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hi it's 7am i'm up i'm up i feel like this needs looks like it needs more coffee good morning i'm not the same person i was in the last video i made i'm not kidding there's been a shift in me it all started when i decided to go to the beach a few days ago by myself i decided to bring a book with me now if i'm being honest i did not bring the book to the beach because i was like oh emma you're for sure gonna read this in fact i was like emma you're definitely not gonna read this you're gonna put this in your bag just to make your bag useful and then you're not even gonna pull it out once you get to the beach well i was wrong i got to the beach i pulled out my book and i started reading it and over the last week i've fallen in love with reading something about it has changed me i can't name one time you guys have ever seen me do the dishes i have this newfound inspiration for life from reading becoming a new book reader has made me uh if we're being really honest less depressed i don't know why and i can't believe it i think the reason why i've been less depressed recently is because instead of going on my phone when i'm laying in bed by myself i read reading is harmless going on social media is not harmless makes you sad it makes you compare yourself to other people makes you depressed it's no bueno why is my pants still dirty and i put it in the dishwasher okay nothing a little extra scrubby debbie can't fix the only one bad thing about reading is that now i feel like i need to now i keep using all these big words in conversations not like big words but like let's say on a day-to-day basis i'm normally talking at like an eighth grade vocabulary level nothing a little extra scrubby debbie can't fix well since starting reading i maybe have unlocked the part of my brain that holds all of the 10th grade vocabulary words and now i'm starting to bring him out to play and i can't imagine how annoying it is for people around me they're like emma you don't need to use the word extravagantly to describe something very mediocre see but then i just use the word like mediocre like why am i doing this it's like something about it wait i don't think that i ran the dishwasher with all the [ __ ] in it because it's like all the stuff's kind of dirty like i just started unloading the dishwasher but everything's dirty whatever all jokes aside i'm now a new advocate of reading and the funny thing is i i talked about this my podcast anything goes podcast if you want to check it out i think i've read maybe like five books in my whole life for pleasure that weren't for like a homework assignment or something like that like usually i'm not reading for me like i'm reading to get a good grade i'm reading for some sort of ulterior motive but my dad was like emma you need to start reading like this is so good like it's helping me get off my phone and it's probably gonna be even better for you and more useful and i was like okay shut up i'm never gonna read i'm not somebody who like you know i'm just not a reader and so like when i ordered my first book and like picked it up for the first time i got about like three pages in and then i realized that i actually had forgotten how to read i would read a whole page i'd flip to the next page and then i realized oh wait i absorbed no knowledge or information from that page then i'd go back and read the page again and i'd read the whole thing and i'd flip to the next page and then i'd be like uh still didn't really understand what happened but guess what now i can read smoothly in efficiency efficiently efficiently smooth and efficiently there's something about reading a book especially if it's about history or it's like based about based in history like even if it's a fictional book if it's kind of like based around history or something like that that especially can be very grounding because it shows you oh people have been you know having the same struggles for bazillions of years right and then when you go on your phone and go on social media you you see right through it for some reason because your brain when you're reading is conditioned to like put things into perspective you're less likely to be like oh [ __ ] my homies in the bahamas i'm pissed because you just see everything for what it is and you're like well who knows if he's even having a good time i don't care i'm just going to enjoy my life for what it is feel free to leave book recommendations in the comments let's have uh that was extreme i'm wet now that's what she said actually she probably doesn't say that very often it feels good to start the day in a clean kitchen i've never been somebody who prioritized cleanliness but since my book reading renaissance i am a changed woman i wake up at seven i clean my kitchen i make my coffee i get back into bed i read i get up i take a walk possibly i start working on something productive i get back in bed i read more i cook i read more then i go on my phone for a little bit because i'm human back to the book reading more and that's my daily schedule now these days hi declan yeah cat mom life whatever i'm on one this morning it's cause i was talking about books [Music] oh didn't see there i was reading you honestly okay watch me like accidentally like fall in love with books to a point where like it becomes a romantic thing like on the show my strange addiction where a guy like falls in love with his car i really am falling in love with reading and i kind of want to talk about it just a little bit more i know you're like emma can you just cook something or like do a haul or like do your makeup routine like shut the [ __ ] up about books i've talked about this before on every platform i have my podcast especially going on my phone too much makes me sad the problem is when i'm in bed and i'm relaxing as every human does the first thing i do is go on my phone because it's like the only thing i can think of doing if i'm not doing that i'm watching you know tv shows or you know youtube videos and stuff like that and all of that is great in moderation but i needed something else to do in my bed that wasn't media i needed some form of entertainment that wasn't media to disconnect me from the virtual realm the only thing that exists is book it's so amazing it's so amazing and once you get into the swing of it you can't stop it's addictive you learn more words your vocabulary gets better and stronger you start using the word extravagant a lot you might start using the word whilst instead of wild like wait whilst whilst whilst you might start feeling smarter than everybody else that's okay maybe you are i don't know what i'm gonna do today but this is step one [Music] okay i've done all my hobbies for the day like i read my book i [ __ ] played drums what now oh my god i just remembered it's literally eight in the morning my neighbors are definitely like can you stop i get it i get it i'd be angry if i was them i don't know what i'm doing um i have all my groceries i just went grocery shopping yesterday in fact i've been going grocery shopping like every day because i like genuinely enjoy going to the grocery store but i've been like too many days in a row and i'm like overly stocked up on things don't need to go there definitely don't need to spend any money on clothes i literally just went on d-pop last night which i haven't done in a while d-pop's like a thrifting app i went on d-pap last night and spent money what do i do it's time to cook oh look magically these two pieces of bread are on my cutting board what what in the world could i be making i haven't had avocado toast in a really long time i just like forgot that it existed we're gonna make avocado toast right now so i kind of forgot how i make it to be honest this one's like not ripe yet [ __ ] if i'm opening an unripe avocado i'm gonna be sad whatever it's pretty perfect okay so we have half of an avo i saw that it's like going viral to put honey on your avocado toast but that's just like not something i can get behind now we're gonna add spices oh ew there's like a [ __ ] no oh it's like a weird like stem in it that makes me so grossed out okay first we're gonna add salt decent amount of salt okay probably too much what i just did pepper okay we're gonna do chili flakes this is the worst this is the worst one this isn't ah why'd i scream okay whatever chili flakes onion hopefully i don't see anyone today we're gonna add a little bit of lemon that's probably good okay i feel good about that mixture mmm guacamole i don't want to wait for my toast to toast okay we're going to make one half now and the other half when it's ready hmm cute what is this in my avocado no get yours okay let's give this a go yes yeah yeah beautiful you know when avocados have strings in them like little strings i can't deal with that brunch is served that easy i don't know what i'm gonna do for the rest of my day really i might just continue to read it's friday it's a day of relaxation it's kind of warm out maybe i should like lay out in the sun and get a little tan we'll see where the universe guides me declan hi i'm done reading for the day i feel like i'm wasting the day reading okay wait that's so contradictory from what i was saying earlier i'm not wasting the day but like it's a great day out it's a beautiful day out i'm inside i'm reading which is great but maybe i should go outside i've been trying to work on my tan and the uv is literally an eight right now which if you don't know what the uv is oh my god it's a nine i'm going out i'm tanning this i can get tan okay when the uv index is really high which is like the strength of the sun rays or something you can get tan it's like that can that tells you how quickly you can get tan we're gonna set up a little beach vacation in my backyard right now and try to make tanning fun i'm even gonna bring my book putting on some sunscreen i don't really put it on the rest of my body which is probably not good but i do put it on my face and my neck don't forget your sunscreen kids why is this lighting so bad it's tan time i look awful listen it's not fun to tan like tanning's not fun but i like getting the vitamin d like it's worth it it's worth it it's a grind but it's worth it i really should have made a coffee before i came out here but now i'm like already in it you know what i mean so it's like okay can't go back now you know i did it i think i should get my book out yes i brought a bag into my own backyard because i wanted to feel like i was at the beach should i do a quick what's in my beach bag okay what's in my beach bag haul give this video a thumbs up number one i have a pair of glasses that i forgot were in here enjoy that my book because i'm literally so smart i have my reading glasses literally like who the [ __ ] wears reading glasses when they're outside tanning just doesn't the vibes don't align like the aesthetic does not align oh i have a tampon i don't need that out here but it was in my bag already so i'm not going to fight it oh i have a chapstick um i have a hair tie all right turn it up turn it up i have my phone oh ah my phone but now is sand all over it because i bring this bag to the beach every time i go to the beach and that's uh what's in my beach bag haul hope you guys enjoyed i think i'm gonna read my [ __ ] book what is this what is this vlog this vlog is just moments in between me reading my book all right i'll see you guys hi i'm so tired from laying in the sun does that happen to you guys too it's time to start cooking i'm in the mood for a stir fry that's what we're gonna do so anyways um what's going on the only thing i know how to talk about is what's going on in my book but unfortunately i'm like the only one that's reading it so maybe there are some um there are some negative side effects to reading which is that all you want to talk about is the book that you're reading but unless you're a part of a book club you're kind of [ __ ] i always thought the book clubs were so stupid like the concept of it i was always like uh why but i kind of get it because there's something like when you're reading a book it's like you want to talk about it with somebody luckily my dad has read this book so i've been able to talk to him about it but i don't know i think i kind of get why why [ __ ] moms like to go to their book clubs i think i get it now listen i can only imagine that you know the moms that go to book clubs aren't just going to the book club to talk about books they're also probably at the book club to talk about their cheating husband or something of that sort but i get it you know what i may actually need to go to the grocery store today that could be a fun activity because if i don't go to the grocery store [ __ ] i'm not leaving the house actually i am going to dinner tonight finally doing something relatively interesting with my life right maybe i'll do a little get ready with me for dinner later you want to know what i cooked the other day so you know how starbucks has those egg white bites well i was like i'm not gonna go to starbucks to get this i'm gonna try to make them myself i'll show you they look so gross egg white bites okay sounds fun in theory they're really not that good should i even explain what i'm cooking here or does it even matter [ __ ] it it doesn't matter okay fine i'll tell you i'm making i make this tempeh y'all tempeh is so good like i have grown to love it so much i literally don't even know what tempeh is but i love it so we have that okay now we make the sauce i've literally showed how to do this if i had a peanut allergy i would not i don't think i'd know how to go through life do you know what the sauce needs water you don't want to put too much water in your sauce or else the whole thing will go to [ __ ] i think that's perfect look at that consistency oh look at this sauce okay that was a huge peanut butter chunk i clearly the whisk did not work love oh i don't know how to explain what just happened but there's peanut sauce all over the lens i mean that's why you can't see me right now oh my god literally just my luck that oh my god oh no literally my camera fell straight into the food i don't know what i'm more upset about the fact that my food has all the bacteria for my camera on it or the other way around watch me literally need to get oh my god this is like permanently bad huh oh my god well it kind of looks like i look like an angel right now oh hi we're back okay well you basically virtually tasted my peanut sauce what did you think i can't okay hold on hold on sorry hold on give me one sec okay hi i've made the decision that i need to get some fresh air i'm literally wearing slippers though like we're this is not an athletic walk this is like a light stroll okay i have quite a bit of time before i need to get ready for dinner if i don't use this time wisely and i don't go on a walk or something i will go on tick tock and waste the next three hours rotting my brain it is a beautiful evening it's so like nice and warm i am kind of frightened of being judged by my neighbors because i don't think this is a very normal occurrence you can go on a walk at any time you can just pick up and go on a walk at any time you can be wearing anything you want look at what i'm wearing right now i'm wearing [ __ ] slippers okay and i'm still making it happen you know i can say all i want about how much i hate la but the weather in the spring and summer during the evening oh my god it's next level it's so nice also i can't even imagine how psychotic this looks with me with my [ __ ] camera with the like microphone and leftover peanut sauce all over my lens i'm just gonna walk for a while i didn't bring my phone because i was like i don't want to even have it actually i probably should have brought my phone huh it's not really safe whatever i did karate as a kid so i feel like if anybody tries to hurt me i could like use a combination of my peanut butter sauce covered lens and like my fists and to defend myself i feel like that's more than enough i'll see you after my walk hi i just got out of the shower i only washed my body as you can tell by my disgusting oh my god my hair looks really bad i don't even know if i want to put that on the internet like that might even be too real for even me oh i think i like matched my shade really well today i mixed two shades it actually kind of went well which really never happened so that feels like an accomplishment yes i'm rubbing the excess on my neck it's called efficiency recently oh i really got a lot on my lips um recently i've been wearing orangey eyeshadow even if i'm like just wearing makeup to like go to the store just because i want to get dressed up like i will wear orange eyeshadow it's minor it's not crazy but there's a reason why i do this and it's because every time i wear orange eyeshadow i get compliments on my eyes at no other time do i get compliments on my eyes strangers will come up to me but if i'm not wearing orange eyeshadow it doesn't happen i actually get uncomfortable when people give me compliments and i'm really bad at taking compliments i'll give you a scenario of how i behave when i'm receiving a compliment pov somebody says to me emma you look really pretty today what's my response ah no i don't i literally don't and here's why um number one i had diarrhea earlier i honestly this is so bad but like i am trying to teach myself and every day i'm teaching myself to believe people when they give me a compliment this is when things get scary because we're doing cream contour i used to do this and then i stopped because i got lazy but i'm like trying to incorporate it again but it's a scary product to use because i like literally don't know what i'm doing like that's too much oh my god way too much definitely going to contour the jawline like does that even do anything honestly kinda i don't know if like the forehead contour thing is my thing but tonight it's gonna have to be my thing cause i just put it on you know what this actually isn't so bad i didn't do too terrible of a job we're gonna do cream highlight i'm i'm getting into creamy makeup like i i had a phase like a few years ago where i was into creamy makeup and then i stopped because it's like kind of more work like you have to really put like your elbow grease into it a little bit more like you have to do this motion like dab your face and [ __ ] like that's a lot of work okay so i got this new lip plumper guys i'm gonna be brutally honest with you like my favorite makeup product might be lip plumper okay now it comes into the eye shadow time where we're going big orange i just i've had this palette forever okay and i found it in the bottom of my drawer and i was like this is perfect for me okay i take like this lighter shade and then this kind of orange shade lightly dusted all over my lid done that's all i do i don't even do anything in the crease i don't even really clean it up i'm not trying to complicate things for myself here okay but i actually do do kind of one more thing so then i take this darker like reddish shade and then i do my lower thing i look a little bit weird today there's something off with my makeup did i forget a step oh i did actually miss a step oh my god i did i like to take highlighter dip my finger in it a tiny bit and just put it in my inner corner it really does actually make a how [ __ ] i just poke my eyeball you guys saw that i've been getting a lot of comments that i like curl my eyelashes wrong and i don't know what i do wrong like please correct my form here what am i doing wrong i don't have my phone near me to google how i'm supposed to be curling my eyelashes i don't feel like i'm doing it wrong like this seems right like what help you guys have any makeup tips for me please share now this is when things get fun oh my god i'm literally oh i kind of do have a lazy eye huh it's all right i'm gonna do lip liner then i use the lipstick i know i never thought i'd be you know a person who uses lipstick i'm growing up oh i need to add a lip gloss i'm gonna have this shimmery bay matches my eye shadow cute and that's the final look first let's pick out outerwear i already know what i want to wear are you kidding me i'm obsessed with this that's cute i'm going to save you the pain of watching me go into my closet and pick out pants for this outfit so we're just gonna cut to the chase here i'm ready okay let's get right on in close thank you guys for hanging out with me all day today i hope that you guys pick up a book by chance maybe can you stop making loud sounds right now okay i feel like i was actually too mean to him it's okay you can make a little bit of loud sounds sorry i think i hurt his feelings look up online what eye shadow color complements your eye color start wearing that eyeshadow color that's what i want you to take from this video anyway i'm gonna be late to dinner but i love you so much and i had so much fun hanging out with you and i'm gonna hang out with you again and again and again there is your forehead kiss bye wish me luck at dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,465,015
Rating: 4.9865689 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: j-sF-Mh68oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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