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bro I am not so sure my head won't pop are you crazy do you see that vein in your forehead that's filled with not I looked over at Mike's notes he has one sense on a Microsoft Word document that's it those are his notes for this episode it says what do you look for in a girl glad you can't prepare Mike welcome back to compulsive the number one podcast in the world guys I I mean it when I say this we are about to hit 2 million subscribers finally finally racking up the charts and so yeah I hit that subscribe button we're excited we like these podcasts we like making them and we like talking to length about random [ __ ] like Mike what do you look for and what do you look for in a girl let me ask why did you write that because you have a girl does she have the qualities that you look for 100% yeah all of a but today we won't be talking about me so you guys um if you've watched impossible for it Mike I mean Mike's well you can be loud you could be boisterous but also he has a you have a lot of good points and you're a deceptively intelligent which is one more of my favorite traits about everybody I'm just yeah so okay so that's good rumen is his butt hole in my ass so much so his mom called him got over aa band called called Mike she watched every podcast I Robin she goes you've got to stop talking my fans are mad at you and I went to the doctor Verbier situs they call it actually an actual diagnosed syndrome Verbier situs the inability to stop talking is that a thing yes so I've been down yeah I've been diagnosed with an actual medical condition that was just only one of them though right oh no I love men okay pervious itis is the lead one and and yeah man it's it's a medical condition and actually the reason I bring it up today's I'd like to raise some awareness for it and have people stop [ __ ] you know verb shaming so much so I can't tell if mike is um playing the victim card to receive some sort of pity not often that sort Suburbia side is yet he's just letting the world know he'll take care of it Mike Schmitt Mike's mom said she does it too though so it is genetic so I mean maybe she has various sizes - how many friends is Robyn have she got a good amount auntie Annie Monte Cindy do you guys have that - and you're like families where if your mom's friends with somebody that automatically or yes your auntie auntie or auntie Cindy's coming Oliver she's got a couple really good friends from her from her childhood as we know um I don't think we've said this yet and I hope I can but manager Jeff is pregnant well he's not his girlfriend his manager Jeff finally is gonna be having a young baby a young baby Jeff congratulations Jeff and Hannah oh and JJ JJ yeah and so on that note I'm um I mean I'm gonna be uncle Logan you're gonna be Uncle Mike oh come on you're gonna be uncle Mac it's it doesn't have to be a blood thing you know I'm fascinated by is like depending on like culture and your family where you guys are from your ethnicity like you said auntie auntie I say aunt some people call the grand was like bah bah what do you call your grandma like gah goo goo my grandma's my grandma and my Nana I see Nana like I've heard like gaggy before there's like weird words some people of words yeah what's cheap GPS Jeep all right G when my dad is a grandpa he I've so I'm still working on that because the things I look for in a girl I haven't found yet so I haven't been able to plant my precious seed in you know and a woman that I love and and provide a grandchild for my father and my mother I go on you got a girl for me no okay grandpa that's that's good that's strong GPN are you listening you're gonna be known as grandpa what obviously I'm just we're talking earlier about like things that happen first thing to talk about this bus thing like the lineage of strong bus men and you're do we talk about that I totally forgot it's been a while long look if you're gonna be a podcast and you can you just might not be super effective yeah like someone verbis itis that's okay do you like use your memories through your words sometimes dude I use everything through my words mmm that makes sense even I yeah what do you look for in a girl the reason why I was thinking was of it was just because I've noticed lately that you you had called it the year of the girlfriend and you are somehow the only person that doesn't have a girlfriend all my friends got wives yeah you don't count bro actually yeah you do yeah you do who you got that one girl the one the nomads the vagabond the homeless girl that she's she's just traveling traveling yeah yeah all right sure nah but yeah dude I don't know why III manifested it for everyone but myself actually I dunno why my expectations are too high and so I'm I'm at an age where I refuse to compromise like for everyone listening to this please like like hold yourself to a standard that you [ __ ] deserve and I like to believe that I'm at a I'm at a pretty high standard I demand excellence from my partner and they should demand excellence from me and if I'm not providing that they should dip like I like I commend the person who is able to see their worth and then make sure that worth is being reciprocated in the person that they decide to give their energy to on a day-to-day basis and I have not found that person yet not even not even remotely close the last person was Chloe and that was that scares me because the way we met was such a thrilling no it was such it was such a coincidental chain of events a serendipitous that is the word I was looking for that I'm not like was it though cuz you guys were both like looking to be actors she's an actress you you know aspiring actor yeah but you kinda on the same way like doing the same it was some real Romeo and Juliet type [ __ ] Montague Capulet like star-crossed love brought I'm a YouTube star she's a traditional Hollywood actress like on paper that [ __ ] doesn't work it just doesn't it just doesn't work well for the game though you know you guys were in the same world no no no no no no no we were not in the same like sort of the same mindset in the sense of like using like we're filming a movie together she's got a new boyfriend I actually went on and did the old stock your ex situation I'm sure I'm sure y'all do this and she was doing she was doing great and I'm I'm really really happy for her I think with us there's just like a timing thing and so many relationships are about timing like in general life is it life is about timing you know like even the fact that like I say often like I was born in the right generation absolutely like I happen to like making videos and this happens to be a generation likes consuming videos like timing is timing is can be attributed to so much of one person's success and pretty much any vertical relationships career or personal life because I've been listening to Pink Floyd a lot with you lately and you've been liking from digging in a lot here we had a we had a whole night the other night where we shut off all the lights in the house I haven't brought out a laser show we listened to Pink Floyd and the doors for that was hours on end and I explained to him the lyrics and the Pink Floyd songs how they were about anti-establishment and going against the grain and not giving in to the government like mana maverick yeah kind of yeah I mean in a way Roger Waters Syd Barrett or the original Mavericks dude they were running that [ __ ] back in 67 69 all that [ __ ] Logan Logan like said dude even used uh you even use wish you were here in his last vlog it started because I was wearing that pink floyd shirt yeah it's my brother's shirt when I was at tannaz house to shooting the video with her she gave it to me and I liked it and Evan will make fun of me he goes name one Pink Floyd song I'd like and so Mike site Mike's like oh I got you like it's a big bro [ __ ] and then he ran me through it and showed me all their discography this guy also dicks and the problem was I was so I was so high I was so high listen to Pink Floyd and you're a high it's a credit what do you expect to happen did you cry No putting on the foot we laid on the floor for hours and I brought him through Dark Side of the Moon through the wall even they had him listen to a couple songs off Alma gamma which was which was some wild [ __ ] but now I mean I love Pink Floyd I was right I was raised on on a lot of classic rock and I live same here and my mom trained me on a lot of the Eagles and clapped in the doors in Pink Floyd and that [ __ ] is like those albums were masterpieces we look at we look at albums now like the baby or little baby or somebody comes out and I'm like that shit's laughs these Pink Floyd albums are masterpieces every song how it's placed in the lineage of songs every second of the song is thought through like some sort of scientific experiment it's beautiful you consume music a lot absolutely come on comment below is there a masterpiece that has been put out in the last decade looks like a true masterpiece absolutely what is easy My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Kanye West's incredible album start to finish like we're talking from visual experience with the whole 30 minute music video thing that was made to just the music as it plays out and unfolds just like spectacle and size of everything that goes into it it makes it one of the greatest albums of all time easily yeah it's definitely a favorite among Kanye fans factor among among music fans but I just like I mean I just wonder if we're getting to a point where like music is so saturated people people like the the 808 the snare drum and then some [ __ ] lyric that sort of sounds like something like brush I'm saying right now it'll change though baby he'll pop up on my Spotify mmm yeah that's why I think cuz I'm scrolling through and I can't I can't [ __ ] get away from little baby songs oh I'm all for the new artist but like this one in particular I have no idea I have no idea what he's saying I have none and his all sounds the same as tone is the same it's all the same I'll give him a year here's here's the deal regardless of all that all the trends going on right now regardless of all the trends there's a ton of other music out there that you just probably haven't heard that's incredible for sure ton of people putting out great stuff I think what this weekend showed me I had some friends in town from back home just like incredible people that are so culturally deep and understanding and like what they search for and listen to just having that like Mike with the Pink Floyd and the doors and all that stuff just absorbing that stuff and then kind of going in that direction like when you're spotify suggest new stuff after you've been listening to Pink Floyd for a long time yeah just go down that stuff yeah that's how I that's how I found most of my a tame apologies dropping you out but you say that's that's pretty good I don't know if I like it as much as Curren but I mean I've been I've been eccentric and all over the place my whole life like I I've um wide variety centric everything from 311 to revolution we listen we're on that tip last night Bob Marley oh like what's that both both wrong why when you were when you're you're like heavy drug addiction days would you just sit there and look at the ceiling and listen to music depending on what part of the days you know but all but always but that's what decided the music it's like does life imitate art or does art imitate life I mean during the during the the dealing days when when I was selling a lot it was a lot of jay-z he was a lot of big heel out of NAS a lot of styles PE the locks that kind of [ __ ] but during the days when we first started when it was smoking weed taking shrooms acid we were listening to Pink Floyd we're listening to the doors the Beatles I think a lot of people I think a lot of people look at Pink Floyd is like the apex of psychedelic rock when reality the Beatles are right up there - I am wall or sales submarine it's really trippy [ __ ] but I encourage doctors I encourage everybody out there to go back and listen to the classics and listen that [ __ ] and and and really explore different genres as well you might like Bob Marley you might not like the doors I love Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin is one of my favorite bands we even scratch the surface on that yet do it on your commutes oh yeah that's that's that's big yeah even a lot of people listen to this podcast on their commutes like I think that's a good time to learn and like absorb [ __ ] we took we took a hour 2 hour drive to the NASCAR race back and forth on the ranch and yeah we just listened to Pink Floyd in the doors and that got into a little bit of Jim Morrison because I remember you telling me about him and his legacy I just I also just love watching you explore different like listening formats like you you took an excessive amount of edibles the other night like a net you drug addict tell me now guys here's what it is we've been going through we talked about this Mike the creation consumption thing you think we're like you're pumping out a lot you're doing a lot of creation you gotta find some way to like turn your brain off to like receive some cases you're not like constantly trying to you know hit the gas so check us out you're you're right this is act this is a great conversation creation versus consumption yeah how much to create how much to consume should there be a balance if so why is it necessary I did a writing session with a director by the name of Lucas on who you guys may know I'm actually gonna look up his time to be here so this dude is this dude is an absolute legend he's one of the greatest directors of all time Lucy to Anna taken taxi five Valerius scores taken three transporter the first Lucy no no direct the direct direct directly to rope just just a just a like the epitome of a create or and an artist here in Hollywood and so we had a writing session and I asked him I was like yo ha where did where did your creativity come from we had we had a couple two to three writing sessions and somehow I got linked with him and I asked him I was like oh where did your creativity come from he's a French guy he said he grew up in the countryside and he was always bored and so he would create these worlds in his head of these aliens and if you've seen like the fifth element he directly if you've seen that like he's just insane insane fantasy worlds because he had nothing else to do and he had I I would assume some sort of genetic blessing where he was a bit more creative and imaginative imaginative than the average person but I would I would argue he probably wasn't consuming that much what did he have television and stuff like that I lived on a farm remember when we were talking about this the other night I brought up my all it's funny because everything that I create now everything that I am now as a person is based on what I consume throughout the course of my life and so for the first you know 30 years of my life all I did was consume consume music consume movies The Sopranos every TV show every conversation I had was every Jeopardy show I watched was me being a sponge and sucking that in and it is now prevalent and apparent in everything that I create and now I've gone down the other side of the spectrum and that's and that's where I think you are tour just putting out putting out putting out and the reason we had this conversation is because the theater and the house is broken right now we can't we have no way to consume and what we do consume is talk and mindless content and I got very worried the other day about what that may do to our ability to create stunning bigger larger exactly I I guess my biggest takeaway was on it was to encourage people out there to at least pay attention what you're consuming absolutely and make sure you're consuming [ __ ] that could in the in turn give you the ability to create good [ __ ] because I mean honestly like long face and that I don't know what you're gonna end up producing as a result today I mean it depends like um I think the people who are like watching tick tock in this like quote-unquote mindless content I don't like the they're young right so I don't know if they need to be constantly inundated with ideas with value or inspiration that has but but why because when I was young yeah I would watch YouTube and Smosh and and they're really bombs world yeah bro yeah when I was like between 8 and 15 like really young when I was when I was in my consumption phase like what is what is life what I want to do how is the world and because of that because of what I saw I became a content creator because I thought it was cool like again I saw the Smosh guys anthony and Ian becoming like these big YouTube people and I wanted to do that and so I don't know what I guess what I'm saying is I don't know if we're talking about kids RH which is probably the majority people listen to this podcast just [ __ ] watch how much tick-tock you consume there's probably better things to be investing your time in but if you're if you're young like more like from our perspective at this point because dude you literally art go go go all day you are not consuming any content wick stuff that you have to like if you're looking for content you're going online quick stuff yeah yeah I agree and actually in this conversation right now I think that's why I I've been smoking as much weed as I have yeah because and I stopped yesterday because I was like whoa this is too much but I think it's cuz and actually if you go back to podcasts ago you hear me say like it's hard for me to shut my mind off like I've been laying in bed for two hours at night every night is just like trying to go to sleep just inundated with just like thoughts and creativity and Reid makes me useless dude no dumb stupid just like able to it forces myself to just relax mm-hmm and take a very necessary breath the problem is no one told me this bro like week week gives you a hangover can dude it's like how you just wake up and you feel like you're Gras made of slow so what's good I thought this was gonna be better a zoom how much you consume like if you take a lot a lot a lot a lot you're gonna have a bad time another candle it's another consumption conversation we are we I love to dive deeper maybe not in this episode but into this this like psychedelia war world that we you know play in sometimes whether it be with weed are also just like I know I'm I'm kind of like anti drugs at this point and kind of have to maintain that platform but I'm I'm not really anti fungus and anti marijuana I think that there's a use case for both those drugs yeah when done properly and under supervision or you know it is it's kind of gotten to that point I mean you've got it's got no point we're mushrooms are now starting to be subscribed to people for PTSD for end of life for that kind of stuff and marijuana has a bunch of medical use cases as well and I'm gonna I'm a believer in in in psychoactives ability to kind of remove you from the stressors or stress or anxieties or depressions of everyday life and more so to expand your mind to be able to sponge up those things that you may not be interested or you may not be able to achieve on a on a normal brain and you're not anymore yeah this is not mean curve talk to us a little bit before it's not me encouraging anyone to go to go do these things but there's no denying and Brogan talks about this a lot obviously as well you know the benefits are psychedelics ability to to open to expand your mind I just am hesitant so on the on the opposite no I'm hesitant with with psychedelic drugs or even even weed the little bit that I've just sort of started like playing with and I'm okay being vocal with it about it if if something is that good there's usually there's something that is like equally as bad like for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction like you got to be careful with it you can't consume too much and it's definitely not for everybody no 1,000% like if you don't feel like you should do it you die it is so easy to get lost in the sauce with some of these drugs and like until I mean if you happen to be the person who's wired in the in addictive way and you know you happen to fall in love with doing psychedelics next thing you know you're changing your last name and praying praying to rainbows whenever we come Syd Barrett just like the crab super painful this inability to what did you say he did though he was the writer for people yeah he was the original [ __ ] I don't quarter wrong here I believe he was the original writer and I maybe he was even the original frontman for Pink Floyd but he used to wake up and put just tabs upon tabs of LSD in his cereal every morning I'm not so concerned about the LSD but what kind of series this is back in the early 60s because when he was writing it was Pink Floyd I believe this one was called bike he wrote bike this is like 63 and so I don't even think Lucky Charms was out yet it's probably what Cheerios with Cheerios out yet that's it that's enough but just drop in blotter just tabs Road to have this happen every day wake up and just go [ __ ] it exhausting these guys were caught just like the guy who owned your ranch these guys Timothy Leary these guys were cosmonauts dude they were their psychedelic cops they were exploring the boundaries of listen listen I don't know that's what I'm I don't know if they were if you're using it to write a song and a hit song repeatedly like sure but like brought Tim Leary I don't know noble that that that like how much how much acid can you do before you like alright I get it you do ask you do ask it leads you into a world that definitely doesn't exist and you're still living on a farm if you can you know the movie was one with Bradley Cooper interstellar no no limit no limits limitless yeah limitless when he's like at the very end he's talking Robert Niro and he's like oh you're about to have a heart attack oh how did you know that I'm off the drug but I remembered all the things that like I learned on the truck like you could take stuff from that space as long as you're like conscious enough to remember it and put it down I'm not talking about nobility I'm talking about they treated they treated LSD in the in the late 60s 1967 through 1969 nine Haight Ashbury Haight Ashbury San Francisco they treated acid the same way we treated space travel or you know tomb going to the moon how far can we push the boundaries of this drug and it wasn't about how much can we take it was about yo let's try this concoction let's try this serum let's try this let's try this so they were exploring because let's be honest with each other right now I mean there's no other way I say this - a lot - there's no other way for a human to escape the confines of this reality some Andre might say it can be done through intense meditation which maybe I can someone say it can be done through Tantra but in my experience there is no other way to escape up is up down is down right is right left is left black is why I smell smells I see sights on on psychedelics you see sounds you hear smells like the fines of normal reality have been distorted and it is and and and whether you want to say you know you like them or you agree with their use it's the only way to take this reality and go to another dimension yeah it's definitely effective I guess she's a fact yes she gets the job done pretty quickly like it's not years of meditation training it's like oh it's a that's what I'm saying there are most people that would take forever to learn how to meditate yourself into another dimension I mean Andre how's it coming with that but you talked about in Jack ulation can we talk about it my life without permission that camera you know I even start this art we have conversations in the garage talk about a girls talk about our love life whatever are you talking about the show I just oh this I guess this is our garage yet yeah okay meet me in silence for a second so we're talking about but ya know just everything and Andrews like y'all been doing this thing where I've been having an orgasm but I haven't been inoculated and we all pause for five seconds it was also because it's not that weird dear Andre say something of that oh that no no we like we expect Andre to adventure into these new territories these no sexual territory tears and so this one though seemed a little weird hey so hope you so all of us collectively were like I'm sorry what the [ __ ] did you just say did and he's like yeah just like you know like retaining my semen well first and then you started saying this could this could be unhealthy right absolutely it can be that we all agreed that this is the most natural human thing the only reason we technically are on this plan is to do one thing and that's to reproduce and so I said Andre you are simply stopping the most because he's all about nature and natural and earth-based or you know plant-based whatever you are stopping the most natural thing that occurs in human nature like I argue I argued it's quite literally the only thing that US has men are put on this planet to do is reproduce as a species semen retention is the practice of avoiding Jack Y elation you can do this by abstaining from sexual activity altogether of course or you can learn how to orgasm without ejaculating although it may sound like some new wild fad the practice is probably as old as humankind so look I commend you for experimenting with this combined but we we started doing some research and commend do some research it's called in Jack elation and Mike was saying yo this can't be good for you while your prostate and is everything I've looked up in Jack elation and people also ask is it healthy to eat sperm oh by the way ladies please don't men whose eat sperm for the most part yes the components that make up semen are safe to ingest anyways what is in Jack elation so to eject from a living body specifically to eject semen or to utterly suddenly and vehemently the point is we found out this could be bad for your fertility potential yeah potentially now this was not a couple for forums these people could be wrong but we got into a conversation with Andre where he said I believe that in Jack elating could potentially do what for me what was it allowing clear thoughts or or to bottle up and be save all that masculine and there's good energy right and so Logan said so you believe that it might do this but we have doctors saying they believe that it might seriously hurt your ability to reproduce in the future and Logan said I know which one of those Amin retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful it's also call that retrograde ejaculation however potential complications include inability to get a woman pregnant male infertility so I'm like y'all's a big that's way noble but also I don't want to take that risk even if it is on a couple forums and even if the percentage which we also looked up is like 0.3% of being infertile for like I know the ones great I know the ones great it's what I'm here to do and it feels good not and it's is so nice by the way my question is give me a thumbs up I mean you can talk to us David I need I need Andre in here no my question about this is when they say inability to get a woman pregnant like of course not you're not coming inside of her no he means they mean later infertility no but because I think it builds up and it goes into your egg you throw up your jocular actually you sneeze it out that's that would be like super tragic which by the way that's how that happens quite frequently during them yeah yeah what's your [ __ ] problem is Danny filming right now it's fine let's just get it done soon Carla no I mean you look into Ayurveda Chinese medicine like Eastern philosophy and there's actually a lot of benefits from holding what I think is your creative life force energy like most people and the West and whatnot just like what do you mean creative life force energies that you talking about semen yeah yeah so before so before you were able to produce semen and you were a 5 year old playing in the woods with your friends pretending like you were in battle and you couldn't produce semen like what is your creative life force energy well I mean I think you're a different stage of your life but when you're older Jesus cried the speakers my brain I could hear Aundre inside of my soul yeah exactly why do you believe semen is your creative life force energy when you come how do you feel after I could write the new I could write the stretchers I stand in the mirror and I look at myself and I say I could produce any exponential I'm clear-headed I focused clear heart large eyes what yeah so there's definitely that some people feel really tired I don't think there's any right or wrong here and it's powerful to experiment but I mean if you guys have looked into like the no-fat movement like just not masturbating and like trying to hold in that life force energy it's one of the hardest things to actually do but I feel like for sure is that for sure I feel like a lot of mental clarity and creative energy like freeze up within yourself and I just know like so many dudes struggle with masturbation in what way just like addicted to masturbation porn oh it's like a huge problem I feel like in the younger demographic yeah yeah just figuring out how to like how you can how you can so post not clear clarity do you think that do you think that comes from the actual release yeah not not the orgasm no yeah I think I'll be sure he's yeah ok he also has no idea like you're saying you said are you sure and he goes yeah but yeah but it's also subjective it's just you it's you telling hard on it bro no you have not I'll be honest with you I will never in Jack you late ever you couldn't [ __ ] pay me to it I here's what I will do don't have sex out abstain but if I am gonna come and I've used and you somehow convinced me to hold my not end you sick [ __ ] you sick [ __ ] that bro I am not so sure my head won't pop are you crazy do you see that vein in your forehead that's filled with no [ __ ] way wow that's a weird one that's a weird call to get at this hour the first guy give so much the first girl Logan ever the first girl Logan ever loved while he was in Los Angeles and she broke his heart into a million [ __ ] pass but I didn't say I loved her we were at a brunch in New York well I was sitting sitting I was filming a movie there and I looked at her I knew it and I but I didn't say it cuz I knew it was just a moment so I wasn't in love with her but I definitely loved her anyways there's weird of that I got that call not having spoken her in years and then she banged all of his friends over now I feel like she still has a small part the PCR is that potential not not even already the kid I will who I was when I was 19 I don't even know that kid gets kids he wasn't as bad as 22 though oh yeah because 20 22 was like I had some I had some power right I had some ammunition so all right real quick Andre how has it been going for you and is it a like have you had to practice yeah yeah no do you even start with that well like a stop it started with like I stop masturbating like eight months ago just like holding the energy in and that obviously got into a relationship and it's like you start having sex and yeah eventually like just learning like communicating with your partner of like how you can actually press on this area in between your ballsack and your ass hold the pooch perennial the couch the couch you can press on that right when you're about to come and like your squeeze and like try to keep up but you can still have an orgasm so so pleasurable but it's hard so why are you like this so yeah so you're [ __ ] and you're about to nut and you're like this like from the behind or did she do it oh yeah yeah yeah sometimes both okay because when you say this Andre this is what I picture you have to be Stan I picture I picture you a bottle I got it just just unleash and then this is you [Laughter] it's not too far from the truth that does not look healthy like him press into my face Danny already this is him no it's enjoyable it's not like that oh you look horrible I don't want to do that anymore because honestly every part of me just that's so bad it's so bad well I mean we're kind of coming from two different worlds that's true you know we're coming from Earth it's like you know we understand the coming is like what it means to be human but what if Andre is not trying to be human that's awesome what if he's trying to be more than human no snag snag are you snagged bruh no yeah you might be maybe spiritual new age guys sensitive sensitive yeah like if someone hits the chest would you say wow yeah probably say yeah I do too I would do giving this [ __ ] nipple that's a snag I lost a bet yeah if you all have been seeing the vlogs we've been doing some crazy [ __ ] and the thing with vlogs is and every vlogger and content creator can relate Andre by the way I appreciate your input yeah I just try to finish the deal what do you mean what does that mean yeah like finish her off in there I make first make sure you've heard you talk about that and then yeah once you can still have an orgasm you come hold it in and then yeah you just move on with your life it's a growing it's a learning process there's like in pints the next time you come how many pints will there be Oh sometimes that like sometimes you gotta like release though that's what I found like after like a couple months of like poor blue why for her okay that shit's gonna go she comes out [ __ ] yo y'all see that new skittles commercial this is blue after Andres months and months of a job she comes out of the room just like oh that's not a skittles commercial creepy ice cream commercial ad but I just saw skittles on or something it was something scientists I don't want to play this this commercial yeah I don't wanna play it okay yeah Thank You Andre yeah y'all sorry really quickly I still talk about my nipple no I'm sorry this portion I apologize so all the fans out there that I may have interrupted to him I didn't mean it this portion of the show has been a disaster I'm sorry go back to your nipple I am [ __ ] you let me know when you're done no for every vlogger and creator they can relate to this like you just you need especially if you're on a schedule content so it's Sunday I'm like what can I do I guess pierce my nipple it hurts it hurts yeah yeah hurts real bad and but the prop the real problem is I did it and now I kind of like it Oh No what like I looked at it and I was hoping that was gonna be the case bro I I'm I'm a keep this you've changed a lot from a while you paint your nails my nails I was painting oh you paint on the paint is on my nails yeah if you got you guys some of my artwork make love now are anyways yeah dude I I just um I have to be very careful and mindful that I'm not falling in the trap that I fell into last time where it's like anything goes you're getting there I know you're running out of ideas not I'm not running out of ideas sometimes I've run out of time for my ideas phone full of ideas but if you're an immediate Yunos I'm at the ranch I can't shoot at this texture my mom 4:23 a.m. know what okay hold on Logan is getting weird again keep an eye on it oh god that's her first thought of the day was that Logan's getting weird keep an eye I think oh you're going down a weird road it was all the paint huffing though I guarantee you booked a lot of paint hold on a second Robyn I'm gonna challenge you here what is getting weird to you is the nipple piercing all right but before that I think it was the colorblind skittles vlog that God was it was it me painting and like expressing my art in a different way like easy Robyn was it me making a diss track and also when was i weird in the first place I was maybe cringe but what was I like a weird [ __ ] literally forever wait let me your entire life if you're like you're a weird guy we know this yeah you are you have to accept that look literally look at everything around my an outward face not like well I don't want to like be around that guy but what was your response can you ask her what the consequences of that are I said I said he's a weird one for sure that's because I also don't know what she's talking about to be honestly I just clarify yeah why don't you call her call her that's a good idea as she might not answer the she might she's in Mike's phonons mom may lack well good you got it make sure Mike doesn't do porn no porn and then you make him do all the porn for a lot of makes him a [ __ ] on it is what let's go mom a lack Mike I hope you're getting a cut uh hey Robin tell her she's on the show hi Robin so so so how are you the cameras facing your kitchen though she is Robin so it's we're not impulsive right now and um you know I I heard you thought I was getting weird again and I just wanted to know what you meant by that wait just just my nipple but and by the way I said I hear you on that one I hear you on that was right but what else what else have I done that is is triggering the red flags for you I don't know Robin I don't know what I appreciate you Robin I appreciate you looking out for me because my parents don't before she before she goes to tell her what I'm not allowed to take it you tell me what I'm not allowed to do on it say again I do like it I do like I'm in a group chat with Abby her husband Jack Mike and by the way I'll have you know and I'm sure you know mike has completely gone mi a we do not hear from him anymore ever since he's got that new girlfriend okay well this has ventured into a very real place we're gonna go back to the podcast Robin I'll talk to you later all right BYE MOM love you be a maverick do it the same so I love your mom she's so sweet Dan's amazing but IIIi am weird I've always said this bro [ __ ] being normal yeah you're barely weird you are you scratch the surface we know some weird people Mac come on dude I was like in high school wrestler though the whitest kid of all [ __ ] time I'm just saying like everything that happens like randomly bursting into singing all the time you know he's not ADHD running down the street like some people right down the street in the like giant antelope feet thing like someone somewhere might be like that guy's weird how much is fortune huh how much is for content 50% probably 50% but like bro like I'd like the painting wasn't for content we would not get along if you weren't weird cuz that's true but there's like levels to the [ __ ] right there's there's weird like the the dudes who we had to get a restraining order against because they stand outside our house and tell us they're Lucifer weird and when I'm there let me know let me know believe I'm there yet I mean do you think I mean Andre might be even a level up from us with the ejaculation yeah but it's not weird it may be just like a strange personality he had some he had some advice I don't remember exactly what it was for Lana the other day and I go Lana Andre says you should do this you know I didn't say Andre I said Lana someone at the house said this and she goes was it Omar that said that you can't listen a home are he ejaculates credibility Andres alright to whether what did you wanna say you saying you no value on value Alana's opinion she just bought a Lamborghini what did you what did your metaphorical super wife buy resilient I want you to relax there champ bang at the Lamborghini dealership says he's never sold a Lamborghini to a woman that young he says she's the biggest ball or that age she's 23 crossfire Lamborghini girl by the way well connected to the earth nice girl no reason to talk [ __ ] about her [ __ ] Andre what do you got problem with sex workers or just women guys I I did something this weekend oh I don't know this time before ok let me address this let me address this this this dude has been peeing so frequently getting on my nerves and I noticed about two weeks ago cap telling me how to pee every 30 minutes about to go on a car ride we have to take a break at a gas station and I showed him in my notes a know what I wrote six months ago and it says my new pet peeve people have to pee too often it is so annoying you have a massive glass it's I'm not comparing them to me just literally anyone yeah he he's peeing probably two times per hour now two times during our water as his bladder going what six times the NASCAR event we were there for two or three hours we can't win he's getting old he is at it does he need to get his prostate checked out and by the way I'm gonna vlog it if so you should get something checked out cuz Mike if that bladder starting to go like that you gotta get that one right there so clear if you've noticed see your guys I I drink a decent chunk clip of water but not not as much as you and I think lately I've been drinking more so my bladders readjusting to it plus I'm I'm an old man I'm not I'm not so even the amount of time you were just gone does not warrant like a like you could have held that that was like a $15.00 push I squeezed it out I could do you know like a lot of regular water gone that's how you pee I have a super soaker shoots out a whole bladder Ivan Jack you late I think your bladders shrinking what did you do this weekend uh um I don't know we're gonna do this whole like sober 2020 thing and then I was call about it and I drank beer with my friends and I I went through like this whole philosophical thing about like why I was going to do it cuz Who am I to not have some fun with my friends that are visiting who are you like is my life I was grumpy I realized like I was just like not enjoying the small little things in life life like having a beer with my friends on a mountaintop like how could I not do that I commend you so 2020 Wood is a great vision yes I'm 24 yeah and you're 24 - you got you got it you got a decade on it it's good for your your life path I'm still a we're young brother yeah beer on a mountaintop and you probably should have went harder if I'm being like I told shoot but I was like you know it's just one of those small things I didn't have to get like absolutely hammered to enjoy the time it was still awesome with the people but like I don't know this that one beer it was so rewarding it tasted so good well if you're having one I had that reaction joking no I know well with you a little bit more because me and you've had some conversations where you've told me that you specifically want but honestly I've been so clear about this I don't whine you want to [ __ ] specifically to do what I'm doing I'm not trying to push that [ __ ] on anybody I love IPAs I love sitting down with a nice burger and a nice California lagu need us IPA incredible I'm gonna get crucified but my Ohio fan for saying this and you guys know this I hate I don't understand I can't I cannot wrap my head around the idea of drinking the beer god dang I don't I'm I hated about myself I like I like that I don't drink beer cuz like for like health reasons mhm but just for the fact that like you know I grew up like chopping wood wearing plaid and camo and I don't like drinking martinis and grew and even more so you grew up you're born I'm assuming you still have with it with a penis yeah and so the fact that you don't like beer is [ __ ] shocking to me I've always this has been one of our [ __ ] combative conflicting points since the day I met you like you know you want to go get a cold one you're like yeah I'll get a cold one called dirty martini straight up hold on extra dirty hold on a second what is this martini there I'm not drinking martinis espresso martini I will double time I will double down and say that is the most rink on the planet saves your life the most important drink on the planet is the espresso martini order that at the end of your dinner before you go to the club you're gonna be quiet way up ready to go for hours and then when decide when dinner's at like 11:00 p.m. here in LA New York yeah yeah or or or anywhere in Europe anywhere in Europe by the way Florence I make reservations for dinner tonight they're like yes our earliest seating is at 12:30 a.m. I'm like what the [ __ ] you say I have no idea every time I go over there I again just like Vegas in Miami a part of my life is taken from me here it is and you're talking you're talking Italy the Dolce Far Niente the sweetness of doing nothing in the in the afternoons just like a break time like dude if we did that here which we kind of do that the nine-to-five job does not allow for people to just like Esau off during the middle of the day when you like the hottest and you're the tiredest yeah just like you need a break and then you go back to work afterwards and then it gets to be eight o'clock when you get off and you get home and you got this and you got the kids and the dog and then you got to go get in the car to go to the restaurant and by the time you get there it's 11 p.m. and what did you call it the Dolce Far Niente the sweetness of doing nothing they do that in France too the lunches yeah like the school lunches in France long every like Latin speaking culture not what is it latin-based language speaking culture that tends to have some sort of break during the middle of the day the day and the dinners to our romantic language that's where you go sorryy and the dinners are like are like three hours yeah because it's all the different courses and you sit and you talk and you have your wine and stuff and so if the dinner starts at 12 or 11 or whatever you're like okay we're actually looking at a another vacation right now or a vacation this would be a real vacation like we're not going to shoot canta I want to go to Bora Bora really badly and I want to go with Lana has a romantic vacation but in all honesty I can't imagine the thought of leaving behind Logan oh I can't imagine it it makes me sad to imagine it yeah it makes me feel bad cuz Here I am again no wife yet and I'm I'm a I'm a third wheel I'm cool with it mmm I'm cool with it they're entertaining and I want to give them their space but also okay but that's what men before I'm time to go off into the Bora Bora jungles and find a malaria mosquito has malaria and by the way coronavirus yeah we doing this or what boys I just I don't know anything about it well let's let's pull I got the stats on my phone it's happening I don't want to [ __ ] the fear-mongering let's let's if you want it just turning out to be a it's turning out to be a thing dude what what does that say rotavirus global death toll surpasses 3000 this case is sore at least eighty nine thousand global cases have been reported my guess is underreported overall death stall sent death toll stands at three thousand wh oh the World Health Organization warns the risk of global spread is very high local spread death death toll and Iran is really going up so we've got to make some countries that are under major assault Iran is one of them it's getting very bad in Italy right now it's getting pretty bad in cases in South Korea exceed 4,000 so I had a question I think I may have asked this on the podcast before cuz I you know you walk around the airport anywhere in public and you see people wearing the face masks how effective are these millimeter paper-thin face masks preventing a life-threatening illness Surgeon General urges the public to stop buying face masks the Surgeon General and Saturday warned that masks were not effective in preventing the general public from contracting the corona virus I mean you see scares the New York Times I'm off [ __ ] like at all I know you I know are you scared at all I mean are you is there any worry in your I know I know I should be I don't know I know I should be right cuz it with those cases here LA a case just broke out in Cleveland Ohio apparently it just became interspecies now dog versus the human and kima give it whatever now it's personal huh and I know I should be but for some reason when I am at the NASCAR event or some party here in LA not only do I not give a [ __ ] about it no no I mean let's I mean let's let's look at the numbers the numbers are relatively are low okay even though I believe even in comparison to SARS from the recent one and more so when you look back at something as serious as the pandemic the Spanish flu of 1918 1919 I don't remember exactly how that started but God forbid we go back to that I don't know if people know this but during the Spanish flu of 1919 I believe the year was three to five percent of the global population died geez three to five percent of the global population died fifty million people between fifty and a hundred million people I've seen I've seen estimates as high as a hundred million what about World War two I mean that was a plague you talking about like actual war but there's there's nothing like a viral in this all the biggest die this is the big in did an estimated 500 million people about one third i'ma look up the bubonic plague was it was it it was the Black Death so here's the difference it was about the same in terms of actual numbers in fact oh my god here's the difference between then and now Madison or no like we know way ahead of time that there's something that's not that it's medicine medicine helps broke my leg I just bandaged it up with some Yahoo that's great I'm glad you were able to extract those ones and zeros and pull them out but I mean just knowing about it is half the battle like and for you are well aware like oh I shouldn't go to luhan right but what are we doing what our guess yes I'll take that minor precaution and I will at this point I'm not going to China not only cuz the coronavirus because I'm not allowed right it's the 1500 s and you have to get word to me by newspaper like bro sure but like okay so we all know the coronaviruses is actually like seriously affecting a handful of people at least enough to raise a red flag yeah are you doing anything at home or are you like me and my friends where maybe we're just too lazy or ignorant or sheltered where we ER like I envy the person who is taking extreme precautions and will not get the coronavirus because of ego like that [ __ ] who has this hand sanitizer goes George it's not gonna be on your hands it's respiratory spray and the biggest fear right now is something called community spread and so and so at first it's just as of three days ago CDC saying community spread before that they were like yo don't travel to affected areas don't be around infected people now what's happening is you're having people saying I have no idea how I got this I was not near anyone that was sick I haven't traveled to Wuhan I haven't been to Iran and I have the corona people don't know how they're getting it if they're just getting guys bad and you know well that's the biggest thing when when WH oh and CDC gets involved and saying yeah this community spread it's starting the community spread listen I'm just gonna wrap it up like hopefully we can get this under control hopefully we have some sort of Kherson vaccine for the corona virus or entities it's yeah it's not something it's not something me and my comrades are interested in contracting that's like talk I mean I'm not [ __ ] skate like there's people like there's been some internet personalities have been pushing this fear narrative no I mean chill the [ __ ] out but but also wash your hands and don't get coughed on stay away from people that'll help we do a lot out here this is a bubble that's going out and like having an air B&B gonna Topanga exploring this weekend just told me and showed me how much more there is to the world it yeah this place is beautiful has everything but uh very much the Hotel California vibes we're here yeah like in you know like you're gonna have whatever you like but you could never leave like it's kind of like what it's like we all have to create we all have to do fun things talking about the Eagle song we don't really get out that much like it's kind of a lot of like hanging out here and then going to more lately more lately there's a lot of culture going on last weekend especially gonna like that NASCAR race and whatnot but now you're right well you definitely stand around here a lot and then if we leave here we're going to like a dinner at some place where you guys know the owners and then go to a club where we stand there and not talk to anyone or do talk to people but like you know I agree with you we have been spending a lot of time hunkered down making content even if you look at the content it's the same cast and characters which is great I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but but you know to your point I think a lot there's a lot a lot of it has to do with our work ethic not drinking not one in a party not really wanting to spend time with people unless there's some sort of symbiotic value there yeah there's a lot of people in the city that hey maybe they find value in these random meetups yo let's get coffee hey you want to meet up for coffee for 15 minutes talk about this thing hmm and and so that that let's meet up for coffee for 15 minutes talk about this thing I'm working on yeah has been a general rite of passage for a year for four decades right yeah if you hit up me or Logan or other people in this camp and say hey man you want to meet up for coffee and talk about the same working on where's the deck mmm it's gonna get looked at by our entire crew we're gonna scour over that [ __ ] before we walk out of this house and if we meet you you're gonna not have if you have coronavirus with me for coffee there's a lot to see there's a lot more that we could be doing I really recommend like getting Airbnb and we just go and yeah I think I'm throwing in my hat for coasters dude huh no I I I've gone on a plethora of coasters now in my adult days and every time and motion sickness runs my family not like the car but like my mom doesn't like roller coasters I used to love them I'm gay I'm gay Oh what I'm about to turn 25 so what the [ __ ] is happening Aires gang gang gang skirt was good I got a booty call by four girls on Saturday no show you going around circus you got booty called by four girls or full transparency I have not I have not you know in a while which is good because I've been I've been so focused but it's also it's also so not in a non pretentious not douchey way it is a very like foreign thing for me to to be focused on myself and my work as much as I am and I noticed on the weekends especially when you are focused when you when you're not trying to [ __ ] is what everyone else is yo we've won you're in a relationship suddenly every girl wants to have sex with you and when you're saying well no one does crazy right now so yeah just this weird phenomenon I have idea that wrap my head around and I mean you got some don't you can call me really bad golf right now I think it's the fever that throws it but I think Aviva well it's oh wait no no no if you have a [ __ ] a cop start worrying um yeah but you uh you I mean what point you just start in Jack you later oh my god great call well thanks for watching this episode of impulsive guys we are we like we like we like yeah you listen to it I'm looking for a cure for verbiage cytus if anyone knows please tell me and also stop shaming oh yeah yeah it's [ __ ] up guys tell your friends about the show and go subscribe to impulses lip so you don't have the time to watch a full episode impulsive clips is poppin you can see us any tidbits we love you take it easy Bruce
Views: 859,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, Sex, masturbation, injaculation, retrograde ejaculation, corona virus, vaccines, money, intercourse, semen, plague, pink floyd, weed, marijuana, creating, consumerism
Id: HQ9bifwUKOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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