Impartation Live: David & Jessica on Prayer

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reading now so they should be getting not any minute now so if you're logging on we're waiting for just a few of you to start getting on to our live broadcast here I'm just sending out the final tweets and posts here that has to do with a live broadcast jess is here with me hello guys and so like I said we're giving you a few minutes to log on there and let me see here so we're going to be talking today and I don't think it's by accident that you logged on so Jessica say hello we got a via logging on so this is Jessica's first live broadcast with me and so we're happy to be broadcasting with you guys she made us tea for this I don't know if I'll be drinking that much tea but so we're gonna be talking today about stewardship and how to move from frustration to fruitfulness and so I believe that God has called you I believe that God has purposed this divine moment just for you and I truly do believe that you who are watching are going to experience as you listen to the word you're gonna experience a breakthrough maybe even praying for a breakthrough in your finances maybe you've been praying for breakthrough in your family maybe been praying for a breakthrough in your mind emotions in your business in your ministry in any area where you've been praying for breakthrough I believe that if we're faithful to the Word of God that we will see the breakthrough that God has for us so we're gonna go now and again I may be doing some interaction in fact let's see if your periscope won't work now so and get some people logged on there so I'm gonna open up my wife's phone and so this way those who are on YouTube get to see us and then also those who are on periscope will get to go so I'm gonna send out a quick broadcast to our periscope so again we're just giving you a few minutes to log on we're gonna get right into the word we're gonna pray for you we're gonna talk with you we're gonna answer your questions and we're gonna have a good time so okay now so the internet here is a little slow and I don't want to get on the Wi-Fi because we could disrupt their broadcast so we'll set this aside for now so jess is here joining me like I said and this is our first live broadcast together but okay let's get into the word and actually we're gonna be in Matthew chapter number 25 and I'm talking to you today about going from frustrations of fruitfulness and so basically let's go here so go to Matthew chapter 25 I'm reading out of the New Living Translation for those you who wonder that's the translation out of which I read all the time so we're gonna look at three different keys that'll help you go from frustration to fruitfulness and actually I got to do one more thing go ahead and look at this I'm gonna type into you right now you'll see it if you're on YouTube you should see the chat box appearing if you're watching this on my website you know David rhew name is you can actually scroll down to the bottom of the page and it'll say interact with David you go ahead and push that button and it's gonna take you over to the YouTube app once you're in a YouTube app you scroll to the bottom and you can participate in a chat or if you're doing this someday let's top it'll appear right on your if you're watching this I believe it will be your right hand side of the screen where the chat will be so again so Matthew chapter 25 let's go and let's start at verse number fourteen this is Jesus giving a parable he's talking about the parable of the talents and he's going to give us some insight into what the kingdom of God is like so give me you're watching this you won't breakthrough in your finances you want breakthrough in your Minister you want breakthrough in your relationships and wherever the area is that you need breakthrough I believe the Word of God has the answer actually I want to pray before we get started so Lord we thank you for each and every one who's logging on and we pray father that you would anoint this broadcast as Jess and I agree with that one watching Lord that you and you would cause them to experience transformation Lord that you would remove the frustration and that father you would take them from the place of frustration to thankfulness we thank you for the anointing that's here now breaking every yoke in Jesus name we pray and I want you to say it out loud say Amen okay so again I can see the chat guys if you want to send in some prayer requests and whatnot so again Matthew chapter 25 verse number 14 let's go for it here this is Jesus talking again the kingdom of heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip he called together his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone he gave them five bags of silver two to one two bags of silver to another and one bag of silver to the last dividing it in proportion to their abilities he then left on his trip the servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earn five more the servant with two bags of silver also went to work and earned two more verse 18 but the servant who received the one bag of silver dug a hole in the ground and hid the master's money after a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money the servant to whom he had entrusted the five bags of silver came forward with five more and said master you give me five bags of silver to invest and I have earned five more the master was full of praise well done my good and faithful servant you've been faithful and handling this small amount so I will now give you many more responsibilities let's celebrate together and we see the same basically the same narrative repeats again for the second servant and then the scripture goes on to say in verse 24 now then the servant was the one bag of silver came and said master I knew you were a harsh man harvesting crops where you didn't plant and gathering crops you didn't call to bait I was afraid I would lose your money so I hid it in the earth look here is your money back but the master replied you wicked and lazy servant you knew I harvested crops I didn't plant and gathered crops I didn't cultivate why didn't you deposit my money at the bank and at least I would have gotten some interest then he ordered take the money from this servant and give it to the one with the ten bags of silver to those who use well what they are given even more will be given and they will have an abundance but from those who do nothing even what little they have will be taken away now throw this useless servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth now that seems rather harsh but that's Jesus talking and he's giving us a story about what it means to be faithful with the parable of the talents so I want to give you now three keys to experiencing fruitfulness now before Jess and I met I was in the ministry I was I probably got saved but I was eleven I began preaching the gospel when I was 13 so I'm 26 now and this is going to be going on 13 years of preaching the gospel actually I'm in my fourteenth year now preacher can you believe that my 14th year of preaching the gospel and I'm 27 so that's a testimony hopefully that will encourage those of you who are young and young just like me and I believe that God can use your life in the same way and in even greater measures so we're gonna look at this first key so the first key to experiencing a breakthrough is stewardship now the reason we have so much problems with stewardship nowadays is because people want to be used by God immediately with what they see in their mind so maybe God has given you a dream and he's told you how he's going to use you and he's told you how he's going to annoy you and he's told you what you're going to say and the message you're going to speak and the people you're going to reach in the fashion of how you're going to carry out the message but the truth is that God shows you the destiny but there's a process to getting to that next step no God will show you intervals of Revelation about your will about the will of God of your life now in my life when I was 11 years old and I got saved and God showed me visions and dreams some of you know I'm on juice TV which used to be JC TV when I was 11 years old I watched on TBMs gen crowd to rebuild the main of the new network that they were starting and the Holy Spirit told me very clearly he said you're going to be preaching on that network you're gonna have a half-hour program he's very specific with me and I didn't disregard it I didn't say well Lord how I just said okay with childlike faith I just accepted it because the Lord said it now God since I was 11 years old had showed me a master plan up until this point now there's one more phase of ministry that I have to go through and once something with that face I'll need a fresh word for the next you know 15 years or so of ministry but up until this point the Lord has showed me every step of the way into the next one now he showed me what the steps were he showed me what to do but he's not always shown me how to do it that's where faith has come in over time but I've been a good steward over it because if anyone asked me they go where did your ministry start brother David how did you start a ministry I'm telling you I started in the projector at the church I was the song flipper that's all I did I did that for a year two years almost just flipping songs in the sound room and again this is before I met my wife Jess all I did was that all I did for two years was flip the songs on a projector now if you had walked into that church and you saw a twelve-year-old boy flipping a projector or an overhead projector the little transparent sheet some of you might not know how to used it some of you came into the church after overhead projectors had been outdated and we got the new digital projectors in but the truth is that if you came into that church and you saw me twelve-year-old me flipping the songs you would not have visualized anything that you see today and I'm not saying that as a point to brag I'm saying it is to say God is faithful all I did was start in the ministry with flipping songs that's where it all began and there anything you want to add as we're talking you can go ahead and just chime in I don't allow anybody to interrupt me with my wife she's the only one who's allowed to do that but um but she's got a lot of good things and say you'll have to bear with us this is our first time doing this together so my wife is just a little bit nervous but she's happy she's having so she's happy to be here so she said I'll let you do the teaching and then I'll help put the questions on the prayer at the end so so we won't we won't make her do that unless she wants to but I want you to know it's why she's not saying anything because she's gonna wait to answer your questions to pray with you at the end um anyway so you so I I remember just doing that for two years and then I began to preach the gospel at thirteen now I didn't start preaching at these amazing conferences with tens of thousands of people you know inside the the arena I'm not even having even preached to thousands that often yeah I mean you know every so often it's a few thousand I preached you but it's not regularly part ministry it's still growing a ministry still I believe in its infancy but the truth is that I wasn't a very good preacher and some of you say hello brother David don't be so hard on yourself oh you're just trying to be humble no no no trust me when I tell you thirteen year old diga Hernandez was I would not have I mean I'm telling people pay registrations nowadays I wouldn't have paid fifty cents to go and hear myself preach I'm not trying to beat down on myself it's just the truth I was just it was developing the skill however what I did have was a very real relationship with the Holy Spirit and I still do and because I was in prayer because I was devoted and faithful to what God had called me to do even in the little he raised me to a different place and it started with me preaching at 13 I would just go into these services and just preach a little bit and then after I preached my you know 10 15 minute sermon the power of the Holy Spirit would start moving I would start to look into the crowd I would see things inside of people I would see sicknesses and people I would see I would see demonic spirits inside of people and the Lord would just leave me to different people to tell them different things pray for them in different ways and each time he was faithful to manifest his Holy Spirit's presence in that service in such a way that people's lives were transformed again not because of me because of the Holy Spirit who was around me and so that started that way and I would just preach once or twice every three or four months at my youth service and then other youth pastors would come and visit and they'd say who's this guy - my youth pastor Andy Vargas they was a who's this young guy you have preaching he'd explain and they'd get me for their your youth service and word just began to naturally spread but it started with me flipping songs that's when I became a televangelist that's when I entered into the TV ministry there were no cameras yet but I believe that it was when I began to use my talent which was just at the time me would have flipped songs that's all I did and I worked in the sound room and even when I started preaching I still worked in the sound room I worked in the media department I was the guy making sure the microphones worked and making sure that projector work in fact I took film projector projector classes just so the church had someone in that building who knew how to use a projector but here's the issue many of us because what we have isn't what we want we treat it like it's less than but the scripture says in fact it tells us to not despise the day of small beginnings that the Lord rejoices to see a work beginning God God celebrates the newness of something that's in its infancy and we will wait for things to come our way before we start treating what we have like it's what we want but good stewardship is treating what you have like it's what you want in fact excellence is not having the best of everything but doing the best with everything that you have so I began preaching and just about 2000 and oh my goodness probably 2009 I first I did a one event on a Thursday night and we called it the encounter this was one of the first encounter services we ever did it's called the encounter and we held it at a little building in Paramount California was called the Madison building and it seeded about there's about 60 people who showed up to that event we had brought in TV cameras we had brought in special guests and that was the first television taping we ever did and from there we use that to do local cable but that didn't even last for long in fact it failed the first time we tried it it did not take off there was one or two episodes that aired the funding dried up nobody responded I don't think even but a dozen people watch that first broadcast when I first came out and I was very discouraged but I said Lord I'm gonna be faithful you promised it I did what you told me to do and I'm just gonna go with what you caused to happen and so I remember I would begin I said okay Lord I'm just gonna keep doing what I do and I would still take these programs that I had no idea what to do with them and then I saw that YouTube was getting very popular and so then that's what our ministry decided we're gonna do Monday night tapings and we're gonna air these things on YouTube and we're gonna do them live on a website called live stream and for almost two years we would film every night Monday nights for a whole hour for two years and 30 to 40 people would watch each broadcast now nowadays you look at the TV broadcast there there's we don't know the exact numbers because we're not on the Nielsen ratings but with all the networks combined we look and seems as though we have an average of about a quarter million viewers per episode on YouTube you've seen it on this channel we're getting over 500 subscribers every 28 days there's almost 60,000 news every 28 days we have over 6,000 subscribers now and God's blastic he's starting to go against still in its infancy but God's starting to grow but I remember the way we got to connect to the TV was we were just faithful to that video every single week even though it was just 35 people watching overall I mean it would sit there for until the next week if I took one whole week to get up to 35 views and so what we ended up doing was was tweeting one of the episodes out and I remember we just I just put it on on Twitter because we just got a brand new Twitter and one of my friends retweeted the video and one of his friends just so happened to be a family member of the Crouch family he saw it and said we got to get this guy in the program brought me in the TBN I did one interview was my first TV interview you could look it up on YouTube it's my let's call the show was called off the record and I did that one TV interview from there the head of JC Bennett was JC TV now it's Juice TV the head of JC TV was watching and he because of that I was able to call and he goes oh yeah I watched the interview and because of that interview it opened a door to go and meet with the head of Juice TV we talked about having a TV program and it all snowballed out of there but it started with being faithful that is taping those programs that it seemed like nobody was watching and maybe you're there right now and you're in ministry you're in business you have you have a family or you're struggling I'm here to tell you your day a breakthrough is coming if you just stay faithful it is a law of Scripture the scripture says don't grow weary in well-doing for a new time you will reap the harvest if you're in a place right now or it seems impossible that's a perfect place to be because an impossible situation is the perfect setting for miracle if you're in this place right now and you're watching this broadcast and you're asking you're wringing your hands you're going Lord I don't know how you're going to do it then you're in the perfect place because when you have exhausted all of human effort that's when God steps in and God allows it to happen this way so that when you've exhausted all your effort and the miracle comes nobody but God can take the credit and so you need to be faithful you need to be a good steward you need to treat where you're at like it's where you want to be you need to treat what you have like it's what you're going to possess when you walk in your destiny you need to do your best with everything you have right in this moment right now so that's number one is stewardship number two is generosity now how did the parable of the talents we heard that the talents how they multiply what they had they multiplied what they had by investing it but putting it to use you know often we want to hang on to what we have and because of that reaction god is not able to bless us because we're hanging on oily that was that was the second that was the third guy he said Lord I was gonna invest it but I was still afraid I was afraid you would react to certain I was afraid I was gonna lose it I was afraid nothing was gonna come of it and because of that fear he withheld how many times do we do this to God and so generosity I'm not just talking about with your finances I'm talking about with your time I'm talking about with your talent I'm talking about with your your your mind I'm talking about with your your relationships your friendships with people people who live a generous lifestyle become refreshed because the scripture says it's so and if you're someone who's watching this right now and you you're afraid to let go you're afraid to give things listen to what Jesus said in Luke chapter 6 verse 38 he says give and it shall be given I mean it's just that simple anything he's talking about how it's gonna come back to you so much so then it's gonna overflow and I'm here to I wanna I want to speak hoping to you you may be in a tough situation right now but let me tell you something you don't know what the next 24 hours hold you don't know what the end of this week is gonna look like you don't know that by tonight God isn't gonna meet your need you don't know if you're gonna get a surprise phone call a surprise something in the mail anything someone's gonna contact you on Facebook and you don't know that that might not happen but if you have faith and you step out you say Lord I'm gonna start releasing I'm gonna start being generous then God is gonna be able to multiply what you have as you give your toes but like this man with the talent we often say Lord I don't want to we say we believe in God we know mentally his word is true yet when it comes to our lives we don't step out in faith I remember one time I was struggling in the ministry financially and this happens every now and then because not because of poor planning but because we have we are a donation based ministry so all we can only look at what our average income is and and and base everything on that so we look at the monthly average ministry income and we try to keep our we keep our monthly costs below that anything that comes above it we put on extra events extra you know outreaches extra media that'll reach people for the gospel but sometimes there are just seasons where people just stop giving and you know you'll get and 15% of people just have different things that company can't give that month and then those dips come and I said Lord I don't want these dips to come and you just said that's that's part of the walk of faith that's not all easy it's not all just planning every day you're working to make sure that you're keeping up with what God is doing and so I remember we were in that week and I was praying I was like Lord you have to bring in the finances am I asking you to bring in the finances that's four year gospel it's for your word and I remember the Lord told me he says don't worry I'm gonna take care of it and I said okay thank you and I kept praying as if he hadn't spoken that then I get a phone call from a ministry partner and they said they were sending a check over for the amount pretty much covered the whole need and they just decided to be generous and as soon as I heard that on the other end from that person I was relieved and I said all thank goodness the need is met and then the Lord said how is it that you're relieved and have peace when man promises you something but you remain in fear even though I promised you something he said when you have just as much faith or more faith in my promises that you do in man's promises then I can trust you with the next portion with the greater portion and I said Lord how will I know when I have this kind of faith he said when my promises bring you just as much peace as that checked it and it shook me the Lord rebuke me yes I'm not perfect and I said okay Lord point taken and that was something I had to learn and trust for the ministry there but that's so true I mean if I were to call you right now and say hey I understand you've been going through a difficult time Jess and I are in a good season we want to bless you we want to help you if I called you and said that you would be relieved you would say well thank God it's the neatest met but God's already promised that God Himself has already told you and the scripture says my God shall supply all my needs it doesn't say some it says all my needs according to his riches in glory the scripture talks about an honest provider and and the scripture says that God gives us the things that we need and Jesus says you gotta just stop worrying you can't accomplish anything by word you know when you're ready for God to bless you when worry no longer grips your heart when you can face a circumstance and say God's gonna take care of this I'll be fine then you're ready for the next portion of blessings in fact this type of generosity that comes when we give to ministries and we give to people when we give them ourselves of our time of our of our ability of our strength of our our emotion everything we invest in ourselves when we give it into the gospel we give it to people then God steps in and blesses us but the problem is most of us will not make this shift from fear to faith because it's human nature sure we'll do a little something here there that's kind of challenging to our faith but we don't do the whole thing I know there's been there was a gentleman who came and he gave me $14,000 in cash for the ministry and he said you know I didn't even like you and I thought that was funny says I didn't even like you but God told me to give this to you and God blessed that man because of money but he was withholding the guy said I was withholding because I didn't want to get it because I didn't want to so because I didn't like you because I didn't have the faith there have been time and time and time again where people will come to me and said I wasn't gonna do this for the ministry but God told me to do it I did it and then a week later 10 times came back and I'm not promising you anything again that would be a gimmick if I could if I would try to promise you that what I am saying is that it's important that we be obedient despite what we think the outcome will be and so now we're going to move on to the third key so number one is stewardship we need to treat what we have like it's what we want number two its generosity we need to give like we want to be given and number three it's faithfulness you know if I start a train a train because it's heavy starts to build up momentum over time but if I keep stopping that train and switching directions then that train is never gonna go anywhere that train is never gonna build any momentum so what we need to do excuse me one second I gonna just at the counter screen so what we need to do is we need to keep going in one direction and not change that direction so some people say oh I was faithful or oh I was generous but they weren't faithful or generous or they were but they weren't a good steward or generous for a long period of time excuse me they say I was a good steward or oh I was very generous but they're only a good steward for maybe six months or they're only generous for maybe year and faithfulness is the component that brings these to life so it's like an airplane I read this in pastor Paul payment tells book which is a book called God's a number a very good book on on financial blessings and he talks about in his book he talks about an airplane and how there are so many things that need to go right in order for an airplane to take flight he says but there's only one or two things that need to go wrong to bring the whole thing down that's what it's like when living a blessed life that's what it's like when receiving breakthrough you see we can do right in one area but because we're not doing right in another area we're being wrong we're being blindsided the enemy is taking us out in an area we're not considering so maybe you are very generous with your finances maybe you do so into the kingdom often but you're not a good story you don't budget right you spend money you don't have you build credit or you use credit you shouldn't use you acquire things that you don't need I know I'm talking to somebody now so you may be generous and typically it's one or the other typically people who are very generous because they're a little more free with their finances they're not as disciplined and typically people who are good stewards they say they kind of have another money they think I have kids I have a wife I have responsibilities and that's true I understand I have a wife too I have responsibilities I have to take care of her I have to take care of my home I have to take care of the ministry I got full-time employees I mean I work very hard to make sure everything's taken care of so I'm very disciplined very organized however sometimes God will call us and challenge us to do things that we build the Lord you wouldn't have me do this that's foolish I'll tell you this the only difference between faith and foolishness is with whether or not God has spoken so once God speaks it's foolishness to disobey despite what he's told you to do and delay is disobedience so I like to do immediately we got tells me there's been times where I've been strapped and my technical mind Mike's good Stuart line says Lord I shouldn't so this and God says sew it and I said Lord I shouldn't and Here I am telling God I shouldn't do it and I'll do it and there's a blessing that results from it so usually people who are good stewards aren't very generous and usually people who are very generous aren't very good stewards and usually people who do both only do both for a certain amount of time but we need all three in order for this to take off we need we need to be good Stewart's you need stewardship we need to be givers we need generosity and we need to be consistent we need faithfulness stewardship generosity faithfulness you do those three things and you're going to see a breakthrough in every area of your life where you apply them well I know that was a short message I want to challenge you now before we get into the Q&A there are needs coming up in our ministry and you know you know there are needs coming but and I told my wife by the way I just look at the screen here so there are needs coming up in the ministry as usual and this month there have been some people who they sort of kind of you know they don't keep their their their their pledges and that's okay we know God makes it up so the way our ministry works is we have monthly donors they give consistently and then we have donations that kind of sporadically go up and down so this week we're a little not behind but if we keep at this pace we will end up being behind like I said we're good stewards so we plan well ahead for these type of things I want to challenge you to sow into this ministry today not tomorrow not next week I'm telling you God is speaking to your heart and if he's speaking to your heart just do it there's no wrong direction that you can go so I want to challenge you those who are watching if you'll become a $30 a month partner today not tomorrow not next week to day if you'll become a $30 month partner I want to set you this we just got these in we got 1200 copies of carriers of the glorion this is from look at this destiny image is releasing this one and they did a really nice job in revamping the cover in fact I have a side-by-side here this is the old cover this is the new one so they did it they did it they made a little different a few tweaks here and there so again old one new one and I think that I think the new one looks much nicer destiny image did a much better job even on the interior layout it's beautiful but in this book I go through several different things we have we have an endorsement from Phil Muncie he's with Joel Osteen we have an endorsement from William McDowell who's the lead pastor of deeper Fellowship Church and a grammy-nominated international worship leader we one of my favorite songs by him is I give myself away just a beautiful beautiful worship ministry and then there's revver dr. Reverend Samuel Rodriguez many of you are gonna see him at the plant shakers conference this week Matt crouched the chairman of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has given us an endorsement dr. Ralph Wilkerson the past formality line many many many more names I can go all day reading there since they all say you should pick up a copy and so go and get this by doing so this week you do this vid you become a $30 a month partner and write a little note that you want carriers or they go around sign it for you we send it to you $30 a month you sign up today we're gonna send you that copy of carriers to glory do it today if you're on the website you'll be able to scroll down and see sign up via DHL or give via DHL or give me a PayPal you're doing a monthly you want to go dhm now in talk to you who can do a one-time gift I have here now this is funny and you can drink your tea too if you want I see you looking at if I bring mine over here now this is funny this is my book from when I was 14 years old look at this this is living about life on fire now the picture on the back I'm not going to show it to you because it's a it's young me my I have way too much gel in my hair look at that just I think I wait too much gel air like my collar is a little flimsy there and I had a little bit of a little mustache coming in this is before I started shaving so what I'm gonna do there's there's like there's not many of these there was only a hundred print of these total ever and someone came out to me they said I have one for you and look I actually signed it for them this that's fourteen-year-old digas signature and this was by Trafford publishing you know this is it's especially to my heart because it's my first book you got table of contents any Marcus did the foreword and they got a chapter called where do I start so basically the basics chapter two is the sacrifice chapter 3 is persevering chapter 4 is letting go and you know your relationship with the holy spirit worship and 19 inspiring it's just it's a 10 chapter book it's about a hundred pages again written by 14 you know I look at this and I cringe looking at the writing but I think you'd be really blessed by that look now I have one now if someone and I'm not saying the book is worth this amount but I want to be able to thank you know our donor who's the first person today to give $100 or more and in fact if someone's able to do ass out in fact there are some people watching if we had three people do $1000 right now three people do a thousand that's some of you can do that that's very easy I know not all of us I'm not talking if you're one of those people who can do it I'm talking if you're one of those who can $3,000 is nothing to you for some people so how much like me that hurts a little but there's someone watching maybe the thousand dollars you said I can do it we've we had three people so a thousand dollars right now we'd be all caught up for this week and we'd have no issues next week we can continue to put out the same content everything so you give $100 or more today you're gonna be entered for a chance to win this thing and and we're hoping that you guys go ahead and do that so if we had three people do a thousand and ten people do 100 fundraising is done for this week and it will have a little bit of extra to carry us over into the new month we can start the new month strong so please consider doing that to day don't delay don't say I'll do it later and so PayPal offers any different things if you can do it PayPal that's good too if you do it to dhm that's good too yes my dear oh she's gonna do something too mighty for me she's gonna stir it for me thank you do so no let's go to we got some chat no don't read the comments dear because I don't want you to read all of them some of them are you know okay let's see here I'm sorry about those of you are waiting okay guys so I'm going through your comments now you can start sending those in and I'm gonna be reading them so let's see yeah I know I enjoyed doing this with you pray for my finances please actually this write some prayer requests down so this way I can keep this in place and I'm gonna write these DIMMs so jess and I will go and pray over these even after the broadcast so we have angel Garcia once you're gonna write these down for me here if you can so angel Garcia wants to pray for finances Evelyn wants to pray to encounter more of God Leah put angel finances Evelyn encounter and I remember them surety Garcia financial breakthrough thank you lord oh thank you we appreciate the kind words willing but thank you thank you we appreciate you guys Oh angel works in at his church good that's awesome you look too young to have been working an overhead projector well Thank You rosemary I appreciate that however I all you could say to I was a young projectionists is that the word for projection is okay so hey David how's it going hey Justin 288 olio long all your wife is so squishy and she's very sweet she's good to me angel come on Jess has your back yes she does argon has your back yeah I see that they're encouraging you see dude well Jess by the way that bottom left monitor is not on time we'll keep this one out for you okay so that's that's what really cared that helped okay so all right I love his ministry diggie you helped me so much this is dyani Miller I'd die on a god bless you my brother I'm also young and being used all the way from Barbara Doakes wow man so that that's that's really good to be hearing from you and so this person is why they said I am a brother I don't know where Barbados is exactly what Barbados is that Barbados I permit us Barbados Thank You Deuce and that's why she's here she tells me that okay okay so okay something Olea Lu Michael I get this weird encounter while I'm sleeping sometimes I'm not sure whether it's demonic or attack from God demonic attack or from God well if you have peace during the experience it can be from God if it's otherwise I don't think that's gone I think that might be demonic or it could be some emotional issues that that are in there uh okay good angel you're asking about it let me see here okay they seem complex like last night I saw myself fly into a mountain to follow man it was so real I saw my body literally suspended in midair while I was sleeping that is interesting and you can actually write to me I'm not a good interpreter of dreams that's not really my area of gifting but I see angel Garcia on here he might be able to help you with that because he's asking questions about it okay only when you can surrender your will okay so these are comments about the lesson so you can go ahead start typing now guys we're gonna be reading this k David I'm going through lots of health anxiety at the moment tell us over the past weeks I've been getting shortness of breath neck spasms chest pain can you pray for healing I asked times that people prayer for but I don't get a healing well it's Jesus who is your healer it's not me I guarantee that and so we're gonna look to Jesus today and we're gonna ask him to heal you amen yes I believe it is also prophetic also amen come on that's so true okay so we're gonna go all the way down do you have to be a pastor or kid anyone baptized but I think anyone could baptize people because teaching them to baptize in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost it's talking about those who believe the disciples so when Jesus gave his commission he said teaching them to baptize in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost and I think that you know I think that you can be just a believer to do it did everyone in the Old Testament go to hell no they did not in fact that's a that's a that's a good that's a solid question that everyone in the Old Testament go to hell no let's go to Roman's in fact let me see here okay so in the scripture it talks about Romans chapter 1 verse 19 he's talking about people who suppress the truth and wickedness he's talking about people who were there since the beginning of the world so verse 19 they know the truth about God he could is made obvious to them now he switches to talking about people from the beginning but ever since the world was created people which people people were there since the world was created have seen the earth and sky through everything God made they can clearly see his invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature so they have no excuse for not knowing god abraham believed God was kind of his righteousness and so people who believed God back then they were taken care of by the sacrifice of Christ in fact I believe it's first I'm in Romans now but first peter is 3:19 first Peter 3:19 says something very interesting first Peter 3:19 says and I think it was first Peter 3:19 okay this is talking about Jesus he says so he went and preached to the spirits in prison this is after he was crucified and I think I think that Jesus went back and preached to the people in the Old Testament now he's not bound by time especially when he enters eternity so it's quite possible that Jesus preached to people in the Old Testament even before on our human timeline he died on the cross now again these are just my initial thoughts on it I don't think everyone is in hell because even the scripture says that God he judges right just you second find this okay you can actually read all of Romans four and it talks about how God has as a good judge is not going to send them all can you touch a little on predestination absolutely I think people like to complicate the idea of freewill and predestination but I don't think it necessarily needs to stay complicated I think that freewill and predestination are both taught in Scripture now some people say well that's a contradiction what's not because we're often we're teaching freewill and predestination from our understanding of time however the more that physicists and mathematicians look into this this concept of time the more we realize we know very little about it so I think that with the new models of how we understand time freewill and predestination fit rather nicely so God's predestination is not causal its predictive meaning that he knows the future but that knowing of the future doesn't necessarily mean he caused it another thing to account for is the fact that even though we are immortal once we accept Christ we are not of ourselves eternal beings in order for us to be eternal we would have to have always existed since the beginning which we didn't because especially as it would play out in our world this earth if we had existed since the beginning then we would have an infinite amount of past events and therefore we would have never arrived - now I know it's an interesting thought and it kind of messes with my mind when I think a little bit on these things but I think the more you think about these things where you begin to grasp this so then I think we can safely conclude that the freewill predestination debate is there because I I've heard people say oh it's so arrogant to think that you solved the freewill predestination controversy but why why when the scripture teaches both is it arrogance to say that both apply and therefore look for reason why they both apply so I think that because the scripture very strongly teaches both that they can both work together so so it's a little bit less than we think on both ends so God doesn't necessarily force us into things I think he predestined positions not necessarily people and then he gives us a choice of many pre destinations as long as they're a choice there is a choice even though that choice may be limited all choices are limited no matter what we wear what we're choosing so if that choice is limited that doesn't mean can't predict what would happen which gets into his middle knowledge which is I think an important component of the discussion okay so we see you a Leo Juan Illya wants to pray for her church breakthrough in cycle ship and growth and then Alex Joe says my real name is dove can you please pray for me to receive employment so put down oh yeah you should mind about Alex employment so I got that well we'll leave that dias they got to keep up with this please pray for my health as well for my children to come back this is shorty Garcia back to the Lord the three of them what do you what are your kids names if you don't mind putting that on the chat we'd like to write your kids names down so we can pray for them um tell that I've decided to speak in tongues but it has not happened could something be amiss I don't think so and I don't think that to hunt actually I'm sorry I just you'll have to forgive me I'm not completely technically savvy usually Tim ladies helping me actually timeles at the ministry office right now working on a new episode of encounter TV a new episode of spirit a new song from Stevie Moctezuma in a new web he's doing four videos in one day he's a he's a great worker okay so um we want to pray for house and my dad was having kidney problems he's 92 thank you okay oh and then we were going to Evelyn I desire to speak in tongues but it has not happened could something be a Miss Evelyn I don't think so I don't think necessarily something is wrong as much as something is not being necessary Steve so I don't think God's looking down at you and condemning you I want you I hope that you don't feel condemned at all because you don't speak in tongues salvation is not a requirement there's the speaking of tongues is not a requirement of salvation in fact when Paul the Apostle when ur and the disciples went to go to talk to the believers they had to introduce the Holy Spirit and there are many verses in the Bible that talk about how believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit as in salvation the the Abba Father deposit us we would call it that in filling of the Holy Spirit happened but the baptism of the Holy Spirit hasn't happened yet they said we haven't even heard of such a thing as the Holy Spirit so I don't think anything is amiss and I see I see but it has not happened and you put a question mark probably wondering why it has it I have a video of teaching on the truth about speaking that trees about praying in tongues here on a counter TV so full-length teaching I get into every detail and it'll hopefully help you with that so god bless you Evelyn how's avian Jones could you please pray for me want to be wife share Sultan okay we'll just put else avian because I don't completely understand forgive me I don't completely understand the prayer request but we are going to uh Oh bar Barbados not Barbados Barbados that was my mistake Barbados is in the Caribbean okay what are your thoughts on the presidential election oh so you just I knew something would come up like this I have promised my why and I promised the Lord I would not get political having said that I know the lines the Lord has told me I cannot cross another lines mind my wife has told me I will not tell you who I'm voting for I will not tell you who I think you should vote for I will not tell you who I think is evil or who's not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give that kind of advice instead I'd rather keep my advice very general why because I'm a preacher people people want to hear the gospel from me you know you can see these like like for instance I'm not saying I'm an actor but for example you ever seen those actors on the on the TV and they've you know there they're there for you know saving the planet er you know all these different causes and most people when they see that they just roll their eyes like we don't care what you say you're an actor well go be in a movie that's all we want from you so as a preacher I realized my job is to be preaching the gospel preaching Jesus that's my message Jesus Saves jesus heals in fact I can thank my wife for that because she was she helped me because I was getting frustrated I was watching the news and I was just getting frustrated with hearing people talk and I was like oh people just don't get it they just don't get what's going on and I said I'm gonna do a show on it she says don't do it you need to focus on the gospel because the most important thing is Souls so I know that's a long disclaimer but I wanted to make sure I gave that but but but you know the presidential election I think it's important but ultimately God is in control and you know different people have different methodologies some people say you should vote for the guy who shares your face some people say oh we're not voting for a pastor voting for president so we should vote for a guy who's gonna fix the country or you know all of these different things in the way I just pray about it study it and I will give you this information do not believe the hype on either side from anyone when negative things happen in anyone's campaign I guarantee you everyone else who's not in that campaign is gonna spin it they've done all candidates have had something negative happen and all the candidates have attacked each other in that way so just realize that they politicize a lot of things the media hikes a lot of things and these people spend millions and tens of millions of dollars to make each other look evil or to propagate a certain idea so ask yourself where did I hear this idea from was it from memes and from my Facebook feed or did I go to the research myself or am i repeating what the media say my repeating am I just listening to little little clips from speeches and this is for all the candidates like I said I'm not because this has happened to all of them so I'd say if you are gonna vote get a clear head about yourself don't believe the hype don't believe the media filter don't believe the Facebook posts go and research go to each individual candidates websites and look at what they stand for and make your own decision be wise be sober and don't get emotional about it don't take anything personal keep Christian unity even if you know someone who's voting for what you see is the other side of things because I guarantee you no matter who you vote for there gonna be some Christians who look at you as having made the wrong choice and should not be there for a called a real Christian but I don't think we should be looking for any more points of provision it's all about unity no matter who you vote for if you got Jesus in your heart you're my brother you're my sister okay so okay that's okay Justin but I want to make sure we saw your message good good okay so King Solomon King David Moses etc we're safe yeah good good good thought there Justin he's talking about that question what the Old Testament with everyone in the Old Testament save or not safe okay I'm not trying to be inappropriate here but this the words say that it is a sin to masturbate well that's a question we actually get here we actually got here a couple times so I'll answer the question first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 through 12 talks about idolatry and if you look at that word idolatry it's listed in the middle of a bunch of other sins that are sexual so in currants they had pornographic statues and they would carry out that act in that temple so I truly do believe that first Corinthians six is referencing masturbation also the idea is in when Jesus says if your if your eye causes you to sin if your right hand causes you to sin that context he's talking about lust as well so I think in that context it could be and I know that's a little bit of a weak observation I'm not like I said I'm willing to be convinced either way on that text but even more fundamentally if you can't find it in specifics the principle is definitely that you want to give yourself totally over to your spouse if your spouse is not there or involved you're not giving yourself you're giving yourself to yourself from yourself and that to me is a big perversion so yes I think it's categorically a sin biblically speaking financial breakthrough okay a vision dream a vision or dream okay just put vision that will use that as their name and put financial breakthrough and prophetic and healing gifts to ministry family salvation new job new housing give more to ministries and charity value I like that this person's got their there really push and gone on for some things and I appreciate that okay Michelle Hodge Hotchkiss why do you think it takes time sometimes a long time before people are healed seems to me in the Bible healing was immediate or shortly after doing something specifically told to do great question there is one instance though actually a couple instances I'll show you in Psalms and again guys these are all on the fly stuff I can't memorize I try to memorize every verse I I quote but there was one in Psalm Pike and remember forgive me for a second okay Psalm chapter 35 verse 13 now this is an Old Testament scripture they don't show you the New Testament reference psalm 35:13 this is King David praying for the healing of his enemies and they didn't get it the scripture says this Psalms 30:5 13 if that's the correct verse and it is okay yet when they were ill I grieved for them I denied myself by fasting for them but my prayers returned unanswered so there's King David praying for someone who didn't get healed first or second Timothy I don't remember the exact chapter in verse Paul the Apostle tells Timothy because Timothy historically we know Timothy had a stomach problem but instead of praying for him Paul the Apostle tells Timothy a little wine for the stomach's sake is good for you now he's not condoning drunkenness wine in that context is medicinal so he's condoning medicine jesus said the sick need a doctor when he of course was making that point in passing about those who need to be saved and then this you couldn't see just by looking at it once but this is inductively we know that Jesus was at the gate beautiful quite often and the man Hilda Dax whom the Apostles healed Peter when he looked at Peter reached up his hand that man whose legs were crippled since birth the scripture says he was laid out at gate beautiful every single day for his whole life and it says he was a man so he had to be at least 30 years old around there to be considered a matter or at least let's just say even by the United States terminologies 18 okay so Jesus still needed ministry for three years so that man had to have been there in that Yap that Jesus was on the earth so Jesus passed by this man every single day without healing him and then he was finally healed in the book of Acts now I'm not saying that that answers the why but that at least demonstrates the what we can see that in Scripture there are certain instances where people aren't healed instantly now why that happens I think that has to do with the sovereignty of God so my job is to believe the word in prefix sake God's job is to do the healing and that's on him if he wants to heal you'll do it well any doctrine that doesn't leave room for the sovereignty is borderline heresy that's where Robert said Oral Roberts was a great healing evangelist so now let's continue out forgive me if I'm scrolling down too far here I don't know any more questions or when will there be another live broadcast you see here we're actually good at we're actually I'm gonna try to do these one Tuesday out of every month okay when will there be another live broadcast a Maine brother glory to God David need prayer on going through a divorce and I serve as a leader in my church so this is Richard dear my struggle is with legalistic opinions mothers who say I shouldn't be allowed to be in leadership because I initiated my divorce not sure how to handle well you know the truth is that there's grace for for all of us and I think the church doesn't really and forgive me if I'm making a generalization but I only am it positive there won't be naked I'll be positive I think we as the church couldn't make great strides when it comes to restoring people and ministers you often see if a minister will mess up or he'll he'll fall into sin and you know let me tell you something every Minister is gonna let you down whether in big ways or small ways I'm just gonna I'll do away with this expense for you right now I will eventually let you down now I'm not saying that it'll come in a big way or small way I'm just saying this I'm gonna say something that you're gonna disagree with I'm gonna do something that you disagree with there's gonna be you know mistakes I'm making judgment down the line and who knows who's gonna spin it the wrong way but the truth is every man's gonna let you down that's just the reality okay no one says a minister the gospel has to be perfect however a minister of the gospel does have to live righteously now I understand you're dealing with legalistic people and fire I know pastors have been divorced and who remained in ministry and I think they very well belong in there now the scripture does give these certain things you know such as oh you a husband of one wife making sure the home is in order but then there are some things that are outside of the control that man you know am I supposed to quit the ministry if we have a son who later makes horrible decisions no not if we raised and we've always in a godly home and Ryan is his home not necessarily about the decisions his family members make so we we have to stop beating these people we need more pre people preaching the gospel period and we need to stop raising the bar where the scripture has none yes holiness yes live righteously no don't live in constant sin but if you make a mistake or something happens in your marriage and you know it's sad you want to prevent it but my opinion is we need to be a lot more merciful because it's just it's just pathetic on how many times we handle that I don't judge you brother I say go for it keep preaching the gospel as long as you're not in sin and you didn't you know wasn't a moral failure on your part but you know if she was out you know cheating that I hate to be blunt but I figure you're comfortable with it you put it on the line because she was out cheating on you your biblical grounds for divorce and you go you know that's that's perfectly fine it's sad but I don't think you should quit into being in the ministry in fact like I said a friend of mine this just happened to him and and he was not taken out he should have been I think you should continue and those who are religious be careful in lest you fall um so live communion broad catch-all that is a good idea we should do a live communion which Michelle says can you write let's put a little note away from the prayer requests let's do live communion that is a good idea we're gonna do that okay David diga can you pray for my finances wisdom knowledge being able to memorize Bible verses also want to be used as a willing vessel to share my testimony and women as well as church was accepted well that's a noble prayer request so write that down dear so angel actually angels up here with the finances put future ministry and wisdom okay and we're gonna get to the prayers right now I'm writing all these down so we don't lose track of all so glad I have Jess here so I know jess is doing a good job here Jess anything you want to say to these people while we're here just kind of chatting this is really just a roundtable chat no okay she's so sweet I love her okay what would you say about Paul going to Jerusalem despite being worn by the Holy Spirit through several people he still decided to go was it an act of disobedience no because the Holy Spirit wasn't telling him not to go the Holy Spirit was telling him what would happen if he went so jesus knew exactly what would happen and some of the disciples knew exactly what would happen but the Holy Spirit wasn't the one saying don't go look if you look at the warning that he was given he was told that if you go this is what's gonna happen to you and Paul the Apostle just says yes I know God showed that to me too and I think God showed the prophets so people would be praying so we prophesy in part maybe the guy thought he was supposed to be giving a warning but really he was promising in part and God was just showing him what was going to happen so that the church could be praying for the work of God there so I don't like that was disobedience could have been Paul was not perfect but that's my take on it anyway okay let me go up here yeah you got a nun real quick here we're gonna go ahead and just block some of these things I do apologize guys for the people who are writing inappropriate things but okay please pray for my family and I and also our new worship and be faithful and guarded from the enemy okay I'll call you Ortiz because I can't Mike my my writing it's really small on the screen so Ortiz wants to pray for family and worship band okay okay so Eddie H Lopez hi can you pray for my health I've been struggling with high blood pressure and anxiety so Eddie just wants to pray for health news put band so Eddie wants to pray for health and high blood pressure okay guys it's starting to load up fast cuz the comments are coming in quickly so if I miss it do forgive me you can tweet me at DIA Hernandez and I'll be there if we're under grace do we still need to follow certain laws of the Old Testament no not all of them and in fact in Romans you can see Paul differentiating between the moral law and the Old Testament law everything has to be funneled through the cross in fact I wrote a paper and I should release it I haven't released it yet I don't know why I haven't the different categories of the law and which categories made it into to the new ones so like people I had someone commenting the other day my staff will sometimes forward messages to me from YouTube if they want to know how I want to specifically answer a question because maybe they have their thoughts but they don't want to contradict what I have to say which is you know because it's our channel so they want to make sure we're consistent across the board someone sent me some guy wanting to talk about us this is telling church on a Saturday night I just I like okay that's that's one of the Ten Commandments yes but the Ten Commandments are part of the Old Testament yes the principles of the Ten Commandments are still in play I mean talk about honoring your father and mother that's any fees you talk about not murdering that's in first Corinthians you talk about honoring God jesus said that you know but the tank with the Sabbath day you don't see that in the New Testament in fact you see every day they gathered I mean were they wrong for gathering for every day the fact Jesus rebuked those who who tried to you know say okay this festival this day and and while I honor Judaism well I think it's beautiful it's beautiful it's poetic and some people hold very tight to those type of beliefs I'm not gonna say I disagree I'm just gonna say I'm not gonna go spending all my time trying to fulfill an Old Testament well I'm gonna live how Jesus told me to live and I don't believe in so I don't believe we're necessarily under all the Old Testament laws moral oh yes but Old Testament sacrificial laws ceremonial laws civil laws not all those things apply today okay okay so again forgive me that I'm a little loud because I have too weak to load these things here in Germany we often get offended in school for our faith we also get offended for praying in tongues do you have any advice it's pretty hard for us to keep loving those people who offend us well just keep loving them I mean that's the whole point right I mean yeah not everyone's gonna accept things I mean even as I've been on here for no more than an hour already people wrote some horrible things on here but I don't care I mean it doesn't really affect me anymore you can't offend a dead man and if you're dead to solve it shouldn't bother you you just keep preaching to them Jesus was crucified didn't say a word so we need to just be be kind to those who try to take us down or who try to you know offend us okay I have a really close friend that caused me to sin a lot what do I do when they're one of my best friends well honestly if you're talking sexually and it's the person you're emotionally and sexually attached to you probably gonna cut it off because it's not a good idea to be around someone who's causing you to sin that's just the reality I know you know you probably don't want to hear that and you say but they're one of my best friends here's the truth you cut them off you live right and you're gonna know a year or so you're not gonna feel that same attachment you're probably gonna wonder why you call them your best friend in the first place and that's my assumption based upon what you're writing again I don't have all the information please pray for my five year old is often night tears oh my goodness Eliza Li Zi a child's night terrors oh my goodness told me my mother-in-law told me that he describes something to her and we think that he saw a demon very possibly could have I know I did when I was younger oh why does God delay the anointing of the Holy Spirit and gifts of speaking in tongues I don't think he does I think that has more to do with us and I have a teaching called the truth about praying in tongues here on YouTube that might be able to help you several times Jesus Jesus told people not to tell anyone after they were healed but they did anyway was that a sin why did Jesus say that well I don't think it was a sin per se it could categorically be one let's just say it is I don't think that's important but I think the more interesting question is why did Jesus tell them to not tell anybody that they were healed I think it could have been a number of things I think he was trying to keep the word down because he had a certain timeline and he was trying to keep do you know Jesus was very very fixated in the middle of God's will so I think part of it had to do with the timing some people suggest that he didn't want demons sanella but demons I think knew because they saw him coming from afar off if you ask me I think it has a lot to do with timing so what I'm gonna do is in fact I have them on my I have a new book coming out called um 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare and I addressed that specifically in there so maybe I'll release a pre article or something on it but you can email me and I'd be glad to send that over a portion that to you okay can God give directions to dreams and if so how do we know the dream is from God do we need confirmation in case the dream was not really from God well you could take a look at a teaching I have here on YouTube called three keys to clearly hearing the voice of God that teaching is gonna tell you specifically how to hear God's voice and dreams are included in that because I talked about categories of voices Davis ever say I want to pray for my future wife Sarah okay for you so you're engaged okay Davian he's right here okay pray for wife sir okay that's it what do you guys get married I got to know we'll be praying for you I decree that those are disrespectful to your ministry that God touches their heart and give their lot amen see I like see I think angels on the say is that angel writing that let me see here sorry you guys are writing a lot now yeah angel we're on the same wavelength here then that's a good prayer see I heard ministers when they're spoken against they cursed people but I like the idea of blessing them let's pray that everybody who was on this chat trying to stay horrible things right now that God would touch their life and they would get saved they're hurting this the truth is hurt people hurt people and and we love you no matter what you do no matter literally no matter what you say and we believe that God's gonna touch your life no sometimes I have to block people cuz I'm telling you I have to block oh my goodness how many people a day it's just so many I mean on and they're consistent lots of people do it it all gets washed in the washed away in the lost anyway I don't really remember specifics but sometimes I do have to do that like I did here obviously we don't want you know words like that posted on a chat like this and also I got to be wise at my time I can't be wasting my time with every little person who wants to talk about every little thing so you get blocked that's just I'm very patient so if you get vlog you you you you you really pushed it okay so David can you pray for my upper-respiratory yes we will pray very upper-respiratory says I think though it's Justin he's right there yeah we have that written down Justin okay please pray that I need the Baptist of the Holy Spirit please pray I'm thirsty for the Holy Spirit soon I'm gonna have to go back through these prayer requests later cuz my wax hands gonna get a little tired here and everyone I read guys my wife's trying to write them all down but I will come back over and look over this chat pray over okay okay sir from India please pray for God using yes God's gonna use your life you already is using your life he loves you okay I know you Ellen I know you should not depend on feelings but I still feel far from him like there's a blockade or something starting to feel discouraged if I want okay I know I keep referring to YouTube videos but I did a video Evelyn it's called when God seems distant look that up in YouTube I'm Italian I really believe that's gonna bless you I think it was three things I gave you that God's doing when he feels distant I think it's really gonna help you okay please pray for me to baptized in the Holy Spirit Evelyn once it's the same Evelyn so she wants me pray for the batboat she prettily get the tongue so that'll come along with that so how did you know you had the healing power well number one Eddie I appreciate the question and I know I know what you mean but I want to clarify for those watching Eddie I know you know where the power comes from I want to make sure that those who don't understand the gifts knew I don't have any healing power I never claimed to have any healing power I'm not a healer I've never healed anyone I've never claimed to heal anybody anyone who's ever received a healing in any of my services then I pray for them had nothing to do with me at all it's Jesus he's the only healer and he's dealing with healing power how did I know I read it in the Bible and then the scripture talks about desiring the spiritual gifts and I desire to give to healing I did a teaching on YouTube called spiritual gifts they give you three keys to knowing that you have a spiritual gift three very practical keys to knowing that you have a spiritual gift so check that out it's called spiritual gifts it's here on my youtube channel okay um going down here and thank you for your time - god bless well thank you for you guys logging on could you please pray for schizophrenia thank you Chris it's a friend now just there's something did you want to talk to that person I don't know if you wanted me to mention not with you but with the person we're praying for it might occur to me yes it runs into me Jessica's brother deals with it and we're praying for him and I only say that because we want to be open and transparent with you guys so my wife you know she she uh she she has to pray for someone with that every day so we'd be glad to pray for you in that so so we're gonna write that down schizophrenia okay all right so basically we're gonna keep praying for you guys I don't wanna stay as long as you guys keep standing so then I think okay hey David I just want to know how much you preach you appreciate what you do oh I appreciate what you do i watch most of your stuff I want to have been working on my walk with God and that I may be able to do his works can you pray that opportunities continue you come to just become a better person in Christ Austin first of all thank you for watching in Austin I want to tell you it's an honor when I hear from people like you I'm just I'm I'm just so blessed when I know that I can be a part of somebody else's walk with God and it's a privilege to minister the word to you so thank you for letting me minister to you and we'll keep you in prayer okay the Lord saves a struggle I have is during school I forget to follow the path of Jesus because sorry loaded up more comments right now got a scroll all the way back up let me see here forgive me for the scrolling here so you can just keep looking at the prayer requests to be in prayer okay Austin hey David I want to know okay so he wants opportunities Austin ministry opportunities opportunities in general okay is it possible to love the Lord our God with all our mind body soul and strength being totally depraved people I don't think Jesus would have commanded it if we couldn't at least aspire to it I'm willing to be convinced either way I believe that our goal should be perfect holiness Matthew chapter 5 verse 48 jesus said be perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect job chapter 1 verse 1 says there was a man who dwelt in the land of us name was Joe and he was perfect and upright before the Lord 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 talks about the Word of God been given to us for the perfecting of the Saints so I think that there's good reason to believe that we should reach some kind of perfection this is not to say that we will never sin and I know that seems like a contradiction in terms but the perfection that Jesus was talking about I think it's love and loving people so I think we can love God I think we can do it and I think it's possible whether or not that love is perfectly reflected in our actions is a different story but the scripture says in Romans chapter 5 verse 5 that the love of God has shut around through our hearts by the Holy Ghost and I think he'll help us do it so I think it's possible yes and I think that total depravity is as a past tense I think we're all the new creation in Christ now ok struggle I've been doing with school I forget to follow the path of Jesus all the distractions during school how do I remember to repent follow Jesus well you got to just you got to realize that every decision you make is your decision and I know this may seem legalistic but you have to hold the responsibility for your decision and when you're presented with the choice make the right choice if you're not supposed to go somewhere don't go there if you're not supposed to do something don't do it if you shouldn't be meeting up with someone don't meet up with them if you're not supposed to be taking something don't take it I mean it really is I mean that may be over simple right we say no but you don't understand it's really hard no no the scripture says let God be true and every man a liar the truth is every time we are tempted we have a way out and it is our choice to not do it so I say you got to just determine in your mind to start making the right choices email me call me if you have any issues with that call the office eight of eight seven four zero one one zero we have people who are willing to minister you keep you accountable talk you through this okay otherwise why would God allow other those lives to be in the hands of their parents for example in the Bible it talks about parents did not prepare their children for the lake of fire but why would God do this you're gonna have to clarify your question are you saying why does God allow other people to have influence over us in general or that do you think that someone's parents make their spiritual decisions for them forgive me otherwise but I'm gonna need a clear question my apologies my fault okay Britney young pray for my brother who has autism and for me to resist son and obey God and everything I do is his sin and obey God so Britney strengthen temptation and her brother for autism Austin also would like to pray for my relationship that it grows with God tell me who me to slow down my dear can't wait for that book Thank You shorty Garcia I can't wait for you to read it now let me see here just want to say thank you god bless you Thank You Annie we appreciate that Britney young pray for my brother who has autism and for me to resist sin and obey God everything that I do okay I just read that cuz it's loading up again so forgive me if I repeat guys it loads up pray for my growth in Christ my brother I know what I've been called to do it is way out of my comfort zone God called me to be a watchman with the healing ministry it's so overwhelming pray for me okay we will Desiree Johnson the wives in the Bible it says people are destroyed because their lack of knowledge well I didn't God make people all-knowing that's a good question but I can see how you can the premise of your question is that if God were to make us all knowing that we were there for make all the right decisions or that we would never be destroyed but if god made us on knowing then we would be him and I don't think that's necessarily possible now you say well I thought with God thing all all things are possible doing the illogical is not a necessity of being omnipotent this is something I wrote about in my my blog faith in logic so questions like this arise from misunderstanding of God's capabilities can God make a square circle no can God create a married bachelor no can God make a rock that he cannot move no you say that's blasphemy God can do anything that's not true God cannot sin because he is holiness cannot lie because he is truth God cannot do the illogical because he is the basis of all logic he is order and from order all things are derived from God derive we get order from God and from order we get laws and from laws we get the universe on the universe we get existence so if God would have violating his person nothing could exist not even your question could be poised or posed because it would be based on nothing what would it mean it's really nothing no words would mean anything anyway so the Bible says that people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge why did God make men on the people annoying because then they would be gone and that's a contradiction nobody could be God for God okay so Evelyn I know I should not depend on feelings I think I read that what was wrong with these people god bless them I know God bless them indeed yes let's come in agreement with that blessings pray for them yes please I need advice on dating relationship can God give someone an instruction to break from a present relationship if they're married they shouldn't if they aren't a relationship absolutely yes you just have anything on this my dear oh yes God could say no especially if there's sin involved and if they're keeping you away from the Lord there's many reasons nothing god 15 oh yeah definitely so um actually I'm glad that I stopped dating anyone I dated previously for my wife because she's the one and can you pray for it yes does that mean it's God's we all know sometimes we really really want things and we hope they're God's will you got to realize that because even in even when the people who I've dated previously and I hope my wife does I know my wife won't mind me saying but you know when those relationships ended it broke me and I said Lord but this has to be it my pray you know I really want this and I'm glad now that I have Jessica that none of those relationships worked out because now I'm married to Jessica and I think the same thing like over you so yes you can pray maybe go maybe God has someone for you who's in a relationship right now pray for them sure but but beyond that distress gone and don't worry too much okay so thank you so much for this interactive session god bless you okay the people making appropriate comments are lost they are carnal flesh money pray for them guys yes pray for them pray for them indeed they need it and again don't die I'm not angry with them neither should you my wife's nothing or with them we love them and we really do want to see them to come to the Lord is it ever okay to have more than one wife no and I know in the Old Testament people like King David and all the pattern but you don't remember just because the scripture mentioned something doesn't mean that it condoned something so King David yes had multiple wives but King David also slept with Bathsheba and murdered a man you know so that everything they do is godly and plus the best thing is one with one that's the best type of relationship you could experience on earth um let me see here guarantee father I pray let's come into agreement that's good your heavenly father I pray for the people who are making inappropriate comments that Jesus will set them on the right path in Jesus name Amen and everyone who agreed said amen okay so about faith I sometimes question my faith as to whether I have it it seems like I have a lot of knowledge like I know the scripture but I can't tell if it is faith or knowledge very good question and you know it if it's faith if there's hope if you have hope then you have faith and the fact that you're even asking that question shows that you do have faith um okay let me see here is there a good way to know if you truly are speaking in tongues last night my good friend who was working with a time to revive baptized me with the Holy Spirit and I believe that I'm speaking but there is a way to know for sure yeah it's called faith and I know this knot might not be the answer you wanna hear but faith speaking in tongues is the language of faith and I think if you speak it and you believe and you're surrendering those syllables to the holy spirit again watch by teaching the truth about praying in tongues I think it's really gonna bless you so I'm nearing the end of the comments that look a note we're loading up more here I'm nearing the end of comments now and you guys again if I know you might be watching this and saying well someone else could help but honestly we really need your help right now I really do need your help in the ministry we're not going bankrupt ministries not in any debt never has been but but I want to go into this April April we're going to this year we're already experiencing tremendous financial growth doors are opening like we've never before you've not seen anything yet this is just the smidgen this is just the surface level everything you've seen from this ministry God is just getting started that's what he told me since I'm just getting started and this is not even the beginning of what's going to happen but we need your help in history ministries either make it or break it it's not God God works in partnership with man so it's in your hands to to help this ministry you may say Wow wonderful ministry you look at some of the larger ministries that have come back saying wow those are awesome I wonder how they came about well they came about by people that like you partnering with people like us and saying we just people who want to trust God and believe for God to do great things around this world and I'm your son who's watching you can do that we need to be able to do $1,000 and 10 people to do 100 and if we did that guys it would be done and I don't even like to ask for money but it's necessary you understand guys I know you know my heart I know you see me for years I know you know I'm all about Jesus and souls but this is what it takes to preach the gospel all around the world this is what the gospel is free but the means to deliver it is not oh look we got more comments coming I'm gonna pray for you right now animal but I just want to stop and say please consider doing that now one gift of $1,000 or three gifts of a thousand and then ten gifts of 100 we need you guys do it again those you who give those hundred dollar gifts I'll send this to you sign and those hundred dollar gifts that come in today you're gonna get a chance to win the original copy of living a life on fire signed by 14 year old diga there's only 100 of these in the world and I only have like three of them so they're all over the place so I'm gotten destroyed too I think okay Andrew and Andre pray for a wife she's suffering with chronic back pain for ten years and doctors can't do anything about it we trust the Lord that he is only he's the only one able to do this Thank You Andre I believe that your wife is going to experience the healing power of God and we're gonna come into agreement with you the Lord saves can you give specific real-time examples of pride for a teenager like in my I can give my testimony because I don't want to put anyone on blast um you see I didn't like correction when I was now I love correction I mean it polishes me up I have you know the problem with discipleship is a lot men aren't men anymore they they can't even handle the weight of Correction so I don't understand how if you can't handle the weight of Correction you can't handle the weight of the anointing and I have a pastor I have a spiritual father I have people who mentor me and if they correct something in my life I'm not gonna fight back I'm not gonna try to explain myself I'm gonna receive the correction if this wonderful woman right here God speaks to this woman she's correcting me on some things and I take the correction right there yes and because she put me here God put me here with with her and so when I was a teenager I didn't like correction oh my goodness I did not like I thought so like I'd be corrected by my people they'd say oh you shouldn't I don't say different things I don't remember one specific instance but I would say oh they're just trying to keep me down no they're just jealous of what I haven't thank God he you helped me with that and it's that's um that's something that God's really helped me with over the years I think every man struggles with pride anger and lust all those things this is like the trifecta of men struggles um let me see here okay let me see here sorry guys pause here okay Andre make sure that his wife is dead can you give a specific examples pride for teenager I believe I just wanted I know to know from your experience okay okay succumbs nightmarish spirit torments any information what it what is succumb tsukuba I don't know what that is I'm sorry vision or dream I give $30 a month thank you we appreciate that so um all that give monthly I mean those those partners are the ones who keep us consistent and it's people like you will help us do everything we're doing all around the world okay I know I'm asking a lot I have watched all yes all of your videos but I'm still lost and how to encounter him okay I know there's more to experience that thirst for growth but I'm not seeing change okay I've been there and you have to learn me I know you may have watched it and some people have read the whole Bible and not gotten saved you can you can go and look at all the teachings but unless you start to apply them it's not gonna help Evelyn what would I say I might be forgive me if I'm making an assumption you seem like a deep thinker and you seem like someone who might overanalyze things often I'm that way and I can tell by your questions that you and I think almost exactly alike so Evelyn I think for you it's gonna come down to silence and stillness and in that moment the hardest thing for you is gonna be to silence the questioning and I know for me it was but Evelyn I I believe that God's touching you and and we shouldn't go on feelings you already said something to that effect and I know we shouldn't so you know we shouldn't so so go in faith what is the word sing and choose to think and believe according to that you're gonna watch your feelings will follow David do you believe in treat pre-tribulation rapture well there's three different views on this pre mid and post trip I map and rib and as it all pans out in the end but I am the one who believes that the rapture does occur before the tribulation I believe in a literal rapture I believe in the thousand-year reign all of that I've never done a teaching on it to me it's not a central thing to what God has called me a freak you notice I preach on prayer the Holy Spirit healing and anointing the presence of God things like that so um but maybe I'll do one on that one day okay my brother would like to know what your thoughts are on veganism and also please pray for him well Rudy Ortiz thank you so Magdalena and then Rudy well I think it's healthy I mean I think it's a good way of carrying things out however I wouldn't say that veganism is necessarily morally superior to any other diet it is healthier definitely but I actually have considered it before but would might the way I travel is very difficult to do and it's not something I'm really passionate about if you're talking in reference to animals the truth is that God required animal sacrifices and the truth is that God required up in the feast in the Old Testament the truth is that the scripture New Testament talks about eating things eating even animals is perfectly okay it's not what goes into you that defiles you but what comes out so if you kind of take that and God would be immoral to suggest that if animals have souls or the level of awareness or sentience that humans did so based upon the New Testament readings and the Old Testament readings I have to conclude that animals though they may mimic some type of scent such as an AI would they don't necessarily have the same level I know I might get a lot of flack for that I love that I was I'm a cat person I had a cat she died I'm very sad but but the problems does say a wise man or a righteous man is kind to his pet in some translations what wise to his animal or kind of his animal I don't think we should be cruel not necessarily because of what it is the animal because it does what it is to us but veganism yeah I think it's I think it's Noble but I wouldn't say morally superior in any way ok um moving down here how do I know what God's calling is for me your purpose will always be linked with your passion you have a passion for something it's likely because God put the purpose in you ok the Bible says that there was only one God but my family believes that God is three persons what did this what does the Spirit of God tell you or could you do is sharing about the God of the Bible I believe God is three persons in one one God I heard one example like solid liquid gas same same person so I think they're different expressions of them different personalities but it's still saying one God and I know this I'm not gonna be able to get into much detail that because that to me is I don't even fully comprehend to myself maybe I will do a study on it I'm hoping to be a to be taught in that area I wanted the same thing I learned to identify what it was flowing that was the real deal if I had to work in it then I prayed for God oh this is in reference to Michelle's talking about I believe it was who's the one talking about receiving tongues um Evelyn Michelle is referencing or Austin she's referencing Austin I wondered the same thing I learned to identify when it was flowing that was the real deal if I had to work at it then I prayed for God to help the spirit flow I no longer question if is legit any more certainty will come amen I believe that okay Eddie wants to pray for his mom she had breast cancer and asked for healing if she could pray okay okay oh the stone church in Nigeria seems to be the only one hip to it you know I don't spent too much time in demonology I'm focused like I said on those things categorically our other experts who could probably help you better than I can almost topics on dreams and visions and things like that okay medida did you hear about this the last Reformation women yes what do you think about it I don't know anything about the last Reformation movement I do write in my book carriers of the glory there's a chapter here where it's called the spirit and a fifth-grade awakening the spirit in the fifth grade awakening maybe someone can screenshot that get a little sample of the book feel free screenshot it get a sample if you want to read that but you know I believe that there is another move of God coming whatever you want to title it is OK with me but there's gonna come another move God where he's gonna sleep in souls and mass weeping in souls and people are going to be saved and I'm looking forward to it okay um okay the why's is okay you rephrase your question good the Bible says God holds Christians accountable for spreading the word well why would God put the lives of others in the hands of his followers when he could have made man oh I get what you're saying well Romans chapter 1 says that men are without excuse I don't believe and God judges us based on the information that we have we're not the ones who judge people yes salvation is to Christ alone but we don't know who God is and isn't revealing Christ too so while there is only one way to God which is Christ there are many ways to hear the gospel and I think Romans 1 alludes to that so what so your question is essentially what about those who haven't heard the gospel my question is is there really such a person okay um hello from Tucson your wife is beautiful thank you I know she is angel David eager my friend Pat's son just had emergency heart surgery can you please be pray that Lamone recovered with no infection in case we're gonna pray for them on that everybody is what I love about this group is we all pray for everybody on this group what do you thing about Christians doing yoga I did a research paper on it in school purely secular and now as a Christian I can't see how something purely pagan worship can speed harmless exercise can it be made holy by meditating on well you said you did a research paper you're gonna know more about it than I do on the show cuz I have not I have not studied that or looked into that in any depth whatsoever so you're gonna be better to answer that question than me okay rosemary the Blessed Trinity is the supernatural mystery we can't fully comprehend it good feedback Austin Thank You Michele Evelyn thank you for your patience with our questions Evelyn you could ask me a hundred questions every day and you will not bother me the only my only regret is that I don't have the time to read at all and I wish I could do this all day every day but you will never bug me Evelyn there's some people like I said I don't block the blueprints is my honest question people get blocked only when they get nasty or you know they want they just want it if I could tell when someone wants to learn and when still wants to debate and I can tell Evelyn you want to learn so I want to help you I will not lose any patience where you keep writing in to us in fact tell the ministry to forward your email to me and I'll correspond with you consistently okay and tell them I said so on the live broadcast okay so stay and you can reference them to this if they don't believe you because my office is real protective sorry okay thank you for your patience their questions Michelle Hodgkins Austin okay she gave you a thumbs up okay Eddie when speaking in tongues do I have to understand or just let it slow I think you just let it flow because first Corinthians 14:2 tells us we do not understand it all right rosemary Keller brother David do you believe there will be revival another move of God before the rapture do you believe in the rapture yes and yes okay Bradley Thanks Olea Lou or forgive me if I'm mispronouncing that I've been rebuking the heck out of them praying fasting still can't get rid of it okay a friend of mine is a homosexual and I really don't know how to deal with that our church teaches that it is not just a sin our church teaches that it is not a sin oh that's no that's not correct but I read something different in the word what are your opinions about that they're equivalent homosexuality is a sin there's no debate on that the only debate that's raised on it are the people who want to act as if the Scriptures not clear end of debate the Bible is clear but the problem is but people go on debating not because they care what the Bible says we care that they care about people's feelings and we should do in fact I'll be right back I got a book I got a remote just talked to the mom gone for a couple seconds everyone give it up for Jess you did a good job okay this right here you need to go grab it this is called gay awareness by landon shot he sent me a copy to review excellent book like I said I've not studied I've studied the topic to see whether or not it was in sin I studied the Greek I studied the culture and then I even looked into in fact that's where I wrote that paper remember I told you the paper where I talked about the different laws of the Old Testament I wrote a paper on it if you guys want that paper oh my goodness I'm gonna do that okay I'm gonna I'll do it email david at david hernandez now the paper is not complete I just started to do the research paper um I only spent a day on it so I think it's only it's only a few thousand words it's nothing it's not this huge paper but I think it's into some of the main arguments against the biblical teaching on homosexuality and it's solid guys it's not theirs let me take something the only people who say there's a debate are the people who have something and they want to pretend like it's not clear it is clear that I said let's let's be there's no debate there all right that the Bible teaches it's a sin now I love what Landon shot said in his book in fact I'm gonna try to find the quote on it oh my goodness I hope I can find it because I don't know I don't know okay I'm gonna search a couple more pages and then I have to get quit because I think this is not good for the broadcast I'm close I know it and I won't be able to find it okay well there's this the idea that people want to debate this it tells you a lot oh I read what he said he said the reason that the gay community and I'm paraphrasing so the reason the gay community likes to use the rainbow is because they want the presence of God without the judgement of God and there are a lot of people who live as so-called Christians you cannot be a Christian and a practicing homosexual period you could look at I know Christian friends who struggle with it who from time to time fall into those temptations but they're Christians who are struggling with sin and I'm not here to judge anyone I'm not here to say I hate almost Rachel I love almost I have friends who are homosexuals and I love them and I don't want to see anybody hurt I don't want to see anybody in pain but you're asking me what the Bible says and that's what the Bible says and so I'm not trying to attack anybody it doesn't take me pleasure and making people you know their feelings hurt but this is the truth sometimes you have to tell them the truth to help I want to help them I genuine believe I genuinely believe that they want to escape that lifestyle and I think that Scripture offers that truths okay I'm not judging anybody I'm not trying to judge any but I'm not trying to be mean but that's what the Bible says okay um okay so I'm gonna go scroll through sorry if I'm missing a lot guys and that that lit up the chat here so I'm gonna miss a lot of comments here okay what do you think about bestiality I think it's the same thing okay yes it is a sin what do you think about people having said okay that's same thing what is the difference between tithe an offering tithe is a percentage and offering is kind of what you give of the freewill described in the New Testament I think it was described in of the Philippians or in Philippians people do come out of lice okay guys let me just be clear if you're a Christian and you're watches and you struggle with same-sex attractions that is not the same thing as you being homosexual that's if Landon shot said it good in this book do you says if you cannot separate your sexual identity from your identity you'll never know your true identity so your your sexual actions do not defining every sexual act as a choice the temptations are not a choice but the actions themselves are all decisions so I really recommend this guy's Lana shot I don't I don't do a lot of teaching on that like I said there's not a lot of topics I go into other than those seven topics that I gave you the presence of Prayer spiritual warfare and I like to stay on those topics I very rarely go off like this because my job as an evangelist is to preach the gospel and if I'm preaching the gospel and I'm preaching at the heart of the issue that will naturally resolve itself someone gets saved they're gonna be set free from this lifestyle so I don't need to go around attacking the gay community and I don't want to do that I don't see the fruit in that and I think Landon shot did an excellent job in his book so go out and get that okay okay yes powerless it usually appears to me as women and okay you see here okay someone actually says it is a sin I lived that lifestyle so vision our dream it is a sin I live that lifestyle Leviticus eight well I wouldn't use Leviticus to to combat this because then they can go and say well is it a sin to eat shellfish again I'll give you the study if you want it or why I say you can just use the New Testament okay um sorry guys if I'm not getting along again these are loading up really fast okay and then Evelyn I am indeed a thinker a while back I believed that God would switch it off and kind of did and now it's back like make me two steps four or five no no go read my blog on my website David Hernandez ministry comm and then go to get spirit resources go to David's blog and read my blog called faith and logic it's gonna bless you it's gonna help you Evelyn okay it also appears a Bigfoot looking thing okay David do you believe God will heal my upper respiratory problem after you pray I do believe that okay is there any specific way to respond when someone says that they're not a Christian but another religion that does not follow Jesus or God yeah you just preach Jesus I mean again guys here's the good news since we don't have to complicate it by getting sidetracked on all these issues if we just preach Jesus in the gospel that message will naturally result in people coming to him and once they're with him he'll change him and he'll save them okay um okay so Nora out there okay um I'm I think that's gonna be it for today guys let's pray now and then we're gonna do this again soon I promise you I'm just so glad you guys stuck around and so let's begin up right now stay online and let's pray for each other okay so there's other people watching in this community come on dear let's let's agree so father we thank you that we're able to bring these needs your people to to you and so father we lift up angel for finances for future ministry and for wisdom and for Pat's son with the heart surgery that we pray for a full recovery with no infections in Jesus name Lord we lift up Evelyn right now who is who is working toward an encounter with you god I pray that he would help Evelyn find the silence and stillness that it takes to enter your presence and Lord that she would know that you made her mine just the way it is and that you would cause her to to experience your Holy Spirit in ways she never thought possible father for Alejo Lu for prayer against demonic attacks father would pray for Justin and we pray for complete and total healing in his body we pray for Olly for church breakthrough we pray for Alex for employment we pray for shorty Garcia for three children to come back to the Lord or who dad her dad was sick father we pray for her alva aza being pray for the future wife Sarah father we pray for the person who was under the name vision or dream before the prophetic gift scenes and healings to flow father we pray for Richard for for the fact that he's going through this difficult time with the divorce Lord that that you would cause him to not so condemned and like a failure but God that he knows he knows the truth of what happened and that father you would you would you would deal with him according to that truth and father I come against the condemnation and the the legalistic spirits that would try to attack this man and tear him down keep him Lord where you want him at Jesus name father for for Ortiz the person with the last names Ortiz for their family and their worship man Lord we lift up Eddie for us his high blood pressure for his mom's healing from breast cancer a father for Liza for her five year old that has nightmares Lord we rebuke those night terrors right now in Jesus name and we pray and agree in touch that it is done now in Jesus name for Chris Ledford for for schizophrenia for Austin Lewis for ministry opportunities father for Britney who has a brother that has autism Lord that you would you would enable Britney to resist sin Lord for Desiree for growth in Christ for Andre for prayer for wife with the acting lore that you would set Andres wife free from that back pain in Jesus name Lord for Rudy Ortiz that would has lifted me you now from Michelle for Lord Lord we we we give you the gold from all these locks Father in Jesus name we pray and everybody who agreed said again I'm asking you we need your help this week to stay on track for all the needs we have for the ministry where we do television international events global discipleship programs we need three people to do a thousand dollars if you can do it or God is speaking to you to do it please do not hesitate go and so that today and we need those of you who saw $100 so any 10 people to give 103 people to give a thousand this this book right here will go to anybody who sews today and for those easily so the hundred dollars or more you're gonna enter for a chance to win living a life on fire which was my first book only 100 copies and it's signed by fourteen-year-old diga so we love you guys we're praying for you I want to say goodbye so we love you were praying for you god bless you
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 34,608
Rating: 4.9256639 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, holy spirit, presence of god, god, healing ministry, healing, miracle, miracles, miraculous, faith, supernatural, revival, anointing, power, youth, prophet, prophecy, prophetic, encounter tv, fire of god, evangelist, evangelism, power of god miracles, healing miracles in jesus name, miracle healing caught on tape, healing power of jesus, healing miracles caught on tape, kathryn kuhlman miracles, healing evangelist, glory of god, jesus christ
Id: 1fiaHaIz9WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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