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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] good morning everybody i just woke up come on downstairs with me i'm not even brushing my teeth or doing my skincare yet this is this is the truth of my of my routine i'm not lying to you guys i go immediately downstairs when i wake up oh my god white wait a minute this is my creamer and i guess my refrigerator is on a really cold setting because please listen to this it's it's frozen solid what i remember a few videos ago i was like oh my god i'm gonna start daily vlogging which will never happen i will never daily vlog but what's a little harm in doing a whole daily vlog every once in a while what's crazy to me is i just used to vlog my random days literally vlog me doing [ __ ] nothing and somehow people liked it and then i got in my head about it and i was like there's no way emma that people want to see you driving to a coffee shop editing in it for two hours going getting food and then going home but you know what maybe i'm wrong the first thing i do in the morning well you don't care it's gonna be like the first thing i do in the morning is make a coffee so that i feel really awake throughout the day i'mma shut up okay good news even though my other ones were frozen i do have a not frozen one that is very very hot to me i still can't believe that my [ __ ] creamers are rock solid today is gonna be a little different because i normally don't i normally don't listen i normally don't do anything but i'm vlogging today on a day when i actually have a task that's rare let's talk about it this is where i film my tic tocs does this look familiar so the first thing i do this isn't a tutorial why do i keep like explaining i could just do it oh my god i made a big mistake i'm about to brush my teeth right now with a black hoodie on one false move okay that was annoying time to brush my teeth okay it's time to do my skin care and actually we have some good news this video is sponsored by bliss i've been using bliss's skincare for quite a bit now to try it out make sure i like it i truly love this stuff today i'm going to be talking about their clear genius line basically i went on accutane as you guys know to help with my acne because my acne was really bad and it was hormonal there was no way of like getting rid of it so my dermatologist told me to go and accutane that's fun and all but now that i'm off accutane it's really important for me to maintain my skin and so this is what i've been using the clear genius line has a clarifying gel cleanser clarifying toner and serum a clarifying liquid peel but i don't use this until nighttime so i love their skincare because it's spa quality but also the ingredients are clean so that things aren't harmful to your skin i'll talk more about the specifics at the end of the video but for now i need to wash my face because i need to put on makeup because i'm doing something today okay first i'm gonna use this cleanser i love it because it's nice and gentle but it still does its job it still removes the dirt and oil it still does everything a cleanser supposed to do but it isn't too harsh then i take this clarifying toner and serum i love it because it's like a two in one it does everything that you want it to do all right and then last but not least for my morning routine i keep it really simple last but not least i use moisturizer um this is not a part of the clear genius line but it is still bliss moisturizer and it's great so anyway i'll talk more about bliss later i love their products and thank you guys for sponsoring this video taking this ass back to bed i'm just gonna lay in bed for like the next 20 minutes until my skincare seeps into my face and then i'm gonna do my makeup i normally don't do my makeup in the morning at all um ever but i have two on camera over zoom interviews that are being i guess recorded or something and i don't want to do my makeup for it but i also feel like that i probably should just out of respect for everybody who's going to be on the zoom although i normally go on zooms and i look like [ __ ] so i don't know makeup time god the lighting when i try to film my makeup routine my makeup running like there's like these light strips like i don't understand how to make that go away how do i make this not look like [ __ ] you know what it might just have to look like [ __ ] how's that that's better no it's not since i've been doing a little bit of tanning out in the sun i don't really have to wear as much makeup because my skin just doesn't look bad like it normally does and i don't like to cover my nose because i like to show my freckles because i used to hate my freckles growing up but now i'm starting to learn to love myself honestly when you do things over zoom it's like okay nothing needs to be perfect nobody can actually see what's going on is that even even enough for me i like wish i did interesting things like i don't have hobbies what do i film me doing when i just don't do anything i also don't really cover my under eye bags that much anymore because i also kind of like those too they're genetic i literally have genetic under eye bags and everybody's always like emma you need to sleep and the thing is i've been sleeping for the past like three years and they never went away so like i actually like them now i kind of like don't hate them i'm gonna take this brow gel do my brow real quick my eyebrows are definitely my most neglected part of every routine that i have i just don't do anything to them i'm now gonna take some powder put a little bit under my eyes a little bit on my forehead because literally i have the worst like forehead wrinkles every highlighter it's just the fenty one pretty can't even see it because it's overexposed but not my fault i want to like get into makeup because the other day i like was on a set and i got my makeup done the way that she did my makeup made me look so much cooler than i really am i just look kind of like badass for the first time my whole life and now i want to know how to do what she did to me i'm next to put on this this is a lip plumping lip balm which is funny because people are always like emma you got lip injections and i'm like no i'm literally just using lip plumping um lip balm but thank you guys what else do i need to do i guess just eyelashes when i'm done see makeup routine in under 10 minutes i found that like less makeup is more do you know what i mean like i i really used to like overdo it and i'd put too much product on my face and it was just not working okay makeup is done i'll do a setting spray just for the video because i feel like you guys would appreciate that i don't know if this [ __ ] actually works can somebody who knows about makeup tell me done and i'm not gonna clean up my station is this a mess yes am i going to do anything about it nars here's my finished makeup see this is why it's good to have a simple makeup routine because then it's like i can't [ __ ] this up i'm a little bit stupid i found out that actually the interviews i'm doing today are over the phone and do not require me to be ready so why did i just do my makeup let me make sure am i correct oh my god yeah wow they're just on the phone time to go on to my interviews that i didn't need to do my makeup for joining conference now hello hi hello hi hey everybody my interviews are done very fun but i'm [ __ ] starving so let's go make some breakfast i'm about to make some burnt eggs it's my favorite breakfast last time i made eggs on camera everybody was like emma why the [ __ ] do you burn your eggs and i literally like them crispy like is that such a crunch need cholula two eggs avocado there is a slight problem and it's that my avocados are old like i have had them for a really long time so they might be rotten oh no not good maybe we'll go grocery shopping today although i don't really like that okay this one's fine this one's fine i'll just cut off that little poopy part pee pee poo poo check i salt and pepper the pan before i put my eggs in so that the bottom has i guess this is unnecessary because i could just add salt and pepper after but this is literally what i do every day i feel like i've made 10 videos on my channel i'll be doing this exact daily routine i'm a creature of habit i think it's because i'm a gemini and everybody's always like oh gemini's just do the same thing they don't like change or something okay this avocado feels kind of weird like the texture of it it feels kind of hard i'm kind of scared mmm emma's burnt eggs nothing better than that oh they're burnt i've been trying to drink less coffee every day so i'm not gonna make another coffee yet okay so now put on the everything bagel seasoning take your cholula let's do a little sprinky sprinkles wow delicious cool i'm feeling a little iffy on my day today i don't really know what i want to do i spend like half the day just like trying to figure out what i'm gonna do with my day and then like i never accomplish anything this avocado's actually really good anyway i get self-conscious when people watch me eat so i'm out of here it's really hot out and i am wearing a hoodie this is why i shouldn't live in california because i only feel comfortable in a hoodie yet the temperature going on is not it doesn't work out i think that i want to go to trader joe's because there was a few things i bought for the video i did a video about trader joe's where i taste tested all their stuff i want to go there and i want to start shopping there more because i feel like number one it's good price good environment and i miss it so we're gonna go there but we're also gonna go to this thrift store that's nearby because i heard that they have really good like home decor home accessories i'm not in a huge clothing shopping mood i actually went yesterday should i show you what i got yesterday maybe i'll show you what i got yesterday mini thrift haul when i get home it feels weird driving around and filming it because this has been my forbidden fruit for so long there was nowhere for me to go or know where to film but now now things are changing i'm parking here parallel parky workie parallel parking never gets old it's not the hollywood fix but there's another guy outside there's a little hollywood fix vlog it's not the hollywood fix guy though so i don't know who it is so you wanted to fight dixie maybe i'll start training but probably not i'm pretty lazy okay and my worst fear came true a hollywood fix-esque person found me um i never know how they find you like how did he find me i was so out of my own i was like shaking my hands were shaking not to mention i didn't find anything at the thrift store so like it was just kind of a lose-lose just now but whatever you know what it happens i'm sweating oh that made me so uncomfortable my friends oh my god i was really trying but he really really he really got me okay well let's go to [ __ ] trader joe's now honestly the thing about trader joe's is that it makes me feel so safe there i feel so safe there i can't believe that just happened and i don't understand how he found me part of me just wants to order my groceries online and not go to trader joe's but the thing is is that what we need to remember is that you can't give up when you get uncomfortable i'm now at trader joe's but something funny happened when the camera was off i went to go get gas and guess who followed me there what the [ __ ] anyways um it is 111 which is the time that i always look at my phone so i'm glad that that happened um i'm going into trader joe's now i'll see you guys when i get back maybe we'll do a little grocery haul uh see you guys after well i'll see you in there [Music] actually got my groceries oh it's so hot pita chips these are the best pita chips on the planet these uh cauliflower thins avocado veggie sausage this rice cauliflower bowl just sounds good i've never tried it so it could be shitty we'll find out hummus because i just buy hummus everywhere i go literally four of the everything but the bagel seasoning i also got a bunch of other boring sauces like i got salt and pepper seasonings and then i got this and i think i want to eat now let's give it a whale oh what laurel let's give it a whirl almond butter cup down the hatch oh wow kind of good it's a little bit too sweet though that was my treasure chest haul um i feel like you guys would be mad at me if i didn't make a montage speed it up um fast motion wait what's it called time lapse i feel like you guys would be mad if i didn't make a time lapse of me putting my groceries away so fine i guess i'll do it done you guys want to see what i got i went thrifting yesterday i'm just going to give you guys a quick haul first i got these little athletic shorts super cute whatever then i got this top cute little sailor boys on it and last but not least this is very unique oh very unique it's like sweatshirt material it has like i don't even know what it is i'm actually gonna go um lay in bed for the next probably three hours until i'm hungry again then i will eat and then um maybe i'll exercise or something but no promises so anyway uh i'm so tired for some reason sorry just take taco i actually don't know what just happened i want to use my little cauliflower thins i could make like a little sandwich but i think i'm gonna make pizzas because i think that's more fun um you can't even see what i'm doing so i'll just move them here still can't really see it but whatever okay we're gonna do a little bit of tomato sauce on each oh my god it's like a fun little lunchable okay and then to make it taste extra good you take some pesto for a little bit a little bit then you're taking vegan cheese now this is when my counter is going to become messy and if i wasn't lazy i'd add olives and other toppings but i am lazy so we're not doing that wow easy fun snack and then i put it on bake and then i just bake it then i take it out and then i eat it wow it's not like amazing but it's also like it works ow i need to go to bed now um it is now 7 p.m and i took a nap for like three hours i am so exhausted i am so exhausted i need to feed the cats cat feeding routine check yes my cats do get filtered water you can't even see me right now yummy yummy my tummy fruit salad anyway fruit salad yummy yummy that's what i was saying now that my video is copyrighted um i am gonna go for a run and then come back and do a little ab workout maybe i'll do my ab workout outside no i won't do that i'm really exhausted and like going for a run right now sounds like absolute ass this is not gonna be fun please help me please please i'm back it's time to do an ab workout are you ready this is the craziest thing you're ever going to see watch this oh that's an awful angle this [ __ ] is so boring and i'm i look stupid i don't want to film this anymore done immediately time to get in the shower i feel disgusting i literally because i tanned today for a little bit off camera you guys didn't know about that but this is too lazy to film it also because i like to tan in a state where i if i film that this video would need to belong on a different platform so i couldn't really film it and i didn't really need to talk about it because what's the point talking about if you don't don't show it and guess what i'm doing right now i'm talking about it and i'm not and i didn't show it so it's a point anyway tanned earlier got really sweaty then took a nap while sweaty got more sweaty than exercise and i'm really sweaty so it's like majorly shower time emma chamberlain does shower okay i'm gonna do a crazy transition where i turn around and then i will be done in the shower out of the shower okay time to do a little skincare um i'm going to be using the same bliss cleanser i usually do my skincare outside of the shower because i don't like bringing my skincare stuff into the shower because then i like if for some reason i need to wash my face the next morning and i like didn't shower then i have to go into the shower to get it and it's just like a whole mess now that my face is nice and clean and dry i'm going to be using the clarifying liquid peel this is an overnight pour cleansing treatment you only need to use it a few times a week two to three times per week um i've used it for the past few weeks definitely really clears my skin out honestly the thing for me has been you know i went on accutane to help with my acne something i didn't realize was that acne can still come back after you're done with the treatment and it's still equally as important to take care of your skin these bliss products have really helped me maintain the clear skin and i'm so excited to be working with them because as you guys know i've shared my acne journey throughout all this and i wouldn't be talking about something that i wasn't really excited about i'm genuinely really excited about these products last but not least i'm going to finish off with this uh vitamin c tripeptide collagen protecting and brightening moisturizer also by bliss i also like i just like how simple the skincare routine is i really don't like when i'm using a lot of products it feels so good to finally not have acne this is like the first time in years where i don't have acne and it's so insane because like i've been struggling on and off with it probably since seventh or eighth grade you know it's it's not just been one product it's not just been one thing it's been like finding what works for me and what works for my body and all that and you know for me accutane was that but for maintaining it i've been loving this stuff and i mean i hope that you guys try it out and you love it and that's the end of that but thank you bliss for sponsoring this video okay i honestly i kind of okay i kind of forgot to tell you all the facts about bliss that make it so special it's clinically proven it's dermatologist tested it's vegan it's cruelty free and it's just overall a really clean product which is so important to me because i don't we don't need that extra stuff okay we don't need that extra stuff i've decided that i'm not cooking dinner there's just no way i am ordering it using some hair serums i never used to do any hair products after i'd get out of the shower like i literally give my hair zero attention i like forget it's on my head half the time i look like a [ __ ] psychopath i wish that i had like some cute neighbor team where i was like oh i'm gonna make tea no i'm gonna get into bed and i'm oh did i brush my teeth oh yeah i did i brushed my teeth in the shower i always brush my teeth in the shower and then i always forget like did i brush my teeth in the shower another thing that i do is i spray perfume on me after the shower even if i'm not seeing anyone i'm literally ready for bed that was i i don't waste any time um but we also need to let's [ __ ] be boys for a second watch this blue light should we do a different one like red or like purple my mom told me that i'm not supposed to use blue light because she was like that will create problems with your circadian rhythm don't ask me what that means you know what guys i'm literally going to watch some youtube or tick tock tick tock but i'm going to turn my damn camera off and i'm going to end this video i promise that um i'm going to like get a life soon and like start doing interesting things so that my videos can be more interesting but bad news i have a really hard time finding hobbies to be excited about i'm gonna do a crazy transition i love you all so much you're very very amazing to me it was a kiss on your forehead i hope you leaned in you guys know the drill i'm gonna start doing that maybe i should make that my official outro like hey kissy time is that creepy or no anyway good night hi everyone i forgot to say something my planner is out so i made a planner looks like this it's basically for planning your day-to-day life it also has some fun like activities and stuff in it i made every single page i've been using this i'm obsessed with this link in the description to buy it it's finally actually i don't think it's gonna be for sale yet well you can pre-order it right now but it'll be for sale on august 18th so whenever you're watching this um link in the description to check that out that is all i have to say i love you guys [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 9,331,489
Rating: 4.9570556 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, daily vlog
Id: aBsvtyygr0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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