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good morning hey good morning good morning [Music] hi i literally have not played drums since the last time i filmed i don't know i'll let you know when i learn more but for now we're just going to get the same three or four drum beats over and over again good morning beautiful boy oh good morning good morning today we're vlogging nothing new nothing crazy but we're vlogging a work day and you're probably like emma what does that even mean like whenever youtubers are like i have to work it's always like okay what does that mean for you everybody's confused so i'm trying to show you what that looks like today show you what my life looks like when i'm not just laying in bed reading and complaining about things it's eight in the morning the first thing i have to do is make coffee actually no the first thing i have to do is feed the cats because they're literally whining at me and getting angry ew i just spilled cat food juice all over my counter but they're eating it so first step is making coffee of course i've been trying to drink um matcha and coffee throughout the day because if i drink too much coffee in a day i think it hurts my ibs so i'm trying to split it half and half with matcha like matcha half the day coffee at the day whatever i mean listen i'm still figuring it out chamberlaincoffee.com we've got some cold brew sweet cream nut pods it needs more but i'm out of that flavor so i'm gonna need to figure out okay we'll mix the sweet cream flavor with some vanilla and see how that goes it's pretty [ __ ] good let's sit outside and chat i've been recently really liking sitting outside with my coffee in my mornings in the mornings if it like works out like if like like if it's not too cold and stuff you know kind of [ __ ] foggy as hell today good morning what's on the agenda for the day i have a call at 10 30 and then i have to get ready for a shoot i'm doing a pretty quick shoot today it's a video shoot for a brand that i love working with i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say what brand it is it's for levi's it's for levi's i okay i'm gonna say it i if they get mad at me levi i'm sorry i love you i just want to talk about you all the time so i'm doing a little video shoot for levi's very short literally two hours that's about it i mean like okay so the thing is it's so funny to me it's like when youtubers or influencers in general like talk about quote-unquote work i feel like it's just bad vibes there's something about like a youtuber talking about work that's just like it just seems out of touch i i can't put a finger on it i recently have been having a lot of stomach problems ibs related if you don't know what ibs is it's irritable bowel syndrome basically means your stomach's just super sensitive specifically i'm not supposed to drink coffee on an empty stomach like that's not a good sign but i'm so impatient in the morning that i keep doing it and i keep forgetting i'm in this like swing of things in my life now where it's like i wake up i make my coffee and i go and do a few my morning routine stuff then i make breakfast later like it's just my schedule but i'm [ __ ] at my stomach in the process it's no it's no good let me tell you the truth about having stomach issues okay because i've been dealing with this a lot lately and i feel like i haven't talked about it because i just nobody [ __ ] wants to hear about my stomach problem but listen to this okay the number of foods that i that that don't bother my stomach there's not a lot and if i eat something that like hurts my stomach like i will be literally burping farting and like doubled over in pain it's not good okay so there was one food that i didn't realize was hurting my stomach for like six months i was going to this restaurant grocery store every single day and getting this cauliflower dish it was a buffalo cauliflower dish and it was my favorite food and every day i was like in social settings like clenching my ass cheeks i know it's disgusting okay whatever like shut the [ __ ] up you fart too [ __ ] i've never been so sad about something because i was like okay i could like i could in theory continue eating this cauliflower dish every day like i was and just have this excruciating crippling gas or i could just stop eating it and find something else to enjoy but like seriously talk about a heartbreaking moment but i did see a tick tock once it was like girls who have stomach issues are hot too so i double tapped that tick tock and i felt i felt understood you guys don't understand how bad this gas was i can't okay i'm really tming now like i've been filming for 20 minutes like i need to move on this morning for breakfast i just farted didn't hear it see what's making me fart today although that was like a harmless fart there's a difference between harmless fart and like painful fart where you're like doubled over in pain like this there's a difference that was a harmless fart like that's not gonna that didn't hurt me and that's not gonna hurt anybody else what's for breakfast this morning you know those things called like egg bites they're like little muffins that look like they're like made out of eggs i kept seeing those on menus like i was seeing them at menus at different like fast food places and stuff like that so i figured out how to make them myself okay it took me a few tries but i got a pretty good recipe down i basically make them ahead of time and then i just warm them up in the [ __ ] toaster oven and it's easy oh my god what was that there they go and then what i eat them with spicy hummus from the farmer's market [ __ ] and y'all if you have a trader joe's near you this vegan chickenless seasoning salt brb let me be an influencer real quick this vegan chickenless seasoning salt [ __ ] great my cute little egg muffins it's my cute little egg muffins literally give this video the fattest thumbs up if you want the recipe they're fire actually are they really that good i think they're just convenient i don't actually know i mean no they're good like they're good but no they're good you guys can give them a try and let me know when i show you the recipe if you give this video a thumbs up you guys better get this video to literally like so much thumbs up or else i'm not showing you the recipe i'm not oh my god my jaw just cracked if you guys don't give this video the most thumbs up out of every video on youtube i'm not gonna show you the recipe i'm not sorry you guys better give it a smash that thumbs up right now you guys seriously better because if you don't you're not getting the recipe um get some hummus on the fork honestly it's so good hummus is my favorite food it's technically like a condiment i guess kind of right okay now what i always feel gross when i lick off my fingers but i'm like is that really gross i'm by myself but nobody said i had manners like nobody said i had good manners nobody has ever said that i don't have terrible manners like i say please and thank you and i'm i put my napkin on my lap when i'm at a restaurant when i remember my parents were just so relaxed with me that they weren't like you know forcing me to have these like you know super technical good manners but then again i don't think i bad i don't think i have bad manners necessarily but i don't have like perfect manners you know see but that burp is not my fault this is what happens every time i eat like i just start burping and farting and crying okay i just had to think about what i was going to do until my call started i think i'm going to read i am now reading the grapes of wrath this is my third book that i've read since the beginning of my reading journey and so time for my call hashtag business i'm waiting for them to call me oh guys hang up on them hi time to get dressed i look i always get comments of people being like emma can you cut the burps out of the video you gotta either accept all of me or take me to the curb because i am who i am baby anyway let me change i'm changing once i get there but this is just good enough for now i need to pack a little bag of my things maybe this one here's a haul of everything i'm bringing to my shoot we have my car key camera battery oh my phone it's really all i need it's pretty low maintenance out here i brush my teeth off camera i promise not that it matters because you wear a mask the whole like mask thing has been really bad for my dental hygiene because i don't prioritize brushing my teeth as much as i used to like don't get me wrong i brushed twice a day but like i used to brush the second i wake up now i brush my teeth at like noon and sometimes i don't even do it at all if i'm by myself and i forget listen i'm just being honest with you guys we're gonna go get a matcha before we go i like to leave like 15 minutes early so that i can show up and like have something in hand bye kitty cat see you later love you [ __ ] it's hot so we're gonna go grab a matcha why is it not loading on our way i really hope i i think i brush my teeth terrible there's something nice about carrying around a drink what can i say what can i say like sometimes i'll go and walk and get matcha like three times in a day just because i like want something to do if we're being honest it's not a cheap activity like matcha's in coffee like they they add up it's an expensive hobby but i do enjoy it let's see if it's ready it's ready brb got it okay so it's 11 30 and i don't have to be there till noon and it will take me five minutes to get there so i'm like what do i do i don't like being early because i just don't like i'd rather spend time like by myself instead of like being early somewhere so i might just sit here for a sec okay why is this girl staring at me like as if she isn't walking around in west hollywood california where all the vloggers exist like some girl just like gave me the dirtiest look for having a camera and talking to it and i'm like we're in la okay like most people are filming every move that they make it's not it shouldn't be that shocking anymore ah should i do a what's in my uh center console of my car haul yes i'm gonna do that you don't know what the center console is it's like the thing in between the two seats reusable spoon reusable spoon hand sanitizer are you having fun yet hi sir love you copious amounts of hot sauce a hair tie orange tic tacs the best flavor of tic-tacs love tampon lip balm some soy sauce in a rubber band no way remember wait i actually [ __ ] with this wait this is actually kind of fun let's bring these back oh my god i have a coachella guys your center console in your car will tell a lot about you as a person literally an artifact scissors that's it that was my center console haul i've killed enough time i hope you guys enjoyed my uh my center console haul like really i really hope you enjoyed it like i know you i know you guys probably did because there's like some seriously riveting stuff in there but i'll see you guys when i get to the shoot i'm i'm gonna go over there now so yeah i'm getting my makeup and hair and nails done i feel like a princess today god bless you all oh god i thought my phone was gonna fall off my lap bye i'm ready um i can't show anything else which is like oh emma best vlogger ever showing everything she's doing yeah right i don't show everything that i do so sorry about that i'm not showing everything i'm doing so sorry about that oh my god look at my hair though i'm gonna keep these extensions in for as long as i possibly can because i want to feel like i have long hair again see ya i'm done time to go get lunch [Music] we're gonna go to my favorite grocery store erwin i can't believe i've never filmed me at air one it's like the la grocery store i've never filmed it before so we're gonna go together hi finish the shoot it was really fun it was really short i got a mani at the chute but now i need to go eat because i am very hungry so let me explain erwan to you basically air one is like a grocery store that's just like extreme it's hard to explain i will show you so that you can kind of understand but in la erwan is like the place to go because there's great food it's extremely overpriced people love it i have a lot of adrenaline right now because sometimes when i do shoots i like leave and i just like feel like i feel crazy because i just like you know did something that was kind of nerve-wracking and then all of a sudden i'm like talking a million miles an hour and super [ __ ] annoying so i kind of feel like i'm being like that right now i haven't had long hair like this in forever it's kind of giving me an attitude i'm serious i can't make this stuff up like for the rest of the day i'm about to be a raging [ __ ] i'm also hangry like i am hungry one of my favorite times of the day is when i come to air juan and get some food and watch youtube videos in my car it's like i can't explain it but there's something like romantic about it although the other day when i was sitting in my car eating my air wand somebody came up to my car window and started knocking on the window i'm not lying um and i don't want to be mean but i didn't ask what they wanted or give them the time of day and i immediately drove away and it kind of killed my vibe while i was in erwin i saw my old beloved the vegan buffalo cauliflower it hurts me every time i see it like i miss it so much it literally felt like a breakup when i realized that it was causing me stomach problems i'm not kidding like i was equally as devastated instead of like getting a full meal at erwan i know that i have a lot of groceries at home so i'm forcing myself to complete my meal with food that i already have in my fridge i am my own mother like i am my own mother i literally discipline myself i'm like emma no you have food at home like what the [ __ ] kind of grandma [ __ ] i swear to god me being my own mom is kind of honestly handy because it's like if if i wasn't my own mom nothing would get done like really like i have to yell at myself and be like emma it's time to do your [ __ ] chores you stupid little stubborn [ __ ] we're home so we're making a little yogurt vegan yogurt this is my favorite one god i'm such an influencer today i feel like you're just keeping like this is my favorite one like emma shut the [ __ ] up i used to never wash my fruit but recently i've been washing it and then putting it back into the container because the other day i found a dried-up roly-poly bug in one of my raspberries i've been forever scarred this is the best granola i love it very delicious okay listen i just got invited to dinner so here's my plan um i have to be ready in 30 minutes the extensions are out i took off all my makeup except for my eye makeup and i'm going to attempt to touch up the rest of my face makeup so let's see what we can accomplish here like i'm really gonna try to make something out of nothing here okay i actually feel like this could work my skin's kind of red and irritated from wearing makeup all day which happens to me sometimes not to mention i have like no time like if this doesn't work i'm kind of screwed fun fact if you put your foundation on the back of your hand you can rub the excess on your neck fun fact i think i've said that like every time i've ever done a makeup tutorial but anyway so far so good could totally go downhill from here though this is where i feel like things can go downhill okay that actually worked out maybe let's find out can i do it again on the other side okay honestly not bad things are working um it looks really bad in the camera that's embarrassing um okay we might be [ __ ] things up a little bit not to mention i'm like exhausted so not sure how going to dinner is gonna go for me it's it's throwing me off because my lips are not done but i feel like we're getting there i feel like we're getting somewhere maybe it's possible i'm running out of time as well i need to be ready in 20 minutes okay i need to do my lips right now because they look [ __ ] terrible must over line sorry i'm being conceited sorry you guys had to see that i was like in the mirror okay but y'all admit that you do that too so honestly i salvaged that wow guys okay the lighting's [ __ ] weird hold on i mean honestly i'm literally using my [ __ ] phone my eyes are like still done okay i'm happy with it does it look good i literally don't care time to pick out an outfit now this is when things are gonna get messy here's the first thing i don't like carrying a purse so i need to wear pants that have pockets so that's first step i'm kind of leaning towards jeans honestly like i'm just feeling like it's a jean night for me and i i feel like there's nothing wrong with that i'm making a mess check one of these will do but now i need to dress it up on the top half because i'm wearing jeans so it's like i have to like kind of classy it up this is where i start to freak out this is where i start to completely lose it wait what's the weather like why is my flashlight on i feel like you know when like moms are like walking around with their phones like this and they're like get in the car it's time for school and you're like mom your [ __ ] flashlight is on [ __ ] okay it's 60 degrees so that's kind of cold but i'm like weirdly determined to wear this top because i feel like it'd be cute okay i feel like that's a good start to the outfit so let's try it on okay i'm ready i have my lipsticks and i'm putting them in my pocky i actually have 10 minutes to spare too can you believe it i have 10 god my makeup does not look bad listen don't doubt yourself guys like you would be surprised what you're capable of um anyway god what a day like actually a lot happened to me today like i actually did things can you believe it i can't personally because i'm so used to doing absolutely nothing every single day so like this was kind of a hectic day and now i'm like gonna go be social so that's pretty crazy um i really loved hanging out with you guys today and i hope you had fun hanging out with me and i love you all very much and you guys are my besties and that's that's for real and here's your forehead kiss i hope you're having an amazing week if you're not i get it and i've been there we get through it we're tough as humans we're tough look at me being inspirational but it's [ __ ] true so whatever i love you guys very much here's another forehead kiss honestly i can't just give you one it's just like not enough have a beautiful rest of your week and i'm gonna go to dinner okay i love you guys i'm going now bye i actually have to go now see now i'm gonna be [ __ ] late [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,783,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: bM9UvblCv9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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