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[Music] good morning [Music] thank you to google for sponsoring this portion of today's video when we're constantly on the internet looking at things it's very easy to see something and immediately look at it as fact because we saw it on the internet but the truth of the matter is not everything that we see on the internet is true google makes it a huge priority and encourages us to look at information on the internet critically and to do research ourselves when you see something on the internet it's important to make sure that it's credible always take a minute to step back look at the information that you're consuming check to see if it's real something that i've been searching up on the internet recently is vitamins which might sound random but i'm a vegetarian i want to make sure that i'm getting the proper vitamins that i need to be healthy and happy and i've been doing a lot of research on the b12 vitamin reading a lot of notes from scientists and from dietitians and things like that to see the benefits and so i have been taking b12 for the past few weeks and i mean hopefully it's doing something good for me i use google to research all of that and a lot of their work goes into making sure that quality and reliable sources are at the top of our searches in conclusion google and i so let's be better consumers of information together do our research and be thoughtful and critical it's important especially today big thank you to google for sponsoring this portion of today's video now let's hang out for the next 20 minutes or so hi sweet declan anyway there was your declan fix for the morning declan you do need to get off mommy though you need to get off of mommy i know i know you want to hang out with mommy right now but mommy needs to go sit on the couch you can come with mommy to the couch but no you need to get off of me he does not want to get off my lap this morning honestly i'm honored like i love when animals love me like it makes me feel like i'm special and different like i feel like it like makes me like feel loved i swear to god i've never sat on my couch in a youtube video before in my life so this is very weird i woke up late today i just kept pressing snooze on the alarm i feel like declan wants something from me like he's giving me a lot more attention than usual i really don't have anything on the agenda today but i do have one priority and it's that i need to do a little self-care routine because i have been so bad about like doing my skincare routine and like shaving my legs and stuff like that just because i've been so lazy for whatever reason it just hasn't been at the top of my list of priorities and so i'm starting to feel a little bit gross i i can't explain it it happens to me sometimes it's like when i just really am like doing the bare minimum every time i'm in the shower like i'm in the shower and i just wash my body i don't even wash my hair i don't shave my legs i don't do anything and then i don't do my skincare routine i just get straight into bed like when i do that too many days in a row i start to feel kind of gross i feel like i'm due to like really make myself feel good another thing is that i want to paint my toenails today so that's gonna be so exciting and i mean that's pretty much it i really don't have anything on the agenda when was the last time i had something on my agenda before i get into the shower hear me out the other day i was at the grocery store and i bought an apricot and i was like okay i don't know why i'm buying this i'm just buying it because i'm bored apricots are so good every season i have like a new fruit that i'm obsessed with during the winter it was raspberries i just couldn't stop eating raspberries the summer before that it was plums like i was eating plums like every day all day every day i think that my summer fruit this season or maybe my spring fruit i don't know is apricots okay oh my god they are so good and you take out their little pit do not sleep on apricots these are so good i also need to eat breakfast i'm having my usual breakfast this morning of spicy hummus and my egg white bites i've been eating these egg bites every morning for like a month i eat the same little yogurt bowl like i eat the same things every day so i was thinking maybe later i try to cook something new because i'm sick of eating the same things every day it's boring of me it's not interesting of me so that could be potentially on the agenda this is good for me this is good for me it's good for me to get in the shower it's a lot easier to lay in bed but you know what i know that i'm gonna feel good if i get in the shower and i shave and i wash my hair and i moisturize my body it's gonna feel great it's gonna be worth it on the other side i'll see you after the shower i feel scrumptious post shower it was so worth it i feel amazing it's always like before i take a shower i'm always like ugh i just like don't want to do it and then afterwards i feel so incredibly amazing maybe i'll do a face mask like honestly i'm like already you know i did a good job like i i got in the shower i shaved i wash my hair i brush my teeth in there because i like efficiency sometimes when i um i'm board i'll go to makeup stores or skin care stores and buy random products i actually do this more often than i wish to admit um and then i try them out so today we're going to be trying a new sheet mask that i found looked fascinating i like sheet masks on days that i'm feeling lazy because they're just so easy and there's also so many fun ones to try who knows if they even do anything but it feels good i feel gorgeous right now it's book reading time just give me like 30 minutes to read and then we can resume with the day i just feel like this is good for me time for me to paint my toes it's a self-care day i don't know there's something about gloomy weather that just makes me not able to do anything as much as i like getting my nails done in a salon i find that it just takes so much time that like i like to do my toes myself because they just decline you need to not get your cat hair in my pedicure because i will be mommy will be mad also i bought this you can't see it you see i bought it like a year ago so that i could do gel nails on myself and honestly guys i'm not kidding it's a game changer because i hate waiting for nail polish to dry gel manicures and pedicures are just so much better because there's no drying time you just put it in this machine and then it's done it's like the best creation ever today i'm using a shimmery pink color i don't know if i'm gonna like it but we're gonna find out okay i don't really like this color at all but whatever like i actually hate this color like i regret choosing it just now but you know sorry i really don't like this color i really hate this color i don't like how it turned out actually you know what now that i put on the second coat it's a little bit cuter i didn't really shave my ankle very well it's kind of still prickly a little bit in some spots honestly i was so passionate about nail art when i was younger like i literally was obsessed with doing nail art on myself and on other people it was like my number one hobby um and now i can barely paint my toes so it's crazy that i was more talented at painting nails as like a middle schooler than i am now but see and that was quick it took me like less than 10 minutes to do my own little pedicure does it look good not the best but it doesn't look terrible you know recently i've been struggling to like find things to do in my free time like when i have free time i don't know what to do because okay well what am i going to do my pedicure does look like the five-year-old did it you can't really see it but i don't want to put my foot closer to the screen because that's probably kind of gross i want to see the final product fine i'll show you it's better than nothing when in doubt remind yourself it's better than nothing it's what i do guys look the sun came out omg now i don't have an excuse to lay in bed anymore i don't know if i'm happy or sad about it yet i'm still deciding i think i'm happy about it because i really need to not be in bed nothing better than sitting outside with a iced tea caffeine free by the way let's brainstorm together let's brainstorm together things that i can do instead of going shopping now let me tell you my mind is blank maybe it's okay that i don't have anything to do maybe it's good maybe it's good for me maybe it's what i need or maybe i could go shopping no no no i got nothing guys i got literally nothing like i literally cannot think of anything to do what to do when you were bored okay i just found an article that says 64 things to do when you're bored number one watch reality tv don't want to do that trying not to watch tv two watch a classic movie no three read a great essay no start reading a book already did that play a video game absolutely not i had a little video game phase like a year ago where i was like playing video games every single day for like eight hours a day and i really don't want to go back down that that rabbit hole you know put together a puzzle no give yourself a pedicure i already did that meditate no make bread no no no no write a song okay i'm gonna write a song right now i used to go shopping when i was bored then i had to stop because i became a hoarder and now i have too many clothes in my closet and now i don't know what to do with them because i have too much and i've been keeping and i have not gotten rid of clothes and i still have clothes from high school in my class i but what do you do when when you have nothing to do and you want to go shopping but shopping makes you feel like poo because then you have too much stuff and all that stuff [Music] but that was enough this article told me i could clean my makeup brushes i don't want to do that or wash the windows no maybe i'll just sit out here and enjoy the sun it's not even really that sunny out so what did we learn from this video embrace the boredom and see what will come out of it hey you know what i'm going to actually use this as an experiment i am for the next few hours until further notice i'm just going to remain bored i'm just going to let myself be bored i'm just going to accept the boredom and i'm gonna see what happens i've decided to embrace the chill nature of the day like today is just clearly meant to be a chill day and i'm gonna go and treat myself to a matcha and you know what i'm gonna treat myself to a little bit of lip balm today is my day why is the lighting like that i tend to feel guilty when i take a day off and i'm not sure why that is but i've always kind of been like that like i feel like i always need to be working on something or doing something or like bettering myself in some way but in reality i think that you need days where you just don't do anything and so today i'm going to embrace my relaxing day and i'm not going to fight against it and i'm not going to be like emma you're not doing enough emma shut it shut up just enjoy it idiot you know what else i might do i might go and get my favorite salad from my favorite salad place see look how fun this is matcha salad painting my toenails showering is my mantra ready yes it is be back oh my god it's one of the paparazzi dudes anyway i'm scared i hope he doesn't see me i mean not that he that was conceited of me i hope he doesn't see me it was so awkward when i was picking up my matcha i saw somebody who i'm like pretty sure i've met before but i like couldn't tell you when i met her or if i for sure have met her or if i've just seen photos of her on the internet also why are there paparazzi everywhere right now they're everywhere there must be some sort of crazy event what i'm about to do right now is i'm about to go get my favorite salad and then eat it in my car and watch youtube videos my greatest joy in life why is it so good why is it so good it makes kale like just taste deliciouser than it is why is it so good why do i get so much joy from this it seems wrong i wish you guys could taste it so you could understand because i feel like you there's no way you can understand through the screen i'm in love with it let's see what i'm gonna watch on the internet today nothing is interesting me why is nothing interesting me i've never had to look this long for something to watch while i eat my luxurious salad okay i'm going to watch a short 13 minute video about why the u.s builds houses incorrectly i just got home and i got the random urge to do my makeup this hasn't happened to me in a really long time i have not done my makeup voluntarily in probably a month so i'm just gonna do my makeup um also i saw this hack where you go like this and then okay it didn't work i'm like really gonna make this fun like i never like clip back my hair and stuff because i'm always too lazy but i'm like you know what i have nothing better to do today i'm really gonna enjoy this process we're already off to a bad start because i can't find my foundation oh it's literally right here boredom maybe isn't so bad because i'm actually like enjoying like now i i think i'm enjoying myself now i think you hit a certain point when you're bored where then you're like okay i don't want to be bored anymore i'm just gonna enjoy it and i think i'm like reaching that point now where i'm like enjoying it while i was um off camera i called my dad for a little bit and i was talking to him about being bored and like how i actually think it might be important now that i'm thinking about it and he and i and i told him that and i was like what do you think and he was like i completely agree because i think that being bored forces you to be creative i was driving home just now and while i was driving i was listening to music and i was thinking about how fun it would be to try to bake something with no recipe which i've done before but i haven't done it in a while and i want to i like that because it's fun it's like fun because it could go wrong but it also could go right and if it goes right then it's like an accomplishment so i was like thinking about that and i was like maybe i'll bake something you know for dessert later and if it goes badly then so be it but if it goes well then it'll be fun you know the key is you can't go on your phone when you're bored because if you go on your phone when you're bored then you're entertained so you don't need to you're not bored anymore so then it doesn't force your brain to start coming up with ideas of how to entertain yourself okay that was way too much bronzer [ __ ] hey but wait it's fine because i'm doing this out of boredom not because i have to go somewhere so it doesn't really matter oh that was definitely too much doing my jawline again i put way too much why am i doing that today but hey it doesn't matter because i'm just doing this because i'm bored what kind of makeup look am i gonna do i've been seeing a lot of really pretty like green eyeshadow looks and i'm like thinking like that to be cute this is scary this is scary and risky green eyeshadow look can emma do it and i'm not using an inspo pic like i'm just gonna try it so we're gonna use this dirty brush why am i like nervous i'm gonna keep it simple and just do like green all over the lid okay that's not even showing up as green because this eyeshadow sucks either it sucks or i'm bad at makeup oh there we go i mean i guess so far so good like kind of want to make it almost messy i feel like that could look cool what if i add some like green shimmer on top i'd take a selfie with this actually it's kind of ugly but i don't care i don't care i'm just having fun it's light-hearted this is light-hearted and fun why does it look weird actually i don't know why i'm asking that as if like it's not obvious why it looks weird because i have no idea what i'm doing oh did not notice that that was happening maybe maybe when i add mascara it'll look good this is kind of tragic okay see i don't actually think the makeup look is that bad when i um let's not be so sure okay honestly it's kind of not looking that bad maybe this will actually look cool it smells like a food oh my god it smells like strawberry yogurt oh my god it smells like it smells like the yogurt you see it as a kid god i would i would eat that if i could here's my final makeup look i mean honestly it's not that bad did i do a good job i mean like for a rookie like for a makeup rookie how did i do it's like now what like now i'm just in a full face of makeup now what i'm hungry let's go downstairs and cook up something in a full face makeup because why not okay christmas outfit i bought these butternut squash crinkle cut butternut squash to be honest i just like the way that they're cut and i don't really like butternut squash but i'm trying to like try new foods and stuff so i was thinking i could kind of bake these and maybe turn them into like butternut squash fries i'm gonna use this as an excuse to use my air fryer and maybe it'll turn out good i'm not gonna follow a recipe because i'm coming up with this concept myself i'm gonna put these onto a bowl they're kind of wet first step we need to season these properly first we obviously have to do salt usually any kind of french fry has a lot of salt next we're adding garlic powder i'm gonna add a lot because i like garlic powder onion powder i'll add some paprika maybe some chili powder i don't use chili powder a lot but it smells really good this could be a fun new snack for me if i end up liking it okay i'm gonna put them in the air fryer tray they smell so garlicky i think i use too much garlic powder i don't think i can see anybody for the next few days i'm gonna spray these with some oil evenly coated popping these in the airfryer the funny thing about the airfryer is that like everybody's obsessed with the airfryer and yet like i have one in my toaster like it's a setting on my toaster oven but i don't ever use it because i just don't i'm like i'll just bake it like i don't get why air frying is so good okay you guys obviously want your dinner so let's feed you it's like you guys act like i've never fed you before they make a big mess with their food it's everywhere look how their food is just everywhere they eat so messy would you guys judge me if i postmated dinner like i never do this anymore but it's just not a cooking night for me okay fine i'll cook no i don't want to but i should but i don't want to while i think of what i'm gonna have for dinner i'm gonna eat yogurt okay oh my god you know what i could do what if i put a veggie burger in the airfryer next to this next to my butternut squash that's so efficient and easy i can't believe i didn't think of this earlier this is officially the laziest cooking i've ever done should i like pull something out now and see if it's i'm gonna burn myself i'm trying a little piece of a fry okay that's raw good tastes good though actually but it's raw see when it's done the butternut squash is not going as planned it's taking forever to cook but the veggie burger is done so let's taste let's see how the airfryer did it cooking it i put some pesto on it which sounds random but don't judge me i'm unique i'm a unique person and it's not homemade pesto either because guess what it's just not one of those nights okay so the air fryer did a great job with the veggie burger don't get me wrong this tastes great but i really think that you could have just done this in the oven do you think they're done now let's check you know what i think they're done again i'm gonna dip them in pesto i am unique they're pretty good i'll eat it but you won't see me walking around saying oh that's my favorite food the pesto is the only thing saving it though because in my humble opinion pesto's um just the best food on the planet maybe i do like it because i can't stop eating it that was relatively successful give this video a thumbs up if i need to take my makeup off right now when i'm by myself for too long like i start to lose it like you know what i'm saying like i've been alone for too long like my eye makeup is green i just put a veggie burger i guess putting a veggie burger in the air fryer isn't that random like that's so [ __ ] normal but i was i don't know like normally i would cook it in a pan but and but i'm going crazy and i put in the airfryer okay like what happens when you leave me alone i start going off the rails i mean i don't know bye it's the time we've all been waiting for the makeup's coming off okay i don't even think i got a good selfie in it either the thing about posting a selfie on instagram is that it's like there's something kind of embarrassing about it right not really like whenever i see somebody else's selfie i'm always like yes go off but when i post my own selfie i'm always a little bit embarrassed and i need to remember like nobody else like everybody else is probably looking at myself you being like go off queen i don't think anybody's like oh that's embarrassing it's possible i never look at somebody's selfie and think like girl what are you doing you know i don't i just have a hard time taking selfies like i just really do and i have a hard time posting them unless i'm being a little goofy in it unless i'm being goofy today was such a bizarre day for some reason like you know those days that just feel like they're a week long oh god it's literally 8 p.m but i'm going to bed i've been doing this recently i go to bed at like 9 30. i'm going to bed right now hi guys i'm in bed so let's recap the day wait i need to plug in my heating pad let's recap what we learned today number one boredom can be a good thing and we should embrace boredom in our day-to-day lives because it can inspire creativity and it can force you to self-reflect which is a good thing we didn't really talk about that earlier but it's true we learned to enjoy our relaxing days we learned that an air fryer is just a glorified oven it really is just an oven that's enough lessons for the day i think i'm gonna go to i'm literally going to bed it's like 8 30 but i'm just gonna read and go to bed i don't know i just want to you know like i'm full i'm happy i'm ready for bed like i don't want to do anything else but anyway i love you guys so much thank you for hanging out with me today i hope you had fun with me here's your forehead kiss as promised i love you guys i'm going to bed literally peace out here's another one here's another one okay whatever now i'm done okay i love you bye thank you again to google for sponsoring that portion of today's video
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,394,591
Rating: 4.9805784 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: IdSibCpD76I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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