i don’t want to go home

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i have one day left in paris i'm a little bit sad about it being my last day but i'm also ready by the end of the trip you're always like okay i'm ready to go home although i'm not going home i'm going to new york tomorrow listen i'm just not ready to go back to la yet i'm going to wait until something forces me to go home i have a cat sitter like my cats are fine they're being fed and pet and cuddled every day not by me which is unfortunate but they are being taken care of right now i'm in the mood for a coffee i already had one this morning but i think it's time for another one so i'll start there it's almost like a scavenger hunt it's like okay first up i want to find a coffee shop then i just walk until i find one of those and it's like a scavenger hunt next thing you know you've been out all day and you had a great [ __ ] time also i literally love filming myself in public here because for some reason nobody cares it's really awesome okay never mind somebody just gave me a weird look some man just looked at me like i killed his family so i actually take everything i said back [Music] i have a slight issue i need to go to the bathroom so bad like not even just like oh i have to pee or like oh i have to like maybe go number two like i have to do both like i need to like sit on the toilet for an hour right now but i'm out for the day like i'm not planning on going back to my hotel room for the rest of the day so you know i mean i'll figure it out it's just that [Music] last night my dad and i went to an art museum and it was one of those like famous paris art museums it's called the dorsey it had a bunch of famous paintings in it van gogh paintings monet paintings i think that this museum experience really opened my eyes to the fact that actually museums are kind of fun they're not fun that's not the right word but they're amusing they're like relaxing and amusing like i wasn't like ah [ __ ] yes ah i love this monet painting so much i'm having literally so much fun this is better than coachella you know like it wasn't like that it's a very unique form of entertainment going to a museum is a very different kind of entertainment anyway i took pictures of some of my favorite art pieces that i saw you look at this dude laying in bed and you can like feel what his body feels like right now like he's been snuggled up in bed for a few hours his blankets and sheets are all warmed up he's all insulated in the in the bed and he's all warm you know like that's the vibe like that's the vibe i can like feel this vibe see this is a van gogh painting and the funny thing about van gogh paintings is that obviously they're extremely famous everybody in the museum was like fangirling over the van gogh paintings and it was so interesting to see people like fangirling over an inanimate object but anyway i was also fangirling this is actually my favorite painting of all time i am [ __ ] obsessed with this painting i honestly really want to buy a fake one and just put it up in my house and i know that that's so wrong like i know it's just so [ __ ] good i love all the colors in it i love the wonkiness of the room there's something weirdly nostalgic about it i love how there's paintings of paintings in this on the top right like this is just the [ __ ] this is my favorite painting of all time and i know that i'm not saying anything groundbreaking here i think a lot of people probably love this painting it's very [ __ ] famous painting but whatever i can still appreciate it it's so funny like with art i feel like talking about famous art is like the same thing as talking about popular music it's like not cool to like the popular thing but [ __ ] all that i hate that and i love this painting and i cannot wait to buy a fake one i don't know why i was so obsessed with this portrait van gogh did this portrait of this dude i just love his facial expression he looks a little bit nervous he looks like me anytime i'm at a social event like when i'm at a party this is what my face looks like just a little bit uncomfortable what the [ __ ] another van gogh painting that's just a [ __ ] banger this one is just so good it kind of reminds me of coraline coraline is my favorite movie and this kind of reminds me of the house in coraline i just love everything about that this is the famous van gogh self-portrait i mean i had to [ __ ] take a photo of it he looks great in it the thing i do wonder about self-portraits back in the day is like how did they like how did they do it like did they take like a photo of themselves were there even cameras back then i know there were cameras okay don't get [ __ ] mad at me i play dumb all the time i'm not actually that dumb i play dumb a lot and i am dumb sometimes but i know that there were cameras back then actually i'm not 100 sure there had to have been cameras i know there were cameras anyway um yeah this is just a full painting of a vagina i'd love to say that i'm classy i'd love to say that i can see the beauty in a painting of a vagina i took a selfie in front of it and i sent it 10 people you know what i'm saying like anyway i'm gonna start going to art museums more i really enjoyed that it's relaxing but not boring it's kind of similar to reading a book it's like this very relaxing form of entertainment which i think the older you get the more you appreciate and so you know i might start going to museums more i'm not kidding i've had to go to the bathroom for the past half hour and the problem is it's hard to just find a bathroom like i don't know where to go to find a [ __ ] bathroom like where do i go to find a bathroom i'm in a park right now there's no bathrooms here also if i ask somebody again i'm really bad at languages and listen this is my fault but like you know if i ask somebody where the bathroom is chances are they're going to tell me in french and i'm just going to have to try to decode what they told me and i'll probably find a bathroom somewhere the problem is i don't know how long i can hold it [Music] i found the [ __ ] bathroom in in a mall i think i'm in a mall like a shopping mall i don't know know that bathroom experience i walk into this bathroom and i see a toilet so i start walking towards it and then i get yelled at and i was like what and she was like you have to pay to use the toilet and i was like oh okay that's fine i will pay to use the toilet i can't believe i have to pay to poop never thought that that would happen but hey sure whatever i pay this woman i get in line i mean like i was in so i was so uncomfortable like i was past the point of no return like it wasn't like oh i have to pee a little bit i have to poop a little bit it was like oh no i'm actually about to [ __ ] and piss myself at the same time my abdomen felt like felt like it had rats inside of it just eating me from the inside out so i'm waiting in line to use the toilet the woman comes up to me again and she's like you forgot to pay and i was like no i just paid you i just paid you a few seconds ago she's like you didn't pay and i was like yes i did queen i love you i can't wait to use your toilet i don't want to fight with you right now but i did just pay and i'm not going to pay again to go poop because i feel like that shouldn't be a thing anyway like i feel like i should be able to poop for free in general uh so i'm just paying once this time and she was like you didn't pay and i showed her my receipt and then she was like oh okay and then i and then i went to the bathroom and it was great and i feel great now my body feels uh super relaxed um but that experience was kind of traumatizing so now i am laying in a park just to try to decompress after what i've been through um although what was kind of magical is that while i was using the toilet a ladybug flew onto my arm inside of a building i don't know how a ladybug got in there but it was kind of a magical moment so me and this ladybug got to hang out while i was pooping and you know it was cute it was sweet but anyway yeah oh my god there's a [ __ ] eiffel tower right there can you see it [Music] do [Music] i was having a relaxing peaceful lunch and i go in my bag to get my wallet and it's not [ __ ] in there i [ __ ] lost my wallet listen it would be one thing if i was at home and i lost my wallet but i'm not in i'm not home it had all my credit cards in it luckily it didn't have my passport in it but it had my vaccine card like everything and i'm freaking out and i i had to have left it at the coffee shop that i was at before but that coffee shop closes in seven minutes and i'm literally seven minutes away so if they close early or they don't have it i'm [ __ ] but i had to have left it there that's that's because i because i used my credit card to pay there so it has to be there so i'm really hoping it's there because i it couldn't be anywhere else if it's not there i'm not i don't know everything just went to [ __ ] if i can find it though my day will be made and i will be i swear to god i will be the most i will never complain ever again about anything if i found my wallet right now you guys oh my god i [ __ ] found it it was at the coffee shop when i walked in they were like we know what you want and i was like yes what would i have done i don't know i i don't know i can now continue my adventure so life is good i just i'm appreciating life in a new light now you know it's funny this is why i normally don't carry a wallet like i don't even own a wallet like i'm literally using an envelope i forget [ __ ] everywhere i lose [ __ ] all the time so i never carry a wallet i always put things in my pocket but today i was like you know what we'll do a little wallet and then i [ __ ] lose it [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,319,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, vlog
Id: 38yZqeSJY4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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