Q&A with David & Jessica Hernandez

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hello David Egan Hernandez here you are watching a very special encounter TV web exclusive today I want you to get to know my new wife it's kind of cool saying that my wife Jessica Hernandez is here with us today and she's going to be answering some questions that were submitted by the viewers so it's a little more of a casual encounter TV web exclusive not so much ministry teaching oriented but you you will get ministered to well watching this I just thought it was a good idea so that our friends and partners could get to know a little bit about my wife to have her on so Jessica my dear I know you wanted to go right into the questions so we're going to go ahead and do that with us today to help this Q&A go along a little more smoothly as Stephen Moctezuma my good friend I mean you guys know from spirit church what's up Steve thank you just before we begin I just want to say congratulations to both you guys you guys are awesome but before we get into the Q&A Jessica if you want to give just a little bit of information about yourself for those of you for those of them that really don't know you yet so go right ahead oh let's see I went to another church we came from priests chapel Bell Gardens yes um I've been serving God and I was 19 and so it's almost that's when you that's two years now thank you good step but how long have you been saved now for just for the nine years nine years you've been serving the line years that's awesome isn't it awesome yes actually the date I proposed to you that was so cool when I proposed you I proposed to her and she told me what you tell me when I proposed you it was um the eighth year anniversary since I gave my life so I I proposed to her on her eighth year or eighth spiritual birth and didn't know it wow that's so so yeah Steve has some questions that were submitted by the viewers and different people from Facebook and social media so let's go ahead and get started shall we so this first question comes from Darren and he asks how do you balance your personal prayer time your marriage and the demand of ministry so Jessica will go ahead and start with you go right it well on personal prayer time that always comes first and in marriage second and of course that's throughout the day we're always spending time together and cooking cleaning taking care of him by the way praying for him cooking she house lock down then I get like a gourmet meal every night it's great and yes and then everything else follows it's okay can you elaborate a little bit more on how you develop your prayer time just throughout the journey that you were on neck that's challenging sometimes well and you know I it's just a lot of prayer like just realizing that I'm God loves me that I am loved I didn't believe I was loved before so once I gave my life to Lord I just was like drenched in his love and I wanted to be with God all the time and pray with him all the time so just do you think that most of that people don't pray because it's those mental barriers that they have maybe um yes it could be that just for you it was it was you know the mental barriers of you you felt like I wouldn't love you and things like that and that was from what you had told me that was a huge part of being able to get a breakthrough prayer was getting to those mental barriers right yes and also for healing to one side like new like um had a more deeper revelation of God's love I was able to receive healing you get that joy Bheemili now and so I love Cigna and also I dig I want to ask you the same question okay again how do you balance your personal prayer time your marriage and the demand of ministries on the spiritual side of course it's going to be putting the Lord first loving the Lord I think everything you do stems from loving the Lord just like you know all the duties I have as a husband they fall into place because I love Jessica and Jessica she mentioned cooking cleaning and you do all those things you did such a great job of those things and she helps keep the home in order and and also the Lord's anointed her for me she ministers to young women and healing to them and so just like she does it I mean she's got a love for me I have a love for her she has a love for I have a love for the Lord that's the spiritual side but of course the practical side is putting those disciplines in place I look at time like I look at like money so I view time in the same way I view money either it's in the budget or it's not if doing something is outside of the budget I don't do it I don't spend the time I don't have and the same thing goes for for money and so in the same sense when it comes to disciplining obviously my wife my home that's my first ministry and then you know the Lord's first then it's then it's my Jessica then it's the ministry then you know and so on from there great all right next question comes from Katzie and she asks how did you guys meet and how did you know you were one for another is it possible to know for sure who is going to be your future that's a double question that is a double question and we want to throw it to Jessica first the first portion first go for it I'll try and make it short okay so we met through a mutual friend um we're at a birthday party and she's pizza yes and we just hit it off we were talking about Scripture and I knew right away he loved God he knew a lot I didn't know who he was at the time but I knew he loved God and that attracted me to him and we started dating right away that's great that's great and the second quit the second part to that question is is it possible to know for sure who is going to be your future spouse oh yeah a lot of prayers that question huh um you know yeah I mean I felt like God revealed to me in dreams and prophetically and just through personal time with him so so what would you say to the young single female out there that's trying to pursue a man of God but it's kind of hesitant um just keep praying keep your eyes focus on God first he's your husband first before you get your husband here on earth so just keep him first and God will highlight him in the proper time that's and dig I wanted to throw the second part out to you because that's kind of harvesting so the question again was is it possible to know for sure who was going to be your future spouse did God give you an image of Jessica that's why that is a loaded quick right that's like the holy grail of data a relationship question I knew that was going to come up to uh the scripture says he who finds a wife finds a good thing so he's the one doing the finding so I have to be the one searching I have to be the one pursuing so he who finds not he who is given or he has shown he who finds if I'm going to find something that means I'm searching because seek and ye shall find so seeking precedes finding and if I'm finding a wife it means I was seeking at the same time there's that other balance right where okay but you got to trust God you got to trust that he's gonna do what he's gonna do now what was crazy about the night we met because it ties in with the question my good friend George was with me I was driving him to the same restaurant where he met and that night I I never said anything like this before and obviously haven't said anything like it since I turned to George and I said George tonight is the night I'm going to meet my wife and as he looked at me I know that what it was I don't know what it was but he looked at me and he said what I said yeah I go I'm gonna look back and I'm gonna say On January 1st 2012 I met the one who I was going to marry and long story short it did happen that night we connected I overheard her talking about scripture looked over noticed her text my friend and get out of the way i sat in the seat where he sat kicked him out of there i sat next to her we then ended up going to Bible study that Friday I asked for her number there were in very awkward front everybody she told me no at first but that's a long story she wasn't being mean there's a story behind that we will get to it later here or some other time that was funny but but anyway um so fast-forward now this this question of did I know no I don't think I did but but I think that you can know who you're pursuing you can know who you want to marry I know someone watching you just said what you said but even in saying that there's still doubt I didn't I still didn't know the future that was me being emotional me being random me being odd I don't know what I was thinking at the time I was still struggling what was I love you that was love yeah and so so I I was saying it so I I look at it like this I look at marriage and and finding the one is like anything else we do for God right it's partially God's will and partially our our will our participation now obviously you know our will needs to be crucified not my will but your will be done but there's that there's a mingling of two wheels that come that as you did the scripture says in John 3:30 you decrease he increases so I think God shows you what he wants you to have a woman the characteristics in the scripture it's very clear obviously I don't want to be unequally yoked meanings of a different mindset but when it comes to dating I believe it's partially God says here so when I have for you and you have to be the one to decide to make that person one so I don't believe in the one per se but I believed in making Jessica the one I chose for her to be the one because God permitted it so I think it's a blend of the two I don't have I don't take too much time going to theology that's just my short answer that's it all right so uh next question this is exclusively for Jessica Doris asks how does it feel to be an evangelist wife um it feels amazing I'm no I know I'm covered in prayer and yes and I'm very well taken care of and loved a lot and I I'm just thankful to God for him I'll be a part of his life that's great that's great all right well let's go ahead and move on to the questions here so this one is I believe for both of you guys actually it's just for you again Jessica how did you know David was the one for you and advice on how to hear God especially where your feelings are not involved so talking about hearing God I don't with that one mind when you kind of get the emotions out of the way so um well let's see uh definitely again a lot of Prayer on wow I think I rebuked just like many other people have done the thought of I think of being um like in my mind and like being attracted to him i rebuked it many times like god is this your will you know just packing excuse me you know I just didn't want to be you know in the wrong like not in God's will and I think as long as your your heart is in your desires to be in God's will you just stay faithful to him and continue to pray and just really seek God's heart on it um again my my prayers before we got together were very specific on what a husband what I wanted in a husband oh yeah you made a list yes I made a letter list give you a lot rate on that list oh gosh and I I was into evangelism where still am but um that was definitely on my list and wait though I had no idea would be big time you you you want it so you wanted an evangelist yeah what else was on your list Stevens asked um adventurous travels um someone who loved God of course this is not number one love God more than he would even love me and um yeah it's just just someone who who just like I had a strong fear of God and and just really um is just just knew he is called a ministry to I the list goes on and on I can't remember the whole list I just know that um God answered a lot now would you encourage the young females to make a list is that something that you think is a good idea I mean obviously I got you this is gonna hear it um I think it is I know it sounds like something kind of like old it are dated or something but no it's it's still on relevant and I still think that you know God will place things on your heart that you desire and in a man and that's and that's totally fine to write that down and to pray over that God cares about those things even those small things I think that are insignificant God really cares and he wants he wants to bless you so on you know make that list make that Lucy alright so a next question comes from David and again this one's exclusive for Jessica so how many David not this Dave Oh another good another David questioningly yes how many times did the Lord confirm to you that diga was the one for you so yeah how many times it was there a specific number that you felt okay comfortable okay this is it this is him whoa oh that that just reminds me of one of I mean there's many times there's through prayer I had a dream another dream one's actually two dreams and prophetically someone had prophesied over me that God was going to bring a God and a man of God into my life that and we're going to do ministry together but another thing that was on my list for a husband was that he would pursue me and I didn't want to do any pursuing like I was gonna know that he was the one because he is gonna pursue me and Digga did I mean he pursued me and God answered that prayer that's persistent man emphasis that's great alright well next question this is for both of you guys this is from the laura's and they ask you and Britney Lara Matthew and Britney Laura shoutout to you guys thanks for the question hi Matthew and Brittany a man i brittany for those who watching give you some context is it that's a couple really good friends of mine too but from the church that she went to before she married me and started coming here yes and brittany was my matron of honor is that that was her male matron of water well she's married oh man I just there's so many yeah it's confusing yeah it isn't uh so they asked or actually they say we love and miss you at praise chapel Bell Gardens oh yes too bad um so how are you adjusting to married life so far so go ahead Jessica um I'll just say it's better than what I imagined praise the Lord yes that's great good that was her answer oh great it's the screen it is um very wonderful and it feels natural normal um it's just meant to be great and Egon how I just I love it but now that I'm married aiight I was telling jester that I said this is like this is normal and I don't know how I did it beforehand it as soon as we got married and then just the days that follow the getting settled in our place getting you know it's a little place but it's our place you know we don't have everything you know it's not all super fancy but we have what we need and we have each other and I just looking around I think this is so right and I I wish I wish I had done this sooner hmm oh it's pretty answer so next question here is from Adriana and she asks how did you balance time for each other while dating so go ahead Jessica now um let's see well it is kind of tricky because we had chaperones all the time okay that would you talk about give him a guy idea of what a chaperone is for those of them that don't know we always have someone with us and we're never alone on our dates he would we would actually take out some of the youth from my church and many different people we'd hang out on groups and that just helps to keep us pure by the way we're going to park it here for a few minutes because this is something I know people need to know take your time I don't want to interrupt you though can continue a few if you have oh no I would like to hear okay Jess and I were never by ourselves alone I mean we would we would I would drive her somewhere like to a restaurant I think I took her to Disneyland a couple times by ourselves public places but we were never alone in a home never I would never drive her up to someplace where it's just her and I you know real secluded here's why the scripture says lead us not into temptation it doesn't say help me when I put myself there so we decided very early on and by the way as the the men of the relationship we either have the choice to pressure them into perversion or lead them into purity and I knew very early on I said I'm going to lead her because I love her because I care about her because she deserves to be married to a man to who loves her because she deserves to be respected because she I mean all of that I mean my love for her needed to exceed myself by selfishness right and Plus that my love for people my love for God my love for the ministry and so on and very early on wanted to protect not just protect you know sexual purity and things like that because let's just be honest I mean you hear of all these these people talk about how people fall and all that and and I'm not a fool I know that I have just as much potential to fall as anybody else does I pray more than the average person read the Bible where the average person I don't say that to brag I say that to give some context to the fact that I still and susceptible to falling into sin and because I know that I know that there's not really a difference between myself and people who fall into temptation other than the fact that I don't place myself in places of temptation we even did 1st Corinthians 7:1 was a guiding principle what Paul says concerning the things I wrote unto you it's good for man not to touch a woman and then he gets context to that by saying nevertheless to avoid sexual sin each man should have his own wife so he's talking about touching in a way that gratifies physical and sexual desire and to avoid that at all cost because like I said you know to a girl it's cuddling but to guys it can mean more often more like more than likely it does so we put those boundaries in place and she was very supportive she was very and guys if you know if you don't have a woman who supports that type of behavior get another woman if you already married work it out but if you're dating you're courting and she's pressuring you or she won't let you lead into that purity that's a bad sign because it's a sign that says and even girls females and I'm sure Jess would advise that today if you get a guy that pressures you get out of that relationship don't try to make excuses for them don't try to say well no no get out of that relationship especially if you're saying I want to make a Stanford gun they're pressuring you the other way because I'm just going to say it's going to sound so harsh but this is something that needs to be said and I don't really ever have context to talk about this stuff other than we talk about dating and relationships is that fornicators are cheaters in training that those who fornicate are training themselves to be with people in that way that are not their spouse and it takes down the barriers it causes them to lose the ability to connect on deeper levels with other people it really does damage emotionally I mean we can go on I don't want take too much more time because I want just got to answer more questions but when it came to that that was how we balanced at the time we would really plan well with the chaperone we were never alone and we just made time for each other and but but again she reminded me of that so I wanted to touch on that just in case there's nothing else in there on that awesome awesome good stuff so next question comes from Kimberly and she asks both of you guys what are your greatest differences meaning how do you complement one another did you guys have similar backgrounds and what's the best part of being married so far it's like how many questions it's about two or three Kimberly we're going to try our best to get that but first jessica is going to what's the first portion of that so what are your greatest differences greatest differences um let's see a deacon i know i think i'm more carefree but i don't know i would agree with that yeah much more case duty she's a free spirit and um artistic and I just like that cold creative process I like designing your very imaginative yes creative dreamer I was looking a dreamer so so how does that compliment him if you can kind of give a little bit of that a dega I would say what's a word you're like um so she's like um well top I'm very rigid I'm very I'm very structured very boring like it is yeah her creativity helps to balance my my more like um what's the it's more rigid she's very creative I'm very cerebral she's very soft-spoken I'm very matter-of-fact she's very patient I'm very persistent you know so in all those things you're very very kind and gracious sometimes I could be a very abrasive but see our strengths our weaknesses so my strength of being will pick some people would term abrasive is actually assertive and but if I make a mistake it's it's abrasive hers you know sometimes it becomes off not like some people take advantage of her kindness and so you know our strengths are our weaknesses and so she is a big strength to where she helps me to relax she helps me to to be more considerate of people you know like there's been a couple times where she'll jab me go hey that was that was kind of mean and I didn't realize it and I'll call the person back say hey my wife just told me and I'm sorry and they'll all you know they'll accept the apology and so you're you're you're a big a big help and but I was I'll say I'll describe was like this if we were each a piece of paper I would be a list of lines numbered 1 through 10 she would be paint and abstract glitter and you know so that's the best way to describe our difference what's the second portion of that so that second part of that is did you guys have kind of similar backgrounds oh no no and explain just a little um I grew up in a broken home I'm experienced some emotional verbal physical and sexual abuse as a child as early as five so I again I went into drugs I did so I tried many different things honestly and also alcohol so yeah I just had a pretty broken background and God and once I accepted the Lord on of course he helped me and held me in all those different areas and and of course I had to learn a huge lesson on forgiveness and forgiving other people hmm great and do you well I mean I think by her saying when she said my contrast you would know kind of if people know my story is you know more but but touch on a little bit jessica's you know so they know our backgrounds are different in that but and and and we had talked previously so don't think I'm putting around the spot or anything but but um you know you you you for a while there were some insecurities in the relationship where because of your background you felt like you were out of place in our relationship ember that oh yes um I didn't know how to handle certain situations um yes I would break down I would cry I get emotional but um and I only bring that up because well what I what I'm trying to press toward sorry if I'm being unclear is how the Lord helped you overcome those insecurities and and you realize that you know the background because because there's some there people put it through this way there are young women watching and they're they're looking at their past or looking at things they've gone through and they feel real broken where they are and they're thinking I don't think you could ever get any better than this and I don't deserve to be taken out of this that's what someone's thinking right now what would you say to that girl who's thinking like that the Lord doesn't want you to be in that place on God definitely wants to give you peace and he wants to restore you he wants to heal you and set you free from that and just have joy in him that's great that's all you really joy love ya and got ya that's awesome alright now I believe this is one of the most important questions so take your time when you really answering this is this really are you just being like so I am okay serious as I can ever be ready to clown off so that is movie night uh so uh Castro asks when will you be expecting kids oh I knew it was gonna be this either one you take it - no - me you're putting me on the spot you're doing Castro that's not cool cat I'm just kidding give us a next question I want to wait a while I want to wait a while she wants him right away I would be happy either way we did have a scare don't be on well I don't know what now everybody okay all right as I say some people watching how do you know it was it was it was a thought and then butBut it was funny you go through something like that you realized oh I would have been happy and I'm not saying I wouldn't be why no means don't don't don't hear what I'm not saying but what's funny is at the beginning of the relationship I wanted to have kid I liked I was an idealist I like the idea of having kids right away you know family he did it a and she was like no let's wait I want to you know you wanted to enjoy the romance and traveling in their data and after we got married just within a couple weeks we totally swapped sides on that but we're leaving it in the Lord's hands and you know obviously we're being wise about it - we you know we're making sure to - to be thoughtful and use wisdom and just it really is in the Lord's time when we will both get the sense of it and I got it I got to also hear my wife out I can't just pack no no you know I got to here with God speaking to her and he speaks to me through her quite often so does that answer that question I don't even know I like a political you know I never got a felissa baby Hernandez this year all right anyway uh is he just saying no next question here uh this comes from Roberto this is sort of a sort of a heavy question here he's saying I've met I've made many mistakes picking the wrong girls in my past all I want is to be in God's hands where do I start and that's for you diga if you didn't he's made the mistake of what picking wrong girl I would say first break the cycle that causes you to go from one woman to the next how would you explain a little bit because some people enter relationships thinking that they're half of a whole when you need to be a whole person and you don't go into a relationship for what you get you go into a relationship for what you can give you don't go in a relationship because you lack love you go into relationship because you have love that you can give to someone else and so when you go into relationship and you go from girl to girl to girl it's usually because you go to that romantic stage at the beginning right and then you get into the real issues and then the selfishness in us and I can say that because let me just I'm just being candid there was I actually not allowed people know this I broke off the relationship when me and Jess for what was about a year it was like a year and a half gap where we had the broken relation all that was if I'm just being honest and open and you know I can put you know I can I can pry prime you know answers out from here and there but but I'm just being open and honest you know I I love God I'm spiritual but but the reality is I wasn't ready to confront the level of selfishness in me and it's funny my guest we had on just he just left and we just filmed a set just before this he looked at me he said some guy prophesied over him and this was for him I'm not saying this is for you every viewer watching because some people God wants you to wait and there's certain time into these things but that prophet looked at him and said that staying signal for him was the greatest demonstration of selfishness she could have ever acted out and I'm not saying that's everybody so please again don't hear what not saying but what I am saying is this if you're if you're going from relationship to relationship to relationship it means that you rush out of one and into another because of the pain of the last one you're trying to cover it up into and you call it rebounds if you want but I don't mean I don't really use terms like that but it's a cycle that you get into and you keep picking the wrong ones maybe it's time to stop picking any at all for a time pick the Lord let him work on you and then once he's worked out some issues go back and say okay who's someone that I can give myself to in love someone that I can demonstrate that that leadership to and someone I can you know someone I can give love to so you break that cycle and then you you get the scripture what does the scripture say it describes what kind of woman that God wants you to have and it describes not being unequal yoke it describes characteristic traits so go to the Bible and then pray and don't rush and and you know I like to say that the the a quick fix is the greatest thing to slow you down ever nothing will slow you down like a quick fix because you go from one thing to another to another and so in that relationship by the time that you get to the real heavy issues you're ready to go on to the next one because I'm starting to like that person but the truth is there were things in me Jessica didn't like and still doesn't like that we're working through because that's in all of us but that's what love does love works through those things so you break that cycle by stopping the cycle you slow down get yourself together get a hold of God and then prayerfully go about it and match it according to the scripture and then oftentimes we'll write someone on say you know they're saved they're filled the Holy Ghost that's good those are like the they need to be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost or or you're in trouble but then when trouble arises we go oh they're the wrong one but love is what sees you through all the way to the selfless commitment of marriage I hope I didn't drag on too long but that's my interest good this next question here comes from Boehm and this is for you Jessica she says hello Jess knowing how important it is for wives to cover their husbands in ministry and you touched on this earlier do you use prayer as your main weapon instead of discussing the matter to other people is the throne-room your first place to take me matters or is it your friends and mentors so you did touch on it a little earlier but I do feel that we should get a little bit more into that so go right ahead um yes definitely I would say going to God first and always praying before praying for him at least three times a day or more or throughout the day and um but definitely before seeking any kind of counsel I mean the counsel we got for our relationship or a marriage was premarital counseling but so I definitely suggest that that's a good thing but of course always going to God first before it's funny because there'll be times with the Lord told me we'll tell me your wife told me this about you know what she's asking and I've gone and the Lord told me that you asked this she goes yeah yeah and it's because the Lord can she'll talk to the Lord hey can you talk to your son about this the Lord will tell me I get convicted I'll go into the next room Jes the Lord told me this and usually it's something you prayed about and so and I think on our end the flip side is we need to be guys who can hear God so that when our wives pray to God we don't make them desperate and make them look for other attempts that's great that's good and uh it's the way you're responded is I'm sorry it's like a doctor mm-hmm wise was that you guys are awesome by the way so let's take a couple more because we will take a couple more here so this question let's see comes from Mike and he asks let's see me pull it up here for the single guys out there what would you give them it what kind of advice would you give them to kind of pursue the woman of God that they're trying to go after um okay I mean this I may sound a little different than a lot of what's out there yes of course pray yes of course get yourself right with God yes of course be in fellowship but my goodness go after her go get her I mean I I'm sorry I as young as I am I'm very old school and I was raised on very classic principles just go get her number go go go talk to her dad go talk to her pastor go talk to her / Seward I don't stand around talk to your friends it's end as it is go pursue the woman of God and so number one you got to pursue that's what they like and that's what we're created to do we're created to pursue and to conquer into and to do great exploits as the scripture said but you know when it was a challenge to me I liked the challenge I liked the adventure of pursuing Jessica and you know that's American I continued to pursue her but my advice is yes yes we know the spiritual answers which are still true and that the foundation upon which we act out in pursuing the woman so if she filled with the Holy Ghost is she say that she lived righteously she administered not not that ministry is a requirement of salvation but you know make sure her characters in place if you like her personality do you like how she looks do you like the the person that she is I mean do you and if you do I just go for it take a step go and act I mean and then don't don't fall for when she says oh I'm focusing on God right now don't fall for that just keep pursuing and then you keep going after I mean that's one of the ones they use right oh I'm focusing on God which is to say I don't really like you and girls just be honest if you don't like the guy say I don't give god the bad rap he created man and woman to be together I mean people talk about these things as if they're like really negative and when when people start dating to go oh look look look they're dating oh look it we act like it's wrong or evil or no this is what God intended and and you go you do it right you live righteously you live clean stay away from sexual sins stay away from from all those things and just pursue it and have fun and be joyful in what God has blessed you with pursuer and so like I said and just to clarify and that comment about girls I'm pursuing God the truth is they're waiting for the right guy I mean that's the truth or they're afraid of getting hurt so it's only one of those two the whole waiting on God unless God's given you the gift of celibacy that that that really means one or two things either they're not interested in you or they're afraid of getting hurt and they are interested in you so it's one of the to find out which one it is and if it's she's just afraid of getting hurt love her through that pursuer be persistent don't be creepy but be persistent and that's what I get that's the advice be creepy do not don't be like Stephen Montez even walked azuma Wow he creeped his wife okay all right before they were it's possible I'm weird guys um all right we're winding down here this this question comes from Harvey and he asks how often do you guys pray together not as nothing as we should yeah typical answer well we have our prayer lives and I was something I always told her I suggest don't depend on me to be your prayer life so I pray everyday she prays already and then I just did a lesson on prayer but we were actually trying to we're just talking about this how we need to do it more often yeah so so not often enough and we're working on anything you want to add to that um yes and devotionals together doing that too yes that's always nice oh we got to do those what right so yes yeah probably not as off maybe like yeah it's not often at all because we're so used to still on our own I can't pray for her too and she prays for me but we're working we're working toward that and that's I mean I don't want to say oh somewhere don't like if you don't establish it now probably never going to get done so we're working on establishing that now and well this is a personal question for me oh if you can give some advice to the married couples out there what would you give them as you guys as being a godly couple and in pursuing God so go ahead good advice that's a good well we're newly married yes but we still know what good advices experience is not the only source of knowledge we go to the scripture and I look to Ephesians that says husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church and that's what I hold it would heat his love was selfless and every day I got a died I mean I've been you I've been dying to myself to the Lord for several years now so when we we had a lot of people telling us oh it's hard oh it's going to be the worst and they said people literally told huh they said forget some people come all of the first year is hell no we're like whoa you know but know that that's coming from people who are not used to dying to themselves so I'm not saying we don't have trouble but we don't let the trouble have us we move through those things and whenever an issue arises just die to yourself love and it really a lot of the things that people told us we'd have a lot of trouble with we've been able to move right through because we just I love her so as Christ loved loved your wives as Christ loved the church and anything you want to add to that um yes like we we like work through all any kind of differences on only first before we even got married we shared expectations with each other and I mean really like yeah I think it's just it's so much fun it's a it's not really and not to say we don't have trouble and so there's the cynics that are gonna be watching right I'll wait till you get a year in it I reviewed that in Jesus name I'm gonna live by the Word of God and God designed to be beautiful yes it's hard work yes you have to die to yourself but that's not going to be us and and we're determining that and I've determined to die to myself every day for her and that's it well you're here you heard it here folks oh what an amazing time we had with these guys so I'm gonna give it to diga to close it off here but again congratulations on you guys you guys are awesome thank you congratulations on you so suggest anything you want to say to the viewer before we um we close out here um just thank you for all your questions and I hope that I answered that I did a great job correctly hairlike thoroughly okay you did good they're gonna like it and so okay well thank you so much that's it for this encounter TV web-exclusive Thank You Jess thank you Steve for what do you call it moderating anytime whatever it's called thank you for doing that and thank you Jess for coming onto the set and answering the questions of our ministry partners friends I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope we got to is you know most of questions in other word get to all of them but we love you guys we really do and we do pray for you and I hope that you feel a little closer to us now as we we are so thankful for you for all your support for all your love for everything that you do and I pray that hopefully your ministered to partners thank you for your support thank you for allowing us to continue to preach the gospel and friends we love you until next time remember nothing is impossible with God
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 117,612
Rating: 4.9355044 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, david, diga, hernandez, holy, spirit, holy spirit, presence of god, god, ministry, ministries, healing ministry, healing, miracle, miracles, miraculous, faith, supernatural, revival, anointing, power, youth, prophet, prophecy, prophetic, encounter tv, fire of god, evangelist, evangelism, power of god miracles, healing miracles in jesus name, miracle healing caught on tape, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, kathryn kuhlman miracles, healing evangelist, glory of god
Id: Ud9KPVq1Hbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2015
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