feel like i've been watching too much tick tock and i do feel like that tends to get into my head there's just so much information in a short amount of time it makes me feel anxious and like overwhelmed i'm gonna make crying on youtube trendy again that's my goal i want to start crying in my videos just cause like why not i think it's the next big thing and i want to be the one to start it like i feel like we should start documenting our mental breakdowns can i tell you after i cried to you guys or after i like wipe my tears off and talk to you guys about me being judged at color me mind i actually felt a lot better i'm starting to use all of my platforms as therapy so my podcast therapy for me uh now it's actually um infusing my youtube channel should i be faking it for the cam or no what are we thinking uh i do have a stomach ache which is unfortunate i also have gas see now i'm getting a little bit too comfortable god the camera is just not in the right spot goodbye that whole process took me an hour because it took me about half an hour to park and then um the line was super long so then it took me another 30 minutes there so and then i lost my car for a little bit when i was trying to find it yeah and i have my veggie birds wrapped in lettuce boring but i'm unsure if this is something i should be eating on camera and just like that it was gone okay so the burger's gone um i don't think i've ever eaten that fast in my life i'm sick of myself you guys are sick of me like let's just end this go watch something else on youtube now but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed thank you for coming along that emotional journey there's people walking by my car can act normal for a moment while they're walking by anyway i'll see you guys next week thank you guys for always being there for me hanging out with me feeling pain with me feeling joy with me and i'm gonna give you a little forehead kiss because i know that's our thing now that i give you guys a little forehead kiss so here it is i hope you leaned in hopefully you guys have a more emotionally stable day than i do today or tomorrow okay bye [Applause] i'm very anxious
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 6,480,448
Rating: 4.975316 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: wbKklnImXog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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