Quarantine: The Worst Time To Be Single - IMPAULSIVE EP. 173

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and I see this coming right in my face not here's the moment here's the moment of truth bro am I gonna be a man about this and take my own car to my head or do i matrix dodged off got it [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo [ __ ] I drink coffee brought them all I get mine and you're vlogging - I can tell I'm noticeable difference your mind is just like what do you see you know so you can tell I'm a vlogger really yeah when you're not vlogging you're just say I know bro it's kind of crazy vlogging like uhm vlogging like wakes me up and ignites that like kid in me who just wants to like [ __ ] around and be high-energy all the time [ __ ] welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing all great things everything's going great in quarantine so far so good besides the fact that I'm losing my [ __ ] mind got a lot of fun things planned for this podcast we got Spencer Taylor he's back I'm back there for a while like five hours yeah just a couple hours I want to talk about that yep Mac is here back the pilgrim yes and um Mike wait yeah what happened where's uh where's my cat Mikey's this once have been like once 170 podcast he's made and then also needs um I'm gonna leave that up to you guys to speculate so listen la does a lot of things happening mainly just all revolving around the corona virus and we have a doctor that I'm gonna try to zoom I'm gonna try to zoom I'm gonna try to zoom him in I'm just saying like Skype or FaceTime but the zoom things like new technology mean I'm a millennial so technically I should get it but hopefully we don't get hacked have you been hearing about this what happens people are getting hacked on zoom I was reading about some guy who was giving a presentation to back his degree I don't know yeah but it somebody started drawing a dick well all the professors were watching his presentation I'm not sure well that's not so mad at that this could happen I'm I'm down to get it we did a dick hack on my on my that problem was you know it was me that down you know all right so uh who's the doctor gonna talk to you he's actually my doctor but he is one of the best in Los Angeles like every single one of your favorite singers or pieces of talent in LA has gone to him to fix their vocal cords oh he is the guy's name is dr. Shawn Nasiri he practices in Beverly Hills and he specializes in voice and sinus disorders and he actually sent me this ask them to send me his credentials and his title and he told me to say he has pretty good medical training he's hilarious he's a hoot but he's also one of the smartest people that I know and he's an amazing doctor so I'm gonna ring him on the horn right now and hopefully he's gonna tell us how to not die from over nineteen there you go yes we got you here we go out and clear doc so far so good just trying to stay alive huh I was hoping you could help us do that we're doing our best are you still are you still practicing or are you uh social distancing yourself so what we're doing is we're still seeing people we're not seeing anybody thick as a fever as any kind of coffee shortness breath to minimize everyone's exposure because we don't want sick people coming into the medical buildings because we're in a building with you know a lot of patients who are immune suppressed and we want to minimize everyone's exposure and we're trying to limit any other activity that would expose anybody so the majority what we're doing is virtual consult and then seeing how we are but is it part of the danger of this disease is the is the to weaken it's like almost silent quiet incubation period like how do you know that even though they may not be exhibiting symptoms that they have it well here's the issue is that they've done studies as far back as two three months ago in China and they were seeing that people who were exposed didn't necessarily even know they were exposed before they were symptomatic there's an average it's what's called an asymptotic curve so the first few days very few people between day 5 and day 10 a lot of people after day 10 or 11 very few people actually convert to positive so that first four or five days before anyone's really that symptomatic with their finding is that they're about 1 in 20 people who aren't really symptomatic we don't know they've been exposed who are potentially contagious got it so about 1 in 20 are contagious without realizing it until they suddenly hit that fit and suddenly they have fever chills shortness of breath hmm the body aches what we've seen a lot of or people come in and they can't smell or taste all of a sudden they've always had a great sense of smell or taste and the issue is suddenly the way we see this like unexplained once or twice a year and I see this hundred times a year because I'm an expert in smelling taste yet and in the last two months I've seen 20 cases of it I've spoken to my colleagues I've looked at the literature from France Germany England Iran and China and one in five people has coronavirus they manifest because they can't smell or taste suddenly they can't smell with their cooking they can't smell natural gas Wow we can't smell Brill they can't smell a diaper which is it's a it's a big symptom to know about because if you have that and a terrible headache and infection right now there very good chance you've got the rotavirus Wow okay I have a headache but it's because I flipped a flip the doom buggy this morning stop that's probably actually irrelevant I'll ask you the next question doc what are some long-term repercussions of this virus well I hate to say it but it's gonna be another 12 or 18 months of this process I think we're just coming out of winter and we're just coming out of the surge so our curve if you've seen any of the CDC projections for it where they're like if everyone just goes out does the normal thing we're gonna see this many spikes and then it's gonna come down quickly we're flattening the curve because the problem is the higher the peak the fewer people are able to see you in the emergency room keep you in the hospital because we're running out of hospital beds within the next four weeks running out of intensive care units and then in intensive care units we're running out of ventilators and respirators and then any of the provisional medicines we have there also so in short supply because of supply chain issues in terms of limited availability all up front you want to see the if we can flatten that curve we can hopefully get the best treatment to the most number of people I wanted to ask how effective the masks are because I've read somewhere that the CDC is advising all Americans to wear masks are they actually doing anything or is it just a little bit like Burning Man absolutely I mean look if you go into a room and there are ten people in that room and let's say at 10 by 20 room one person coughs if you call for sneeze like you just yawn you generate rest rate drop plates which are sneeze cough and those come out of you at 30 to 50 miles an hour Tolu so most of those particles if you're talking to somebody in their booting them out they're speaking like those particles will mostly dissipate then 1 2 3 feet but then out by about 5 or 6 feet 90 95 percent those particles are gone but you also have aerosols so when you call those very small fine particles that come out they can go five 250 feet reliably and be in the air kind of hang in the air especially when it's colder for up to three hours according to the CDC oh you're wearing a mask and you sneeze right you wear any kind of homemade mask made out of cotton made out of like kitchen towel that's clean made out of t-shirt material yep you're gonna catch the vast majority of it basically better than holding your hand in front of your mouth I got I got a personal question yes sir are you prepared for doomsday this in our eyes is doomsday in the next two weeks in California we're gonna hit that very high surge in peak that we're expecting and everybody has to do their part the most important part for your folks and thank you for talking to me because we're gonna get through this most of it most of us are gonna get through this but we're gonna say well look what else could we have done what could we have done better to protect the person to my left the person's my right my parents my grandparents my friend who's recovering from cancer chemotherapy please stay at home stay at home stay at home it makes a huge difference hey Doc what's the what's the recovery for the people that have beaten coronavirus so it's interesting I've had people work for three weeks they're dragging on the ground and they're really sick and exhausted having a hard time breathing like feeling like an elephant on their chest mm-hmm then I've had people were they just had terrible busts muscle and body aches for a day or two lost her sense of smell for like five or ten days and then pretty much have been back to normal because there's a wide variation to how people are manifesting this virus whether it was weaponized by nature or whoever this is a virus it's a lot more efficient and again the attack rate given the exposure it's not like the flu where if you have two people in a household one person has the flu the next person next to them their spouse their child has about a 20 percent chance or one out of five chance of getting the flu with this we're seeing if there are five people in a household three or four of them are getting this her own flow more than a casual exposure the casual exposure is I'm six feet away for 15 or 20 minutes and that's it it's not like I'm sitting in an exam room across from someone three feet apart again without a mask which at this point would be foolish and getting them to coffin my face that's a real exposure at home does anyone who has kids knows when your kids are sick they're stuck to you they're sneezing on you their snotting on your leg there's gonna be stuff on your clothes because that's what parenting is same and that this virus is far higher in terms of its successful attack rate what's the endgame here doc like are we is it will there be some sort of vaccine hopefully or like how do we really truly get out of this so we can continue living our normal lives so so the good news is there are several treatments that show a lot of promise number one we have zithromax and hydrochloric when if you're in the hospital being monitored for liver function then you can have that and it should improve your chances there have been three good studies a lot more coming to show whether or not actually does any help we have REM desi beer a really good antiviral that was used for Ebola it's in trials right now and trials mean we have really sick people we're putting him on it and we're trying to see group a the got it rupee that didn't get it for whatever reasons who is actually doing better because these are all medicines with significant side effects we have Colette row which is one of the AIDS drugs that's two different anti retrovirals because the virus doesn't have its own DNA it's an RNA virus as to use cellular infrastructure to use so it uses your own cells machinery once it enters the cell I hijacks it produce itself we can modify it there we can modify those hormone mediators called interleukins which are hormones and your immune system to tell other cells white blood cells need help and they want to attack and kill and those are what go crazy when someone's lungs fill up with fluid or they get a lot of inflammation and then ultimately the plan is the vaccine which again unless there's been a lot of mutation in the virus you're gonna see a huge dip in virus numbers in 12 to 18 months when we get the vaccine but remember with all respiratory cold viruses and corona viruses about one in every cold one in every eight colds in America every year so if you're seeing that we're seeing this huge spike of several million people we're getting infected and in countries like England where they didn't socially isolate or dis least nearly as quickly happy to me always expecting that out of every ten people eight of them will be infected within the next three months wow you haven't seen too much mutation the vaccine which will come out already being tested will be out in the next 12 18 months because they don't just test it they have to scale it up and produce a hundred million doses for the United States alone oh my god so doc do you think there's grounds here to maybe let's say ban some of these wet markets in China or do you think there's anything that we can do moving forward to like clamp down and say yo enough is enough cuz we know that's where it came from and it's ridiculous how wet is the market apparently is pretty wet okay right so these are markets where instead of having everything on a they have blocks of ice as it drips and dissolves because I've seen two different models where it was some form of armadillo that was in cages underneath bats this is a virus where they kill bats hung them upside down and as they're like secretions fell down on this Ocelot or armadillo type of animal and they're thinking that interaction the two different animals created a super virus or weaponized by mother nature or memory you believe right both types of markets where you're eating animals that are considered exotic we definitely physiologically biologically those are very risky foods to eat at baseline so as of the last week China is actually banned eating of cats and dogs well that's yes that's cool I mean it seems like common sense right am I disappointed I have been like kind of looking forward to eating an armadillo bat uh-huh sorry no I can't right now sit that play and a bat oh so it's not one animal hanging bats in the wet market above these armadillo animals right yeah that's what actually they think braided the super balls tryi armadillo bruh I mean quite a few people armadillo bruh yeah I mean that's why I like I think we need to do something to get them to stop doing this oh my oh so you're going after China you you try to go straight to Warhawk let's do it no no no no no no we're not going there they've already started to regulate out the wet markets and they're already trying to really limit it because in many ways they're considered black markets they're actually not quite allowed legally and they're really trying to do a better job of policing it because for China this think of what economic impact we've had in the last three weeks here they've had that impact since December and it should their economy and just to paint an even rosier picture 80% of our medications in the United States are produced in China in masks we use in the hospital and 95s protecting us ninety percent are produced in China the raw materials for making those from China yes miss Horvath used for testing for coronavirus the reagents all the chemicals and the and the liquids we use to test for coronavirus guess where they're made if I had to guess right it would be charge on it goes right China tiny silver lining in this test watch the test logs like this that are called Dacron that are plastic swabs and we swab with their made them Italy all right so what's your intuition telling you is this is this a man-made disease did the cabal do this is this what what conspiracies a true warfare I mean it's just very strange with the same region that gave us SARS back in 2003 where a few thousand people died and SARS the attack rate was you had 10 people with SARS he usually killed at least four unless they were 20 year old healthy people like yourself yeah without a susceptibility the kill rate was 40 or 50% in some areas so isn't it very strange that we have 1.1 million cases 330 thousand cases I think is it this morning and I say it's alone for something that's 20 to 50 times more lethal than the flu is far more transmissible than the flu that's just very curious yeah and also I don't remember how exactly how exact the distance was but very close to the wet market there was the facility in which they tested for kovin 19 did you see that in Wuhan oh now y'all are getting a conspiracy have you heard about this I don't want to hear about it bro there's a testing lab that like I'm pretty sure Bill Gates was heavily invested in that's relatively close Bill Gates plan of the armadillo is under the bats just start the corona virus yeah you're out of your [ __ ] mind I'm just saying stay well I honestly can't speak to but he's very curious yeah I remember there was SARS those MERS Middle East respiratory syndrome and that was from another corona virus in the Middle East again right around after the second Desert Storm and it was very curious well don't they're calling it the novel Cove vid 19 does it doesn't that mean it's lab made it certainly raises eyebrows Wow this is I'm I'm all against this being just a natural occurrence I think there's something deeper going on your help I'll say it well I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of my kick-ass podcast let's do it alright doc thank you for joining us man you give us some probably the most actually useful information we've ever heard on this podcast yeah that was great because it's literally life-saving right please please please keep doing your part you're doing a great job your folks and the reason I want to talk to you was that your folks really listen pit and even though they don't have that many friends who've added thus far there are lots of young people who are in danger your parents your grandparents your families please keep doing your part please wear masks when you go out please limit going out to very important commercial things and every person has a slightly different definition there are several governors who still haven't you know proclaimed a state of emergency despite a lot of risks please protect your kids protect your families and keep doing your part we're gonna get through this we just want to make sure as many of us get through this as possible yep all right Thank You doc I thought I'll talk to you soon all right love you guys and meeting see first time on a zoom call yeah no dicks were drawn that's good no no no hacks that honestly was probably the most useful information we've ever had on this podcast how do you feel um he kind of just confirmed everything I thought like people are asking me I don't know why they're asking me but like how long I think it's gonna last and I've been saying I don't see how something that has had this strong of an effect and a ripple effect across the globe could just go away I don't understand how the quarantine will end by the end yeah April May that doesn't seem realistic to me if it's as deadly as he's saying I don't know um I I'm definitely gonna make a more of an effort to wear a mask tell you that no yeah I thought that was a kind of just a farce saying well it what's so confusing about this is there's so much information that's predicting itself like at first the CDC said ah no mass don't work and now they're saying say that everybody wear masks yeah so it's tough to know what's even real I like that you can just grab a dish towel throw it around your face though it's a course in doing that yeah I mean makes sense he's covered if you're coughing cover I'm actually after this tomorrow morning I'm going down to inspect masks that are going back to my to Michigan cuz my dad owns a company that supplies hospitals with medical stuff and the whole supply chain is messed up right now so I have to go I'm helping my dad and go and inspecting stuff and Irv on will make sure there so let me grab you guys some masks please grab I can grab a box for you guys all good to go hopefully um so obviously we wanted to talk about corona because it is still quite literally taking over the globe another thing that's taking over the globe is tick tock oh no as you guys know I'm addicted to tick tock oh yeah I mean [ __ ] I mean I'm fully in now okay good how many times do you think you can listen to I'm a savage yeah classy I could tell you that Logan was into it probably seven hundred and eighty thousand times dude it's fun I I finally did the savage dance on tick tock and I hated that I was learning it but by the time I got it I was having so much fun oh man just smiling at the camera biting my lip doing the tongue thing oh I've done it I've done it I've done it probably probably 200 times but bro there's a whole nother side to tick tock we don't even know about Oh India tick tock okay so okay it's like a different platform bro you have no idea bro I'm about to show you the greatest thing ever so I'm tick-tock I don't have you have it you go on you're for you page it is literally for you the algorithm notice is what you watch how long you watch it what you engage with and then serves you things based on that and then gives you a vaccine out of your phone exactly know so before you pages for you and by the way don't try not to watch this is impossible try not to watch tick-tock when you're high cuz I do that and I notice my attention span and just like appetite for [ __ ] is pretty much anything so while I'm high I'll watch tick-tock and I watch the worst the just garbage and then I wake up the next morning I'm sober I'm with foot where the [ __ ] is this like my for you pages is [ __ ] bro I'm getting serve content but like a kid in college and the video has seven views and I'm one of them anyways bro India tick tock this is this is fascinating y'all about to have the time of your lives ready baby baby I have got a virus mas she said she hated him instantly you got color 19 get the [ __ ] out I detest you this is how I wouldn't Bollywood at its finest Wow it's a it's like finally like hanta has become democratized in India like they just grease the Internet has recently blossomed over there exponentially yeah and so tick-tock YouTube hence like t-series we saw them blow up and now I'm Indian influencers are popping off and and this dude I I feel bad what's his name funbucket Bhargav I mean he's popping off don't feel bad I know I said rock it when it happens to be the one dude I I'm using as an example let me show you another one you may kiss if this is so beautiful you may kiss yes she's like no no and then brought her her man's just dips he's like not baby like you do and then he used the corona virus to deter the guy trying to kiss his girlfriend why does he fall for doors open - just to the continuity doesn't matter like that's what a [ __ ] you know saying you flex and have the doors open but right yeah you right with it I don't know what car that is babe yeah man India ticked at me and who knows what whether other countries are just undiscovered gems on take that well are you familiar with Bollywood like have you given Bollywood at all a little taste I I went on a Instagram live with a pretty famous uh Bollywood actress we've never seen I think I've never seen a Bollywood movie no dude your mitt you're missing out on literally half the world I know but I don't speak Hindi it doesn't matter it absolutely doesn't matter subtitles are saying they uh they have a lot of English movies they have subtitles it's more of the style of film is just it's phenomenal the action scenes I don't know you should look one up like they're they're the best wait really yeah you could probably ease in with like Slumdog Millionaire no no he's into the world oh I could do it yeah when I Instagram live with this uh this actress and model her name is Urvashi Rashi rotala she's huge row like they they have some real real blossoming stars there India is amazing is I haven't been there yet but the culture is so incredible food so incredible I mean it's the oldest religion it's like the origins of humanity quite quite a bit of it dates back I get my vlogs translated in Hindi because I'm because I'm aware like how big and powerful it is and and uh you know I'll hopefully one day I can I can make I can go over there make content with funbucket Bhargav you should I like seriously yeah he's like [ __ ] it Bhargav hit us up but I just run across the countries making take tax that's that's a dream come true yeah are like the Western man to come over and just blow up Hollywood I think it's something with the blonde hair and blue eyes I'm going on Instagram live with this uh this Russian dude tomorrow actually let me get his name right he's huge he's the biggest influencer in Russia and he's like brother every time I go in live with these uh these massive social media stars from other countries they're like people love you over here and I and I can't help but think it's just cuz I'm literally just white have blond hair blue eyes anyways his name his name is GU Sain gossin off we're going on Instagram live and he chanting he challenged me to do three challenges and I'm gonna challenge him to do three as well and he told me what he wants to do right and so I'm used to like Americans doing their challenges I'm like American influences tend to not go as hard as we do is he chugging like a half gallon of vodkas what is that one of them bro he goes one I'm gonna shave my eyebrows right right off the bat I go first sure you're [ __ ] Russian you're so Russian you can't get those back shave his eyebrows alright he's gonna attempt to drink coke with mentos that's possible and then three is gonna pierce his ear by himself Wow so I see these I'm like well [ __ ] now we talk yeah we got cinnamon challenge I've never done it I've never done it but I'm gonna I'm gonna try to swallow that cinnamon oh - oh I'm gonna run through it through Elon Musk's boring flamethrower like someone likes it and I just run through it okay I don't think it'll burn me I don't know I've never done it before there's only one way to find out god I just got to run faster that's a secret but also it's kind of cool cuz like on YouTube this stuff's not allowed and it's interesting to see like what sites will allow you like I posted that tick-tock where I went under the car under the truck and like I need to can't fly but on tick-tock they put a warning at the bottom that says this activity could result in serious injury so you kind of get a pass for a YouTube soft tell us off they have to be they have to be there they're they're advertisers pay for the pay for like the bills for the employees and everything and you know it's it's it's unfortunate little cycle we've been trapped in but you know working working with like if I can run through a flame thrower on Instagram live and I you to I'm a [ __ ] do it before number three I've done this before I'm gonna put each of my fingers in a mousetrap like at the same time like this so I think it'll be a good life the lie so if you're listening to this will already gone live but hopefully you do and if not just make sure to go watch it I'm sure you'll see it someone's gonna record that for sure yeah speaking of that you see that guy's gonna get your appears by himself yeah I just uh I found blood on the mirror in the bathroom where you pulled out the nose ring oh no pretty gross cuz I think I was breathing heavy and I went like you know when you pop is it and it goes on the mirror it's been a while since I had one of those by the way as gross as that is those were my favorite and they are yours either very satisfying when it hits the mirror projectiles in thousands of miles an hour yeah I also have an unrelated story that involving projectiles that I don't really know if I should say in this podcast but I think I'm going to [ __ ] like projectile fluids or what are we talking missile projectile bodily fluids all right let me let me run you through this okay we're a quarantine we're all a quarantine we're [ __ ] bored okay what does boredom lead to ejaculation masturbation okay correct I was cutting right to the chase a woman ejaculate s' that's impressive yeah happy in general I'm I'm I'm so [ __ ] positive that the masturbation rates have skyrocketed and yes brah I've talked to women who are like I can't stop using my vibrator like I'm so bored it's all I know how to do and do it's like we got a dick it's built into our body like we can't just not do anything with it mm-hmm it's I mean it's metaphysics was what you're explaining yeah anyways rocket science hi quick story I'm not gonna get too vile I'm sitting in bed doing my thing bro I'm beating the meet and dudes you can you can tell when when your age Acula is gonna come out at a much faster more powerful rate than the others like maybe you haven't nut it in a long time maybe I don't know you're like you're extra horny who knows what it is but you got to be ready for that dude like sometimes this [ __ ] comes out like a 50 caliber [ __ ] rifle like bulletproof vests piercing piercing and so I knew this was gonna be one of those it's a problem I'm laying on my back uh-oh which also arises another prop like yeah dude oohs mastery standing up I don't mind I don't mind laying on my back I think it's probably blend of both different strokes for different folks so problem land but I'm about to finish wrong about to do the deed right and I know this just coming in on Oh also exits my my genitals and I see this come shot coming right at my face now here's the moment here's the moment of truth bro am I gonna be a man about this and take my own calm shot to my head or do i matrix dodge the [ __ ] out of it for a second to react so I see this thing I'm like I'm like nope but not today I go my move you become my life becomes a matrix right past my face lands on the pillow I'm like whoa oh my god that was close and then I look at my pillow and I knew I had just dodged a bullet in the form of sperm and the first thought that came to my mind honestly was how do I hide this [ __ ] stain from Maria my maid oh wow how do I do it wow that's that's really thinking about the crisis going I don't know this this woman sees everything that goes on in my room she'll come up use condom so come on calm stain show come on blood on the mirror because who knows it on the knew who I don't [ __ ] know like like yes ideally I'm cleaning up after myself but also a part of the reason I I'm a straight in the morning it started go right back to bed it's so nice I'm relaxed that's why that's why women you'll have sex with your man he's useless afterwards he's I clock a clock him out down for the count he's done like he's a sack of flesh let him be what would you guys think of Andres because I've been on this tip as well don't end don't even start with me you're you're not in for the no FAP you're you're against no FAP well clearly wait hold on no no FAP or no Jack no ejaculate what do you say are you doing it - yeah Spencer so let me get this straight it's they're having an orgasm but you're not ejaculate well I'm still working my way in all right I'm not gonna lie it's not it's not a hundred percent hit do you even begin to practice I've completely cut out masturbation but that's that's good when we're talking about sexy time no it's it's you have to pret you have to Train Andre oh you had 100% hit right at this point er really that's crazy perfect Wow when's the last time you came 1974 that's it so it's been a while you say you have to Train bro but like I'm also okay so for sports you have to Train of course but your training doesn't it doesn't take place during the games so you're not masturbating and you're only training during your your sex which I would assume is max twice a day bro I know you ain't [ __ ] more than that no way and if you are at home I mean that was a good time to have you a lot of sex yeah you mean you should be having sex right now currently currently while listening to pocket our voices are beautiful right soothing but anyways it's because every time I look at Andre I see that vein in his forehead we all know is filled with not uh-huh you don't have that vein so where does yours go I do I do I think the hats blocking it honestly I think guys need to try it out guys need it you you can't dog it until you try it you know I'm saying it's one of those things where like you got to give yourself a month of not nudding and you will unlock a superpower you'll start to see through walls and you'll start to be like wow I could see through walls this whole time here's here's why I will not do that that's okay mainly just because [ __ ] that right and then also all right y'all have girlfriend that's right you can do the experiment an experiment me dude but I don't know if you liked the last time you hooked up with a random girl but if you don't come like I've had women just like make me prove to them that I came like grab you by the back of the neck like like didn't know I did know I did in my head like is that what it's like in my head I had no maybe that's what you could start saying oh yeah don't worry I'm practicing in Jack ulation I could I will be a last out of my own room they will laugh at me and I would leave my house come shaming come shaming yeah man I I I've been having a semi hard time making any love during this quarantine because you're supposed to be staying safe right right this one girl this one got one girl I made it like who can you trust this this one was saying like I made maybe a attempt likes a little you know I was shooting my shot and she said she said no you you [ __ ] everyone I'm like no but nobody were in quarantine she goes that's not true you're like community dick mmm no no no you're just it's not community just a giver I like the way you spin things all the time yeah there was one the other day you know Logan just gets in his phone and you can't get him out of course so you you're having a conversation with him and they turns to his phone you're like man why are you so distracted and then I realized he's not distracted he's just completely focused on something else focused right so Logan get out get off your phone you're so distracted not giving us time you know stop there I'm focused but what if he's focused on turds oh he turns the wrong thing but he is focused for the sake of me just like not changing anything about my bad habits I'm gonna use excuses like oh I'm a giver when like Logan why did you prematurely come it's been one minute that we've been having sex well I know you have things to do so go do them now that you have this extra time yeah that's very generous the couch is out there you know we in the house the problem is that they're not great for the house you know but they might be great for someone that's a great couches did you sell this we have we have offers we're finding I mean everything about those couches is problematic including the fact that they suck including the timing of which you're selling it as well someone point of that economies at all-time low no one's furniture shopping yeah luxury Mercedes couch there's there's somebody out there right now who's walking around in there 300 million dollar mansion and they're saying I could use two Mercedes Benzes my living right I don't know if there is this might be one of these those things where there's not somebody for everyone you know were saying like there's enough there's fishing there's plenty of fish in the sea no not Mercedes couch fish your friend chase likes Mercedes stuff should I ask him I was just with him today y'all will see this on the vlog I'm gonna ask chase chase is the one who let me his rolls his Rolls Royce and them in the music video I dented his hood and had to pay sixty five hundred dollars for to fix it and then we also found out that it was really only like a two hundred dollar repair job because they didn't replace the fender Oh shady way [ __ ] up yeah chase leaned into him for that but chase let it let me drive his little doom buggy today so I was drifting a little bit I thought I [ __ ] flipped it I flipped it I was in it for max no exaggeration fifteen seconds so you're talking about it you're talking about getting these things for the ranch and you've already flipped one in a parking lot it was not a parking lot yeah it's just something to get used to but also I'm getting I'm getting Polaris right this way I don't not sure what this was but it was not Polaris did you text me upside down in the ATV is that why we're late to start this podcast yes yeah I'm not I'm not kidding we had to flip it back over and I've never been upside down in anything I also realized today I don't like being upside down like that was a weird sentence I came out of my mouth I said I said to David I don't like being upside down did you look him in the eye when you said it oh yeah yeah that's too much gravity or layers of friendship I don't I don't know it just like all of all the gravity's sucks that blood right to your head and I noticed this too like now that I'm getting older I don't like carnival rides as much anymore and just being thrown all over the place like I'm a pretty reckless dude but I don't like not being in control like that but you were wearing your seatbelt today right I was and it's not just a seatbelt it's a I mean this thing locks you win yeah and also the roll cages on those thing or things are incredibly thick like there there was no real danger I probably could have rolled it probably 10 to 20 times I'm sure at one point my life like I'll hit that number mm-hmm why um because just cuz I'm mainly just dumb okay is this like your new apocalypse whip or are you still happy with the Yeti stoked with the Yeti except Danny unfortunately in these little tracks that we were doing this morning one of the hills was so steep and then there was a big dip after it the gas cans on the top got ripped off by inertia just ripped completely ripped off so we'll fix it and they're fooled by the way you fill them up they're [ __ ] heavy for sixty pounds each I I didn't really like way to go yeah heavy ice yeah yeah I got a new truck so did you see it I did not see I saw the picture yeah I want is here yeah laughter you know so I'm ready for the apocalypse I um I was gonna say something to lead into the next topic but I've completely forgotten it ooh but but I yeah it's gonna come to me oh oh how are people making money mmm how are people making money I I'm dude I'm really I'm like the more this goes on I'm like whoa I could I can work remotely I can make content and it happens to be like well I'm pretty much relatively unaffected by this but what about the people with actual like jobs and work and nine-to-five and like employees and bosses and so so if they're let go if they're let go who's paying them the government you can their fight their fight they file so they filed for unemployment this is crazy yeah it's nuts I mean and a lot of contracts too like I had a few brand deals that like in section 9 C said like yo if there's ever like a natural disaster or like a pandemic essentially yeah we can cancel if we can void this contract already sorry yeah shout out to those lawyers for predicting that I know right I wouldn't be mad about that but yeah but yeah people are being seriously affect about I can imagine people are like dude I can't imagine having to support a family and being laid off from work or or not I cannot talks about like the everyone's gonna get a check but where's the concrete examples of that um small businesses you can yeah you have to apply for it so if you're listening to this and maybe you qualify you should look into that is the check equal to the amount that you were making a work it's there just like an arbitrary number that like that hopefully support and you had to have filed your 2018 taxes as well so yeah boom not everybody's getting it and most most Americans I think it's like 60-some percent or more than that are living paycheck to paycheck I was just gonna ask you this is that was this is rocking people yeah I feel so bad for small businesses I feel bad I feel immensely bad for the mom-and-pop shop that like everyone has that like ice cream shop and they're in their town or something that just cannot survive yeah I'm hoping after all this that whatever it is that took everyone out of you know out of work can also somehow be reimagined to give them more work so if it's that mom-and-pop shop and this you know the doors got closed on the thing you know hopefully after all this is done there's a way that the community can band together or you know the the wage can keep rolling in the the shops can open back up but what's that gonna be I'm trying to think of ways that I can help people and I have not yet thought of a good thing other than continuing to stay positive and find ways to keep myself busy yeah well then there's the flip side of it where there's people that are making a crapload of money right now and are going to you know the who are the people who are millionaires right now invested in 2008 when the stock market crashed you know so there are people who are actually the next wave of millionaires are being created right now because they were responsible they saved money so I think this is a time where if you're really suffering financially like do something about it next time you know let me start saving money once you actually start making money again and like prepare for this this is going to happen again this isn't just a one-time thing in our lifetime I'm trying to not avidly but I'm trying to my best to capitalize in on this in any way that I can financially like I know the stock market's way way way low so like maybe it's a good time to invest for me like I'm gonna talk to my team about doing that but like there's got to be some way to if you if you are managing to still survive and thrive in this environment that like there's got to be something and maybe even DM me on Instagram if you got some sort of investment or like tips on anything for some reason business is like a foreign language to me like I'm a creative so every time I start to do business I I just don't understand what's happening and now that I'm 25 I gotta get I gotta get my well you gotta get the metro Asian game roll on just it's so hard when you do to become interested in stuff that I'm not really interested in like if I invest my time into business mmm it's so I can make money and now I'm like I don't make content to make money I mean content cuz it [ __ ] love it and now that I'm like the the intention is so I could make money it's it's so it's work that's work to me you know what I'm saying when I have to what I have to go against what my body and my mind is telling me about this activity I'm doing just to survive that's okay it is it's it's life but I don't know I like to have fun and break plates more discipline I'll definitely say that your childlike nature is important for your content right like you your childlike curiosity for the world yeah and a endless ball of energy that is much like a child yeah so that's been helpful but now you know I'm telling you bro I'm 25 now things have uh yeah things have changed oh right like the beach you made out of peanut butter and I was high I got an excuse you started before that's so what happened you you started that's a peanut butter on my marble countertop put sand on it put a beach on it miniature beach where you see you see you mentioned you were high at what quantity of marijuana did you consume all of it no no no that's actually worst part bro I was just using wheat as escape go I wasn't high I got high like halfway to it because this is an edible hit like that's why I was so focused I'm like this Beach is gonna be great and then also an hour later I'm like mmm-hmm it was a great beach though do you have a Tech Talk I don't even know where to post it oh I'm just don't have to what if you show too here nah hey I'm just me I'm I'm just putzing around doing dumb [ __ ] and also after the whole thing happened on my birthday um with the six-dollar mantis shrimp it has nothing to do with Mike not being here I realized because we went to the mother tree which is a tree where moms live right or how does it work this Andres vegan girlfriend is the leader of this place called the mother tree where there's a bunch of other vegans running around now this place is crazy cuz uh every girl there is hot as [ __ ] you know and they're all so nice and so vegan extremely extremely beautiful and woke at the same time like like Here I am bro putts around LA I'm used to thoughts I'm talking Tings bruh mhm and then I go here and here are like some real women yeah with good intentions mm-hmm oh yeah you stopped into heaven whoa wait what good intentions that's crazy who like don't really like drinking what no impossible you listen you listen you don't listen to the top 50 chart and Spotify there's no way hold on a second y'all don't shake your ass real women right mm-hmm so one of them one of them when I was leaving she attempted to give me this gift it was my birthday gift and um it was a flower in a vase there's a flower in a vase and she goes here he go Logan it was cool she goes I picked this this morning and I looked at the flower I took the vase I go hey I'll just use her name Kylee hey Kylie she go I go hey Kylie this flat this flowers like honest this is gonna die it's halfway to death his withering now you see and she goes she goes way well I picked up for you like I had said your name and I go Kylie you understand I'm gonna have to take this to my car or take a home by the time I get home this flower will be dead now I'll be left with this vase with water in it assuming it didn't spill in my car because I had nowhere to put this cuz it doesn't fit my cup holder she goes she goes you know you're being kind of me and I just want to give you something and it hit me I'm like oh this is the thing my mom told me about I go Kylie I'm not good at receiving gifts I love that you picked this flower for me but I just am not good at receiving and she goes she goes yeah but it said your name and I go where oh it does where where does it say my name she goes none of the flowers spoke to me I said yes vegans and I said in that case I didn't know y'all spoke up I'll [ __ ] take it I took it spill to my car all the water gone it's dead the flowers walking dead Maria took it how do they know cuz vase dub laundry's girlfriend took it back to the mana tree I gotten left with nothing stop giving me things alright so for ya I know you keep saying you don't want gifts but next year what if think if that we give you we have to get on that day again I like the way you put spins on things but still just not I think I'm gonna make my birthday about other people from now on that's a shift I'm gonna make it 25 specifically my mom mm-hmm that [ __ ] put up with some [ __ ] true yes for 25 years true who that [ __ ] and there's two of me like she like [ __ ] my birthdays for my sweet sweet mother so for her I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna celebrate it now so after Logan finishes all his videos little tic TOCs he's like no you need to watch this one come on watch this one and you did that to Pam for how many years 18 years I would show her my dumb ass videos I love Pam how's Pam handle how's she handling quarantine I think I think well I would assume well she lives a very like simple like modest life so check in with him right now I mean no no okay I'm I'm I'm more excited about the question how is Gregg doing you know how Gregg is I think I think Gregg might be might be peaking in a good way really for a while bruh his comedy is off the charts the charts if you've seen this doing the vlogs brah he's become such a funny character that like it's so just like outlandish people love hearing what he has to say do you think I know why it's cuz you sit on top of a mountain all day they forget to say for when people talk to him or is it just because he made it like Brett let's be honest man right he [ __ ] man I think that's it honestly like I think that like hopefully everyone reaches a point in their life where they can just check that box right yep yep no I'm just having fun he's there he's there he just gets to I mean live on her ranch in the middle of nowhere what does he eat out there rocks I don't know because every time we come out there he he demands that I bring leftovers but you know what he should be eating actually a magic spoon smoother and smoother I was a good one this episode is brought to you by magic spoon wouldn't meet host no please open with a personal story you just did growing up see one of the best parts of being a kid and that was actually facts but I really it was full of sugar and junk that when I started to grow up I actually sort of stopped except what am i but I've been trying to call it cut down on carbs sugar on a healthy food and these magic spoons are actually very healthy they're very good zero sugar 12 grams of protein only three net grams of carbs in each serving there's four flavors Coco fruity frosted and blueberry tastes amazing it says here that they're too good to be true too good to be true go to magic boom calm slash Logan grab a variety pack try it today and be sure to use our promo code Logan at checkout to get free shipping and they're so confident their product it's back with a hundred percent happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason then refund your money no questions asked that's magic spoon comm slash Logan use a promo code Logan for free shipping mm-hmm now you're suing everybody oh nice yeah man not a good time to be a not a good time to be single I'm asking myself a lot of questions myself a lot of questions during this quarantine yeah whatever it was the following I'll ask you boys this and not that nothing go back to the dicks and but if your dick could speak what would it say mmm Wow you know that's profound dick or speak what would it say what what would he say I was like I miss exploring your so your penis would say that he's a cave what's it called a spelunker spelunk ooh in its own cave or other your dick is a spelunker yeah that's funny that's funny mine would take probably something like this like let me [ __ ] something and then what I'm like chief chief wahoo I go chief calm down well quarantine you don't want Kovac do you the problem is that you're also saying that every day so what's the deal yeah are you controlled by your dick I'm not saying I got Jimmy answers yes I got jailbroke although she gets a little wily with those who make some sense if that's question me bro this is me in 90 mm morning y'all don't see it hold on I'm gonna make a [ __ ] great physical comedy joke ready this is me 9 a.m. every morning [Music] [Laughter] Wow resurrected all you people listening audio-only he's doing matrix things right now is this every morning doc have you missed have you missed a shot um hit myself in my mug once Oh your mug were you clean-shaven to get a beer at the time I was clean-shaven and also it was not my fault it was not my fault white throw what are you talking about right now part of the reason I can't pull the matrix's off is because I'm in control of the joystick uh-huh women don't have dicks so when they're when they are in control of one they don't know what to do uh-huh right and when you have that much power they have no idea where it's gonna go how to aim or anything so yeah what time you know I was being like he's like finished off we'll say and she didn't she just didn't name it properly and they yeah came on my head dude on your head like the top of the head I don't know I try to block this out of my memory but she laughed at me yeah and I said I said this this is your fault you got got yo have your girl she was right there she's giving me no but I will say this bro when your girl when you're comfortable enough with your girl will she can like pretend that your penis is hers huh Dawg this is not I mean this this is like a pivotal point in relationships 100% and then and then they know what it's like because they're so amused mm-hmm but male genetalia by the way why would they not so fast they give it that do you get the sound effects - oh my god they go they're like they're like Godzilla in a play like a giant fire truck yeah yeah am I wrong for never having that happen you also you'll get my I think I'm bot is wrong for having that happen is you're not having happen it'll happen this has been on my mind it's not like an issue but maybe we could come to a conclusion mm-hmm what's up man you got hots for a girl used to communicate with actually that's actually hella inch this is a good topic oh I do Mac I do yeah so okay so what's so what's good as far as I understand you guys attempted to spark something nothing happened now do I have the green light or do I do I talk to you about it like on a podcast front of millions of people or what well I thought first of all but I'm beyond the situation I'm not interested it's you know friend great love it you know not a romantic partner for me so to you all fair game I don't think she liked you but to clear the air knob this is all good man we attempted to spark something it didn't happen that way totally fine sometimes people are better off as friends yep totally cool with that mhm I'm waiting for the but I can hear it oh there is actually no but just be respectful oh uh her i I'm good Oh shake my shake then um yeah yeah I also don't think she'll like me I don't I don't I told Andre um why would I tell object yeah well he's my friend they always just vent to my friends yeah I'm worried sometimes like I see these these these they're not girls they're women oh yeah yeah she like she just won't demand mediocrity and like inadequacy for my part as far as like being a lover and a partner goes which I'm not sure you said this the other day you're like you're not at the point where you're willing to give that much energy to to uh to Anna Fischer Airy beneficio went through a person who I'm not like really willing to take things to the next level with I mean I'm looking for looking waiting you know just you know doing what I can it's like get to the point where I find someone that is willing to take me on and all my challenges my insufficiencies as well as I'm willing to take on theirs and then we work together to be grown-ass adults yeah and like if you're you know you're saying that you fear that you might be inadequate for her with your whatever it is mm-hmm maybe that's good if she's a full grown woman that can actually like whip you into shape a little bit I just need to be like I need to be challenged and stimulated in a way that I don't know I don't know life is so complex and I get serious like anxiety like Here I am I say it all the time like y'all wanna I want know why if I want kids whatever and then when like an actual comes around I'm like yeah they shine the light I shined a light on your darkness yeah hey what's it are you have you been thinking about this though during quarantine are you like me are you feeling a little lonely of course bro I've been saying is a horrible time to be single yeah I see all my friends with girlfriends and they're all so isolated and spending time with each other and I'm again just trying not to come on my face yeah yeah you're in a sticky situation it oh yeah I don't know man it's unfortunate yeah hey Spence what up do you think you have to love a person to make love well no you technically don't but should you like yeah no I'm just talking about it like tech like can you can you have like a one-night stand and make love instead of just like yeah totally what I'm sure you could yeah yeah one night that you go on a vacation in Puerto Rico and you like ah memory all of my longings and desires have finally manifested in this one point when you found that one beautiful woman yeah who can have passionate lovemaking affairs with her mm-hmm and then go off in the distance in her so you're good but I don't know if it happened to you wait I was like why is this such a detail like I feel what he's saying how's it wait was Mexico was in Puerto Rico well there's only one there's two other people that would have understood that and they were on the trip with us yeah but good on you well cuz I really asked us uh cuz I was asked the other day who's the last when's the last time you've made love and I didn't I didn't know the answer like I said it I said a girl that who I'd been like seeing for some time but then I really thought about I don't know if we've ever like like made love mm-hmm well so what's like the wall that is up that you feel like just you're not making love you know what's the blocking point feel it feeling the love dude like there's time there's times where like I'll be mid sex and like I could swear I love this girl but I definitely don't which chief wahoo talking is hims going we love you yeah but I know we don't and so I'm like I'm just I guess I just missed that that familiarity and and energy of giving like I feel like making love is a lot of about giving and satisfying and [ __ ] is just being satisfied that's more selfish for sure which at which that's unfortunately the state I'm in right now like I'd obviously do my best to make sure the girl is satisfied and whatnot but um yeah I'd like to I would like to get to a place where I could uh I could I could spread my seat in in a putting you on the badge thought about going on that show this is this was a show we created while Logan was in boxing camp from the batch alert because he was he was not having sex with you storing up his batch and I think you should start now you should start building the batch again and in you know six to eight months I will do it they have a show you could do it like a quarantine edition where they all wear masks and they have to be six feet away I won't raise all of them they have to be that way and I'll have to be six feet tall the quarantine bachelor the quarantine Squatch ler ya know it's a good idea I know I thought about going on on The Bachelor I thought about doing a lot of reality TV shows the problem is and why I think I'll never be the man I'll never be the bachelors because part of the reason that show works is the authenticity these men and women really do going out go on they're expecting to fall in love and get married forever how could you first first out first off or are you [ __ ] crazy it's a reality TV show it's not good I think even statistically no I think only like one or two of them stay together now I don't know I think go on in from clout you know I'm saying but I think there still may be authentic about trying to fall in love yeah I could never understand how you could marry someone who was literally dating like 15 people at once no one can in real life understand that that's but it's so I think that's probably why they break up because they get like 2 years into their marriage and they're like yo what did you really do a Stacey on that that second day last day right before me it's so weird to me you know it's so weird once I find out just done but I would probably go on the show and just make like a joke of everything and it wouldn't be it wouldn't be good like submit yep maybe we need to do our own mm-hmm yeah maybe or maybe even like [ __ ] the bachelor completely and all my love desires I'll do the Amazing Race I talked to James Charles he's down to be my partner yeah that's me exercising mcdu boat race across the globe amazingly Wow kind of the premise of the show that's why I said that Mack what's the girlfriend Megan she's doing some jewelry yeah she making one of those things you put on your head and scratches your scalp no amazing phenomenal well yeah no I get everyone's taking up new hobbies during this quarantine uh-huh yeah you have have you been doing some art like what's your new hobby sick talk from absolutely bashing tick tock to being bit number one nothing you're definitely number one no not even close but not even not even just bashing tick tock well I'm about as deep as it gets I am doing the dances like this is what they did it hurts it still hurts me I just don't know about the style of content like being sustainable like that consumption at least like I think you could create and make it but like you're constantly getting even more than Instagram you're getting dopamine hits like an insane amount mmm so like you're English more shallow frontal lobes versus like actually having any deep connection to the content like what I'm getting at is are any of these followers from tik-tok are you seeing them move or like engage with things beyond the content they're I'm not but I'm also like still some I probably make a pickaxe for like probably what like two weeks now three weeks it's been like two months what you a new ticket yeah you've been at it for a while I have uses crushers in track of time yeah I saw I don't know from me no but like you have like the Addison trays and the Charlie DeMaio's who are definitely seeing like crossover and successful transition transitioning but uh like I'm always almost curious what's gonna happen with with with these young stars you know and it's it's funny because when I was coming up I was the young star and now I'm finally feeling like like a veteran creator like I'm not a vet yet I'm still very much in like like prime creator for but when I'm 30 years old like I don't know like am i I'm I like one of the mi and og yeah still can I make can I make tick tock still that are me like I'm I am I gonna be thirty years old and jumping under my G wag here's the deal what's Galba doing a tick tock the other day and she's still got it I love what you just said just gave a shout out you're so right he's gone Hollywood she's done you're right I don't know how she's doing tick tock she's 38 years old and she active on tick tock she just hop on Australia oh yeah she's swinging them hips it was I not kidding I saw her do her she did the savage dance and I teared up a bit it made me refill in love with Jessica Alba I actually asked Mac I go by the way she married cuz I was a hop skip and a jump away from in those DMS you can still say hi maybe I have like a won't do it can't do it my heart would swell up but where's my Jessica Alba I know you're watching that's what you need let me see if I can play this I can't but there's nothing here look at this oh no I can't complete cuz it sound yeah that's true she didn't know about this like everything do you think your wife knows who you are right now yeah unfortunately I also think she thinks I'm a [ __ ] goober bruh but that she she ain't wrong that's typically how beautiful love story started yeah I just I like I like exceeding expectations like I like proving people wrong I like I like meeting them in person and then just like having a conversation that like some intellect are like saying something that actually has value which I tend to do in real life and then trick them into falling in love with me it's happened what happened the last I yeah I think so what's gonna happen is you're gonna meet someone I would I I'm feeling sooner than later that's just gonna motivate you to just put down the lotion for good and it just come on you got Dryas hands yeah that's strange I should be using got some callus on there oh you have no idea who's like prepared as rugged boat she must be froggy a dog is he like prep for battle he's a job sandpaper I really think it's coming though no pun intended I think you're someone who's gonna really just just knock your socks off yeah I hope so yep I could be silent for a long time I might download Tic Tac right now lose it this time posting a video is committing to a decision I thought that was interesting posting a video it takes a lot of confidence a lot of courage to just be like yep I'm committing to this I'm sharing it with the entire world yeah yes it does but the longer you do it the more you do it that feeling will go away cuz you're right especially if you're new to this [ __ ] and you're grown like I had the privilege of doing this when I was young and so I got the permission to be bad yeah and I see young creators like young like 10 to 12 years old on YouTube making hot that mean these videos suck but right but they're awesome yeah for sure but my videos sucked and so it's cool to now look at these viewers I'm like ah those are the those are the glory days like you you have this time to learn and be bad and then grow up and that that anxiety that comes with posting and did you create or just you when you when you two were making vines and you were coming up did you guys have any pages that were like just throwing Jade on people that made cringe vines no bro there was no that's something that I think is interesting to discuss it is it you're actually because there was no code Eco making fun of my friend Jess [ __ ] that's gotta be a little more tough there was no h3h3 I think hadn't quite come up yet drama learn yeah I don't I don't know where he was but yeah now the creator's like there's that extra wave of anxiety that passes beyond just the fans thinking or cringe versus the community thinking you're cringe me and I actually don't know if it's such a bad thing and I'll tell you why hmm these commentary creators almost force these tick tock stars to not take themselves so seriously and be as cringe it's true which is good for them because it forces them to grow up faster like my cringe [ __ ] stopped when I was only like a year and a half oh you think it's these things manage my shits a currents anymore I'll swap stuff now I put my foot down and say like maybe like moments but in general like my [ __ ] isn't cringe twenty three and a half years old before I was like wait that's wack yeah so these kids are stopped they're they're becoming likable and cooler earlier therefore they're being forced to become a better creator here's why that sucks I don't know about y'all but cringe [ __ ] is the most fun thing to watch that's phenomena it's my favorite I'll eat that [ __ ] up till 2:00 a.m. that's why you gotta check Bollywood out cuz it takes it to a whole different yeah like that that those tic TOCs I played at the beginning bro those are my favorites I hate you I hate you too anyways stay stay cringe like um give me give me and and protect our cringe creators like like Cody Cody ant and Ethan I don't know if Ethan does this anymore but like Cody let him let him go let him be I need I need to entertain me yeah I take it a little easy on them we need to look on so they keep going right people grow up too fast should they not should they but like do you want them to it's good to get out of the cringe content stage that you have to go through that you have to make cringe content before you realize what's good I agree I totally agree there's there's there's there's some creators who are like who have pretty much always been dope David's actually one of them david dobrik mmm like I said one of his like videos for like three four years ago popped up and it wasn't it wasn't anywhere near the quality is producing now but like he's always been like a like a cool kid a cool likable kid a lot I mean I would assume maybe this is a reach but I would assume most people like fall into who they are and that that that final form of themselves and I've definitely had speaking personally like quite the evolutionary arc that I actually sort of prefer because I feel like I've seen more and I experienced more and can relate to that cringe kid or the the kid who is failing or the kid who's on top because he's cringe like with there's there's those creators right who have their numbers are huge but I can realize it just kind of whack oh you've been there so you can see it mm-hmm anyways how long we going Danny an hour 37 minutes Wow I was a long time with the doc all right listen guys go back listen to that call with the doc is a good chance he may save your life saved my life he also told me my my septum is deviated and he's the one who will do surgery on me should I need it mmm is that something with like your peepee septum I said Oh in the nose nice it's septic no that's that's like a tank that holds waste we'll figure it out yeah thank you guys for listening this episode from paulsen let us know what you think Spencer thanks for joining us be safe on that camping trip thank you thank you so much for bears dude [ __ ] you can't be with yeah we were kicked out because we didn't put the food in the bear yes I do remember that I'll watch out for bears yeah Thank You Mac keep growing the beard I guess I'll see you after this podcast is cool hit that subscribe button we love you thank you for watching TV booth
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 1,000,411
Rating: 4.8917007 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, covid, doctor, corona, corona virus, quarantine, stay home, social distancing, tik tok, parents, sex, masturbation, china, whuan, masks, face mask
Id: uMI6JZzjR0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 3sec (4503 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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